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Assuming that the dark matter is entirely made up of neutralinos, we re-visit the role of their annihilation on the temperature of diffuse gas in the high-redshift universe  ( z > 10)  , before the formation of luminous structures. We consider neutralinos of particle mass 36 and 100 GeV. The former is able to produce  ∼7  e e +  particles per annihilation through the fremionic channel, and the latter ∼53 particles assuming a purely bosonic channel. High-energy   e e +  particles up-scatter the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons into higher energies via the inverse-Compton scattering. The process produces a power-law   e e +  energy spectrum of index −1 in the energy range of interest, independent of the initial energy distribution. The corresponding energy spectrum of the up-scattered photons is a power law of index −1/2, if absorption by the gas is not included. The scattered photons photoheat the gas by releasing electrons which deposit a fraction (14 per cent) of their energy as heat into the ambient medium. For uniformly distributed neutralinos, the heating is insignificant. The effect is greatly enhanced by the clumping of neutralinos into dense haloes. We use a time-dependent clumping model which takes into account the damping of density fluctuations on mass-scales smaller than  ∼10−6 M  . With this clumping model, the heating mechanism boosts the gas temperature above that of the CMB after a redshift of   z ∼ 30  . By   z ≈ 10  , the gas temperature is nearly 100 times its temperature when no heating is invoked. Similar increase is obtained for the two neutralino masses considered.  相似文献   

A class of spatially flat models with cold dark matter (CDM), a cosmological constant and a broken-scale-invariant (BSI) step-like primordial (initial) spectrum of adiabatic perturbations, generated in an exactly solvable inflationary model where the inflaton potential has a rapid change of its first derivative at some point, is confronted with existing observational data on angular fluctuations of the CMB temperature, galaxy clustering and peculiar velocities of galaxies. If we locate the step in the initial spectrum at k  ≃ 0.05  h Mpc−1, where a feature in the spectrum of Abell clusters of galaxies was found that could reflect a property of the initial spectrum, and if the large-scale flat plateau of the spectrum is normalized according to the COBE data, the only remaining parameter of the spectrum is p — the ratio of amplitudes of the metric perturbations between the small-scale and large-scale flat plateaux. Allowed regions in the plane of parameters (Ω = 1 − ΩΛ,  H 0) satisfying all data have been found for p lying in the region (0.8–1.7). Especially good agreement of the form of the present power spectrum in this model with the form of the cluster power spectrum is obtained for the inverted step ( p  < 1,  p  = 0.7–0.8), when the initial spectrum has slightly more power on small scales.  相似文献   

The temperature of the intergalactic medium (IGM) is an important factor in determining the linewidths of the absorption lines in the Ly α forest. We present a method to characterize the linewidth distribution using a decomposition of an Ly α spectrum in terms of discrete wavelets. Such wavelets form an orthogonal basis, so the decomposition is unique. We demonstrate using hydrodynamic simulations that the mean and dispersion of the wavelet amplitudes are strongly correlated with both the temperature of the absorbing gas and its dependence on the gas density. Since wavelets are also localized in space, we are able to analyse the temperature distribution as a function of position along the spectrum. We illustrate how this method could be used to identify fluctuations in the IGM temperature that might result from late reionization or local effects.  相似文献   

Older and more recent pieces of observational evidence suggest a strong connection between QSOs and galaxies; in particular, the recently discovered correlation between black hole and galactic bulge masses suggests that QSO activity is directly connected to the formation of galactic bulges. The cosmological problem of QSO formation is analysed in the framework of an analytical model for galaxy formation; for the first time a joint comparison with galaxy and QSO observables is performed. In this model it is assumed that the same physical variable that determines galaxy morphology is able to modulate the mass of the black hole responsible for QSO activity. Both halo spin and the occurrence of a major merger are considered as candidates for this role. The predictions of the model are compared with available data for the type-dependent galaxy mass functions, the star formation history of elliptical galaxies, the QSO luminosity function and its evolution (including the obscured objects contributing to the hard-X-ray background), the mass function of dormant black holes and the distribution of black hole-to-bulge mass ratios. A good agreement with observations is obtained if the halo spin modulates the efficiency of black hole formation, and if the galactic haloes at z =0 have shone in an inverted order with respect to the hierarchical one (i.e., stars and black holes in bigger galactic haloes have formed before those in smaller ones). This inversion of hierarchical order for galaxy formation, which reconciles galaxy formation with QSO evolution, is consistent with many pieces of observational evidence.  相似文献   

A 'stochastic adhesion' model is introduced, with the purpose of describing the formation and evolution of mildly non-linear structures, such as sheets and filaments, in the intergalactic medium (IGM), after hydrogen reionization. The model is based on replacing the overall force acting on the baryon fluid – which results from the combination of local gravity, pressure gradients and Hubble drag – by a mock external force, self-consistently calculated from first-order perturbation theory. A small kinematic viscosity term prevents shell-crossing on small scales (which arises because of the approximate treatment of pressure gradients). The emerging scheme is an extension of the well-known adhesion approximation for the dark matter dynamics, from which it differs only by the presence of a small-scale 'random' force, characterizing the IGM. Our algorithm is the ideal tool to obtain the skeleton of the IGM distribution, which is responsible for the structure observed in the low column density Ly α forest in the absorption spectra of distant quasars.  相似文献   

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