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The pre-Cenozoic geology at Candelaria, Nevada comprises four main lithologic units: the basement consists of Ordovician cherts of the Palmetto complex; this is overlain unconformably by Permo-Triassic marine clastic sediments (Diablo and Candelaria Formations); these are structurally overlain by a serpentinitehosted tectonic mélange (Pickhandle/Golconda allochthon); all these units are cut by three Mesozoic felsic dike systems. Bulk-mineable silver-base metal ores occur as stratabound sheets of vein stockwork/disseminated sulphide mineralisation within structurally favourable zones along the base of the Pickhandle allochthon (i.e. Pickhandle thrust and overlying ultramafics/mafics) and within the fissile, calcareous and phosphatic black shales at the base of the Candelaria Formation (lower Candelaria shear). The most prominent felsic dike system — a suite of Early Jurassic granodiorite porphyries — exhibits close spatial, alteration and geochemical associations with the silver mineralisation. Disseminated pyrites from the bulk-mineable ores exhibit a 34S range from — 0.3 to + 12.1 (mean 34S = +6.4 ± 3.5, 1, n = 17) and two sphalerites have 34S of + 5.9 and + 8.7 These data support a felsic magmatic source for sulphur in the ores, consistent with their proximal position in relation to the porphyries. However, a minor contribution of sulphur from diagenetic pyrite in the host Candelaria sediments (mean 34S = — 14.0) cannot be ruled out. Sulphur in late, localised barite veins ( 34S = + 17.3 and + 17.7) probably originated from a sedimentary/seawater source, in the form of bedded barite within the Palmetto basement ( 34S = + 18.9). Quartz veins from the ores have mean 18O = + 15.9 ± 0.8 (1, n = 10), which is consistent, over the best estimate temperature range of the mineralisation (360°–460°C), with deposition from 18O-enriched magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (calculated 18O fluid = + 9.4 to + 13.9). Such enrichment probably occurred through isotopic exchange with the basement cherts during fluid ascent from a source pluton. Whole rock data for a propylitised porphyry ( 18O = + 14.2, D = — 65) support a magmatic fluid source. However, D results for fluid inclusions from several vein samples (mean = — 108 ± 14, 1, n = 6) and for other dike and sediment whole rocks (mean = — 110 ± 13, 1, n = 5) reveal the influence of meteoric waters. The timing of meteoric fluid incursion is unresolved, but possibilities include late-mineralisation groundwater flooding during cooling of the Early Jurassic progenitor porphyry system and/or meteoric fluid circulation driven by Late Cretaceous plutonism.  相似文献   

The Igarapé Bahia Cu–Au deposit in the Carajás Province, Brazil, is hosted by steeply dipping metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the Igarapé Bahia Group. This group consists of a low greenschist grade unit of the Archean (∼2,750 Ma) Itacaiúnas Supergroup, in which other important Cu–Au and iron ore deposits of the Carajás region are also hosted. The orebody at Igarapé Bahia is a fragmental rock unit situated between chloritized basalt, with associated hyaloclastite, banded iron formation (BIF), and chert in the footwall and mainly coarse- to fine-grained turbidites in the hanging wall. The fragmental rock unit is a nearly concordant, 2 km long and 30–250 m thick orebody made up of heterolithic, usually matrix-supported rocks composed mainly of coarse basalt, BIF, and chert clasts derived from the footwall unit. Mineralization is confined to the fine-grained matrix and comprises disseminated to massive chalcopyrite accompanied by magnetite, gold, U- and light rare earth element (LREE)-minerals, and minor other sulfides like bornite, molybdenite, cobaltite, digenite, and pyrite. Gangue minerals include siderite, chlorite, amphibole, tourmaline, quartz, stilpnomelane, epidote, and apatite. A less important mineralization style at Igarapé Bahia is represented by late quartz–chalcopyrite–calcite veins that crosscut all rocks in the deposit area. Fluid inclusions trapped in a quartz cavity in the ore unit indicate that saline aqueous fluids (5 to 45 wt% NaCl + CaCl2 equiv), together with carbonic (CO2 ± CH4) and low-salinity aqueous carbonic (6 wt% NaCl equiv) fluids, were involved in the mineralization process. Carbonates from the fragmental layer have δ13C values from −6.7 to −13.4 per mil that indicate their origin from organic and possibly also from magmatic carbon. The δ34S values for chalcopyrite range from −1.1 to 5.6 per mil with an outlier at −10.8 per mil, implying that most sulfur is magmatic or leached from magmatic rocks, whereas a limited contribution of reduced and oxydized sulfur is also evident. Oxygen isotopic ratios in magnetite, quartz, and siderite yield calculated temperatures of ∼400°C and δ18O-enriched compositions (5 to 16.5 per mil) for the ore-forming fluids that suggest a magmatic input and/or an interaction with 18O-rich, probably sedimentary rocks. The late veins of the Igarapé Bahia deposit area were formed from saline aqueous fluids (2 to 60 wt% NaCl + CaCl2 equiv) with δ18Ofluid compositions around 0 per mil that indicate contribution from meteoric fluids. With respect to geological features, Igarapé Bahia bears similarity with syngenetic, volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS)-type deposits, as indicated by the volcano-sedimentary geological context, stratabound character, and association with submarine volcanic flows, hyaloclastite, and exhalative beds such as BIF and chert. On the other hand, the highly saline ore fluids and the mineral assemblage, dominated by magnetite and chalcopyrite, with associated gold, U- and LREE-minerals and scarce pyrite, indicate that Igarapé Bahia belongs to the Fe oxide Cu–Au (IOCG) group of deposits. The available geochronologic data used to attest syngenetic or epigenetic origins for the mineralization are either imprecise or may not represent the main mineralization episode but a later, superimposed event. The C, S, and O isotopic results obtained in this study do not clearly discriminate between fluid sources. However, recent B isotope data obtained on tourmaline from the matrix of the fragmental rock ore unit (Xavier, Wiedenbeck, Dreher, Rhede, Monteiro, Araújo, Chemical and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline from Archean and Paleoproterozoic Cu–Au deposits in the Carajás Mineral Province, 1° Simpósio Brasileiro de Metalogenia, Gramado, Brazil, extended abstracts, CD-ROM, 2005) provide strong evidence of the involvement of a marine evaporitic source in the hydrothermal system of Igarapé Bahia. Evaporite-derived fluids may explain the high salinities and the low reduced sulfur mineral paragenesis observed in the deposit. Evaporite-derived fluids also exclude a significant participation of magmatic or mantle-derived fluids, reinforcing the role of nonmagmatic brines in the genesis of Igarapé Bahia. Considering this aspect and the geological features, the possibility that the deposit was generated by a hydrothermal submarine system whose elevated salinity was acquired by leaching of ancient evaporite beds should be evaluated.  相似文献   

The coal deposit of Tibita is located 90 km NNE of Bogotá and is part of the more than 600-km-long coal belt of Colombia's East Cordillera. There are up to 10 mineable coal seams of around 1 m thickness each within the Upper Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Guaduas formation. The coal measures were folded during the Andean orogeny and were preserved in SW-NE-extending synclines. Despite its low rank (35–45% VM) some of the coal possesses good coking properties. The exinite-poor coal shows a number of petrographic pecularities. It largely consists of the rare microlithotype vitrinertite and is lacking in durite and clarodurite. Macroscopically, the coal is mostly homogeneous. Two major lithotypes are described here, i.e. layered and unlayered coal. It was by means of microlithotype analysis, that whole-seam-sample sequences of several boreholes could be correlated successfully. Thus coal reserves could be reliably estimated.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2011,41(1):27-40
Diyadin mineralization is the first reported gold deposit located in a collisional tectonic environment in Eastern Anatolia. The mineralization is related to N–S and N10–20°W-trending fault systems and hosted within the Paleozoic metamorphic basement rocks of the Anatolide–Toride microcontinent. Calc-schist, dolomitic marble and Miocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks comprise the exposed units in the mineralized area. Geochemical signatures, alteration types and host rock characteristics of the Diyadin gold deposit resemble those of Carlin-type deposits. Mineralization is constrained by alteration of overlying volcanic rocks to younger than ~ 14 Ma (K–Ar).Carbon and oxygen stable isotope measurements of carbonate rocks were made on six drill holes (n = 81) with an additional four samples of fresh carbonate rocks from surface outcrops. Background carbonate rocks have δ13CV-PDB ~ 1.8‰ and δ18OV-SMOW ~ 27‰. Isotopically-altered host rock samples have decreased δ18O (down to ~+11.4‰) and variable δ13C (from − 3.6 to + 4.8‰). Postore carbonate veins and cave-fill material have distinctly different isotopic signatures, particularly carbon (from δ13C = + 8.4 to + 9.8‰). Whether this post-ore carbonate is simply very late in mineralization associated with the gold system, or is a completely different, younger system utilizing the same pathways, is unclear at present. Within the host rock sample set, there is no correlation between gold and δ13C, and a weak correlation between gold and δ18O, indicative of water–rock interaction and isotopic alteration. Both the isotopic data and structural mapping suggest that the main upflow zone for the deposit is near the northern portion of the drill fence. Additional data at multiple scales are required to clarify the relationship(s) between fluid flow and mineralization.  相似文献   

The Moulin de Chéni orogenic gold deposit is the only granite-hosted deposit of the Saint-Yrieix district, French Massif Central. It occurs in 338±1.5 Ma-old peraluminous leucogranites and is characterized by intense microfracturing and bleaching of the granite in relation to pervasive sulfide crystallization. Formation of quartz veins and gold deposition occurred in two successive stages: an early mesozonal stage of quartz-sulfide (Fe-As-S) deposition, usually devoid of gold and a late epizonal stage of base metal and gold deposition. Both stages postdate peak metamorphism and granite intrusion. The genesis of the deposit is the result of four successive fluid events: (1) Percolation of aqueous-carbonic metamorphic fluids under an assumed lithostatic regime of 400–450 °C, at a maximum depth of 13 km; (2) Formation of the main quartz lodes with coeval K-alteration and introduction of As and S from aqueous-carbonic fluids percolating along regional faults. Arsenopyrite and pyrite deposition was linked to the alteration of Fe-silicates into K-feldspar and phengite at near-constant iron content in the bulk granite. Temperature was similar to that of the preceding stage, but pressure decreased to 100–50 MPa, suggesting rapid uplift of the basement up to 7.5 km depth; (3) The resulting extensional tectonic leads to the deposition of gold, boulangerite, galena and sphalerite in brecciated arsenopyrite and pyrite from aqueous fluids during a mixing process. Temperature and salinity decrease from 280 to 140 °C and 8.1 wt% eq. NaCl to 1.6 wt% eq. NaCl, respectively; (4) Sealing of the late fault system by barren comb quartz which precipitated from dilute meteoric aqueous fluids (1.6 wt% eq. NaCl to 0.9 wt% eq. NaCl) under hydrostatic conditions at 200–150 °C.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

Beach-rock exposures provide a record of Holocene sea-level rise along the 560-km-long northeast-facing coast of Ceará, Brazil, that differs from the record available along the other 4300 km of Brazilian coastline further south. Whereas documentation is available from southern Brazil to show Holocene sea levels as much as 5 m above today's level, our observations along the northeastern coast indicate that sea level here was not above the present-day level during the Holocene. Near Jericoacoara, about 240 km northwest of Fortaleza, characterized by strong surf, Precambrian rocks crop out from under a temporary cover of sand in small protected locations with less surf. Here in this upper tidal zone beach rock is being formed, while it is being dismembered synchronously by erosion at lower tide levels. This shows a rising sea level. Along the entire coast of Ceará west of Ponta Grossa the absence of beach rock higher than spring tide level indicates that sea-level was not above its present-day level during the Holocene.Notches in bedrock situated between 2 m and 6 m above spring-tide high-water level that we formerly described as Holocene, are now believed to be Sangamonian.  相似文献   

The Shanshulin Pb–Zn deposit occurs in Upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation dolomitic limestone and dolostone, and is located in the western Yangtze Block, about 270 km west of Guiyang city in southwest China. Ore bodies occur along high angle thrust faults affiliated to the Weishui regional fault zone and within the northwestern part of the Guanyinshan anticline. Sulfide ores are composed of sphalerite, pyrite, and galena that are accompanied by calcite and subordinate dolomite. Twenty-two ore bodies have been found in the Shanshulin deposit area, with a combined 2.7 million tonnes of sulfide ores grading 0.54 to 8.94 wt.% Pb and 1.09 to 26.64 wt.% Zn. Calcite samples have δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values ranging from − 3.1 to + 2.5‰ and + 18.8 to + 26.5‰, respectively. These values are higher than mantle and sedimentary organic matter, but are similar to marine carbonate rocks in a δ13CPDB vs. δ18OSMOW diagram, suggesting that carbon in the hydrothermal fluid was most likely derived from the carbonate country rocks. The δ34SCDT values of sphalerite and galena samples range from + 18.9 to + 20.3‰ and + 15.6 to + 17.1‰, respectively. These values suggest that evaporites are the most probable source of sulfur. The δ34SCDT values of symbiotic sphalerite–galena mineral pairs indicate that deposition of sulfides took place under chemical equilibrium conditions. Calculated temperatures of S isotope thermodynamic equilibrium fractionation based on sphalerite–galena mineral pairs range from 135 to 292 °C, consistent with previous fluid inclusion studies. Temperatures above 100 °C preclude derivation of sulfur through bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) and suggest that reduced sulfur in the hydrothermal fluid was most likely supplied through thermo-chemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Twelve sphalerite samples have δ66Zn values ranging from 0.00 to + 0.55‰ (mean + 0.25‰) relative to the JMC 3-0749L zinc isotope standard. Stages I to III sphalerite samples have δ66Zn values ranging from 0.00 to + 0.07‰, + 0.12 to + 0.23‰, and + 0.29 to + 0.55‰, respectively, showing the relatively heavier Zn isotopic compositions in later versus earlier sphalerite. The variations of Zn isotope values are likely due to kinetic Raleigh fractional crystallization. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of the sulfide samples fall in the range of 18.362 to 18.573, 15.505 to 15.769 and 38.302 to 39.223, respectively. The Pb isotopic ratios of the studied deposit plot in the field that covers the upper crust, orogenic belt and mantle Pb evolution curves and overlaps with the age-corrected Proterozoic folded basement rocks, Devonian to Lower Permian sedimentary rocks and Middle Permian Emeishan flood basalts in a 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram. This observation points to the derivation of Pb metal from mixed sources. Sphalerite samples have 87Sr/86Sr200 Ma ratios ranging from 0.7107 to 0.7115 similar to the age-corrected Devonian to Lower Permian sedimentary rocks (0.7073 to 0.7111), higher than the age-corrected Middle Permian basalts (0.7039 to 0.7078), and lower than the age-corrected Proterozoic folded basement (0.7243 to 0.7288). Therefore, the Sr isotope data support a mixed source. Studies on the geology and isotope geochemistry suggest that the Shanshulin deposit is a carbonate-hosted, thrust fault-controlled, strata-bound, epigenetic, high grade deposit formed by fluids and metals of mixed origin.  相似文献   

Studies on the helium, lead and sulfur isotopic composition were performed of the Gejiu super-large Sn-polymetallic ore deposit. The results indicated that the ore-forming materials came from different sources and the deposit is a product of superimposed mineralization. The deposit is characterized by multi-source and multi-period mineralization, which experienced submarine hydrothermal deposition and Late Yanshanian magmatic hydrothermal mineralization. It is held that the Gejiu super-large Sn-polymetallic ore deposit is a multi-genesis deposit.  相似文献   

The Yinan gold deposit in the Luxi area of Shandong Province in northeastern China is a skarn-type ore deposit. In this article, we present results from sulphur, lead, carbon–oxygen, and helium–argon isotope chemistry to characterize the ore genesis and source features. We also present rhenium–osmium ages from molybdenite to evaluate the timing of ore formation. The δ34S values of pyrite from the ore deposit range from 0.7‰ to 5.60‰ with a mean at 2.70‰, close to mantle and meteorite sulphur. Among Pb isotopes, 206Pb/204Pb values range from 18.375 to 18.436, 207Pb/204Pb values from 15.694 to 15.8, and 208Pb/204Pb values from 38.747 to 39.067. The δ13C values of calcite associated with the ores range from ?0.2‰ to ?0.5‰ and their δ18O values show variation from 9.4‰ to 12.6‰, suggesting a mixed fluid source. The 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios of fluids trapped in pyrite are in the range of 0.27–1.11 Ra and 439.4–826, respectively, with calculated proportion of the mantle-derived He ranging from 3.25% to 14.03% and atmosphere argon ranging from 35.8% to 67.3%. The data suggest that the ore-forming fluids were derived from the crust and were mixed with a distinct contribution of mantle helium. The Re and Os values vary from 32 × 10?6 to 93.02 × 10?6 and from 0.01 × 10?9 to 0.34 × 10?9, respectively. The model ages of molybdenite range from 126.96 ± 1.82 Ma to 129.49 ± 2.04 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 128.08 ± 0.75 Ma and isochron age of 130.3 ± 3 Ma. These ages are close to the age of the associated quartz diorite porphyrite pluton, suggesting a close relationship between Cretaceous magmatism and metallogeny in NE China. A comparison of the Yinan gold deposit in the Luxi area with those of the Jiaodong area shows that the contrast in metallogenic features between the two are linked with the tectonic and geodynamic history.  相似文献   


The Breves deposit in the Carajás Copper-Gold Belt, Brazil, a member of the Cu-Au-(W-Bi-Sn) group of deposits, contains about 50 Mt of 1.22% Cu, 0.75 g/t Au, 2.4 g/t Ag, 1,200 g/t W, 70 g/t Sn, 175 g/t Mo and 75 g/t Bi. It is hosted by sandstones and siltstones of the Águas Claras Formation (minimum age of 2,681±5 Ma) in the roof zone of a complex, highly altered granite intrusion. The mineralisation is disseminated in a greisenized zone, resulting from alteration of probable monzogranites and syenogranites. The ore-bearing greisen contains abundant xenomorphic quartz in association with Fe-chlorite and muscovite. The gangue assemblage also includes fluorite, tourmaline, and minor amounts of monazite, xenotime, chlorapatite, thorite, zircon, calcite, siderite and bastnäesite. Copper mineralisation is dominated by chalcopyrite associated with pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and molybdenite. Gold particles, in equilibrium with native bismuth, are common as inclusions in chalcopyrite. The greisen contains sub-economic concentrations of tungsten and niobium that are related to the presence of ferberite, qitianlingite and Nb-rutile. SHRIMP II zircon dating of the host granites gives 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1,878±8 and 1,880±9 Ma for two phases, and a combined age of 1,879±6 Ma. SHRIMP II dating of monazite and xenotime grains in late- to post-mineralisation veins gives a combined 207Pb/206Pb age of 1,872±7 Ma, indistinguishable from the ages of the granites. This provides a genetic connection between the Breves deposit and the ca. 1.88 Ga A-type granite magmatism that typifies the Carajás Belt as part of a much larger, intracratonic magmatic province that extends over much of the Amazonian Craton. The recognition of this association has exploration implications, not only for the geophysical signature of the granite roof zones, but also for likely geochemical dispersion around the deposits of this type.Editorial handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   

The Serra Pelada Au-PGE-rich deposit is located in the Serra dos Carajás, a leading mining area in Brazil. This region is characterised by a complex geological and structural framework and is affected by deep lateritisation which has lasted for more than 70 Ma. The Serra Pelada deposit is emplaced in a late-Archean low-grade metasedimentary sequence (Rio Fresco/Águas Claras Formation) which is host to other gold deposits in the region (Igarapé Bahia, Águas Claras). The Rio Fresco/Águas Claras sequence was deposited in tectonic basins developed on Archean basement and Au-bearing greenstone terranes which were intruded by PGE-rich layered mafic complexes (e.g. Luanga). The Serra Pelada mineralisation is located along a regional, complex system of strike-slip faults (Cinzento-Carajás systems) which were active during the late Archean to early Proterozoic. The mineralisation appears to be concentrated along a faulted hinge zone of a fold. Ore zone rock facies are dominated by low-grade ferruginous to carbonaceous metasiltstones and minor sandstones, locally brecciated and cemented by quartz (-sulphide) stockwork. Supergene alteration led to partial to total transformation into friable aggregates of kaolinite, Fe oxide-hydroxides, silica and secondary phosphate-sulphates even at depths exceeding 200 m. Precious metals are exceptionally enriched, with up to more than 1,000 ppm Au+PGE in some peculiar ferruginous-graphitic zones locally called "hidrotermalito". Geochemistry shows complex patterns of major and trace elements, particularly rare-earth elements (REE), in mineralised vs. nonmineralised samples. These patterns are interpreted in terms of variable degree of superposition of hydrothermal and supergene alteration. Precious metals show progressive increase from samples with hydrothermal imprint to samples with supergene imprint. The geological evolution of the Carajás region and the characteristics of mineralisation at Serra Pelada may suggest a composite mineralising process: hydrothermal activity (by fluids likely originated from granitoids) was followed by supergene alteration during long-lasting lateritisation to develop extreme precious metal enrichments in a geological context probably already anomalous for Au and PGE.  相似文献   

The Novogodnee–Monto oxidized Au–(Cu) skarn and porphyry deposit is situated in the large metallogenic belt of magnetite skarn and Cu–Au porphyry deposits formed along the Devonian–Carboniferous Urals orogen. The deposit area incorporates nearly contemporaneous Middle–Late Devonian to Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous calc-alkaline (gabbro to diorite) and potassic (monzogabbro, monzodiorite- to monzonite-porphyry, also lamprophyres) intrusive suites. The deposit is represented by magnetite skarn overprinted by amphibole–chlorite–epidote–quartz–albite and then sericite–quartz–carbonate assemblages bearing Au-sulfide mineralization. This mineralization includes early high-fineness (900–990?‰) native Au associated mostly with cobaltite as well as with chalcopyrite and Co-pyrite, intermediate-stage native Au (fineness 830–860?‰) associated mostly with galena, and late native Au (760–830?‰) associated with Te minerals. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data indicate an involvement of magmatic–hydrothermal high-salinity (>20 wt.% NaCl-equiv.) chloride fluids. The potassic igneous suite may have directly sourced fluids, metals, and/or sulfur. The abundance of Au mineralization is consistent with the oxidized character of the system, and its association with Co-sulfides suggests elevated sulfur fugacity.  相似文献   

The Córrego do Sítio lineament is defined as a 16-km long, NE-SW-trending ductile shear zones, which controls fourteen gold deposits, including the Carvoaria Velha deposit. The dominant lithotypes of this deposit are metagrewackes with subordinate carbonaceous phyllites lenses of the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, which host gold mineralization. Metamafic dikes and sills are parallel and crosscut the host metasedimentary sequence. All these rocks exhibit alteration to quartz, carbonate and sericite, besides sulfides and sulfosalts. The main gold mineralization styles at the Carvoaria Velha deposit, and at Córrego do Sítio as a whole, are quartz-carbonate-sulfide ± sulfosalt veins of varied distribution. The veins are classified as: V1 veins – quartz-ankerite-pyrite-berthierite-gold – parallel to the main regional foliation Sn,; V2 veins – quartz-ankerite-pyrite – developed at extensional crenulation cleavage Sn + 1, and rarely gold mineralized; V3 veins – quartz-ankerite – filling Sn + 3 fractures, usually free of sulfides and sulfosalts; V4 veins – quartz-calcite – of restricted occurrence in metamafic dikes and sills. The latter crosscut the metasedimentary sequence, are extensional and display no preferential orientation. The most common ore minerals in all vein types are arsenopyrite, pyrite, berthierite, and pyrrhotite. Microprobe analyses reveal the presence of metallic phases rich in Sb, Pb and Co, such as stibnite, ullmanite, tetrahedrite, galena, cobaltite, which commonly overgrow the sulfides. Fluid inclusion studies trapped in quartz from V1, V2 and V4 veins have identified a H2O-CO2 ± CH4-NaCl mineralizing fluid that may contain KCl, MgCl2 e FeCl2. The presence of CH4 in fluid inclusions of the V1 and V2 veins reflect interaction of the fluid with the Córrego do Sítio and Santa Quitéria carbon-bearing metapelitic host units.Based on the microthermometric data, the hydrothermal fluid is interpreted to have evolved in at least two stages: i) an early fluid stage, trapped in smoky quartz, of moderate salinity (~ 8.5 eq. wt% NaCl), and minimal trapping temperature of 330 ± 17 °C; and ii) a late-stage fluid trapped in recrystallized quartz with lower salinity (~ 4.6 eq. wt% NaCl), and a minimal trapping temperature of 365 ± 33 °C. Isotopic values of δ18Ofluid (+ 7.9 and + 13.0‰), Δ33S (+ 0.3 to + 3.5‰) and δ34S (− 2.9 to + 6.1‰) suggest that indeed the hydrothermal fluid responsible for the gold mineralization at the Carvoaria Velha deposit must have had a metamorphic origin, and interacted with metasedimentary sequences during its ascending path. The addition of CH4 during fluid-rock interaction may have caused some decrease in ƒO2 of the fluid which, as a consequence, destabilized gold-bearing sulfur complexes, liberating S 2 for the formation of Fe sulfides and sulfosalts (arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrothite and berthierite, etc.), and outcome gold deposition.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Longtougang skarn and hydrothermal vein Cu–Zn deposit is located in the North Wuyi area, southeastern China. The intrusions in the ore district comprise several small porphyritic biotite monzonite, porphyritic monzonite, and porphyritic granite plutons and dikes. The mineralization is zoned from a lower zone of Cu-rich veins and Cu–Zn skarns to an upper zone of banded Zn–Pb mineralization in massive epidote altered rocks. The deposit is associated with skarn, potassic, epidote, greisen, siliceous, and carbonate alteration. Molybdenite from the Cu-rich veins yielded a Re–Os isochron age of 153.6 ± 3.9 Ma, which is consistent with U–Pb zircon ages of 154.0 ± 1.3 Ma for porphyritic monzonite, 154.0 ± 0.8 Ma for porphyritic biotite monzonite, and 152.0 ± 0.8 Ma for porphyritic granite. Geological observations suggest that the Cu mineralization is genetically related to the porphyritic biotite monzonite and porphyritic monzonite. All the zircons from intrusive rocks in the ore district are characterized by εHf(t) values between − 13.41 and − 4.38 and Hf model ages (TDM2) between 2054 and 1482 Ma, reflecting magmas derived mainly from a Proterozoic crustal source. Molybdenite grains from the deposit have Re values of 14.6–27.7 ppm, indicative of a mixed mantle–crust source. The porphyry–skarn abundant Cu and hydrothermal vein type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits in the North Wuyi area are related to the Late Jurassic porphyritic granites and Early Cretaceous volcanism, respectively. The Late Jurassic mineralization-related granites were derived from the crustal anatexis with some mantle input, which was triggered by asthenospheric upwelling induced by slab tearing during oblique subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the South China block, and the Early Cretaceous mineralization-related granitoids mainly from crust material formed within a series of NNE-trending basins during margin-parallel movement of the plate.  相似文献   

The Montviel 250 Mt carbonatite-hosted REE–Nb deposit is hosted in a Paleoproterozoic alkaline suite located in the Sub-Province of Abitibi, in the Archean Province of the Superior. The alkaline intrusion consists of biotite clinopyroxenites, melano- to leucosyenites, a melteigite–ijolite–urtite series, riebeckite granite, a series of carbonatites and a carbonatite polygenic breccia. The carbonatite series includes silicocarbonatites, calciocarbonatites, rare magnesiocarbonatites, ferrocarbonatites and mixed carbonatites and are cut by a late, high-energy carbonatite polygenic breccia. Diamond drill hole assays and microscope observations indicate that Nb is hosted in pyrochlore from silicocarbonatite whereas the REE mineralization is mainly hosted in ferrocarbonatite, late mixed carbonatites and polygenic breccia, in REE-bearing carbonates and fluorocarbonate minerals. Diamond drill hole underground mapping and systematic assays have shed light on zones enriched in Nd and LREE with preferential Ba and Sr hydrothermal precipitation and zones enriched in Dy, Y and HREE displaying preferential F and P bearing hydrothermal precipitation. Petrographic observations, electron microprobe analyses, LA-ICPMS and X-ray diffraction were used to study the mineralization processes and to identify and quantify the REE-bearing burbankite–(Ce), carbocernaite–(Ce), ewaldite–(Y), huanghoite–(Nd), cordylite–(Ce), cordylite–(Nd), kukharenkoite–(Ce) and synchysite–(Ce). Most minerals are enriched in total LREE with values around 19.3 wt.%, have total MREE values around 2.2 wt.% and extremely variable total HREE values, with very high contents of Dy and Y averaging around 0.3 wt.% and 1.0 wt.%, respectively, and with total HREE reaching up to 10.0 wt.%. A paragenetic sequence is proposed that consists of: (1) a silicocarbonatite Nb stage, and (2) a calciocarbonatite stage, dominated by magmatism but accompanied by hydrothermal fluids, (3) a main ferrocarbonatite stage, dominated by episodes of Ba- and Sr-hydrothermalism and LREE mineralization, F- and P-hydrothermalism and HREE mineralization and evolved ferrocarbonatitic magmatism, (4) a renewed, mixed carbonatite magmatic stage with minor but increasing hydrothermalism, and (5) a terminal stage of fluid pressure buildup and explosion, leading to the creation of a HREE-enriched polygenic breccia. Globular melt inclusions of Ba–Cl–F (± Si–O) may indicate the presence and contribution of barium-bearing chlorofluoride melts during hydrothermal activity and mineralization of the carbonatite.  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element and U–Pb analyses of detrital zircons were performed on metavolcano sedimentary sequences and igneous rocks from the Ceará Central Domain (CCD) in the Borborema Province of northeastern Brazil. No significant geochemical differences were found between these rocks, which were possibly initially deposited as parts of a very large metavolcano-sedimentary sequence. Weathering in the source area was moderate, and the sediments were deposited as both sands and clays. The sources of the sediments were likely mixtures of felsic and intermediate rocks deposited predominantly in an active-margin setting with minor contributions of both continental arc and passive margin components. Three main source ages were identified: Palaeoproterozoic (~2.2 Ga), for which potential sources include the Palaeoproterozoic Madalena-Algodões Suite; early Neoproterozoic (~850 Ma), related to felsic volcanic magmatism due to continental rifting, initial phases of the Santa Quitéria Magmatic Arc, or magmatic arc systems on the margins of the Palaeoproterozoic crust; and late Neoproterozoic (~650 Ma), associated with extensive granite generation and migmatization events accompanying Santa Quitéria Arc activity. Deposition of the CCD volcanosedimentary rocks occurred shortly before regional, collision-type metamorphism accompanying the amalgamation of the São Francisco-Congo Cratons (~ 620–630 Ma).  相似文献   

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