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藏南亚东地区前寒武纪结晶岩系以往统称为“聂拉木群”。本次研究发现该结晶岩系可划分为上、下两部分,二者之间原始接触关系为角度不整合。下部结晶岩系为本次新建的“亚东岩群”,其岩石组合为:下部为多种片麻岩夹少量细粒石英岩和黑云片岩;中部为多种混合岩;上部为多种片麻岩夹少量变粒岩、石英岩和片岩。不同部位的片麻岩和混合岩中含辉石岩、高压麻粒岩等“暗色”包体。研究表明,亚东岩群为角闪岩相─高角闪岩相变质作用的产物,经历了多期深部构造层次的韧性变形,与“聂拉木群”显著不同。因此,认为“聂拉木群”代表喜马拉雅地区全部“前寒武系”是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍太湖地区富铁质棍状结核体的原始直立产状、分布特征、外形特征,内部胶体结构及其矿物学组合特征,进而讨论棍状结核体的成因模式.棍状结核体横向上广泛分布于太湖及其周边地区,产于一层标志性泥质层中;纵向上,棍状结核体在不同高度,从湖底到山边的田地,山麓下的沟槽里都有发现.原始层位可见新鲜棍状结核体,外表颜色为钢灰色...  相似文献   

R. RAISWELL 《Sedimentology》1988,35(4):571-575
Estimates for the rate of concretionary growth in shales are based on models which assume that growth is diffusion-controlled. However, laboratory and field studies of CaCO3 precipitation in organic carbon-rich sediments indicate that surface reactions control growth, due to inhibition by various dissolved species. The spatial distribution of carbonate concretions in the Jet Rock (Lower Jurassic, England) is also inconsistent with diffusion-controlled precipitation of CaCO3 into concretions, and growth must have been at least partly surface reaction-controlled.  相似文献   

Phosphorite concretions are recorded for the first time within the lower part of the Umm Rijam Chert Limestone Formation (Eocene) in the Ma'an area, southern Jordan. The phosphorite concretions are typically hosted and encountered as individual layer in moderately lithified sediments of marl, chalk and chalky marl. The phosphorite concretions are present in thin layer (10–30 cm thick). They are localized on a hardground surface that formed as a result of cementation of soft ground by bioclastic materials. Light grey and brownish to black colors are encountered with isometric, ellipsoid, elongated, subangular to subrounded phosphorite concretions (up to 6 cm in length). Most of the phosphorite concretions preserve bioturbation structures; they also include fecal pellets of various sizes. The main biogenic components are fragments of macrofossils (bivalves) and microfossils (planktonic foraminifera) in different proportions. Petrographic examinations reveal that the phosphorite concretions are composed of cryptocrystalline apatite that characteristically appears in cross-polarized light almost as isotropic phosphate and minor anisotropic phosphate. Apatite and calcite are the main mineral constituents of the phosphorite concretions identified by XRD. The apatite is identified as francolite (carbonate-flour-apatite). Chemical analyses of the phosphorite concretions using X-ray florescence indicate that the P2O5 content ranges from 18.8 to 31.19%, whereas SEM–EDS analyses indicate that the phosphorus proportion is around 14% by volume. It could be argued that the phosphorite concretions were transported after being reworked, or were derived from carbonate and chalk pebbles that were later phosphatized and subjected to erosion, forming residual lag deposit along the hardground surface.  相似文献   

A 47 m thick succession of conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones, of Late Devonian or Early Carboniferous age, outcrops at Fallen Rocks in northeast Arran (western Scotland). It is defined here as the type section of the Arran Cornstone Formation. At numerous levels in the succession, varieties of fissures and carbonate concretions formed during the accumulation of the Formation. The fissures opened as a result of drying-shrinkage, and were closed again either by filling with different sediment, or by wetting and expansion of the fissure wall sediment. Carbonate concretions form complete beds, discontinuous, bedding-concordant sheets, or bedding-discordant nodules or rods (the rod cornstones). These concretions formed close enough to the surface to be incorporated, after erosion and redeposition, as clasts into overlying beds. The concretions were formed by growth of micrite, mainly by replacement, but shrinkage displacement played an important role in subsequently fracturing and reworking the micrite. The micrite was also locally replaced by microspar and spar, and this involved dissolution and precipitation. No independent evidence of biological influence in any of these processes has been found.  相似文献   

During the search of some plant and animal fossils a variety of calcareous concretions were collected from the carbonaceous grey-black shales of Palana Formation of the Palaeocene age in a dug well section at Hadla Bhatiyan village Southwest of Bikaner in Rajasthan. The concretions range in size from a few millimetres to 30 centimetres in diameter. These structures exhibit a variety of shapes ranging from spherical, botryoidal, flattened and dumbbell shaped. The calcareous concretions observed here show an unusual internal structure. On the outer surface they show straight laminations but inside these laminations form slump structures. In many cases the central portion of the slump structures has been detached and rotated due to the gravity effect. Secondly, laminations on the outer surface exhibit continuity irrespective of the shape of the concretions.  相似文献   

The metamorphic allochthon of the central Norwegian Caledonides comprises a complex of discrete nappes of metasediments and igneous rocks ranging in age from probable Svecofennian through Vendian to Silurian. This southeastward-translated allochthon overlies a thin cover of autochthonous Vendian to Cambrian sediments deposited upon a crystalline Precambrian basement, and is superseded by late-orogenic, intermontanebasinal sediments of latest Silurian to Middle Devonian age. Stratigraphical sequences in higher allochthonous units are floored by oceanic tholeiitic basalts with rare, subjacent sheeted-dyke and gabbro units, considered as fragments of an ophiolite assemblage which suffered initial eastward transport in pre-Middle Arenig times, an important orogenic event which is well represented in northern and southwestern Norway. The overlying Ordovician—Silurian sequences, disturbed by episodic parorogenic events, embrace a variety of sedimentary facies from shallow-water carbonates to deep-marine terrigenous turbidites and include both island arc and marginal basin lavas and intrusives. Polyphase Middle Silurian metamorphism and deformation resulted in a complex telescoping and dissection of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks and their Precambrian substrate, with nappe translation in the order of several hundred kilometres. Folding and thrusting of Old Red Sandstone molasse sediments attests to continuing tectonism well into Devonian times.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon secreting alga Botryococcus has been identified in organic remains of sediments ranging from Precambrian to Recent, and is believed to have been a major source material for petroleum generation throughout the geological time. In some petroleum source rocks of Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian age, identification of the alga is only possible by electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used in the present study to identify microstructures of the algal remains in a range of oil shales and petroleum source rocks. It has been established that Botryococcus is the predominant alga in the Kukersite oil shale of Estonia. Similarly, the alga has been shown to be a major contributor to petroleum source rocks in Cambrian and Precambrian sedimentary basins in Australia. TEM has been applied to observations of Botryococcus in torbanites and to products from simulated maturation experiments on torbanite. A comparison with algal remains from Cambrian and Precambrian sediments ranging from undermature to overmature, enabled the distinction of organic matter in various stages of oil generation. Maturation/thermal effects on alginite have been established by reflectance and fluorescence, and compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

滇西南涧—云县一带广泛出露的无量山岩群是一套与三江特提斯造山带密切相关的中低变质沉积岩夹火山岩系,其形成时代、沉积充填序列及大地构造属性一直存在争议。出露于南涧县公郎乡一带的无量山岩群发育有厚数厘米的变质英安岩夹层。对变质英安岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,分别获得428.7±8.7Ma的岩浆结晶年龄和338~387Ma、250.5±8.1Ma、146.0±6.0Ma的变质年龄。认为无量山岩群原始沉积岩形成于志留纪,在古特提斯洋俯冲过程中,经历古生代造弧而发生区域变质作用,在白垩纪受热事件影响而发生热变质作用;同时还获得2034±22Ma、1140±16Ma、731±15Ma及469~522Ma的单颗粒锆石年龄,这些年代峰值与整个扬子陆块西缘获得的前寒武纪、古生代构造热事件年龄及分布特征基本可以对比;记录了Columbia、Rodinia和Gondwana超大陆的形成与裂解过程。  相似文献   

In the Tempo Valley, north-central Ireland, flat-lying calcareous concretions are found within massive sand beds of glaciofluvial outwash which were deposited during the late Weichselian deglacial cycle. ( c . 17 000 14 000 BP). Morphologically, concretions (< 20 cm long. I I cm wide, 3 cm thick) arc bladcd to disc-shaped, lie parallel to sediment bedding planes, and have long axes aligned perpendicular to ice retreat direction. Internally, concretions are massive to framework-supported and were formed as calcareous cements precipitated from solute-rich groundwatcrs. Concretions, related to steep groundwater gradients and vigorous groundwater circulation cells, were formed proglacially at the base of a thin (1.5-2.0 m deep) layer of discontinuous permafrost as meltwater was actively expelled from the retreating ice margin. The presence of a discontinuous permafrost substrate can also help explain regional-scale geomorphic patterns indicating stagnation zone retreat of the Tempo Valley ice mass.  相似文献   

在漫长的前寒武纪,存在若干谜一样的问题,如叠层石的生长机理、臼齿状构造的成因、白云岩的形成机制和宏观藻类化石的生物学属性及其分类归属等。宏观藻类化石是指那些肉眼可见的低等植物化石,因为与现代藻类的亲缘关系尚未完全确定,它们的生物学属性及其分类位置还存在较多的争议,所以宏观藻类化石成为一个"前寒武纪谜"。发现于天津蓟县剖面高于庄组第三段非叠层石灰岩(均一石灰岩)中的可能的实体宏观藻类化石,与成因还存在争议的臼齿状构造共生,包括球状丘尔藻、椭球状寿县藻、带状塔乌藻和豆荚状荚藻等4种类型,尤其以前两种居多,组成一个丘尔藻-寿县藻组合;这些多为球状体的化石,曾经被认为是臼齿状构造的一种,称为"球状臼齿状构造",但是,由于这些宏观藻类化石具有规则的形态、较为明显的可能的细胞显微结构,与充填臼齿状构造的方解石微亮晶形成明显的区别,不属于臼齿状构造;而且以实体化石产出,与多年来所描述的碳质压型化石又存在较大的区别;同时,该球状化石的中心部位硅化而边部为钙化体,也明显区别于一般的钙质结核、燧石结核、凝灰岩结核和气泡构造等。这些球状实体化石,要比H.J.Hofmann所报道的加拿大麦肯齐山小达尔群(Little Dal Group)的臼齿状构造灰岩中的实体宏观藻类化石的形成时代要老得多,有可能是最为古老的实体宏观藻类化石。高于庄组臼齿状构造灰岩中的实体宏观藻类化石,成为思考若干前寒武纪谜的重要现象。  相似文献   

In northwestern Canada, iron-formation occurs as part of the Rapitan Group, a dominantly sedimentary succession of probable Late Precambrian age. The Rapitan Group contains abundant evidence of glaciogenic deposition. It includes massive mixtites which contain numerous faceted and striated clasts. Finely bedded and laminated sedimentary rocks of the Lower Rapitan contain many large isolated (ice-rafted?) intra- and extra-basinal clasts. The Lower and Middle Rapitan are interpreted as products of a glacial marine regime. The iron-formation is interbedded with thin mixtite beds and contains large exotic clasts which are probably indicative of the existence of floating ice at the time of deposition of at least part of the iron-formation. If the apparently low paleolatitudes are confirmed, then glacial marine interpretation of the Rapitan, and the probably correlative Toby Conglomerate of southern British Columbia, support the postulate of a very extensive Late Precambrian ice sheet in North America.Similar iron-formations of similar age are present in South America (Jacadigo Series), in South-West Africa (Damara Supergroup) and in South Australia (Yudnamutana Sub-Group). All of these iron-formations are associated with glaciogenic rocks. In addition to the iron-formations, dolostones, limestones and evaporites (?) are intimately associated with Late Precambrian mixtites, considered by many to be glaciogenic.Huronian (Early Proterozoic) and correlative sequences of North America, and rocks of similar age in South Africa also contain closely juxtaposed undoubted glaciogenic rocks, iron-formations, dolostones and aluminous quartzites. The dolostones and aluminous sedimentary rocks have been interpreted as having formed under warm climatic conditions, but might also be explained by invoking higher PCO2 levels in the Early Proterozoic atmosphere. By analogy with the Huronian succession, preservation of “warm climate” indicators in mixtite-bearing Late Precambrian sequences does not preclude a glacial origin for the mixtites.  相似文献   

Calcite pisoliths, with diameters ranging from 1 to 200 mm, are forming now on the surface of a playa (salar) in the Andean Altiplano (4500 m above MSL) of Bolivia. They are associated with active or recently active hot springs (20-75°C) which flow onto the playa surface. Encrustations of pieces of an older caliche-type crust, of pisoliths, of indurated mud and of older concretions are also found as well as series of small (1-3 cm high) sinter terraces (rimstone dams). Arborescent concretions and overgrowths are common and they are reminiscent of drip-stone textures. Water analyses demonstrate that calcite supersaturation (about twenty times) occurs mainly through CO2 loss, with photosynthesis by algae and degassing the main removal mechanisms. The two available analyses indicate slight evaporation and a calcium loss between spring and pool of 2.3 mmol per litre of water. It is thought that the hot springs pick up much of their solute load from the playa sediments. The closest analogues to these deposits have been reported from caves (cave pearls and concretions). Although the depositional processes may be similar, the environment on an evaporitic playa surface is quite different. The geological implications for this newly observed pisolith environment may be considerable.  相似文献   

The middle part of the volcanosedimentary Zaonega Formation of the Ludikovian Suprahorizon (approximately 2.0 Ga) includes large carbonates concretions and lenses in shungite layers. Carbonate lenses and concretions are primarily elongated and flattened, and their thickness varies from tens of centimeters to a few meters. Some lenses retain relicts of lamination. Concretions are composed of calcite or dolomite. They contain abundant organic matter, as well as mica, talc, chlorite, quartz, and pyrite crystals. The calcite concretions contain some dolomite admixture (Mg/Ca = 0.011?0.045) and differ from sedimentary limestones by a low Fe/Mn value (0.3–2.1). The Sr content is as much as 385–505 μg/g in most samples and is low (86 μg/g) only in one sample. The Rb-Sr systematics of carbonate concretions was studied with the stepwise dissolution procedure, which included processing with the ammonium acetate solution (AMA fraction) to partially remove the secondary carbonate material, with dissolution of the residue in acetic acid (ACA fraction). In individual calcite samples, discrepancy between the measured 87Sr/86Sr values in the AMA and ACA calcite fractions shows a variation range of 0.0008–0.0033. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the ACA fractions of the studied samples varies from 0.7053 to 0.7162. The ratio shows a positive correlation with Mg/Ca and the proportion of siliciclastic admixture and negative correlation with the Mn content. The concretions were formed when the sediments subsided, probably, during the transition from a zone with “mild” reductive conditions to zones with active sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. In the sulfate reduction zone, where most pyrite-bearing concretions were formed, the sediment was not geochemically exchaged with the bottom water and was evolved into a closed or semiclosed system. Processes of diagenesis in this zone promoted the release of the radiogenic 87Sr from the associated siliciclastic minerals, resulting in growth of the initial 87Sr/86Sr in concretions up to 0.7108–0.7162. Some calcite concretions, which lacked pyrite (or contained its minimal amount) were likely formed in a thin surficial sediment layer located above the sulfate reduction zone. Therefore, they precipitated Sr in isotope equilibrium with Sr of the bottom water. However, large concretions and carbonate lenses with an insignificant siliciclastic admixture could retain the signature of early diagenesis or even sedimentation. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio in one of such samples with the siliciclastic admixture of 6.2% makes it possible to estimate the maximal value of this ratio (0.7053) in the Ludikovian paleobasin.  相似文献   

Distribution of the major and trace elements in ferromanganese nodules, which are buried or exposed on the seafloor, and in host sediments was studied in ten concretion/sediment pairs by various physical and chemical methods. It has been established that, in addition to Fe and Mn, a limited number of the major and trace elements (P, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mo, Co, Zn, Ni, As, Pb, Sb, Tl, U, W, Y, and Ga included) is accumulated with a variable degree of intensity (relative to sediments) in the concretions. As compared to host sediments, the maximal content of Mn in concretions is 100 times higher, whereas maximal contents of all other elements listed above vary from more than one to 10–20 times. Manganese and, to a lesser extent, Ba and Sr are concentrated in the buried concretions. Other elements are primarily concentrated in concretions exposed on the sea-floor. The occurrence mode of concretions and compositional data on interstitial water suggest that metals in the concretions were derived from seawater and suspended particulates, in addition to sediments. Burial of concretions in the sediment pile is accompanied by the alteration of their composition, accumulation of Mn (relative to Fe), and loss of several associated metals.  相似文献   

High Au contents in phosphorite concretions and Vendian-Cambrian enclosing shales are attributed to the concentration function of microbial biota of Precambrian epiplatformal basins. Microorganisms and organic detritus served as intermediate collectors of gold delivered with the continental runoff from provenances of the East European Platform.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions of variable sizes occur in the upper member of the Senonian (Upper Cretaceous) Mishash formation in Israel. Eight concretions and their surrounding country rocks were examined in the field, in thin sections and by X-rays. The isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in the carbonates, the amount of acid insoluble residue, as well as the concentrations of P2O5, Ca, Mg, Sr and Fe were determined. Other concretions and country rocks were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isotopes only.

The concretions are composed of almost pure, microsparitic calcite, whereas the country rocks are porcellanitic-phosphoritic chalks. Compared with the surrounding rocks, the concretions are strongly enriched in 12C and are depeleted in insoluble residue, P2O5, SiO2, Fe, Sr and Mg.

It is postulated that the concretions were formed by addition of CaCO3 to sites of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, while CaCO3 was mobilized in the surrounding sediments, in which aerobic decomposition of organic matter prevailed.

Several consequences of this model are considered, concerning the quantitative volume changes, as well as the distribution of SiO2 and Mg between concretions and country rocks.  相似文献   

Evidence for Precambrian fossil eukaryotic microorganisms has been based on: (1) the presence of internal ‘spots’ which have been variously interpreted to be remains of nuclei or pyrenoids of photosynthetic plastids or other organelles; (2) tetrahedral tetrad arrangement of cells; (3) trilete scars interpreted to be indicative of meiotic division: (4) large cell diameters; and (5) putative mitotic cell divisions. These features have been reported in fossils preserved in Precambrian cherts. We have studied modern microbial mats, thought to be analogues of Precambrian fossil communities, and found they may be silicified by laboratory procedures. In microbial mats from Baja California we have found many ‘spot cells’ that we could identify as remains of cyanophytes. We have silicified the newly discovered large prokaryotic coccoid green alga Prochloron and have found that it, like many cyanophytes previously silicified, preserves its structure and maintains its initial dimensions. In laboratory-silicified prokaryotic organisms we have found that all of the above criteria, supposedly characteristic of eukaryotes, can be observed. We conclude that there is no compelling morphological evidence for fossil eukaryotic microbes from Precambrian cherts.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山地区是华北克拉通北缘西段以孔兹岩系发育为特征的早前寒武纪变质杂岩发育地区之一。区内,除大面积出露的孔兹岩系之外,还残存有一套由各种石英岩、变粒岩组成的浅变质碎屑沉积地层,前人将其划归乌拉山岩群第四岩组或高角闪岩相孔兹岩系。笔者通过详细的地质填图,发现这套浅变质地层以角度不整合覆盖在孔兹岩系之上,应是孔兹岩系经历了下地壳麻粒岩相变质变形并隆升到地表之后沉积的,形成时代为古元古代,并把这套浅变质地层定名为美岱召岩群。  相似文献   

The total area of Precambrian rocks exposed at the surface or covered with a thin veneer of Quaternary deposits is estimated at 25 million km2, or 17 percent of the land surface. Recent development of test-hole drilling is yielding an increasing amount of information on the Precambrian crystalline basement of platforms covered with a thick sedimentary mantle. The picture of the Precambrian that has been built up is one of strongly altered rocks, injected with magmatic material, which have frequently been remelted and have herefore lost their original outlines. Petrographic study of Precambrian shields has been most widely employed and absolute dating has been concerned more with a particular intrusive phase than a particular stratigraphic complex — even though sedimentary-metamorphic rocks occur extensively and magmatic rocks merely breach them. The time has come to construct a stratigraphy of the Precambrian, not by distinguishing phases of rnagmatism and linking them up with stratified rocks, but on the basis of sequence of bedding as expressed in sedimentary-metamorphic complexes. Detailed mapping even in regions where strongly metamorphosed rocks occur and injections of magmatic material are considerable has established that the original sedimentary rocks are on the whole well preserved, that no remelting or displacement of the original material occurs to disturb boundaries between strata, and that the general character of the bedding has been retained. Aims of Precambrian geologic study are summarized and methods are enumerated. — W. D. Lowry.  相似文献   

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