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杨小泊 《城市地质》2008,3(1):45-47
完善和加强地质环境监测单位设备管理,提高设备使用效益,保障设备的安全和完整,防止国有资产流失,对促进地质环境监测的健康发展具有重要意义。本文分析了目前地质环境监测单位设备的特点、设备管理中存在的问题,进而提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

根据地勘单位的特点,论述了设备管理成本综合控制的必要性。介绍了包括加强组织管理;强化设备的前期管理;强化设备的维修制度,采用先进的维修手段以及开展设备管理的评比工作的综合控制过程,以实现降低管理成本、提高经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

由于现阶段地质工作区域分散,点多面广,造成设备管理工作中对设备的出、入库管理无法实行现场调配,而且对设备管理人员来说也很难进行跟踪管理。从而对设备的使用、维护、保养造成很大的困难,同时从设备管理的经济技术性能指标上来说也很难做到优化配置;特别是在生产期间因为设  相似文献   

设备管理的好坏,将直接影响企业的经济效益。随着现代管理的要求,管好、用好设备的问题显得更为突出。考核一个单位设备管理的技术水平和经济效益,一般采用四个指标。即设备完好率、设备事故率、维修费效率、设备效率。这四项指标独立存在。但是,又相互联系,相互影响。本文提供一个根据四项指标计算出一个定量的综合经济效益指标的数学方法,综合评价设备管理水平。此方法可用来衡量本单位设备管理水平的上升或下降程度,也可用来评比各单位设备管理水平的好与坏。  相似文献   

设备管理是对设备寿命周期全过程的管理.地勘单位的设备管理,是保证地勘生产的物质基础,是进行现代地勘科研的物质技术手段,它对于地勘单位提高工作效率,确保工作质量,降低工作成本,获取最大经济利益等具有重大意义.  相似文献   

针对近年来煤田地质单位设备管理的状况,阐述设备管理工作在经济建设中的重要地位,提出了强化设备管理的思路。  相似文献   

钻探设备管理的经济分析与对策李恩海,李波(煤田地质技校·重庆市·630037)1设备更新选型设备更新选型,应根据所处空间可变因素不同和有限的资金合理选购适合于自己单位的技术装备,以提高设备管理的经济效益。现以通用设备动力性相同的柴油机选型为例,进行如...  相似文献   

随着地质勘查单位改革的不断深化,为使地质勘查单位能够顺利完成所承担的各项地质工作,设备现代化管理成为新时期的一项重要课题,如何管理好地勘单位的设备,成为新形势下设备管理工作  相似文献   

朱方  毛春霞 《吉林地质》2011,30(4):123-125
明确设备管理工作的重要性和在管理中的重要地位,使设备处于三种状态:使运行的地质和测绘仪器设备处于受控状态、使检修的地质测绘设备处于计划状态、使备用设备处于完好状态。  相似文献   

在有色冶金总承包项目中涉及大量生产设备的设计、采购和安装施工,为了加强我国工程公司在总承包项目管理上的水平,本文通过对国内外设备管理过程中实施的设备编码体系进行分析并结合作者在中国恩菲实践总承包管理中的经验,探讨设备编码在工程总承包项目管理中予以应用的可行性、必要性及具体方法。  相似文献   

地下水资源可持续利用的制度架构——以华北平原为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水资源日益成为制约我国经济社会发展的今天,地下水资源由于其分布广泛、水质纯净、开采方便等特点被过度开采,华北平原是我国地下水开采最严重的地区。针对华北平原地下水资源利用现状与存在问题,从而看到加强地下水资源保护的紧迫性,要建立健全地下水资源管理的制度法规。把行政法中的许可证制度、经济刺激制度,环境法中的环境影响评价制度、信息公开制度引入到地下水的管理与保护之中,为实现地下水资源的可持续利用提供更全面的制度架构。  相似文献   

国际上水资源综合管理进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
中国近年实施最严格水资源管理制度、全面推行河长制等一系列政策,不断探索完善水资源综合管理的体制和机制。为加强对水资源综合管理的认识,推动中国水资源综合管理的实施,结合国际社会对水资源综合管理认识和实践新成果,主要梳理总结水资源综合管理理念的形成过程、主要组成、实施状况、存在问题和发展趋势。结果显示:(1)随着对传统水资源管理存在分散化等问题的认识,水资源综合管理的理念逐渐形成,并已被国际社会所接受;(2)水资源综合管理实施"综合"途径管理水资源,强调通过完善实施的环境条件、机构框架、具体管理手段和稳健的水基础设施投资机制,实现用水效率、社会公平、环境可持续的均衡;(3)许多国家已把综合管理的理念和措施纳入到其水资源管理政策和体制框架设计中,并在水管理的实践过程中取得新进展;(4)国际上水资源综合管理理念和经验为进一步完善中国水资源管理提供了启示和借鉴;(5)未来水资源综合管理将进一步得到推广实施,从理念到解决具体水问题的实践过程将进一步加强,并呈现多样性和动态性特征。尽管面临由于气候变化影响和水与社会经济交互作用导致的不确定性、复杂性等问题的挑战,随着水资源综合管理的实践和水科学研究进步,水资源管理将进一步采用整体、多学科和可持续的途径,助力可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

The town of Santa Teresa (Cusco Region, Peru) has been affected by several large debris-flow events in the recent past, which destroyed parts of the town and resulted in a resettlement of the municipality. Here, we present a risk analysis and a risk management strategy for debris-flows and glacier lake outbursts in the Sacsara catchment. Data scarcity and limited understanding of both physical and social processes impede a full quantitative risk assessment. Therefore, a bottom-up approach is chosen in order to establish an integrated risk management strategy that is robust against uncertainties in the risk analysis. With the Rapid Mass Movement Simulation (RAMMS) model, a reconstruction of a major event from 1998 in the Sacsara catchment is calculated, including a sensitivity analysis for various model parameters. Based on the simulation results, potential future debris-flows scenarios of different magnitudes, including outbursts of two glacier lakes, are modeled for assessing the hazard. For the local communities in the catchment, the hazard assessment is complemented by the analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery and fieldwork. Physical, social, economic, and institutional vulnerability are considered for the vulnerability assessment, and risk is eventually evaluated by crossing the local hazard maps with the vulnerability. Based on this risk analysis, a risk management strategy is developed, consisting of three complementing elements: (i) standardized risk sheets for the communities; (ii) activities with the local population and authorities to increase social and institutional preparedness; and (iii) a simple Early Warning System. By combining scientific, technical, and social aspects, this work is an example of a framework for an integrated risk management strategy in a data scarce, remote mountain catchment in a developing country.  相似文献   

Worldwide experience has shown that interstate economic integration can help states in strengthening of management of transboundary waters and international water law serves as a reference for developing of relevant interstate cooperation. Transboundary waters in Central Asia play important role in the economic cooperation among riparian states, including those who are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). At the current stage of transboundary waters management in Central Asia, the obsolete legal status is evident. The international water law sources developed under the United Nations’ auspices have no binding application due to luck of formal membership of the EAEU states in these treaties. Also the regional set of regulations, especially for the Aral Sea Basin, needs further enhancement and more efficient implementation. The bilateral interstate regulatory framework of the managemennt of waters shared by EAEU states in Central Asia requires development of additional rules to enable better accommodation of challenges existing in terms of the current interstate cooperation. Having said that can one further assume that EAEU could serve as a new legal framework for more effective cooperation on transboundary watercourses in Central Asia? The answer might be yes, but… the current stage of the legal framework for cooperation on transboundary waters within the EAEU requires sufficient enhancements in terms of developing its legal and institutional framework. The first condition for EAEU to serve as framework for cooperation on transboundary waters of Central Asia is to strengthen the regulatory framework for the cooperation of EAEU member states regarding environmental issues in general and transboundary water relations in particular, able to accommodate two main goals: environmental protection on the one hand and economic development on the other hand. The EAEU legal framework shall also lead to improvement of existing institutional cooperation and a dispute settlement mechanism on transboundary waters shared by the member states of the EAEU.  相似文献   

An analysis on disasters management system in China   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper introduced the principle, institutional framework, and legal construction of Chinese disaster management system, and operating mechanisms of disaster management departments in pre-disaster, response and post-disaster phases were also demonstrated. Although China has basically built the disaster management system, formed national emergency plan system, and gained achievements in some aspects, the disasters management system is still a segmental model and is not an integrated management system. This article analyzes problems of Chinese disaster management system, and puts forward some suggestions for improving and optimizing this system. This can make Chinese disaster management system better respond and handle to disasters risk, and reduce the social and economic losses of disasters caused.  相似文献   

初论地质灾害的应急管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地质灾害的应急管理是一个涉及多个部门、领域、阶段和目标的复杂系统.文章描述了国家地质灾害应急管理体系,分析了地质灾害管理的常态机制和灾害机制,初步探讨了地质灾害应急管理的墓本方法和要点,并对该应急管理系统框架进行了构想.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the role of institutions and property-rights regimes in natural resource management has matured through the work of new institutional economists and common-property theorists. Even so, this literature has yet to establish clear connections between successful resource management, and a given property regime’s spatio-temporal fit. Examining people-forest interaction within a state-managed forest regime in India’s Western Ghats, this paper argues that regime efficacy in satisfying user needs, hinges on appropriately reflecting particular sociospatial contexts and incorporating temporal flexibility into its normative structure. To these ends, this study analyzes institutional structure regulating forest use and management, and examines data collected through extensive fieldwork, in-depth interviews and informal conversations with local villagers and foresters. The results suggest that user responses to access conditions, and their rationales for engaging in particular extraction practices, vary based on caste/class-based perceptions of regime legitimacy, distributional equity, and historical proprietorship rights. Furthermore, the analysis questions the viability of locally managed regimes under such heterogeneous social settings. Rather, this research recognizes the state’s vital role in mediating resource access. It suggests that regime efficacy can be fostered through state-civil society partnerships, widely distributed stakeholder-ship and firmly embedded regimes that adapt to changing sociospatial contexts through modifications to conditions of use and access. Based on the analysis, this paper explores an initial set of sociospatial and temporal parameters that promote institutional efficacy in management, and thus lays the groundwork for future studies in institutional and political ecology.  相似文献   

为实现自然资源要素综合观测体系的长期稳定运行并确保观测数据的科学性和准确性,建立一套适合综合观测体系的运维模式和保障体系意义重大。在分析国内外观测站网运维模式和保障经验的基础上,结合自然资源要素综合观测试点站网的建设、运营情况,提出了领导层+业务执行层+咨询层的运维模式,以及由经费保障、通信网络保障、基建装备保障、数据质量控制保障、野外观测台站日常管理与制度及人才队伍保障构成的自然资源要素综合观测保障体系框架。构建的运维模式层级清晰、职责明确,保障体系框架涵盖面广、重点突出,基本能满足自然资源要素综合观测体系长期、稳定、连续运行和定位观测的运维保障需求。  相似文献   

The geographic location of Bangladesh at the confluence of the three mighty river systems of the world renders her one of the most vulnerable places to natural disasters. Human-induced climate change exacerbates the problem. This study shows that the Government of Bangladesh has already established a multi-layered institutional mechanism for disaster management, with formal recognition of the role of various stakeholders. Historically, NGOs and other informal support mechanisms in the country also have made significant contributions during and after disaster recovery. Despite the presence of some strengths, such as long experience in disaster response and recovery, the people’s resilience, and donor support, the current management strategies suffer from a host of policy and institutional weaknesses. Most prominent is the absence of a functioning partnership among the stakeholders within these formal set-ups. What is lacking is the development and embodiment of a culture of collective decision-making in planning, in resource sharing, and in implementing disaster management policies and programs in an integrated and transparent way. The paper suggests a partnership framework to implement prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery phases of disaster management.  相似文献   

Spatial data have been used for the environmental monitoring of the consequences of accidents that involve the transportation of hazardous chemical products. This spatial data infrastructure (SDI), which was created for the sharing and use of spatial data, is limited by the absence of policies to support its establishment. The main objective of this study was to explore the use of social network analysis (SNA) as a tool to identify spatial data sharing between organizations involved in the management of accidents related to road transport of hazardous materials (RTHM). In addition, to discuss the existing policies and institutional agreements, and to initiate a conceptual SDI framework for RTHM sector. In this context, the institutions that are involved with RTHM were identified and information concerning their interest in the use and sharing of spatial data via a SDI was collected through interviews and consolidated. The interviews were at 39 institutions with representative employees. The interview data were tabulated and entered into the UCINET software (2000 version) to calculate metrics of centrality. From the SNA, the flow of data among the participating institutions was identified through the visual representation of the spatial data sharing and use networks. Subsequently, the existing institutional agreements for spatial data sharing were analyzed and discussed. The compiled results enabled the proposal of a conceptual SDI framework to support the management of disasters involving RTHM, based on the application of SNA theory, and the development of a methodology that supports the analysis of interactions among the various actors of an SDI. The purpose is to facilitate the formulation of policies for the sharing of spatial data for decision-making and preventive disaster management. The results indicate that the 39 institutions share spatial data, but this sharing is not always predetermined by formal agreements. Furthermore, there is a strong demand, by the institutions involved in the management of RTHM accidents, regarding legal mechanisms governing the sharing of data for the purpose of producing maps that help to describe actions of preparedness, prevention, management and immediate relief involving RTHM incidents. Finally, it was possible to propose a conceptual framework with data that is considered essential for creating an SDI for RTHM.  相似文献   

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