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In the Hazeldene area, situated in the Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland, the metamorphic grade changes from chlorite zone, through biotite and cordierite zones, to sillimanite/K-feldspar zone.
Microstructural studies of rocks near the sillimanite isograd demonstrate that cordierite grew early during the development of a steep foliation (S2), was replaced by biotite, andalusite and sillimanite at the metamorphic peak late in S2, and in turn by kyanite + chlorite adjacent to localized small post-D2 shear zones. Although the anticlockwise P–T–t path is well defined, the precise P–T conditions are uncertain because of problems with experimental and thermodynamic data. The best estimate for the metamorphic peak for rocks close to the sillimanite isograd is around 600° C at 4 kbar.
The metamorphism has been dated at 1544 Ma, and was synchronous with a major crustal shortening event. Because proposed extensional events occurred more than 60 Ma earlier, their contribution to the peak metamorphic thermal perturbation would have been insignificant. The syn-metamorphic Mica Creek Pegmatites, the abundance of high heat-producing elements in the nearby pre-D2 Sybella Granite, and advective heat by fluids which caused considerable metasomatism in the Hazeldene area, may have each contributed to the thermal budget. However, the metamorphic thermal gradient may be 80°C km-1 or higher, strongly suggesting a local magmatic control. As none are known in the area, such syn-metamorphic plutons would have to lie beneath the exposed high-grade rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract The Proterozoic low-pressure, high-temperature (LPHT) terrane of the Reynolds Range occurs in a 130-km-long, NW-trending belt in the central part of the Arunta Block, central Australia. The Reynolds Range has been affected by two mid-Proterozoic tectonic cycles, DI and DII, associated with two metamorphic events, MI and MII. DI–MI effects are restricted to the older of two sedimentary successions, the Lander Rock beds, which are separated from the younger Reynolds Range Group by an angular unconformity. The dominant structural–metamorphic features formed during DII–MII affected both sedimentary successions and the various granites that intruded them, and reworked most DI–MI effects. The DII deformation history can be subdivided into one prograde, two peak, and one retrograde stage. Average P–T calculations in the southeastern half of the range indicate a peak-metamorphic pressure of 4.1 ± 0.3 kbar. Because the calculated values are derived from the same stratigraphic level corresponding to the base of the Reynolds Range Group, which is exposed throughout the area, it is likely that pressures were similar in the entire range. In fact, however, the peak-metamorphic temperature shows a dramatic increase from greenschist facies (c. 400° C) in the northwest to granulite facies (740 ± 60° C) in the southeast, indicating that MII was associated with anomalously high heat flows. The P–T path is anticlockwise, with isobaric cooling from the metamorphic peak indicated by corona textures. However, the evidence of a prograde increase in pressure is indirect and based on the compressional nature of the structures. Peak-metamorphic mineral assemblages and retrograde mineral assemblages in amphibolite facies shear zones show the same metamorphic zonation, suggesting they formed in response to the same thermal event. If this is true, the implication is that a thermal perturbation external to the crust was maintained for a considerable period of time (110 Ma, based on zircon dating). As it is not clear whether Proterozoic, asthenosphere-active, thermal perturbations operated for this long, the alternative interpretation must be considered, namely that the peak-metamorphic events are separate from the shear zone event associated with reheating of the area.  相似文献   

Porphyroblastic schists in the thermal aureole of the Victor Harbor Granite at Petrel Cove, in the southern Adelaide Fold Belt, South Australia, preserve a record of sequential cordierite, andalusite, staurolite, fibrolite, chlorite and muscovite growth (along with biotite+plagioclase+quartz+ilmenite) during progressive deformation. A P–T pseudo‐section appropriate to biotite‐saturated assemblages in KFMASH shows that the sequence of mineral reactions records increasing pressure of at least 1 kbar (from c. 3 to c. 4 kbar) during cooling from around 580 °C. Heating at pressures below c. 3 kbar is inferred for growth of early formed cordierite porphyroblasts, and is attributed in part to the thermal effects of granite emplacement, while the pressure increase is attributed to tectonic burial accruing from ongoing deformation. The ‘anticlockwise’P–T path is consistent with convergent deformation being focussed as a consequence of heating, as to be expected for a lithospheric rheology that is strongly temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the petrogenesis of low-pressure granulite facies rocks from the Reynolds Range (central Australia) are contentious, including: (a) the shape of the retrograde P–T –time path, and whether it is an artefact of repeated thermal events at different P–T conditions; (b) the type of regional metamorphism; and (c) the causes of metamorphism. Granulite facies rocks from the Reynolds Range Group experienced three major periods of mineralogical equilibration. Metapelitic rocks underwent dehydration-melting reactions to form migmatites under peak M2 P–T conditions of c. 5.0–5.3 kbar and c. 750–800 °C. Metapsammitic rocks that did not melt during M2 show spectacular garnet–orthopyroxene intergrowths that developed at c. 3.5–3.7 kbar and c. 700–750 °C after penetrative regional deformation, but prior to amphibolite facies rehydration in discrete strike-parallel zones. Rehydration occurred within the sillimanite stability field at P–T conditions close to the granite solidus (c. 3.2–3.4 kbar and 650–700 °C). Subsequently the terrane cooled into the andalusite stability field. Geochronological constraints suggest that: (a) peak-M2 conditions were reached at c. 1594 Ma; (b) the garnet–orthopyroxene intergrowths in unmelted metapsammites probably developed between c. 1594 Ma and c. 1586 Ma; and (c) upper amphibolite facies rehydration occurred between c. 1586 Ma and 1568 Ma. The lack of petrological evidence for multiple dehydration and rehydration of the rocks suggests that the three episodes of mineralogical recrystallization can be linked to yield a single continuous retrograde P–T–t path of minor initial decompression (c. 1.5 kbar) from the M2 peak, followed by cooling (c. 100 °C) to the granite solidus over a period of c. 26 Ma. Late kyanite-bearing shear zones that dissect the terrane are unrelated to this event and formed during the c. 300–400 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny. The shape of the P–T–t path and the duration of M2 metamorphism suggests that advective heating was not the major cause of high-grade metamorphism, and that some other, longer lived heat source, such as the burial of anomalously radiogenic, pre-tectonic granites, is required.  相似文献   

Abstract The widespread khondalite series of south-east Inner Mongolia consists largely of biotite–sillimanite–garnet gneiss and quartzo-feldspathic gneiss with some marble and mafic granulite layers. It has experienced two metamorphic events at c. 2500 and 1900–2000 Ma.
A pre-peak stage of the first metamorphism at T = 600–700°C and P > 6–7 kbar is recognized by the relict amphibolite facies assemblage Ky–Grt–Bt–Pl–Qtz and 'protected'inclusions of biotite, hornblende, sodic plagioclase and quartz in garnet or orthopyroxene. The peak stage, with T = c. 800 ± 50°C and P 8–10 kbar, is characterized by the widespread granulite facies assemblages Sil–Grt–Bt–Kfs–Pl–Qtz in gneiss and Opx–Cpx–Pl ± Hbl ± Grt in granulite. The P–T–t path suggests that the supracrustal sequence was buried in the lower crust by tectonic thickening during D1–D2.
The beginning of the second metamorphism is characterized by further temperature rise to 700°C or more at lower pressure. This stage is manifested by the appearance of cordierite after garnet, fibrolite (Sil2) after biotite in gneiss and transformation of Hbl1 into Opx2 and Cpx2 in granulite. Coronas of symplectitic Opx2 + Pl2 surrounding Grt1 and Cpx1 in mafic granulite are interpreted as products of near-isothermal decompression. The P–T–t path may be related tectonically to waning extension of the crust by the end of the early Proterozoic.  相似文献   

‘Lower crustal’ suite xenoliths in basaltic and kimberlitic magmas are dominated by mafic granulites and may also include eclogites and garnet pyroxenites. Pressures of up to 25 kbar obtained from such xenoliths are well in excess of an upper value of c. 12 kbar for exposed granulite terranes. Palaeogeotherms constructed from xenoliths for the lower crust beneath the Phanerozoic fold belts of eastern Australia (SEA) and beneath the eastern margin of the Australian craton (EMAC) indicate two distinct thermal regimes. The two geotherms have similar form, with the EMAC curve displaced c. 150°C to lower temperatures. Reaction microstructures show the partial re-equilibration of primary igneous assemblages to granulite and eclogite assemblages and are interpreted to reflect the cooling from magmatic temperatures. Variations in mineral compositions and zoning are used to constrain further the history of several EMAC xenoliths to near-isobaric trajectories. Detailed graphical models are constructed to predict compositional changes for isobaric P–T paths (at 7, 14 & 21 kbar) to transform an SEA-type geotherm to a cratonic geotherm. The models show that for the assemblage grt + cpx ± ky + plag + qtz, the changes associated with falling temperature in Xgr, Xjd (increase) and Xan (decrease) will be greater at higher pressures. These results indicate that discernible zoning is more likely to be preserved in the higher pressure xenoliths. The zoning recorded in clinopyroxene from mafic granulite xenoliths over the pressure range c. 12–22 kbar suggests isobaric cooling of a large crustal thickness (30–35 km). An isobaric cooling path is consistent with magma accretion models for the transition of a crust–mantle boundary from an SEA-type geotherm to a cratonic geotherm. The coexistence of granulite and eclogite over the depth range 35–75 km beneath the EMAC indicates that the granulite to eclogite transition in the lower crust is controlled by P–T conditions, bulk chemistry and kinetic factors. At shallower crustal levels, typified by exposed granulite terranes, isobaric cooling may not result in the transition to eclogite.  相似文献   

Sm–Nd garnet‐whole rock geochronology, phase equilibria, and thermobarometry results from Garnet Ledge, south‐eastern Alaska, provide the first precisely constrained P–T–t path for garnet zone contact metamorphism. Garnet cores from two crystals and associated whole rocks yield a four point isochron age for initial garnet growth of 89.9 ± 3.6 Ma. Garnet rims and matrix minerals from the same samples yield a five point isochron age for final garnet growth of 89 ± 1 Ma. Six size fractions of zircon from the adjacent pluton yield a concordant U–Pb age of 91.6 ± 0.5 Ma. The garnet core and rim, and zircon ages are compatible with single‐stage garnet growth during and/or after pluton emplacement. All garnet core–whole rock and garnet rim‐matrix data from the two samples constrain garnet growth duration to ≤5.5 my. A garnet mid‐point and the associated matrix from one of the two garnet crystals yield an age of 90.0 ± 1.0 Ma. This mid‐point result is logically younger than the 90.7 ± 5.6 Ma core–whole rock age and older than the 88.4 ± 2.5 Ma rim‐matrix age for this sample. A MnNaCaKFMASH phase diagram (P–T pseudosection) and the garnet core composition are used to predict that cores of garnet crystals grew at 610 ± 20 °C and 5 ± 1 kbar. This exceeds the temperature of the garnet‐in reaction by c. 50 °C and is compatible with overstepping of the garnet growth reaction during contact metamorphism. Intersection of three reactions involving garnet‐biotite‐sillimanite‐plagioclase‐quartz calculated by THERMOCALC in average P–T mode, and exchange thermobarometry were used to estimate peak metamorphic conditions of 678 ± 58 °C at 6.1 ± 0.9 kbar and 685 ± 50 °C at 6.3 ± 1 kbar, respectively. Integration of pressure, temperature, and age estimates yields a pressure‐temperature‐time path compatible with near isobaric garnet growth over an interval of c. 70 °C and c. 2.3 my.  相似文献   

Abstract Edenite/tremolite and edenite/magnesio-hornblende in equilibrium with plagioclase, chlorite, epidote, quartz and vapour involve several types of reactions for which K D can be related to T and P. Thermodynamic calculation of these equilibria leads to isopleth systems. Given knowledge of the progressive changes of end-member activities in zoned Ca–Mg amphiboles (based on microprobe analyses), it is possible to construct precise pressure–temperature–time paths ( P–T–t paths) which have been followed by metabasites during polyphase metamorphism. When applied to basic rocks from the River Vilaine area, this method allows us to construct a P–T–t path that can be compared directly to the P–T–t path constructed from interbedded acid rocks (aluminous micaschists) in the same structural unit. Through time, both basic and acid rocks underwent the same complex deformation history that can be described conveniently in the L–S fabric system of Flinn. This allows us to construct a P–T–t deformation path for this structural unit.
These paths are interpreted in terms of an under/overthrusting continental collision belt (the Hercynian belt), and represent an illustration of the time delay caused by stacking of more than two crustal units.  相似文献   

The combination of metamorphic petrology tools and in situ laser 40Ar/39Ar dating on phengite (linking time of growth, compositions and P–T conditions) enables us to identify a detailed P–T–d–t path for the still debated tectonometamorphic evolution of the Nevado‐Filabride complex and infer new geodynamic‐scale constraints. Our data show an isothermal decompression (at 550 °C) from 20 kbar for the Bédar‐Macael unit and 14 kbar for the Calar Alto unit down to c. 3–4 kbar for both units at 2.8 mm year?1. At 22–18 Ma, this first part of the exhumation is followed by a final exhumation at 0.6 mm year?1 along a high‐temperature low‐pressure (HTLP) gradient of c. 60 °C km?1. The age of the peak of pressure is not precisely known but it is shown that it is around 30 Ma and possibly older, which is at variance with recent models suggesting a younger age for high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Most of the exhumation is related to late‐orogenic extension from c. 30 to 22–18 Ma. Thus the formation of the main ductile extensional shear zone, the Filabres Shear Zone (FSZ), occurred at 22–18 Ma and is clearly associated with a top‐to‐the‐west shear sense once the FSZ is well localized. The transition from ductile to brittle then occurred at c. 14 Ma. The final exhumation, accommodated by brittle deformation, occurred from c. 14 to 9 Ma and was accompanied, from 12 to 8 Ma, by the formation of nearby extensional basins. The duration of the extensional process is c. 20 Myr which argues in favour of a progressive slab retreat from c. 30 to 9 Ma. The change in the shape of the P–T path at 22–18 Ma together with strain localization along the main top‐to‐the‐west shear zone suggests that this date corresponds to a change in the direction of slab retreat from southwards to westwards.  相似文献   

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