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Macerals like sporinite, cutinite, suberinite and resinite of the liptinite group have been insufficiently recorded in Indian Permian Gondwana coals, until the fluorescence microscopy came into existence. With the introduction of this technique, macerals like bituminite, fluorinite and exsudatinite were convincingly recognized and alginite and liptodetrinite, normally mistaken for mineral matter under normal reflected light in routine coal petrographic analysis, were identified with certainty. Thus, fluorescence microscopy has added certain new macerals to the tally of the liptinite group and has increased their overall proportion in Indian Gondwana coals.In addition to the liptinite group, collodetrinite (=desmocollinite) and a certain fraction of collotelinite (=telocollinite) macerals of the vitrinite group were found to be fluorescing with dull reddish-brown to dark brown colours. Certain semifusinite and inertodetrinite macerals of inertinite group were also found to fluoresce with almost identical intensity and colour as that of the associated perhydrous (fluorescing) vitrinite. Contributions of degraded resinite, algal matter and bitumen in the formation of perhydrous vitrinite have been established. The fluorescence behaviour of inertinite appears to be related with its genesis from partial oxidation of resin/bitumen-impregnated cell walls.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of Permian volcanic activity along the South American portion of the Gondwana proto-Pacific margin has directed attention to its potential presence in the stratigraphic record of adjacent basins. In recent years, tuffaceous horizons have been identified in late Early Permian–through Middle Permian (280–260 Ma) sections of the Paraná Basin (Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Farther south and closer to the magmatic tract developed along the continental margin, in the San Rafael and Sauce Grande basins of Argentina, tuffs are present in the Early to Middle Permian section. This tuff-rich interval can be correlated with the appearance of widespread tuffs in the Karoo Basin. Although magmatic activity along the proto-Pacific plate margin was continuous during the Late Paleozoic, Choiyoi silicic volcanism along the Andean Cordillera and its equivalent in Patagonia peaked between the late Early Permian and Middle Permian, when extensive rhyolitic ignimbrites and consanguineous airborne tuffaceous material erupted in the northern Patagonian region. The San Rafael orogenic phase (SROP) interrupted sedimentation along the southwestern segment of the Gondwana margin (i.e., Frontal Cordillera, San Rafael Basin), induced cratonward thrusting (i.e., Ventana and Cape foldbelts), and triggered accelerated subsidence in the adjacent basins (Sauce Grande and Karoo) located inboard of the deformation front. This accelerated subsidence favored the preservation of tuffaceous horizons in the syntectonic successions. The age constraints and similarities in composition between the volcanics along the continental margin and the tuffaceous horizons in the San Rafael, Sauce Grande, Paraná, and Karoo basins strongly suggest a genetic linkage between the two episodes. Radiometric ages from tuffs in the San Rafael, Paraná, and Karoo basins indicate an intensely tuffaceous interval between 280 and 260 Ma.  相似文献   

The Py-GC/MS results of the study carried out on two groups of vitrinites (perhydrous and non-perhydrous) of different age and properties and on a trimaceralic coal associated with one of the perhydrous group are discussed. Such a study provides information about the effect of natural hydrogen enrichment on vitrinite structure at the molecular level. Moreover, the influence of the different conditions in the sedimentary environment on the chemical structure of the vitrinite is also discussed. This influence is inferred through differences in the distribution and relative amount of phenolic compounds found in the pyrolysates from two samples of two different coal-beds in the same basin but formed under different paleoenvironmental conditions. For vitrinites with a high H/C atomic ratio, despite having a strong perhydrous character, their pyrolysates exhibit the highly phenolic signature typical of lignin-derived material with only minor aliphatic compounds. Thus, the major chemical structural elements in these vitrinites are simple phenols with a high contribution of para alkyl-substituted derivatives. However, there is no parallel relationship between the evolution of the oxygenated functionalities and the reflectance values. From the results obtained a coalification pathway where hydrogenation processes predominate over thermal ones is proposed. The presence of resin-like substances and/or oils (which are two of the causes of natural hydrogen enrichment) in the molecular structure of vitrinites have, therefore, affected the normal evolution of the lignin and contributed to the special properties of this type of materials.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to characterize the coals of Satpura Gondwana basin using a large number of pillar coal samples drawn from the working coal mines of Pench, Kanhan, and Tawa (Pathakhera) Valley Coalfields of this basin. This westernmost Gondwana basin of Peninsular India is graben/half-graben type and occupies an area of 12 000 km2 with sedimentary fills (>5000 m) ranging in age from Permian to Cretaceous. The Barakar Formation (Permian) is exclusively coal-bearing with a total coal reserve of nearly 2000 Mt. The results show that the coals of this basin are equally rich in inertinite (22.8–58.7%, 24.5–62.0% mmf basis) and vitrinite (24.4–52.4%, 24.4–56.0% mmf basis). The concentration of liptinite ranges from 8.8% to 23.2% (9.0–26.0% mmf basis). The dominant microlithotypes of these coals are inertite and vitrite with comparatively low concentrations of vitrinertite and clarite. The vitrinite reflectance (Rom% values) suggests that the Pench Valley (0.30–0.58%) coals are subbituminous C to high volatile C bituminous in rank, while the Kanhan and Tawa Valley coals (0.52–0.92%) are subbituminous A to high volatile A bituminous in rank. The localized enhancement of rank in the latter two basins has been attributed to the extraneous heat flow from deep-seated igneous intrusions in the basin. The microlithotype composition of these coals is suggestive of their evolution in limno-telmatic zones, under fluvio-lacustrine control with the development of upper deltaic and lower deltaic conditions near the fresh water lacustrines. The floral input is characteristic of forest swamps with intermittent floods, leading to the development of reed moor and open moor facies, particularly in the Pench Valley basin. The Gelification Index (GI) and Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) are suggestive of terrestrial origin with high tree density. Further, moderately high GI and exceedingly high telovitrinite based TPI along with high ash content, particularly for the coals of Kanhan and Tawa Valley Coalfields, are indicative of the recurrence of drier conditions in the forested swamps. Furthermore, lateral variation in TPI values is indicative of increase in the rate of subsidence vis-à-vis depth of the basin from east to west (Pench to Tawa Valley Coalfield). The Ground Water Index (GWI) suggests that these coals have evolved in mires under ombotrophic to mesotrophic hydrological conditions. The Vegetation Index (VI) values are indicative of the dominance of herbaceous plants in the formation of Pench Valley coals and comparatively better forest input in the formation of Kanhan and Tawa Valley coals.  相似文献   

Fossil charcoal, as direct evidence of palaeowildfires, has repeatedly been reported from several plant-bearing deposits from the Late Palaeozoic of the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast charcoal reports from the Late Palaeozoic deposits of the Southern Hemisphere are relatively rare in comparison to the Northern Hemisphere. Although the presence of pyrogenic coal macerals has repeatedly been reported from Late Palaeozoic coals from South America, no detailed anatomical investigations of such material have been published so far. Here is presented an anatomical analysis of charcoal originating from Early Permian sediments of the Quitéria Outcrop, Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin, located in the central-eastern portion of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This charcoal comes from two different coaly facies, and it was possible to scrutinize between three types, based on anatomical characters of the charcoal. Two of these charcoal types can be correlated to gymnosperm woods, and the other type corresponds to strongly permineralized bark with characteristic features of lycopsids. The presence of charcoal in different facies, ranging from parautochtonous to allochtonous origin, indicates that different vegetation types, i.e. plants which grew under wet conditions in the lowland as well as in the more dry hinterland, have experienced wildfires. Taking into account previous petrographic and lithological analyses from the facies in which the charcoal occurs and from the conditions of the wood and bark fragments, it was possible to speculate that the intensity of such wildfires most probably corresponds to forest-crown fires. Moreover, it is possible to state that wildfires have been a more or less common element in distinct Late Palaeozoic terrestrial ecosystems in the South American part of Gondwana. The data support previous assumptions on the occurrence of wildfires in the Early Permian of the Paraná Basin which were based solely on coal-petrographic data.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of ice-striated surfaces associated with the late Paleozoic Aquidauana Formation suggests that glaciers coming from southwest Africa reached westernmost parts of the Paraná Basin in central Brazil. Abrasion features were developed by glaciers moving from SSE towards NNW, mainly on an unconsolidated bed. These records expand to about 1,050,000 km2, the coverage of the late Paleozoic glaciation in the region of the Paraná Basin in Western Gondwana.


A recente descoberta de superfícies estriadas associadas à Formação Aquidauana, de idade permocarbonífera, sugere que as geleiras provenientes do sudoeste da África alcançaram as porções ocidentais da Bacia do Paraná, na região central do Brasil. As feições de abrasão foram geradas pelo deslocamento de geleiras de SSE para NNW, principalmente sobre substrato inconsolidado. Estes novos registros evidenciam que a glaciação neopaleozóica cobriu uma área de pelo menos de 1.050.000 km2 na região ocupada pela Bacia do Paraná no Gondwana Ocidental.  相似文献   

In the Leão-Butiá Coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul the coal seams occur in the Rio Bonito Formation, Guatá Group, Tubarão Supergroup of the Paraná Basin, Brazil and are of Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) age.This study is the first detailed investigation on the coal petrographic characterization of the coal-bearing sequence in relation to the depositional settings of the precursor mires, both in terms of whole seam characterization and in-seam variations. The study is based on the analyses of nine coal seams (I2, CI, L4, L3, L2, L1, S3, S2, S1), which were selected from core of borehole D-193, Leão-Butiá and represent the entire coal-bearing sequence.The interpretation of coal facies and depositional environment is based on lithotype, maceral and microlithotype analyses using different facies-critical petrographic indices, which were displayed in coal facies diagrams. The seams are characterized by the predominance of dull lithotypes (dull, banded dull). The dullness of the coal is attributed to relatively high mineral matter, inertinite and liptinite contents. The petrographic composition is dominated by vitrinite (28–70 vol.% mmf) and inertinite (> 30 vol.% mmf) groups. Liptinite contents range from 7 to 30 vol.% (mmf) and mineral matter from 4–30 vol.%. Microlithotypes associations are dominated by vitrite, duroclarite, carbominerite and inertite. It is suggested that the observed vertical variations in petrographic characteristics (lithotypes, microlithotypes, macerals, vitrinite reflectance) were controlled by groundwater level fluctuations in the ancient mires due to different accommodation/peat accumulation rates.Correlation of the borehole strata with the general sequence-stratigraphical setting suggests that the alluvial fan system and the coal-bearing mudstone succession are linked to a late transgressive systems tract of sequence 2. Based on average compositional values obtained from coal facies diagrams, a deposition in a limno-telmatic to limnic coal facies is suggested.  相似文献   

Proposals for new scientific classifications of bituminous coals are based on micropetrographic parameters, i.e. vitrinite reflectance as a criterion of the coalification and maceral composition, presupposed to express the connection between the genetic peculiarities and physical, chemical, and technological properties of the coal mass. In the case of coals with high inertinite contents, however, the utilizability of these parameters meets with difficulties resulting from the subjectivity of determining the different transitional material and from insufficient knowledge of inertinite behaviour at higher temperatures. In the case of the maceral-variable bituminous coals produced in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin, these insufficiencies are not important since it is especially the expression of the variability of the properties of isometamorphic vitrinites, which has decisive effects up-on the course of the thermo-chemical transformations, that is of principal importance to the scientific classification of these coals.In the first approximation, the properties of isometamorphic vitrinites may be expressed by the parameter (H/O)at, closely connected with fluidity. While the micropetrographic parameters reflect in particular the peculiarities in the chemical structure of the aromatic parts of coal macromolecules, the parameter (H/O)at expresses the properties of the non-aromatic structures of vitrinite, significantly affecting the course of its thermal degradation. The experimental results show that the value of the parameter (H/O)at, fluidity and the course of degassing the coal of a lower coalification are independent of the maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance; also that the caking and coking properties of low-rank coals are especially dependent on the parameter (H/O)at and partially on the micropetrographic parameters. All these facts should be taken into consideration in preparing new scientific classifications of bituminous coals.  相似文献   

Rank evaluation of South Brazilian Gondwana coals according to the American (American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM) and German (Deutsche Industrie Normen, DIN) standard specifications or on the basis of Alpern's Universal Classification has too often led to conflicting results.When any attempt is made to determine the rank of Brazilian coals by using methods established for the Northern Hemisphere coals, two sorts of difficulties arise: namely, (1) the reflectence measurements do not indicate the real degree of coalification of the organic matter because of the liptinitic impregnations of the vitrinites, and (2) random reflectance values (Rran, moisture, volatile-matter and carbon contents as well as the calorific value do not correlate when plotted on the ASTM and DIN classification schemes.In addition, when rank determinations are carried out by using fluorescence measurements and geochemical analyses the results are at variance in relation to those determined by the conventional chemical and physical parameters.It is suggested that the rank evaluation of South Brazilian coals is far more meaningful if carried out by reflectance measurements on vitrinites along with fluorescence measurements on sporinites, alginites and coal extracts.  相似文献   

Petrographic investigations of serial ply samples from five high- to medium-volatile bituminous coal seams from Australia (4) and Canada (1) reveal substantial in-seam variations in the reflectance and monochromatic microfluorescence intensities of the maceral subgroup telovitrinite. The variations consist of one case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression, and four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The single case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression is due to the oxidation of the vitrinite nuclei at the sequence boundary between the Bayswater and Upper Wynn seams in New South Wales. The four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement result from the syn- and epigenetic absorption by the vitrinite nuclei of hydrogen donated by, presumably, anaerobic bacteria-generated lipids. Two of the coals are marine-influenced: the Liskeard Seam from the Bowen Basin by combined syngenetic and epigenetic effects, and the Greta Seam from the Sydney Basin mainly by epigenetic contact with sea water. For both coals, the results are strong vitrinite reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The remaining two coals, the Bulli Seam from the Sydney Basin and a coal seam from the Gates Formation in British Columbia, show moderate epigenetic effects on the optical properties of telovitrinite by fresh-water. In the Bulli Seam which was studied in two adjacent localities, the reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement of telovitrinite are stronger under sandstone roof than under shale roof. In some cases, the epigenetic effects are superimposed on syngenetic telovitrinite reflectance and fluorescence variations resulting from the cogeneration and mixing of different telovitrinite precursors, for example, autochthonous roots and hypautochthonous or allochthonous shoots. A measure of the degree of dispersal and mixing is the coefficient of variation of telovitrinite reflectance and/or fluorescence. This coefficient correlates well with detrital minerals and dispersed macerals, e.g., inertodetrinite and, to a lesser extent, sporinite. Some comments are made on slitted so-called pseudovitrinite which is regarded as a telovitrinite that was subjected to very weak post-coalification desiccation and possibly oxidation without losing much of its thermoplastic properties.  相似文献   

煤镜质组反射率光性组构变形实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不同煤级煤的高温高压实验表明,在温、压和差异应力作用下,煤镜质组反射率值和各向异性都有一定程度增加,变形越强烈,增加越明显,尤其在中煤级中、晚期阶段更是如此。在变形过程中,反射率主轴将发生有规律的偏转,变形越强烈,最小反射率主轴越接近于最大挤压应力方向。随着变形的增强,镜质组反射率椭球由单向伸长同压缩型转化。  相似文献   

The maceral and microlithotype compositions of coals representative of the different coal seams of the Ramagundam and Kothagudem coalfields, Godavari Valley Basin, are compared with those of the Ib River, Talcher, South Karanpura, Hura, and Brahmani coalfields. The vitrite + clarite—“Intermidiates”—durite + fusite + shale (<20%) triangular diagram places these coals in the area of non-coking coals, clearly distinct from the coking and semi-coking coals. The vitrinite reflectance is low (Rormoilaver: 0.38–0.71%), far below the coking-coal range. Thus, based on petrographic composition and rank, these coals are of non-coking nature. A triangular diagram is proposed delineating the coking, semi-coking and non-coking coal areas for the Gondwana coals of India.  相似文献   

The development of a qualifying system for reflectance analysis has been the scope of a working group within the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) since 1999, when J. Koch presented a system to qualify vitrinite particles according to their size, proximity to bright components and homogeneity of the surface. After some years of work aimed at improving the classification system using photomicrographs, it was decided to run a round robin exercise on microscopy samples. The classification system tested consists of three qualifiers ranging from excellent to low quality vitrinites with an additional option for unsuitable vitrinites. This paper reports on the results obtained by 22 analysts who were asked to measure random reflectance readings on vitrinite particles assigning to each reading a qualifier. Four samples containing different organic matter types and a variety of vitrinite occurrences have been analysed. Results indicated that the reflectance of particles classified as excellent, good or poor compared to the total average reflectance did not show trends to be systematically lower or higher for the four samples analysed. The differences in reflectance between the qualifiers for any given sample were lower than the scatter of vitrinite reflectance among participants. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained in determining the reflectance of vitrinite in the four samples analysed. This was so for samples having abundant and easy to identify vitrinites (higher plant-derived organic matter) as well as for samples with scarce and difficult to identify particles (samples with dominant marine-derived organic matter). The highest discrepancies were found for the organic-rich oil shales where the selection of the vitrinite population to measure proved to be particularly difficult. Special instructions should be provided for the analysis of this sort of samples. The certainty of identification of the vitrinite associated with the vitrinite reflectance values reported has been assessed through a reliability index which takes into account the number of readings and the coefficient of variation. The same statistical approach as that followed in the ICCP vitrinite reflectance accreditation program for single seam coals has been used for data evaluation. The results indicated low to medium dispersion for 17 out of 22 participants. This, combined with data from other sets of comparative analyses over a long period, is considered an encouraging result for the establishment of an accreditation program on vitrinite reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter.  相似文献   

The eastern Himalayan coals of India associated with Permian (Lower Gondwana) sediments in the Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh have petrographic and chemical properties differing from Peninsular Permian coals.The coals are moderately to highly crushed and have reached a semianthracitic stage. Macerals are highly reflecting and homogenized. Vitrinite and inertinite exhibit a crushing effect in the form of criss-cross fissures and cracks. Exinite is unidentifiable and has attained an inertinitic reflectivity. The Kameng coals are of high rank with average fixed carbon 88.75% and volatile matter 13.75% on d.a.f. basis. The reflectance values (Ro-max 2.02–2.31% in oil) of these coals are quite high with marked anisotropy.It is inferred that these peculiar coal properties have been attained due to prolonged tectonic disturbance in the area during the later Himalayan orogeny. The coal characteristics suggest that these coals were formed in a humid tropical climate within a deltaic regime. The depositional site experienced occasional marine influx due to tectonically controlled subsidence during peat accumulation.  相似文献   

The Lower Permian sedimentary succession of the Paraná Basin in southernmost Brazil has an overall transgressive sedimentation regime, recorded by a clear retrogradation of the facies belt. However, important depositional strike-orientated variations and regional inversions occur in the sedimentation regime along the paleo-shoreline (i.e., along-strike) of the basin. At the regional scale, a huge source area was uplifted by the end of the Artinskian in the north and caused regression; the southern part of the study area increasingly was transgressed by the epicontinental sea (= regional inversion). This important tectonic overprint on the stratigraphic signature of the basin’s infill has a tectonic origin. The variable sedimentation regime along the paleo-shoreline is controlled by the structural framework of the basement, which is formed by several crustal blocks with different responses to tectonic strain induced by terrain accretion on the occidental margin of Gondwana during the Permian. Stratigraphic data indicate that during the Early Permian, there were at least two differential subsidence and uplift events, one by the end of the Sakmarian–Artinskian and another during the Late Artinskian–Kungurian.  相似文献   

Coal as a source rock for oil: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The geological debate about whether, and to what extent, humic coals have sourced oil is likely to continue for some time, despite some important advances in our knowledge of the processes involved. It is clear that not only liptinites, but also perhydrous vitrinites have the potential to generate hydrocarbon liquids in the course of natural coalification. Some liptinites, especially alginite, cutinite, and suberinite, contain a higher proportion of aliphatic moieties in their structure than other liptinites such as sporinite and resinite and are, therefore, more oil-prone. It is of potential value to be able to predict the several environments of deposition in which coals with high liptinite contents or containing perhydrous vitrinites may have been formed. Review of the distribution of oil-prone coals in time and space reveals that most are Jurassic–Tertiary with key examples from Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Methods based both on experimental simulations and the examination of naturally matured samples have been used to determine the order of generation of hydrocarbons from different macerals. Results are not entirely consistent among the different approaches, and there is much overlap in the ranges of degradation, but it seems probable that in the natural environment vitrinites begin to generate early, followed by labile liptinites such as suberinite, then cutinite, sporinite, and, finally, alginite.Petroleum potential may be determined by experimental simulation of natural coalification or inferred through various micro-techniques, especially fluorescence and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, or bulk techniques such as elemental analysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The latter three techniques enable a measure of the polymethylene component of the coal, which now appears to be one of the best available approaches for determining petroleum potential. No method of experimental simulation of petroleum generation from coals is without criticism, and comparative results are highly variable. However, hydrous pyrolysis, confined pyrolysis, and forms of open-system hydrous pyrolysis approach acceptable simulations.Whether, and to what degree generated liquid hydrocarbons are expelled, has long been the central problem in ‘oil from coal’ studies. The structure of vitrinite was believed until recently to contain an interconnected microporous network in which generated oil would be contained until an expulsion threshold was attained. Recent studies show the pores are not interconnected. Combined with a dynamic model of pore generation, it now seems that expulsion of hydrocarbons is best explained by activated diffusion of molecules to maceral boundaries and ultimately by cleats and fractures to coal seam boundaries. The main reason for poor expulsion is the adsorption of oil on the organic macromolecule, which may be overcome (1) if coals are thin and interbedded with clastic sediments, or (2) if the coals are very hydrogen-rich and generate large quantities of oil.The existence of oil in vitrinite is attested to by solvent extractions, fluorescence properties, and by microscopic observations of oil and bitumen. Experimental simulation of expulsion of oil from coals has only recently been attempted. The relative timing of release of generated CO2 and CH4 could have considerable importance in promoting the expulsion of liquid hydrocarbons but the mechanism is unclear. As it is universally agreed that dispersed organic matter (DOM) in some shales readily generates and expels petroleum, it is curious that few consistent geochemical differences have been found between coal macerals and DOM in interbedded shales.Unambiguous evidence of expulsion from coals is limited, and in particular only a few commercial oil discoveries can be confidently correlated to coals. These include Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation coals in the USA, from which oil is produced; New Zealand Tertiary coals; and Middle Jurassic coals from the Danish North Sea. It is likely that coals have at least contributed to significant oil discoveries in the Gippsland Basin, Australia; in the Turpan Basin, China; and in the Kutei and Ardjuna basins in Indonesia, but this remains unproven. Early reports that early Jurassic coals in mid-Norway were a major source of the reservoired oils have been shown to be inaccurate.None of the proposed ‘rules of thumb’ for generation or expulsion of petroleum from coals seem particularly robust. Decisions on whether a particular coal is likely to have been an active source for oil should consider all available geological and geochemical information. The assumptions made in computational models should be well understood as it is likely with new understandings of processes involved that some of these assumptions will be difficult to sustain.  相似文献   

Chemical structure of Jurassic vitrinites isolated from the coals in basins in NW China have been checked using solid state 13C NMR and flash pyrolysis-GC/MS. Study shows some Jurassic collodetrinites are rich in aliphatic products in pyrolysates, consisting with the high amount of methylene carbon in 13C NMR spectra. In contrast, pyrolysates of Jurassic collotelinites are rich in phenols and alkylbenzenes. Also one Pennsylvanian and one Permian vitrinite selected from the Ordos basin, NW China have been checked for comparison. The proportion of aliphatics is low in pyrolysates, and aliphatic carbon peak in 13C NMR spectrum of Permian vitrinite is mostly composed of gas-prone carbons compared with collodetrinites in those Jurassic basins. But both pyrolysis and 13C NMR data shows the Pennsylvanian vitrinite is not only gas-prone but also oil-prone. Relatively high proportion of long chain aliphatic structure of some Jurassic vitrinite in Junggar, Turpan-Hami basins may be due to the contribution of liptodetrinites, which may be included during the formation of vitrinites. And it seems that suberinite is the most possible precursor of long chain aliphatics in the structure of Jurassic collodetrinite.  相似文献   

The molecular composition of Carboniferous–Permian coals in the maturity range from 0.66 to 1.63% vitrinite reflectance has been analysed using organic geochemistry to investigate the factors influencing the biomarker compositions of humic coals. The Carboniferous–Permian coal has a variable organofacies and is mainly humic-prone. There is a significant difference in the distribution of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in these coals, which can be divided into three types. The Group A coals have biomarker compositions typical of humic coal, characterised by high Pr/Ph ratios, a lower abundance of tricyclic terpanes with a decreasing distribution from C19 tricyclic terpane to C24 tricyclic terpane and a high number of terrigenous-related biomarkers, such as C24 tetracyclic terpane and C29 steranes. The biomarker composition of Group B coals, which were deposited in a suboxic environment, have a higher abundance of rearranged hopanes than observed in Group A coals. In contrast, in Group C coals, the Pr/Ph ratio is less than 1.0, and the sterane and terpane distributions are very different from those in groups A and B. Group C coals generally have abnormally abundant tricyclic terpanes with a normal distribution maximising at the C23 peak; C27 steranes predominates in the m/z 217 mass fragmentograms. The relationships between biomarker compositions, thermal maturity, Pr/Ph ratios and depositional environments, indicate that the biomarker compositions of Carboniferous–Permian coals in Ordos Basin are mainly related to their depositional environment. This leads to the conclusion that the biomarker compositions of groups A and B coals collected from Shanxi and Taiyuan formations in the northern Ordos Basin are mainly related to their marine–terrigenous transitional environment, whereas the biomarker compositions for the Group C coals from Carboniferous strata and Shanxi Formation in the eastern Ordos Basin are associated with marine incursions.  相似文献   

Volatile displacement, which measures the difference between calculated and experimental volatile matter, is indicative of abnormality in coals which may be related to petrological or chemical parameters. The volatile displacement (δυ) values of Meghalaya coals were calculated from their chemical analyses. Correlations of volatile displacement (δυ) with parameters such as carbon, hydrogen, moisture, oxygen, oxygen plus sulphate sulphur, oxygen plus pyritic sulphur, oxygen plus organic sulphur and total sulphur were studied. An approximately linear relationship exists only between δυ and moisture, and δυ and total sulphur, and not between other parameters. Plots on Seyler’s chart indicate the coals as perhydrous to orthohydrous. The linear relationship with total sulphur indicates that the coals may have become abnormal mainly due to the marine environment of deposition and weathering.  相似文献   

Importance of the study of the influence of coal oxidability on vitrinite reflectance (VR) as a criterion of the quality of coals and indicator of paleogeothermal regime is shown. Overview of relevant concepts demonstrates that this issue remains debatable. Carboniferous coals of the Dobrudja foredeep, which belong to the class of helitolites in terms of their microcomponent composition, were studied. They were subjected to oxidation during storage outdoors. Consequently, the VR value of high volatile bituminous (long-flame and gas ranks, according to the Russian classification) coals decreased, but this parameter remained virtually unaltered for medium volatile bituminous (fat) coals. Bulgarian researchers obtained similar results for Carboniferous coals of the Dobrudja basin represented by helitolites and mixtohumolites. In our opinion, the VR decrease in the course of coal oxidation is caused by decrease in the condensation and density of aromatic structures and increase in the share of nonaromatic carbon atoms.  相似文献   

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