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An idealized process-based model is developed to investigate tidal dynamics in the North Sea. The model geometry consists of a sequence of different rectangular compartments of uniform depth, thus, accounting for width and depth variations in a stepwise manner. This schematization allows for a quick and transparent solution procedure. The solution, forced by incoming Kelvin waves at the open boundaries and satisfying the linear shallow water equations on the f plane with bottom friction, is in each compartment written as a superposition of eigenmodes, i.e. Kelvin and Poincaré waves. A collocation method is employed to satisfy boundary and matching conditions. First, the general resonance properties of a strongly simplified geometry with two compartments, representing the Northern North Sea and Southern Bight, are studied. Varying the forcing frequency while neglecting bottom friction reveals Kelvin and Poincaré resonance. These resonances continue to exist (but with lower amplification and a modified spatial structure) when adding the Dover Strait as a third compartment and separating the solutions due to forcing from either the north or the south only. Including bottom friction dampens the peaks. Next, comparison with tide observations along the North Sea coast shows remarkable agreement for both semi-diurnal and diurnal tides. This result is achieved with a more detailed geometry consisting of 12 compartments fitted to the coastline of the North Sea. Further simulations emphasize the importance of Dover Strait and bottom friction. Finally, it is found that a sea level rise of 1 m, uniformly applied to the entire North Sea, amplifies the M2-elevation amplitudes almost everywhere along the coast, with an increase of up to 8 cm in Dover Strait. Bed level changes of ±1 m, uniformly applied to the Southern Bight only, imply weaker changes, with changes in coastal M2-elevation amplitudes below 5 cm.  相似文献   

This article addresses the interesting and important problem of large-scale magnetic field generation in turbulent flows, using a self-consistent dynamo model recently developed. The main idea of this model is to consider the induction equation for the large-scale magnetic field, integrated consistently with the turbulent dynamics at smaller scales described by a magnetohydrodynamic shell model. The questions of dynamo action threshold, magnetic field saturation, magnetic field reversals, nature of the dynamo transition and the changes of small-scale turbulence as a consequence of the dynamo onset are discussed. In particular, the stability curve obtained by the model integration is shown in a very wide range of values of the magnetic Prandtl number not yet accessible by direct numerical simulation but more realistic for natural dynamos. Moreover, from our analysis it is shown that the large-scale dynamo transition displays a hysteretic behaviour and therefore a subcritical nature. The model successfully reproduces magnetic polarity reversals, showing the capability to generate persistence times which are increasing for decreasing magnetic diffusivity. Moreover, when the system reaches a statistically stationary dynamo state, where the large-scale magnetic field can abruptly reverse its polarity (magnetic reversal state) or not, keeping the same polarity (steady state), it shows an unmistakable tendency towards the energy equipartition for the turbulence at small scale.  相似文献   

This study is on high-frequency temporal variability (HFV) and meso-scale spatial variability (MSV) of winter sea-ice drift in the Southern Ocean simulated with a global high-resolution (0.1°) sea ice-ocean model. Hourly model output is used to distinguish MSV characteristics via patterns of mean kinetic energy (MKE) and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) of ice drift, surface currents, and wind stress, and HFV characteristics via time series of raw variables and correlations. We find that (1) along the ice edge, the MSV of ice drift coincides with that of surface currents, in particular such due to ocean eddies; (2) along the coast, the MKE of ice drift is substantially larger than its TKE and coincides with the MKE of wind stress; (3) in the interior of the ice pack, the TKE of ice drift is larger than its MKE, mostly following the TKE pattern of wind stress; (4) the HFV of ice drift is dominated by weather events, and, in the absence of tidal currents, locally and to a much smaller degree by inertial oscillations; (5) along the ice edge, the curl of the ice drift is highly correlated with that of surface currents, mostly reflecting the impact of ocean eddies. Where ocean eddies occur and the ice is relatively thin, ice velocity is characterized by enhanced relative vorticity, largely matching that of surface currents. Along the ice edge, ocean eddies produce distinct ice filaments, the realism of which is largely confirmed by high-resolution satellite passive-microwave data.  相似文献   

Models of land use change are useful tools for un-derstanding the analysis of the cause and conse-quences of land use changes, assessing the impacts of land use system on ecological system and supporting land use planning and policy[1,2]. Modeling land use scenario changes and its potential impacts on the structure and function of the ecosystem in the typical regions are regarded as one of the good ways to un-derstand the interactive mechanism between land use system and ecological system[3―10…  相似文献   

Huang J  Christ JA  Goltz MN 《Ground water》2008,46(6):882-892
When managing large-scale ground water contamination problems, it is often necessary to model flow and transport using finely discretized domains--for instance (1) to simulate flow and transport near a contamination source area or in the area where a remediation technology is being implemented; (2) to account for small-scale heterogeneities; (3) to represent ground water-surface water interactions; or (4) some combination of these scenarios. A model with a large domain and fine-grid resolution will need extensive computing resources. In this work, a domain decomposition-based assembly model implemented in a parallel computing environment is developed, which will allow efficient simulation of large-scale ground water flow and transport problems using domain-wide grid refinement. The method employs common ground water flow (MODFLOW) and transport (RT3D) simulators, enabling the solution of almost all commonly encountered ground water flow and transport problems. The basic approach partitions a large model domain into any number of subdomains. Parallel processors are used to solve the model equations within each subdomain. Schwarz iteration is applied to match the flow solution at the subdomain boundaries. For the transport model, an extended numerical array is implemented to permit the exchange of dispersive and advective flux information across subdomain boundaries. The model is verified using a conventional single-domain model. Model simulations demonstrate that the proposed model operated in a parallel computing environment can result in considerable savings in computer run times (between 50% and 80%) compared with conventional modeling approaches and may be used to simulate grid discretizations that were formerly intractable.  相似文献   


中国东北地区处于古亚洲构造域、蒙古-鄂霍茨克构造域和环太平洋构造域叠加作用最为显著的地区,是地学研究的热点区域.为了探析欧亚大陆下西太平洋板片的俯冲形态以及揭示该区域深部地球动力学机制,利用卫星重力数据通过预处理共轭梯度快速密度反演算法获得了包含东北地区、华北部分地区及日本海海域在内的研究区域上地幔三维密度结构,结合天然地震三维层析成像结果共同揭示太平洋板片的俯冲形态和深部动力机制.俯冲的太平洋板片在日本海沟处呈高密度异常,向西横向持续扩张,深度方向上有逐渐增加趋势.不连续的高密度体俯冲至地幔转换带(410~660 km)后继续水平西向俯冲,部分滞留板片可能进入下地幔;在大兴安岭断裂带下面转换带中同样发现水平分布的高密度体,推断是大兴安岭断裂带下方地幔岩石圈拆沉的结果,横向不均匀分布的俯冲板片边缘已抵至大兴安岭造山带附近,这对于研究东北地区深部动力学机制具有重要的意义.


Numerical simulation of channel pattern changes Part I: Mathematical model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a computational fluid dynamics model for simulation of two- dimensional (2-D) water flow, sediment transport, bank failure processes, and the subsequent channel pattern changes. Effects of secondary currents at channel bends are included in the modified momentum conservation equation of water flow. An improved bank failure model is applied to calculate bank failure due to riverbed erosion, and to simulate lateral migration and planform changes of alluvial channels. The water flow model has been validated using laboratory measurements of flow in consecutive bends designed by the authors, in addition to flume test data from the literature.  相似文献   

The development of cirrus clouds is governed by large-scale synoptic movements such as updraft regions in convergence zones, but also by smaller scale features, for instance microphysical phenomena, entrainment, small-scale turbulence and radiative field, fall-out of the ice phase or wind shear. For this reason, the proper handling of cirrus life cycles is not an easy task using a large-scale model alone. We present some results from a small-scale cirrus cloud model initialized by ECMWF first-guess data, which prove more convenient for this task than the analyzed ones. This model is Starr’s 2-D cirrus cloud model, where the rate of ice production/destruction is parametrized from environmental data. Comparison with satellite and local observations during the ICE89 experiment (North Sea) shows that such an efficient model using large-scale data as input provides a reasonable diagnosis of cirrus occurrence in a given meteorological field. The main driving features are the updraft provided by the large-scale model, which enhances or inhibits the cloud development according to its sign, and the water vapour availability. The cloud fields retrieved are compared to satellite imagery. Finally, the use of a small-scale model in large-scale numerical studies is examined.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾海冰厚度的电磁感应探测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍一种由EM31-ICE型电磁感应仪和激光测距仪组合而成的船载电磁感应海冰厚度探测系统. 针对海冰和海水的电学特征,运用电磁感应技术提取探测系统至海冰下底面的距离,运用激光测距仪测量冰面粗糙度和探测系统至海冰上表面的距离,两组数据结合,实现了海冰厚度的探测. 通过南极现场探测数据分析,并与钻孔实测冰厚数据对比研究,定量分析了探测系统距离冰面的高度效应,建立了该系统冰厚测定值随高度变化的修正关系式,并对船载航行数据进行了系统校正. 与SCAR ASPeCt的冰厚数据对比分析,表明该系统能够获得可靠的海冰厚度并具有较高的精度,且能满足对极区大范围海冰厚度观测的需求.  相似文献   

地壳中流体动力学模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
易立新  车用太  王广才 《地震》2003,23(2):108-114
较全面介绍了近年国内外地壳地下流体动力学研究的最新成果。综合分析前人研究成果并将其系统化为地完尺度上地下流体动力学系统的概念模型和数学模型。模型根据影响地下流体动力特性的主要因素和介质渗透特征,把地壳渗流场分为深度小于6km的饯部带、6~17km的过渡带和大于17km的深部带。数学处理上把驱动流体运动的各种地质作用归一化为“地质力”,以地下流体运动方程中的源汇项表示。分析了不同地质环境各种地质作用对地下流体系统的作用特征。对地壳中普遍存在的异常孔隙压力现象,从流体动力学的角度进行了解释,并认为周期性地震活动是形成异常高孔隙压力的主导因素。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the development of a stochastic model for evaluating the long-term effect of soil erosion on soil productivity. Due to random variations in annual crop yield, the effect of erosion on crop production is not easily detectable in the short run, but becomes gradually evident over a sufficiently long time period. Under these circumstances, it seems that an experimental approach to this problem may be very difficult. The long period of time over which such an experiment has to be conducted may result in prohibitively high costs. In addition, it also means that eventual resolution of this problem must be postponed until a distant future time. The stochastic model formulated here provides us with a useful tool to assess the trend in quantitative changes in crop production due to erosion and to project future crop losses. The model is a discrete parameter stochastic process. Its derivation is based on a single assumption that the annual loss rates form a sequence of independent random variables {Zi}1∞ (in this paper, we consider only two particular cases: (a) {Zi}1∞ is a sequence of constants; (b) {Zi}1∞ is a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables). For these particular cases, we obtained its marginal n-dimensional distribution function and correlation function. One of the principal model features is its simple structure and remarkable lack of restrictive and unrealistic assumptions.  相似文献   

 The prediction error of a relatively simple soil acidification model (SMART2) was assessed before and after calibration, focussing on the Al and NO3 concentrations on a block scale. Although SMART2 is especially developed for application on a national to European scale, it still runs at a point support. A 5×5 km2 grid was used for application on the European scale. Block characteristic values were obtained simply by taking the median value of the point support values within the corresponding grid cell. In order to increase confidence in model predictions on large spatial scales, the model was calibrated and validated for the Netherlands, using a resolution that is feasible for Europe as a whole. Because observations are available only at the point support, it was necessary to transfer them to the block support of the model results. For this purpose, about 250 point observations of soil solution concentrations in forest soils were upscaled to a 5×5 km2 grid map, using multiple linear regression analysis combined with block kriging. The resulting map with upscaled observations was used for both validation and calibration. A comparison of the map with model predictions using nominal parameter values and the map with the upscaled observations showed that the model overestimated the predicted Al and NO3 concentrations. The nominal model results were still in the 95% confidence interval of the upscaled observations, but calibration improved the model predictions and strongly reduced the model error. However, the model error after calibration remains rather large.  相似文献   

In this paper, the noise sources of an airborne electromagnetic frequency domain instrument used to measure sea-ice thickness are studied. The antennas are mounted on the wings of an aircraft. The paper presents real data examples showing that strong noise limited the accuracy of the thickness measurement to ± 0.5 m in the best case. Even drift cor­rection and frequency ?ltering did not reduce the noise to a level necessary for sea ice thickness measurements with an accuracy of 0.1 m. We show results of 3D ?nite element modeling of the coupling between transmitter and receiver coils and the aircraft, which indicate that wing ?exure is the primary cause of the strong noise. Wing de?ection angles below 5° relative to the fuselage are large enough to cause changes higher than the wanted signal from the seawater under the ice. Wing ?exure noise can be divided into an inductive and geometric contribution, both of the same order. Most of the wing ?exure signal appears on the inphase component only, hence the quadrature component should be taken for sea ice thickness retrievals when wing ?exure is present even when the inphase produces a larger ocean sig­nal. Results also show that pitch and roll movements of the aircraft and electromagnetic coupling between seawater and aircraft can contribute signi?cantly to the total noise. For ?ight heights of 30 m over the ocean these effects can change the sig­nal by about 10% or more. For highly quantitative measurements like sea-ice thickness all these effects must be taken into account. We conclude that a ?xed wing electromagnetic instrument for the purpose of measure­ments in a centimeter scale must include instrumentation to measure the relative position of the antenna coils with an accuracy of 1/10 mm. Furthermore the antenna separation distance should be as large as possible in order to increase the measured ratio of secondary to primary magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

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