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We compare algorithms designed to extract quasiperiodic components of a signal and estimate the amplitude, phase, stability, and other characteristics of a rhythm in a sliding window in the presence of data gaps. Each algorithm relies on its own rhythm model; therefore, it is necessary to use different algorithms depending on the research objectives. The described set of algorithms and methods is implemented in the WinABD software package, which includes a time-series database management system, a powerful research complex, and an interactive data-visualization environment.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of satellite wildfire monitoring and estimates for the amounts of emissions of harmful gases and fine aerosols in Siberia from 2001 to 2019...  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the transformation of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna of West Siberia in the Holocene, the classification and periodization of the main faunal trends are presented. Against the background of changing environmental conditions, the key regularities of the faunal dynamics, and the ways some species penetrate into the territory of the region and others disappear from the beginning of the Holocene to the present time have been indicated. Three global and four fluctuating trends are identified. The anthropogenic trend is ascertained separately. A conclusion is made about the prevailing causes of these changes, associated primarily with periodic climatic processes of different levels, determined by planetary geological and cosmic cycles. It is emphasized that, in the historical period, anthropogenic factors play a significant role in the regional faunal dynamics.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - As applied to the conditions of wildfires in Siberia, remote sensing is adapted to record the radiation power from the active fire zone in the range of...  相似文献   

The emission of methane from tundra lakes in western Siberia is estimated on the basis of experimental data. According to these estimates, over the warm season, the methane flux from the surfaces of lakes to the atmosphere amounts to 0.5 KtCH4 for Arctic tundra, 2.9 KtCH4 for typical tundra, and 8.5 KtCH4 for southern tundra. The short-term spring emission of methane as ice melts in tundra lakes of the region under consideration is determined with consideration for published estimates of the rate of generation of methane in northern-latitude lakes during the cold season. The contribution made by tundra lakes in western Siberia to the atmospheric methane budget is estimated at 20 KtCH4/year.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(1-2):1-21
In this paper we present and discuss the frequency-dependent behaviour of the acoustic characteristics of methane hydrate-bearing sediments in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Five different types of seismic sources (airgun-array, two types of single airguns, watergun and sparker) are used, encompassing a frequency bandwidth from 10 up to 1000 Hz. On low-frequency airgun-array data, the base of the hydrate stability zone (HSZ) is observed as a high-amplitude bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) with reversed polarity. The amplitude and continuity of the BSR decrease or even disappear on medium- to high-frequency data, a feature explained in terms of vertical and horizontal resolution. The increasing reflection amplitude of the BSR with increasing offset, the calculated reflection coefficient of the BSR and the occurrence of enhanced reflections below the BSR suggest the presence of free gas below the HSZ. The observation of some enhanced reflections extending above the BSR may be interpreted as an indication for free gas co-existing with hydrates within the HSZ. Amplitude blanking above the BSR is highly variable while the BSR itself appears to act as a low-pass frequency filter for medium- to high-frequency data.New single-channel airgun profiles provide the first seismic information across the Baikal Drilling Project (BDP-97) deep drilling site, at which hydrate-bearing sediments were retrieved at about 200 m above the base of the local HSZ. At the drilling site there are no seismic characteristics indicative of the presence of hydrates. Combination of the drilling and seismic information has allowed us to make a rough estimation of the volume of hydrates and carbon stored in the sediments of Lake Baikal, which lead us to conclude that the Lake Baikal gas hydrate reservoirs do not form a prospective energy resource.  相似文献   

研究了放养密度对西伯利亚杂交鲟幼鱼生长、摄食以及肌肉组分的影响。结果表明,经过80d的野外试验观察,发现在初始养殖密度分别为:3.9、6.3、8.7和11.0kg/m3的微流水环境中,高密度组(D组)和低密度组(A组)的死亡率、日摄食量、饵料系数(FCE)和摄食率差异显著(P0.05);西伯利亚杂交鲟幼鱼的最终体重、特定生长率(SGR)、日增重(DWG)都随着养殖密度的增大而降低,而单位水体日增重显著升高,最终体长和肥满度无显著差异(P0.05)。试验结束时,高密度组西伯利亚杂交鲟幼鱼肌肉中水分和灰分所占的比重越大,而在粗蛋白质含量和粗脂肪含量方面则表现出相反的趋势,但均无显著性差异。综合各种因素,建议西伯利亚杂交鲟幼鱼阶段的养殖密度为6~9kg/m3。  相似文献   

在对虾配合饵料中以1‰~2.5‰的比例添加“对虾克毒王”药物,在整个养成期投喂含“对虾克毒王”的药饵,从1994年10月至1995年10月,在福建漳浦、广东深圳、山东莱州、文登对虾养殖病害防治示范区和示范区外的大连庄河市、天津汉沽区、山东日照市等养虾点进行大面积药物防治对虾暴发性流行病试验,收效显著,能完全控制暴发性流行病的发生,可使养殖期延长1~2个月,并可促进对虾生长。  相似文献   

The results of 2-year (2010–2012) measurements of the concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), which were taken at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) Siberian background station (61° N, 89° E), are given. Despite the fact that this station is located far from populated areas and industrial zones, the concentrations of OC and EC in the atmosphere over boreal forests in central Siberia significantly exceed their background values. In winter and fall, high concentrations of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol particles are caused by the long-range transport (~1000 km) of air masses that accumulate pollutants from large cities located in both southern and southwestern regions of Siberia. In spring and summer, the pollution level is also high due to regional forest fires and agricultural burning in the steppe zone of western Siberia in the Russian–Kazakh border region. Background concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol particles were observed within relatively short time intervals whose total duration was no more than 20% of the entire observation period. In summer, variations in the background concentrations of OC closely correlated with air temperature, which implies that the biogenic sources of organic-particle formation are dominating.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Wildfires are the major cause of forest death in Siberia, as well as one of the main ecological factors forming biodiversity. Here, we present the...  相似文献   

盐度日节律性连续变化对孔石莼生长和生化组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用实验生态学的方法,探讨盐度日节律性连续变化对孔石莼(Ulva pertusa)生长和生化组成的影响,旨在查明潮间带大型海藻对盐度日节律性连续变化的适应性.实验共设5个盐度日节律变化处理(30±3,30±6,30±9,30±12和30±15)和1个恒盐(30±0)对照处理.实验结果表明孔石莼能够耐受较大范围的盐度日节律性连续变化,这种变化虽然对孔石莼的生长不利,但是仍然能够使孔石莼的相对生长率保持在12%以上;盐度变化幅度±3~±15与恒盐对照相比明显不利于孔石莼的生长,盐度变化幅度越大,孔石莼生长越缓慢.同恒盐处理相比,盐度日节律连续变化对孔石莼叶绿素含量的影响不明显,但叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量都有随着盐度变化幅度的增大而逐渐减少的趋势.盐度日节律性连续变化使孔石莼蛋白质和可溶性糖的相对含量显著增加(P<0.05),随着盐度变化幅度的增大,蛋白质和可溶性糖增加的趋势越明显,并且在盐度日节律性连续变化下,蛋白质增加的速度比可溶性糖增加的速度要快.同时,游离脯氨酸的相对含量随着盐度变化幅度的增加而增加,但是在缓和的盐度日节律性连续变化下(30±3)孔石莼游离脯氨酸的含量却显著小于恒盐对照组(P<0.05).盐度日节律性连续变化同恒定盐度相比,虽不利于孔石莼的生长,却促进了孔石莼生化产物的合成,是海藻干露时品质得以提高的原因之一.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the total water vapor in different climatic zones of the south of Western Siberia in summer of 2008–2011 is studied on the basis of Envisat data. The correlation analysis of the water-vapor time series from the Envisat data W and radiosonde observations w for the territory of Omsk aerological station show that the absolute values of W and w are linearly correlated with a coefficient of 0.77 (significance level p < 0.05). The distribution functions of the total water vapor are calculated based on the number of its measurements by Envisat for a cloudless sky of three zones with different physical properties of the underlying surface, in particular, steppes to the south of the Vasyugan Swamp and forests to the northeast of the Swamp. The distribution functions are bimodal; each mode follows the lognormal law. The parameters of these functions are given.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate (GH) accumulation in subsurface sediments was discovered at shallow depth within the Malenkiy vent structure in the southern basin of Lake Baikal. The hydrated gas consists mainly of methane. Interstitial water chemistry indicates that water discharged within the study area is enriched with salts, especially Ca, Cl, and SO4 ions. The ascending water delivering gas into the GH stability zone is thought to be the main GH-forming fluid. Geochemical data together with noble gas isotopic ratios suggest that the GH in the subsurface sediments of Lake Baikal originated from a deep source of water with anomalous composition assumed to be derived from buried paleolakes. As a whole, the GH accumulation corresponds to the area of the Malenkiy structure and is represented by several small-scale GH occurrences coincident with local fluid discharge manifestations. It is filtrational in origin, related to fluid flow features and controlled by tectonic setting.  相似文献   

利用湄洲湾及近海3个气象站1974~2003年和1个气象站1985~2003年的地面观测资料,统计分析了湄洲湾海雾的天气气候特征.湄洲湾海雾具有明显的年际变化,而且季节差异显著,其中2~5月是海雾的盛季.初步分析了湄洲湾海雾的成因,归纳得出2~5月该海湾海雾生成前的3种环流天气形势:锋面型、入海高压后部型、高压底部型.在对海雾生成的水文气象要素分析的基础上,得出了2~5月海雾发生的一般规律,为海洋预报和服务提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

Contributions of climatically significant natural and anthropogenic emission sources in northern Eurasia to seasonal carbon monoxide (CO) variations observed at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia in 2007–2011 have quantitatively been estimated using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model. It is shown that the formation of a stable continental pollution plume from sources in Western Europe, European Russia and southern Siberia during winter plays an important role in the regional balance of surface CO and allows one to explain 55–80% of the amplitude of the CO annual cycle observed at the ZOTTO station (~70–90 ppbv). During the warm period, the effect of the anthropogenic factor is weakly pronounced, and the background concentration of CO is regulated, first and foremost, by the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds and fire activity in the region.  相似文献   

Within-day variability in ichthyoplankton and microzooplankton abundances was examined at a single station in Biscayne Bay using replicate tows of 61-cm bongo nets and Niskin bottles to determine if patchiness occurred on the 10–1000 m scale and on the minutes to hours time scale. Fish eggs and larvae often were patchy but copepod nauplii, the predominant food of larvae, usually were randomly distributed at the scales examined and over the 3.15 m-depth water column. Mean patchiness index values were of similar magnitude for fish eggs and larvae but fish eggs were patchy more often than were larvae. Individual taxa of larvae had extremely high patchiness index values on some dates. Variability in fish egg catches often reflected increasing or decreasing abundance trends during the 2.5h sampling period while fish larvae catches often appeared to be clumped within the repetitive series of tows. There was no tendency for patchiness to be correlated among taxa on collection dates nor was it correlated with abundances or wind speeds. Patchiness indices of bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli eggs and larvae were not significantly correlated, indicating little concordance in tendency to be aggregated, suggesting that distributions were influenced by biological processes related to spawning of adults and behaviour of larvae, in addition to physical processes. Although ichthyoplankton patchiness often did exist at the 10–1000 m scale, on many days ichthyoplankton was uniformly or randomly distributed. Copepod nauplii were abundant (x=90.41?1), randomly distributed on most dates, and apparently readily available as fish larvae food in Biscayne Bay.  相似文献   

甲板上浪发生时产生的巨大冲击载荷可以对海洋结构物造成严重破坏,其发生时的海况比较恶劣,带有较强的非线性特点。采用CFD软件Fluent中的动网格功能造波结合软件中的VOF模块捕捉自由液面再现了单个极大波浪的生成过程,继而对固定甲板情形下的上浪问题进行了考察,波浪遭遇甲板后产生了流动的分离,甲板上下的水体表现出了完全不同的流动特点。通过可视化计算结果和深入细致的速度剖面分析,更好地加深了对这一复杂流动过程的理解。最后还将模拟结果与实验结果在定性和定量上进行了对比,表现出了良好的一致性。  相似文献   

We have studied physical and biological rhythms in the deep demersal habitat of the Northeastern Atlantic. Current velocity and direction changes occurred at intervals of 12.4 h, demonstrating that they could have an impact of tidal activity, and also showed indications of other seasonal changes. As an indicator of biological rhythms, we measured the content of pineal and retinal melatonin in the grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus and the deep-sea eel Synaphobranchus kaupii, and determined the spontaneous release of melatonin in long-term (52 h minimum) cultures of isolated pineal organs and retinae in S. kaupii. The results of the release experiments show statistically significant signs of synchronicity and periodicity suggesting the presence of an endogenous clock. The melatonin content data show large error bars typical of cross-sectional population studies. When the data are plotted according to a lunar cycle, taken as indication of a tidal rhythm, both species show peak values at the beginning of the lunar day and night and lower values during the second half of lunar day and night and during moonrise and moonset. Statistical analysis, however, shows that the periodicity of the melatonin content is not significant. Taken together these observations strongly suggest that (1) biological rhythms are present in demersal fish, (2) the melatonin metabolism shows signs of periodicity, and (3) tidal currents may act as zeitgeber at the bottom of the deep sea.  相似文献   

西西伯利亚含油气区北部以天然气为主,是世界巨型天然气开采基地之一,大型和特大型天然气田的数量和储量都保持世界第一的位置,天然气资源估计为100兆m3。西西伯利亚含油气区石油储量的进一步增长,主要与开发北极海陆架和塔左夫、鄂毕湾海区有关。预计,西西伯利亚含油气区的海区在侏罗—白垩纪地层中含有将近60兆m3天然气。在喀拉海海区,当前已发现巨大的鲁萨诺夫和列宁格勒天然气田,其总储量有9兆m3,它与雅玛尔半岛的巨型天然气田位于同一系列。确定了巨大的克罗泡特金、斯库拉托夫、尼亚尔梅依隆起带的总的远景资源量可能超过6兆m3,在这些…  相似文献   

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