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《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(9-10):213-222
Two and a half decade (1985–2009) surface air temperature from Giovanni database available for the Naradu valley at High Himalaya Mountain range of Himachal Pradesh has been analysed to determine the changes in the maximum, minimum and mean air temperatures. The analysis was subjected for seasonal, annual and monthly basis and revealed a tendency towards warmer years all around, with significantly warmer winter and more significant increase in minimum temperatures. The annual maximum, minimum and mean temperatures have increase by 1,41 °C, 1,63 °C and 1,49 °C, respectively. The seasonal analysis indicates that the tendency is more pronounced in winter followed by post-monsoon, pre-monsoon and monsoon season. The trends were also examined on a maximum temperatures, and it showed a significant warning in all the months in annual mean, minimum and maximum temperatures, except February during the period of 1985–2009 in the valley. Different trend detection statistical tools have been exercised by using variety of non-parametric tests and all are in agreement.  相似文献   

In this study, we reconstruct the inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya using combined structural and metamorphic analyses of rocks of the Lesser and Greater Himalayan Sequences. Four thrust-bounded stratigraphic units, which from the lower to higher structural heights are (a) the Gondwana rocks and relatively weakly deformed metasediments of the Bomdila Group, (b) the tectonically interleaved sequence of Bomdila gneiss and Bomdila Group, (c) the Dirang Formation and (d) the Se La Group are exposed along the transect, Jira–Rupa–Bomdila–Dirang–Se La Pass. The Main Central thrust, which coincides with intense strain localization and the first appearance of kyanite-grade partial melt is placed at the base of the Se La Group.Five metamorphic zones from garnet through kyanite, kyanite migmatite, kyanite-sillimanite migmatite to K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite migmatites are sequentially developed in the metamorphosed low-alumina pelites of Dirang and Se La Group, with increasing structural heights. Three phases of deformation, D1–D2–D3 and two groups of planar structures, S1 and S2 are recognized, and S2 is the most pervasive one. Mineral growths in all these zones are dominantly late-to post-D2, excepting in some garnet-zone rocks, where syn-D1 garnet growths are documented. Metamorphic isograds, which are aligned parallel to S2 were subsequently folded during D3. The deformation produced plane-non-cylindrical fold along NW–SE axis.In the garnet-zone, peak metamorphism is marked by garnet growth through the reaction biotite + plagioclase → garnet + muscovite. An even earlier phase of syn-D1 garnet growth occurred in the chlorite stability field with or without epidote. In the kyanite-zone metapelites, kyanite appeared via the pressure-sensitive reaction, garnet + muscovite → kyanite + biotite + quartz. Staurolite was produced in the same rock by retrograde replacement of kyanite following the reaction, garnet + kyanite + H2O → staurolite + quartz. These reactions depart from the classical kyanite- and staurolite-isograd reactions in low-alumina pelites, encountered in other segments of eastern Himalaya. In the metapelites, just above the kyanite-zone, melting begins in the kyanite field, through water-saturated and water-undersaturated melting of paragonite component in white mica. Leucosomes formed through these reactions are characteristically free of K-feldspar, with sodic plagioclase and quartz as the dominant constituents. With increasing structural height, the melting shifts to water-undersaturated melting of muscovite component of white mica, producing an early K-feldspar + kyanite and later K-feldspar + sillimanite assemblages and granitic leucosomes.Applications of conventional geothermobarometry and average PT method reveal near isobaric (at P  8 kbar) increase in peak metamorphic temperatures from 550 °C in the garnet-zone to >700 °C for K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite-zone rocks. The findings of near isobaric metamorphic field gradient and by the reconstruction of the reaction history, reveal that the described inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya, deviates from the classical Barrovian-type metamorphism. The tectonic implication of such a metamorphic evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Landslides in Himalaya cause widespread damage in terms of property and human lives. It the present study, an attempt is made to derive information on causative parameters and preparation of landslide-susceptible map using fuzzy data integration in one of the seismically active region of Garhwal Himalaya that was recently devastated by a huge landslide. High-resolution remotely sensed data products acquired from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite before and after the landslide event were processed to improve interpretability and derivation of causative parameters. Spatial data sets such as lithology, rock weathering, geomorphology, lineaments, drainage, land use, anthropogenic factor, soil type and depth, slope gradient, and slope aspect were integrated using fuzzy gamma operator. The final map was reclassified in to five classes such as highly to lowly susceptible classes based on cumulative cutoff. The result shows around 72% of known landslide areas including the large Uttarkashi landslide in the high and very high susceptibility classes comprising of only 37% of the total area. The precipitation data from ground- and satellite-based observations were compared; the precipitation threshold and the role of seismic activity were analyzed for initiation of landslide.  相似文献   

The paper records evidences of neotectonic activities in the Gangotri glacier valley that are found to be responsible for the present-day geomorphic set-up of the area since the last phase of major glaciation. Geomorphological features indicate the presence of a large glacier in the valley in the geological past. Prominent planar structures present in the rocks were later on modified into sets of normal faults in the present-day Himalayan tectonic set-up giving rise to graben structures. The block nearest the snout is traversed by the NW-SE trending Gaumukh fault. A number of terraces mark the entrenchment of Bhagirathi River in this part. The contrasting drainage morphometric parameters of two sides of the valley and asymmetric recessional patterns of the tributary glaciers further document movement along the fault. The distribution and orientation of debris fans also seem to be controlled by neotectonic activity. The neotectonic activity that followed the process of deglaciation has brought the glacially carved, wide U- shaped valley in contact with the present-day fluvially incised narrow and relatively deep valley. The wider segments have become sites of active deposition of glacially eroded debris. The low gradient and excessive filling has resulted in the river attaining a braided nature in these segments.  相似文献   

Normal faults on mesoscopic scale are observed in the Panjal Thrust Zone in the Dalhousie area of western Htmachal. The boundary between the southern margin of the Higher Himalaya Crystalline (HHC) of Zanskar and the Chamba syncline sequence is also described as a normal fault, referred to as Bhadarwah Normal Fault in the Bhadarwah area of Doda district on the basis of field mapping and shear sense criteria using S-C fabric and porphyroblast rotation. The occurrence of these normal faults suggests that the extensional tectonic regime was not restricted only to the Zanskar shear zone area but that it also occurs south of the Higher Himalayan range. This suggests NE-directed subhorizontal extension and exhumation of deeper level rocks of Higher Himalaya Crystallines.  相似文献   

Landslides are one of the most frequent and common natural hazards in many parts of Himalaya. To reduce the potential risk, the landslide susceptibility maps are one of the first and most important steps in the landslide hazard mitigation. Earth observation satellite and geographical information system-based techniques have been used to derive and analyse various geo-environmental parameters significant to landslide hazards. In this study, a bivariate statistics method was used for spatial modelling of landslide susceptibility zones. For this purpose, thematic layers including landslide inventory, geology, slope angle, slope aspect, geomorphology, slope morphology, drainage density, lineament and land use/land cover were used. A large number of landslide occurrences have been observed in the upper Tons river valley area of Western Himalaya. The result has been used to spatially classify the study area into zones of very high, high, moderate, low and very low landslide susceptibility zones. About 72% of active landslides have been observed to occur in very high and high hazard zones. The result of the analysis was verified using the landslide location data. The validation result shows significant agreement between the susceptibility map and landslide location. The result can be used to reduce landslide hazards by proper planning.  相似文献   

We study the aggradation and incision of the Alaknanda River Valley during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The morphostratigraphy in the river valley at Deoprayag shows the active riverbed, a cut terrace, and a fill terrace. The sedimentary fabric of the fill terrace comprises four lithofacies representing 1) riverbed accretion, 2) locally derived debris fan, 3) the deposits of waning floods and 4) palaeoflood records. The sedimentation style, coupled with geochemical analysis and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating, indicate that this terrace formed in a drier climate and the river valley aggraded in two phases during 21–18 ka and 13–9 ka. During these periods, sediment supply was relatively higher. Incision began after 10 ka in response to a strengthened monsoon and aided by increase of the tectonic gradient. The cut terrace formed at ~ 5 ka during a phase of stable climate and tectonic quiescence. The palaeoflood records suggest wetter climate 200–300 yr ago when the floods originated in the upper catchment of the Higher Himalaya and in the relatively drier climate ~ 1.2 ka when locally derived sediments from the Lesser Himalaya dominated flood deposits. Maximum and minimum limits of bedrock incision rate at Deoprayag are 2.3 mm/a and 1.4 mm/a.  相似文献   

Quantitative glacial chronologies of past glaciations are sparse in the Himalaya, and mostly absent in the Kashmir Himalaya. We used cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating, and geomorphological mapping to reconstruct glacial advances of the Thajwas Glacier (TG) in the Great Himalayan Range of the Kashmir Himalaya. From 10Be exposure dating of ten moraine boulders, four glacial stages with ages ~20.77 ± 2.28 ka, ~11.46 ± 1.69 ka, ~9.12 ± 1.39 ka and ~4.19 ± 0.78 ka, were identified. The reconstructed cosmogenic radionuclide ages confirmed the global Last Glacial Maximum (gLGM), Younger Dryas, Early Holocene, and Neoglaciation episodes. As per area and volume change analyses, the TG has lost 51.1 km2 of its area and a volume of 2.64 km3 during the last 20.77 ± 2.28 ka. Overall, the results suggested that the TG has lost 64% of area and 73% of volume from the Last glacial maximum to Neoglaciation and about 85.74% and 87.67% of area and volume, respectively, from Neoglaciation to the present day. The equilibrium line altitude of the TG fluctuated from 4238 m a.s.l present to 3365 m a.s.l during the gLGM (20.77 ± 2.28 ka). The significant cooling induced by a drop in mean ambient temperature resulted in a positive mass balance of the TG during the gLGM. Subsequently the melting accelerated due to the continuing rise of the global ambient temperature. Paleo-glacial history reconstruction of the Kashmir Himalaya, with its specific geomorphic and climatic setting, would help close the information gap about the chronology of past regional glacial episodes.  相似文献   

Mass wasting and avalanche events substantially impact the landscape morphology and consequently human habitation throughout the Himalaya. There is, however, a paucity of snow avalanche documentation for the region. The application of dendrochronologic research methods introduces a sensitive approach to document the recurrence of snow avalanche events in a region where historical records are either non-existent or difficult to access. An exploratory dendrochronologic study was undertaken in the Lahul Himalaya of Northern India during the summer of 2006. Included within the fieldwork was an assessment of avalanche track morphology to enable identification of the slope characteristics that might be associated with an increase in avalanche activity. Thirty-six trees growing on the Ratoli avalanche track were sampled. The oldest tree was a Cedrus deodara with a pith date of 1950. A tree-ring-derived avalanche response curve highlights four avalanche events that occurred from 1972 to 2006. The successful scientific results based on the application of the method used provide the basis for local planners to quantify slope failure hazards in forested areas throughout the western Himalaya.  相似文献   

We report the measurements of thermal conductivity for some Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks from Joshimath and Uttarkashi areas of the Garhwal Himalaya. Seventy-three rock samples including gneiss, metabasic rock and quartzite were measured. Gneissic rocks, which include augen gneiss, banded gneiss, felsic gneiss and fine-grained gneiss, exhibit a wide range in conductivity, from 1.5 to 3.6 Wm− 1K− 1 for individual samples, and 2.1 to 2.7 Wm− 1K− 1 for the means. Among these, augen gneisses and banded gneisses show the largest variability. Of all the rock types, quartzites (mean 5.4 Wm− 1K− 1) and metabasic rocks (mean 2.1 Wm− 1K− 1) represent the highest and lowest mean values respectively. The range in conductivity observed for gneissic rocks is significantly higher than that generally found in similar rock types in cratonic areas. The rock samples have very low porosity and exhibit feeble anisotropy, indicating that they do not contribute to the variability in thermal conductivity. Besides variations in mineralogical composition, the heterogeneous banding as well as intercalations with metabasic rocks and quartz veins, a common occurrence in structurally complex areas, appears to cause the variability in conductivity. The study therefore brings out the need for systematic characterization of thermophysical properties of major rock types comprising the Himalayan region for lithospheric thermal modeling, assessment of geothermal energy and geo-engineering applications in an area. The dataset constitutes the first systematic measurements on the Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

Regional administrations present themselves in many different ways on the internet. A content analysis of regional websites in the Netherlands and Northwest Germany revealed this diversity. Geographical factors can partly explain these differences. Mapping the five principal aspects of the geographical representations of regional administrations revealed some spatial clusters. These regional representations are also linked to the geographical characteristics of regions. Competitive mid-sized regions focus more on economic items. Different types of peripheries vary much more in how they present themselves on the internet. The way regions present themselves is linked to the polarising influence of regional competition, but there is still considerable freedom for regions to present a distinct region image.  相似文献   


Regional hydrogeological survey is groundwork for regional water resource development and utilization. In order to promote working efficiency and work cycle of traditional general survey, remote sensing technology is used to obtain the information of the region surveyed, such as landscape, quaternary geology, geological disasters, geologic structure, hydrographic features, etc, thus building diagrams, such as regional remote sensing interpretation geomorphologic map, quaternary geological map, hydrogeologic map, tectonic map, etc. This paper takes application of remote sensing in hydrogeological general survey (revision) of 1:200 000 mountain region in Hebei Province as an example, to systematically introduce technical route and technical method of remote sensing applied in regional hydrogeological survey as well as main content of interpretation. The paper also combines the latest remote sensing technological development to look far ahead into application of remote sensing in regional hydrogeological survey and introduces a new direction  相似文献   

 Radon concentration was measured in 133 water samples from tubewells, handpumps, dug wells and springs of the Doon Valley, Outer Himalaya, India. The observed radon values were found to vary from 10 to 154 Bq/l whereas radium in selected water samples varied from 0.11 to 0.75 Bq/l. Three different clusters of high radon values were observed in the north-western, central and south-eastern parts of the Doon Valley. These clusters were found to be associated with tectonics (thrust/fault) and associated uranium mineralization in the area. In general, radon concentration in groundwater was found to be positively correlated with the depth of the wells, whereas no significant correlation was observed between radon concentration in groundwater and the water temperature, pH value, conductivity and altitude of the water samples. An attempt has also been made to determine the nature and extent of aquifers in the Doon Valley on radon concentration in groundwater. The variation in radon concentration within the groundwater of the study area was found to be controlled by the neotectonic activity and geohydrological processes that occur in the area. The impact of these activities on radon concentration in groundwater are discussed. Received: 17 September 1999 · Accepted: 11 April 2000  相似文献   

区域蒸散发遥感估算方法及验证综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张荣华  杜君平  孙睿 《地球科学进展》2012,27(12):1295-1307
蒸散发是地表水热平衡的重要参量,也是农作物生长状况和产量的重要指标。与传统的蒸散发计算方法相比,遥感技术经济、适用、有效,在非均匀下垫面的区域蒸散发监测上具有明显的优越性。系统回顾了5种常用的区域蒸散发遥感估算方法,包括经验统计模型、与传统方法相结合的遥感模型、地表能量平衡模型、温度—植被指数特征空间模型以及陆面过程与数据同化等,分析了这些模型的最新研究进展及各自的优缺点,并对地表蒸散发的地面验证方法进行了概述。最后简要分析了区域蒸散发遥感估算存在的问题,并展望了其未来发展趋势。多源遥感数据协同反演与非遥感参数遥感化、蒸散发模型改进与多模型集成、陆面过程与遥感数据同化、遥感蒸散发估算及地面验证中的尺度问题与空间代表性问题研究等将会是未来区域蒸散发研究中的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study has been carried out in the Tethyan Himalaya (TH; the northern margin of Greater India). Twenty-six palaeomagnetic sites have been sampled in Triassic low-grade metasediments of western Dolpo. Two remanent components have been identified. A pyrrhotite component, characterized by unblocking temperatures of 270–335 °C, yields an in situ mean direction of D=191.7°, I=−30.9° (k=29.5, α95=5.7°, N=23 sites). The component fails the fold test at the 99% confidence level (kin situ/kbed=6.9) and is therefore of postfolding origin. For reason of the low metamorphic grade, this pyrrhotite magnetization is believed to be of thermo-chemical origin. Geochronological data and inclination matching indicate an acquisition age around 35 Ma. The second remanence component has higher unblocking temperatures (>400 °C and up to 500–580 °C range) and resides in magnetite. A positive fold test and comparison with expected Triassic palaeomagnetic directions suggest a primary origin.The postfolding character of the pyrrhotite component, and its interpreted age of remanence acquisition, implies that the main Himalayan folding is older than 35 Ma in the western Dolpo area. This study also suggests that the second metamorphic event (Neo-Himalayan) was more significant in the Dolpo area than the first (Eo-Himalayan) one.A clockwise rotation of 10–15° is inferred from the pyrrhotite component, which is compatible with oroclinal bending and/or rotational underthrusting models. This rotation is also supported by the magnetite component, indicating that no rotation of the Tethyan Himalaya relative to India took place before 35 Ma.  相似文献   

The Early Palaeozoic felsic magmatism of Kinnaur district is represented by more-or-less equivalent Akpa granitoids (477±29 Ma) and Rakcham granitoids (453±9 Ma), which form an integral part of the Central Crystalline Zone in the southern portion of the Tethys Himalayan Tectogen. Both, Akpa granitoids (AG) and Rakcham granitoids (RG), intrude the rocks of the Vaikrita Group. Substantially low magnetic susceptibility values (c = 0.016-0.187 × 10−3 SI) of these Early Palaeozoic granitoids suggest their nature similar to as ilmenite series (reduced-type) granitoids emplaced in a syn-collisional tectonic setting. The modal compositions of AG mainly correspond to two-mica (muscovite-biotite) monzogranite belonging to the granitoids generated by crustal fusion. Based on mineral assemblage (Ms+Bt+Tur+Ap), associated skarn-type tungsten mineralization, occurrence of metasedimentary enclaves, and whole-rock geochemistry (SiO2 = 70.75-72.95 wt.%, TiO2 = 0.02-0.17 wt.%, K2O/Na2O = 1.05-2.32, molar A/CNK = 0.93 to 1.33, CIPW corundum 0.17 to 3.82 wt.%, Av. Sr = 304ppm, initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7206±0.00235), the AG can be typically characterized as peraluminous (S-type) granite as similarly noted for RG. Higher Rb/Sr ratio and initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.737±0.002 of RG compared to that of AG however indicate involvement of relatively more crustal component in generation of RG. The AG is enriched in Ba and light rare earth elements (LREE). The chondrite normalized REE patterns of AG appear weakly fractionated (LaN/LuN= 1.06-6.43) and show pronounced negative Eu-anomaly (EuN/Eu* = 0.03). The AG and RG represent typical S-type granite suites that largely evolved due to differential degree of anatexis (partial fusion) of sedimentary protoliths, prior to Caledonian but after the Pan-Indian thermal orogenic event.  相似文献   

The seismic characteristic of Hindukush–Pamir–Himalaya (HPH) and its vicinity is very peculiar and has experienced many widely distributed large earthquakes. Recent work on the time-dependent seismicity in the Hindukush–Pamir–Himalayas is mainly based on the so-called “regional time-predictable model”, which is expressed by the relation log T=cMp+a, where T is the inter-event time between two successive main shocks of a region and Mp is the magnitude of the preceded main shock. Parameter a is a function of the magnitude of the minimum earthquake considered and of the tectonic loading and c is positive (0.3) constant. In 90% of the cases with sufficient data, parameter c was found to be positive, which strongly supports the validity of the model. In the present study, a different approach, which assumes no prior regionalization of the area, is attempted to check the validity of the model. Nine seismic sources were defined within the considered region and the inter-event time of strong shallow main shock were determined and used for each source in an attempt at long-term prediction, which show the clustering and occurrence of at least three earthquakes of magnitude 5.5≤Ms≤7.5 giving two repeat times, satisfying the necessary and sufficient conditions of time-predictable model (TP model). Further, using the global applicability of the regional time- and magnitude-predictable model, the following relations have been obtained: log Tt=0.19 Mmin+0.52Mp+0.29 log m0−10.63 and Mf=1.31Mmin−0.60Mp−0.72 log m0+21.01, where Tt is the inter-event time, measured in years; Mmin the surface wave magnitude of the smallest main shock considered; Mp the magnitude of preceding main shock; Mf the magnitude of the following main shock; and m0 the moment rate in each source per year.

These relations may be used for seismic hazard assessment in the region. Based on these relations and taking into account the time of occurrence and the magnitude of the last main shock in each seismogenic source, time-dependent conditional probabilities for the occurrence of the next large (Ms≥5.5) shallow main shocks during the next 20 years as well as the magnitudes of the expected main shocks are determined.  相似文献   


— Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Cretaceous to Eocene Tibetan sedimentary succession has allowed us to reinterpret in detail the sequence of events which led to closure of Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya.

During the Early Cretaceous, the Indian passive margin recorded basaltic magmaüc activity. Albian volcanic arenites, probably related to a major extensional tectonic event, are unconformably overlain by an Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene carbonate sequence, with a major quartzarenite episode triggered by the global eustatic sea-level fall at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. At the same time, Neotethyan oceanic crust was being subducted beneath Asia, as testified by calc-alkalic volcanism and forearc basin sedimentation in the Transhimalayan belt.

Onset of collision and obduction of the Asian accretionary wedge onto the Indian continental rise was recorded by shoaling of the outer shelf at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, related to flexural uplift of the passive margin. A few My later, foreland basin volcanic arenites derived from the uplifted Asian subduction complex onlapped onto the Indian continental terrace. All along the Himalaya, marine facies were rapidly replaced by continental redbeds in collisional basins on both sides of the ophiolitic suture. Next, foreland basin sedimentation was interrupted by fold-thrust deformation and final ophiolite emplacement.

The observed sequence of events compares favourably with theoretical models of rifted margin to overthrust belt transition and shows that initial phases of continental collision and obduction were completed within 10 to 15 My, with formation of a proto-Himalayan chain by the end of the middle Eocene.  相似文献   

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