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新文化地理学视角下的国外宗教地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在文化全球化大背景下,宗教地理研究具有越来越重要的现实意义。国外宗教地理学研究在新文化地理学思潮的影响下,促生出许多新的议题和研究方向。本文依循于人文地理学中地方、景观、现代性和尺度这4 个重要概念,梳理了国外近10 年宗教地理学研究的新进展。发现其研究议题主要集中于日益重视对“非正式神圣”场所的探讨;基于人本主义研究范式下的神圣地依恋研究;随着跨国主义兴起的宗教移民身份和认同研究;宗教文化景观所暗含的政治和象征性意义的解读;宗教的多尺度分析,以及神圣与世俗间的互动分析等等。在总结国外宗教地理研究的新态势的基础上,对宗教的定义、宗教地理学与宗教性地理学的辩证关系、宗教地理学的研究趋势等进行了探讨和反思,以期为中国包括民间信仰在内的广义宗教地理的本土研究提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

全球化语境主导的城市研究中,多样和异质的宗教既是文化流动的重要构成,也是表征移民身份和理解其日常行为实践的重要维度。论文回顾了近30 a来宗教地理视角下对于西方城市空间研究的主要成果,从宗教空间和宗教信仰群体的行为实践2个方面梳理宗教嵌入城市空间的主要方式、过程及其对城市空间的影响,总结出了以下4个方面的主要研究内容:① 多种宗教场所在城市中不断涌现,其空间特征发生多样化变迁;② 功能多样的宗教公共服务设施在公共空间中的作用日趋重要;③ 宗教信仰群体的居住社区显现出明显的空间特征;④宗教信仰群体通过具体的行为表征身份和认同。此外,多元文化共存的语境下的宗教更被视为引发空间争议的新来源,成为分析城市社会关系的重要依据。学者们认为在多元文化主义的西方社会,异质宗教的本地嵌入过程使原本“隐匿的”宗教场所逐渐浮现成为城市中“可见的”空间。这种异质宗教在城市中的视觉表征不仅改变了原有的城市空间秩序,也对社会关系提出新的挑战,成为了引发广泛争议的新来源。然而, 国内人文地理学研究目前对上述话题鲜有涉及,期望本文所提供的西方研究进展对社会文化视角下理解中国城市全球化进程及其中的多元文化治理有所启示。  相似文献   

张伟然 《地理学报》1996,51(4):369-373
本文回顾佛教地理的研究历史,评析佛教地理的研究成果,认为宗都是一个多层面的结构,至少可以划分为宗教理论,宗教实体,宗教信仰三个层面,包括佛教在内的宗教地理研究应该分别进行探讨,然后才能得出全面的结论。  相似文献   

南英  朱竑 《热带地理》2015,35(4):498-506
现代宗教已经越来越多地与世俗社会产生不同形式的联系,然而各种宗教世俗化现象及相关理论却一直未得到国内外宗教地理学者的重视,甚至对其存在极大误解或片面解读。文章梳理了庞杂的西方宗教世俗化概念和理论,指出现代性和宗教的关系不能简单理解为后者被动迎合前者的破坏或压制,事实上两者可能是相互促进、能动地协商的关系;认为应避免混用中文语境下的世俗化概念与西方世俗化概念,以免产生错误解读。世俗化理论对宗教地理学研究有益,能为分析和解释现代宗教提供一个有力的理论框架。但该理论框架却还未被充分利用来揭示当代世界宗教变迁的多元性和复杂性。因为,现有研究1)存在地方偏见;2)存在文化偏见;3)主要基于定量分析和大尺度统计数据,缺乏深度的定性分析;4)实证基础薄弱,缺乏具体、系统地对特定地理环境(特别是非西方)下宗教变迁原因和过程的探讨。故此认为未来宗教变迁研究的注意力应该更多放在非西方社会及其宗教,利用定性研究方法深度剖析中观和微观尺度上的宗教变迁过程和机制,而这正是地理学者能发挥其优势的地方。  相似文献   

黄嘉玲  何深静 《热带地理》2014,34(3):308-318
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。  相似文献   

19世纪以来基督教新教在广东的空间扩散模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛熙明  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2010,29(2):303-312
地理环境往往会对宗教的扩散和分布产生重要影响。扩散是宗教地理研究关注的一个重要方面,而对具体宗教扩散模式的研究在国内尚属薄弱。对基督教新教自19世纪初传入广东后的空间扩散形态进行分析,发现存在着多种扩散模式。其中,点轴式迁移扩散最为普遍,但中间障碍的存在常常使发展轴线发生变换;等级扩散呈现出按照人口分布规模、交通地重要性和行政等级的特征;传染扩散模式随着媒介的变化而不断演进;依托海岛的跳板式扩散则是沿海地区基督教扩散的特殊形式。这些模式虽是从经典文化扩散模式演化而来,但在具体特征上已有显著变化。研究试图对传统的文化扩散模式进行重新解读,并为"腹地-口岸-市场"的文化扩散理论提供成熟案例。  相似文献   

钟业喜  鲍曙明 《热带地理》2014,34(5):591-598
基于中国宗教场所数据,以市为研究单元,以佛教、道教、伊斯兰教和基督教为研究对象,应用数理统计和空间分析相结合的方法,剖析了以宗教场所为代表的中国宗教版图分布的时空变化,揭示了中国主要宗教的分布规律及发展趋势。结果表明:建国后特别是改革开放以来,中国宗教得到了长足发展;中国宗教场所发展不平衡,不同宗教间、不同区域间发展差异较大;不同宗教采取的扩张模式和扩张策略有所不同,主导了宗教空间格局的时空演化,优势宗教区域空间格局变化明显;汉族地区和少数民族地区形成了不同的宗教景观;不同宗教存在过度集聚和急剧扩张现象;不同区域的不同宗教亦呈现了不同的发展模式。  相似文献   

薛熙明  朱竑 《热带地理》2008,28(3):288-293
空间扩散影响因素的研究是宗教地理研究的重要内容之一,而神职人员宣教地的空间分布则可以间接地反映宗教在空间上的扩散情况.通过对广东不同历史阶段基督教宣教地的空间分布形态的分析,发现宣教地的分布与广东交通的发展关系密切.在清末以前水运交通占主导地位时期,宣教地主要分布在沿河海各港口,且因水运交通流向的改变而变化;19、20世纪之交,由于交通技术的进步,尤其是铁路的出现和轮船航运的兴起,一些重要的铁路枢纽和水铁转运节点相继成为宣教地.总体来看,宣教地的空间扩散明显带有点轴状的迁移扩散和以交通重要性来划分的等级扩散特征.这种扩散是交通综合影响机制作用的结果,影响因素包括与聚落的连通性、交通的便捷性、目的地的可进入性、距离衰减性以及交通现代性的影响等多方面.  相似文献   

基于江西省宗教场所数据,以市县作为基本研究单元,以佛教、基督教、道教和伊斯兰教为研究对象,综合运用传统数理统计方法、ESDA以及空间分析方法,对江西省主要宗教场所的时空演变进行分析并总结出宗教发展阶段演变模式。结果表明:建国后特别是改革开放以来,江西省宗教在时间和空间上发展皆不均衡,时间上表现为改革开放以来四大宗教场所总量攀升,佛教数量增加最为明显,基督教增长速率最快,佛教和基督教在空间呈现正的相关性,并形成集聚趋势;空间上,优势宗教的区域空间格局变化明显,优势宗教在空间分布较为分散,并且形成多种优势宗教共同占优区域,同时四大宗教密集区从南往北扩散形成南北带状分布;宗教发展阶段演变模式表明宗教的发展演变有其内部动力机制,并受到诸多因素的影响,宗教之间的竞争融合和相互制衡使宗教的发展演变经历宗教离散阶段、优势宗教集聚阶段并最终形成宗教大融合。  相似文献   

正王开队博士的专著《康区藏传佛教历史地理研究》,已由四川大学出版社出版,全书约30万字,该书是国家出版基金项目,是藏传佛教研究方面的一项有意义的新成果。他选取"康区藏传佛教历史地理"作为研究课题,对于中国历史宗教地理研究有补充作用,同时这也是目前中国大陆学界唯一正式出版的藏传佛教历史地理研究专著,在藏传佛教研究领域另辟蹊径,对于进一步推进康区历史研究,尤其是藏传佛教史研究,以及历史文化  相似文献   

Using the preliminary results of the 1979 census, the authors analyze trends in the distribution of the population of the USSR. Topics considered include the role of natural increase in the redistribution of the population, the relationship between economic development and the rate of population growth in Siberia, the effects of increasing rural-urban migration, and changes in the number and distribution of large cities.  相似文献   

Development of efficient forest wildfire policies requires an understanding of the underlying reasons behind forest fire occurrences. Globally, there is a close relationship between forest wildfires and human activities; most wildfires are human events due to negligence (e.g., agricultural burning escapes) and deliberate actions (e.g., vandalism, pyromania, revenge, land use change attempts). We model the risk of wildfire as a function of the spatial pattern of urban development and the abandonment/intensity of agricultural and forestry activities, while controlling for biophysical and climatic factors. We use a count data approach to model deliberately set fires in Galicia, N.W. Spain, where wildfire is a significant threat to forest ecosystems, with nearly 100,000 wildfires recorded during a thirteen-year period (1999–2011). The spatial units of analysis are more than 3600 parishes. Data for the human influences are derived from fine-resolution maps of wildland–urban interface (WUI), housing spatial arrangements, road density, forest ownership, and vegetation type. We found wildfire risk to be higher where there are human populations and development/urbanisation pressure, as well as in unattended forest areas due to both rural exodus and a fragmented forest ownership structure that complicates the profitability of forestry practices. To better help direct management efforts, parameter estimates from our model were used to predict wildfire counts under alternative scenarios that account for variation across space on future land-use conditions. Policies that incentivize cooperative forest management and that constrain urban development in wildlands at hotspot fire locations are shown to reduce wildfire risk. Our results highlight the need for spatially targeted fire management strategies.  相似文献   

黄土高原乡村体制转换与转型发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农户生计方式的改变对研究黄土高原乡村转型发展具有重要意义。以黄土高原苹果优生区的彬县、长武县和旬邑县为研究区,从体制转换的视角出发,基于模糊层次分析、地理探测器和多元线性回归等算法,模拟乡村体制演化的路径,甄别影响乡村转型发展的微观要素,进一步揭示农户家庭体制转换与乡村转型发展之间的互馈机理。研究发现:① 在研究区内抽样选择的130个乡村中,传统农业体制型乡村共有27个,主要分布于黄土梁地貌类型区,新型农业体制型乡村共有96个,主要分布于黄土塬地貌类型区,非农体制型乡村共有7个,主要分布于河谷地貌类型区;② 当乡村地域系统由传统农业型体制向新型农业型体制转变,再至非农型体制的演化路径中,乡村转型发展度在三维空间坐标系中为倒“U”型变化趋势,乡村人口发展度在二维坐标系中表现为下凸递增趋势,乡村经济发展度在二维坐标系中表现为上凸递增趋势,农业经济发展度在二维坐标系中表现为倒“U”型发展趋势;③ 生计方式成为衔接农户家庭体制转换与乡村转型发展的控制性因素,在农户尺度上,由人力资本与自然资本决定,并直接影响到金融资本和物质资本,在村域尺度上,通过与乡村地域系统的人口、经济和农业等3个维度的响应,引导乡村转型发展过程。  相似文献   

The changing pattern of the Lower Yellow River (LYR) obtained from the traditional studies, which mainly did literal analysis based on historical documents related to the LYR are too macroscopic and absent of intuitiveness. This paper integrates all the records in historical documents related to course shift, flood and overflow of the last 3000 years and stores them in a GIS database. Then, all the data will be visualized in the form of map, which is helpful to show and understand the rules those events conform more intuitively and accurately. Taking these data as foundation, this study summarizes characteristics of the LYR’s courses and influence scope, and classifies them both into three types; divides the flow directions of the LYR’s courses into two periods, and proposes its changing pattern; concludes the characteristic of diversion points of courses shift events; calculates the velocity of courses shifts, gradient and sinuosity, and analyzes their changing patterns. Finally, this study classifies factors that may influence the occurrence of a course shift into two types: the internal factors, such as sediment rate, gradient and sinuosity of the river, and the external factors, such as precipitation and human activities.  相似文献   

Regional incision and lateral shifts of rivers in the West Siberian Basin and surrounding areas show the action of long wavelength surface tilting, directed away from the Urals and Central Asian mountains and towards the Siberian Craton. In the north of the basin, surface uplift of individual folds is recorded by local lateral drainage migration. Lateral slopes of river valleys vary in gradient from 0.001 to 0.0001, generally decreasing with increasing river discharge. As a result of this surface deformation significant drainage shifts are taking place in three of the longest and highest discharge river systems on Earth: the Yenisei, Ob' and Irtysh. The deformation is most plausibly caused by subtle faulting at depth, below the thick basin fill of Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic sediments. Active deformation of western Siberia appears to represent a previously unrecognised, far-field effect of the India–Eurasia collision, up to ∼1500 km north of the limit of major seismicity and mountain building. It adds ∼2.5 × 106 km2 to the region deformed by the collision, which is an area greater than the Himalayas and Tibet combined. It is also an analogue for the formation of low-angle unconformities in terrestrial sedimentary basins on the periphery of other orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Primary producer community structure (PPCS) in shallow lakes isinfluenced by phosphorus (P) load and water column P concentration.Theoretically PPCS may shift between phytoplankton and macrophyte states withintermediate P loading, but phytoplankton dominate when P loading exceeds acritical threshold. We analyzed sediment cores from five shallow, eutrophiclakes (size range: 0.6 to 125 km2) that arephytoplankton dominated to determine whether the development of the currentstate was associated stratigraphically with an increase in sediment total P(TP) and a shift in PPCS. We used sponge biogenic silica(BSiSponges) concentrations and total carbon to total nitrogenratios (TC:TN) as proxies for macrophyte abundance and sediment organic mattersource, respectively. Three stratigraphic groups of sediments were identifiedwith k-means cluster analysis. These samples were grouped by increasing TPconcentrations and decreasing age and identified as macrophyte, transitionaland phytoplankton sediments. Results show that as P loading increased in thelate 19th and early 20th centuries, the lakes producedsediments with an increasing contribution from phytoplankton. Four of our lakesmay represent a subset of shallow lakes because of their large size (30 to 125km2) and relatively rapid historic P enrichment. Inthese Florida lakes, PPCS shifted to phytoplankton dominance with nopaleolimnological record of lake-wide alternating stable states or of lake-widephytoplankton dominance before anthropogenic P enrichment.  相似文献   

Though many studies have focused on the causes of shifts in trend of temperature, whether the response of vegetation growth to temperature has changed is still not very clear. In this study, we analyzed the spatial features of the trend changes of temperature during the growing season and the response of vegetation growth in China based on observed climatic data and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from 1984 to 2011. An obvious warming to cooling shift during growing season from the period 1984–1997 to the period 1998–2011 was identified in the northern and northeastern regions of China, whereas a totally converse shift was observed in the southern and western regions, suggesting large spatial heterogeneity of changes of the trend of growing season temperature throughout China. China as a whole, a significant positive relationship between vegetation growth and temperature during 1984 to 1997 has been greatly weakened during 1998–2011. This change of response of vegetation growth to temperature has also been confirmed by Granger causality test. On regional scales, obvious shifts in relationship between vegetation growth and temperature were identified in temperate desert region and rainforest region. Furthermore, by comprehensively analyzing of the relationship between NDVI and climate variables, an overall reduction of impacts of climate factors on vegetation growth was identified over China during recent years, indicating enhanced influences from human associated activities.  相似文献   

This study examined perceptions of the impacts of the antinatalist (OPP) and pronatalist (NPP) policies in Singapore. Data were obtained from a sample of 209 men and 280 women under 45 years old who lived in Ang Mo Kio New Town in the center of the island. Findings indicate that 53.4% of women said that fertility decisions were joint ones. 50% of women and 65% of men said that family size was jointly determined. Over 70% were aware of the OPP "stop at 2" policy. Those who gave accurate, detailed knowledge were mostly over 35 years old. Knowledge of OPP did not vary by education, but did vary by awareness of incentives and disincentives. 45.4% of women believed that OPP was a necessary state policy; 25.4% did not. 36.4% thought that OPP was fair; 28.3% did not. 60.3% of women said that OPP did influence family size in society, but 63.8% said it did not influence their individual family size. Finances, education, and child care were explanatory factors in individual planning. OPP is viewed as a successful policy not because of ideology, but because of the value placed on improved socioeconomic standards. 58.2% of women and 55.5% of men knew the details about the NPP. 51.9% of women said the NPP would encourage larger family size, but 87.8% said it would not affect them personally. Findings suggest that personal freedoms and public ideology are not binary, public-private concepts in fertility decision making.  相似文献   

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