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Summary. A precision magnetic survey for the investigation of current activity in the Earth's lithosphere has been carried out in the Urals and in the Carpathians. As a result of this research three types of time variation of the total field were discovered. These are:
(1) The normal field variation reflecting the general pattern of secular variation. The difference of initial and repeat observation where only this type of variation operates, is rather small and usually does not exceed 0.2–0.3 nT. The field changes in such regions can be used only to evaluate the observation errors and to provide the regional pattern of secular variation.
(2) The slow but localized'anomalous field'change from year to year corresponding, presumably, to anomalies of a tectonomagnetic nature. The normal pattern of the secular variation field here is disturbed by sources located in the upper part of the lithosphere.
(3) Irregular time changes of the field with rather large amplitudes (up to 10–20 nT). Repeated observations of such anomalies show that the field changes significantly here even during one day. Both in the Urals and Carpathians these anomalies form extended elongated structures with widths up to 10–30 km. These anomalies usually coincide with those deep faults where the strongest recent crustal movements have been determined by means of geodetic observations. The analysis of the results of precision geomagnetic surveys in the Urals and in the Carpathians shows that geomagnetic investigations can be used for the exploration of tectonically active zones.  相似文献   

The Antarctic magnetic anomaly map compiled marine and airborne surveys collected south of 60°S through 1999 and used Magsat data to help fill in the regional gaps between the surveys. Ørsted and CHAMP satellite magnetic observations with greatly improved measurement accuracies and temporal and spatial coverage of the Antarctic, have now supplanted the Magsat data. We combined the new satellite observations with the near-surface survey data for an improved magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic lithosphere. Specifically, we separated the crustal from the core and external field components in the satellite data using crustal thickness variations estimated from the terrain and the satellite-derived free-air gravity observations. Regional gaps in the near-surface surveys were then filled with predictions from crustal magnetization models that jointly satisfied the near-surface and satellite crustal anomalies. Comparisons in some of the regional gaps that also considered newly acquired aeromagnetic data demonstrated the enhanced anomaly estimation capabilities of the predictions over those from conventional minimum curvature and spherical harmonic geomagnetic field models. We also noted that the growing number of regional and world magnetic survey compilations involve coverage gaps where these procedures can contribute effective near-surface crustal anomaly estimates.  相似文献   

The intervals between the arrivals of the same body wave phases from distant earthquakes at a close network of stations are compared with those expected from the known surface speeds of the phases. The arrival at the station on the island of Barbados is shown to be
2.94 = 0.34 s
later than expected relative to the other stations.
This is believed to be due to differences in crustal structure associated with the belt of negative gravity anomalies east of the West Indian arc.
A crustal section consistent with the seismic delays, gravity anomalies and seismic refraction profiles is presented.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic disturbance fields: an analysis of observatory monthly means   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work quantifies the extent to which disturbance phenomena contribute to the observed geomagnetic field on the time-scale of months to years. A deterministic approach was adopted in which geomagnetic monthly means were analysed in the time domain. By presupposing the time dependence of the external and induced field variations, which we assume to vary as the aa geomagnetic index, we arrived at an estimate of the relative amplitude of the disturbance to each component of the field at a number of observatories. In all some 58 000 geomagnetic monthly means from 59 observatories operating this century were analysed. Special attention was paid to the selection and validation of the data as otherwise the numerical computations would have been unduly compromised.
The results consist of 177 estimates of the relative amplitude of disturbance, one for each of three orthogonal components north ( X ), east ( Y ) and vertically down ( Z ) at each observatory. The disturbance to the X component was found to be consistently negative over the whole of the Earth's surface with an intensification in auroral regions. The disturbances to the Z component were found to be smaller than that for X except in high latitudes. Mean disturbances to the Y component were smaller still. Results were in general consistent with the dipole field of the magnetospheric ring current, aligned with, though of opposite polarity to, the Earth's main field. Typical amplitudes of the mean disturbance field from month to month were of the order 10 nT.
The results can be used to estimate the variation of the disturbance field. Subtracting this from both monthly and annual means yields an improved estimate of the field originating in the core and its secular variation. Some examples are presented.  相似文献   

A cause of bias in estimates of distance and station terms used to compute seismic magnitudes ( m b) is demonstrated in a comparative study on the world amplitude–distance curve. This bias results from the presence of station thresholds in the measurement and reporting of seismic amplitudes and is analogous to that known to be present in routinely computed magnitudes. Distance terms corresponding to low amplitudes such as in the core shadow will tend to be positively biased as are station terms for stations with high thresholds.  相似文献   

We study the crustal structure of eastern Marmara region by applying the receiver function method to the data obtained from the 11 broad-band stations that have been in operation since the 1999 İzmit earthquake. The stacked single-event receiver functions were modelled by an inversion algorithm based on a five-layered crustal velocity model to reveal the first-order shear-velocity discontinuities with a minimum degree of trade-off. We observe crustal thickening from west (29–32 km) to east (34–35 km) along the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), but we observe no obvious crustal thickness variation from north to south while crossing the NAFZ. The crust is thinnest beneath station TER (29 km), located near the Black Sea coast in the west and thickest beneath station TAR (35 km), located inland in the southeast. The average crustal thickness and S -wave velocity for the whole regions are  31 ± 2  km and  3.64 ± 0.15 km s−1  , respectively. The eastern Marmara region with its average crustal thickness, high heat flow value (101 ± 11 mW m−2) and with its remarkable extensional features seems to have a Basin and Range type characteristics, but the higher average shear velocities (∼3.64 km s−1) and crustal thickening from 29 to 35 km towards the easternmost stations indicate that the crustal structure shows a transitional tectonic regime. Therefore, we conclude that the eastern Marmara region seems to be a transition zone between the Marmara Sea extensional domain and the continental Anatolian inland region.  相似文献   

自第4个国际极地年2007/2008开始至2013年,中国南极内陆冰盖科考队相继在自南极大陆边缘的中山站至东南极地形最高点昆仑站(Dome A)一线进行了低温甚宽频地震观测。本文对7个天然地震台站数据进行了分析,提取了这些台站的S波接收函数,据此反演获得了这些台站下的地壳厚度分布。结果显示:随着纬度的升高,地壳厚度由大陆边缘的中山站下的约38 km逐渐增加至CHNB台下的58 km,随后又于CHNA台站下方减薄至47 km,然后快速增大到南极地形最高点昆仑站(Dome A)下的62 km。昆仑站或Dome A是南极大陆地壳最厚的地方。从中山站至昆仑站之间地壳厚度的变化与冰下地貌变化存在明显的相关性,它们都说明了从中山站至CHNB之间地壳构造相对均匀。在距昆仑站约200 km的CHNA台下的地壳厚度(约47 km)明显比临近台站地壳偏薄,这可能说明了甘伯采夫山脉地壳侧向变化较大,即其形成时所遭受的构造作用较复杂。  相似文献   

城市化偏差是中国地面气温观测记录中最大的系统性偏差,订正该偏差可为大尺度气候变化监测和研究提供准确的基础资料。论文介绍了用于单站地面月平均气温序列城市化偏差订正的一个方法,并利用该方法订正了685个国家基本/基准站1961—2015年地面年及月平均气温序列中的城市化偏差。采取自东往西迭代订正的方法,即从东往西逐经度订正,订正完的目标站也可作为参考站。首先,规定目标站的参考站在300 km范围内,并利用2站的去线性趋势年均气温的相关系数作为标准,规定相关系数最大且通过信度水平为0.005显著性检验的4个候选参考站作为该目标站的参考站;然后,对各个参考站年均气温与其对应目标站年均气温求相关,并以其平方为权重计算各参考站月和年均气温的平均值序列,即为各目标站年和月平均地面气温参考序列;其次,利用目标站气温序列趋势及其参考序列趋势之差作为总的订正值,订正目标站气温序列中包含的城市化偏差。较大的城市化偏差出现在华北地区、华中部分地区、东北北部、西南及西部部分地区,介于0.1~0.3 ℃/10 a;在中国西北部分地区、西藏西部及南部、东北南部、华南沿海、华东及华中个别站存在负偏差;对整个中国而言,相对城市化偏差为19.6%。以北京、武汉、银川、深圳作为华北、华中、西北和华南地区的大城市代表站,发现其在过去55 a的相对城市化偏差分别为67.0%、75.4%、32.7%和50.3%,与前人针对单站评估城市化影响的结果基本一致,说明论文的订正方法较为合理。论文介绍的城市化偏差订正方法,可用于订正中国等快速城市化地区地面气温观测资料的系统偏差,订正后的气温数据在很大程度上消除了城市化因素引起的不确定性。  相似文献   

In the current generation of global dispersion maps of surface waves, the long-wavelength structure seems to be very well determined. There is general agreement in the patterns of global phase velocity anomalies up to harmonic degree 16. However, the shorter-wavelength structure varies significantly between published maps, and it appears that this part of the models depends strongly on the inversion technique and on the data set of surface-wave dispersion (usually phase measurements). Polarization data depend on the lateral gradient of phase velocity and hence are more sensitive to shorter-wavelength structure than phase data; thus, including these data should enhance resolution. In this paper, I demonstrate that polarization data of long-period surface waves (80 s), as a function of frequency, can be reliably measured using a multitaper technique. the resulting off-great-circle arrival angles of the surface-wave packets are relatively easy to interpret within a ray-theoretical framework. Our data base of three-component recordings is now large enough to provide useful constraints on global dispersion maps, particularly on the shorter-wavelength parts. Apart from the phase velocity model itself, a possible misorientation of the horizontal components at each station is included in a non-linear inversion as an additional independent model parameter. This gives a significant improvement in the fit to the data. Misorientations of more than 3° are probable for at least four of the 37 stations investigated.  相似文献   

建立了一个任意地形和实际天气条件下,能够计算大范围、长时间、高时空分辨率的太阳入射短波辐射模型,模型采用简化的辐射传输参数化方案和NCEP/NCAR资料相结合的方法,并成功应用于黑河流域2002年度每小时、1 km×1 km分辨率的总辐射、直接辐射和散射辐射的计算,所应用的地面资料仅为流域的地形信息。鉴于模型中总辐射是根据直接辐射和散射辐射推算的,而黑河流域2002年度缺乏直接辐射和散射辐射实测资料,模型采用分别位于黑河山区西水、中游临泽和下游额济纳旗3套自动观测仪器的总辐射资料进行验证,西水实测总辐射与计算总辐射的R2=0.71,而临泽和额济纳旗R2分别为0.90和0.91,但各站点均出现部分结果相差很大的情况。出现地域差异和部分结果相差很大的主要原因是由于总云量资料时空分辨率低造成的,另外计算和实测数据空间尺度的不一致也部分造成山区计算效果较差。  相似文献   

Summary. Within the framework of site survey studies of the Deep Drilling Program of the Fedral Republic of Germany (KTB), coincident deep-seismic reflection and refraction experiments in the Black Forest, southwest Germany, were carried out. The simultaneous interpretation of the reflection and the refraction data reveals in particular both a strong velocity reduction in the upper crust and a laterally varying laminated structure of the lower curst. Additional refraction lines result in a three-dimensional crustal model which shows two distinct crustal types of different seismic properties. These crustal types seem to correlate with the major geologic units of Southwest Germany. Variations of Poisson's ratio derived from clearly recorded shear wave data show a similar trend.  相似文献   

Several years of broad-band teleseismic data from the GRSN stations have been analysed for crustal structure using P -to- S converted waves at the crustal discontinuities. An inversion technique was developed which applies the Thomson-Haskell formalism for plane waves without slowness integration. The main phases observed are Moho conversions, their multiples in the crust, and conversions at the base of the sediments. The crustal thickness derived from these data is in good agreement with results from other studies. For the Gräfenberg stations, we have made a more detailed comparison of our model with a previously published model obtained from refraction seismic experiments. The refraction seismic model contains boundaries with strong velocity contrasts and a significant low-velocity zone, resulting in teleseismic waveforms that are too complicated as compared to the observed simple waveforms. The comparison suggests that a significant low-velocity zone is not required and that internal crustal boundaries are rather smooth.  相似文献   

An isolated swarm of small earthquakes occurred in 1992, near Dongfang on Hainan Island, southern China. The Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau of China, monitored the swarm with five DCS-302 digital accelerometers for three months from 1992 June 1. 18 earthquakes, with magnitudes M L ranging from 1.8 to 3.6, were well located by five stations, and shear-wave splitting varying azimuthally was analysed on 27 seismic records from these events. The mean polarization azimuth of the faster shear wave was WNW. Time delays between the split shear waves at two stations varied with time and space. The time delays at one station fell abruptly after earthquakes of magnitudes 3.1 and 3.6, but did not change significantly at the second station. This behaviour is consistent with the delay-time changes being caused by changes in the aspect ratio of vertical liquid-filled (EDA) cracks. Thus, the variation in shear-wave-splitting time delay could be due to changes in crustal stress related to nearby small-magnitude earthquake activity. The connection between earthquake activity and crustal stress variation measured by shear-wave splitting leaves the door open for possible observations of crustal stress transients related to the onset of an earthquake; however, our data cannot be considered as definite evidence for such precursors.  相似文献   

Summary. Four box cores collected from the Ontong—Java plateau during the Eurydice expedition have been used to make relative geomagnetic palaeo-intensity measurements. Rock magnetic measurements on the sediments show that they are characterized by a uniform magnetic mineralogy, and that they are suitable for relative intensity estimates. These are obtained by normalizing the NRM by an ARM imparted in a low DC bias field. the palaeoceanographic event known as the preservation spike is used to establish a crude time-scale for the record so that it may be compared with other data from the same region, and also with global palaeointensity estimates. the marine sediment data are quite similar to Australian intensity data from lake sediments and archaeomagnetic sources, but as might be expected exhibit some obvious differences from the global record.  相似文献   

As a supplement to seismic profiling surveys, crustal thicknesses have been estimated for 11 Fennoscandian seismograph stations equipped with three-component long period instruments, using the so-called spectral ratio technique of Phinney. The largest Moho depths, of the order of 45 km, were found for stations located in the north-east areas of Norway and Sweden and in Finland, with a local maximum in the Bothnian Bay. The coastal area of south-east Norway and Zealand, Denmark exhibit crustal thicknesses in the range 28–33 km. The agreement between our results and those obtained by conventional refraction profiling is good, when this comparison is restricted to profiles of lengths 300 km or more, and when the associated crustal thickness estimate is averaged over the central parts of the profiles in question. Also, a comparison between our results and other available geophysical information gives that the oldest tectonic provinces of the Baltic Shield also are characterized by relatively modest heat flow, and exhibit the greatest crustal thicknesses. Post-glacial uplift data and large wavelength free air gravity data appear to be uncorrelated with crustal thickness. The same partly applies to Bouguer gravity anomalies, thus implying that the isostatic compensation mechanism in Fennoscandia is of both Airy and Pratt type.  相似文献   

A spherical harmonic degrees 60, global internal field model is described (called BGS/G/L/0706). This model includes a degree 15 core and piecewise-linear secular variation model and is derived from quiet-time Ørsted and Champ satellite data sampled between 2001.0 and 2005.0. For the satellite data selection, a wide range of geomagnetic index and other data selection filters have been used to best isolate suitably quiet magnetospheric and ionospheric conditions. Only a relatively simple, degree one spherical harmonic, external field model is then required. It is found that a new 'Vector Magnetic Disturbance' index ( VMD ), the existing longitude sector A indices, the auroral zone index IE , and the polar cap index PC are better than Kp and Dst at rejecting rapidly varying external field signals at low, middle, auroral and polar latitudes. The model quality is further enhanced by filling spatial and temporal gaps in the quiet data selection with a second selection containing slightly more disturbed data. It is shown that VMD provides a better parametrization than Dst of the large-scale, rapidly changing, external field. The lithospheric field model between degrees 16 and 50 is robust and displays good coherence with other recently published models for this epoch. BGS/G/L/0706 also shows crustal anomalies consistent with other studies, although agreement is poorer in the southern polar cap. Intermodel coherency reduces above about degree 40, most likely due to incompletely filtered signals from polar ionospheric currents and auroral field aligned currents. The absence of the PC index for the southern hemisphere for 2003 onwards is a particular concern.  相似文献   

野外科学观测研究台站(网络)和科学数据中心建设发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所成立80年来,十分重视野外台站(网络)和科学数据中心的建设,取得了辉煌成就。研究所建立了4个野外观测研究网络,引领了中国生态系统研究网络的建设与发展;成立了2个国家级科学数据中心,1个中国科学院数据中心,1个数据出版系统并于2016年加入了世界数据系统;拥有2个国家级野外观测研究站,1个中国科学院野外研究站,形成了独具特色的野外观测研究平台和数据共享服务平台。本文回顾了中国生态系统研究网络、国家生态系统观测研究网络、中国通量观测研究网络、中国物候观测网和禹城站、拉萨站、千烟洲站以及地球系统科学数据中心、生态科学数据中心、资源环境科学数据中心和全球变化科学研究数据出版系统的发展历程。地理资源所台站(网络)从无到有,不断发展壮大,引领了中国野外观测研究事业的发展,支撑了地理学、生态学等重要科学成果产出,科技支撑能力和示范能力大幅提升,有力支撑了华北平原、青藏高原以及南方山地丘陵区的生态文明建设;成为中国地球系统科学、野外台站、资源环境等学科和领域最大的科学数据汇聚中心,数据共享服务成效显著,在国内外具有广泛影响力。在未来发展中,地理资源所将充分发挥野外台站(网络)综合中心作用,强化生态系统、碳水通量、物候等观测研究网络的能力建设,稳步提升野外观测研究站条件保障能力和科学数据中心的数据汇聚能力、分析挖掘能力以及共享服务能力,持续推动和引领中国科学数据的共享,在科学研究和支撑国家需求等方面做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

Summary. It is well known that the time of occurrence of the minimum in the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field ( H min) on quiet days at a mid-latitude station on the poleward side of the Sq focus shows considerable variability from day to day. This variability has previously been discussed in terms of the incidence of so-called 'abnormal quiet days'(AQD), arbitrarily defined for the station Hartland as quiet days when H min occurred outside an interval of ± 2½ hr centred on the most common time of 1130 LT. AQDs have some interesting properties, which have been documented, but their precise nature and cause have not been elucidated. In this paper we report the results of a study of AQDs as identified at Hartland using a chain of Northern hemisphere stations situated approximately along the 0° longitude meridian and extending on both sides of the Sq focus. It is found that there are two effects on AQDs: (i) a northward component field varying in LT is superposed at all latitudes throughout the day, so reducing the amplitude of the normal Sq(H) variation at stations poleward of the focus and increasing it on the equatorward side, (ii) a southward perturbation field, of most probable magnitude 6.0 nT for the period studied, is imposed for about 4 hr at a fixed UT at all latitudes, so constituting an 'AQD event' which can lead to the occurrence of H min at an anomalous local time for a station poleward of the focus. It is shown that the AQD event may be of large geographical extent and that it is related to the interplanetary magnetic field. All the main properties of AQD occurrences are explained, and it is suggested that much of the day-to-day variability in the amplitude and phase of the normal Sq(H) variation probably also arises from the occurrence of AQD events at times close to the diurnal turning points.  相似文献   

The inverse tomography method has been used to study the P - and S -waves velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle underneath Iran. The method, based on the principle of source–receiver reciprocity, allows for tomographic studies of regions with sparse distribution of seismic stations if the region has sufficient seismicity. The arrival times of body waves from earthquakes in the study area as reported in the ISC catalogue (1964–1996) at all available epicentral distances are used for calculation of residual arrival times. Prior to inversion we have relocated hypocentres based on a 1-D spherical earth's model taking into account variable crustal thickness and surface topography. During the inversion seismic sources are further relocated simultaneously with the calculation of velocity perturbations. With a series of synthetic tests we demonstrate the power of the algorithm and the data to reconstruct introduced anomalies using the ray paths of the real data set and taking into account the measurement errors and outliers. The velocity anomalies show that the crust and upper mantle beneath the Iranian Plateau comprises a low velocity domain between the Arabian Plate and the Caspian Block. This is in agreement with global tomographic models, and also tectonic models, in which active Iranian plateau is trapped between the stable Turan plate in the north and the Arabian shield in the south. Our results show clear evidence of the mainly aseismic subduction of the oceanic crust of the Oman Sea underneath the Iranian Plateau. However, along the Zagros suture zone, the subduction pattern is more complex than at Makran where the collision of the two plates is highly seismic.  相似文献   

利用1951~2009年沾益测站的降水资料以及NCEP/NCARR的月平均气象场再分析资料分析了2009~2010年曲靖严重干旱天气成因。采用Z指数对曲靖秋冬春连旱异常年份进行划分,表明2009年是夏秋冬连旱最严重的年份。并通过分析曲靖历史上夏秋冬降水偏少年和偏多年的500 hPa高度距平场差值场来为2009年严重的连旱天气提供成因分析,认为:冷空气和偏南气流异常是造成曲靖降水正负异常的成因。2009年夏秋冬季环流与历史上旱年同期的中高纬槽脊强弱分布形势并不一致。从夏季到冬季,贝加尔湖附近位势高度经历了从偏高到异常偏低的变化,孟加拉湾到西太平洋的环流场位势高度持续性异常偏高,暖湿气流缺乏,即使北方有冷空气南下,由于云南下沉运动较常年明显偏强,冷空气也无法与水汽汇合,水汽输送少是产生持续气象干旱的关键原因。  相似文献   

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