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The results of several sets of measurements of the frequency of radio signals during coronal-sounding experiments carried out from 1991 to 2000 using the ULYSSES and GALILEO spacecraft are presented and analyzed. The S-band signals (carrier frequency f = 2295 MHz) were received at the three 70-m widely spaced ground stations of the NASA Deep Space Network. As a rule, the frequency-fluctuation spectra at frequencies above 1 mHz are power-laws. At small heliocentric distances, R < 10R (R is the solar radius), the spectral index is close to zero; this corresponds to a spectral index for the one-dimensional turbulence spectrum p1 = 1. The index of the frequency-fluctuation spectra in the region of the supersonic solar wind at distances R > 30 R is between 0.5 and 0.7 (p1 = 1.5–1.7). The results demonstrate a substantial difference between the turbulence regimes in these regions: in the region of the established solar wind, the power-law spectra are determined by nonlinear cascade processes that pump energy from the outer turbulence scale to the small-scale part of the spectrum, whereas such cascade processes are absent in the solar wind acceleration region. Near the solar minimum, the change in the turbulence regime of the fast, high-latitude solar wind occurs at greater distances than for the slow, low-latitude solar wind. Spectra with a sharp cutoff at high frequencies have been detected for the first time. Such spectra are observed only at R < 10 R and at sufficiently low levels of the electron density fluctuations. The measured cutoff frequencies are between 10 and 30 mHz; the cutoff frequency tends to increase with heliocentric distance. The variance of the plasma-density fluctuations has been estimated for the slow, low-latitude solar wind. These estimates suggest that the relative fluctuation level at distances 7 R < R < 30 R does not depend on heliocentric distance. The cross correlation of the frequency fluctuations recorded at widely spaced ground stations increases with the index of the frequency-fluctuation spectrum. At distances R ≈ 10 R, the rate of temporal changes in irregularities on the scale of several thousand kilometers is less than or comparable to the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

We present the results of radio sounding observations probing the inner solar wind near the minimum of the solar-activity cycle, using polarized pulses from PSR B0525+21 and PSR B0531+21 received when the lines of sight toward these pulsars were close to the Sun. The observations were obtained in June 2005 and June 2007 on the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute at 111 MHz. An upper limit for the scattering of giant pulses from PSR B0531+21 due to their passage through the turbulent solar-wind plasma is determined. The arrival-time delays for pulses from PSR B0531+21 are used to derive the radial dependence of the mean density of the circumsolar plasma. The resulting density distribution indicates that the acceleration of fast, high-latitude solar-wind outflows continues to heliocentric distances of 5–10R , where R is the solar radius. The mean plasma density at heliocentric distances of about 5R is 1.4 × 104 cm?3, substantially lower than at the solar-activity maximum. This is associated with the presence of polar coronal holes. The Faraday rotation measure at heliocentric distances of 6–7R is estimated. Deviations of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field from spherical symmetry are comparatively modest in the studied range of heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to explain observational data on the scattering of radio signals, which indicate that small-scale plasma-density inhomogeneities in the region of solar-wind acceleration are strongly elongated in the radial direction, with the degree of elongation sharply decreasing at heliocentric distances of about six solar radii. The evolution of the energy spectra of the fluctuations of the magnetic field and plasma density is studied assuming that the plasma-density fluctuations are generated locally by nonlinear interactions of high-frequency Alfven waves, and that the gradients of the mean plasma parameters are smooth. The growth rates of the main nonlinear processes are estimated. The strong elongation of the inhomogeneities first arises when the Alfven waves travel through the chromosphere-corona transition layer, then survives to considerable distances from the Sun because the associated nonlinear relaxation processes are fairly slow. Estimates of the degree of elongation of the inhomogeneities and the characteristic distance for changes in the angular wave spectra are in good agreement with radio propagation data.  相似文献   

Radio sounding experiments on of the solar plasma were carried out by the GALILEO spacecraft using S-band (2295 MHz) signals in 1995–1996 a period of minimum solar activity. Equatorial regions at heliocentric distances of 7–80 solar radii were studied. The frequency of the received signal was detected by three ground stations. By carrying out continuous observations of unprecedented duration and processing the data using spectral and correlation methods, we have obtained reliable information on large-scale inhomogeneities of the solar-wind density for the first time. The outer turbulence scale increases with heliocentric distance, the dependence being close to linear. We estimate the outer turbulence scale and analyze its dependence on distance from the Sun and local plasma parameters for a model in which the outer scale is formed due to competition between the linear amplification of Alfven waves in the irregular, moving solar-wind plasma and the nonlinear transfer of turbulent energy to higher frequencies. A comparison of predictions for various specific cases of this model with the observational data suggests that the main nonlinear processes responsible for the formation of the inertial range of the spectrum on the investigated scales are three-wave decay processes involving Alfven and magnetoacoustic waves.  相似文献   

Efimov  A. I.  Lukanina  L. A.  Chashei  I. V.  Bird  M. K.  Pätzold  M. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(3):174-181

Results of experiments on polarized radio sounding of the outer solar corona using the Helios spacecraft from 1975 to 1984 are presented. The characteristic parameters of the temporal spectra of fluctuations in the Faraday rotation of the plane of polarization for heliocentric distances from 3.5 to 5.5 solar radii are obtained. The absolute level of these fluctuations and, consequently, the level of fluctuations of the magnetic field, is almost independent of the solar activity. It is well known that the global structure of the solar wind varies with the solar cycle such that there is slow solar wind at low latitudes and fast solar wind at high latitudes during solar minima. In contrast, a slow solar wind dominates at all latitudes during solar maxima. One explanation for the invariance of the fluctuations observed by sounding the circumsolar plasma is that the mean magnetohydrodynamic turbulence of the low-latitude, slow solar wind depends weakly on the phase of the solar cycle.


The large-scale stream structure of the solar wind near the Sun and its evolution during the 11-year solar activity cycle are investigated. The study is based on observations of scattering of the radiation from compact natural radio sources at radial distances R≤14R S (R S is the solar radius). Regular observations were conducted in 1981–1998 on the RT-22 and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pushchino, at λ=1.35 cm and 2.7 m, respectively. The radial dependences of the interplanetary scintillations m(R) and the scattering angle 2?(R) are considered together with the structure of large-scale magnetic fields in the solar corona at R=2.5R S. The entire range of variations in the level of scattering and the associated heliolatitude flow structures in the subsonic solar wind forms over the 11-year solar cycle, as a direct result of the large-scale structure of the evolving magnetic fields at the source of the solar-wind streamlines.  相似文献   

The rays of enhanced brightness making up the structure of the coronal-streamer belt can be traced to the lowest atmospheric layers in the Sun, with the angular size remaining nearly constant, d ≈ 2.5° ± 0.5°. This suggests that the physical mechanism generating the slow solar wind in the rays of the streamer belt differs from the mechanism giving rise to the fast solar wind from coronal holes. At distances of R < (4–5) R , the rays of the streamer belt are not radial in the plane of the sky and show deviations toward the corresponding pole. They then become essentially radial at R > (4–5) R . A transverse cross section of streamers in the corona and its continuation into the heliosphere—a plasma sheet—can be represented as two radially oriented, closely spaced rays (d ≈ 2.0°–2.5°) with enhanced density and an angular size of d. We also show that the ray structure of the streamer belt is involved in the development of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The motion of a small-scale CME occurs within a magnetic flux tube (ray of enhanced brightness) and leads to an explosive increase in its angular size (rapid expansion of the tube). It seems likely that large-scale CMEs are the result of the simultaneous expansion of several magnetic tubes. We suggest that a small-scale CME corresponds to a “plasmoid” (clump of plasma of limited size with its own magnetic field) ejected into the base of a magnetic tube, which subsequently moves away from the Sun along the tube.  相似文献   

Measurements of frequency fluctuations in radio signals generated by the GALILEO spacecraft from January 6 to 11, 1997 are presented and analyzed. The passage of a coronal mass ejection observed by the SOHO/LASCO coronagraph on January 6, 1997 through the radio-communication path between the spacecraft and a ground station was recorded. Radio sounding was carried out at a carrier frequency of 2295 MHz at a heliocentric distance of about 32 solar radii, with the signal being received at three ground stations. As the mass ejection intersected the propagation path, the mean frequency of the signal increased and several-hour-long frequency fluctuations were enhanced. A spectral analysis of the frequency fluctuations shows that the regime and level of plasma turbulence are substantially different in different sections of the quiet solar wind and the disturbed plasmoid. A correlation between the intensity and temporal spectrum of the frequency fluctuations is found. The plasma density in the leading part of the coronal mass ejection exceeds the mean background value by more than an order of magnitude. Our correlation analysis of the frequency fluctuations recorded simultaneously at two widely separated measuring points shows that two flow components with different velocities—the quiet solar wind and a perturbed stream—crossed the communication path. The radio-sounding data are compared with observations of the coronal mass ejection by the SOHO/LASCO coronagraph and plasma measurements near the Earth’s orbit using the WIND satellite. A pronounced correlation is found between the variations in the mean frequency of the sounding signal and the plasma density in near-Earth space.  相似文献   

The design properties and technical characteristics of the upgraded Large Phased Array (LPA) are briefly described. The results of an annual cycle of observations of interplanetary scintillations of radio sources on the LPA with the new 96-beam BEAM 3 system are presented. Within a day, about 5000 radio sources displaying second-timescale fluctuations in their flux densities due to interplanetary scintillations were observed. At present, the parameters of many of these radio sources are unknown. Therefore, the number of sources with root-mean-square flux-density fluctuations greater than 0.2 Jy in a 3° × 3° area of sky was used to characterize the scintillation level. The observational data obtained during the period of the maximum of solar cycle 24 can be interpreted using a three-component model for the spatial structure of the solar wind, consisting of a stable global component, propagating disturbances, and corotating structures. The global component corresponds to the spherically symmetric structure of the distribution of the turbulent interplanetary plasma. Disturbances propagating from the Sun are observed against the background of the global structure. Propagating disturbances recorded at heliocentric distances of 0.4–1 AU and at all heliolatitudes reach the Earth’s orbit one to two days after the scintillation enhancement. Enhancements of ionospheric scintillations are observed during night-time. Corotating disturbances have a recurrence period of 27d. Disturbances of the ionosphere are observed as the coronal base of a corotating structure approaches the western edge of the solar limb.  相似文献   

Temporal spectra of interplanetary scintillations of the strong radio source 3C 48 based on 111 MHz observations on the Large Scanning Antenna of the Lebedev Physical Institute obtained near the solar-activity minimum are analyzed. Measurements of the temporal spectrum of the scintillations are used to estimate the angular size of the source, the velocity of inhomogeneities, and the power-law index for the spatial spectrum of the turbulence in the interplanetary plasma. The mean angular size of the source is θ 0 = 0.326″ ± 0.016″, and the mean index for the three-dimensional turbulence spectrum is n = 3.7 ± 0.2. There is some evidence that n decreases in the transition from the fast, high-speed to the slow, low-latitude solar wind.  相似文献   

Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) is one of the most important parameters determining groundwater flow and contaminant transport in both unsaturated and saturated porous media. The hand-held air permeameter technique was investigated for high-resolution hydraulic conductivity determination on borehole cores using a spatial resolution of ~0.05 m. The suitability of such air permeameter measurements on friable to poorly indurated sediments was tested to improve the spatial prediction of classical laboratory-based K s measurements obtained at a much lower spatial resolution (~2 m). In total, 368 K s measurements were made on ~350 m of borehole cores originating from the Campine basin, northern Belgium, while ~5,230 air permeability measurements were performed on the same cores, resulting in a K s range of seven orders of magnitude. Cross-validation demonstrated that, using air permeameter data as the secondary variable for laboratory based K s measurements, the performance increased from R 2?=?0.35 for ordinary kriging (laboratory K s only) to R 2?=?0.61 for co-kriging. The separate treatment of horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity revealed considerable anisotropy in certain lithostratigraphical units, while others were clearly isotropic at the sample scale. Air permeameter measurements on borehole cores provide a cost-effective way to improve spatial predictions of traditional laboratory based K s.  相似文献   

We obtained the photometric distances and radial velocities for the molecular gas for 270 star-forming regions and estimated the distance to the Galactic center from ten tangent points to be R0 = 8.01 ± 0.44 kpc. Estimates of R0 derived over the last decade are summarized and discussed; the average value is R0 = 7.80 ± 0.33 kpc. We analyze deviations from axial symmetry of the gas motion around the Galactic center in the solar neighborhood. Assuming a flat rotation curve, we obtain Θ0 ~ 200 km/s for the circular velocity of the Sun from regions beyond the Perseus arm. We used these Galactic constants to construct the Galactic rotation curve. This rotation curve is flat along virtually its total extent from the central bar to the periphery. The velocity jump in the corotation region of the central bar in the first quadrant is 20 km/s. We present analytical formulas for the rotation curves of the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the Galaxy for R0 = 8.0 kpc and Θ0 = 200 km/s.  相似文献   

The presence of additional plasma streams with enhanced density in bright rays of the solar coronal-streamer belt is demonstrated. The streams have steep fronts, whose widths δ≈0.10R (where R is the solar radius) are comparable to the spatial resolution of the LASCO C3 instrument of the SOHO satellite. The additional streams are similar to streams of the slow, quasi-steady solar wind in the streamer belt in terms of their plasma density, directional velocity, and lifetime and are apparently one of the main sources of the slow solar wind.  相似文献   

The solar event SOL2012–10–23T03:13, which was associated with a X1.8 flare without an accompanying coronal mass ejection (CME) and with a Type II radio burst, is analyzed. A method for constructing the spatial and temporal profiles of the difference brightness detected in the AIA/SDOUVand EUV channels is used together with the analysis of the Type II radio burst. The formation and propagation of a region of compression preceded by a collisional shock detected at distances R < 1.3R from the center of the Sun is observed in this event (R is the solar radius). Comparison with a similar event studied earlier, SOL2011–02–28T07:34 [1], suggests that the region of compression and shock could be due to a transient (impulsive) action exerted on the surrounding plasma by an eruptive, high-temperature magnetic rope. The initial instability and eruption of this rope could be initiated by emerging magnetic flux, and its heating from magnetic reconnection. The cessation of the eruption of the rope could result from its interaction with surrounding magnetic structures (coronal loops).  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of spacecraft measurements at 1–5.4 AU are presented within the scope of the large-scale interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) structure investigation. The work is focused on revealing of the radial IMF component (B r ) variations with heliocentric distance and latitude as seen by Ulysses. It was found out that |B r | decreases as ~r ?5/3 in the ecliptic plane vicinity (±10° of latitude), which is consistent with the previous results obtained on the basis of the analysis of in-ecliptic measurements from five spacecraft. The difference between the experimentally found (r ?5/3) and commonly used (r ?2) radial dependence of B r may lead to mistakes in the IMF recalculations from point to point in the heliosphere. This can be one of the main sources of the “magnetic flux excess” effect, which is exceeding of the distantly measured magnetic flux over the values obtained through the measurements at the Earth orbit. It is shown that the radial IMF component can be considered as independent of heliolatitude in a rough approximation only. More detailed analysis demonstrates an expressed |B r | (as well as the IMF strength) increase in the latitudinal vicinity of ±30° relative to the ecliptic plane. Also, a slight increase of the both parameters is observed in the polar solar wind. The comparison of the B r distributions confirms that, at the same radial distance, B r values are higher at low than at high latitudes. The analysis of the latitudinal and radial dependences of the B r distribution’s bimodality is performed. The B r bimodality is more expressed at high than in the low-latitude solar wind, and it is observed at greater radial distances at high latitudes. The investigation has not revealed any dependence between B r and the solar wind speed V. The two-peak distribution of the solar wind speed as measured by Ulysses is a consequence of a strong latitudinal and solar cycle dependence of V. It is shown that the solar wind speed in high latitudes (above ±40°) anti-correlates with a solar activity: V is maximum during solar-cycle minima and minimum at the maximum of solar activity.  相似文献   

The mean proper motions of 167 Galactic open clusters with radial-velocity measurements are computed from the data of the Tycho-2 catalog using kinematic and photometric cluster membership criteria. The resulting catalog is compared to the results of other studies. The new proper motions are used to infer the Galactic rotation rate at the solar circle, which is found to be ω0=+24.6±0.8 km s?1 kpc?1. Analysis of the dependence of the dispersion of ω0 estimates on heliocentric velocity showed that even the proper motions of clusters with distances r>3 kpc contain enough useful information to be used in kinematic studies demonstrating that the determination of proper motions is quite justified even for very distant clusters.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic radionuclides with distinctive half-lives from chondritic falls were used as natural detectors of galactic cosmic rays (GCR). A unique series of uniform data was obtained for variations in the integral gradients of GCR with a rigidity of R > 0.5 GV in 1955–2000 on heliocentric distances of 1.5–3.3 AU and heliographic latitudes between 23° S and 16° N. Correlation analysis was performed for the variations in GCR gradients and variations in solar activity (number of sunspots, SS, and intensity of the green coronal line, GCL), the intensity of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and the inclination of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). Distribution and variations of GCR were analyzed in 11-year solar cycles and during a change in 22-year magnetic cycles. The detected dependencies of GCR gradients on the intensity of IMF and HCS inclination provided insight into the differences in the processes of structural transformation of IMF during changes between various phases of solar and magnetic cycles. The investigated relationships lead to the conclusion that a change of secular solar cycles occurred during solar cycle 20; moreover, there is probably still an increase in the 600-year solar cycle, which can be among the major reasons for the observed global warming.  相似文献   

Physical differences in the formation of “gradual” and “impulsive” coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at heights of h < 0.2 R just before and during the initial phase of their motion are studied using AIA/SDO ultraviolet data (h is the altitude above the solar surface and R is the solar radius). The basic structure of a gradual CME is a magnetic rope located in the corona. During an hour or more preceding the initial phase, the magnetic rope demonstrates an increase in brightness and transverse size, first of the low, inner elements of the rope and then of elements in its outer envelope most distant from the Sun. The rope remains motionless during this time. The initial phase of a gradual CME begins from the motion of the magnetic rope’s outer envelope, which further becomes the basis for the CME frontal structure. At this stage, the inner low elements of the rope remain almost motionless. The initial phase of an impulsive CME begins with the appearance near the photosphere of a cavity moving away from the Sun; the dynamics of this cavity probably correspond to a magnetic tube filled with cool plasma rising from beneath the photosphere. This magnetic tube collides with and drags arch structures, which initially block the tube’s motion. These arch structures contribute to the CME formation, although the magnetic tube itself forms the basis of the CME.  相似文献   

SOHO/LASCO C2 and C3 data have been used to carry out a detailed study of the perturbed zone and shock that form as a coronal mass ejection (CME) moves away from the Sun, as a result of its interaction with the ambient solar wind. The event of January 4, 2002 is used as an example. The perturbed zone is most extensive along the direction of propagation of the CME, decreases away from this direction, and reaches its minimum values perpendicular to this direction. The mass of the perturbed zone is ≥0.1 of the total mass of the CME. The condition for the formation of a shock preceding the CME (in the direction of propagation of the CME) is VV SW > V A , where V, V SW , and V A are the CME, solar wind, and Alfvén velocities, respectively. Perpendicular to the CME axis, at distances of ≈4–6R fromthe center of the Sun, the condition for the formation of shock is V/2 > V A .  相似文献   

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