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An overview of a new comprehensive observational study of the Loop Current (LC) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico that encompassed full-depth and near-bottom moorings, pressure-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIES) and remote sensing is presented. The study array was designed to encompass the LC from the Campeche Bank to the west Florida escarpment. This overview centers about principal findings as they pertain to mesoscale dynamics. Two companion papers provide in-depth analyses. Three LC anticyclonic eddy separation events were observed with good 3D spatial coverage over the 2½ year extent of the field study; the three separations exhibited similar processes after the LC had extended into the eastern Gulf. Large scale (∼300 km wavelength, 40–60 day periods) southward propagating meanders developed on the eastern side of the LC over deep (∼3000 m) water that were the result of baroclinic instability between the upper layer meandering jet and lower layer cyclones and anticyclones. The lower layer was only highly energetic during relatively short (∼2–3 months) intervals just prior to or during eddy detachments because of baroclinic instability. The steepening of the meanders lead to a pinch-off of LC eddies. The deep lower-layer eddies, constrained by the closed topography of the southeastern Gulf, propagated westward across the detachment zone and appear to assist in achieving separation. Small scale (∼50–100 km, periods ∼10 days) frontal eddies, observed on the western side of the LC along the Campeche Bank slope, decay over the deep water of the northern part of an extended LC, and have little influence on lower layer eddies, the east side meanders and the eddy detachment processes.  相似文献   

A mooring equipped with 200 high-resolution temperature sensors between 6 and 404 m above the bottom was moored in 1890 m water depth above a steep, about 10° slope of Mount Josephine, NE-Atlantic. The sensors have a precision of less than 0.5 mK. They are synchronized via induction every 4 h so that the 400 m range is measured to within 0.02 s, every 1 s. Thin cables and elliptical buoyancy assured vertical mooring motions to be smaller than 0.1 m under maximum 0.2 m s−1 current speeds. The local bottom slope is supercritical for semidiurnal internal tides by a factor of two. Exploring a one-month record in detail, the observations show: 1/semidiurnal tidal dominance in variations of dissipation rate ε, eddy diffusivity Kz and temperature, but no significant correlation between the records of ε and total kinetic energy, 2/a variation with time over four orders of magnitude of 100-m vertically averaged ε, 3/a local minimum in density stratification between 50 and 100 m above the bottom, 4/a gradual decrease in daily or longer averaged ε and Kz by one order of magnitude over a vertical distance of 250 m, upwards from 150 m above the bottom, 5/monthly mean values of <[ε]> = 2 ± 0.5 × 10−7 m2 s−3, <[Kz]> = 8 ± 3 × 10−3 m2 s−1 averaged over the lower 150 m above the bottom.  相似文献   

Urban growth is increasing the demand for freshwater resources, yet surprisingly the water sources of the world's large cities have never been globally assessed, hampering efforts to assess the distribution and causes of urban water stress. We conducted the first global survey of the large cities’ water sources, and show that previous global hydrologic models that ignored urban water infrastructure significantly overestimated urban water stress. Large cities obtain 78 ± 3% of their water from surface sources, some of which are far away: cumulatively, large cities moved 504 billion liters a day (184 km3 yr−1) a distance of 27,000 ± 3800 km, and the upstream contributing area of urban water sources is 41% of the global land surface. Despite this infrastructure, one in four cities, containing $4.8 ± 0.7 trillion in economic activity, remain water stressed due to geographical and financial limitations. The strategic management of these cities’ water sources is therefore important for the future of the global economy.  相似文献   

The chemical mass balance model was applied to atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Istanbul, Turkey. A total of 326 airborne samples were collected and analyzed for 16 PAHs and Total Suspended Particles (TSP) in the September 2006–December 2007 period at three monitoring stations: Yildiz, DMO (urban sites) and Kilyos (rural site). The total average PAH concentrations were 100.66 ± 61.26, 84.63 ± 46.66 and 25.12 ± 13.34 ng m?3 and the TSP concentrations were 101.16 ± 53.22, 152.31 ± 99.12, 49.84 ± 18.58 μg m?3 for Yildiz, DMO and Kilyos stations respectively. At all the sites, the lighter compounds were the most abundant, notably Nap, AcPy and PA. The average correlation values between TSP and total heavier PAH were greater than 0.5 for Yildiz and DMO stations. The patterns of PAH and TSP concentrations showed spatial and temporal variations. PAH concentrations were evaluated for the PAH contribution from four sources (diesel engines, gasoline engines, natural gas combustion, and coal + wood burning). Vehicle emissions appear to be the major source with contributions of 61.2%, 63.3% and 54.1% for Yildiz, DMO and Kilyos stations respectively. Seasonal and yearly variations had different trends for all sites.  相似文献   

Concentrations and flux densities of methane were determined during a Lagrangian study of an advective filament in the permanent upwelling region off western Mauritania. Newly upwelled waters were dominated by the presence of North Atlantic Central Water and surface CH4 concentrations of 2.2 ± 0.3 nmol L−1 were largely in equilibrium with atmospheric values, with surface saturations of 101.7 ± 14%. As the upwelling filament aged and was advected offshore, CH4 enriched South Atlantic Central Water from intermediate depths of 100–350 m was entrained into the surface mixed layer of the filament following intense mixing associated with the shelf break. Surface saturations increased to 198.9 ± 15% and flux densities increased from a mean value over the shelf of 2.0 ± 1.1 μmol m−2 d−1 to a maximum of 22.6 μmol m−2 d−1. Annual CH4 emissions for this persistent filament were estimated at 0.77 ± 0.64 Gg which equates to a maximum of 0.35% of the global oceanic budget. This raises the known outgassing intensity of this area and highlights the importance of advecting filaments from upwelling waters as efficient vehicles for air-sea exchange.  相似文献   

In this study, total suspended particles (TSP) and size-segregated atmospheric aerosol samples were measured on Qianliyan Island in the Yellow Sea in spring (April–May), summer (July–August) and fall (October–November) of 2006 and in water (January–February) of 2007. The mass concentration of the TSP varied from 75.6 to 132.0 μg/m3. The average concentration were 9.37 ± 7.56 μg/m3 and 5.32 ± 4.25 μg/m3 for nitrate and ammonium in the TSP, respectively. TSP concentration showed a significant correlation with those of nitrate (n = 27, r = 0.73) and ammonium (n = 27, r = 0.60). The mass-size distribution of atmospheric particles exhibited two modes with an accumulation mode at 0.43–1.1 μm and a coarse mode at 3.3–4.7 μm throughout the sampling months. A bi-modal size distribution of nitrate in concentration occurred in the April–May, October–November and January–February, but a uni-modal size distribution occurred in the August. The uni-modal size distribution of ammonium at 0.43–0.65 μm was observed throughout the sampling months. The average of inorganic nitrogen in mass concentration accounted for 4.0% of the total mass of aerosol particles while ammonium-N was the dominant fraction of TIN (Total Inorganic Nitrogen), contributing to 62–71% of the TIN.  相似文献   

The formation of three Loop Current Eddies, Ekman, Franklin, and Hadal, during the period April 2009 through November 2011 was observed by an array of moored current meters and bottom mounted pressure equipped inverted echo sounders. The array design, areal extent nominally 89° W to 85° W, 25° N to 27° N with 30–50 km mesoscale resolution, permits quantitative mapping of the regional circulation at all depths. During Loop Current Eddy detachment and formation events, a marked increase in deep eddy kinetic energy occurs coincident with the growth of a large-scale meander along the northern and eastern parts of the Loop Current. Deep eddies develop in a pattern where the deep fields were offset and leading upper meanders consistent with developing baroclinic instability. The interaction between the upper and deep fields is quantified by evaluating the mean eddy potential energy budget. Largest down-gradient heat fluxes are found along the eastern side of the Loop Current. Where strong, the horizontal down-gradient eddy heat flux (baroclinic conversion rate) nearly balances the vertical down-gradient eddy heat flux indicating that eddies extract available potential energy from the mean field and convert eddy potential energy to eddy kinetic energy.  相似文献   

In October 7–9, 2016, Hurricane Matthew moved along the southeastern coast of the U.S., causing major flooding and significant damage, even to locations farther north well away from the storm’s winds. Various observations, such as tide gauge data, cable measurements of the Florida Current (FC) transport, satellite altimeter data and high-frequency radar data, were analyzed to evaluate the impact of the storm. The data show a dramatic decline in the FC flow and increased coastal sea level along the U.S. coast. Weakening of the Gulf Stream (GS) downstream from the storm’s area contributed to high coastal sea levels farther north. Analyses of simulations of an operational hurricane-ocean coupled model reveal the disruption that the hurricane caused to the GS flow, including a decline in transport of ∼20 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1). In comparison, the observed FC reached a maximum transport of ∼40 Sv before the storm on September 10 and a minimum of ∼20 Sv after the storm on October 12. The hurricane impacts both the geostrophic part of the GS and the wind-driven currents, generating inertial oscillations with velocities of up to ±1 m s−1. Analysis of the observed FC transport since 1982 indicated that the magnitude of the current weakening in October 2016 was quite rare (outside 3 standard deviations from the mean). Such a large FC weakening in the past occurred more often in October and November, but is extremely rare in June-August. Similar impacts on the FC from past tropical storms and hurricanes suggest that storms may contribute to seasonal and interannual variations in the FC. The results also demonstrated the extended range of coastal impacts that remote storms can cause through their influence on ocean currents.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):195-202
We present results of direct aerosol radiative forcing over a French Mediterranean coastal zone based on one year of continuous observations of aerosol optical properties during 2005–2006. Monthly-mean aerosol optical depth at 440 nm ranged between 0.1 and 0.34, with high Angstrom coefficient (α > 1.2). The single scattering albedo (at 525 nm) estimated at the surface ranged between 0.7 and 0.8, indicating significant absorption. The presence of aerosols over the Mediterranean zone during summer decreases the shortwave radiation reaching the surface by as much as 26 ± 3.9 W m 2, and increases the top of the atmosphere reflected radiation by as much as 5.2 ± 1.0 W m 2. The shortwave atmospheric absorption translates to an atmospheric heating of 2.5 to 4.6 K day 1. Concerted efforts are needed for investigating the possible impact of the increase in heating rate on the maintenance of heat-waves frequently occurring over this coastal region during summer time.  相似文献   

The variability of sea surface Total Alkalinity (TA) and sea surface Total Inorganic Carbon (CT) is examined using all available data in the western tropical Atlantic (WTA: 20°S-20°N, 60°W-20°W). Lowest TA and CT are observed for the region located between 0°N-15°N/60°W-50°W and are explained by the influence of the Amazon plume during boreal summer. In the southern part of the area, 20°S-10°S/40°W-60°W, the highest values of TA and CT are linked to the CO2–rich waters due to the equatorial upwelling, which are transported by the South Equatorial Current (SEC) flowing from the African coast to the Brazilian shore. An increase of CT of 0.9 ± 0.3 μmol kg−1yr−1 has been observed in the SEC region and is consistent with previous published estimates. A revised CT-Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) relationship is proposed for the WTA to take into account the variability of CT at low salinities. This new CT-SSS relationship together with a published TA-SSS relationship allow to calculate pCO2 values that compare well with observed pCO2 (R2 = 0.90).  相似文献   

The Gulf Stream, one of the strongest currents in the world, transports approximately 31 Sv of water (Kelly and Gille, 1990, Baringer and Larsen, 2001, Leaman et al., 1995) and 1.3 × 1015 W (Larsen, 1992) of heat into the Atlantic Ocean, and warms the vast European continent. Thus any change of the Gulf Stream could lead to the climate change in the European continent, and even worldwide (Bryden et al., 2005). Past studies have revealed a diminished Gulf Stream and oceanic heat transport that was possibly associated with a southward migration of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and may have contributed to Little Ice Age (AD ∼1200 to 1850) in the North Atlantic (Lund et al., 2006). However, the causations of the Gulf Stream weakening due to the southward migration of the ITCZ remain uncertain. Here we use satellite observation data and employ a model (oceanic general circulation model – OGCM) to demonstrate that the Brazilian promontory in the east coast of South America may have played a crucial role in allocating the equatorial currents, while the mean position of the equatorial currents migrates between northern and southern hemisphere in the Atlantic Ocean. Northward migrations of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean have little influence on the Gulf Stream. Nevertheless, southward migrations, especially abrupt large southward migrations of the equatorial currents, can lead to the increase of the Brazil Current and the significant decrease of the North Brazil Current, in turn the weakening of the Gulf Stream. The results from the model simulations suggest the mean position of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean shifted at least 180–260 km southwards of its present-day position during the Little Ice Age based on the calculations of simple linear equations and the OGCM simulations.  相似文献   

Cloud/fog samples were collected during spring of 2007 in the highly polluted North China Plain in order to examine the impact of pollution and dust particles on cloud water chemistry. The volume weighted mean pH of cloud water was 3.68. The cloud acidity was shown to be associated with air mass origins. Cloud water with its air mass trajectories originating from the southern part of China was more acidic than those from northern China. Anthropogenic source and dust had obvious impact on cloud water composition as indicated by the very high mean concentrations of SO42? (1331.65 μeq L? 1), NO3? (772.44 μeq L? 1), NH4+ (1375.92 μeq L? 1) and Ca2+ (625.81 μeq L? 1) in the observation periods. During sandstorm days, cloud pH values were relatively high, and the concentrations of all the ions in cloud water reached unusual high levels. Significant decreases in the mass concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were observed during cloud events. The average scavenging ratio for PM2.5 and PM10 was 52.0% and 55.7%, respectively. Among the soluble ions in fine particles, NO3?, K+ and NH4+ tend to be more easily scavenged than Ca2+ and Na+.  相似文献   

A new methodology is proposed to estimate the strength of the South Atlantic Anticyclone (SAA), using the gridded sea level pressure (SLP) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis data. The top quartile (1017.3 hPa) of the SLP data was found a reasonable criterion to delimit the SAA area. Consequently, we defined the SAA area as the quadrangle containing 80% of the observations with pressure >1017.3 hPa. In this quadrangle, an area weighted pressure gradient (AWPG) was computed for the whole area and for the north–south and west–east halves. When compared with maximum pressure, the AWPG showed a better correlation with the significant wave height (SWH) and wind speed (WS) derived from altimetry. The mean value of the AWPG was 8 × 10−4 Pa/m, with representative values of 9.1 × 10−4 Pa/m and 7.4 × 10−4 Pa/m for austral winter and summer, respectively. The phase difference between the monthly AWPG in the north and south sub-quadrangles accounts for the evolution of the spatial pattern of the anticyclone throughout a year. This quantitative approach proved to be a useful estimate of the strength of South Atlantic Anticyclone. Further improvements of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):253-263
A high-volume cascade impactor, equipped with a PM10 inlet, was used to collect size-segregated aerosol samples during the summer of 2004 at two Portuguese locations: a coastal-rural area (Moitinhos) and an urban area (Oporto). Concentrations of airborne particulate matter (PM), total carbon (TC), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were determined for the following particle size ranges: < 0.49, 0.49–0.95, 0.95–3.0, and 3.0–10 µm. The total PM mass concentrations at the urban and coastal-rural sites ranged from 22.8 to 79.6 μg m 3 and 19.9 to 28.2 μg m 3, respectively, and more than 56% of the total aerosol mass was found in the fractions below 3.0 μm. At both locations the highest concentrations of OC and EC were found in the submicrometer size range. The regional variability for the OC and EC concentrations, with the highest concentrations being found in the urban area, was related to the contribution of local primary sources (mostly traffic emissions). It was also verified an enrichment of the small size particles in WSOC, representing on average 37.3(± 12.4)% and 59.7(± 18.0)% of OC in the very fine aerosol at the coastal-rural and urban areas, respectively. The amount of secondary OC calculated by the minimum OC/EC ratio method indicates that secondary organic aerosol formation was important throughout the study at both sites. The obtained results suggest that long-range transport and favourable summer conditions for photochemical oxidation are key factors determining secondary OC formation in the coastal-rural and urban areas. The ultraviolet absorption properties of the chromophoric constituents of the WSOC fractions were also different among the different particle size ranges and also between the two sampling locations, thus suggesting the strong impact of the diverse emission sources into the composition of the size-segregated organic aerosol.  相似文献   

Present study focuses on examination snowfall variability over Gulmarg and Pahalgam of Kashmir Valley in India during past 31 years (1980–2010). Trends in temperature over the study area is also explored. Minimum and maximum temperature shows increasing trends which is consistent with increase in black carbon column mass density. Increase in black carbon mass density is attributed to urbanization over study area. Trends of minimum temperature is statistically significant. It is reported that snowfall over the Pahalgam shows decreasing trend except for the month of February and January. Pahalgam shows a significant decreasing trend in snowfall of about 48 mm per decade during March. Pahalgam and Gulmarg show seasonal decreasing trends of snowfall of about 15 mm and 1.8 mm per decade, respectively. These decreasing trends in snowfall are consistent with decadal increasing trends of about 1.2 °C and 0.8 °C in minimum temperature over Pahalgam and Gulmarg, respectively. Seasonal snowfall over both the regions shows decreasing trend (insignificant). Results reported in this study show a decrease of about 24.16% ± 9.86% per degree increase in minimum temperature over Pahalgam. Changing characteristics of snowfall in the context of anthropogenic warming present major challenges to the tourism and socioeconomic aspects over the Valley.  相似文献   

The samples of water-soluble inorganic ions (WSIs), including anions (F?, Cl?, SO42?, NO3?) and cations (NH4+, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) in 8 size-segregated particle matter (PM), were collected using a sampler (with 8 nominal cut-sizes ranged from 0.43 to 9.0 μm) from October 2008 to September 2009 at five sites in both polluted and background regions of a coastal city, Xiamen. The results showed that particulate matters in the fine mode (PM2.1, Dp < 2.1 μm) comprised large part of mass concentrations of aerosols, which accounted for 45.56–51.27%, 40.04–60.81%, 42.02–60.81%, and 40.46–57.07% of the total particulate mass in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. The water-soluble ionic species in the fine mode at five sampling sites varied from 15.33 to 33.82 (spring), 14.03 to 28.06 (summer), 33.47 to 72.52 (autumn), and 48.39 to 69.75 μg m? 3 (winter), respectively, which accounted for 57.30 ± 6.51% of the PM2.1 mass concentrations. Secondary pollutants of NH4+, SO42? and NO3? were the dominant contributors of WSIs, which suggested that pollutants from anthropogenic activities, such as SO2, NOx were formed in aerosols by photochemical reactions. The size distributions of Na+, Cl?, SO42? and NO3? were bimodal, peaking at 0.43–0.65 μm and 3.3–5.8 μm. Although some ions, such as NH4+ presented bimodal distributions, the coarse mode was insignificant compared to the fine mode. Ca2+ and Mg2+ exhibited unimodal distributions at all sampling sites, peaking at 2.1–3.3 μm, while K+ having a bimodal distributions with a major peak at 0.43–0.65 μm and a minor one at 3.3–4.7 μm, were used in most of samples. Seasonal and spatial variations in the size-distribution profiles suggested that meteorological conditions (seasonal patterns) and sampling locations (geographical patterns) were the main factors determining the formation of secondary aerosols and characteristics of size distributions for WSIs.  相似文献   

In this study, 24-h PM2.5 samples were collected using Harvard Honeycomb denuder/filter-pack system during different seasons in 2006 and 2007 at an urban site in Guangzhou, China. The particles collected in this study were generally acidic (average strong acidity ([H+]) ~ 70 nmol m? 3). Interestingly, aerosol sulfate was not fully neutralized in the ammonia-rich atmosphere (NH3 ~ 30 ppb) and even when NH4+]/[SO42?] was larger than 2. Consequently, strong acidity ([H+]) as high as 170 nmol m? 3 was observed in these samples. The kinetic rate of neutralization of acidity (acidic sulfate) by ambient ammonia was significantly higher than the rate of formation of ammonium nitrate involving HNO3 and NH3 for [NH4+]/[SO42?]  1.5 and much lower for NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5. Therefore, higher nitrate principally formed via homogeneous gas phase reactions involving ammonia and nitric acid were observed for [NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5. However, little nitrate, probably formed via heterogeneous processes e.g. reaction of HNO3 with sea salt or crustal species, was observed for [NH4+]/[SO42?]  1.5. These demonstrate a clear transition in the pathways of ambient ammonia to form aerosol ammonium at [NH4+]/[SO42?] = 1.5 and evidently explain the observed high acidity due to the unneutralized sulfate in the ammonium-rich aerosol (NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5). In fact, the measured acidity was almost similar to the excess acid defined as the acid that remains at [NH4+]/[SO42?] = 1.5 due to the un-neutralized fraction of sulfate ([H+] = 0.5[SO42?]). The presence of high excess acid and ammonium nitrate significantly lowered the deliquescence relative humidity of ammonium sulfate (from 80% to 40%) in the ammonium-rich samples.  相似文献   

The Water vapour Strong Lines at 183 GHz (183-WSL) fast retrieval method retrieves rain rates and classifies precipitation types for applications in nowcasting and weather monitoring. The retrieval scheme consists of two fast algorithms, over land and over ocean, that use the water vapour absorption lines at 183.31 GHz corresponding to the channels 3 (183.31 ± 1 GHz), 4 (183.31 ± 3 GHz) and 5 (183.31 ± 7 GHz) of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit module B (AMSU-B) and of the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) flying on NOAA-15-18 and Metop-A satellite series, respectively.The method retrieves rain rates by exploiting the extinction of radiation due to rain drops following four subsequent steps. After ingesting the satellite data stream, the window channels at 89 and 150 GHz are used to compute scattering-based thresholds and the 183-WSLW module for rainfall area discrimination and precipitation type classification as stratiform or convective on the basis of the thresholds calculated for land/mixed and sea surfaces. The thresholds are based on the brightness temperature difference Δwin = TB89 ? TB150 and are different over land (L) and over sea (S): cloud droplets and water vapour (Δwin < 3 K L; Δwin < 0 K S), stratiform rain (3 K < Δwin < 10 K L; 0 K < Δwin < 10 K S), and convective rain (Δwin > 10 K L and S). The thresholds, initially empirically derived from observations, are corroborated by the simulations of the RTTOV radiative transfer model applied to 20000 ECMWF atmospheric profiles at midlatitudes and the use of data from the Nimrod radar network. A snow cover mask and a digital elevation model are used to eliminate false rain area attribution, especially over elevated terrain. A probability of detection logistic function is also applied in the transition region from no-rain to rain adjacent to the clouds to ensure continuity of the rainfall field. Finally, the last step is dedicated to the rain rate retrieval with the modules 183-WSLS (stratiform) and 183WSLC (convective), and the module 183-WSL for total rainfall intensity derivation.A comparison with rainfall retrievals from the Goddard Profiling (GPROF) TRMM 2A12 algorithm is done with good results on a stratiform and hurricane case studies. A comparison is also conducted with the MSG-based Precipitation Index (PI) and the Scattering Index (SI) for a convective-stratiform event showing good agreement with the 183-WSLC retrieval. A complete validation of the product is the subject of Part II of the paper.  相似文献   

Below-cloud aerosol scavenging is generally estimated from field measurements using advanced instruments that measure changes in aerosol distributions with respect to rainfall. In this study, we discuss various scavenging mechanisms and scavenging coefficients from past laboratory and field measurements. Scavenging coefficients derived from field measurements (representing natural aerosols scavenging) are two orders higher than that of theoretical ones for smaller particles (Dp < 2 μm). Measured size-resolved scavenging coefficients can be served as a better option to the default scavenging coefficient (e.g. a constant of 10?4 s?1 for all size of aerosols, as used in the CALPUFF model) for representing below-cloud aerosol scavenging. We propose scavenging correction parameter (CR) as an exponential function of size-resolved scavenging coefficients, winds and width in the downwind of the source–receptor system. For a wind speed of 3 m s?1, CR decrease with the width in the downwind for particles of diameters Dp < 0.1 μm but CR does not vary much for particles in the accumulation mode (0.1 < Dp < 2 μm). For a typical urban aerosol distribution, assuming 3 m s?1 air-flow in the source–receptor system, 10 km downwind width, 2.84 mm h?1 of rainfall and using aerosol size dependent scavenging coefficients in the CR, scavenging of aerosols is found to be 16% in number and 24% in volume of total aerosols. Using the default scavenging coefficient (10?4 s?1) in the CALPUFF model, it is found to be 64% in both number and volume of total aerosols.  相似文献   

Conventional surface data and quantitative estimations of precipitation are used to document the occurrence and spatial distribution of severe weather phenomena associated with deep moist convection over southeastern South America.Data used in this paper are 24-hour rainfall, maximum hourly gusts and present weather reports from the surface station network for Argentina to the north of 40°S and cover the period 2000–2005. Hourly rainfall estimated with the CMORPH technique (CPC MORPHing technique, R. J. Joyce et al., 2004) is included in the analysis in order to increase the density of the precipitation database from January 2003 to December 2005. Extreme events are detected by means of a 95th-percentile analysis of the 24-hour rainfall and wind; values greater than 30 mm and 25 m s?1 respectively are considered extreme in the study area. These results are related to the presence of deep convection by considering the 235 K and 218 K cloud shield evolution in Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-12 Infrared (GOES-IR) imagery evaluated by the Forecasting and Tracking of Cloud Cluster (FORTRACC) technique. Rainfall above 30 mm day?1 and present convection-related weather events tend to occur in the northeast of the country.Finally, an analysis is made of the relationship between severe phenomena and the location and lifecycle of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) defined by the 218 K or 235 K levels. According to the reports, favorable locations for severe weather concentrate to the northeast of the cloud shield anvil centroid although most of the cases are found in the northwest. This feature can be seen in systems with anvil areas larger than 250,000 km2 in association to the predominant mid-level wind shear direction from the northwest over the area. Moreover, systems with centers located north of 30°S present a more circular shape while those to the south are more elongated with a NW–SE main axis clearly related to the presence and interaction with frontal zones over the area. Most of the events occur previous to the moment when the systems reach their maximum extension, between 2 and 10 h after the initiation of the system depending on the size of the MCSs.  相似文献   

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