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采集于泰国西南部安达曼近岸海域的一种立方水母Chiropsoides buitendijki,伞部呈典型的箱式、触手单侧分支,并缺乏幅间沟。触手带型呈1–3–2–3–2–3–2–3–1(1-主带,2-粗副带,3-细副带)。18S核糖体基因序列分析证实了其分类地位。同时,16S线粒体基因序列揭示样品内存在一定的遗传分化,说明该种内可能存在不同的群体,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

There were two severe coral bleaching events at Ko Khang Khao, the inner Gulf of Thailand, occurred during the prolonged period of the elevated sea surface temperature (SST) in 2010 and low salinity as well as turbidity due to heavy flooding in 2011. The bleaching index (BI) and mortality index (MI) are calculated to compare the susceptibilities of coral species in the two bleaching events. The BI and MI vary significantly among the study sites and bleaching events. The most susceptible corals during both bleaching events are Acropora millepora, Pocillopora damicornis and Pavona decussate, while the most resistant species were Galaxea fascicularis, Fungia fungites, Pavona frondifera, Oulastrea crispate, and Symphyllia recta. The corals Favia favus, Goniopora columna, Platygyra pini, Symphyllia agaricia were relatively more tolerant to high SST but they are relatively more susceptible to low salinity. Coral bleaching is a phenomenon that the dissociation stress of the symbiotic relationship between zooxanthellae and their cnidarian host results in the reduction in photosynthetic pigment concentration. Among stressors, both prolonged exposure of high SST and low salinity, above and below their thresholds, respectively. The long-term resilience of coral communities at Ko Khang Khao and other coral communities close to the mouth of large rivers may depend on the frequency and duration of the exposure on the elevated SST due to atmospheric heating and low salinity due to river flooding.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of the nursery areas of red mullet (Mullus barbatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius) (Linnaeus, 1758) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) (Lucas, 1846) was studied in the South Adriatic and North Ionian Seas (Eastern-Central Mediterranean) applying geostatistical techniques and data from time series trawl surveys conducted in the area. The analysed variables were: R (number of recruits/km2) and R/Tot (fraction of recruits on the total sampled population). The structural analysis showed a spatial pattern of both variables characterized by continuity on a small scale. Predictions of nursery area localization with probability of finding recruits at different threshold values were obtained through median indicator kriging. For the red mullet the nurseries were mainly identified in the South Adriatic Sea off the Gargano peninsula and between Molfetta and Monopoli within 50 m in depth. The main concentration of hake juveniles was found to be between 100 and 200 m in depth along the Gargano peninsula and between Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca, where a nursery of deep-water rose shrimp was also detected. An overlapping depth, between 100 and 200 m, was identified for hake and deep-water rose shrimp nurseries. Protection of these areas through limitations of fishing pressure is discussed.  相似文献   

利用2009-2018年在南黄海苏北浅滩海域的现场调查数据,分析和研究了该海域漂浮绿藻和马尾藻的长期变化和季节性波动特征。研究显示,漂浮绿藻于每年4月中旬至下旬在浅滩中部筏架周围开始出现。5月-6月,漂浮绿藻生物量迅速增加,并漂移扩散至深水区。漂浮绿藻密度年际变化较大,但这十年间总体呈上升趋势。相比较而言,漂浮马尾藻仅在2013、2017和2018年在浅滩聚集形成春季藻华;且这三年,漂浮马尾藻密度超过同期漂浮绿藻。浅滩漂浮马尾藻的发生与发展过程与漂浮浒苔明显不同。3月,漂浮马尾藻开始出现于浅滩离岸海域,4-5月,漂浮马尾藻大量侵入浅滩,因此浅滩漂浮马尾藻现并非起源于本地。受高强度人类活动以及浅滩以外海域物理化学和生物过程的影响,浅滩环境因素与漂浮绿藻生物量的关系不甚明确。对于漂浮马尾藻的起源以及与漂浮绿藻的相互关系也需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Marginal scleractinian corals growing at their latitudinal limits should be quite sensitive to variations in winter sea surface temperatures(SSTs). An extreme cold event occurring in early 2008 offered a unique opportunity to examine the effect of cold-water anomalies on Porites lutea corals and their physiological tolerance and acclimation in the subtropical northern South China Sea(NSCS). Besides in-situ observation, a subsequent aquarium-based experiment was designed for reproducing the chilling process and a 50-year-long Sr/Ca ratio profile from two P. lutea skeletal slabs was analyzed for reconstructed the historical annual minimum SSTs which ceased Porites calcification. The 2008 low-temperature anomaly caused the minimum daily mean SSTs dropped below 13°C in the Daya Bay. The stress symptoms displayed by local P. lutea colonies included polyp retraction, reduced coloration and pale, but none showed tissue sloughing. The ability of P. lutea to survive implied its tolerance of extreme low temperatures. Here we suggest a model on the tolerance of high-latitude Porites under low-temperature stresses, which is when SSTs drop below 18°C, Porites corals contract their tentacles(losing heterotrophic capability), then cease calcification(reducing energy consumption), and meanwhile maintain relatively high levels of zooxanthellae density(sustaining host's life via photosynthetic capacity of symbiotic zooxanthellae). This study revealed remarkable acclimatization of P. lutea corals to low temperature extremes. This acclimatization is beneficial for Porites corals in the NSCS to expand their living ranges towards the higher-latitude areas and have the potential to be the incipient reef former.  相似文献   

马尼拉海沟具备引发地震海啸的条件,是南中国海主要的潜在海啸发生区。南中国海西南部泰国湾海域和纳土纳海域地形复杂、多独立的半封闭水域,海啸波极易在该区域形成水波共振,加剧其灾害影响。采用COMCOT海啸模型模拟了马尼拉海沟断裂带发生9.3级地震时引发海啸的长时间传播过程,并基于水波共振理论分析其在不同尺度下的共振特性。结果表明,海啸波在曼谷湾至邦加—勿里洞岛间引起了明显的纵向第一、二模态(3 360.0 min、1 440.0 min)水波共振,在泰国湾至邦加—勿里洞岛之间引起了明显的纵向第二、三、四模态(775.4 min、560.0 min、373.3 min)共振,而在泰国湾至印度尼西亚沿岸引起了明显的纵向第二、三、五、七模态(1 008.0 min、630.0 min、373.3 min、252.0 min)水波共振。此外,海啸波不仅在泰国湾引起了明显的纵向第一、三、四模态(560. 0 min、252. 0 min、179. 4 min)共振,还在其横向出现了明显的第一、二、三模态(480.0 min、252.0 min、179.4 min)共振。  相似文献   

Surface and water column profiles of suspended matter collected during April-May 2002, and satellite images were used to study factors influencing suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) and dispersal in the northern Andaman Sea and Gulf of Martaban, one of the largest highly turbid areas of the world's oceans. Perennial high SSC in the Gulf of Martaban is due to a combination of factors including resuspension of sediments by strong tidal currents, shallow bathymetry and seasonal sediment influx from rivers. From satellite images, it was observed that in the central portion of the Gulf of Martaban, the turbidity front oscillates about 150 km in phase with spring-neap tidal cycles and the area covered by the turbid zone (SSC>15 mg l−1) increases from less than 15 000 km2 during neap tide to more than 45 000 km2 during spring tide. The sediment discharged by the Ayeyarwady River is transported mainly eastward, along the coast, into the Gulf of Martaban. Occasionally, during the winter monsoon period, sediment plumes are seen heading westward into the Bay of Bengal. Turbidity profiles show that bottom nepheloid layers are actively transporting some of the sediments into the deep Andaman Sea via the Martaban canyon.  相似文献   

根据2006年8月和2007年1月两个航次的调查,在15条断面91个调查站点共获取浮游植物样品182个,基于形态分类的方法对浮游植物样品进行了鉴定分析,发现东海蓝藻赤潮藻类束毛藻由薛氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii)、汉氏束毛藻(T.erythraeum)和红海束毛藻(T.hildebrandii)组成,其中薛氏束毛藻占优势,其次是汉氏束毛藻和红海束毛藻。夏冬季节,束毛藻分布趋势一致,呈现近海和黑潮流经海域高、其它海域低的特点,温度和营养物质是束毛藻分布的主要控制因子。  相似文献   

为揭示波纹唇鱼(Cheilinus undulatus)骨骼形态特征,作者采用X射线成像法对波纹唇鱼骨骼进行相关研究。研究发现,波纹唇鱼下口位具牙齿,颌骨密度较大,舌颌骨下端具臼齿状结构;脊柱由10枚躯椎和13枚尾椎构成,第1~10枚脊椎骨连接10对腹肋,第6~9枚脊椎骨具椎体横突,第11~22枚脊椎连接12枚脉棘,第1~21枚脊椎骨连接21枚髓棘,第22枚脊椎上脉棘不明显;第2~8枚脊椎可观察到背肋;4块尾上骨(含1块髓棘)和5块尾下骨(含两块脉棘);肩带位于第1~3枚脊椎下方;腰带位于第5枚脊椎骨下方腹面;背鳍位于第5~21枚脊椎骨上方;臀鳍位于第13~19枚脊椎骨下方腹面。研究结果表明,X射线法可以清晰观察波纹唇鱼骨骼,实现无伤化研究珍稀鱼类;为适应在珊瑚礁中穿梭、捕食和增加消化能力,波纹唇鱼具有独特的骨骼构造。波纹唇鱼骨骼的研究丰富了南海珊瑚礁鱼类的研究基础,为其分类及演化提供参考。  相似文献   

为了弄清北部湾涠洲岛6株疑似红色赤潮藻(Akashiwo sanguinea)株的种类,作者采用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜对其进行形态学初步鉴定;并对藻株SSU rDNA、LSU rDNA和ITS序列测序,利用最大似然法构建系统发育树。结果表明,北部湾涠洲岛6株藻与红色赤潮藻形态特征基本符合;3种序列系统发育树分析均发现北部湾涠洲岛6株藻与不同海域来源的红色赤潮藻聚在同一大分支上,自展值高达99、100、100;与来自亚洲海域的韩国安山株、新加坡株、中国厦门港株序列差异最小,亲缘关系最近,而与其他地理来源的红色赤潮藻序列差异大,亲缘关系较远。红色赤潮藻SSU、LSU、ITS种内遗传距离分别为0.001~0.008、0.003~0.025和0.045~0.406,明显小于该藻与其他裸甲藻科(Gymnodiniaceae)藻属下的种间遗传距离0.032~0.072、0.165~0.222和0.589~1.559,因此可确定北部湾涠洲岛6株藻均为红色赤潮藻。研究结果将为北部湾海域赤潮生物来源与组成、赤潮的发生与管理提供基础信息。  相似文献   

近年来富营养化等海洋污染现象日益加重,我国近海每年都会暴发浒苔绿潮和微藻赤潮现象。本文在实验室模拟条件下,研究了不同状态不同含量的浒苔(Ulva prolifera),即浒苔新鲜藻体、浒苔培养液和浒苔干粉末与东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)共培养时产生的竞争抑制作用。结果表明,浒苔新鲜藻体、浒苔培养液和浒苔干粉末在初始质量含量大于1 g/L的条件下都会对东海原甲藻产生抑制作用,浒苔干粉末的抑制强度远远超过浒苔培养滤液和浒苔新鲜藻体。在二者共培养时,出现了“低促高抑”的现象,即浒苔含量较低时会促进东海原甲藻的生长,而高含量的浒苔则抑制东海原甲藻的生长,且抑制作用随浒苔含量的升高而增大。浒苔对东海原甲藻的这种抑制作用,一方面可能来自于营养物质的竞争和消耗,另一方面可能来自于浒苔释放的化感物质对东海原甲藻产生的影响。利用浒苔对东海原甲藻的抑制作用,可为东海原甲藻赤潮的生物防治提供一种思路与方法。  相似文献   

The distribution and demography of Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus were studied throughout their growth season on a basin scale in the Norwegian Sea using ordination techniques and generalized additive models. The distribution and demographic data were related to the seasonal development of the phytoplankton bloom and physical characteristics of water masses. The resulting quantified relationships were related to knowledge on life cycle and adaptations of Calanus species. C. finmarchicus was the numerically dominant Calanus species in Coastal, Atlantic and Arctic waters, showing strong association with both Atlantic and Arctic waters. C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis were associated with Arctic water; however, C. glacialis was occasionally observed in the Norwegian Sea and is probably an expatriate advected into the area from various origins. Demography indicated one generation per year of C. finmarchicus, a two-year life cycle of C. hyperboreus, and both one- and two-year life cycles for C. glacialis in the water masses where they were most abundant. For the examined Calanus species, young copepodites of the new generation seemed to be tuned to the phytoplankton bloom in their main water mass. The development of C. finmarchicus was delayed in Arctic water, and mis-match between feeding stages and the phytoplankton bloom may reduce survival and reproductive success of C. finmarchicus in Arctic water. Based on low abundances of C. hyperboreus CI–III in Atlantic water and main recruitment to CI prior to the phytoplankton bloom, we suggest that reproduction of C. hyperboreus in Atlantic water is not successful.  相似文献   

The food choice of juvenile flounder (Platichthys flesus) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) was studied in the northern Baltic Sea during the years 1988, 1989, 1994 and 1995. The diet included organisms from 30 species/taxa in flounder (n = 306) and 10 species/taxa in turbot (n = 41). Flounder 45 mm mainly consumed meiofauna (dominating taxon: Harpacticoida, Copepoda) and larger fish (46–101 mm) consumed macrofauna (dominating taxa: Oligochaeta, Amphipoda and Chironomidae). In terms of biomass, macrofauna dominated for all sizes of flounders, and meiofauna was important only for the smallest fish. A strong seasonal variation could be detected in the diet. In spring, macrofauna dominated for all size classes of fish (only fish > 30 mm were caught in spring), while in summer and autumn meiofauna dominated the diets for fish 45 mm in size. Juvenile turbot (22–88 mm) consumed macrofauna and small fish. Turbot 30 mm consumed mainly amphipods, while > 30 mm turbot consumed mysid shrimps, amphipods and fish.The ontogenetic shift from meio- to macrofauna-sized prey in flounders occurs at a larger fish size in the northern Baltic Sea than reported in other areas, possibly depending on the increased relative importance of meiofauna in the northern Baltic. The seasonal variation in the diet could be due to seasonally changing abundances in the zoobenthos, or for the small fish (1-group, spring), to switching from meio- to macrofauna in order to optimize their energy gain. The 0-group flounders consumed meiofauna for a long period, possibly due to a learning-process or simply due to easy availability of meiofauna. Turbot has a much larger mouth gap than flounders, thus allowing them to consume macrofauna from the beginning of their benthic life.  相似文献   

对中国南海表层叶绿素a季节内变化的研究有助于深入认识其海洋特征,满足渔情预报等实际应用需求。利用卫星观测资料分析南海表层叶绿素a不同季节的季节内变化特征,结果表明南海表层叶绿素a季节内振荡强度冬季最高。冬季和春季的季节内振荡最强区域都位于吕宋岛西北侧海区,夏季和秋季振荡较强的区域偏向菲律宾群岛一侧。分析表明研究海区表层温度和表层叶绿素a 存在负相关,冬强夏弱,北强南弱。大部分海区海面高度和叶绿素a 相关性不显著,但南海东南边缘海区海面高度和叶绿素a在季节内存在正相关。冬季海盆尺度逆时针旋转的环流结构应是这些现象产生的原因。除南海东南边缘海区、海南岛东南海区和吕宋岛西侧海区之外,风应力大小和热通量均与叶绿素a 在季节内呈正相关。这显示非局地风场和海流等因素、海洋动力调整过程可能在吕宋海峡以西和南海东南边缘的表层叶绿素a 季节内变化中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Very high concentrations of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus were found in the eastern Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea close to the shelf break in January 2001–2002. A coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecological model was used to study the formation of this deep overwintering aggregation and its stability. The ecological model includes nutrients, phytoplankton and microzooplankton in addition to a stage-structured model of C. finmarchicus. Using a Eulerian approach, the model was initiated with an overwintering stock evenly distributed in the oceanic regions of the Norwegian Sea, i.e. where depths>600 m. Spawning and development of the new generation take place in response to vertical mixing and phytoplankton development. Animals are assumed to begin their descent to overwintering depths of 700–1000 m as late stage Vs. Model results show that, in late summer, high concentrations of animals were found at overwintering depths near the shelf break north of the North Sea, off the northeastern Vøring Plateau and in the eastern Lofoten Basin along the slope of the Barents Sea shelf. They remained there for months due to deep eddies and southward, deep currents along the Norwegian shelf. The simulation experiments indicate that the combined effect of deep anticyclonic circulation and vertical migration behavior of the animals may explain the high concentrations of overwintering C. finmarchicus found in field surveys in the Eastern Lofoten Basin, close to the shelf break.  相似文献   

The pelagic species is closely related to the marine environmental factors, and establishment of forecasting model of fishing ground with high accuracy is an important content for pelagic fishery. The chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus) in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea is an important fishing target for Chinese lighting purse seine fishery. Based on the fishery data from China's mainland large-type lighting purse seine fishery for chub mackerel during the period of 2003 to 2010 and the environmental data including sea surface temperature(SST), gradient of the sea surface temperature(GSST), sea surface height(SSH) and geostrophic velocity(GV), we attempt to establish one new forecasting model of fishing ground based on boosted regression trees. In this study, the fishing areas with fishing effort is considered as one fishing ground, and the areas with no fishing ground are randomly selected from a background field, in which the fishing areas have no records in the logbooks. The performance of the forecasting model of fishing ground is evaluated with the testing data from the actual fishing data in 2011. The results show that the forecasting model of fishing ground has a high prediction performance, and the area under receiver operating curve(AUC) attains 0.897. The predicted fishing grounds are coincided with the actual fishing locations in 2011, and the movement route is also the same as the shift of fishing vessels, which indicates that this forecasting model based on the boosted regression trees can be used to effectively forecast the fishing ground of chub mackerel in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

In June/July 1994 a study was made of a small bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in an area of the North Sea to the east of the Shetland Islands. Observations on the hydrography of the study area indicated the bloom was associated with Atlantic water and was confined to an area in which a stable shallow mixed layer had formed. There was no evidence to suggest association of horizontal physical structure with the bloom development. High cell densities of >1– cells dm−3, together with low concentrations of PIC (<50 μg dm−3) and detached liths (2– liths cm−3) indicated that the bloom was studied at an early stage of development. Biochemical and physiological observations indicated active growth was taking place. The results presented are discussed in comparison with previous studies carried out in both oceanic and shelf seas.  相似文献   

Sediment cores and grab samples were collected in the Upper Gulf of Thailand to determine sedimentation rates and to determine if metal concentrations reflect anthropogenic inputs.Accumulation rates of sediments in the Upper Gulf measured using the 210Pb method, appear to vary from ca. 4 to 11 mm yr?1. Sediment budgets suggest that little of the sediment delivered to the Upper Gulf by the major rivers is ultimately transported to the Lower Gulf. Metal concentrations in Upper Gulf sediments appear to be dominantly controlled by natural inputs.  相似文献   

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