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The hydrodynamic performance of vertical and sloped plane, dentated and serrated seawalls were investigated using physical model studies. Regular and random waves of wide range of heights and periods were used. Tests were carried out for different inclinations of the seawall (i.e. θ=30, 40, 50, 60 and 90°) and for a constant water depth of 0.7 m. The wave reflection was measured to assess the dissipation character of the seawalls. It was observed that the serrated seawall was superior to the plane and dentated seawall in reducing the wave reflection. Even for the vertical case, the coefficient of reflection due to regular waves for dentated seawall ranged from 0.6–0.99 and for the vertical serrated seawall it was 0.45–0.98, whereas for the vertical plane wall, it was almost 1.0. It was found that the characteristic dimension of the seawall (i.e. L/W) and the relative water depth (i.e. d/L) were better influencing parameters compared to the conventionally used surf similarity parameter ‘ξ’ (ξ=tan θ/(Hi/L)0.5) in predicting the reflection from the dentated and serrated seawall, where L is the local wave length, W the width of the dent along the length of the seawall slope, d the water depth at the toe and Hi is the incident wave height. A similar trend was observed for the random waves too. The reduction in the wave reflection due to random waves for the dentated seawall as compared to the plane seawall was about 18% and for the serrated seawall, it was 20%. It was observed that the reflection due to random waves was lesser for all the three different walls than the regular waves, due to the mutual interaction of random waves. Multiple regression analysis on the measured data points was carried out and predictive equations for the reflection coefficient were obtained for both regular and random waves. This study will be useful in the design of energy dissipating type vertical quay walls in ports and harbours, sloped seawalls for shore protection from erosion and sloped caisson as breakwaters. Comparison of predictive formulae with the experimental results revealed that the prediction methods were good enough for practical purposes.  相似文献   

张景新  刘桦 《海洋工程》2009,(3):553-564
Submerged barriers are constructed in coastal zones for shoreline or harbor protection or to prevent the beach erosion. In the present study, the wave run-up on a vertical seawall protected by a submerged barrier is analyzed. The physical configurations include a rigid barrier and a long channel of finite depth. For linear water waves, by matching the velocity along the barrier and along the gap, the systems of linear equations about the velocity potentials are obtained. The wave run-up is further analyzed for various settings of barrier height and distance between the barrier and the wall, i.e. the chamber length. For nonlinear waves and random sea waves, a numerical model is extended to investigate the effect parameters of the barrier on the wave run-up against the seawall. Not only the numerical simulations, but also the analytical results illustrate that the wave run-up on the seawall depends very much on the distance between the barrier and the vertical seawall.  相似文献   

卷波式弧形台阶海岸防浪墙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸线整治工程固然需要修筑防波护岸堤防,而滨海城市开发滩地也多结合交通旅游,建设体现海滨特色、可供观赏海景的滨海大道。故尝试采用既能适应多级潮位的波浪回卷,又能增强墙体稳定性,体形新颖的弧形台阶海岸防浪墙。本文联系广东省湛江市海岸线整治工程已建成的滨海大堤实例①,表述此种荟萃海塘、挡潮、防浪、土地开发、交通、旅游多功能的防浪墙设计的基本点,透过波浪模型试验,探求在各级风浪作用下,不同的潮水位、波高、波周期组合条件时,弧形台阶式防浪墙前回卷波浪的性能、波态、波压力及浮托力的变化规律,进而确定两级台阶弧形组合防浪墙的体形。  相似文献   

灾害性波浪是中国沿海地区最具破坏性的自然灾害之一。采用开源程序OpenFOAM中interFoam求解器,对低顶海堤(在风暴潮和海平面上升情况下所面临的不利工况)的孤立波越浪特性开展数值模拟研究。通过孤立波冲击海堤的基准算例,验证模型在模拟波浪爬升和越浪过程中大变形波面以及剧烈波浪力方面的精度。基于验证的数值模型,对孤立波在低顶海堤上的越浪特征以及防浪墙高度对越浪的影响开展参数化研究。结果表明堤顶超高减小导致更为剧烈的越浪。针对尚无低顶海堤孤立波越浪量经验公式的问题,提出新的适用于堤顶超高小或为0的孤立波越浪量经验公式。此外,研究发现增加防浪墙高度可有效减少越浪,但防浪墙所受的波浪力也增大。综合考虑防浪墙减少越浪以及自身所受波浪力,针对文中研究采用的海堤截面和波浪条件,建议无量纲防浪墙高度取为1.00。  相似文献   

Submerged barriers are constructed in coastal zones for shoreline or harbor protection or to prevent the beach erosion. In the present study, the wave run-up on a vertical seawall protected by a submerged barrier is analyzed. The physical configurations include a rigid barrier and a long channel of finite depth. For linear water waves, by matching the velocity along the barrier and along the gap, the systems of linear equations about the velocity potentials are obtained. The wave run-up is further analyzed ...  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,43(2):93-104
Based on the linear wave theory and the eigenfunction expansion method, the interaction between waves and a slotted seawall is studied analytically as well as experimentally. The analytical investigations show that the reflection characteristics of a slotted seawall depend mainly on the porosity of the slotted plate and the incident wave height. It is found that the reflection coefficient reaches its minimum value as the chamber width is about a quarter of the incident wavelength. The reflection behaviour becomes optimal when the porosity is moderate (about 0.2 in the present study). The immersed depth has some effect on the reflection coefficient of the seawall structure, but the improvement is small when the immersed depth is larger than the half of the water depth. A series of physical model experiments are carried out to examine the analytical results. Comparisons between the analytical and experimental results of reflection coefficients are made for some comparable cases and show good agreement provided certain parameters of this model are suitably chosen. This demonstrates that the analytical model is able to account adequately for energy dissipation by the slotted plate and can provide instruction for the design of such seawalls.  相似文献   

海堤在防范海洋灾害,保障生命财产安全的同时,也造成了滨海湿地丧失或破碎化,生物多样性降低,消纳潮功能减弱,水质净化能力减弱等问题。生态海堤是满足海洋灾害防护要求、模拟滨海生态系统结构和生态过程,具有生态功能和美学价值的复合生态系统,具备抵御风暴潮涨水、抵御海浪侵蚀、防止水土流失、维护生物多样性和改善水质等功能,主要包括离岸防护、海向浅滩、海堤堤身三个系统。演替理论、边缘效应理论、中度干扰假说、生态位理论等生态学基础理论为生态海堤建设提供了理论依据。生态海堤建设应遵循防护优先、注重生态、因地制宜、自我维持的原则,通过减缓坡度、恢复植被或生境、增加微生境和提高表面粗糙程度等手段实现。生态海堤的关键技术主要包括设计技术、材料技术、系统集成技术和全过程管理技术。针对生态海堤建设存在的问题,下一步应加强基础研究和关键技术研发,开展生态海堤建设区划,建立标准体系,构建修复物种种质资源库,创新产业化发展模式。  相似文献   

The performance of coastal vertical seawalls in extreme weather events is studied numerically, aiming to provide guidance in designing and reassessing coastal structures with vertical wall. The extreme wave run-up and the pressure on the vertical seawall are investigated extensively. A time-domain higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is coupled with a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian technique as a time marching technique. Focused wave groups are generated by a piston wave-maker in the numerical wave tank using a wave focusing technique for accurately reproducing extreme sea states. An acceleration-potential scheme is used to calculate the transient wave loads. Comparisons with experimental data show that the extended numerical model is able to accurately predict extreme wave run-ups and pressures on a vertical seawall. The effects of the wave spectrum bandwidth, the wall position and the wave nonlinearity on the wave run-up and the maximum wave load on the vertical seawall are investigated by doing parametric studies.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(1):87-101
Water wave refraction–diffraction within a porous medium on an undulating seabed is considered based on linear wave theory. Using the model of wave-induced flow within a porous medium and Galerkin eigenfunction expansions, refraction–diffraction equations for surface waves are derived. With these equations, the wave reflection from a porous structure on a sloping beach is investigated and numerical results of reflection coefficients are obtained. A comparison between the present results with those in the literature is made for a special case and the agreement is satisfactory. This structure can be viewed as an idealized model of rubble-mound seawalls along coastlines.  相似文献   

Wave interaction with partially immersed twin vertical barriers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The wave transmission, reflection and energy dissipation characteristics of partially immersed twin vertical barriers and the water surface fluctuations in between the barriers were studied using physical models. Regular and random waves of wide ranges of wave heights and periods, nine different immersions of the barriers and a constant water depth were used for the investigation. The coefficient of transmission, and the coefficient of reflection were obtained from the measurements and coefficient of energy dissipation is estimated using the law of conservation of energy. It is found in general that the twin barrier is better in reducing the coefficient of transmission and increasing the coefficient of dissipation in random waves than with the regular waves, especially for increasing incident wave energy levels. The coefficient of transmission reduces significantly with the increased relative water depth. Increase of relative water depth from 0.09 to 0.45 resulted in reduction of transmission coefficient from 0.65 to 0.05. It is possible to achieve a transmission coefficient less than 0.20 for six immersion configurations with relative depth of immersions of the barrier less than (0.28, 0.43), especially in the region closer to deep water conditions. Coefficient of dissipation ranging from 0.65 to 0.85 can be obtained due to random wave interaction.  相似文献   

漫堤是天文潮、风暴潮与海浪等物理要素作用于海堤后海水翻越海堤的物理过程。本文利用天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪耦合模式(ADCIRC+SWAN)、基于非结构三角形网格和高分辨率地理数据(海堤位置和高程、岸线和水深等)构建福建沿海精细化漫堤风险等级评估系统。该系统在近岸网格分辨率最高达50m,可精确刻画福建沿海复杂地形。利用模拟的水位与海浪参数,采用波浪爬高公式计算得到各海堤堤前波浪爬高。按照总水位与波浪爬高之和与海堤高程的对比,将漫堤风险分为五个等级。对2013年的超强台风天兔过程进行后报检验。结果显示,该系统计算的漫堤情况与灾后调查的漫堤实况基本一致,结果准确,说明本研究中采用的漫堤风险评估标准和方法是可行的。在此基础上,设计了4种不同的台风强度等级,对福建沿海206条海堤进行了漫堤风险等级评估,探究台风强度对漫堤风险的影响。结果表明:波浪爬高对漫堤风险的影响高于单纯的风暴潮增水;风暴潮增水随台风强度的增强增量较小,对于漫堤的风险影响较小;福建沿海波浪爬高普遍较高,随着台风强度的增强,波浪爬高会显著增加漫堤的风险等级,且应重视台风浪对海堤造成的冲击所导致的溃堤灾害。本研究可为沿海防灾减灾提供...  相似文献   

斜向不规则波对直墙作用的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过长峰不规则波和方向波谱对直墙作用的实验研究 ,分别给出了每延米斜向不规则波波浪力与正向力之比 ,方向波谱波浪力与斜向长峰不规则波波浪力之间的关系 ,通过与规则波实验结果的比较给出了斜向规则波与不规则波波浪力之间的相对关系 ;并对斜向不规则波的反射系数与正向波时的变化作出了分析  相似文献   

The characteristics of wave forces are studied based on physical model tests with regular waves. The ratio of obliquely incident wave forces to normally incident wave forces on unit length of a vertical wall is related with various factors. A linear reduction of the mean force of obliquely incident waves is confirmed with an increase in the relative caisson length. Also the characteristics of reflection coefficient of diagonal waves are discussed.  相似文献   

规则波和不规则波作用下消波建筑物前的波高分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消波建筑物在国内外已得到广泛应用。本文采用近似方法分析了明基床上直立式消波建筑物前的波高及消波室内的波高,从而确定建筑物的消波效果。并在规则波的基础上将成果推广至不规则波作用下的情况。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional high-resolution finite volume model capable of simulating storm waves propagating in the coastal surf zone and overtopping a sea wall is presented. The model (AMAZON) is based on solving the non-linear shallow water (NLSW) equations. A modern upwind scheme of the Godunov-type using an HLL approximate Riemann solver is described which captures bore waves in both transcritical and supercritical flows. By employing a finite volume formulation, the method can be implemented on an irregular, structured, boundary-fitted computational mesh. The use of the NLSW equations to model wave overtopping is computationally efficient and practically flexible, though the detailed structure of wave breaking is of course ignored. It is shown that wave overtopping at a vertical wall may also be approximately modelled by representing the wall as a steep bed slope. The AMAZON model solutions have been compared with analytical solutions and laboratory data for wave overtopping at sloping and vertical seawalls and good agreement has been found. The model requires more verification tests for irregular waves before its application as a generic design tool.  相似文献   

Catastrophic failures of many tsunami barriers along the affected coasts during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami has prompted extensive investigation into improving and revising design codes for tsunami defence structures. To date, researchers and coastal engineers are investigating to understand the failure mechanisms and to find solutions so that the structures merely remain intact in the extreme event such as tsunami. Thus, the present work is motivated to experimentally study tsunami-induced bore pressures exerted on vertical seawalls; a solid vertical wall and a porous vertical seawall that consisted of a perforated front wall and a solid rear wall. Bores with various heights and velocities were generated by using the dam-break method. A porous seawall with 20% porosity of perforated front wall was used in this study. Bore pressures exerted on the solid rear wall and chamber oscillations that occurred in the experiments were also discussed. The experimental results showed that multiple peak pressures were observed during bore run-up phase in the time series of bore impacts. A predictive equation to estimate the maximum bore pressure on a perforated seawall was developed using multiple regression analysis. The proposed equation was also compared with previous empirical formulas.  相似文献   

依据雷诺方程和k-ε紊流模型,按流体体积(VOF)法追踪波浪自由表面,采用源造波法,建立数值波浪水槽,数值模拟波浪对复杂结构形式海堤的作用.数值模拟结果与经验公式、物理模型试验结果基本符合,说明所建立的数值波浪水槽合理可行.揭示了不规则波作用下复杂结构形式海堤波浪力分布规律,模拟了堤前波浪形态变化,为探讨合理的海堤结构形式提供了依据.  相似文献   

This paper considers wave impacts on baffles, on baffles or decks adjacent to a vertical wall, and on porous seawalls and/or sea beds. For seawalls and vertical baffles, impacts can occur in steep waves, whilst a deck can be struck from below by a rising wave crest either in open sea or in a tank with standing waves (sloshing). A simple analytical model for the pressure impulse, P, due to a wave of idealized geometry and dynamics is developed and applied to the following geometries with impermeable surfaces:
  • •horizontal wave impact onto a vertical wall with a deck at the waterline,
  • •vertical wave impact under a deck in the same configuration (equivalent to vertical water impact of a horizontal plate),
  • •horizontal wave impact onto a surface-piercing vertical baffle in open sea,
  • •as for 3. but with the baffle in front of a wall,
  • •as for 4. but with a deck extending from the vertical wall to the baffle,
  • •bottom-mounted baffle in front of a wall with impact occurring on the wall.
We also consider cases that complement part 1 of this paper to include the effect on impacts on a seawall with a porous sea bed and/or sea wall with/without a berm. Finally we reconsider case 3) above but with a porous baffle.The method uses eigenfunction expansions in each of the rectangular regions that satisfy some of the impermeable or porous surface conditions, and a simplified free-surface condition. Their unknown coefficients are determined from the impact boundary condition, impermeable or porous boundary conditions and by matching the solutions, in any two neighbouring rectangles, along their common boundary. Although the fluid motion is treated rather crudely, the method yields the pressure impulse throughout the entire region. Impulses, I, and moment impulses, M, on all or parts of the structure are also presented.  相似文献   

应用经验证的SWASH数学模型,分析了海堤决口中心线沿线实测水深分布规律和保护区淹没水量与淹没面积。对不同特征水深进行验证,进而探讨不同波要素对不同形式的海堤决口堤后特征水深分布情况以及波浪传播距离与时间的关系;分析了物理模型试验中海堤决口宽度以及不同波要素对堤后洪水波演进的影响;计算了不同决口深度和宽度对洪水波传播的影响,建立堤后水体淹没水量和淹没面积分布公式。成果可供我国沿海城市和地区在风暴潮和台风浪作用下海堤决口风险图绘制参考。  相似文献   

结合椭圆型缓坡方程模拟近岸波流场   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
波浪向近岸传播的过程中,由波浪破碎效应所产生的近岸波流场是近岸海域关键的水动力学因素之一.结合近岸波浪场的椭圆型缓坡方程和近岸波流场数学模型对近岸波浪场及由斜向入射波浪破碎后所形成的近岸波流场进行了数值模拟.计算中考虑到波浪向近岸传播中由于波浪的折射、绕射、反射等效应使局部复杂区域波向不易确定,采用结合椭圆型缓坡方程所给出的波浪辐射应力公式来计算波浪产生的辐射应力,在此基础上耦合椭圆型缓坡方程和近岸波流场数学模型对近岸波流场进行数值模拟,从而使模型综合考虑了波浪的折射、绕射、反射等效应且避免了对波向角的直接求解,可以应用于相对较复杂区域的近岸波流场模拟.  相似文献   

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