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Evapotranspiration (ET) is the largest term after precipitation in terrestrial water budgets. Accurate estimates of ET are needed for numerous agricultural and natural resource management tasks and to project changes in hydrological cycles due to potential climate change. We explore recent methods that combine vegetation indices (VI) from satellites with ground measurements of actual ET (ETa) and meteorological data to project ETa over a wide range of biome types and scales of measurement, from local to global estimates. The majority of these use time-series imagery from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer on the Terra satellite to project ET over seasons and years. The review explores the theoretical basis for the methods, the types of ancillary data needed, and their accuracy and limitations. Coefficients of determination between modeled ETa and measured ETa are in the range of 0.45–0.95, and root mean square errors are in the range of 10–30% of mean ETa values across biomes, similar to methods that use thermal infrared bands to estimate ETa and within the range of accuracy of the ground measurements by which they are calibrated or validated. The advent of frequent-return satellites such as Terra and planed replacement platforms, and the increasing number of moisture and carbon flux tower sites over the globe, have made these methods feasible. Examples of operational algorithms for ET in agricultural and natural ecosystems are presented. The goal of the review is to enable potential end-users from different disciplines to adapt these methods to new applications that require spatially-distributed ET estimates.  相似文献   

Three eddy covariance stations were installed at the Barrax experimental farm during the Land-Atmosphere Exchanges (REFLEX) airborne training and measurement campaign to provide ground truth data of energy balance fluxes and vertical temperature and wind profiles. The energy balance closure ratio (EBR) was 105% for a homogeneous camelina site, 86% at a sparse reforestation site, and 73% for a vineyard. We hypothesize that the lower closure in the last site was related to the limited fetch. Incorporating a vertical gradient of soil thermal properties decreased the RMSE of the energy balance at the camelina site by 16 W m?2. At the camelina site, eddy covariance estimates of sensible and latent heat fluxes could be reproduced well using mean vertical profiles of wind and temperature, provided that the Monin—Obukhov length is known. Measured surface temperature and sensible heat fluxes suggested high excess resistance for heat (kB?1 = 17).  相似文献   

遥感用于地震预报的理论及实验结果   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
邓明德  崔承禹 《中国地震》1993,9(2):163-169
本文论述了遥感用于地震预报的理论并进行了实验,实验得出岩石辐射特性、辐射温度随岩石应力的变化而变化,辐射亮度变化的量级为10~(-5)(W/cm~2·sr·μm),辐射温度变化为0.2—0.8℃,并且还发现了一些有意义的遥感前兆信息。遥感这一先进的科学技术能够用于地震预报得到了实验的初步证实。  相似文献   

In this paper,the theory for applying remote sensing to earthquake prediction has been elucidated and an experiment has been made.Through the experiment,it has been found that the characteristics and temperature of infrared radiant of rocks vary as a function of rock stress,the order of magnitude of radiance variation is 10-5(W/cm2 sr um),the amount of variation of the radiant temperature is 0.2℃~0.8℃ and some significant precursor information has been discovered.The experiment has verified preliminarily that the advanced technology of remote sensing can be applied to earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

地震监测预报中的卫星遥感(热红外)图象处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了用于地震监测预报中的卫星遥感(热红外)图象处理的原理、方法,分析了图象处理的特征,通过实例对图象处理进行了说明,指出了存在的问题  相似文献   

基于多源数据的活动断裂遥感图像处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦爱霞  王晓青  王栋梁  丁香  王龙 《地震》2010,30(3):123-128
本文在综合分析活动断裂遥感影像特征的基础上, 主要研究了活动断裂与隐伏断裂调查中遥感图像处理。基于SAR影像、 ETM+影像、 SPOT-5影像及高精度DEM数据, 运用SAR图像与ETM+多光谱图像融合方法、 ETM+图像纹理特征和光谱特征组合增强方法等, 结合断裂周围高分辨率影像及其三维影像, 综合分析解译了济南市周边活动断裂, 为该地区地震地质调查和精确定位活动隐伏构造提供了依据。  相似文献   

利用遥感技术提取震害信息方法的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
总结了近年来国内外基于遥感影像提取地震灾害信息的变化检测方法,将其归纳为基于纹理特征提取和光谱特征提取的方法.介绍了最新的遥感技术应用在地震灾害评估中的方法,提出了其技术发展趋势.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the formation mechanisms of infrared radiation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT), the energetic effects of the radiative absorption/emission processes, and the retrieval of atmospheric parameters from infrared radiation measurements. In the MLT and above, the vibrational levels of the molecules involved in radiative transitions are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) with the surrounding medium, and this then requires specific theoretical treatment. The non-LTE models for CO2, O3, and H2O molecules are presented, and the radiative cooling/heating rates estimated for five typical atmospheric scenarios, from polar winter to polar summer, are shown. An optimization strategy for calculating the cooling/heating rates in general circulation models is proposed, and its accuracy is estimated for CO2. The sensitivity of the atmospheric quantities retrieved from infrared observations made from satellites to the non-LTE model parameters is shown.  相似文献   

中国遥感的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
概要地回顾了我国自上世纪50年代以来的遥感研究,主要讨论近二十年来的遥感发展进程,并对新世纪我国遥感发展作出展望。  相似文献   

地球等离子体层位于地球电离层以上,延伸至4~6地球半径范围的环状等离子体区域,它在空间分布上与地球辐射带、环电流区域重合,是地球内磁层研究的重要内容。本文综述了地球等离子体层遥测技术的原理、发展,并总结和分析了EUV-CT的现有成果。   相似文献   

地震灾后区域无人机GPS遥感定位技术研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统基于云计算的地理位置定位方法进行目标定位时需要分析大量的地理数据信息,造成目标定位过程复杂且容易出现定位差错。提出新的地震灾后区域无人机GPS遥感定位方法,其功能包括遥感传感子系统、遥感空中控制子系统、无人机平台、无人机地面控制子系统、三维模型影像重建以及目标定位分析。重建地震灾区的三维影像模型时,先提取地震灾区的DEM数据,将无人机GPS遥感测量得到的影像纹理映射到DEM上,构建地震灾区的三维地物模型;目标定位分析采用测距目标定位法,利用无人机在不同位置对目标进行定位分析,实现对地震灾后区域的定位分析,得到目标的坐标结果。实验结果说明,所提方法能提高目标定位的精度,缩短目标定位用时。  相似文献   

本文对玉树地震前后的热异常多参量变化进行分析研究,主要包括长波辐射(Outgoing Longwave Radiation),地表温度(Land Surface Temperature),NCEP地面气温(National Center for Environmental Prediction)和地下水温。研究结果证实玉树地震前确实存在热异常现象。在多参量中,地下水温最早出现异常并且异常持续时间最长;其次出现热异常的是反映地表介质辐射属性的长波辐射;地表温度出现热异常的时间要晚于长波辐射;NCEP地面温度反映了一定垂直厚度的平均大气温度,因此最晚出现热异常现象。同时,玉树地震前的多参量热异常区域都位于震中南部或西南部。  相似文献   

韩召华 《地震工程学报》2020,42(2):552-557,578
利用GIS技术对地震危险等级进行评定时,由于其地形控制点选取合理性较差,导致其所采集遥感图像清晰度较低,地震等级评定不够精准。针对此问题提出一种新的地震灾情遥感信息危险等级在线应急评定方法。利用图像几何校正法,对遥感图像进行分幅裁剪,基于裁剪结果选取地面控制点,提取有价值遥感数据信息,建立遥感解译评估指标。将推导出的综合震灾指数引入到指标中,将各个评价单元的信息进行等级排序和划分,完成地震灾情遥感信息危险等级在线应急评定。仿真实验中,对所提方法和GIS地震危险等级评定方法进行有效性对比测试。实验结果表明,地震灾情遥感信息危险等级在线应急评定方法提升了灾情地形控制点选取的合理性,使获取的遥感图像更清晰,灾情等级评定结果更精准。  相似文献   

Traditional methods for studying surface water and groundwater interactions have usually been limited to point measurements, such as geochemical sampling and seepage measurement. A new methodology is presented for quantifying groundwater discharge to a river, by using river surface temperature data obtained from airborne thermal infrared remote sensing technology. The Hot Spot Analysis toolkit in ArcGIS was used to calculate the percentage of groundwater discharge to a river relative to the total flow of the river. This methodology was evaluated in the midstream of the Heihe River in the arid and semiarid northwest China. The results show that the percentage of groundwater discharge relative to the total streamflow was as high as 28%, which is in good agreement with the results from previous geochemical studies. The data analysis methodology used in this study is based on the assumption that the river water is fully mixed except in the areas of extremely low flow velocity, which could lead to underestimation of the amount of groundwater discharge. Despite this limitation, this remote sensing‐based approach provides an efficient means of quantifying the surface water and groundwater interactions on a regional scale.  相似文献   

本文基于不同计算窗口大小的改进局部方差方法, 判定地震后遥感影像上的目标物, 如损毁建筑物、 完好建筑物的最佳空间尺度。 对航片、 QuickBird影像进行了系列实验分析, 得到了在QuickBird影像中城区完好建筑物最佳空间分辨率在2~3 m, 损毁建筑物最佳空间分辨率2~4 m, 航片中城区完好建筑物最佳空间分辨率为3~4 m。 最佳空间分辨率与目标地物的尺度紧密相关, 不同尺度大小的地物具有不同的最优空间尺度。 最佳空间尺度的选择在处理海量高空间分辨率影像时通过重采样选取最佳空间分辨率, 可以有效减少图像运算时间, 在地震灾害快速评估中具有一定的应用意义。  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)给定位、导航和授时服务带来了革命性变化,同时其L波段(1160~1610MHz)微波信号可用于全球覆盖、高时间分辨率的大气、海洋和陆表参数遥感探测。基于信号类型,GNSS遥感可分为折射信号遥感和反射信号遥感两大类;基于探测平台,GNSS遥感可分为地基GNSS遥感、空基GNSS遥感和天基GNSS遥感三大类。随着我国自主建设的北斗卫星导航系统全面建成,GNSS遥感将迎来新的发展机遇和挑战。本文回顾近20年地基GNSS遥感探测在气象领域的应用进展,展望其在气象领域下一步可能的应用。  相似文献   

2010年4月14日青海省玉树发生MS7.1级地震,造成严重的人员伤亡和重大的经济损失。除组织现场快速震害评估和地表破裂带调查外,利用高分辨率卫星影像解译是迅速给出初步震害评估和同震地表破裂的位置和展布的最佳途径。本文通过对震前、震后高分辨率SPOT卫星影像的对比,解译出了12km长的同震地表破裂带,其在影像上主要表现为线性阴影和色彩变化。地表破裂带位置和先存的断层、老破裂带位置一致,说明青海玉树地震属于原地复发型地震。同时,解译结果也得到了来自野外实地调查结果的验证,证明了遥感解译的可信性和及时性。但解译破裂长度远小于实际破裂长度,也说明了基于2.5m分辨率的SPOT卫星影像的遥感解译存在较大的局限性。  相似文献   

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