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According to the data of optical observations of the Tuorla Observatory in Finland, using the power spectrum method, DCF (Discrete Correlation Function) method, and Jurkevich method, respectively, we analyzed the periodicity of the long-term light variation of the BL Lac object 1ES 1959+650, and obtained its light period to be P =1.4±0.3 yr. Assuming that the origin of the periodicity is concerned with the accretion disk, we obtained the region where the instability of this source occurs being R =9.65 Rg, here Rg represents the Schwarzschild radius.  相似文献   

From the equivalence principle, one gets the strength of the gravitational effect of a mass M on the metric at position r from it. It is proportional to the dimensionless parameter β 2=2GM/rc 2, which normally is ?1. Here G is the gravitational constant, M the mass of the gravitating body, r the position of the metric from the gravitating body and c the speed of light. The seeable universe is the sphere, with center at the observer, having a size such that it shall contain all light emitted within it. For this to occur one can impose that the gravitational effect on the velocity of light at r is zero for the radial component, and non zero for the tangential one. Light is then trapped. The condition is given by the equality R g =2GM/c 2, where R g represents the radius of the seeable universe. It is the gravitational radius of the mass M. The result has been presented elsewhere as the condition for the universe to be treated as a black hole. According to present observations, for the case of our universe taken as flat (k=0), and the equation of state as p=?ρc 2, we prove here from the Einstein’s cosmological equations that the universe is expanding in an accelerated way as t 2, a constant acceleration as has been observed. This implies that the gravitational radius of the universe (at the event horizon) expands as t 2. Taking c as constant, observing the galaxies deep in space this means deep in time as ct, linear. Then, far away galaxies from the observer that we see today will disappear in time as they get out of the distance ct that is <R g . The accelerated expanding vacuum will drag them out of sight. This may be a valid test for the present ideas in cosmology. Previous calculations are here halved by our results.  相似文献   

We present the results of our photometric UBV JHKLM observations in 2008?C2011 for the classical symbiotic star V1413 Aql. At the end of 2008, the hot component of V1413 Aql experienced the next strong outburst (??V > 2 · m 5). According to the photometric criterion (B-V ?? 0 · m 9 ± 0 · m 2), the star was in an active state even in the period preceding the strong 2008 outburst. Two eclipsing minima of the same amplitude were observed for V1413 Aql in 2010 and 2011. Our analysis of the 2011 eclipse has allowed us to estimate the sizes of the components with respect to the orbital semimajor axis if the system is seen edge-on: the radius of the cool component is R g/a = 0.28 and the radius of the hot component is R h/a = 0.17. However, judging by the B-V color index, the eclipse may be noncentral.  相似文献   

Two CCD spectra of the star BM Ori were obtained with the echelle spectrograph of the 6-m telescope. In one of the spectra, a large proportion of lines are distorted by emission. The emission component is blueshifted by 50 km s?1, suggesting hot-gas outflow from the atmosphere. The equivalent-width ratio of measured lines in the spectra outside and during eclipse is consistent with the assumption that ~2/3 of the primary star’s area is obscured during eclipse, as follows from light curves. Measured line equivalent widths were used to estimate atmospheric parameters of the secondary star, T eff=7300 K, log g=5.2, and microturbulence ξt=6 km s?1, and to determine its chemical composition. The C, Na, Al, Si, S, Ca, Fe, Ni, and Zn abundances are solar, within the error limits. Li, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Y are overabundant, while Mg, Cu, and Ba are underabundant. In general, the secondary is similar in chemical composition to the star V 1016 Ori. Based on the secondary’s mass determined by solving the radial-velocity curve and on log g estimated spectroscopically from iron ionization equilibrium, we calculated its photospheric radius, R 2 = 0.5R . However, the spectroscopic log g=5.2 disagrees with log g=3.5 calculated from the luminosity and effective temperature and with log g=3.0 calculated from light and radial-velocity curves. If the secondary’s photospheric radius is indeed small; this argues for the hypothesis that the eclipsing body is a dust envelope. The radial velocities measured from the two spectra are systematically higher than those calculated from the radial-velocity curve by +34 and +24 km s?1. It is likely that the secondary’s atmosphere occasionally shrinks.  相似文献   

Optical measurements of the diameter of Mars were made using a double-image micrometer with large refractors from 1952 to 1971. Discussion of the 90 independent series of measurements gives nine determinations of radius with an accuracy of ±7–8km for different latitudes from pole to equator. The Mariner 4, 6 and 7 occultation results and the radar results availble in 1970 added seven further determinations of comparable accuracy. All these values, within the accuracy of measurement, fit an ellipsoid with Req=3398±3km and Rpo1=3371±4km. The mean density of Mars is thus 3940±0.012g cm−3. The resulting optical oblateness of 0.0079, larger than the dynamical value of 0.0052, results in an equatorial radius excess of 9±5 km which presumably comes about by internal stresses.  相似文献   

We study the sources and components of the solar-wind spatial stream structure at the maximum of the solar cycle 23. In our analysis, we use several independent sets of experimental data: radio-astronomical observations of scattered radiation from compact sources with the determination of the distance from the Sun to the inner boundary of the transonic-flow transition region (Rin); calculated data on the magnetic-field intensity and structure in the solar corona, in the solar-wind source region, obtained from optical measurements of the photospheric magnetic-field intensity at the Stanford Solar Observatory (USA); and observations of the white-light corona with the LASCO coronograph onboard the SOHO spacecraft. We show that at the solar maximum, low-speed streams with a transition region located far from the Sun dominate in the solar-wind structure. A correlation analysis of the location of the inner boundary Rin and the source-surface magnetic-field intensity |B R | on a sphere R=2.5RS (RS is the solar radius) has revealed the previously unknown lowest-speed streams, which do not fit into the regular relationship between the parameters Rin and |B R |. In the white-light corona, the sources of these streams are located near the dark strip, a coronal region with a greatly reduced density; the nonstandard parameters of the streams probably result from the interaction of several discrete sources of different types.  相似文献   

A quantitative re-formulation of Hoyle's theory on the formation of the solar system is attempted, according to a three-dimensional scheme based on the assumption that the original magnetic field of the star is a dipole field. This allows us to obtain analytic expressions for the main paraeters describing the different phases of the process. The protostar is assumed to evolve in gravitational contraction along the Hayashi track, along which, for a given value of the radiusR 0 depending on the total angular momentum, matter begins to be shed at the equator as a consequence of centrifugal instability. However, owing to the geometry of the dipole field and to Hoyle's assumption that, for a star with a convective envelope, the sign of the inward magnetic pressure determines whether the magnetic lines do wind up or not, it turns out that the magnetic coupling between the star and the disk formed at the equator starts only when the radius of the contracting star has reached the value ofR s=4/5R 0; and that the shedding of matter stops for a radius valueR d, depending on the strength of the magnetic field. One is thus able to calculate the total quantity of matter emitted at the solar equator and the distance reached by the rings thus formed as functions of the radius of the star, of the initial values of the magnetic field, of the total angular momentum and of the structural factors of the star. The quantitative results are discussed in order to see whether it is possible to deduce the main characteristics of the disk, from which the solar system should have originated, for reasonable values of these main parameters.  相似文献   

Three three-component (bulge, disk, halo) model Galactic gravitational potentials differing by the expression for the dark matter halo are considered. The central (bulge) and disk components are described by the Miyamoto–Nagai expressions. The Allen–Santillán (I), Wilkinson–Evans (II), and Navarro–Frenk–White (III) models are used to describe the halo. A set of present-day observational data in the range of Galactocentric distances R from 0 to 200 kpc is used to refine the parameters of thesemodels. For the Allen–Santillán model, a dimensionless coefficient γ has been included as a sought-for parameter for the first time. In the traditional and modified versions, γ = 2.0 and 6.3, respectively. Both versions are considered in this paper. The model rotation curves have been fitted to the observed velocities by taking into account the constraints on the local matter density ρ = 0.1 M pc?3 and the force K z =1.1/2πG = 77 M pc?2 acting perpendicularly to the Galactic plane. The Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 50 kpc, M G (R ≤ 50 kpc) ≈ (0.41 ± 0.12) × 1012 M , is shown to satisfy all three models. The differences between the models become increasingly significant with increasing radius R. In model I, the Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 200 kpc at γ = 2.0 turns out to be greatest among the models considered, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.45 ±0.30)× 1012 M , M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.29± 0.14)× 1012 M at γ = 6.3, and the smallest value has been found in model II, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.61 ± 0.12) × 1012 M . In our view, model III is the best one among those considered, because it ensures the smallest residual between the data and the constructed model rotation curve provided that the constraints on the local parameters hold with a high accuracy. Here, the Galactic mass is M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.75 ± 0.19) × 1012 M . A comparative analysis with the models by Irrgang et al. (2013), including those using the integration of orbits for the two globular clusters NGC 104 and NGC 1851 as an example, has been performed. The third model is shown to have subjected to a significant improvement.  相似文献   

The following sunspot formation indices are analyzed: the relative sunspot number R z, the normalized sunspot group number R g, and the total sunspot area A. Six empirical formulas are derived to describe the relations among these indices after 1908. The earlier data exhibit systematic deviations from these formulas, which can be attributed to systematic errors of the indices. The Greenwich data on the sunspot total area A and the sunspot group number in 1874–1880 are found to be doubtful. Erroneous data at the beginning of the Greenwich series must spoil the values of the index R g in the XVII–XIX centuries. The Hoyt-Schatten series of R g may be less reliable than the well-known Wolf number series R z.  相似文献   

A method for detecting voids in the galaxy distribution is presented. Using this method, we have identified 732 voids with a radius of the seed sphere R seed > 4.0h ?1 Mpc in a volume-limited sample of galaxies from the southern part of the 2dFGRS survey. 110 voids with R seed > 9.0h ?1 Mpc have a positive significance. The mean volume of such voids is ~19 × 103 h ?3 Mpc3. Voids with R seed > 9.0h ?1 Mpc occupy 55% of the sample volume. We construct a dependence of the volumes of all the identified voids on their ranks and determine parameters of the galaxy distribution. The dependence of the volume of voids on their rank is consistent with a fractal model (Zipf’s power law) of the galaxy distribution with a fractal dimension D ≈ 2.1 (given the uncertainty in determining the dimension using our method and the results of a correlation analysis) up to scales of ~25h ?1 Mpc with the subsequent transition to homogeneity. The directions of the greatest elongations of voids and their ellipticities (oblateness) are determined from the parameters of equivalent ellipsoids. The directions of the greatest void elongations have an enhanced concentration to the directions perpendicular to the line of sight.  相似文献   

The influence of the URCA process (β-decay, electron capture) on convective stability is investigated and a stability criterion is derived. The criterion contains the Schwarzschild criterion and the thermohaline convection. It is found that URCA may cause convective instability to an otherwise stable medium, but it cannot stabilize an unstable medium, only the growth rate is affected. A numerical example for the Na23?Ne23 URCA pair shows the regions in the ?-T plane where instability is caused (assuming given abundances of the isotopes). The evolution of C-O core of an evolved 3.5M –8M star may be affected by formation of convective regions even prior to C12 ignition.  相似文献   

Continuous wavelet transform and cross‐wavelet transform have been used to investigate the phase periodicity and synchrony of the monthly mean Wolf (Rz) and group (Rg) sunspot numbers during the period of June 1795 to December 1995. The Schwabe cycle is the only one common period in Rg and Rz, but it is not well‐defined in case of cycles 5–7 of Rg and in case of cycles 5 and 6 of Rz. In fact, the Schwabe period is slightly different in Rg and Rz before cycle 12, but from cycle 12 onwards it is almost the same for the two time series. Asynchrony of the two time series is more obviously seen in cycles 5 and 6 than in the following cycles, and usually more obviously seen around the maximum time of a cycle than during the rest of the cycle. Rg is found to fit Rz better in both amplitudes and peak epoch during the minimum time time of a solar cycle than during the maximum time of the cycle, which should be caused by their different definition, and around the maximum time of a cycle, Rg is usually less than Rz. Asynchrony of Rg and Rz should somewhat agree with different sunspot cycle characteristics exhibited by themselves (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The line intensity of the green coronal line and the continuum intensity are derived from the filter and white light photographs of the solar corona obtained during the 1980 total solar eclipse. Ratio of the line to continuum intensity is plotted against the radial distancer(=R/R0,R 0 is the solar radius), in various position angles. A simple model assuming an electron density dependence of the line and continuum intensities suggests a dominant collisional mechanism for the excitation of the line in the innermost regions (~ 1.4R 0). The measured line to continuum ratio tends to a constant value at different radial distances in different position angles. The constancy of the measured line to continuum ratio indicates significant radiative excitation beyond 1.4 R0, in some of the position angles.  相似文献   

The outer regions (r > 2.3 Rj; Rj = radius of Jupiter) of the magnetosphere of Jupiter will systematically accumulate plasma. If sufficient plasma accumulates, the field lines must open to allow the plasma to escape. Available energy sources appear able to supply plasma at a high enough rate to keep the field lines constantly open beyond about 60 RJ. We suggest that the solar wind interaction with Jupiter may be essentially different from that with the Earth, with the Jovian magnetosphere opening up to form a planetary wind.  相似文献   

A complete solution has been obtained of the steady-state transport equations, including energy losses, for cosmic-rays in the interplanetary region for conditions in which diffusive transport is negligible and convective effects dominate. The region of validity of the solution will in general be a shell between heliocentric radiiR 1 andR 2 (R 2 may be infinite). The precise range of kinetic energyT and heliocentric radiusr in which the solution is valid is not known but it appears to be applicable in the vicinity of Earth to protons withT≤1 MeV. ForT~0.5 MeV near Earth,R 1 may be ~0.5 AU andR 1 will decrease asT, observed near Earth, decreases. The solution is simple in form but quite general; it predicts the differential number densityU (r, T) in terms of that observed at radius a (near Earth, say). Thus it may be quite useful in interpreting and co-ordinating steady-state cosmicray observations atT~1 MeV. The differential and integral intensities, differential anisotropy and differential radial-gradient at (r, T) also are determined. A simple interpretation of the solution is given in terms of energy losses due to adiabatic deceleration of the particles as they are being convected outward from the Sun. This leads to the useful notion of following a particle in (r, T) as it increasesr and decreasesT. Particles convected from the outer corona to Earth decrease their kinetic energy by factor ~500.Following a particle the Compton-Getting factor remains constant. Particles observed at (a, T) in convective transport have come from nearer the Sun; they may be of solar origin but may also be of galactic origin having penetrated tor<R 1相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation (MK < ?21 . m 5) and early-type galaxies (fracE) of the “red sequence” along the projected radius in six galaxy clusters:Coma (A1656), A1139, and A1314 in the Leo supercluster region (z ≈ 0.037) and A2040, A2052, A2107 in the Hercules supercluster region (z ≈ 0.036). According to SDSS (DR10) data, fracE is the highest in the central regions of galaxy clusters and it is, on the average, equal to 0.62 ± 0.03, whereas in the 2–3R/R200c interval and beyond the Rsp ≈ 0.95 ± 0.04 R200m radius that we inferred from the observed profile fracE is minimal and equal to 0.25 ± 0.02. This value coincides with the estimate fracE = 0.24 ± 0.01 that we inferred for field galaxies located between the Hercules and Leo superclusters at the same redshifts. We show that the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation decreases continuously with cluster radius from 0.87 ± 0.02 in central regions down to 0.43 ± 0.03 in the 2–3 R/R200c interval and beyond Rsp, but remains, on the average, higher than 26% than the corresponding fraction for field objects. This decrease is especially conspicuous in the galaxy mass interval log M* [M] = 9.5–10. We found that galaxies with ongoing star formation have average clustercentric distances 1.5–2.5 R/R200c and that their radial-velocity dispersions are higher than those of galaxies with suppressed star formation.  相似文献   

Three wavelet functions: the Morlet wavelet, the Paul wavelet, and the DOG wavelet have been respectively performed on both the monthly Wolf sunspot numbers (Rz) from January 1749 to May 2004 and the monthly group sunspot numbers (Rg) from June 1795 to December 1995 to study the evolution of the Gleissberg and Schwabe periods of solar activity. The main results obtained are (1) the two most obvious periods in both the Rz and Rg are the Schwabe and Gleissberg periods. The Schwabe period oscillated during the second half of the eighteenth century and was steady from the 1850s onward. No obvious drifting trend of the Schwabe period exists. (2) The Gleissberg period obviously drifts to longer periods the whole consideration time, and the drifting speed of the Gleissberg period is larger for Rz than for Rg. (3) Although the Schwabe-period values for Rz and Rg are about 10.7 years, the value for Rz seems slightly larger than that for Rg. The Schwabe period of Rz is highly significant after the 1820s, and the Schwabe period of Rg is highly significant over almost the whole consideration time except for about 20 years around the 1800s. The evolution of the Schwabe period for both Rz and Rg in time is similar to each other. (4) The Gleissberg period in Rz and Rg is highly significant during the whole consideration time, but this result is unreliable at the two ends of each of the time series of the data. The evolution of the Gleissberg period in Rz is similar to that in Rg.  相似文献   

COPY THE ORIGINAL Analysis of the total eclipse observation of 1997 March 9 at wavelength 8.6 mm, shows that, at this wavelength, the solar radius is 1.012 R, the total flux density is 2540 sfu, the mean brightness temperature of the solar disk is 9632 K, and the brightness temperature distribution shows limb brightening at the inner edge of the solar disk, the average brightness at 0.936−0.992 R being 9.7% above the central brightness.  相似文献   

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