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IntroductionAfteramoderateorstronger(Ms25.0)earthquake,themosturgentworkofthedivisionforearthquakemonitoringandpredictionistodetermineitstimeoforigin,hypocentrallocation(longitude,latitudeanddepth)andmagnitudeandtojudgethetrendofseismicregimedevelopmentassoonaspossible.Ingeneralcases,whenanearthquakewithMS25.0insideChinaoraonewithMS26.0inneighboringareasofChinahasoccurred,theEarthquakeBulletinofChineseSeismologicalNetworkcanprovidedeterminationoftheorigintime,hypocentrallocation(longitude,…  相似文献   

Based on Generalized Seismic Ray Theory (Helmberger, 1968), a new quickly linear inversion method from the data of seismic waveform to seismic moment tensor and source mechanism for domestic earthquake is studied in this paper. Six moderately strong earthquakes which occurred in Chinese mainland in the past few years are studied. The seismic source parameters of these earthquakes, seismic moment tensors, scalar seismic moments, fault plane solutions and source time functionsetc, are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 261–268, 1993.  相似文献   

During the period of 1999-2002, the Chinese seismologists made a serious of developments in the study on seis-mic sources including observations, experiments and theory. In the field of observation, the methods of the accu-racy location of earthquake sources, the inversion of seismic moment tensor and the mechanism of earthquake source are improved and developed. A lot of important earthquake events are studied by using these methods. The rupture processes of these events are inverted and investigated combined with the local stress fields and the tec-tonic moment by using the measurements of surface deformation. In the fields of experiments and theory, many developments are obtained in cause of seismic formation, condition of stress and tectonics, dynamics of earthquake rupture, rock fracture and nucleation of strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

TheefectoffocaldeptheroronmomenttensorinversionLISHENGXU(许力生)YUNTAICHEN(陈运泰)InstituteofGeophysics,StateSeismologicalBureau...  相似文献   

利用CDSN及GDSN数字化P波波形资料,用遗传算法反演1996年包头西MS=6.4地震的地震矩张量解。结果表明该地震矩张量解以双力偶成分为主,是断层面接近南北走向的左旋走滑错动,断裂面走向与大震后5天内余震的分布带走向基本一致。压应力轴与张应力转接近水平,前者近北西西走向,后者近北北东走向。  相似文献   

地震矩张量反演在地震观测报告中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对我国地震工作的实际需要,从1995年起,《中国地震台网目录和地震矩张量解》刊登了国内较大地震和全球大震的地震矩张量解和震源机制解。同时在《中国地震年报》上也刊登国内及邻区较大地震的地震长张量解和震源机制解。为了方便用户使用,本文对有关参数进行了说明。  相似文献   

Decomposition of seismic moment tensors for underground nuclear explosions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generally the decomposition of a seismic moment tensor is not unique. However, to favorably view the characteristics of a certain seismic source, one must decompose a seismic moment tensor into parts according to assumptions about the properties of the seismic source. Different from natural earthquakes in which the shear dislocation component plays a predominant role in the source process, and the seismic moment tensor can be separated into an isotropic component, a double couple, and a compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD), underground nuclear explosions have three major components in their source process, i.e., the explosion, the tensional spalling, and the tectonic strain release associated with the explosion. In such a situation the conventional moment tensor decomposition for earthquakes is not convenient to estimate the yield of the explosion and to characterize the tectonic strain release. In this paper, an alternative decomposition scheme is proposed to deal with the moment tensor of underground nuclear explosions, which might benefit the approach to study the tectonic strain release induced by underground nuclear detonations.  相似文献   

Breakthrough point source model, extended earthquake source model is used to calculate more seismic source parameters in this paper. We express seismic source using higher degree moment tensors, to reduce a large number terms originally presenting in higher degree moment tensor representation, Haskell rupture model is used. We inverted the source parameters of Mani earthquake in Tibet using broad-band body wave of 32 stations of Global Seismograph Network (GSN), the results show that it is a strike-slip fault, rupture direction is 75° , rupture duration is 19 s, the fault plan is f =77° , d =88° , l =0° , the auxiliary plane is f =347° , d =90° , l =178° , and the fault dimension is 47 km′ 28 km. These results will give new quantitative data for earth dynamics and have practical meaning for seismic source tomography research.  相似文献   

2013年吉林前郭MS5.8震群为爆发性震群,目前余震活动仍然在持续.基于吉林、辽宁、黑龙江、内蒙古四省地震台网记录的前郭震群波形资料,利用波形信噪比、震源类型、台站及速度模型组合的指标选择最佳的反演方案,应用矩张量的三种反演模式,对序列中5个MS≥5.0地震进行矩张量反演研究,获得了全矩张量、偏矩张量和纯双力偶的矩张量.使用F-test对地震的三种模式的矩张量反演结果进行显著性检验来确定最佳反演模式.结果显示,5个地震的最优矩张量解均为全矩张量模式反演获得的结果,其双力偶分量仅有20%~65%,矩心深度位于地下3~4 km处,地震在Hudson震源类型图上的投影远离双力偶震源类型区域.这些结果表明,震源类型并非典型的构造地震,推断前郭地震可能是与人类活动有关的诱发地震.  相似文献   




地震波散射非线性反演的不动点理论研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文的工作聚焦于构造一种新的地震波散射非线性反演方法.文中将不动点理论引入到地震波散射非线性反演中,并具体的构造出了波的相空间里的一系列关于速度参数具体的压缩映射算子,从而从理论上保证了速度参数不动点的存在性和寻找途径.在此基础上文中还证明了利用此速度参数的不动点和正演所得到的相应的波的值也是波函数本身的不动点,并利用不动点的稳定属性得出此不动点是一个全局最优的点.  相似文献   

断层厚度的地震效应和非对称地震矩张量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文导出了具有厚度和滑动弱化区域的断层的非对称地震矩张量表示式,指出要求地震矩张量具有对称性不是一个绝对必要的限制.在非对称地震矩张量中,位错项对应于对称地震矩张量,拉力项对应于非对称地震矩张量.由于拉力项等效于单力偶,所以在非对称地震矩张量解的两个节面上,沿滑动矢量方向的力偶强度不再相同,与较大力偶相联系的节面为断层面,与较小力偶相联系的节面为辅助面.这一性质可用以从两个正交的节面中判断哪一个节面是断层面.如果忽略拉力项,会高估与位错对应的标量地震矩.只有满足相应的约束条件的非对称地震矩张量才能表示具有厚度和滑动弱化区域的断层模型,并从中分离出与位错和拉力对应的地震矩张量.  相似文献   

A MS8.0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China, on May 12, 2008, and subsequently, numerous aftershocks followed. We obtained the moment tensor solutions and source time functions (STFs) for the Wenchuan earthquake and its seven larger aftershocks (MS5.0~6.0) by a new technique of moment tensor inversion using the broadband and long-period seismic waveform data from the Global Seismic Network (GSN). Firstly, the theoretical background and technical flow of the new technique was brie...  相似文献   

用地震波波形拟合方法研究中小地震的震源机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用网格搜索方法,利用区域地震三分量全波形资料,对中小地震震源机制的反演方法进行了研究。反演采用初动约束、分段求相关系数,以及幅值加权的混合方法计算误差函数,通过格点搜索法确定震源深度。理论模型试验表明,反演结果具有较好的稳定性和可靠性。云南地区区域数字地震台网的观测资料反演表明,该方法可以合理地拟合观测波形资料。将2001年7月9日(24.93°N,101.47°E)发生的MS 5.3地震的震源机制解与哈佛大学CMT进行了对比,结果表明,Z分量波形拟合略比CMT拟合的好,R分量和T分量的波形拟合明显好于CMT的对应分量。 我们对2001年4月5日在(25.77°N,102.30°E)发生的mb 4.8地震进行了震源机制反演。结果表明,该地震主要表现为走滑断层,震源机制解为(180°,80°,11°)。根据这两个地震震源机制推断的主应力轴,与该地区现代构造应力场特征基本一致。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a new method to determine full moment tensor solution for induced seismicity. This method generalizes the full waveform matching algorithm we have developed to determine the double-couple (DC) focal mechanism based on the neighbourhood algorithm. One major difference between the new method and the former one is that we adopt a new misfit function to constrain the candidate moment tensor solutions with respect to a reference DC solution in addition to other misfit terms characterizing the waveform matching. Through synthetic tests using a real passive seismic survey geometry, the results show the new constraint can help better recover the DC components of inverted moment tensors. We further investigate how errors in the velocity model and source location affect the moment tensor solution. The synthetic test results indicate that the constrained inversion is robust in recovering both the DC and non-DC components. We also test the proposed method on several real induced events in an oil/gas field in Oman using the same observation system as synthetic tests. While it is found that the full moment tensor solutions without using the DC constraints have much larger non-DC components than solutions with the DC constraints, both solutions are able to fit the observed waveforms at similar levels. The synthetic and real test results suggest the proposed DC constrained inversion method can reliably retrieve full moment tensor solutions for the induced seismicity.  相似文献   

Two seismic source studies usingteleseismic data are performed by Simulated Annealing(SA), a non-linear inversion method. The Very FastSimulated Annealing (VFSA) algorithm is used and onlyteleseismic data are inverted. We have designed a fastand efficient way of multiple direct problemevaluation, which is based on pre-calculating theelementary Green's function. During the process we setthe values of the inversion control parameters(temperature, number of iterations) and modified thecooling schedule. In the current version, theinversion seeks for the point source mechanism, thedepth of the source, the scalar moment and the sourcetime function (STF). The method is applied to twoearthquakes: 18 Nov. 1992 in Greece, M 5.9 and 14 Sep.1995 in Mexico, M7.3. The calculation is performed ona simple 1D model of the structure. For the firstearthquake the inversion recovered the solution fairlywell; for the second the solution was less acceptable.However, we do not consider this fact to be a failureof the method, but a consequence of an inadequatemodel of the source and of the medium structure. Acasual attempt of reliability determination was alsoperformed; the obtained values of errors arereasonable, except for a few cases when the methodfailed.  相似文献   

The design of a monitoring system for detecting explosions is a very topical problem, both for routine data processing at seismological observatories as well as for the monitoring of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. In this framework it is desirable to have the possibility to quantify the presence of the isotropic component in the seismic source. For this purpose a method is presented, which is based on waveform inversion for the full moment tensor retrieval. The method inverts either full waveforms or separate seismic phases and returns the mechanism and time history of a point source. Moreover, it allows to redefine the hypocentral depth of the event and, in a simplistic way, to optimize the structural model as well. In order to model strong laterally heterogeneous structures, different pairs of structural models can be used for each source-receiver path. The source is decomposed into a volumetric part (V), representing an explosive or implosive component, and into a deviatoric part, containing both the double couple (DC) and the compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) components. The method is applied to an area in central Switzerland and to the network of the Swiss Seismological Service. The events of interest include both earthquakes and explosions. Despite some modelling inadequacies of the source-time function, the explosions can be well identified with the inverted isotropic component in the source, as long as the number of stations used for the inversion is larger than three. The results of the inversion are better for large epicenter-station distances of the order of 40–90 km.  相似文献   

A MS8.0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China, on May 12, 2008, and subsequently, numerous aftershocks followed. We obtained the moment tensor solutions and source time functions (STFs) for the Wenchuan earthquake and its seven larger aftershocks (MS5.0~6.0) by a new technique of moment tensor inversion using the broadband and long-period seismic waveform data from the Global Seismic Network (GSN). Firstly, the theoretical background and technical flow of the new technique was briefly introduced, and an aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence was employed to illustrate the real procedure for inverting the moment tensor; secondly, the moment tensor solutions and STFs of the eight events, including the main shock, were presented, and finally, the interpretation of the results was made. The agreement of our results with the GCMT results indicates the new approach is efficient and feasible. By using this approach, not only the moment tensor solution can be obtained but also the STF can be retrieved; the inverted STFs indicate that the source rupture process may be com-plicated even for the moderate earthquakes. The inverted focal mechanisms of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence show that the most of the aftershocks occurred in the main faults of the Longmenshan fault zone with predomi-nantly thrustingwith minor right-lateral strike-slip component, but some of them may have occurred in the sub-faults with strike-slip faulting in the vicinity of the main faults.  相似文献   

InversionofsourceprocesandrelatedstudiesoftheTaiwanStraitearthquakeus-inggeneticalgorithmHAI-JUNWANG1)(王海军)BANG-HUILIN1)(林邦慧...  相似文献   

稀疏台网反演区域地震偏量矩张量解的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用区域地震台网的波形资料,研究了2010年2月26日台湾以东海域Mw5.4地震的偏量矩张量,所得结果与Havard CMT目录给出的解之间的Kagan角为9.5°,两者较为一致;反演得到这次地震的震源深度为41 km,接近USGS给出的定位结果,可能更接近真实的震源深度.选择不同的台站组合,分析了台站布局对矩张量解的...  相似文献   

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