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琼东上升流(EHU)是南海北部最强劲的上升流系统之一。它的水动力过程已经被很多研究所揭示,但是它的浮游植物群落依然不清楚。通过利用卫星遥感数据和2015年上升流季节的航次数据,我们首次阐明了琼东上升流区域(EHU)和其临近区域雷州半岛东部上升流区(ELPU)浮游植物生物量和群落的空间结构。在夏季季风的驱动下,我们在琼东沿岸发现了一个显著的低温高盐冷舌。由于雷州半岛东部大陆架宽广平缓,ELPU比EHU相对较弱。在EHU,由于受潮汐和风浪混合的影响,高溶解氧浓度 (>6.0 mg/l)几乎从表层延伸到30米深度。其次,低溶解氧的海水(<6.0 mg/l, 缺氧)被上升流从底层抽吸到上层。ELPU和EHU相比有更差的DO状况,在EHU,底层DO浓度由于大量的消耗,浓度甚至低于3.5 mg/l。在EHU,浮游植物生物量最大值出现在30米水层而不是在表层,约为1.5 mg/m3。这表明了上升流对于浮游植物生长和DO分布的影响范围。由于营养物质输入丰富, ELPU处的浮游植物生物量比EHU高很多。在EHU处,浮游植物生物量最大值可以达到4.0 mg/m3。浮游植物生物量在EHU和ELPU的沿岸区域则降低到了大约0.2~0.3 mg/m3,而这个值与远海接近。在EHU的近岸,浮游植物群落结构被硅藻所主宰,大约占了浮游植物生物量的50%。原核生物(大约40%)、绿藻(大约20%)、原绿球藻(大约20%)组成了EHU的近岸的主要群落。在ELPU,硅藻大约占了浮游植物生物量的80%,其次是绿藻,这表明与EHU相比,这个区域是一个相对不同的生态系统。  相似文献   

The diversity, community composition and 16 S rRNA gene abundance of bacterioplankton along a transect across an upwelling area off the eastern coast of Hainan Island(the Qiongdong upwelling) were investigated in August of 2016 using high throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR assay of 16 S rRNA genes. Compared with the offshore stations, the inner-shelf stations had higher bacterial gene abundance(up to 3 fold) and operational taxonomic unit richness, a result of the influence of upwelled a...  相似文献   

Although small copepods are one of the main dietary sources for many commercially important fish, their role in the pelagic trophic dynamics has traditionally been underestimated due to the methodology commonly used in plankton sampling. Temporal variation in abundance of adults and nauplii of small copepods (particularly Oithona plumifera) in nearshore waters on the south coast of South Africa was investigated fortnightly over 14 months at site (km) and location (100 m) scales. Sampling was within <500 m of the shore, where depth was ca. 10 m, using vertical hauls of an 80-μm mesh plankton net from 1 m above the seabed to the surface. Twenty-seven adult copepod taxa were recorded, but Oithona spp. was consistently the most abundant. Taxon richness was 7–19 on each sampling occasion. There was strong temporal variation (Oithona varied between 0 and 2300 m−3), but much of this was short-term variability (e.g. between consecutive sampling sessions), with no seasonality or other long-term discernable patterns. There were periods of consistently low numbers, but very high numbers often followed samples with low abundances. Nor was there spatial structure at the location scale, though numbers differed between sites. Despite considerable variability at the location scale within sites, Kenton consistently showed higher densities than High Rocks. Separate analyses, with Bonferroni adjustment, showed that this difference was significant on eight out of 21 occasions for Oithona, six for other pelagic copepods and three for nauplii. This suggests that hydrodynamics favour aggregation of plankton at Kenton. A high degree of short-term variability, with a tendency for aggregation of small zooplankton at certain sites has implications for both pelagic processes and food-web links between the benthic and pelagic environments.  相似文献   

The initiation of the toxic harmful algal bloom (HAB), Karenia brevis, along the west Florida coast has been associated with upwelling events. Upwelling processes may be responsible for the transport of nutrients or algae from deep offshore locations across the Florida shelf to the coast. The influence of coastal wind-driven upwelling on the onset and occurrences of K. brevis in this region was numerically investigated using Rutgers University's Regional Ocean Modeling System. Computations were carried out in an idealized model domain, a two-dimensional slice in the cross-shore and vertical directions. The surface forcing data used was from several offshore meteorological buoys. The motion of the algae was simulated using Lagrangian particles and a passive tracer. The numerical simulations of three K. brevis events in 2000–2002 showed that the particles respond (with upwelling/downwelling) to the along-shore wind stresses as expected and some upwelling was present during the events. Comparison of the passive tracer fields with measured fluorescence data exposed the model's sensitivity to the particular surface forcing data employed and the relatively more significant role played by surface forcing over initial conditions. The present model set-up constitutes a useful predictive tool for conditions conducive to the onset of HABs. It is planned to be used in a real-time mode to aid the NOAA HAB monitoring and forecasting system.  相似文献   

In this study we identified spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and abundance of larval stages of several fish species in nearshore waters off central Chile. Larvae were sampled monthly at two close (20 km apart) but contrasting localities, El Quisco and Las Cruces. Surveys corresponded to standard plankton tows stratified according to bathymetry and distance from shore. Our results indicate that at both localities: (1) there is a seasonal reproductive pattern for most of the species studied; (2) there is a seasonal-related change in larval species composition and abundance, with austral Winter–Spring being the time of greatest diversity; (3) larval stages of several species that, as adults occupy intertidal, estuarine–riverine, subtidal, benthic-demersal, epipelagic or mesopelagic habitats, are found within these coastal environments; (4) there is a distinctive cross-shelf pattern of larval distribution, which seems to correspond, at least for the intertidal species, with the shallower (<30 m depth) portion of area surveyed; and (5) there is a coupling between the patterns of distribution and abundance of the entire ichthyoplankton assemblage with short-term physical features such as wind forcing, Ekman transport, and local currents. Our findings suggest that both the specific composition as well as the abundance of larval fish species varies spatially and temporally and that this variability may result from the interaction of physical and biological factors at different scales.  相似文献   

近些年来,夏季黄海浒苔大规模暴发,并在青岛近岸海域大面积聚集,引起了广泛的关注。本文基于在夏季和冬季所获得的多学科调查资料,重点研究了青岛近海的水文-生物地球化学过程及其生态影响,阐明了该海域物理-化学-生物等多参数之间的耦合响应。研究显示,夏季黄海冷水团的边界可扩展至青岛近岸海域,并在局部涌升至上层水体,形成沿岸上升流;该上升流可对上层营养盐产生一定的补充,进而促进浮游植物的繁殖,并于底层海域对应形成溶解氧(DO)和pH的低值。夏季青岛近海的上升流可能还有利于随南风漂移至此的浒苔的生长,并在一定程度上引起浒苔的局地旺发;同时,夏季该海域特定的锋面系统对浒苔聚集的影响也不容忽视。冬季黄海暖流在苏北浅滩外侧向山东半岛南部海域延伸,扩展至青岛近海的暖水舌与近岸低温水之间的锋面特征明显,而且在向岸暖水与近岸冷水间还对应形成了明显的营养盐和叶绿素(Chl-a)锋面。该项研究从多学科交叉的视角,增进了对青岛近海物理、化学和生物过程之间耦合关系的认识。  相似文献   

Whereas the data on mesozooplankton in the epipelagic offshore Mediterranean Sea are extensive, less information is available about plankton in the deeper layers. The present study aims to describe the vertical and horizontal structure and distribution of mesozooplankton species and their associations down to 1,200 m in the water of the Southern Adriatic Sea. Zooplankton were sampled using a Nansen net of 200‐μm mesh size during two cruises in the winters of 2015 and 2016, extending from the coast to the open sea. In total, 203 zooplankton taxa were identified. The community was dominated by copepods, representing between 67% and 91% of the total abundance. The highest total densities were recorded in the upper layers where a high proportion (up to 36%) of appendicularians was also observed in the first sampled year. Five groups of samples were determined based on their community structure. In 2015 communities were distinct between the 0 and 50 m layer and the underlying one (50–100 m), whereas in 2016 epipelagic waters were inhabited by a more uniform mesozooplankton community. The mesopelagic and deep‐water fauna, especially copepods, showed a relatively stable composition in both sampling years Overall, our study confirms the oligotrophic character of the Southern Adriatic, with occasional density outbreaks of appendicularians under favourable conditions.  相似文献   

Hourly fluctuations of vertical velocity in relation to components of flow and wind and temperature oscillations at a morring site in the shelf waters off the west coast of India are discussed. The vertical velocities were computed from a time series of vertical temperature profiles assuming that horizontal advection of temperature is negligible. The computed values at a depth of 40 m during the 72-h period of observation were of the order of 10−1 to 10−2cm s−1, with a mean value of −2·77 × 10−2 cm s−1 indicating a net upward movement of water. The computed vertical velocity showed fluctuations of about 2–3 h, in addition to weaker signals of about 12 h. Based on the spectral estimates, we speculate that these fluctuations of 2–3 h in the vertical velocity may be caused by the fluctuations in the along-shore wind. The oscillations of isotherms found in the temperaturedepth time series and the spectral estimates of temperature and cross-shore flow component showed a periodicity of about 12 h, which indicated the presence of semi-diurnal internal waves. The fact that these internal wave troughs were associated with the measured onshore flow suggested that the waves were propagating offshore. The computed stability parameters showed little evidence of instability or mixing. It was found that the isotherm troughs in the temperaturedepth time series at about 12-h period coincided with high vertical shear in the cross-shore direction and low values of Brunt Vaisälä frequency.  相似文献   

2006年夏季粤东至闽南近岸海域上升流的特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2006年夏季粤东至闽南近岸海域海水的实测温度、盐度资料和海表温度、叶绿素0含量的卫星遥感资料,分析了该海域的上升流现象.结果表明:上升流区水体具有低温、高盐特征,其中心区域位于汕头至东山一带近岸海域.在汕头以西海域,外海深层低温高盐水沿海底地形向岸爬升形成上升流.汕头以东近岸海域的上升流为爬升至惠来近岸的外海水随沿岸流向东北方向运动,并在各地沿海底地形爬升所致.研究海域上升流区的水体属同一来源,均来自汕头西南外海.汕头以东近岸海域的上升流强度大于汕头以西,水温低于23.0℃、盐度高于34.00的外海水仅爬升至汕头以西近岸海表以下25m左右,但可出现在汕头以东近岸10m以浅海域.以研究海域海表温度低于27.5℃的沿岸低温区的面积来反映上升流的强度,通过对海表温度遥感数据的分析可知:7月初至7月中旬和7月28日至8月上旬,低温区域面积较大且较为稳定,上升流强度较大;7月19—27日期间和8月中旬以后,低温区域面积较小或短暂消失,上升流强度较弱.该上升流在2006年7—8月期间经历了强一弱-强.弱的短期变化过程.  相似文献   

在2011年丰水期(7月)和2012年枯水期(3月),分别对钦州湾的内湾和外湾开展了浮游动物调查,研究了枯水期和丰水期钦州湾浮游动物的种类组成、数量分布和季节变化特征。丰水期和枯水期浮游动物种类数量分别为27种和44种,以优势度指数Y0.02确定的优势种丰水期和枯水期分别为3种和4种。丰水期浮游动物丰度为4.0~133.6ind/m3,平均丰度为50.9ind/m3;枯水期浮游动物丰度为1.2~1 725.0ind/m3,平均丰度为272.2ind/m3。丰水期浮游动物(包含鱼卵仔鱼)生物量为1.7~179.2mg/m3,平均生物量为44.0mg/m3;枯水期浮游动物(包含鱼卵仔鱼)生物量为3.1~3 530.0mg/m3,平均生物量为474.9mg/m3。无论是浮游动物的种类数量、丰度和生物量,均显示出内湾低于外湾的空间分布特征,以及枯水期高于丰水期的变化特征。钦州湾浮游动物的这种季节变化和空间分布特征主要是与浮游植物生物量、贝类养殖、环境的稳定度以及人为干扰等有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a(Chl a),particulate organic carbon(POC)and biogenic silica(BSi)were determined in coastal waters adjacent to the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Estuary(ZRE)during summer,in order to examine the C:Chl a ratio of phytoplankton and phytoplankton carbon in the plume-impacted coastal waters during summer,as well as to assess the relative contribution of diatoms to the phytoplankton biomass,by the regression between Chl a,POC and BSi.Our results showed that the C:Chl a ratio(g/g)of phytoplankton was high(up to 142),likely due to high light intensity and nutrient limitation.The river plume input stimulated phytoplankton growth,especially diatoms,resulting in higher relative contribution of phytoplankton carbon(55%)and diatoms(34%)to POC in the plume-impacted region than those(33%and 13%)in high salinity area,respectively.Phytoplankton carbon(up to 538μg/L)in the plume-impacted region was much higher than that(<166μg/L)in high salinity area.Our findings were helpful to improve the biogeochemical model in coastal waters adjacent to the ZRE.  相似文献   

During the 2006 Italian Antarctic expedition a diel sampling was performed close to Cape Hallett (Ross Sea) during the Austral summer. Under-ice seawater samples (4 m) were collected every 2 h for 28 h in order to estimate prokaryotic processes' variability and community structure dynamics. Prokaryotic and viral abundances, exoenzymatic activities (β-glucosidase, chitinase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase), prokaryotic carbon production (3H-leucine incorporation) and community structure (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis – DGGE fingerprints) were analysed. Results showed that the diel variability of the prokaryotic activity followed a variation in salinity, probably as a consequence of the periodical thawing of sea ice (driven by solar radiation and air temperature cycles), while negligible variation in viral and prokaryotic abundances occurred. The Bacterial and Archaeal community structures underwent an Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) temporal shift from the beginning to the end of the sampling, while Flavobacteria-specific primers highlighted high variations in this group possibly related to sea ice melting and substrate release.  相似文献   

为探究长牡蛎在繁殖期间的糖原含量与类胰岛素基因(cgMIP123cgMIP4cgMILP7cgILP)和相关转录调控因子(cgPdx)相对表达量的相关性,自2020年5月至2020年10月采集了山东胶南养殖海区的长牡蛎,测定了血糖含量、糖原含量、条件指数、类胰岛素基因相对表达量及环境因子(酸度、温度、盐度)等数据,采用多元统计方法对数据进行分析。logistic回归分析结果显示,长牡蛎配子排放前后血糖含量和内脏团糖原含量具有显著差异。构建的回归模型可以通过血糖含量和内脏团糖原含量准确判断配子是否已经排放,区分度C-index为0.903,Hosmer-Lemeshow拟合优度检验χ2值为9.06,P>0.05,验证结果显示该模型可靠。多元线性回归分析结果显示:条件指数与cgMIP123和cgMIP4基因的相对表达量具有相关性,R2为0.91,P值为0.0076,极显著相关;内脏团和唇瓣组织的糖原含量与ILPscgPdx相对表达量具有一定的相关性,其中cgMILP7的相对表达量与内脏团和唇瓣组织的糖原含量呈负相关,cgPdx相对表达量与唇瓣组织的糖原含量呈负相关,cgMIP4cgILP的相对表达量与糖原含量呈正相关。  相似文献   

The seasonal variability in fouling community recruitment on submerged artificial substratum was studied in Kudankulam coastal water, Gulf of Mannar, East coast of India for a period of two years, from May 2003 to April 2005. The results indicated that the fouling community recruitment occurred throughout the year with varying intensities. Barnacles, ascidians, polychaetes, bivalves and seaweeds were the major fouling groups observed from the test panels. Maximum fouling biomass of 9.17 g dm−2 was observed during August 2004 and a minimum value of 0.233 g dm−2 in February 2004. The biomass build-up on test panels was relatively high during the premonsoon season and low during the postmonsoon months. The number of barnacles settled on the panels varied from 1 to 4460 no. dm−2. The maximum percentage of the ascidian coverage (72%) on test panels was observed during March 2005. In general, July–December was the period of intense recruitment for barnacles and March–May was the period for ascidians.  相似文献   

The role of coastal lagoons and estuaries as sources or sinks of inorganic carbon in upwelling areas has not been fully understood. During the months of May–July, 2005, we studied the dissolved inorganic carbon system in a coastal lagoon of northwestern Mexico during the strongest period of upwelling events. Along the bay, different scenarios were observed for the distributions of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) as a result of different combinations of upwelling intensity and tidal amplitude. DIC concentrations in the outer part of the bay were controlled by mixing processes. At the inner part of the bay DIC was as low as 1800 μmol kg−1, most likely due to high water residence times and seagrass CO2 uptake. It is estimated that 85% of San Quintín Bay, at the oceanic end, acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the inflow of CO2-rich upwelled waters from the neighboring ocean with high positive fluxes higher than 30 mmol C m−2 d−1. In contrast, there was a net uptake of CO2 and HCO3 by the seagrass bed Zostera marina in the inner part of the bay, so the pCO2 in this zone was below the equilibrium value and slightly negative CO2 fluxes of −6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Our positive NEP and ΔDIC values indicate that Bahía San Quintín was a net autotrophic system during the upwelling season during 2005.  相似文献   

根据秋(2016年10月)、冬(2017年1月)、春(2017年5月)和夏(2017年8月)4个季节在山东近海的底拖网调查数据,对高眼鲽(Cleisthenes herzensteini)种群结构和资源分布的季节差异进行研究。结果表明,高眼鲽的平均体长在秋、冬季较大,而平均体质量则在夏、秋季较大。当体长大于15 cm时,体质量呈现较大的季节变化,体质量增长率在夏季最大。采用von Bertalanffy生长方程表示其生长特性,生长参数L为37.85 cm、K为0.28、t0为−0.57。通过Pauly经验公式求得高眼鲽的自然死亡系数为0.54。体长转换的渔获曲线求得总死亡系数为1.69,进而求得现阶段的捕捞死亡系数为1.15,开发率高达68.05%,并求得开捕年龄为1.48龄,开捕体长为12.68 cm。年龄组成为1~5龄,其中1龄与2龄个体分别占总数的45.15%与40.23%。各季节中,只有夏季样品的雌雄性比与1∶1差异显著(p<0.05),且雌性的数量显著多于雄性。50%性成熟体长为22.35 cm,性成熟比例和平均性成熟系数最高的季节出现在夏季。高眼鲽主要分布在底层水温为6.45~19.06℃、底层盐度为31.82~33.10和50 m等深线以深的海域,其平均渔获量在秋季远多于其他季节,在冬季陡然下降,随后缓慢上升。山东近海高眼鲽显现出体长分布狭窄、饵料条件恶化、产卵期延迟和过度捕捞等现象,休渔期前后资源量变化剧烈。  相似文献   

肉芝软珊瑚属(Sarcophyton)是珊瑚礁生态系统中常见的软珊瑚,具有极强的药用价值.我国肉芝软珊瑚种类资源十分丰富,但目前国内对此种珊瑚的分类研究处于停滞状态,肉芝软珊瑚外部形态差异较小,难以直接进行种类鉴定.本研究采集海南省三亚市西瑁岛、万宁市甘蔗岛和大洲岛珊瑚礁区的26个肉芝软珊瑚样品,根据骨针形态学初步鉴定,并分析线粒体msh1基因和COI基因序列进行种类鉴定.结果显示:所有采集的26个样品,鉴定为5个种,分别为:Sarcophyton cherbonnieri、Sarcophyton crassum、Sarcophyton trocheliophorum、Sarcophyton glaucum和Sarcophyton ehrenbergi.其中S. cherbonnieri和S. crassum为我国新纪录种.本研究为海南岛附近海域肉芝软珊瑚的鉴定提供参考,并为我国软珊瑚种类鉴定和生物多样性的研究提供基础数据.  相似文献   

2013年4月,2014年5月,2012年6月和2015年10月在印度尼西亚北部苏拉维斯蓝碧海峡(Lembeh Strait)进行了4个航次的海洋生态调查,研究了蓝碧海峡的浮游植物种类组成,以及浮游植物群落结构的季节变化及其驱动因子。四个航次的调查中记录了5类浮游植物和416个种(类)。调查区浮游植物密度平均为2348cells/L,硅藻和甲藻种类最多。蓝藻种类最少,但丰度很高。季风转换期的4月份和10月份浮游植物丰度总量较低,东南季风期间5月份和6月份的浮游植物丰度较高。除了束毛藻(Trichodesmium)之外,常见种是浮游硅藻。浮游植物的丰度和多样性的季节性变化明显。海链藻(Thalassionema)、拟菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia)和蓝藻类的束毛藻对群落的不相似性贡献最大。由于蓝碧海峡南部营养盐浓度较高,南部水域的硅藻和甲藻密度稍高于海峡北部。虽然,南北两个水体中蓝藻的分布趋于均匀,但蓝碧海峡南部也有较高密度。与雅加达湾以及中国的一些海湾相比,蓝碧海峡的浮游植物丰度相当低。分析表明,SE季风期间上升流营养盐是左右浮游植物丰度月变化的重要因素。蓝碧海峡浮游生态系原始,且接近天然本底,人类活动背景噪声低,能够清晰地响应大环境的变化,是研究浮游生态系统的理想区域。  相似文献   

为了研究浮游植物群落结构特征及与环境因子的相关性,于2014年6月和9月在曹妃甸海域布设了14个调查站位,对该海域浮游植物的群落组成、细胞丰度及群落多样性等基本特征进行了分析,并采用多维尺度分析方法对曹妃甸浮游植物群落结构做区域划分,通过冗余分析(RDA)研究了环境因子对浮游植物群落结构的影响。研究结果表明:曹妃甸海域6月和9月共鉴定出浮游植物3门28属62种,硅藻为主,生态类型以温带近岸广温广盐性种为主。6月浮游植物细胞丰度平均值为111. 31×10~4cells/m~3,主要优势种为中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)和柔弱角毛藻(Chaetoceros debilis); 9月浮游植物细胞丰度平均值为163. 01×10~4cells/m~3,主要优势种为中肋骨条藻和细弱圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus subtilis)。站位聚类分析和多维尺度分析表明,曹妃甸浮游植物种类地区划分主要分为3个区域,分别为填海东侧和西侧海域、曹妃甸填海区附近海域以及曹妃甸中部远离填海区域,且6月和9月浮游植物群落组成差异不显著(R=-0. 997,p=0. 998,n=14)。RDA结果显示6月的盐度、溶解氧(C_(DO))、温度(T)和pH值及9月的C_(DO)、活性磷酸盐(C_(PO_4~(3-)-P))、无机氮浓度(C_(DIN))和T是依次影响各自月份浮游植物群落的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

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