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相比于实孔径微波辐射计,一维综合孔径微波辐射计具有高空间分辨率和多入射角观测特点.本文提出采用观测频率为6.9,10.65,18.7,23.8和36.5 GHz,且入射角范围为0°~65°的一维综合孔径微波辐射计遥感大气海洋环境要素.基于构建的微波大气海洋辐射传输正演模型,分析了辐射计亮温对大气海洋环境要素的敏感性,为...  相似文献   

基于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the low spatial resolution of sea surface temperature(T_S) retrieval by real aperture microwave radiometers,in this study, an iterative retrieval method that minimizes the differences between brightness temperature(T_B)measured and modeled was used to retrieve sea surface temperature with a one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, temporarily named 1 D-SAMR. Regarding the configuration of the radiometer, an angular resolution of 0.43° was reached by theoretical calculation. Experiments on sea surface temperature retrieval were carried out with ideal parameters; the results show that the main factors affecting the retrieval accuracy of sea surface temperature are the accuracy of radiometer calibration and the precision of auxiliary geophysical parameters. In the case of no auxiliary parameter errors, the greatest error in retrieved sea surface temperature is obtained at low T_S scene(i.e., 0.710 6 K for the incidence angle of 35° under the radiometer calibration accuracy of0.5 K). While errors on auxiliary parameters are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution, the greatest error on retrieved sea surface temperature was 1.330 5 K at an incidence angle of 65° in poorly known sea surface wind speed(W)(the error on W of 1.0 m/s) over high W scene, for the radiometer calibration accuracy of 0.5 K.  相似文献   

本文利用2016年的AMSR2、GMI、WindSat和HY-2A RM等星载微波辐射计海表温度(SST)数据,分析了北极卫星遥感SST数据的时空覆盖和产品精度情况。结果表明:北极星载微波辐射计SST冬季覆盖率和有效覆盖天数要低于夏季,GMI的SST有效覆盖率较低,AMSR2较高,联合使用AMSR2、GMI、WindSat和HY-2A RM星载微波辐射计SST数据,2月份覆盖率在12%~15%之间,有效观测天数优于26 d,8月份覆盖率全月高于26%,有效观测天数优于29 d。北极地区星载微波辐射计SST数据的误差均要大于全球平均水平,AMSR2数据精度较好,WindSat与AMSR2的精度相当,GMI的均方根误差约是AMSR2的2倍,HY-2A RM数据精度低于其他星载微波辐射计水平。  相似文献   

为提高降雨条件下星载全极化微波辐射计海面风场精度,通过匹配WindSat海面风场和降雨率数据以及美国国家浮标中心浮标观测数据,得到18 996组匹配样本,深入分析了降雨对海面风场反演精度的严重影响,构建了风场校正模型。试验结果表明,降雨导致海面风速被严重高估,风向误差随着降雨率的增大而增大。校正后的风速精度在低风速段提升明显。无论降雨率多大,校正后风速精度均比校正前高。风速均方根误差由原来的2.9 m/s降低到了2.1 m/s,风向均方根误差由原来的26.9°降低到了26.3°。  相似文献   

我们发展了一种用19.35GHz星载微波辐射计(SSM/I)亮温反演海面风速的模式,并利用同步的卫星亮温和海面浮标数据反演出海面风速,并且和浮标风速进行比较。为了说明反演算法的可用性,我们分别与目前国际上的通用反演算法的反演结果进行了比较。文章提供了一种新的、用单一波段亮温反演海面风速的方法。  相似文献   

微波辐射计遥感海洋盐度的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了微波辐射计遥感海洋盐度的原理,回顾了在海水微波辐射亮度温度模型,机载、星载微波辐射计遥感海洋盐度实验,以及星载微波辐射计研究计划方面的进展。指出了为提高海洋盐度测量精度和空间分辨率,在盐度遥感机理、微波辐射计、及盐度反演研究方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

海面盐度是描述海洋的重要参量之一,基于星载微波辐射计的海面盐度探测也是海洋遥感研究的重要内容.在影响盐度遥感的误差中,大气是重要的影响因素.在辐射传输理论的基础上,仿真计算了大气透射率和上、下行辐射随地面大气温度、压强和辐射计入射角的变化关系,进而得到大气对接收辐射亮温的影响.仿真结果表明,大气对盐度遥感的影响很大,但当地面大气温度和压强精度分别达到2℃和1000 Pa时,可以消除大气的影响.  相似文献   

海面微波辐射特性测量与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对海面微波辐射特性现场测量和数据处理的基础上,结合对海面微波辐射理论的初步分析,研究了各种环境参数以及辐射计参数与海洋微波谱特性的相关关系,为海洋微波遥感 资料的分析和解译提供了基础数据。测量结果表明了辐射计参数和环境要素对海面微波辐射特性的影响,而这些影响因素在分析、解译遥感资料时是必需考虑的因素。  相似文献   

在对海面微波辐射特性现场测量和数据处理的基础上,结合对海面微波辐射理论的初步分析,研究了各种环境参数以及辐射计参数与海洋微波波谱特性的相关关系,为海洋微波遥感资料的分析和解译提供了基础数据.测量结果表明了辐射计参数和环境要素对海面微波辐射特性的影响,而这些影响因素在分析、解译遥感资料时是必需考虑的因素.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional real aperture microwave radiometers, one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometers have higher spatial resolution. In this paper, we proposed to retrieve sea surface temperature using a one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer that operates at frequencies of 6.9 GHz, 10.65 GHz,18.7 GHz and 23.8 GHz at multiple incidence angles. We used the ERA5 reanalysis data provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and a radiation transmission forward model to calculate the model brightness temperature. The brightness temperature measured by the spaceborne one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer was simulated by adding Gaussian noise to the model brightness temperature.Then, a backpropagation(BP) neural network algorithm, a random forest(RF) algorithm and two multiple linear regression algorithms(RE1 and RE2) were developed to retrieve sea surface temperature from the measured brightness temperature within the incidence angle range of 0°–65°. The results show that the retrieval errors of the four algorithms increase with the increasing Gaussian noise. The BP achieves the lowest retrieval errors at all incidence angles. The retrieval error of the RE1 and RE2 decrease first and then increase with the incidence angle and the retrieval error of the RF is contrary to that of RE1 and RE2.  相似文献   

西北太平洋多源微波辐射计海表温度数据交叉比对分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海表温度产品是研究全球海洋大气系统的重要数据源,在海洋相关领域的研究和应用方面具有重要价值。以西北太平洋海域为研究区域,本文对2013年和2014年3个微波辐射计海表温度产品(AMSR-2,TMI和WindSat)的产品特性和Argo浮标进行了真实性检验,并对3个传感器数据进行了交叉比对分析,具体涉及海表温度分布、温度梯度分布、观测点分布、匹配点分布、平均偏差分布、均方根误差分布、统计分析结果的逐月演变和海表温度误差棒分析。结果表明,3个微波辐射计在空间尺度上都能比较一致地反映西北太平洋海域的海表温度变化趋势。但遥感数据与浮标数据却存在季节性变化和昼夜差异,其中冬季微波数据与浮标数据的平均偏差和均方根误差较小,降轨数据与浮标数据的结果更接近。AMSR-2的海表温度数据质量比TMI和WindSat的海表温度数据更接近Argo数据。相比于WindSat和TMI,AMSR-2和TMI的海表温度数据质量更为接近,但是由于受到近岸陆地信号干扰,AMSR-2和TMI离岸100 km以内海域的数据应当慎用。  相似文献   

HY-2 satellite is the first satellite for dynamic environmental parameters measurement of China,which was launched on 16th August 2011.A scanning microwave radiometer(RM) is carried for sea surface temperature(SST),sea surface wind speed,columnar water vapor and columnar cloud liquid water detection.In this paper,the initial SST product of RM was validated with in-situ data of National Data of Buoy Center(NDBC) mooring and Argo buoy.The validation results indicate the accuracy of RM SST is better than 1.7 C.The comparison of RM SST and WindSat SST shows the former is warmer than the latter at high sea surface wind speed and the difference between these SSTs is depend on the sea surface wind speed.Then,the relationship between the errors of RM SST and sea surface wind speed was analyzed using NDBC mooring measurements.Based on the results of assessment and errors analysis,the suggestions of taking account of the affection of sea surface wind speed and using sea surface wind speed and direction derived from the microwave scatteromter aboard on HY-2 for SST product calibration were given for retrieval algorithm improvement.  相似文献   

本文基于2016年MODIS(ModerateResolutionImagingSpectroradiometer)-Aqua、MODIS-Terra和VIIRS(Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite)三种红外辐射计的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)数据,统计了北极地区红外SST1月和7月的覆盖率及有效覆盖天数,并与Argo(Arrayfor Real-timeGeostrophicOceanography)浮标数据进行了匹配验证,直观获取北极SST误差分布情况并研究SST遥感观测能力,为更好地了解北极地区从而应对气候变化提供一定的资料基础。结果表明,北极地区红外辐射计SST数据7月的覆盖率和有效观测天数均高于1月,1月三种数据相差不大,7月VIIRS的覆盖率和有效观测天数均优于MODIS-Aqua和MODIS-Terra,联合三种红外辐射计的覆盖率和有效观测天数相较于单星有所增加, 1月覆盖率最高为8%, 7月最高接近70%,表明多星联合探测是提高北极地区SST数据覆盖率和观测天数的有效方法;北极地区SST数据的误差普遍高于全球总体水平, VIIRS白天、夜间的均方根误差(E_(rms))均低于MODIS-Aqua和MODIS-Terra, MODIS-Aqua白天SST的E_(rms)高于MODIS-Terra,夜间则低于MODIS-Terra。综合来看, VIIRS在北极的覆盖率、有效观测天数及与浮标的匹配结果在三种红外辐射计中为最优。  相似文献   

A new 0.1° gridded daily sea surface temperature(SST) data product is presented covering the years 2003–2015. It is created by fusing satellite SST data retrievals from four microwave(Wind Sat, AMSR-E, ASMR2 and HY-2 A RM)and two infrared(MODIS and AVHRR) radiometers(RMs) based on the optimum interpolation(OI) method. The effect of including HY-2 A RM SST data in the fusion product is studied, and the accuracy of the new SST product is determined by various comparisons with moored and drifting buoy measurements. An evaluation using global tropical moored buoy measurements shows that the root mean square error(RMSE) of the new gridded SST product is generally less than 0.5℃. A comparison with US National Data Buoy Center meteorological and oceanographic moored buoy observations shows that the RMSE of the new product is generally less than 0.8℃. A comparison with measurements from drifting buoys shows an RMSE of 0.52–0.69℃. Furthermore, the consistency of the new gridded SST dataset and the Remote Sensing Systems microwave-infrared SST dataset is evaluated, and the result shows that no significant inconsistency exists between these two products.  相似文献   

In this study a novel synthetic aperture radar(SAR) scattering model for sea surface with breaking waves is proposed. Compared with existing models, the proposed model considers an empirical relationship between wind speed and wave breaking scattering to present the contribution of wave breaking. Moreover, the scattering weight factor p, and wave breaking rate q, are performed to present the contribution of the quasi-specular scattering term, Bragg scattering term, and wave breaking scattering t...  相似文献   

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