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The bulk composition of the continental crust throughout geological history is thought by most previous workers to be andesitic. This assumption of an andesitic bulk composition led to an early hypothesis by 72 ) that the continental crust was created by arc magmatism. This hypothesis for the origin of continental crust was challenged by several authors because: (i) the mean rate of arc crust addition obtained by 50 ) is too small to account for some certain phases of rapid crustal growth; and (ii) the bulk composition of ocean island arcs, the main contributor to the Archean and early Proterozoic crust, is basaltic rather than andesitic ( 4 ; 49 ). New data from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc are presented here which support the 72 ) hypothesis for the origin of the continental crust by andesitic arc magma. A geological interpretation of P wave crustal structure obtained from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc by 66 ) indicates that the arc crust has four distinctive lithologic layers: from top to bottom: (i) a 0.5–2-km-thick layer of basic to intermediate volcaniclastic, lava and hemipelagite (layer A); (ii) a 2–5-km-thick basic to intermediate volcaniclastics, lavas and intrusive layer (layer B); (iii) a 2–7-km-thick layer of felsic (tonalitic) rocks (layer C); and (iv) a 4–7-km-thick layer of mafic igneous rocks (layer D). The chemical composition of the upper and middle part of the northern Izu–Bonin arc is estimated to be similar to the average continental crust by 73 ). The rate of igneous addition of the Northern Izu–Bonin arc since its initial 45-Ma magmatism was calculated as 80 km3/km per million years. This rate of addition is considered to be a reasonable estimate for all arcs in the western Pacific. Using this rate, the global rate of crustal growth is estimated to be 2.96 km3/year which exceeds the average rate of crustal growth since the formation of the Earth (1.76 km3/year). Based on this estimate of continental growth and the previously documented sediment subduction and tectonic erosion rate (1.8 km3/year, 24 ), several examples of growth curves of the continental crust are presented here. These growth curves suggest that at least 50% of the present volume of the continental crust can be explained by arc magmatism. This conclusion indicates that arc magmatism is the most important contributor to the formation of continental crust, especially at the upper crustal level.  相似文献   

Beyond KTB - electrical conductivity of the deep continental crust   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Great strides have been made in understanding the upper part of the crust by in-situ logging in, and laboratory experiments on core recovered from super-deep bore-holes such as the KTB. These boreholes do not extend into the lower crust, and can contribute little to the elucidation of mechanisms that produce the high electrical conductivities that are commonly observed therein by magneto-telluric (MT) methods. Laboratory studies at simulated lower crustal conditions of temperature, pressure and saturation, on electrolyte saturated rocks thought to have been derived from the lower crust, have not been possible up until now due to their experimental difficulty. It is necessary to subject electrolyte-saturated rock samples to independently controlled confining and pore-fluid pressure, which implies that the rock be sleeved in some impermeable but deformable material, that can withstand the very high temperatures required. Metals are the only materials capable of being used, but these cause great difficulties for cell sealing and conductivity measurement. In this paper we describe recent breakthroughs in experimental work, specifically the development of two new types of sophisticated metal/ceramic seal, and a conductivity measurement technique that enables the measurement of saturated rock conductivity in the presence of a highly conducting metallic sleeve. The advances in experimental technique have enabled us to obtain data on the electrical conductivity of brine saturated basic, acidic and graphite-bearing rocks at lower crustal temperatures and raised pressures. These data have facilitated the comparison of MT derived crustal electrical conductivity profiles with profiles obtained from laboratory experiments for the first time. Initial modelling shows a good agreement between laboratory derived and MT derived profiles only if the mid-crust is composed of amphibolite pervaded by aqueous fluids, and the lower crust is composed of granulite that is saturated with aqueous fluids and/or contains interconnected grain surface films of graphite. The experimental data are consistent with a three layer crust consisting of an aqueous fluid saturated acidic uppermost layer, above an aqueous fluid saturated amphibolite mid-crust, and a granulite lowermost crust, which may or may not be saturated with aqueous fluids, but if not, requires the presence of an additional conduction mechanism such as conduction through thin graphite films.  相似文献   

Geochemical behavior of chemical elements is studied in a dolomitite weathering profile in upland of karst terrain in northern Guizhou. Two stages can be recognized during the process ofin situ weathering of dolomitite: the stage of sedentary accumulation of leaching residue of dolomitite and the stage of chemical weathering evolution of sedentary soil. Ni, Cr, Mo, W and Ti are the least mobile elements with reference to Al. The geochemical behavior of REE is similar to that observed in weathering of other types of rocks. Fractionation of REE is noticed during weathering, and the two layers of REE enrichments are thought to result from downward movement of the weathering front in response to changes in the environment. It is considered that the chemistry of the upper part of the profile, which was more intensively weathered, is representative of the mobile components of the upper curst at the time the dolomitite was formed, while the less weathered lower profile is chemically representative of the immobile constitution. Like glacial till and loess, the “insoluble” materials in carbonate rocks originating from chemical sedimentation may also provide valuable information about the average chemical composition of the upper continental crust.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of upper crust in eastern China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In an area of 3.3×106 km2 within eastern China, 28 253 rock samples were collected systematically and combined into 2718 composite samples which were analyzed by 15 reliable methods using national preliminary certified reference materials (CRMs) for data quality monitoring. The average chemical compositions of the exposed crust, the sedimentary cover and the exposed basement as well as the upper crust for 76 chemical elements in eastern China are given. A key basic geology projcct supported by Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   

Based on the former workers study results such as numerical simulation of fluid mechanics,seismic tomography of the whole earth and igneous rocks,the basic characteristics of mantle plumes are summarized in detail,namely the mantle plume,from the D″layer near the core-mantle bouundary(CMB)of 2900 km deep,is characterized by the spape of large head and thin narrow conduit,by the physical property of high temperature and low viscosity.The LIP(large igneous province)is the best exhibition when the mantle plume ascends to the surface.According to the basic characteristics of the mantle plumes and the LIP,as well as the temporal-spatial relationships between the mantle plume and continental breakup,the detailed research on petrology,geochemistry,temporal-spatial distribution,tectonic background of the Cenozoic-Mesozoic igneous rocks and gravity anomaly distribution in East China has been done.As a result,the Mesozoic igneous rocks in Southeast China should not be regarded as an example of typical LIP related to mantle plumes.for their related characteristics are not consitent with those of the typical LIPs related to mantle plumes.The Cenozoic igneous rocks in Northeast China have no the typical characteristics of mantle plumes and hotspots,so the Cenozoic volcanism in Northeast China might have no the direct relationships with the activity of mantle plumes.  相似文献   

To investigate the thinning of the whole crust, and the contribution of the upper versus lower crust to the stretching since Cenozoic, we calculated the stretching factor of the northern margin of South China Sea with data such as whole crustal thickness, depth of Cenozoic sedimentary basement and the horizontal displacement of faults. An isometric line drawing on whole crustal stretching factor is then obtained. Along the seismic Line 1530 in Baiyun sag, we also calculated the stretching factors of the upper and lower crust. The results suggest that the whole crustal thickness decreases seaward while the whole crustal stretching factor increases from shelf to slope. The Moho upwells highest beneath where the crust is thinned most. The value of the whole crustal stretching factor ranges from 1.5 to 6. Two areas were thinned intensely: the center of Yinggehai Basin, and the Baiyun sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. The calculation of the upper and lower crustal stretching factors from DSP1530 in Baiyun sag shows that the original crust of Baiyun sag should be thinned before deformation. Its pre-Cenozoic evolution as well as tectonic position during Cenozoic might be responsible for that.  相似文献   

We invert S-wave velocities for the 3D upper-mantle temperatures, in which the position with a temperature crossing the 1300℃ adiabat is corresponding to the top of the seismic low velocity zone. The temperatures down to the depth of 80 km are then calculated by solving steady-state thermal conduction equation with the constraints of the inverted upper-mantle temperatures and the surface temperatures, and then surface heat flows are calculated from the crustal temperatures. The misfit between the calculated and observed surface heat flow is smaller than 20% for most regions. The result shows that, at a depth of 25 km, the crustal temperature of eastern China (500―600℃) is higher than that of western China (<500℃). At a depth of 100 km, temperatures beneath eastern and southeastern China are higher than the adiabatic temperature of 1300℃, while that beneath west China is lower. The Tarim craton and the Sichuan basin show generally low temperature. At a depth of 150 km, temperatures beneath south China, eastern Yangtze craton, North China craton and around the Qiangtang terrane are higher than the adiabatic temperature of 1300℃, but is the lowest beneath the Sichuan basin and the regions near the Indian-Eurasian collision zone. At a depth of 200 km, very low temperature occurs beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the south to the Tarim craton.  相似文献   

东海及邻域的两条剖面地球物理反演与综合解释   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
根据东海及邻域的布格重力异常资料,在东海海域选择了中国大陆东部—东海陆架—冲绳海槽—琉球岛弧—琉球海沟的两条剖面。利用广义逆方法对两条剖面进行重力和磁力反演,结合其它地震等地球物理及地质资料,对剖面的地壳结构进行了综合研究,给出了相应的地质解释.在此基础上,对东海陆架盆地、冲绳海槽盆地的成因与性质,以及应力作用情况进行了探讨,认为冲绳海槽地壳的纵向结构是一种“二元结构”;沟—弧—盆受的主应力方向为NW向;该区平面上地质地球物理现象的分块分带与纵向上的二元构成根本原因与菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块聚敛俯冲方向有关,还与两板块接触部位形状有关.  相似文献   

SomegeologicsignaturesoffaultcrepinthecontinentalareaofChinaHONGFAXIANG(向宏发)SHUNMINGUO(虢顺民)WANXIAZHANG(张晚霞)BINGLIANGZHAN...  相似文献   

In order to understand the evolution of the crust-mantle system, it is important to recognize the role played by the recycling of continental crust. Crustal recycling can be considered as two fundamentally distinct processes: 1) intracrustal recycling and 2) crust-mantle recycling. Intracrustal recycling is the turnover of crustal material by processes taking place wholly within the crust and includes most sedimentary recycling, isotopic resetting (metamorphism), intracrustal melting and assimilation. Crust-mantle recycling is the transfer of crustal material to the mantle with possible subsequent return to the crust. Intracrustal recycling is important in interpreting secular changes in sediment composition through time. It also explains differences found in crustal area-age patterns measured by different isotopic systems and may also play a role in modeling crustal growth curves based on Nd-model ages. Crustal-mantle recycling, for the most part, is a subduction process and may be considered on three levels. The first is recycling with only short periods of time in the mantle (<10 m.y.). This may be important in explaining the origin of island-arc and related igneous rocks; there is growing agreement that 1–3% recycled sediment is involved in their origin. Components of recycled crustal material, with long-term storage (up to 2.5 b.y.) in the mantle as distinct entities, has been suggested for the origin of ocean island and ultrapotassic volcanics but there is considerably less agreement on this interpretation. A third proposal calls for the return of crustal material to the mantle with efficient remixing in order to swamp the geochemical and isotopic signature of the recycled component by the mantle. This type of recycling is required for steady-state models of crustal evolution where the mass of the continents remains constant over geological time. It is unlikely if crust-mantle recycling has exceeded 0.75 km3/yr over the past 1–2 Ga.Good evidence exists that selective recycling is an important process. Sedimentary rocks preserved in different tectonic settings are apparently recycled at different rates, resulting in a bias in the sediment types preserved in the geologic record. Selective recycling has important implications for the interpretation of Nd model ages of old sedimentary rocks and in the analysis of accreted terranes. Although there is evidence that continental crust was formed prior to 3.8 Ga, the oldest preserved rocks do not exceed this age. It is likely that the intense meteorite bombardment, which affected the earth during the period 4.56–3.8 Ga, coupled with rapid mantle convection, which resulted from greater heat production, caused the destruction and probable recycling into the mantle of any early formed crust.Although crust-mantle recycling is seen as a viable process, it is concluded that crustal growth has exceeded crust-mantle recycling since at least 3.8 Ga. Intracrustal recycling has not been given adequate consideration in models of crustal growth based on isotopic data (particularly Nd model ages). It is concluded that crustal growth curves based on Nd model ages, while vastly superior to those based on K/Ar or Rb/Sr, tend to underestimate the volume of old crust, due to crust-mantle and/or intracrustal recycling.  相似文献   

Yong I. Lee 《Island Arc》2008,17(4):458-470
The currently available paleogeographic maps of the East Asia continental margin during the Mesozoic have been recast in the light of recent research results on sediments distributed in Korea and Japan. Both the Korean peninsula and the Inner zone of Southwest Japan exchanged sediment supply during the Middle to Late Mesozoic, suggestive of a close paleogeographic relationship between the two countries at the active continental margin setting. During the latest Middle to earliest Late Jurassic the Mino–Tamba trench was developed along the southeastern Korean peninsula, from which trench‐fill sediments were sourced and to which an accretionary complex was accreted. Lower Cretaceous quartz‐arenite clasts of the Tetori Group in the Hida Marginal Belt of Southwest Japan were derived from pre‐Mesozoic quartz‐arenite strata distributed in the southern central and east central Korean peninsula, suggesting that the Tetori Basin was located close to the central eastern part of the Korean peninsula at the time of deposition of quartz‐arenite clasts, contrary to conventional thought of far distance between the two areas based on paleomagnetic data. During the early Late Cretaceous radiolaria‐bearing chert pebbles and sands in the northern part of the non‐marine Gyeongsang Basin distributed in the southeastern Korean peninsula were derived from the uplifted Mino–Tamba accretionary complex distributed in southwest Japan, suggesting that the Mino–Tamba terrane was land‐connected with the eastern Korean peninsula. These new findings suggest that in contrast to conventional thought, the collage of tectonic blocks in Southwest Japan has assembled in post‐early Late Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

Geochemical behavior of chemical elements is studied in a dolomitite weathering profile in upland of karst terrain in northern Guizhou.Two stages can be recognized during the process of in situ weathering of dolomitite:the stage of sedentary accumulation of leaching residue of dolomitite and the stage of chemical weathering evolution of sedentary soil.Ni,Cr,Mo,W and Ti are the least mobile elements with reference to Al.The geochemical behavior of REE is similar to that observed in weathering of other types of rocks.Fractionation of REE is noticed during weathering,and the two layers of REE enrichments are thought to result from downward movement of the weathering front in response to changes in the environment.It is considered that the chemistry of the upper part of the profile,which was more intensively weathered,is representative of the mobile components of the upper curst at the time the dolomitite was formed,while the less weathered lower profile is chemically representative of the immobile constitution.Like glacial till and loess,the "insoluble" materials in carbonate rocks originating from chemical sedimentation may also provide valuable information about the average chemical composition of the upper continental crust.  相似文献   

东北地区重磁场与地壳结构特征   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了东北地区的重、磁场特征,同时对研究区的布格重力异常和航磁异常据进行了小波分析计算.根据分析与计算可知,东北地区重力场以北东走向为主,表现出该地区重力场的主要趋势.根据磁场的分布特征,可将研究区分为六个区域:呼和浩特以北磁场相对平静区;赤峰一带正负磁场交互变化区;海拉尔以南磁场缓变区;齐齐哈尔—依春磁场剧烈变化区;长春—沈阳负磁场平缓区;牡丹江—丹东磁场区.利用重力资料,应用调和级数法对研究区的莫霍界面进行了反演计算,得到了该地区莫霍界面深度分布.根据磁力资料采用遗传算法反演计算了研究区居里界面的深度分布.同时对研究区的地壳结构特征进行了探讨.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe hypocentral location parameters (the longitude and latitude of epicenter and the focal depth) are important fundamental data for the study of seismology and the earth interior physics. To locate the seismic source precisely is the basis for the study of seismicity patterns, relation between earthquake and active structures, engineering seismology, etc (WANG, et al, 1995). Among these parameters, the precise measurement of focal depth is closely related to the correct understa…  相似文献   

This study focuses on the southeast Capital area of North China (38.5–39.85° N, 115.5–118.5° E). Shear-wave splitting parameters at 20 seismic stations are obtained by a systematic analysis method applied to data recorded by the Capital Area Seismograph Network (CASN) between the years 2002 and 2005. Although some differences in the results are observed, the average fast-wave polarization is N88.2° W ± 40.7° and the average normalized slow wave time delay is 3.55 ± 2.93 ms/km. The average polarization is consistent with the regional maximum horizontal compressive stress and also with the maximum principal strain derived from global positioning system measurements in North China. In spite of the uneven distribution of faults around the array stations that likely introduce some amount of scatter in the shear-wave splitting measurements, site-dependent polarizations of fast shear wave are clearly observed: in the northern half of the study area, the polarizations at CASN stations show E–W direction, whereas in the southern half the polarizations exhibit a variety of possible azimuths, thus suggesting dissimilar stress field and tectonic frame in both areas. Comparing the splitting results with those previously obtained in the northwest part of the region, we find a difference in polarization of about 20° between the southeast and northwest parts of the Capital area; also, in the southeast Capital area the average time delay is smaller than in the northwest Capital area, thus making clear that the magnitude of crustal seismic anisotropy is not the same in the two zones. Being the shear-wave splitting polarizations in the southeast Capital area, which lies on the basin, clearly different from the observed polarizations in the northwest Capital area, where uplifts and basin converge, it is quite evident that the shear-wave splitting results are consequence of the tectonics and stress field affecting the two regions.  相似文献   

Structure of weathered clastic crust and its petroleum potential   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weathered clastic crust can be subdivided into weathered clay and leached zone in terms of variable weathering of different minerals and mobility of weathered products.On the basis of clastic outcrops and well cores in the Junggar Basin,the dark red Fe-rich weathered clay is formed in an arid environment,whereas the light blue Al-rich weathered clay under humid conditions.According to the geochemical analysis,a new weathering index for weathered clastic crust is built mainly on Fe and Al contents,accurately indicating the weathered clay,sandy leached zone,and muddy leached zone in the Junggar Basin.The breaking pressure of weathered clay is rather large,the same as that of normal muddy cap,effectively to seal oil or gas.The porosity of underlying leached zone is greatly enhanced by weathering and leaching,but its permeability is a function of clay mineral content,i.e.,the higher the clay content,the worse the permeability.Weathered crust provides effective sealing conditions for both top and bottom layers of a petroleum reservoir,and is important in the clastic hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   

呼包盆地周缘壳、幔结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对呼包盆地周边七个台站的远震接收函数研究表明:研究区地壳厚度为43~46 km,地壳速度比和S波速度结构均无异常;阴山造山带岩石圈埋深为65~85 km,且上地幔S波平均速度偏低,是典型的异常地幔区.根据S波速度结构和地壳厚度随地形高程反比的变化关系,以及地表广泛出露的幔源玄武岩分布,推测该区地幔深部热物质上涌是阴山造山带隆升的原因之一.上升的软流层物质与地幔发生交代、侵蚀作用导致岩石圈减薄,S波速度降低.呼包盆地的形成可能与深部物质上涌造成的拉张效应有关.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘深地震测深震相研究与地壳细结构   总被引:15,自引:17,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青藏高原东北缘不同构造单元深地震测深资料震相的综合分析,利用反射率理论地震图方法对实际记录模拟计算,进一步研究东北缘区域内部不同构造单元地壳细结构.结果显示:西秦岭褶皱造山带分隔了南北不同性质的地壳结构,北侧为相对稳定的临夏—兰州新生代盆地、南侧为强烈改造的松潘—甘孜地块;松潘—甘孜地块在青藏高原东北缘的构造演化过程中改造为萎缩的若尔盖高原盆地和盆地边缘褶皱造山两类不同的地壳结构;青藏高原东北缘中下地壳普遍存在以多层高低速相间、低速度结构为主的破碎松弛结构,这种特征在缝合带和造山带尤为明显,显示为地壳形变增厚、流变滑动的重要场所;结合二维速度结构及GPS研究结果,对青藏高原东北缘地壳形变及动力学过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山系的崛起、青藏高原的隆升以及与成山、成岩、成盆、成矿和成灾相关的深层过程是东亚乃至全球地球动力学研究中最为重要的科学事件.1958年始在柴达木盆地的地震反射探测与地壳、上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学研究开启了青藏高原地球内部研究的先河,半个世纪以来它影响并引导着我国这一科学领域的发展和前进.本文为纪念地壳与上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学在中国的诞生而作.柴达木盆地壳、幔精细结构地震反射探测结果表明:柴达木盆地的沉积层巨厚可达15~19 km,且存在着迴折波和不同类型与路径的多次波.地壳厚达50~52 km,且存在着高速梯度夹层和低速层.Moho界带为由高、低速相间的薄层束组构,且上地幔顶部纵波速度为8.1 km/s.从这一基点出发,对包括柴达木盆地在内的青藏高原地球深部与地球动力学研究中的几个科学问题进行了思考!为今后青藏高原地球物理深化研究的内涵和布局提出了初步的见解.  相似文献   

We discuss the chemical compositions of rhyolites from three distinct tectonic settings: (i) the continental rift from Ethiopia (both Oligocene–Miocene and Quaternary rhyolites); (ii) the early Miocene continental arc of Japan (the Mt Wasso rhyolites related to the rifting of the Japan Sea); and (iii) the oceanic Izu–Bonin Island Arc. The comparison reveals that the oceanic island arc rhyolites have high contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and extremely low abundance of trace elements including K2O. In contrast, the Ethiopian continental rift rhyolites are characterized by low contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and high contents of K2O, and are enriched in the whole range of trace elements. The continental arc Mt Wasso rhyolites are apparently low in Nb content, although they display similar chemical trends to those of the Ethiopian rhyolites. This obvious difference in the chemical signatures of the rhyolites from the three tectonic settings is the consequence of their derivation from different sources. The implication of this result is that fractional crystallization processes were dominant in the rift‐related rhyolites both from continental rift and continental arc regardless of the prevailing tectonic setting and the nature of the crust (age, thickness, composition), whereas the oceanic island arc rhyolites may form through partial melting of young, mafic crust.  相似文献   

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