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The investigation of Alamet al. (1979), of the temperature distribution in spherically-symmetric transition region and inner corona, appears to be in error.  相似文献   

The energy balance equation for a general solar atmosphere without assuming the plane-parallel approximation is solved analytically. This leads to models for both the transition region and inner corona as well as for the outer corona. The form of the latter is very similar to that of the hydrostatic conduction model of Chapman (1957). However, in this paper we confine ourselves only to the former.Model I is electron-pressure dependent but model II depends particularly on the maximum coronal temperature T m and its corresponding altitude h m. Both the models are compared with recently constructed temperature models of Chiuderi and Riani (1974), McWhirter et al. (1975), and Gabriel (1976a). It is concluded that our model II reproduces these models within a factor of not more than 2.  相似文献   

On the slit spectrogram obtained at the 1970 eclipse in Mexico, the intensities of four coronal lines (Nixiii 5116, Fexiv 5303, Fex 6374, and Nixv 6702) and the continuum were measured as a function of distance along the slit. It is found that there exist a lot of fine fluctuations both in the lines and in the continuum intensities superposed on a large scale formation. The correspondence of such fluctuations between the continuum and the lines is good, with the exception of the line 6374 which shows a peculiar fluctuation. It is shown that the intensities of the three lines 5116, 5303, and 6702 seem to be proportional to the square of the continuum intensity while the 6374 line intensity may be proportional to the fourth power or more.  相似文献   

Heat flowing out of the core must flow into the mantle. If the Earth's magnetic field is owing to adiabatic magnetohydrodynamic circulation of the outer core, whole mantle convection or melting at the core mantle boundary is required to keep the inner core from becoming isothermal, thereby preventing adiabatic circulation.Alternatively, the outer core fluid must have some unexpected and exotic property such as an extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion and resultant low Gruneisen's parameter.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973. Publication No. 1046 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Observations, from the Apollo 16 Spacecraft, in lunar orbit, of the total radiance of the K + F corona, from 3 R to 55 R are presented and discussed.

The logarithmic slope of the K + F coronal radiance, in the region r > 20 R, is found to be n = 1.93, slightly less steep than previous determinations. The photometric axis of the radiance is found to be displaced 3 ± 1° north of the ecliptic, for the region r > 20 R, and this displacement is interpreted as an annual variation due to non-coincidence of the ecliptic and the symmetry axis of the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

Photographs of the corona in the continuum spectrum (580–700 nm) have been obtained with a doublet camera (F=4m) through rotating sector polarizers with the vibrational directions oriented radially and tangentially to the solar limb. Isophotes of the total emission and its polarized component, as well as diagrams giving the degree of polarization for the (K+F)-corona and the electron corona proper (P K), have been plotted up to the distance of 1R from the limb. In some inner regions the polarizationP K exceeds the highest value possible for Thomson scattering under the given conditions. The reality of this anomally is dubious; systematic photometrical errors may account for it. Three-dimensional forms of 15 different coronal rays have been ascertained by comparing the course of polarization along the rays to the family of Baumach curves. The rays are found to deflect substantially from the radial directions out of the plane of the sky. Mean values of the coronal brightness and polarization versus the distance from the Sun have been determined. Contrary to well-known models (Van de Hulst) the mean polarization of the electron corona (P K) decreases with distance after reaching the maximum (50%) at (1.4–1.6)R from the Sun's centre. This decrease can be explained by deflection of the streamers from radial directions.  相似文献   

Bame  S. J.  Asbridge  J. R.  Feldman  W. C.  Kearney  P. D. 《Solar physics》1974,35(1):137-152
Solar Physics - A study of the lower corona thermal properties was made using the best examples of solar wind heavy ion spectra obtained with Vela 5 and 6 plasma analyzers at times of quiet solar...  相似文献   

The volume emission measure EM(V) of the arch systems of the inner corona, not immediately associated with developed active regions, has been determined by analyzing the pictures of the green corona. It was found that the EM(V)-values of these systems are substantially lower than those obtained from X-ray data for the active regions, and this fact should be taken into account in interpreting extra-atmospheric observations. The combined investigation of data on the radiation of the corona in the green line and in the continuum enables one to determine the total extension of the radiating matter, (0.5–1) × 1010 cm, as well as the density in the separate arches, 1.5 × 109 cm-3. It is assumed that matter exists between the arches with a density of 108 cm-3.  相似文献   

A series of spectrograms of the inner solar corona were obtained at the total solar eclipse of 30 May 1965 using a fast spectrograph with a circular slit that recorded the spectrum from 3000 to 9000 at all position angles around the limb simultaneously. In this paper absolute intensity is given as a function of position angle for the stronger lines and the continuum. In the coronal enhancement or condensation centered at heliocentric position angle 293°, absolute intensity is given for 34 forbidden emission lines and the continuum.  相似文献   

On the basis of experimental results from the Ulysses spacecraft, a model is proposed for calculating the magnetic field in the corona and the heliosphere in the potential approximation, which is a modification of the potential-field source-surface model. In addition to the photospheric surface and the source surface, a new demarcated spherical surface (leveling surface) is introduced in this model. The magnitude of the radial component of the magnetic field on this surface is assumed to be constant, and its sign abruptly changes from one hemisphere to another. General analytical formulas are given to calculate the potential and field for this model. Calculations are described in detail using the dipole and quadrupole harmonics as examples. Expressions are obtained for the surface currents. The results of visualization of the magnetic field for an axial dipole are discussed.  相似文献   

The line intensity of the green coronal line and the continuum intensity are derived from the filter and white light photographs of the solar corona obtained during the 1980 total solar eclipse. Ratio of the line to continuum intensity is plotted against the radial distancer(=R/R0,R 0 is the solar radius), in various position angles. A simple model assuming an electron density dependence of the line and continuum intensities suggests a dominant collisional mechanism for the excitation of the line in the innermost regions (~ 1.4R 0). The measured line to continuum ratio tends to a constant value at different radial distances in different position angles. The constancy of the measured line to continuum ratio indicates significant radiative excitation beyond 1.4 R0, in some of the position angles.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the solar corona obtained during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970 has been studied. From the analysis of the line halfwidths it is concluded that the emission of coronal lines of various groups arises in different volumes of the corona. The lines 5303 and 4231 are analyzed in detail and by the use of the equations of excitation and ionization balance. The distribution of electron temperature T e and density n e vs height in the solar corona has been found. The usually adopted n e and T e are noticeably less than those values obtained in present analysis. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the considered area of the corona seems to be in an unusual condition.  相似文献   

We discuss a model for the formation of the chromospheric Ca ii K line which does not make the usual assumption of complete redistribution. Using a physically reasonable scattering model, we find significant departures due to the frequency dependence of the line source function, particularly in the relative intensity and centre-to-limb behaviour of the K1 parts of the line and in the asymmetry produced by differential velocity fields. We conclude that the frequency dependence of the K line source function must be considered in quantitative models for the formation of the K line.  相似文献   

During a balloon flight in France on September 13, 1971, at altitude 32 000 m, the solar corona was cinematographed from 2 to 5R during 5 hr, with an externally occulted coronagraph.Motions in coronal features, when they occur, exhibit deformations of structures with velocities not exceeding a few 10 km s–1; several streamers were often involved simultaneously; these variations are compatible with magnetic changes or sudden reorganizations of lines of forces.Intensity and polarization measurements give the electron density with height in the quiet corona above the equator. Electron density gradient for one of the streamers gives a temperature of 1.6 × 106 K and comparisons with the on-board Apollo 16 coronal observation of 31 July, 1971 are compatible with the extension of this temperature up to 25 R bd.Three-dimensional structures and localizations of the streamers are deduced from combined photometry, polarimetry and ground-based K coronametry. Three of the four coronal streamers analysed have their axis bent with height towards the direction of the solar rotation, as if the upper corona has a rotation slightly faster than the chromosphere.  相似文献   

The polarimetric survey of electrons in the K-corona initiated at Pic-du-Midi and Meudon Observatories in 1964 now covers a full solar cycle of activity. The measurements are photometrically calibrated in an absolute scale.In June 1967 a persistent coronal feature was fan-shaped as a lame coronale above quiescent prominences. We deduce an electron density of N 0 = 1.5 × 108 at 60 000 km above the photosphere, a total number of 14 × 1039 electrons, a hydrostatic temperature of 1.7 × 106 K, and a total thermal energy 3N eKT = 1.0 × 1031 ergs. When a center of activity appeared, a major localized condensation developed to replace the old elongated feature, with N 0 = 4.5 × 108, a total of 4.5 × 1039 electrons and the same temperature of 1.7 × 106 K.Also, a fan-shaped feature of exceptional intensity was analysed on 8 September 1966, with N 0 = 6 × 108 and a total of 24 × 1039 electrons.Fan-shaped features are frequent above quiescent prominences. They degenerate above a height of 2R into thinner isolated columns or blades with temperatures also around 1.7 × 106 K.  相似文献   

对黑洞吸积盘内区温度的径向分布特征和演化特征作了详细的讨论.结果表明:(1)盘内区的温度并非随径向坐标r单调减少,在接近盘的内边缘处有一个盘温的峰值环.在盘温的峰值环和盘的内边缘之间形成一个温度梯度很大的冷却区;(2)在盘吸积的过程中,盘内区温度的峰值和冷却区的平均温度梯度均随中心黑洞的无量纲角动量a的增加而单调增加,而金温峰值环半径和冷却区的径向宽度均随a的增加而单调减小;(3)盘的热辐射光度随a的增加而单调增加.  相似文献   

G. Noci 《Solar physics》1981,69(1):63-76
The flows in a coronal magnetic arch associated with a pressure difference between the footpoints are investigated. Steady flows are of different types: always subsonic; subsonic in one branch of the arch, supersonic in the second; subsonic-supersonic with stationary shocks which adjust the flow to the boundary conditions in the second footpoint. The large velocity increase along the loop in subsonic-supersonic flows is associated with a large density decrease. A velocity drop and a density jump occur across the shock. The emission of such arches in coronal lines (625 of Mg x and 499 of Si xii) is calculated. It is suggested that the intensity drop along the axis observed in some UV loops is due to the density drop associated with subsonic-supersonic flows.  相似文献   

Electron beams in the low corona   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Selected high-resolution spectrograms of solar fast-drift bursts in the 6.2–8.4 GHz range are presented. The bursts have similar characteristics as metric and decimetric type III bursts: rise and decay in a few thermal collision times, total bandwidth 3% of the center frequency, low polarization, drift rate of the order of the center frequency per second, and flare association. They appear in several groups per flare, each group consisting of some tens of single bursts. Fragmentation is also apparent in frequency; there are many narrowband bursts randomly scattered in the spectrum. The maximum frequency of the bursts is highly variable.The radiation is interpreted in terms of plasma emission of electron beams at plasma densities of more than 1011 cm–-3. At this extremely high frequency, emission from the plasma level even at the harmonic is only possible in a very anisotropic plasma. The scale lengths perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field can be estimated. A model of the source region and its environment is presented.Paper presented at the 4th CESRA Workshop in Ouranopolis (Greece) 1991.  相似文献   

Model calculations of plasma drifts in the solar corona were performed. We established that only drifts in crossed fields could result in velocities V of several hundred kilometers per second. Such velocities are typical of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We derived an analytic expression for V where n, the expansion harmonic of the magnetic-field strength, varies with time. As follows from this expression, V is a power function of the distance with index (2?n) and the radial component changes sign (n?1) times in the latitude range from ?π/2 to +π/2. We found that if the magnetic dipole moment varies with time, the similarity between the spiral structures of coronal plasma is preserved when they displace within several solar radii and the density gradient at the conical boundaries increases (the apparent contrast is enhanced). There is a correspondence between the inferred model effects and the actually observed phenomena that accompany CMEs.  相似文献   

It is evident from eclipse photographs that gas-magnetic field interactions are important in determining the structure and dynamical properties of the solar corona and interplanetary medium. Close to the Sun in regions of strong field, the coronal gas can be contained within closed loop structures. However, since the field in these regions decreases outward rapidly, the pressure and inertial forces of the solar wind eventually dominate and distend the field outward into interplanetary space. The complete geometrical and dynamical state is determined by a complex interplay of inertial, pressure, gravitational, and magnetic forces. The present paper is oriented toward the understanding of this interaction. The helmet streamer type configuration with its associated neutral point and sheet currents is of central importance in this problem and is, therefore, considered in some detail.Integration of the relevant partial differential equations is made tractable by an iterative technique consisting of three basic stages, which are described at length. A sample solution obtained by this method is presented and its physical properties discussed.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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