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运动学定轨是星载GPS特有的定轨方法,该方法不依赖于任何力学模型(地球重力场、大气阻力及太阳辐射压等),尤其适用于受大气阻力影响严重的低轨卫星定轨.基于双频星载GPS数据,研究了运动学定轨原理,讨论了数据预处理方法,建立了一套非差运动学定轨算法.并以GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)-A、B卫星2008年2月实测数据作为试算验证了本研究方法的有效性和可靠性.GRACE 卫星实测数据计算结果表明:运动学定轨能达到5 cm精度(相对于SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging)),与动力学和简化动力学定轨精度相当.  相似文献   

光学测角资料的初轨计算在空间目标搜索发现中具有重要作用,当观测资料存在野值时,基于最小二乘的经典初轨计算方法不够稳健.采用最小一乘方法建立了一种初轨计算的稳健方法,方法将初轨计算问题转换为线性规划问题求解,并通过bootstrap方法给出估计精度.数值计算结果表明方法稳健有效,并具有较高的崩溃点.  相似文献   

针对地基卫星测控系统(Tracking Telemetry and Command, TT&C)系统对地球静止轨道(Geostation-\lk ary Earth Orbit, GEO)卫星在空间和时间覆盖上的局限性, 提出小倾角低地球轨道(Low Earth Orbit, LEO)多星组网天基平台对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的方法. 根据空间环境和光学可视条件对仿真数据进行筛选以模拟真实的观测场景, 利用光学测角数据, 使用数值方法对GEO卫星的轨道进行确定. 结果与参考轨道进行重叠对比, 在平台轨道精度5 m、测量精度5rq\rq、 定轨弧长12 h的情况下, 两颗LEO卫星对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到千米量级, 4颗LEO卫星对GEO目标进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到百米量级. 随着LEO组网卫星数量的增加, 定轨精度得到了较大的提高.  相似文献   

目前,越来越多的低轨卫星上都搭载了用于精密定轨的星载GPs接收机,星载GPS已成为低轨卫星精密定轨的主要手段之一.星载GPS精密定轨精度依赖于GPS星历及钟差精度.基于SHORDE-Ⅲ非差动力学定轨功能,以2005年8月1日至8月7日一周的GRACE卫星实测数据为例,采用事后精密轨道(igs)、快速轨道(igr)和超快速轨道(igu)三种GPS星历在同等条件下定轨,估计GPS星历精度对低轨卫星定轨精度的影响,实际计算结果表明igs和igr两类GPS星历定轨精度相当,约为9.5 cm,igu星历定轨精度略低于igs和igr星历,约为10.5cm:高频GPS卫星钟差数据对定轨精度会产生1-6cm影响.  相似文献   

王歆 《天文学报》2013,54(1):73-78
从非参数统计角度,在仅有观测资料而没有其它信息的情况下,分别给出了初轨计算的精度和置信区间的估计方法.该方法基于bootstrap方法,仅依赖于观测资料,不需要精密定轨结果作为参考,也无需假设观测资料误差呈正态分布,并且对各种初轨计算方法均适用.数值计算结果表明该方法应用简便,可作为初轨的评估和后续应用的重要参考.  相似文献   

基于Lambert方程和空间几何知识,给出了适用于空间监视电子篱笆设备稀疏观测资料轨道确定的方法.通过对大量目标的模拟试验表明,该方法确定的初始轨道能使轨道改进收敛,定轨精度优于100米,证明该方法适用于电子篱笆对绝大部分空间目标观测数据的轨道确定.最后讨论了篱笆布站纬度对定轨应用的影响.  相似文献   

GIM在LEO卫星单频GPS定轨中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭冬菊  吴斌 《天文学报》2012,53(1):36-50
电离层延迟误差是单频GPS(Global Positioning System)数据最主要的误差源,为提高基于单频GPS数据的LEO(Low Earth Orbiting)卫星定轨精度,必须消除/减弱GPS观测数据中电离层延迟影响.研究了全球电离层模型GIM(Global IonosphericMaps)在基于单频GPS伪距数据的低轨卫星运动学和动力学定轨中的应用,并通过估算电离层尺度因子的方法消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响.由于LEO卫星星载GPS信号受电离层延迟影响与卫星轨道高度相关,选取了轨道高度在300~800 km的CHAMP(CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery AndClimate Experiment)、TerraSAR-X及SAC-C等LEO卫星C/A码伪距观测量作为试算数据.CHAMP等卫星实测数据计算结果表明:以JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)发布的GIM模型作为背景模型,通过电离层比例因子法能很好地消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响,提高LEO卫星运动学和动力学定轨精度,其中,CHAMP卫星轨道最低,受电离层延迟影响最严重,定轨精度提高最显著,分别为55.6%和47.6%;SAC-C卫星轨道高度最高,受电离层延迟影响最小,相应的定轨精度提高幅度也最低,分别为47.8%和38.2%.  相似文献   

星载测高仪交叉点数据定轨研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从海洋测高卫星的发展状况入手,介绍了用测高仪数据进行定轨的意义.然后,分析了测高仪数据的误差修正模型及交叉点数据计算方法,详细介绍了JASON-1测高数据文件中所涉及的误差修正量和采用的模型.最后,通过仿真数据和实测数据的计算,分析了单用测高仪数据和交叉点数据进行轨道确定所能达到的精度,为未来的实际应用提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

单站测距资料定轨的困难限制了漫反射SLR(Satellite Laser Ranging)测距资料的应用.为此,提出利用两行根数模拟多站SLR测距资料作为辅助,实现单站SLR测距资料定轨的方法.该方法对卫星Ajisai单站SLR测距资料定轨并生成5 d预报轨道,误差小于40 m,实现利用单站测距资料的轨道改进,验证了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

林厚源  赵长印 《天文学报》2012,53(3):197-204
在间接法求解小推力轨道计算中,通过先选取合适的性能指标,并对小推力最优控制问题转化为两点边值问题的方程在开普勒轨道附近线性展开,有效增强了协态变量初值收敛性,使得该方法无需对协态变量初值进行反复的随机猜测,迭代过程也不需要人工干预,提高了轨道搜索应用中的计算效率.之后再对性能指标进行迭代优化,可获得逼近于Bang-bang控制的控制方案.  相似文献   

With the precise GPS ephemeris and clock error available, the iono- spheric delay is left as the dominant error source in the single-frequency GPS data. Thus, the removal of ionospheric effects is a ma jor prerequisite for an improved orbit reconstruction of LEO satellites based on the single-frequency GPS data. In this paper, the use of Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) in kine- matic and dynamic orbit determinations for LEO satellites with single-frequency GPS pseudorange measurements is discussed first, and then, estimating the iono- spheric scale factor to remove the ionospheric effects from the C/A-code pseu- dorange measurements for both kinematic and dynamic orbit determinations is addressed. As it is known that the ionospheric delay of space-borne GPS sig- nals is strongly dependent on the orbit altitudes of LEO satellites, we select the real C/A-code pseudorange measurement data of the CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X and SAC-C satellites with altitudes between 300 km and 800 km as sample data in this paper. It is demonstrated that the approach to eliminating ionospheric effects in C/A-code pseudorange measurements by estimating the ionospheric scale factor is highly effective. Employing this approach, the accu- racy of both kinematic and dynamic orbits can be improved notably. Among those five LEO satellites, CHAMP with the lowest orbit altitude has the most remarkable improvements in orbit accuracy, which are 55.6% and 47.6% for kine- matic and dynamic orbits, respectively. SAC-C with the highest orbit altitude has the least improvements in orbit accuracy accordingly, which are 47.8% and 38.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

A new approach of the initial orbit determination for too-short-arc with angular measurements is implemented by building the probabilistic model in the solution space with the estimation of distribution algorithm. Without any assumption about distribution, the non-parametric kernel density estimation is employed in the model building. The method, unlike other evolutionary algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization, considers the fitness as well as the characteristics of the solution space. Numerical experiments with real observations indicate that without any constraints, the proposed technique has a good performance for the observations of usual accuracy.  相似文献   

As a special approach to orbit determination for satellites with spaceborne GPS receivers, the kinematic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) is independent of any mechanical model (e.g., the Earth gravity ?eld, atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, etc.), and thus especially suitable for the orbit determination of Low Earth Orbiting (LEO)satellites perturbed strongly bythe atmosphere. In this paper, based on the space-borne dual-frequency GPS data, we study the kinematic POD, discuss the pre-processing of the data, and construct an algorithm of zero-difference kinematic POD. Using the observational data from GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellites covering the whole month of February 2008, we verify the effectiveness and reliability of this algorithm. The results show that the kinematic POD may attain an accuracy of about 5 cm (with respect to satellite laser ranging data), which is at the same level as the dynamic and reduced-dynamic PODs  相似文献   

It is difficult to use the single-station satellite laser ranging (SLR) data for orbit determination, due to the singular geometrical distribution of the observations. The single-station data produced by performing the diffuse- reflection SLR on the earth-orbiting space debris are therefore ineffective for orbit improvement. To solve this problem, we propose an orbit determination method by using single-station SLR data in aid of the two-line element set (TLE). For verifying its feasibility, this method is implemented and applied to the orbit determination of the satellite Ajisai, using the single-station SLR data of five passes in one day and the corresponding TLE. And on this basis, the five-day orbit prediction is generated, the result indicates that the errors of predicted positions are less than 40 m. In addition, the potential application of this method in the orbit improvement of space debris is discussed.  相似文献   

The preliminary orbit determination with optical angular measure- ments plays an important role in the survey of space objects. The classical method of orbit computation based on the least square error estimation is not robust while outliers occur in the observation. A robust method is proposed by employing the least absolute deviation estimation. The method reduces the problem of orbit determination to a linear programming problem, and gives the variance of the estimation with the bootstrap method. Numerical check shows that the method is effective and robust, and has a high breakdown point.  相似文献   

利用全球卫星激光测距服务系统(ILRS,International Laser Ranging Service)标准点资料对Ajisai卫星进行精密定轨,残差均方根(RMS)优于3 cm,得到该星的精密轨道.进而对长春站40 cm空间碎片光电望远镜获得的Ajisai卫星的天文定位资料进行精度分析,外符合精度约3″左右.单独利用天文定位数据进行轨道改进,内符合精度优于3″.改进轨道的x、y、z坐标3分量在观测数据覆盖范围内的精度在100 m之内.同样地对Jason-1卫星作数据分析,结果和Ajisai卫星精度相当.分析各个弧段的精度变化,发现定标星个数减少,会导致天文定位精度下降.据此提出可以把最少定标星比例作为评定数据质量的参考指标之一.  相似文献   

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