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This study describes the biogeochemical cycling of seston in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. Seston was characterized by carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic abundances. Fluorescence, temperature, light transmittance, and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were also determined. PCBs were analyzed from surface (10 m) seston and ΣPCB was calculated by summing all of the congeners quantified in each sample. The vertical and seasonal trends in the δ13C values of seston exhibited a broad range from −30.7 to −23.9‰. Low δ13C values that occur concurrently with a peak in fluorescence below the thermocline reflect uptake of 13C depleted respiratory CO2 and/or the accumulation of 13C depleted lipids by phytoplankton. High δ13C values late in the season likely result from a reduction in photosynthetic fractionation associated with a decrease in the CO2 pool. Seasonal δ15N values of seston were high in the spring and declined through August. The δ15N values of seston reflect a balance between fractionation during assimilation of NH4+ or NO3 and degradative processes. The seston ΣPCB and fluorescence were both high in the spring and subsequently declined, suggesting that the concentrations of PCBs in seston were associated with labile material derived from primary productivity. The strong seasonal trends in the organic geochemical characteristics of seston and concentrations of PCBs emphasize the complex nature of particle cycling in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The lack of paleoecological records from the montane Atlantic Rainforest of coastal Brazil, a hotspot of biological diversity, has been a major obstacle to our understanding of the vegetational changes since the last glacial cycle. We present carbon isotope and pollen records to assess the impact of the glaciation on the native vegetation of the Serra do Mar rainforest in São Paulo, Brazil. From ca. 28,000 to  22,000 14C yr BP, a subtropical forest with conifer trees is indicative of cool and humid conditions. In agreement carbon isotopic data on soil organic matter suggest the presence of C3 plants and perhaps C4 plants from  28,000 to  19,000 14C yr BP. The significant increase in the sedimentation rate and algal spores from  19,450 to  19,000 14C yr BP indicates increasing humidity, associated to an erosion process between  19,000 and  15,600 14C yr BP. From  15,600 14C yr BP to present there is a substantial increase in arboreal elements and herbs, indicating more humid and warmer climate. From  19,000 to  1000 14C yr BP, δ13C values indicated the predominance of C3 plants. These results are in agreement with studies in speleothems of caves, which suggest humid conditions during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

马元铅锌矿床是近年扬子陆块北缘铅锌找矿的新突破。矿体呈层状、似层状产于碑坝隆起翼部震旦系灯影组角砾状白云岩层间构造带中,围岩蚀变很弱。矿石中硫化物以闪锌矿、方铅矿为主,中粗粒晶质结构,充填于白云岩角砾间。闪锌矿富集Cd、Ge、Ag,贫In、Tl、Se,Ga/In为6~132,Ge/In多1000,成矿温度以中-低温为主。金属硫化物ε~(34)S值相对集中,为12.9‰~19.4‰,平均为17.4‰,来自于海相硫酸盐的还原。铅同位素组成稳定,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb为17.858~17.918:~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb为15.603~15.694;~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb为37.756~38.046,具有造山带和上地壳铅的特征,震旦系可能提供了金属成矿物质。闪锌矿中流体包裹体的~3He/~4He为0.03Ra~1.05Ra,~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar为326.1~765.1,~(38)Ar/~(36)Ar为0.183~0.204,表明成矿流体主要为地壳流体和饱和大气水(大气降水或海水)的混合。闪锌矿内流体包裹体挥发分δ~(13)C_(CH_4)值为-36.01‰~-28.80‰,δ~(13)C_(C_2H_6)值为-27.72‰~-22.44‰,δ~(13)C_(CO_2)值为-23.24‰~-9.68‰,表明有机流体参与了成矿作用。石英、方解石的H-O同位素结果表明具有海水和有机水混合的特征。可见,成矿流体具有两种流体混合的特征,一为蒸发海水与围岩反应所形成的盆地卤水,二为有机流体。推测矿区可能存在一个古油气藏,由于TSR生成一高硫气藏,为区内还原性有机流体的主要来源。当富含Pb、Zn等成矿物质的成矿流体运移至富含CH_4和H_2S的还原性流体的矿区角砾岩带时,两种流体混合,Pb、Zn等遇到H_2S发生反应而沉淀成矿,并伴生热液白云石等,形成了马元铅锌矿床。综上所述,我们认为马元矿床属MVT型铅锌矿床。  相似文献   

以位于西准噶尔的阔尔真阔腊、布尔克斯岱、哈图、包古图金矿;东准噶尔的科克萨依、野马泉金矿;东天山的康古尔,石英滩,红石金矿为研究重点,着重探讨了S、Pb、C同位素在本区特定构造地质条件下对金成矿作用的示踪。结果表明。主成矿期矿化剂元素硫来源于深部,有少量地壳物质混染,金属元素铅主要来源于地幔及下地壳,少量浅部铅混染。反映了本区金的来源以深源为主的特征,各类金矿矿化剂元素碳为无机碳与有机碳不同程度的混合,表明地层有机质不同程度地参与了金的运移与卸载成矿,这是本区金成矿的重要特色。本区年轻的基底、深大断裂、火山活动及地层中有机质的参与等地质条件成就了本区不同类型金矿床的成矿。  相似文献   

Amos Frumkin   《Quaternary Research》2009,71(3):319-328
Trees growing on the Mt. Sedom salt diapir, at the southern Dead Sea shore, were swept by runoff into salt caves and subsequently deposited therein, sheltered from surface weathering. A subfossil Tamarix tree trunk, found in a remote section of Sedom Cave is radiocarbon dated to between  2265 and 1930 BCE. It was sampled in 109 points across the tree rings for carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The Sedom Tamarix demonstrates a few hundred years of 13C and 15N isotopic enrichment, culminating in extremely high δ13C and δ15N values. Calibration using modern Tamarix stable isotopes in various climatic settings in Israel shows direct relationship between isotopic enrichment and climate deterioration, particularly rainfall decrease. The subfossil Tamarix probably reflects an environmental crisis during the Intermediate Bronze Age, which subsequently killed the tree  1930 BCE. This period coincides with the largest historic fall of the Dead Sea level, as well as the demise of the large regional urban center of the 3rd millennium BCE. The environmental crisis may thus explain the archaeological evidence of a shift from urban to pastoral culture during the Intermediate Bronze Age. This was apparently the most severe long-term historical drought that affected the region in the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   

Isotopic and chemical composition of groundwater from wells and springs, and surface water from the basalt-dominated Axum area (northern Ethiopia) provides evidence for the origin of water and dissolved species. Shallow (depth < 40 m) and deep groundwater are distinguished by both chemical and isotopic composition. Deep groundwater is significantly enriched in dissolved inorganic carbon up to 40 mmol l−1 and in concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Si(OH)4 compared to the shallow type.The δ2H and δ18O values of all solutions clearly indicate meteoric origin. Shifts from the local meteoric water line are attributed to evaporation of surface and spring water, and to strong water–rock interaction. The δ13CDIC values of shallow groundwater between −12 and −7‰ (VPDB) display the uptake of CO2 from local soil horizons, whereas δ13CDIC of deep groundwater ranges from −5 to +1‰. Considering open system conditions with respect to gaseous CO2, δ13CDIC = +1‰ of the deep groundwater with highest PCO2 = 10−0.9 atm yields δ13CCO2(gas) ≈ −5‰, which is close to the stable carbon isotopic composition of magmatic CO2. Accordingly, stable carbon isotope ratios within the above range are referred to individual proportions of CO2 from soil and magmatic origin. The uptake of magmatic CO2 results in elevated cations and Si(OH)4 concentrations. Weathering of local basalts is documented by 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the groundwater from 0.7038 to 0.7059. Highest values indicate Sr release from the basement rocks. Besides weathering of silicates, neoformation of solids has to be considered, which results in the formation of, e.g., kaolinite and montmorillonite. In several solutions supersaturation with respect to calcite is reached by outgassing of CO2 from the solution leading to secondary calcite formation.  相似文献   

李小军  李波  刘兵  关奇  李序贵  田素梅 《地质通报》2021,40(7):1047-1056
右江盆地沉积连续的泥盆纪—石炭纪岩石地层,是中国泥盆纪与石炭纪之交Hangenberg生物大灭绝事件的重点研究区域。选取右江盆地西缘云南富宁地区晚泥盆世—早石炭世地层,在岩石地层学研究的基础上对碳酸盐岩进行系统的碳、氧同位素组成研究。富宁地区晚泥盆世—早石炭世地层存在不同幅度的δ13C、δ18O负向偏移,尤其在泥盆系—石炭系界线附近负偏移明显,δ13C、δ18O值偏移层位与层序地层学转换及古生物灭绝事件发生层位一致,反映了晚泥盆世法门期海平面下降和早石炭世的海侵事件。研究区泥盆系—石炭系界线附近δ13C值负偏趋势与右江盆地内δ13C值演化偏移相似,华南其他典型剖面δ13C值亦呈现不同幅度的负向偏移,泥盆纪与石炭纪之交的碳同位素演化序列与欧洲、北美地区δ13C值负向偏移反映的海平面下降事件一致,具全球性对比意义。  相似文献   

阿尔泰东南缘布尔根地区造山带型金矿床受韧性剪切带控制,有两种矿化类型:一为石英脉型,另一种为糜棱岩型。糜棱岩型金矿硫化物的δ^34S值变化于-10.009‰~-2.819‰,平均值为-5.29‰,石英脉型金矿硫化物的δ^34S值变化于-0.062‰~-1.688‰,平均值为-1.0575‰。布尔根地区金矿床的金属硫化物样品具有较窄的^207Pb/^204Pb比值,变化于17.71~18.35;相对较高的^207Pb/^204Pb比值为15.31~15.64和^208Pb/^204Pb比值为37.13~38.07,铅同位素分析结果表明,该区金矿床成矿物质铅来源于地幔及下地壳。硫、铅同位素特征反映了布尔根地区金矿床成矿物质具有多来源特征。  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区林西县大井铜多金属矿床是大兴安岭南段的一个大型Cu-Sn-Ag-Zn-Pb矿床。该矿床的黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿等硫化物的δ^34S值变化为-1.8‰至+3.8‰,平均为+0.65‰。大约为-5‰的δ^13C值与峰值为~ 1‰的δ^34S值的很窄分布表明成矿流体中的碳和硫来源于深部岩浆,并且排除了上二叠统林西组地层提供一部分硫和碳的可能性。硫化物矿石的^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb和^208Pb/^204Pb比值分别为18.257-18.368,15.476-15.609和37.916-38.355范围内,其模式年龄为122-209Ma。黑色页岩含有较高的放射成因铅,其^208Pb/^204Pb比值为18.473-20.156,与矿石完全不同。然而,矿石、基性-超基性岩脉和附近花岗岩体的长石铅中^206Pb/^204Pb,^207Pb/^204Pb和^208Pb/^204Pb比值是相近的,它们在^208Pb/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb和^207Pb/^204Pb-^206Pb/^204Pb图上落在同一条直线上。这条铅同位素混合线两个端元分别为上地幔和造山带,即混合了上地幔与前中生代形成的造山带物质。这些证据都强烈地支持了成矿物质来源于深源岩浆。因此,大井矿床是一个典型的与次火山岩有关的岩浆-热液脉型矿床。  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):258-274
The Dabaoshan deposit in Northern Guangdong Province, South China, is a Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposit, located in the southern part of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt. The deposit mainly comprises porphyry Mo and stratiform skarn Cu ore deposits. The genesis of the Cu ore deposit has been ascribed to a typical skarn ore deposit formed by the metasomatism of Devonian carbonate rock layers or to a volcanic rock‐hosted massive sulfide deposit formed by marine exhalation. In this paper, we report on the homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions and C, H, O, S, and Pb isotopic compositions of fluids and minerals in this deposit. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in garnet, diopside, quartz, and calcite provide information on the skarnification, mineralization, and postmineralization stages. The data show that ore‐forming fluids experienced a continuous transition from high temperatures and salinities to low temperatures and salinities over the entire period of mineralization. C, H, and O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids were derived mainly from magmatic water. O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids mingled with atmospheric water during the last stage of mineralization. Sulfur in the ore came mainly from deep magmatic sources. Pb isotopic compositions in the orebody show that almost all the lead in the ore was derived from magma with a crustal source. Combined geological, geophysical, and geochemical data were achieved before we proposed that the Dabaoshan porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn deposit, as one member of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt, formed during the Jurassic subduction of the paleo‐Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent at quite low angle. NE‐ and EW‐trending structures controlled the emplacement of magmatic rocks in the South China region. In the mining area, the Xiangguanping Fault and its branches were the main conduits for magmatic crystallization and mineralization. The many subfaults, folds, and interlayer fracture zones on both sides of the main fault provided the requisite space for the ore and, together, were the controlling structures of the orebody.  相似文献   

贵州普定纳雍枝铅锌矿矿床成因:S和原位Pb同位素证据   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
通过近五年(2011~2015)勘查实现找矿重大突破的贵州普定纳雍枝铅锌矿床,位于扬子陆块西南缘,五指山背斜南东翼北中部,是黔西北铅锌成矿区的重要组成部分。矿区内已发现20余个铅锌矿体,探获铅锌金属资源储量超135万吨,是川滇黔接壤铅锌矿集区贵州境内目前已发现和探明规模最大的铅锌矿床。主矿体多呈层状、似层状、透镜状和陡倾斜脉状产出,除了陡倾斜脉状矿体产于F7断层破碎带,其余(似)层状矿体均产于下寒武统清虚洞组和上震旦统灯影组白云岩中,与围岩产状一致,层控特征明显。其矿石类型主要有块状、角砾状、细脉状和浸染状等,矿石矿物以闪锌矿为主,其次为方铅矿和黄铁矿,脉石矿物以方解石、白云石为主,含少量石英,偶见重晶石。本次研究表明,该矿床硫化物δ~(34)S_(CDT)值介于15.94‰~25.49‰之间,均值为22.41‰(n=21),其中黄铁矿δ~(34)S_(CDT)值为22.06‰,闪锌矿δ~(34)S_(CDT)值为19.37‰~25.49‰,均值为23.17‰(n=17),方铅矿δ~(34)S_(CDT)值为15.94‰~19.70‰(n=3),均值为18.23‰。各类硫化物δ~(34)S值部分重叠,总体上不具有δ~(34)S黄铁矿δ~(34)S闪锌矿δ~(34)S方铅矿的特征,暗示硫同位素在硫化物矿物间的分馏未达到平衡。此外,矿石存有少量硫酸盐矿物(重晶石),暗示成矿流体的δ~(34)S3∑S值应高于硫化物的平均δ4S值(22.41‰),接近赋矿地层中海相硫酸盐岩的δ~(34)S值(22‰~28‰)。因此,成矿流体中的还原硫最可能为海相硫酸盐岩热化学还原的产物,来源于赋矿地层中的蒸发岩。应用飞秒激光剥蚀多接收器等离子体质谱法首次获得了纳雍枝铅锌矿中方铅矿原位Pb同位素数据,结果显示Pb同位素组成非常集中(~(206)Pb/204Pb=17.828~17.860,均值17.841,~(207)Pb/204Pb=15.648~15.666,均值15.659,~(208)Pb/204Pb=37.922~37.979,均值37.960,n=32),位于上地壳平均Pb演化曲线上,表明其成矿物质具壳源特征,可能来源于基底岩石。综合矿床地质、矿物学、S和原位Pb同位素数据,本文认为纳雍枝铅锌矿床S主要来源于其赋矿地层,Pb等金属元素主要来源于基底岩石,这两组流体的混合是导致其金属硫化物沉淀成矿的重要机制,成矿流体具后生、低温热液等特征,属于密西西比河谷型(MVT)矿床,很可能形成于燕山期,与右江盆地演化有关。  相似文献   

在野外露头和镜下薄片观察分析的基础上,对重庆东部地区下寒武统龙王庙组83个碳酸盐岩样品的碳、氧同位素进行测试,并分析了其所保留的海水原始信息的有效性。结果表明,扣除无效数据后,重庆地区龙王庙组δ13C值分布在-4.300‰~2.694‰之间,平均值为-0.031‰;δ18O值分布在-9.880‰~-0.100‰之间,平均值为-7.396‰;纵向上,碳同位素值整体呈现先降低后升高的趋势,底部、中上部及顶部为正值且变化幅度小;中下部整体为负值且波动幅度大,正、负漂移事件频发。古环境恢复结果显示,龙王庙期重庆东部地区整体处于海相沉积环境,海水盐度在龙王庙组早期较低,晚期较高;海水温度主要介于20~30,℃之间,属温暖或炎热的亚热带气候;龙王庙期共经历3期海退—海侵作用,海平面上升、海洋生产力增加、有机碳快速埋藏使得海洋中13C含量升高,反之则使其降低。龙王庙组沉积中期与末期,δ13C值负偏,水体较浅,盐度较高,是白云岩发育的最有利阶段。  相似文献   

吕向光 《地质与勘探》2015,51(5):898-906
本文对内蒙古林西县北三段银铅多金属矿床矿体的碳、氧、硫、铅同位素进行了测定,并对其成矿物质来源及演化进行了探讨。矿区样品的δ34S‰变化范围为-0.24‰~2.37‰,平均值为1.29‰,初步认为矿石中的硫主要来源于深部岩浆,并有少量生物还原硫的加入。样品的δ13CPDB变化范围为-4.57‰~-7.33‰,平均值为-5.96‰,δ18O为-3.4‰~-4.8‰,平均值为-4.06‰;δ13CPDB-δ18OSMOW关系表明,矿体中的碳可能主要由基性-超基性岩浆提供,并有部分来源于地层,且受大气水影响明显。铅同位素表明北三段矿床的成矿物质可能由造山带物质和地幔物质两部分提供。  相似文献   

过去已知在峨眉山玄武岩顶部气孔状熔岩中含有杏仁状自然铜,但很少构成连续的铜矿体。虽然先后探明了几十个小型铜矿或矿化点,但始终未取得找矿突破。最近,在该熔岩层上下的凝灰岩中鉴别出难识别矿化类型,即与沥青和有机质碳紧密伴生的富铜矿石,甚至在气孔状熔岩中发现呈杏仁体含铜沥青,因而可能构成大规模矿化。在矿体中还见到葡萄石-绿泥石-方解石杏仁体和细网脉,与沥青团块抑或共生抑或稍晚于后者。通过对沥青和方解石的碳和碳氧同位素的测定,前者的δ^13CPDB值变化在-32.6‰~-30.9‰之间,后者的δ^18OSMOW和δ^13CPDB值分别为19.0‰~23.0‰和-18.4‰~-13.5‰。初步认为这些沥青为火山喷发后异地石油贯入及挥发的结果。与矿石密切相伴的葡萄石-绿泥石-方解石为矿化过程的蚀变产物。表明含铜流体流经沥青和有机碳富集这些地球化学障时卸载成矿。  相似文献   

Forests play a primary role in the cycling and storage of mercury (Hg) in terrestrial ecosystems. This study aimed to assess differences in Hg cycling and storage resulting from different vegetation at two adjacent forest stands - beech and spruce. The study site Načetín in the Czech Republic's Black Triangle received high atmospheric loadings of Hg from coal combustion in the second half of the 20th century as documented by peat accumulation rates reaching 100 μg m−2 y−1. In 2004, the annual litterfall Hg flux was 22.5 μg m−2 y−1 in the beech stand and 14.5 μg m−2 y−1 in the spruce stand. Soil concentrations and pools of Hg had a strong positive relation to soil organic matter and concentrations of soil sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N). O-horizon Hg concentrations ranged from 245 to 495 μg kg−1 and were greater in the spruce stand soil, probably as a result of greater dry Hg deposition. Mineral soil Hg concentrations ranged from 51 to 163 μg kg−1 and were greater in the beech stand soil due to its greater capacity to store organic carbon (C). The Hg/C ratio increased with depth from 0.3 in the O-horizon to 3.8 μg g−1 in the C horizon of spruce soil and from 0.7 to 2.7 μg g−1 in beech soil. The Hg/C ratio was greater at all mineral soil depths in the spruce stand. The organic soil Hg pools in beech and spruce stands (6.4 and 5.7 mg m−2, respectively) were considerably lower than corresponding mineral soil Hg pools (39.1 and 25.8 mg m−2). Despite the important role of S in Hg cycling, differences in soil Hg distribution at both stands could not be attributed to differences in soil sulfur speciation.  相似文献   

四川赤普MVT铅锌矿床成矿与古老油气藏关系密切。通过对矿床不同成矿阶段硫化物硫同位素和热液碳酸盐碳、氧同位素系统研究,结合沥青有机质的有机地球化学特征,探讨油气参与金属成矿的详细过程。取得主要认识如下:(1)油气系统中先存的H2S是成矿早阶段主要的硫源, TSR作用启动后还原硫酸盐,为成矿提供另一硫源。Mg2+可能是控制成矿过程中TSR作用的一个因素;(2)热液碳酸盐矿物碳(氧)同位素组成指示了 TSR 作用氧化的有机碳与流体溶解围岩碳酸盐岩中碳的不均匀混合作用;(3)矿床中与成矿作用有关的有机质(沥青)具有高-过成熟度特征和低芳烃含量,或是其参与了 TSR 作用的一个标志;(4)川滇黔地区油气成藏-破坏和赤普铅锌成矿可能是盆山演化过程中不同阶段或是同一阶段不同时代的产物,铅锌矿床形成与古老油气藏破坏密切相关。  相似文献   

Multi-isotope (H, O, S, Sr, Pb) systems coupled with conventional (major and trace element) hydrogeochemical analysis were applied to determine the origin of water, to model water-rock-tailings interactions and for source apportionment of sulfur and associated toxic metals in the mining region of Taxco, Guerrero in southern Mexico. Oxygen and H isotopes indicate that meteoric water in the zone is rainwater undergoing varying degrees of isotopic fractionation by atmospheric evaporation whereas Sr isotopes trace the interaction of pristine water from volcanics of the regional recharge zone and subsequently flowing through sandstone and shale to spring points. Leachates form from two distinctive sources (spring water and surface water) having differential interactions with bedrocks prior to entering the tailings. Compared to pristine water, leachates are enriched in sulfate, metals (e.g. Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) and metalloids (e.g. As). The sulfur isotopic composition of ore-sulfides, leachates, secondary precipitates, regional surface water and hypogenic sulfates is described in terms of a two-component mixing model with shale of Mexcala and limestone of Morelos formations representing the light and heavy end-members, respectively, whereas Sr isotopic composition is bracketed combining three lithogenic (Mexcala/Morelos, Tilzapotla and Taxco Schist) sources. Finally, leachates have a mixture of lead from ore-sulfides and Taxco Schist Formation (Family I) or from ore-sulfides alone (Family II). The application of multiple environmental isotopic techniques is an outstanding tool for elucidating complex interactions of water with bedrocks and tailings and for determining the source of sulfur and toxic metal from mining and other metal polluted environments.  相似文献   

四川黄龙降水氢、氧同位素对气候变化的指示意义   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
与全球大气降水线相比,黄龙大气降水线的斜率和常数项均较小,这与水滴在未饱和大气中降落时重同位素的蒸发富集作用有关,且反映了近几十年以来黄龙的气候有向暖干变化的趋势。降水稳定同位素的显著降水量效应说明黄龙降水的水汽主要来源于低纬度海洋。过剩氘的季节变化及降水氢、氧同位素的降水量效应反映了黄龙地区旱季受大陆性气团的影响,空气干燥,降水量小,因此蒸发强,重同位素的富集作用强,从而降水中稳定同位素比率高;在雨季,受来自海洋水汽的影响,空气湿润,降水量大,因此蒸发弱,重同位素的富集作用轻,从而降水中稳定同位素比率低。据此推测,降水量效应可能是不同水汽来源对降水稳定同位素影响的结果。黄龙的降水温度效应不显著,季风气候抑制和掩盖了温度效应。   相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1864-1875

In the mines of the Nacional de Grafite Company around Itapecerica (Minas Gerais), located in the southern Sao Francisco Craton, occurs a supracrustal succession of high-grade metamorphic rocks including quartzite, garnet-biotite gneiss, and graphite schist formed in the Palaeoproterozoic (2.0 Ga). During metamorphic processes, organic matter was progressively transformed into graphite. From four graphite samples of three different mines (two samples from high-grade metamorphic graphite schist and two generated by hydrothermal recrystallization of the graphite schist), the origin and formation temperature of this mineral was obtained by C isotopes, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy. The values of δ13C range between ?21.23 and ?27.89 ‰, indicating that the source of the graphite was a primitive biogenic carbon material. High-grade metamorphic graphites show average temperatures around 729°C, while hydrothermal recrystallizated graphites (vein-graphites) show temperatures around 611°C by XRD, which correspond to granulite- to amphibolite facies conditions. The hydrothermal process with percolation of C-O-H fluids leads to a decrease in the crystal size along stacking direction (Lc(002)) when compared with the previously formed high-grade metamorphism graphites. An update of the current tectonic model about the collisional process during Rhyacian-Orosirian orogeny in the Sao Francisco Craton is proposed to insert the formation of the Itapecerica graphite-rich metasedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

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