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法向承力锚是一种新型的适用于深海工程的系泊基础,其极限抗拔力是锚在工程应用中的关键指标。尝试用两种不同的方法评估法向承力锚的极限抗拔力,其一是基于塑性上限分析理论;其二是运用非线性有限元数值方法。与已有的经验公式相比,所建立的计算模型不仅可考虑海床土性质,还能反映锚板定位(嵌入深度及角度)以及系缆力角度对锚极限抗拔力的影响。在与已有评估方法进行比较的基础上,还特别对锚板的嵌入深度、角度以及系缆力角度变化对极限抗拔力的影响规律进行了分析,对三种方法的适用性进行了评述。 相似文献
目前没有规范给出串锚的水平承载力计算公式,为了利用有限元法研究串锚水平承载力特性,采用相关理论计算以及室内试验的方法来验证有限元法模拟计算的可靠性。实践证明,有限元法具有较高的计算精度。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立了串锚-土体模型,模拟串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏过程,研究了串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏机理,从而得到了串锚水平承载力特性。在相同的工况条件下,串锚的水平承载力与其锚链长度有关,在一定范围内,增加锚链的长度可以提高串锚的水平承载力;串锚的水平承载力不是相应的单个锚的水平承载力相加,其水平承载力小于相应的单个锚水平承载力之和,在进行串锚水平承载力设计计算时应给与相应的考虑。 相似文献
利用带误差控制的显式积分算法,将一种适用于饱和砂土排水循环动力分析的边界面塑性模型编写成可供有限元软件调用的用户自定义材料子程序。建立土体单元有限元数值模型对Toyoura砂的静、动排水三轴试验进行模拟,验证了模型具备合理描述砂土在不同荷载条件下力学响应的能力。建立饱和砂土中板锚循环承载分析的数值模型,针对板锚在砂土中的单调抗拔特性和循环承载特性进行数值分析,得到了与模型试验一致的荷载—位移响应规律。考察循环荷载要素对板锚循环承载特性的影响,结果发现,随着循环荷载的施加,板锚永久位移逐渐累积,循环荷载会导致板锚持续移动,循环幅值越大,初始位移和位移变化率越大;循环均值越大,初始位移越大,但位移变化率越小。 相似文献
重力锚锚固是一种常见的锚固形式。为了能够提供足够的水平承载力,传统型式的重力锚普遍比较笨重,在上拔回收时会产生较大的竖向吸附力,不利于重复利用。针对此问题,设计了一种新型铰接式重力锚,并阐述了其铺设与回收方案。其次采用有限元方法对其整体强度进行了校核,结果均符合规范。最后基于模型试验,对铰接式重力锚在黏土中的运动过程进行了研究,进而确定了其在黏土中的水平承载力和回收时的上拔力。结果表明:相较于传统重力锚,新型铰接式重力锚在确保水平承载性能的基础上,能够大幅减小上拔力,从而有效地降低铺设和回收作业的难度,且可适应多种海底土质,但该锚型仅适用于悬链线式系泊系统。相关研究结果可为实际工程中铰接式重力锚的设计提供参考。 相似文献
针对海相软土地区螺旋钢管桩承载力低与腐蚀问题,提出一种新型压力注浆螺旋钢管桩,并设计5根足尺试验桩,进行现场抗拔承载性能试验,研究螺旋叶片直径与排布方式对成桩直径与桩基抗拔承载性能的影响.结果表明,成桩直径与螺旋叶片直径呈正相关,在每节延长段钢管末端设置螺旋叶片利于提高水泥土柱完整性,使成桩直径更为饱满,提高桩基的抗拔承载性能.将试验结果和现行规范抗拔极限承载力计算结果进行对比,计算结果约为实测平均值的94%,在此基础上提出压力注浆螺旋钢管桩抗拔承载力计算参数修正建议,为后续的设计提供参考. 相似文献
平台在海上受风、浪、流、冰等水平载荷作用产生倾斜,而土壤粘接力、摩擦力和土抗力是平台的抗拔和抗倾力,桶基平台应满足抗拔、抗倾稳定的要求,以保证平台的整体稳定性。讨论了桶基平台受水平力作用时,桶形基础的破坏模式及其计算方法,阐述了抗倾稳定计算方法。 相似文献
高地下水位地区构筑地下建(构)筑物必须解决结构上浮问题,抵抗上拔荷载作用已成为地下工程建设中经常需要面临的问题。试验表明爆扩桩具有很好的抗浮能力,其成桩施工工艺方面的研究也比较完善,但是对爆扩桩的承载机理的研究很少,通过运用NCAP-1有限元计算程序,分析总结爆扩桩的抗拔承载机理。 相似文献
基于验证的三维有限元方法,考察了斜壁桶形基础的承载特性,得到了变形网格、位移增量分布、位移等值面分布等结果,探讨了斜壁倾角与各极限承载力之间的定量关系。计算表明,桶形基础发生竖向位移时,主要是桶体内部和桶基正下方的土体发生沉降,而桶侧的土体基本不发生沉降。桶形基础受到水平荷载发生转动时,转动中心轴大致位于桶基底面内,桶基水平承载力主要由桶内土体和桶基外侧中上部受压侧土体产生的抵抗反力构成。桶基因受到较大竖直向上荷载而失效时,桶内土体和桶基外侧靠近海床面附近土体产生了较大的向上位移。桶壁倾角β每增加1°,竖向抗压极限承载力、竖向抗拔极限承载力、水平极限承载力分别提高12%、17.4%及3.8%。 相似文献
浅海桶形基础平台水平承载力与抗滑稳定分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
平台在海上受风、浪、流、冰等水平载荷作用产生滑移,而土壤粘结力、摩擦力和土抗力是平台的抗滑力,桶基平台应满足抗滑稳定的要求,以保证平台的整体稳定性。介绍了浅海桶形基础平台受水平力作用时桶形基础的破坏模式及其计算方法,并阐述了抗滑稳定计算方法。 相似文献
B. M. Das 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2013,31(4):417-428
Laboratory model test results for the uplift of a shallow circular plate anchor embedded in a soft saturated clay are presented. For all tests the bottom of the anchor plate was vented to eliminate the mud suction force. The tests were divided into two categories: (1) short‐term tests to determine the variation of the net ultimate uplift capacity and hence the breakout factor with embedment ratio, and (2) creep tests with sustained uplift loads at varying embedment ratios. Based on the model test results, the variation with time, has been determined for the rate of strain of the soil located above the plate anchor. Empirical relationships for obtaining the rate of anchor uplift have been proposed. 相似文献
The uplift behavior of a plate anchor in a structured clay (soft Ariake clay) is investigated through a series of laboratory tests and method of finite element analysis. The tests are adopted to identify the factors influencing the behavior of the anchor, including the thixotropic nature of Ariake clay, consolidation time, and embedment ratio of the anchor. A finite element method (FEM) is used to analyze and predict the uplift behavior of the anchor plate well in the elastic region and the yield load. The results from both the laboratory tests and the FEM analysis suggest that the embedment ratio for a deep anchor in Ariake clay is close to 4. Further increase in embedment ratio improves the capacity to a lesser extent. FEM overestimates the failure load of the uplift anchor in soft Ariake clay by about 20%. This may be ascribed to the hypothesis in the FEM analysis that there is continuous contact between the clay and the anchor until failure. Vesic’s theory for deep anchors, which may be used to predict the ultimate pullout resistance of the plate anchor in reconstituted Ariake clay, is verified to be applicable. In this paper, the plastic flow zone around the anchor is discussed using FEM which makes the behavior of anchor more understandable during the design stage. 相似文献
Plate anchors are extensively used in civil engineering constructions as they provide an economical alternative to gravity and other embedded anchors. The rate of loading is one of the important factors that affects the magnitude of soil resistance as well as soil suction force. This article outlines the effect of pullout rate on uplift behavior of plate anchors (70 mm diameter) buried in soft saturated clay by varying the pullout rate from 1.4 mm/min to 21.0 mm/min. The variation of breakout force and suction force with embedment depth and rate of pull are presented. A correlation between the rate of increase of undrained strength of clay and anchor capacity with rate of strain has been established. Finally an empirical equation has been proposed that includes the rate of pull in the estimation of breakout capacity of anchors. 相似文献
Plate anchors are extensively used in civil engineering constructions as they provide an economical alternative to gravity and other embedded anchors. The rate of loading is one of the important factors that affects the magnitude of soil resistance as well as soil suction force. This article outlines the effect of pullout rate on uplift behavior of plate anchors (70 mm diameter) buried in soft saturated clay by varying the pullout rate from 1.4 mm/min to 21.0 mm/min. The variation of breakout force and suction force with embedment depth and rate of pull are presented. A correlation between the rate of increase of undrained strength of clay and anchor capacity with rate of strain has been established. Finally an empirical equation has been proposed that includes the rate of pull in the estimation of breakout capacity of anchors. 相似文献
The results of a number of laboratory model tests for the short‐term ultimate uplift capacity of a circular plate anchor embedded in saturated soft kaolinite and montmorillonite are presented. The tests were conducted with and without venting the bottom of the plate anchor in order to determine the variation of the suction force with embedment ratio. The variation of the suction force is presented in terms of the undrained shear strength of the clay and also the net ultimate uplift capacity. 相似文献
S. Rezazadeh 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2018,36(6):625-639
Semi-deep skirted foundations are now considered to be a viable foundation option for a variety of onshore and offshore applications. The capacity under combined vertical, horizontal, and moment loadings must be found to ensure their capability and stability. In this study, undrained bearing capacity subjected to vertical loading, as part of combined loading is determined through stress characteristics and finite element analyses. Circular skirted foundations with different soil strength and geometries considering embedment depth effects have been studied. Stress field, kinematic mechanism accompanying failure, and bearing capacity factors for various embedment ratios are investigated. Acquired vertical failure mechanism has demonstrated the transition from a general shear to a punch shear failure. Comparisons with different research works including conventional methods, upper and lower bound, finite element analyses, physical modeling, experimental, and centrifuge tests have indicated the underestimation of conventional approaches and accuracy of proposed methods in determining bearing capacity. Furthermore, differences between predicted bearing capacities and the results of this study increased with D/B ratio due to ignoring the significant role of skin friction in larger embedment circumference. 相似文献
Guan-Lin Ye Chao-Jun Wu Jian-Feng Wang Jian-Hua Wang 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2017,35(2):170-175
Triaxial test with local displacement transducers is an effective technique to obtain the small-strain stiffness of soils. Many previous studies provided feasible solutions for reducing or avoiding potential sources of error in conventional triaxial tests. However, little literature gave out detailed explanations on how to identify those potential errors from the measured testing data and corresponding solutions. Therefore, nowadays, it is still not easy for a new user to gain proficiency in such kind of advanced tests. In this article, by conducting triaxial tests featured with Hall effect transducer on Shanghai soft marine clay, it is found that the influence of the specimen misalignment to the measured small-strain stiffness cannot be neglected. The typical symptom of specimen misalignment, namely the tilting of specimen, was described carefully. An improved connection between top cap and load cell was applied to overcome the problem. The new connection can reduce the disturbance to specimen in terms of both force and displacement. It can be applied to both isotropic and anisotropic consolidated triaxial tests. 相似文献