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2001年3月2日磁通量传输事件特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2001年3月2日11:00 至11:15 UT 期间,Cluster Ⅱ在南半球极尖区晨侧附近磁鞘内探测到3个通量传输事件(简称FTEs). 本文利用Cluster Ⅱ星簇4颗卫星观测到的磁场和等离子体资料研究了这些通量传输事件的磁场形态和粒子特征. 并利用它们探测到的空间磁场梯度资料由安培定律直接求出星簇所在区域的电流分布. 结果指出:(1)BY占优势的行星际磁场结构在磁层顶的重联可以在极尖区附近发生;(2)FTEs通量管形成初期内外总压差和磁箍缩应力不一定平衡,达到平衡有一发展过程;(3)FTEs通量管截面在L M平面内的线度约为1.89RE;(4)FTEs通量管中等离子体主要沿轴向场方向流动,整个通量管以慢于背景等离子体的速度沿磁层顶向南向尾运动;(5)FTEs通量管中不仅有轴向电流,也存在环向电流. 轴向电流基本沿轴向磁场方向流动. 轴向和环向电流在管内均呈体分布,因而轴向电流产生的环向磁场接近管心时不断减小到零,而环向电流生成的轴向场则不断增大到极值;(6)在通量管的磁鞘部分观测到磁层能量粒子流量的增强,这表明通量管通过磁层顶将磁鞘和磁层内部连通起来了.  相似文献   

2004-03-18 23:10~23:50 UT期间,“双星(Double Star)”探测一号卫星(TC-1)在向阳面磁层顶高纬晨侧由内向外穿越磁层顶,其时TC_1的GSM坐标为 (7.5RE, -5.5RE, -5.4RE), RE为地球半径.穿越过程中TC_1观测到了8个通量管和1个磁通量传输事件(FTEs).在此期间Cluster星簇位于向阳面太阳风内,其GSM坐标为(18.0RE, -3.1RE, -6.2RE),其4颗卫星监测到行星际磁场(IMF)的BZ分量持续南向,BY有较大的负值.本文的研究表明:TC_1观测到的前7个通量管具有准周期重现性,周期大约是1~4 min,明显小于以前所观测到的FTEs的平均周期(8~11 min);所有的通量管都具有较强的核心场.本文分别使用最小方差分析法(MVA)和Grad_Shafranov反演方法(GSR)对通量管的轴向进行了分析和对比,发现所有的通量管主轴基本沿晨昏向,结果显示GSR方法在轴向分析上比MVA优越.本文使用GSR方法对通量管的磁场结构进行了分析,恢复出了通量管的磁场在卫星穿越面的结构图;此外,本文还对这次多重通量管事件进行了deHoffmann-Teller(HT)分析,结果表明,所有通量管大致朝南极方向运动,均来源于向日面低纬区域.这说明它们可能起源于向日面低纬区,由该区的磁场分量重联产生.  相似文献   

利用EISCAT VHF和EISCAT Svalbard(ESR)雷达观测数据,对2003年2月12日IMF Bz分量4次快速方向转换期间,极区电离层,尤其是极尖/极隙区的响应特征进行了分析研究.随着IMF Bz方向的多次快速变化,地面雷达观测到极尖/极隙区所在位置随着开放-闭合磁力线边界在纬度方向上来回移动.在此期间,极区电离层等离子体水平对流多次反向,表现出与IMF Bz分量强的负相关性.进一步分析表明:极区磁层-电离层系统在日侧对IMF极性变化的平均响应时间约为3 min.  相似文献   

利用EISCAT VHF和EISCAT Svalbard(ESR)雷达观测数据,对2003年2月12日IMF Bz分量4次快速方向转换期间,极区电离层,尤其是极尖/极隙区的响应特征进行了分析研究.随着IMF Bz方向的多次快速变化,地面雷达观测到极尖/极隙区所在位置随着开放-闭合磁力线边界在纬度方向上来回移动.在此期间,极区电离层等离子体水平对流多次反向,表现出与IMF Bz分量强的负相关性.进一步分析表明:极区磁层-电离层系统在日侧对IMF极性变化的平均响应时间约为3 min.  相似文献   

本文主要应用THEMIS卫星的磁场和等离子体流观测数据,分析了2008年1月5日08∶51~08∶57 UT亚暴膨胀相期间磁尾的一个近地重联事件.在亚暴膨胀相期间,地面的全天空成像仪清楚地记录到了极光的极向扩展,THEMIS的P5卫星在地球同步轨道附近观测到了磁场的偶极化现象.在亚暴膨胀相末期的08∶51~08∶57 UT期间,P3(XGSM~-9.12RE) 和P4 (XGSM ~-9.40RE) 同时观测到了一对方向相反的高速等离子体流.这对方向相反的高速等离子体流是由磁尾的重联现象所引起.重联的位置被估计位于XGSM ~-9.12RE 和XGSM~-9.40RE之间较小的空间范围内.并且,在重联位置的两侧,重联的Hall效应被P3和P4两颗卫星观测到.因此,这一磁尾重联事件发生在距离地球非常近的空间范围内.  相似文献   

近地磁尾重联中哨声波和Hall磁场的Cluster观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在2001~2003年Cluster飞船通过近地磁尾期间,共探测到14次重联事件,在这些事件中同时还观测到等离子体波活动.本文把14次事件分为三大类,其中:第I类包含了8次事件,它们是在等离子体片内先于重联事件观测到波活动,并且还同时观测到Hall磁场.经过分析判断,这类事件中观测到的波是右旋偏振的哨声波.第II类包含了2次事件,这类事件也观测到了Hall磁场和右旋偏振的哨声波.第Ⅲ类也包含了2次事件,这类事件只是普通的重联事件,没有观测到Hall磁场,但是波活动明显先于重联事件.在我们观测的14次事件中,比较强烈的哨声波和Hall 磁场是一一对应的,因此哨声波可能主要是在Hall磁场的四极结构区激发的.  相似文献   

2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2001年1月26日11:10~11:40UT, ClusterⅡ卫星簇位于午后高纬磁鞘边界层和磁鞘区,此 时行星际磁场Bz为南向. 本文对在此期间观测到的多次磁通量管事件作了详细的研究 ,获得一系列的新发现:(1)高纬磁鞘边界层磁通量管的出现具有准周期性,周期约为78s ,比目前已知的磁层顶向阳面FTE的平均周期(8~11min)小得多. (2)这些通量管都具有 强的核心磁场;其主轴多数在磁场最小变化方向,少数在中间变化方向,有些无法用PAA判 定其方向(需要用电流管PAA确定),这与卫星穿越通量管的相对路径有关. (3)每个事件 都存在很好的HT参考系,在HT参考系中这些通量管是准定常态结构;所有通量管都沿磁层顶 表面运动,速度方向大体相同,都来自晨侧下方. 通量管的径向尺度为1~2RE, 与通 常的FTE通量管相当. (4)起源于磁层的强能离子大体上沿着管轴方向由磁层向磁鞘运动; 起源于太阳风的热等离子体沿管轴向磁层传输. 通量管为太阳风等离子体向磁层输运和磁层 粒子向行星际空间逃逸提供了通道. (5)每个通量管事件都伴随有晨昏电场的反转,该电 场为对流电场.  相似文献   

根据涡旋诱发重联理论,对通量传输事件(FTEs)磁场分布特性作了计算.结果表明,卫星测到的FTEs的不同磁场分布形态,是取决于通量管的运动方向及卫星穿越通量管的部位.在北半球,当通量管由低纬向高纬(由南向北)直向运动时,不论卫星通过什么部位,绝大多数情况下观测到先正后负的Bx,变化(即正FTE),个别部位观测到先负后正的Bx变化(即反FTE);Bz是单峰分布形式,表现为V型、倒V型或是U型和倒U型.当通量管在x方向有正或负速度分量即斜向运动时,大部分部位测到的Bx呈不规则变化,Bz表现为双极分布.与61个FTEs的观测实例作了对比,理论计算与观测符合得较好.  相似文献   

本文根据OMNI、TC-2卫星、LANL系列卫星、Cluster星簇卫星(C1—C4)以及加拿大的8个中高纬地磁台站的观测数据,研究了2005年8月24日强磁暴(SYM-Hmin~ -179 nT)主相期间的强亚暴(ALmin~ -4046 nT)事件特征.该强磁暴在大振幅(IMF Bz min~ -55.57 nT)、短持续时间(~90 min)的行星际磁场条件下产生,有明显的磁暴急始(SSC),强度较大且持续时间较短.发生在磁暴主相期间的亚暴发展的主要特征如下:亚暴增长相期间,C1—C4卫星先后穿越中心等离子体片;亚暴膨胀相触发后,在近地磁尾(X~-6RE)可观测到磁场偶极化现象;等离子体无色散注入区在亚暴onset开始后迅速沿经向扩展,但被限制在有限的经度范围;磁纬60°附近,Pi2地磁脉动振幅超过了100 nT.膨胀相开始后,在中、高磁纬地磁台站可观测到负湾扰,近地磁尾可观测到Pi2空间脉动,中磁尾区域可观测到尾向流、磁重联以及O+/H+数密度比值在亚暴onset之后增大等现象.分析表明该强磁暴主相期间的强亚暴现象发生时序是自内向外:X~-6RE处TC-2观测到磁场偶极化(~09:42:30 UT),同步轨道卫星LANL1994-084观测到等离子体无色散注入(~09:44:30 UT),X~-17.8RE处C1观测到磁场重联(~09:45:30 UT),由此推断该亚暴事件很可能是近地磁尾不稳定性触发产生,其发生区域距离地球很近.  相似文献   

在不久以前關於大地電流場的研究曾受到了一番鼓舞。C.和M.斯郎波澤曾指出大地電流是一個新的地球物理勘探法的基礎,因此人們已經注意研究這些電流的本質和它們與地磁及天電的關係。闕於這一方面的基本文獻是M.斯郎波澤和G.孔湼茲的論文,在此論文里也包含着關於大地電流的振盪的研究。這篇論文是根據在  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland HF radar has been operational since February 1995. The radar frequently observes backscatter during the midnight sector from a latitude range 70–75° geographic, latitudes often associated with the polar cap. These intervals of backscatter occur during intervals of substorm activity, predominantly in periods of relatively quiet magnetospheric activity, with Kp during the interval under study being 2-and KP for the day being only 8-. During August 1995 the radar ran in a high time resolution mode, allowing measurements of line-of-sight convection velocities along a single beam with a temporal resolution of 14s, and measurement of a full spatial scan of line-of-sight convection velocities every four minutes. Data from such scans reveal the radar to be measuring return flow convection during the interval of substorm activity. For three intervals during the period under study, a reduction in the spatial extent of radar backscatter occurred. This is a consequence of D region HF absorption and its limited extent in the present study is probably a consequence of the high latitude of the substorm activity, with the electrojet centre lying between 67° and 71° geomagnetic latitude. The high time resolution beam of the radar additionally demonstrates that the convection is highly time dependent. Pulses of equatorward flow exceeding 600 m s–1 are observed with a duration of 5 min and a repetition period of 8 min. Their spatial extent in the CUTLASS field of view was 400–500 km in longitude, and 300–400 km in latitude. Each pulse of enhanced equatorward flow was preceded by an interval of suppressed flow and enhanced ionospheric Hall conductance. The transient features are interpreted as being due to ionospheric current vortices associated with field aligned current pairs. The relationship between these observations and substorm phenomena in the magnetotail is discussed.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS (Co-operative UK Twin Located Auroral Sounding System) Finland HF radar, whilst operating in a high spatial and temporal resolution mode, has measured the ionospheric signature of a naturally occurring ULF wave in scatter artificially generated by the Tromsø Heater. The wave had a period of 100 s and exhibited curved phase fronts across the heated volume (about 180 km along a single radar beam). Spatial information provided by CUTLASS has enabled an m-number for the wave of about 38 to be determined. This high-m wave was not detected by the IMAGE (International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects) network of ground magnetometers, as expected for a wave of a small spatial scale size. These observations offer the first independent confirmation of the existence of the ground uncorrelated ULF wave signatures previously reported in measurements recorded from an HF Doppler sounder located in the vicinity of Tromsø. These results both demonstrate a new capability for geophysical exploration from the combined CUTLASS-EISCAT ionospheric Heater experiment, and provide a verification of the HF Doppler technique for the investigation of small scale ULF waves.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland radar has been run in a two-beam special scan mode, which offered excellent temporal and spatial information on the flows in the high-latitude ionosphere. A detailed study of one day of this data revealed a convection reversal boundary (CRB) in the CUTLASS field of view (f.o.v) on the dayside, the direction of plasma flow either side of the boundary being typical of a dawn-cell convection pattern. Poleward of the CRB a number of pulsed transients are observed, seemingly moving away from the radar. These transients are identified here as the ionospheric signature of flux transfer events (FTEs). Equatorward of the CRB continuous backscatter was observed, believed to be due to the return flow on closed field lines. The two-beam scan offered a new and innovative opportunity to determine the size and velocity of the ionospheric signatures associated with flux transfer events and the related plasma flow pattern. The transient signature was found to have an azimuthal extent of 1900 ± 900 km and an poleward extent of 250 km. The motion of the transient features was in a predominantly westward azimuthal direction, at a velocity of 7.5 ± 3 km.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented from ionospheric tomography, the EISCAT Svalbard radar and the CUTLASS HF radar. Tomographic measurements on 10 October 1996, showing a narrow, field-aligned enhancement in electron density in the post-noon sector of the dayside auroral zone, are related to a temporal increase in the plasma concentration observed by the incoherent scatter radar in the region where the HF radar indicated a low velocity sunwards convection. The results demonstrate the complementary nature of these three instruments for polar-cap ionospheric studies.  相似文献   

A study has been performed on the occurrence of pulsed ionospheric flows as detected by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar. These flows have been suggested as being created at the ionospheric footprint of newly-reconnected field lines, during episodes of magnetic flux transfer into the terrestrial magnetosphere (flux transfer events or FTEs). Two years of both high-time resolution and normal scan data from the CUTLASS Finland radar have been analysed in order to perform a statistical study of the extent and location of the pulsed ionospheric flows. We note a great similarity between the statistical pattern of the coherent radar observations of pulsed ionospheric flows and the traditional low-altitude satellite identification of the particle signature associated with the cusp/cleft region. However, the coherent scatter radar observations suggest that the merging gap is far wider than that proposed by the Newell and Meng model. The new model for cusp low-altitude particle signatures, proposed by Lockwood and Onsager and Lockwood provides a unified framework to explain the dayside precipitation regimes observed both by the low-altitude satellites and by coherent scatter radar detection.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an experimental campaign in April 1996, in which the new CUTLASS (Co-operative UK twin-located Auroral Sounding System) coherent scatter radar was employed to observe artificial field aligned irregularities (FAI) generated by the EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter) heating facility at Tromso, Norway. The distribution of back-scatter intensity from within the heated region has been investigated both in azimuth and range with the Finland component of CUTLASS, and the first observations of artificial irregularities by the Iceland radar are also presented. The heated region has been measured to extend over a horizontal distance of 170 ± 50 km, which by comparison with a model of the heater beam pattern corresponds to a threshold electric field for FAI of between 0.1 and O.OlV/m. Differences between field-aligned and vertical propagation heating are also presented.  相似文献   

On August 21st 1998, a sharp southward turning of the IMF, following on from a 20 h period of northward directed magnetic field, resulted in an isolated substorm over northern Scandinavia and Svalbard. A combination of high time resolution and large spatial scale measurements from an array of coherent scatter and incoherent scatter ionospheric radars, ground magnetometers and the Polar UVI imager has allowed the electrodynamics of the impulsive substorm electrojet region during its first few minutes of evolution at the expansion phase onset to be studied in great detail. At the expansion phase onset the substorm onset region is characterised by a strong enhancement of the electron temperature and UV aurora. This poleward expanding auroral structure moves initially at 0.9 km s-1 poleward, finally reaching a latitude of 72.5°. The optical signature expands rapidly westwards at ~6 km s-1, whilst the eastward edge also expands eastward at ~0.6 km s-1. Typical flows of 600 m s-1 and conductances of 2 S were measured before the auroral activation, which rapidly changed to ~100 m s-1 and 10–20 S respectively at activation. The initial flow response to the substorm expansion phase onset is a flow suppression, observed up to some 300 km poleward of the initial region of auroral luminosity, imposed over a time scale of less than 10 s. The high conductivity region of the electrojet acts as an obstacle to the flow, resulting in a region of low-electric field, but also low conductivity poleward of the high-conductivity region. Rapid flows are observed at the edge of the high-conductivity region, and subsequently the high flow region develops, flowing around the expanding auroral feature in a direction determined by the flow pattern prevailing before the substorm intensification. The enhanced electron temperatures associated with the substorm-disturbed region extended some 2° further poleward than the UV auroral signature associated with it.  相似文献   

High-time resolution CUTLASS observations and ground-based magnetometers have been employed to study the occurrence of vortical flow structures propagating through the high-latitude ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Fast-moving flow vortices (800 m s–1) associated with Hall currents flowing around upward directed field-aligned currents are frequently observed propagating at high speed (1 km s–1) azimuthally away from the region of the ionosphere associated with the location of the substorm expansion phase onset. Furthermore, a statistical analysis drawn from over 1000 h of high-time resolution, nightside radar data has enabled the characterisation of the bulk properties of these vortical flow systems. Their occurrence with respect to substorm phase has been investigated and a possible generation mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

根据中国地震局地球物理研究所中国数字地震台网数据管理中心(CDSN DMC)从美国地震学联合研究会数据管理中心(IRIS DMC)得到的最新资料,2004年2月份全球范围内共发生M≥5.0地震97次(见表1),其中M5~5.5地震72次,M5.6~6.0地震16次,  相似文献   

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