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The statefinder diagnostic and ww′ analysis are useful methods for distinguishing different dark energy models. In this paper, we study the agegraphic dark energy (ADE) model with the sign-changeable interaction by using the statefinder diagnostic and ww′ analysis. The evolution trajectories of this model in the rs and ww′ planes are plotted for different model parameters. It is shown that the model parameters significantly affect the evolution trajectories in the rs and ww′ planes. Furthermore, we can differentiate the ADE model with the sign-changeable interaction from the LCDM model by means of the statefinder diagnostic and ww′ analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have considered that the Moon motion around the Earth is a source of a perturbation for the infinitesimal body motion in the Sun–Earth system. The perturbation effect is analyzed by using the Sun–Earth–Moon bi–circular model (BCM). We have determined the effect of this perturbation on the Lagrangian points and zero velocity curves. We have obtained the motion of infinitesimal body in the neighborhood of the equivalent equilibria of the triangular equilibrium points. Moreover, to know the nature of the trajectory, we have estimated the first order Lyapunov characteristic exponents of the trajectory emanating from the vicinity of the triangular equilibrium point in the proposed system. It is noticed that due to the generated perturbation by the Moon motion, the results are affected significantly, and the Jacobian constant is fluctuated periodically as the Moon is moving around the Earth. Finally, we emphasize that this model could be applicable to send either satellite or telescope for deep space exploration.  相似文献   

The nonlinear properties of small amplitude dust-acoustic solitary waves (DAWs) in a homogeneous unmagnetized plasma having electrons, singly charged ions, hot and cold dust species with Boltzmann distributions for electrons and ions have been investigated. A reductive perturbation method was employed to obtain the Kadomstev-Petviashvili (KP) equation. The effects of the presence of charged hot and cold dust grains on the nature of DAWs were discussed. Moreover, the energy of two temperatures charged dusty grains were computed. The present investigation can be of relevance to the electrostatic solitary structures observed in various space plasma environments.  相似文献   

The (Newton + Yukawa)-type gravitational potential V(r)=?(γ M/r)[1+Aexp?(?r/B)](γ= the gravitational constant as measured at infinity, M= the mass of the source, A, B are constants) is considered in the framework of the Sciama linear approach to Mach’s principle. The coupling constant A of the Yukawa component is found to be related to the mass density and size of the observable (causally connected) universe.  相似文献   

We are investigating chondrule formation by nebular shock waves, using hot plasma as an analog of the heated gas produced by a shock wave as it passes through the protoplanetary environment. Precursor material (mainly silicates, plus metal, and sulfide) was dropped through the plasma in a basic experimental set‐up designed to simulate gas–grain collisions in an unconstrained spatial environment (i.e., no interaction with furnace walls during formation). These experiments were undertaken in air (at atmospheric pressure), to act as a “proof‐of‐principle”—could chondrules, or chondrule‐analog objects (CAO), be formed by gas–grain interaction initiated by shock fronts? Our results showed that if accelerating material through a fixed plasma field is a valid simulation of a supersonic shock wave traveling through a cloud of gas and dust, then CAO certainly could be formed by this process. Melting of and mixing between starting materials occurred, indicating temperatures of at least 1266 °C (the olivine‐feldspar eutectic). The production of CAO with mixed mineralogy from monomineralic starting materials also shows that collisions between particles are an important mechanism within the chondrule formation process, such that dust aggregates are not necessarily required as chondrule precursors. Not surprisingly, there were significant differences between the synthetic CAO and natural chondrules, presumably mainly because of the oxidizing conditions of the experiment. Results also show similarity to features of micrometeorites like cosmic spherules, particularly the dendritic pattern of iron oxide crystallites produced on micrometeorites by oxidation during atmospheric entry and the formation of vesicles by evaporation of sulfides.  相似文献   

We investigate cosmic ray scattering in the direction perpendicular to a mean magnetic field. Unlike in previous articles we employ a general form of the turbulence wave spectrum with arbitrary behavior in the energy range. By employing an improved version of the nonlinear guiding center theory we compute analytically the perpendicular mean free path. As shown, the energy range spectral index, has a strong influence on the perpendicular diffusion coefficient. If this parameter is larger than one we find for some cases a perpendicular diffusion coefficient that is independent of the parallel mean free path and particle energy. Two applications are considered, namely transport of Galactic protons in the solar system and diffusive particle acceleration at highly perpendicular interplanetary shock waves.  相似文献   

High fluences (i.e. the integrated fluxes) of C, N, O group of nuclei and some of the heavier ones, in the energy interval 10–25 MeV/amu, have been identified in a Lexan polycarbonate detector assembly exposed on the exterior of the Skylab for 73 days. The existence of large flux of low energy nuclei in the Skylab orbit is surprising since the minimum geomagnetic cut-off energy for fully stripped nuclei (A/Z=2) is 50 MeV/amu at the orbit of the satellite, and the period of exposure was a quiet one, free from significant solar particle events. We have considered two sources for these particles: (i) partly ionized interplanetary ions accelerated within the magnetosphere and (ii) heavy nuclei trapped in the Earth's radiation belt. The flux and composition of the nuclei observed by us seem to be significantly different from those in the trapped radiation as known at present; hence it seems likely that the major part of the observed flux may be interpreted, in terms of partly ionized interplanetary ions that are further accelerated in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Silicon and iron isotope compositions of different physically separated components of enstatite chondrites (EC) were determined in this study to understand the role of nebular and planetary scale events in fractionating Si and Fe isotopes of the terrestrial planet-forming region. We found that the metal–sulfide nodules of EC are strongly enriched in light Si isotopes (δ30Si ≥ −5.61 ± 0.12‰, 2SD), whereas the δ30Si values of angular metal grains, magnetic, slightly magnetic, and non-magnetic fractions become progressively heavier, correlating with their Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe)). White mineral phases, composed primarily of SiO2 polymorphs, display the heaviest δ30Si of up to +0.23 ± 0.10‰. The data indicate a key role of metal–silicate partitioning on the Si isotope composition of EC. The overall lighter δ30Si of bulk EC compared to other planetary materials can be explained by the enrichment of light Si isotopes in EC metals along with the loss of isotopically heavier forsterite-rich silicates from the EC-forming region. In contrast to the large Si isotope heterogeneity, the average Fe isotope composition (δ56Fe) of EC components was found to vary from −0.30 ± 0.08‰ to +0.20 ± 0.04‰. A positive correlation between δ56Fe and Ni/S in the components suggests that the metals are enriched in heavy Fe isotopes whereas sulfides are the principal hosts of light Fe isotopes in the non-magnetic fractions of EC. Our combined Si and Fe isotope data in different EC components reflect an inverse correlation between δ30Si and δ56Fe, which illustrates that partitioning of Si and Fe among metal, silicate, and sulfidic phases has significantly fractionated Si and Fe isotopes under reduced conditions. Such isotope partitioning must have occurred before the diverse components were mixed to form the EC parent body. Evaluation of diffusion coefficients of Si and Fe in the metal and non-metallic phases suggests that the Si isotope compositions of the silicate fractions of EC largely preserve information of their nebular processing. On the other hand, the Fe isotopes might have undergone partial or complete re-equilibration during parent body metamorphism. The relatively uniform δ56Fe among different types of bulk chondrites and the Earth, despite Fe isotope differences among their components, demonstrates that the chondrite parent bodies were not formed by random mixing of chondritic components from different locations in the disk. Instead, the chondrite components mostly originated in the same nebular reservoir and Si and Fe isotopes were fractionated either due to gas–solid interactions and associated changes in physicochemical environment of the nebular reservoir and/or during parent body processing. The heavier Si isotope composition of the bulk silicate Earth may require accretion of chondritic and/or isotopically heavier EC silicates along with cumulation of refractory forsterite-rich heavier silicates lost from the EC-forming region to form the silicate reservoir of the Earth.  相似文献   

In the paper we present the results of search for transient sources using the data from the surveys conducted onRATAN-600 at 7.6 cmin the time period of 1980–1994.We detected three events at a level of 3–5σ. A search for coincidenceswith detected transient events was carried out. Using the data from radio and optical surveys and the VizieR, SIMBAD, and NED databases, we made assumptions on the possible nature of these events. The first transient is probably associated with AGN activity, the second—with a cataclysmic GRB event or with a supernova, the origin of the third is not determined. The inference on the possibility of search for variable sources and transients using the data from the RATAN-600 blind surveys was drawn. Searching for transients, we have found twenty-two radio sources which are associated with the NVSS objects but are not included in the RCR catalog. Three of them turned out to be presumably variable.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus–Dione is investigated with a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the domain of the planar general three-body problem. Using surfaces of section and spectral analysis methods, we study the phase space of the system in terms of several parameters, including the most recent data. A detailed study of the main possible regimes of motion is presented, and in particular we show that, besides the two separated resonances, the phase space is replete of secondary resonances.  相似文献   

Solar sails are a proposed form of spacecraft propulsion using large membrane mirrors to propel a satellite taking advantage of the solar radiation pressure. To model the dynamics of a solar sail we have considered the Earth–Sun Restricted Three Body Problem including the Solar radiation pressure (RTBPS). This model has a 2D surface of equilibrium points parametrised by the two angles that define the sail orientation. In this paper we study the non-linear dynamics close to an equilibrium point, with special interest in the bounded motion. We focus on the region of equilibria close to SL 1, a collinear equilibrium point that lies between the Earth and the Sun when the sail is perpendicular to the Sun–sail direction. For different fixed sail orientations we find families of planar, vertical and Halo-type orbits. We have also computed the centre manifold around different equilibria and used it to describe the quasi-periodic motion around them. We also show how the geometry of the phase space varies with the sail orientation. These kind of studies can be very useful for future mission applications.  相似文献   

Emission lines from the broad emission line region(BELR) and the narrow emission line region(NELR) of active galactic nuclei(AGNs) have been extensively studied. However, emission lines are rarely detected between these two regions. We present a detailed analysis of quasar SDSS J232444.80–094600.3(SDSS J2324-0946), which is remarkable for its strong intermediate-width emission lines(IELs) with FWHM≈1800 km s~(-1). The IEL component is present in different emission lines, including the permitted lines Lyαλ1216, C IV λ1549, semiforbidden line C III] λ1909, and forbidden lines [O III] λλ4959, 5007.With the aid of photo-ionization models, we found that the IELs are produced by gas with a hydrogen density of nH~10~(6.2)-10~(6.3)cm~(-3), a distance from the central ionizing source of Ra dust-to-gas ratio of~35-50 pc, a covering factor of~6%, and ≤4% that of the SMC. We suggest that the strong IELs of this quasar are produced by nearly dust-free and intermediate-density gas located at the skin of the dusty torus. Such strong IELs, which serve as a useful diagnostic, can provide an avenue to study the properties of gas between the BELR and the NELR.  相似文献   

A new hybrid detector system has been constructed by the Tibet ASγ collaboration at Tibet, China, since 2014 to measure the chemical composition of cosmic rays around the knee in the wide energy range. They consist of an air-shower-core detector-grid (YAC-II) to detect high energy electromagnetic component, the Tibet air-shower array (Tibet-III) and a large underground water-Cherenkov muon-detector array (MD). We have carried out a detailed air-shower Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to study the performance of the hybrid detectors by using CORSIKA (version 6.204), which includes QGSJET01c and SIBYLL2.1 hadronic interaction models. Assumed primary cosmic ray models are based on helium poor, helium rich and Gaisser’s fit compositions around the knee. All detector responses are calculated using Geant4 (version 9.5) according to the real detector configurations and the MC events are reconstructed by the same procedure as the experimental data analysis. The energy determination is made by lateral density fitting (LDF) method using modified NKG function and the separation of the light components (proton, helium) is made by means of the artificial neural network (ANN) method and the random forest (RF) method. The systematic errors of the spectra of proton and helium caused by each steps of the analysis procedure are investigated including the dependence of the MC data on the hadronic interaction models and the primary composition models, and the algorithms for the primary mass identification. The systematic errors of the flux to be obtained by the new experiment are summarized as less than 30% in total. Our results show that the new hybrid experiment is powerful enough to study the chemical composition of the cosmic rays, in particular, to obtain the light-component spectra of the primary cosmic rays in 50–10,000 TeV energy range overlapping to the direct observation data at low energy side and ground-based indirect observations at high energy side. It is possible in this energy range to find the break points of the power indices of proton and helium (the knee of individual component spectrum) which are basically important parameter for the study of the cosmic-ray origin.  相似文献   

According to analysis of the14 C content in two Japanese trees, that grew over a period of approximately 3000 years, with high time resolution, Miyake et al.found a rapid increase at AD 774–775 and another one at AD 993–994. These increases correspond to high-energy events that happened within those years and radiated γ-ray energy of about 7×1024erg toward the Earth. The origin of these events is a mystery. Such strong events should have an unusual optical counterpart, and have been recorded in historical literatures. We searched Chinese historical materials around AD 744–775 and AD 993–994, but no remarkable event was found except for a violent thunderstorm in AD 775. However, the possibility of a thunderstorm containing so much energy is unlikely. We conclude that the events, which caused the14 C increase, are still unclear. These events most probably had no optical counterpart, and a short gamma-ray burst, giant flare of a soft gamma-ray repeater or a terrestrial γ-ray flash could all be candidates.  相似文献   

We present relative astrometric and photometric measurements of visual double stars made in 2013–2015, with PISCO2 installed at the 76-cm refractor of Côte d'Azur Observatory in Nice (France). Our observing list contains orbital couples as well as double stars whose motion is still uncertain. Most of the observations were done in 2015, but some other observations of wide couples were done in 2013–2014 (0.3% of the total of the observations). Three different techniques were used for obtaining measurements: lucky imaging, speckle interferometry and the direct vector autocorrelation method. From our observations of 2837 multiple stars, we obtained 5182 new measurements with angular separations in the range of 0 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ .1–32 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ and an average accuracy of 0 . 018 $$ {0}^{{\prime\prime} }.018 $$ . The mean error on the position angles is 0°.8. Most of the position angles were determined without the usual 180° ambiguity with the application of the direct vector autocorrelation technique and/or by inspection of the Lucky images or the long integration files. We managed to routinely monitor faint systems ( m V 9 11 $$ {m}_V\approx 9-11 $$ ) with large magnitude difference (up to Δ m V 4 . 5 $$ \Delta {m}_V\approx 4.5 $$ ). We have thus been able to measure 21 systems containing red dwarf stars that had been poorly monitored since their discovery, from which we estimated the stellar masses thanks to Gaia measurements. We also measured the magnitude difference of the two components of 1079 double stars with an estimated error of 0.2 mag. Except for a few objects that are discussed, our measurements are in good agreement with the ephemerides computed with published orbital elements, even for the double stars whose separation is smaller than the diffraction limit. Thanks to good seeing images and with the use of high-contrast numerical filters, we have also been able to obtain 196 measurements with an angular separation smaller than the diffraction limit of our instrumentation, and consistent with those obtained with larger telescopes. We also report measurements of the 164 new double stars that we found in the files obtained during the observations. Finally, from a study of the DR3 Gaia release, it is shown that all the objects of the Tycho Double Star Catalog that we did not resolve in 2015 are probably false detections by Tycho.  相似文献   

Empirical models of molecular ion densities (N2 +, NO+, O2 +) and the electron density (N e ) are presented in the altitude interval 50–4000 km as functions of time (diurnal, annual), space (position, altitude) and solar flux (F 10.7). Using observations of 6 satellites (AE-C, AE-D, AE-E, ALOUETTE-2, ISIS-1, ISIS-2), 4 incoherent scatter stations (Arecibo, Jicamarca, Millstone Hill, St Santin) and more than 700 D-region profiles, this model describes the global gross features of the ionosphere for quiet geophysical conditions (K p 3).The molecular ion densities and the electron density increase with increasing altitude up to a maximum (or several maxima) - and decrease from thereon with increasing height. Between ~80 and 200 km, the main ionic constituents are NO+ and O2 +; below ~80 km cluster ions are predominating. During local summer conditions the molecular ions and N e increase around polar latitudes and decrease correspondingly during local winter. The diurnal variations are intrinsically coupled to the individual plasma layers; in general, the molecular ion and electron densities are enhanced during daytime and depleted during nighttime (for details and exceptions, see text).  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Based on long-term SWIFT, RXTE, and MAXI observations of the X-ray novae H 1743-322 (IGR J17464-3213) and GX 339-4, we have investigated the morphology and classified the light...  相似文献   

The 5ν1 absorption band of NH3 is displayed from 6418 to 6550 Å. The total band intensity has been measured: SB = 0.66 cm?1m?1amagat?1. Line intensities and self-broadening coefficients have been measured for some of the prominent lines. Our line intensities are in good agreement with those of Rank et al. (1966), but are about 2 times greater than those of Mason (1970). The spectrum displayed was obtained photoelectrically at a pressure of 0.061 atm, and shows many more lines than the spectrum obtained by McBride and Nicholls (1972a) at a pressure of 0.39 atm. Therefore, our new measurements can provide the basis for making a more complete rotational analysis than those of McBride and Nicholls (1972a).Since the total band absorption has previously been measured by others on moderate resolution photoelectric scans of the spectra of Jupiter and Saturn, we can use the band intensity to derive the NH3 abundance in the atmospheres of these two planets. The NH3 abundances in a single vertical path obtained by this method are about 10m amagat for Jupiter and 2m amagat for Saturn. These results are in agreement with previous results obtained from higher resolution photographic spectra.  相似文献   

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