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随着全球变暖等一系列气候变化的发生,极地海冰成为人们日益关注的焦点。由于不受光线和云雨影响,合成孔径雷达(SAR)可以进行全天时全天候的观测。高分3号是我国高分系列卫星中的一颗星载合成孔径雷达成像卫星,具有多种成像模式,可以在全球获取SAR数据。全天时全天候的工作特性和高空间分辨率的优势,使得高分3号星载SAR在极地海冰遥感监测中发挥重要的作用。本文基于高分3号水平-垂直(Horizontal-Vertical,HV)极化数据,提出了一种基于支持向量机的无需人工干预的海冰检测方法,实现海水和海冰的自动分离。利用该方法得到的海冰和海水分离结果同辅以人工解译的半监督分类结果相比较为吻合,为高分3号服务于极区海冰监测奠定了良好的基础。 相似文献
基于RADARSAT地球物理处理器系统(RGPS)的北极海冰运动散度、旋度和剪切产品,本文计算了北极海冰总形变率,给出了所有RGPS产品时空覆盖范围的总形变率空间分布和时间平均总形变率大于0.01d-1的概率分布。结果表明:对整个RGPS数据库而言(时间跨度从1996年11月至2008年4月),平均总形变率为0.020 4d-1,总形变率大于0.01d-1的数据样本为总样本的45.89%。总形变率高值主要分布在近岸海域,靠近北极点附近的总形变率相对较小。北极海冰总形变率随季节变化,夏季平均总形变率及总形变率大于0.01d-1发生概率要比冬季大,其中,夏季总形变率大于0.01d-1发生概率为59%,而冬季要比夏季低18%。其可能机制主要是,夏季北极地区温度升高,形成海冰融化-破碎-更易融化-更易破碎的放大效果,导致北极海冰总形变率变大。 相似文献
长序列北极海冰覆盖数据集对比分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
国家卫星气象中心使用2011年至今的风云三号卫星数据开发了一套基于Nasa Team2(NT2)算法的北极海冰密集度数据集,并可实时业务更新。将该数据集与其他国家不同机构业务运行并实时更新多种同类型数据集进行横向对比分析,其中包括:(1)美国冰雪中心基于Nasa Team(NT)算法以及SSM/I、SSMIS数据制作的1978年至今25 km分辨率全球极区海冰覆盖数据集;(2)美国冰雪中心基于Boot Strap(BS)算法以及SSM/I、SSMIS数据制作的1978年至今25 km分辨率全球极区海冰覆盖数据集;(3)美国NOAA基于多种卫星资料、地面观测数据以及海冰模型制作的2004年至今4 km分辨率北半球海冰覆盖数据集(IMS)。对比表明,上述数据集在北极地区不同的时空范围内存在一定的偏差。以分辨率较高的IMS数据集为基准,对其他3种长序列数据集进行初步评价,总体最大偏差超过100×104 km2,其中,NT2数据集过估较明显。经过与IMS数据集多年各月监测最大值的对比订正,NT2数据集过估情况得到改善。在此基础上的分析结果表明,NT、BS、NT2等3种数据集与IMS数据集相比,过估区域主要分布在海岸线附近,夏季过估比冬季更加明显,少估区域与算法、月份相关性明显,夏季少估面积也较冬季更大。NT、BS、NT2等3种数据集之中,NT2数据集与IMS数据集偏差最小,NT数据集次之,BS数据集与IMS数据集偏差最大。结果表明使用风云三号卫星数据的北极海冰覆盖数据集精度与国外3种同类型数据集相当。 相似文献
Diffuse attenuation coefficient(DAC) of sea water is an important parameter in ocean thermodynamics and biology, reflecting the absorption capability of sea water in different layers. In the Arctic Ocean, however, sea ice affects the radiance/irradiance measurements of upper ocean, which results in obvious errors in the DAC calculation. To better understand the impacts of sea ice on the ocean optics observations, a series of in situ experiments were carried out in the summer of 2009 in the southern Beaufort Sea. Observational results show that the profiles of spectral diffuse attenuation coefficients of seawater near ice cover within upper surface of 50 m were not contaminated by the sea ice with a solar zenith angle of 55°, relative azimuth angle of 110°≤φ≤115° and horizontal distance between the sensors and ice edge of greater than 25 m. Based on geometric optics theory, the impact of ice cover could be avoided by adjusting the relative solar azimuth angle in a particular distance between the instrument and ice. Under an overcast sky, ice cover being 25 m away from sensors did not affect the profiles of spectral DACs within the upper 50 m either. Moreover, reliable spectral DACs of seawater could be obtained with sensors completely covered by sea ice. 相似文献
2017年夏季中国第八次北极科学考察期间,"雪龙"号极地考察船首次成功穿越北极中央航道,期间全程开展了海冰要素的人工观测。中央航道走航期间的平均海冰密集度和平均冰厚分别为0.64和1.5 m,海冰密集度时空变化大且以厚当年冰为主,高纬密集冰区的浮冰大小显著高于海冰边缘区。基于"雪龙"号的船基走航观测海冰密集度评估比较了国际上常用的5种常用的微波遥感反演海冰密集度产品,同走航目测海冰密集度点对点的比较,误差最大的为德国不来梅大学AMSR2基于Bootstrap算法的产品,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.19和0.28;误差最小的为欧洲气象卫星应用组织基于AMSR2数据和OSHD和TUD两种不同算法的产品,平均误差分别为-0.02和0.01,均方根误差均为0.20。从日平均比较来看,AMSR2基于Bootstrap算法的误差最大,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.15和0.20;AMSR2/OSI SAF(TUD)的误差最小,平均误差和均方根误差分别为0.0和0.11,OSI SAF产品更接近人工观测结果。 相似文献
北极海冰变化特征分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文利用NASA的海冰密集度资料(时间为1978年10月~2002年9月,分辨率为1.0×0.25),计算并分析了1978~2002年的北极海冰面积、范围的时间变化趋势以及变化的空间分布。 相似文献
本文利用2016年的AMSR2、GMI、WindSat和HY-2A RM等星载微波辐射计海表温度(SST)数据,分析了北极卫星遥感SST数据的时空覆盖和产品精度情况。结果表明:北极星载微波辐射计SST冬季覆盖率和有效覆盖天数要低于夏季,GMI的SST有效覆盖率较低,AMSR2较高,联合使用AMSR2、GMI、WindSat和HY-2A RM星载微波辐射计SST数据,2月份覆盖率在12%~15%之间,有效观测天数优于26 d,8月份覆盖率全月高于26%,有效观测天数优于29 d。北极地区星载微波辐射计SST数据的误差均要大于全球平均水平,AMSR2数据精度较好,WindSat与AMSR2的精度相当,GMI的均方根误差约是AMSR2的2倍,HY-2A RM数据精度低于其他星载微波辐射计水平。 相似文献
严重冰情是重要海洋自然灾害之一,往往造成国计民生的重大损失。本文概要介绍了我国“七五”期间在海冰航空遥感技术研究方面的进展,重点讨论了机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)的全天时、全天候、高分辨率、高信噪比和对云层的穿透能力强等特点,以及使用机载地球资源侧视雷达(ERR)系统,对渤海进行的首次SAR测冰试验结果。所获得的分辨率为3m×3m和成图比例为1:10万的辽东湾海冰相嵌图象,清楚地给出了固定冰带、流冰冰型、流冰密集度、冰块大小、冰脊、冰间水域和流水区外缘线等参量。SAR监测和分析海冰的研究结果具有重要的科学和实用价值。 相似文献
北极海冰对全球气候变化起重要的指示作用。除了海水冻结和融化过程以外,通过弗拉姆海峡(Fram Strait)的海冰输出也是影响北极海冰质量变化的重要动力机制。观测数据中的多源卫星遥感数据(尤其是辐射计观测数据)在获取大尺度连续观测方面具有独特的优势,在研究北极海冰输出面积通量变化方面有着广泛应用。本文总结了北极弗拉姆海峡、其他通道(S-FJL、FJL-SZ、加拿大群岛、Nares海峡通道)海冰输出面积或体积通量,着重介绍了弗拉姆海峡不同年龄海冰输出情况,并总结和分析了影响北极海冰输运的大尺度大气活动模态。最后,本文阐明北极海冰输出方面现有研究的不足之处以及未来的突破方向。 相似文献
The extremely low temperature, high humidity and limited power supply pose considerable challenges when using spectrometers within the Arctic sea ice. The feasibility of using a miniature low-power near-infrared spectrometer module to measure solar radiation in Arctic sea ice environments was investigated in this study.Temperature and integration time dependences of the spectrometer module were examined over the entire target operating range of –50℃ to 30℃, well below the specified operating range of this spectrometer. Using these observations, a dark output prediction model was developed to represent dark output as a function of temperature and integration time. Temperature-induced biases in the saturation output and linear operating range of the spectrometer were also determined. Temperature and integration time dependences of the signal output were evaluated. Two signal output correction models were developed and compared, to convert the signal output at any temperature within the operating temperature range and integration time to that measured at the reference temperature and integration time. The overall performance of the spectrometer was evaluated by integrating it into a refined fiber optic spectrometry system and measuring solar irradiance distribution in the ice cover with thickness of 1.85 m in the Arctic during the 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The general shape of the measured solar irradiance above the snow surface agreed well with that measured by other commercial oceanographic spectroradiometers. The measured optical properties of the sea ice were generally comparable to those of similar ice measured using other instruments. This approach provides a general framework for assessing the feasibility of using spectrometers for applications in cold environments. 相似文献
An aerial photography has been used to provide validation data on sea ice near the North Pole where most polar orbiting satellites cannot cover. This kind of data can also be used as a supplement for missing data and for reducing the uncertainty of data interpolation. The aerial photos are analyzed near the North Pole collected during the Chinese national arctic research expedition in the summer of 2010(CHINARE2010). The result shows that the average fraction of open water increases from the ice camp at approximately 87°N to the North Pole, resulting in the decrease in the sea ice. The average sea ice concentration is only 62.0% for the two flights(16 and 19 August 2010). The average albedo(0.42) estimated from the area ratios among snow-covered ice,melt pond and water is slightly lower than the 0.49 of HOTRAX 2005. The data on 19 August 2010 shows that the albedo decreases from the ice camp at approximately 87°N to the North Pole, primarily due to the decrease in the fraction of snow-covered ice and the increase in fractions of melt-pond and open-water. The ice concentration from the aerial photos and AMSR-E(The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System) images at 87.0°–87.5°N exhibits similar spatial patterns, although the AMSR-E concentration is approximately 18.0%(on average) higher than aerial photos. This can be attributed to the 6.25 km resolution of AMSR-E, which cannot separate melt ponds/submerged ice from ice and cannot detect the small leads between floes. Thus, the aerial photos would play an important role in providing high-resolution independent estimates of the ice concentration and the fraction of melt pond cover to validate and/or supplement space-borne remote sensing products near the North Pole. 相似文献
北极海冰正处于快速减退时期,北极海冰体积变化是全球气候变化的重要指示因子。本文利用两种卫星高度计数据(ICESat和CryoSat-2)反演得到的海冰厚度数据,结合星载辐射计提取的海冰密集度数据以及海冰年龄数据,估算了近期的北极海冰体积以及一年冰和多年冰体积变化。CryoSat-2观测时段(2011-2013年)与ICESat观测时段(2003-2008年)相比,北极海冰体积在秋季(10-11月)和冬季(2-3月)分别减少了1 426 km3和412 km3。其中,秋季和冬季的一年冰的体积增加了702 km3和2 975 km3。相反,多年冰分别减少了2 108 km3和3 206 km3。多年冰的大量流失是造成北极海冰净储量下降的主要原因。 相似文献
北极海冰输出区域海冰运动变化特征及其与北极航道适航性的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着北极地区气候变暖的加剧,北极海冰正在急剧消融,海冰的减少增加了北极地区航道的适航性。本文利用遥感数据反演得到的海冰运动产品对北极海冰输出区域以及东北航道以北区域的海冰运动特征进行了量化。结果显示,从北极中央海域向弗拉姆海峡以及格陵兰海流出海冰的南向位移量呈现出显著增长趋势,海冰的平均南向位移量在2007-2014年间达到1511 km,是2007年之前(617 km)的两倍以上,反映了北极穿极流(TDS)强度在不断增强。通过长时间序列分析发现,春季东北航道以北区域的海冰北向漂移速度在喀拉海呈现+0.04 厘米/秒/年的显著增长趋势(P<0.05)。海冰北向漂移对于东北航道的开通具有显著的影响,在拉普捷夫海与喀拉海,海冰北向运动速度与航道适航期的决定系数分别达到0.33(P<0.001)和0.15(P<0.05)。东西伯利亚海、拉普捷夫海以及喀拉海存在冰间湖区域的春季海冰面积变化与航道的适航期密切相关,海冰的北向漂移对拉普捷夫海和喀拉海的海冰面积减少也有显著影响,这说明北向漂移促进了海冰的离岸输送,造成海冰面积减少的同时形成冰间水道或冰间湖促使航道开通。为探究大气环流指数对海冰运动以及东北航道适航期的影响,本文利用大气再分析数据计算了中央北极指数(CAI)和北极大气偶极子异常(DA)指数。相关性分析表明,CAI比DA更能解释东北航道的适航期,而且CAI能够解释北极海冰输出区域海冰南向位移量变化的45%。最近10年,夏季正相位的CAI进一步加强,通过加强海冰离岸输运和冰间湖活动加剧了东北航道区域海冰变薄及其强度变弱,从而促进了东北航道的开通。 相似文献
北极海冰数值模拟研究述评 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
根据国内外近年发表的主要文献,详细介绍北极海冰数值模拟工作的最新进展。综合评述各种主要动力学模式的特点和不足,指出与数值模式有关的主要物理问题,重点介绍海冰模式所特有的问题以及海冰数值模拟工作的发展方向。对以往的数值工作和海冰数值模拟的主要问题进行了总结,并在理论和实践方面进行了深入探讨,有助于我国相关工作的开展。 相似文献
The results on the uniaxial compressive strength of Arctic summer sea ice are presented based on the samples collected during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2012(CHINARE-2012). Experimental studies were carried out at different testing temperatures(-3,-6 and-9°C), and vertical samples were loaded at stress rates ranging from 0.001 to 1 MPa/s. The temperature, density, and salinity of the ice were measured to calculate the total porosity of the ice. In order to study the effects of the total porosity and the density on the uniaxial compressive strength, the measured strengths for a narrow range of stress rates from 0.01 to 0.03 MPa/s were analyzed. The results show that the uniaxial compressive strength decreases linearly with increasing total porosity, and when the density was lower than 0.86 g/cm3, the uniaxial compressive strength increases in a power-law manner with density. The uniaxial compressive behavior of the Arctic summer sea ice is sensitive to the loading rate, and the peak uniaxial compressive strength is reached in the brittle-ductile transition range. The dependence of the strength on the temperature shows that the calculated average strength in the brittle-ductile transition range, which was considered as the peak uniaxial compressive strength, increases steadily in the temperature range from-3 to-9°C. 相似文献
北极海冰与埃尔—尼诺 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文通过简单的曲线对应关系分析指出,北极海冰与埃尔-尼诺现象存在着一定的对应关系:在埃尔-尼诺发生前半年的冬季,欧洲附近(Ⅳ区)北极海冰指数(DQ%值)易出现峰值或处于增长阶段,在埃尔-尼诺发生年的夏季,北美中西部附近(Ⅱ区)的北极海冰指数也是易出现峰值或处于增长阶段。同时本文还给出了北极海冰(Ⅱ区和Ⅳ区)与埃尔-尼诺相联系的可能的物理机制,指出:埃尔-尼诺发生前半年的冬季Ⅳ区海冰是埃尔-尼诺的一个强迫源,而埃尔-尼诺年夏季Ⅱ区海冰是对埃尔-尼诺强迫的响应结果。 相似文献