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利用山东威海CINRDA/SA多普勒雷达探测资料,结合常规天气图资料、地面自动气象观测站资料等,对2018年9月8日发生在威海文登机场附近的一次下击暴流天气特征进行分析。结果表明:1)此次下击暴流天气发生在高低空一致的西北气流背景下,午后太阳辐射使得低空大气加热显著,形成了强烈的不稳定层结。2)大气层结特征呈喇叭状温湿分布,850 h Pa以下接近干绝热的温度直减率,为下击暴流的发生提供了有利环境条件。3)地面辐合线为风暴单体的产生提供了动力抬升条件。4)从多普勒雷达产品上看,风暴初始回波发生在午后海风锋触发的晴空窄带回波上,通过单体间的合并加强,发展成为多单体风暴;下击暴流出现前,对流风暴回波强度及高度明显发展,成熟阶段的对流风暴伴有回波悬垂结构和三体散射特征,伴随着强反射率因子核心的持续下降,下击暴流迅速到达地面,径向速度图上存在明显的中层辐合、旋转、低层辐散的现象; 5 km以上60 dBZ强反射率因子核心的下降,结合径向速度中层辐合、低层辐散特征可提前3~9 min预警下击暴流的发生。  相似文献   

2020年3月18日中午至夜间,山西、河北、北京、天津和山东等地先后出现阵风10级及以上强风天气。利用风廓线雷达、国家级地面气象观测站和欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)第五代大气再分析数据(ECMWF Reanalysis v5,ERA5)等资料,对强风过程的天气学成因进行了分析。结果表明:强风发生在低空暖脊异常发展的热力环境条件下,冷锋自黄土高原下到华北平原,中层锋消,垂直方向上发生“断裂”,低层冷锋先行侵入热低压,在锋生过程中发生。强风具有显著的非地转瞬变特征,低层强冷平流是强变压梯度产生的主要因素,变压风叠加在快速移动的冷锋系统中诱发大风,变压风是重要组成部分;低空动量下传效应引起低层风速波动,但不足以直接诱发强风。  相似文献   

利用多种探测资料及NCEP/NCAR FNL 1°×1°再分析资料,对2019年4月24日发生在山西的大范围强对流天气进行了分析。结果表明:1)此次过程是在弱天气尺度强迫背景下,地面锋面气旋发展和低层偏东北气流伸入河套地区,触发了1个持续拉长状对流系统(persistent elongated convective systems,PECS)和1个β中尺度持续拉长状对流系统(meso-β-scale PECS,MβECS)发生发展造成的。2)与MβECS对应,雷达回波上表现为涡旋状的回波中镶嵌着多个对流单体,PECS则表现为4个线状回波和1个强降水单体风暴。雷达产品能更精细刻画较小尺度系统特征,但分类强对流的某些典型特征并不明显。3)物理量诊断揭示,低层锋生作用不仅使暖锋加强触发MβECS发展造成北部强对流,且使得冷锋加强和气旋发展,此背景下形成的边界层急流和地面中尺度系统导致中南部对流单体合并、加强并高度组织化。强对流范围和强度与涡旋或辐合线尺度及风场辐合强度密切相关,气旋内温压风湿场的扰动特征能更好地解释较小尺度系统形成发展的物理机制,且这些特征较强对流提前1~3 h出现,对强对流临近预报具有很好的指示意义。4)低层东北气流是干冷与暖湿空气的一个倾斜交界面,该面上各种要素并不均匀,围绕该支气流形成一个气旋式次级环流圈,是中尺度对流系统的重要触发机制;气流两侧存在较大纬向风垂直切变,是造成对流风暴传播、持续时间长的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

一次渤海强对流天气系统监测与大风成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用FY-2E卫星云图、天气雷达、雷电、海上平台、海岛站及海洋模式产品等资料,对2011年9月1日01—06时出现在渤海湾强对流天气成因进行综合分析。结果表明:位于燕山南麓较弱中β尺度云团,在500 hPa西风急流出口处、低层925 hPa切变线及层结不稳定条件下,触发多单体风暴重新发展,造成西岸区短时强降水天气及冰雹天气;中尺度系统主体入海后南压强度少变,在多单体风暴后部下沉气流与后部冷空气动量下传共同作用下,迅速加大渤海湾海区东北大风的分量,在同时具备天文大潮的条件下导致了南岸局部风暴潮灾害的发生。同步监测显示:云图中尺度象元TBB为-25°—-65℃,对流云团强弱交替变化时间为3—6 h,减弱后迅速转向东北岸区;三部天气雷达径向速度图先后监测到NE向低空急流"牛眼"时空尺度特征,同步垂直风廓线(VWP)反演出NE向低空急流由1000 m下降至300 m动量下传过程,与海岛站、平台监测值接近一致,中部与南部海区转为东北大风时间差为3—4 h;20时探空海岸带与风场垂直和水平切变明显,K指数为33℃,SI指数为-3.8℃,对流有效位能Cape为1555 J/kg;海洋中尺度数值产品3—6 h的K指数及海区辐合线的动态模拟与云图TBB中尺度象元、雷达回波移向相对一致,但风速明显偏小10—12 m/s。  相似文献   

对舟山海域一次猛烈的低压大风过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:地面气旋的强烈发展是由于其与高空疏散槽前的正涡度平流中心、辐散中心和暖平流中心在垂直方向紧密耦合的结果,高空急流的活动和加强进一步促进了地面气旋的发展,地面气旋发生发展在青藏高原上空西北急流出口区的左侧和日本海上空西南急流入口区的右侧。地面气旋的发展和冷空气共同作用造成的强气压梯度是引起海上强风的主要原因;高空西南急流轴附近激发出的次级环流下沉支中往南的非地转风,加大了地面风速;对流层中下层垂直环流由上升运动转为一致的下沉运动,引起动量下传进一步加大了地面风速。  相似文献   

利用济南多普勒天气雷达产品和华北区域雷达拼图等资料,普查了2012—2016年影响山东的线状中尺度对流系统(linear mesoscale convective system,LMCS),分析了LMCS与多单体风暴的合并方式以及合并后的演变趋势等特征,得到如下几条结论:1) LMCS(A)与多单体风暴(B)有A追B,A扩展,A、B相向和B追A四种合并方式; 2) LMCS与多单体风暴合并的临界距离为30 km;3) LMCS与多单体风暴合并后,强度增强或维持,尺度增大,生命史延长,长轴将可能转向; 4) LMCS与多单体风暴合并时,其本身合并部分将减弱,多单体风暴合并进入LMCS,成为LMCS的一部分;5)合并是雷暴的传播运动造成的; 6) 63. 3%的合并案例会产生雷暴大风、冰雹或强降水灾害,雷暴大风灾害出现的概率最大。  相似文献   

2008.4.9江淮气旋后部大风过程诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项素清 《海洋预报》2009,26(4):37-43
受江淮气旋入海和冷空气共同影响,2008年4月9日白天浙江省中北部内陆地区出现7~9级,沿海地区出现9~11级偏北大风。通过物理量诊断分析发现,高空槽前正涡度平流和强暖平流使地面江淮气旋发展,降水凝结潜热释放形成反馈机制有利于气旋发展。气旋入海后引导后部冷空气南下,大的气压梯度和变压梯度形成地面大风。同时,9日白天的晴好天气使底层受热,有利于高空动量下传,加大了地面的风速。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional numerical model of a warm convective cloud is presented. This model is used to study the effectiveness of the action on the cloud by hygroscopic particles with the aim of intensifying precipitation. The numerical simulation takes into account the processes of condensation, coagulation, and sedimentation of cloud droplets and makes it possible to obtain spatiotemporal characteristics of cloud development. A system of differential equations describing time variations in the temperature, pressure, and watervapor supersaturation during the adiabatic rise of a continuous air flow is solved. The evolution of the size distribution of cloud droplets is described by a kinetic equation. A continuous acting source of droplets with the size distribution calculated with consideration for condensation properties and dispersion characteristics of condensation nuclei (natural and additionally introduced during the action) is specified at the cloud-base level. The cloud top is formed owing to the evaporation of droplets in the barrier atmospheric layer over the cloud. The influence of changes in the barrier-layer height on the structure of cloud parameters and precipitation-formation processes is analyzed. The introduction of additional hygroscopic particles into a cloud is shown to act as a trigger mechanism initiating the processes of coagulation and sedimentation in the cloud medium. In this case, a positive effect of action by fine particles can be achieved if a certain reserve of sufficiently large droplets is present in the cloud. The results of calculating the dependence of the action effect on the height of the barrier layer, restricting cloud development, are presented.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(1):1-23
We develop solutions for the transport of suspended sediment by a single swash event following the collapse of a bore on a plane beach, and we investigate the morphodynamical role that such transport may play. Although the intrinsic asymmetry between uprush and backwash velocities tends to encourage the export of sediment, we find that swash events may be effective in distributing across the swash zone much or all of the sediment mobilised by bore collapse; additionally, settling lag effects may promote a weak onshore movement of sediment. We quantify both effects in terms of the properties of the sediment and of the swash event, and comment on the relationship between our findings and recent field studies of swash zone sediment transport.  相似文献   

利用常规观测、探空、区域气象观测站、ERA5、多普勒雷达等资料对 2018 年 8 月 14 日台风 “摩羯”在鲁北平原引发的1 个 EF2 级龙卷的环境背景和雷达回波进行分析。结果表明:(1)龙卷发生时台风“摩羯”已减弱为温带气旋并停止编号。(2)低层辐合、高层辐散,上下重叠度较好的急流轴,低空强的垂直风切变和风暴相对螺旋度等,构成龙卷风暴发生的有利环境条件。(3)龙卷母风暴属于小型超级单体风暴,低层反射率因子具有钩状回波形态;在速度剖面上具有龙卷涡旋轴线和小尺度风场辐合特征,对应谱宽剖面上有谱宽大值区。(4)降低雷达系统中气旋探测算法和龙卷涡旋探测算法部分适配参数阈值后,系统提前60 min 给出中气旋特征,提前7 min 给出龙卷涡旋特征(tornado vortex signature,TVS);中气旋顶高、最大切变高度快速上升和下降的过程对应小尺度涡旋的增强和触地,最大切变值骤降对应龙卷快速释放能量。  相似文献   

This paper describes a theoretical analysis of the ocean wave energy absorption by a periodic linear array of oscillating water columns (OWCs) of arbitrary planform. The analysis is based on classical linear water wave theory and uses the expressions for the wave field resulting from time-harmonic pressure distributions on the free surface. The water depth is assumed finite and constant. The cases of oblique and normal incidence are analysed. A linear power take-off mechanism is assumed, but a complex characteristic constant (allowing for phase control) and air compressibility are considered. Special analytical expressions are derived for OWCs of rectangular and circular planforms. Numerical results for circular chambers show that the hydrodynamic interaction can substantially change the maximum energy absorption, depending on array and chamber geometry and on angle of incidence.  相似文献   

《Applied Ocean Research》2004,26(3-4):154-161
A frequency-domain cumulant spectral analysis method is developed in this study to estimate the higher-order statistics of the linear oscillator responses driven by Morison wave force. The fourth-order cumulant function of the nonlinear drag force is formulated in terms of the autocorrelation functions of water particle velocity. Price's theorem is applied to evaluate the associated higher-order joint moments. Three-dimensional Fourier Transforms are employed to obtain the trispectra of Morison force and oscillator responses. The estimated force and response kurtosis are in good agreement with those obtained from time-domain simulations; while the proposed method is found to be much more efficient. The numerical results also show that the drag force cubicization based on the least square approximation results in an overestimation of the kurtosis values; in addition, it is necessary to include the joint moments of order higher than eighth.  相似文献   

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