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The Saghro Group consists of a thick volcanic-sedimentary sequence with intercalated basaltic lavas, the first magmatic event in eastern Saghro area. Nd isotopes of basaltic pillow lavas show TDM model ages ranging from 640 to 580 Ma, which represent a maximum age for basalt eruption.Granitoids within the Saghro Group consist of a charnockitic suite, tonalites, granodiorites and monzogranites. They are high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) with a post-collisional character, and were emplaced at high-levels in the crust. Their ages of emplacement are within the 580–560 Ma bracket, implying that the entire Saghro Group is slightly older than or partly coeval to granitoid emplacement and implying a common geodynamical setting. Sr–Nd isotopic compositions and Nd TDM model ages point to a mixed origin, combining a juvenile mantle source and an Eburnean crustal component, which could be the West African Craton (WAC). The juvenile component in the Saghro granitoids could be the depleted upper mantle that has sourced the earlier basalts.Field observations, geochemical and geochronological data together support that, during the Pan-African orogeny, the Anti-Atlas was subjected to a regional transpressional to transtensional event. This event would have been responsible for the dissection of the northern margin of the WAC into several blocks, the development of deep sedimentary basins and the emplacement of HKCA magmas.  相似文献   

The West Pontides tectonic belt of northern Turkey comprises a Lower Ordovician–Lower Carboniferous transgressive sequence. A stratigraphic basement to this Paleozoic sequence is exposed in the Bolu area. The tectono-stratigraphy of the basement closely resemble that of the Cadomian belt of western Europe. Three rock units forming the basement imply development of an Andean-type active continental margin during the pre-Early Ordovician period. High-grade metamorphics (the Sünnice Group), granitoids (the Bolu Granitoid Complex) and evolved felsic meta-volcanic rocks (the Ça?urtepe Formation) are exposed unconformably beneath the Lower Ordovician fluvial clastics, between the Bolu-Yedigöller area, to the north of Bolu. The Bolu Granitoid Complex comprises a group of intrusive rocks of variable composition and size, generated through multiple episodes of magmatism, and is represented by two separate intrusive bodies within the study area, the Tüllükiri? Pluton in the west and the Kap?kaya Pluton in the east. Both plutons are mainly tonalite and granodiorite in composition. More felsic and mafic compositional varieties also occur. Major and trace element chemical characteristics of the granitoids, as well as biotite chemistry, indicate that these are volcanic arc-type granitoids and are products of an immature arc developed during early stages of a subduction. Furthermore, textural and chemical characteristics of the plutons show that these are subvolcanic intrusions, emplaced at shallow depths, and are calc-alkaline in composition. The granitoidic plutons intrude the Ça?urtepe Formation. The Ça?urtepe Formation is represented by arc-type volcanics and volcaniclastics. Both the Ça?urtepe Formation and the granitoids represent subduction-zone magmatism constructed on a continental crust, represented by the Sünnice Group. The history is very similar to Cadomian active margins as exposed in western Europe (i.e., the North Armorican and Bohemia massifs) and therefore the basement to the Paleozoic of the West Pontides is considered to be a preserved remnant of the Cadomian belt.  相似文献   

The Sidi Flah and Ougnat inliers are located in the eastern Anti-Atlas antiform between the Anti-Atlas Major Fault (AAMF) and South Atlas Fault (SAF). They consist of many granitoid intrusions emplaced into Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks and surmounted by upper Neoproterozoic A-type granites. The Sidi Flah (Saghro) and Ougnat granitoids are part of the Neoproterozoic magmatic activity related to northwards subduction of an oceanic plate beneath the Saghro continental margin. They are post-orogenic I- and S-type granitoids related to the ending of the compressional deformation in this Pan-African belt. A petrographic, geochemical and zircon typology study leads us to subdivide these rocks into three magmatic groups: (1) a medium- to high-K calc-alkaline group formed by quartz diorites and amphibole granodiorites is found in both Sidi Flah and Ougnat inliers; (2) a high-K calc-alkaline group is present in Sidi Flah. These two groups have a (deeper and) hybrid mantle-crust origin; (3) a peraluminous group in Ougnat is linked to the post-collisional setting and has a shallow crustal source. On a primitive mantle-normalized trace-element diagram, almost all of these rocks show a significant Nb depletion relative to K and La, which is typical of the calc-alkaline magmatism from the subduction-zone environment. Absence of structural marks of thrusting upon the West African craton (WAC) of this arc system and the ophiolitic suite in Bou-Azzer, and the presence of Imiter muscovite-bearing granite as part of Pan-African belt do not support the localization of northern limit of WAC at the level of SAF.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):289-298
Because of its location in the boundary zone between the Anti-Atlas and the Atlas–Meseta crustal domains of Morocco, the Mougueur Paleozoic Massif is a key area to decipher the evolution of the Gondwana NW margin during the Paleozoic. In this work, we report for the first time the occurrence of Hirnantian sandstones, Silurian (Gorstian) graptolitic shales and probable Lower Devonian turbidites in the Massif. Comparison of our observations with regional stratigraphic data from literature allows us to suggest that the area was included in the distal part of the West African Craton passive margin during Cambrian-Devonian times.  相似文献   

In the Sandıklı-Afyon area, the very low-grade metamorphic Sandıklı Basement Complex with clastic sediments and Late Neoproterozoic felsic igneous rocks are unconformably overlain by a cover succession with red continental clastic rocks, tholeiitic basalts and siliciclastic rocks with Early Cambrian trace fossils. Illite crystallinity studies reveal that both the basement and cover units were metamorphosed at high anchizonal to epizonal conditions ( 300 °C). Textural data together with the detailed evaluation of the PTb0 grid, however, indicate that this thermal event has multiple phases. The first tectonothermal event was realized at pressures of  4.2 kb on the basis of b0-data and resulted in development of blastomylonites. This is supported by the presence of dynamo-metamorphosed pebbles within the basal conglomerates of the Lower Paleozoic cover series. The second event is post-Ordovician–pre-Jurassic in age, occurred at lower pressures  3.2 kb and produced a weakly developed cleavage in the siliciclastic rocks of the cover. The mineralogical/textural data across the basement-cover boundary therefore indicate the removal of an entire metamorphic zone and thus a metamorphic hiatus.

These data suggest that the Taurides were affected by a Late Neoproterozoic event as part of the peri-Gondwana during the Cadomian orogeny.  相似文献   

The Tuareg Shield, located between the Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic Saharan metacraton and the West African craton, is composed of 23 recognized terranes that welded together during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny (750–520 Ma). Final convergence occurred mainly during the 620–580 Ma period with the emplacement of high-K calc-alkaline batholiths, but continued until 520 Ma with the emplacement of alkali-calcic and alkaline high-level complexes. The last plutons emplaced in central Hoggar at 539–523 Ma are known as the “Taourirt” province. This expression is redefined and three geographical groups are identified: the Silet-, Laouni- and Tamanrasset-Taourirts. The Silet-Taourirts are cross-cutting Pan-African island arc assemblages while the two others intrude the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic LATEA metacraton. The Taourirts are high-level subcircular often nested alkali-calcic, sometimes alkaline, complexes. They are aligned along mega-shear zones often delimiting terranes. Mainly granitic, they comprise highly differentiated varieties such as alaskite (Silet-Taourirts) and topaz–albite leucogranite (Tamanrasset-Taourirts). Different subgroups were defined on the basis of REE patterns and major and other trace elements. The Taourirt province displays a wide transition from dominant alkali-calcic to minor alkaline granite varieties. Sr isotopes indicate that these complexes were affected by fluid circulation during the Ordovician along shear zones probably contemporaneous to the beginning of the Tassilis sandstone deposition. Nd isotope systematic indicates a major interaction with the upper crust during the emplacement of highly differentiated melts, particularly in samples showing seagull wing-shaped REE patterns. On the other hand, all Taourirt plutons are strongly contaminated by the lower crust: Nd vary from −2 to −8 and TDM from 1200 to 1700 Ma. This implies the presence of an old crust at depth, also below the Silet-Taourirts, which are emplaced within Pan-African island arc assemblages. A model is proposed for the genesis of the Taourirt province where reworking of the mega-shear zones, which dissected the LATEA metacraton, provoked a linear delamination of the lithospheric mantle, asthenosphere uprise and partial melting of the lower crust (or strong interaction with), giving rise to a mixed source.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):236-244
The Archean Bulautad gneisses in the East of the Ouled Dlim domain adjacent to the Reguibat Rise (West African Craton, Southern Morocco) are intruded by peralkaline A-type granites. These granites form two kilometer-sized bodies, North Derraman and Derraman Highs, and a few small satellites. Prior studies have shown that the chemical and mineralogical compositions of these granites are remarkably uniform, and the North Derraman and Derraman Highs are hypersolvus aegirine–riebeckite granites. The North Derraman granite is intruding the ca. 3.12 Ga Bulautad gneisses while the Derraman High body is emplaced within the ca. 2.84 Ga Leglat schists. Here we present new zircon oxygen and hafnium isotopes data that help to understand the nature of the granite magmatic sources. We analyzed 20 Zircons from one sample in the North Derraman granite core. The zircons have an average δ18O of 5.26 ± 0.22, similar to that of mantle zircons. Their ɛHf525Ma is negative between–3.8 and–11.1 with an average of–6.8 ± 0.7, and their Hf model age is ca. 1.8 Ga, similar to the available whole-rock Nd model age. Combined with previous whole-rock major and trace element studies, our new data suggest that the Derraman granite magmatic sources were ca. 1.8 Ga crustal fenites that formed by refertilization of lower crust granulites by mantle-derived alkaline melts and fluids, likely during the Paleoproterozoic alkaline magmatism that gave rise to the neighboring ca. 1.8 Ga Gleibat Lafhouda carbonatites. The so-generated fenites likely remained undisturbed in the crust until the Middle Cambrian, when they remelted during the rifting event that affected the northern Gondwana at that time.  相似文献   

West of the southern, Archean, part of the Reguibat Rise of the West African Craton the Oulad Dlim Massif consists of metamorphic nappes stacked during the Mauritanides (Variscan) orogeny. In the Derraman region, about 12 km west of the nappes, we have found strongly deformed hypersolvus aegirine-riebeckite A1-type granites with SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages of ca. 525 ± 3 Ma, ε(Nd)525Ma (− 5.2 to − 6.8.) and Nd model ages TCR  1.85 Ga. These granites define two km-sized bodies and a few smaller satellites. One body is emplaced within a 3.12 Ga leucocratic gneiss. The other body and its satellites are emplaced within an Archean low-grade metasedimentary sequence with detrital zircons that have ages that peak at 2.84 Ga, 2.91 Ga, and 3.15 Ga. These Archean gneisses and metapelite rocks define a tectonic unit, hereafter called the Derraman-Bulautad-Leglat (DBL) unit, which was formed from the Reguibat basement at the very margin of the WAC. The ~ 525 Ma Derraman granites are the oldest post-Archean rocks in this unit and were generated in an intraplate rifting environment from melting of crustal fenites during the ubiquitous Cambrian rifting event that affected this part of northern Gondwana. At the present level of knowledge, however, we cannot decide whether the “old” Nd isotope signature of Derraman granites resulted from melting of an old (Paleoproterozoic) fenite source or reflects the signature of the mantle-derived metasomatising fluids. The just-discovered Derraman granites are strikingly similar to other rift-related Cambrian–Ordovician hypersolvus aegirine–riebeckite granites widespread in North Gondwana. Understanding the potential connections between them would help to understand the Cambrian–Ordovician breakdown of northern Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Palimé–Amlamé Pluton (PAP) in southern Togo, consists of silica-rich to intermediate granitoids including enclaves of mafic igneous rocks and of gneisses. They are commonly called the “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé” and without any convincing data, they were interpreted either as synkinematic Pan-African granitoids or as reworked pre Pan-African plutons. New field and petrological observations, mineral and whole-rock chemical analyses together with U–Pb zircon dating, have been performed to evaluate the geodynamic significance of the PAP within the Pan-African orogenic belt. With regard to these new data, the granitoids and related enclaves probably result from mixing and mingling processes between mafic and silicic magmas from respectively mantle and lower crust sources. They display Mg–calc-alkaline chemical features and present some similarities with Late Archaean granites such as transitional (K-rich) TTGs and sanukitoids.

The 2127 ± 2 Ma age obtained from a precise U/Pb concordia on zircon, points out a Paleoproterozoic age for the magma crystallization and a lower intercept at 625 ± 29 Ma interpreted as rejuvenation during Pan-African tectonics and metamorphism. Based on these results, a Pan-African syn to late orogenic setting for the PAP, i.e. the so-called “anatectic complex of Palimé–Amlamé”, can be definitively ruled out. Moreover according to its location within the nappe pile and its relationships with the suture zone, the PAP probably represents a fragment of the West African Craton reactivated during the Pan-African collision.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous-Eocene Purilactis Group of the north Chilean Precordillera consists of over 4100 meters of continental strata deposited in a retro-arc extensional basin. Deposited in an arid/semi-arid climate with no marine influence, the group comprises alluvial fan (51%), playa (35%), aeolian (8%), and lacustrine (6%) facies associations locally interbedded with volcaniclastic material. The basin-fill has an overall coarsening-upward profile and shows an increase in proximal fan facies up section, indicating basinward (eastward) fan progradation. Within the coarsening-upward profile, fan and playa facies are organized into: 1) large-scale (50–700 m thick) coarsening- (CU) and fining- (FU) upward cycles extending tens of kilometers, in which CU cycles represent tectonically induced (allocyclic) fan progradation during periods of decreased accomodation space (FU cycles reflect vertical aggradation and fan retreat during periods of increased accomodation space); 2) medium-scale cycles (15–50 m thick) extending up to 9 km, also representing tectonically induced fan progradation and retreat but superimposed on the larger scale cycles; and 3) small-scale, predominantly FU cycles (up to 15 m thick) extending only a few hundred meters and reflecting minor, autocyclically induced changes in sedimentation. Purilactis Group sediments were derived from a westerly (footwall) source of: 1) Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous sediments and volcanics (back-arc basin-fill), and 2) an andesite-dominated Upper Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence, unroofing of which is indicated by a systematic provenance change in the upper 500 meters of the group from dominantly andesitic to granodioritic detritus. Localized development of volcaniclastics in the uppermost part of the group — together with evidence of arc unroofing — indicates that arc activity, although synchronous, did not contribute significantly to the overall Purilactis basin-fill. Basin subsidence may have been influenced by thermal contraction related to cooling of the Late Cretaceous arc and/or isostatic uplift following arc unroofing, processes likely to result in relatively localized extension. A larger scale cause of extension may have resulted from the relatively slow convergence rates along the Andean margin during Late Cretaceous to Eocene times (< 55 mm/yr), which would have promoted subduction roll-back and, together with the slab pull force active at the subduction zone, resulted in the development of an extensional tectonic regime across the Andean margin.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Anti-Atlas belt (Morocco) is a key segment in tracing the history of the northern margin of the West African craton (WAC) from Rodinia breakup to Gondwana assembly. In order to constrain geodynamic events related to rifting and convergence and their stratigraphic records, a radiometric study was carried out on the volcano-sedimentary Tachdamt and Bleïda Formations. The volcaniclastic deposits of Tachdamt Fm. yield an age of ca. 883 Ma and provide a new constraint for the timing of the subaqueous volcanic eruption and the initiation of rifting in the Anti-Atlas. This age is ~100 my older than the previous age of 788 ± 10 Ma obtained from Rb/Sr isotope dating (Clauer, 1976). Available zircon data from the interbedded clastic deposits from Tachdamt Fm. indicate major shifts in provenance during the rifting with sediments sourced from the WAC and a nearby Grenvillian terrane. Detrital zircon ages from metasiltstones of Bleïda Fm. set a maximum depositional age at ca. 700 Ma. The age spectra discloses a major shift in sediment input with provenance from the WAC, Grenvillian terrane and an arc-related terrane (ca. 770–700 Ma) lying along the Anti-Atlas margin. The newly obtained results combined with existing radiometric data allowed the refinement of the stratigraphic and geotectonic framework of the pre-Pan-African strata in the WAC. The Early Tonian syn-rift volcanism has much in common with similar events in other cratons and provides a stratigraphic record for incipient Rodinia breakup. The overlying Bleïda Fm. deposited in a peripheral foreland basin chronicles the Cryogenian arrival of the ca. 770–700 Ma Bou Azzer-Siroua arc-related terrane at the Anti-Atlas margin, and correlates with initial accretion in West Gondwana. The new results indicate that the Grenvillian detrital input in the Anti-Atlas during both geodynamic stages points toward a possible Mesoproterozoic terrane existing along the western margin of the WAC.  相似文献   

Six lithologic units in tectonic contact with each other have been defined during mapping of the Devonian in the Beaujolais area of the northeastern Massif Central. Five main igneous suites have been recognized:
  1. A transitional basaltic suite restricted to a single unit.
  2. An acid volcanic-plutonic suite the members of which are related by fractional crystallization and magma mixing.
  3. Low-TiO2 volcanic rocks with calc-alkaline affinities.
  4. A TiO2-rich tholeiitic suite related to an ophiolitic complex.
  5. A plutonic suite with close resemblances to Alaskantype intrusions.
The transitional metabasalts (1) form the oldest igneous suite and could represent either an intraplate magmatic forerunner of rifting or tectonic slices of weakly metamorphosed rocks representing a pre-Acadian event. The next three suites may be related to a short-lived ensialic marginal basin that developed between the Acadian and Bretonian orogenies. The basin is asymmetric, with the ophiolite of the central part flanked by an acid ridge on one side and a passive continental margin on the other. Quartz-keratophyres (2) and calc-alkalic basic volcanic rocks (3) were intercalated in varying proportions to form a bimodal volcanic pile before the rifting event that led to the formation of the ophiolites (4). The acid ridge (2) may be due to the reactivation of a continental basement. Cumulate rocks with Alaskan-type affinities occur as olistoliths, emplaced before the formation of the rift basin, supporting a comparison of the Hercynian belt with accreted magmatic arc terranes.  相似文献   

New age data on detrital zircons and micas are presented from key units within the Neoproterozoic Katanga Supergroup, which hosts the major stratiform Cu–Co deposits of the Central African Copperbelt. Detrital zircon ages indicate a mainly Palaeoproterozoic (between 2081 ± 28 and 1836 ± 26 Ma) provenance for the Katanga basin, derived from the Lufubu Metamorphic Complex of the Kafue Anticline and the Bangweulu Block to the north of the outcrop belt. Detrital zircons and clasts from the Grand Conglomerat glacial diamictite indicate a source from the Palaeoproterozoic metavolcanic porphyries and granitoids of Luina Dome region, which was a basement high during Nguba Group deposition. Minor zircons of Mesoproterozoic age may have been derived from the Kibaran belt. Finally, 40Ar/39Ar age data from detrital muscovites from Biano Group siltstones give a maximum age of sedimentation of 573 Ma, strongly supporting previous models that the Biano Group was deposited in a foreland basin of the Lufilian Orogen.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic domain of the Ivory Coast lies in the central part of the West African Craton (WAC) and is mainly constituted by TTG, greenstones, supracrustal rocks and leucogranites. A compilation of metamorphic and radiometric data highlights that: i) metamorphic conditions are rather homogeneous through the domain, without important metamorphic jumps, ii) HP-LT assemblages are absent and iii) important volumes of magmas emplaced during the overall Paleoproterozoic orogeny suggesting the occurrence of long-lived rather hot geotherms. Results of the structural analysis, focused on three areas within the Ivory Coast, suggest that the deformation is homogeneous and distributed through the Paleoproterozoic domain. In details, results of this study point out the long-lived character of vertical movements during the Eburnean orogeny with a two folds evolution. The first stage is characterized by the development of “domes and basins” geometries without any boundary tectonic forces and the second stage is marked by coeval diapiric movements and horizontal regional-scale shortening. These features suggest that the crust is affected by vertical movements during the overall orogeny. The Eburnean orogen can then be considered as an example of long-lived Paleoproterozoic “weak type” orogen.  相似文献   

 The Errachidia basin is composed of three superposed aquifers (Senonian, Turonian limestones and Infracenomanian). The Liassic limestone of the upper Atlas borders the northern part of the basin. The piezometric map of the Turonian aquifer displays a north-south flow, with an inflow area from the Atlas. This recharge hypothesis is demontrated by a discriminant analysis performed on chemical data: the majority of the spots are of sodium choride and hydrogenocarbonate types, while several boreholes are assigned to a calcium hydrogenocarbonate type Jurassic component. 18O measurements, using the Atlasic gradient δ18O=–4.18–0.0027 x elevation to estimate the recharge areas, confirm that the recharge area is the basin itself (<1100 m) on the Turonian outcrops, while in the confined part, the Turonian is recharged higher than 1400 m (corresponding to the Atlas). This contribution ranges from 56 to 85%, according to the situation versus the piezometric inflow area. The remainder represents infiltration and vertical leakage from the Senonian layers.  相似文献   

As the northern segment of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt (JLJB), the Palaeoproterozoic Liaoji Belt is a key region for deciphering the formation and evolution of the North China Craton (NCC). In this study, we present the geochronology, geochemical, and isotopic studies on the monzogranitic gneiss, which is one of the major lithotectonic elements of the Liaoji Belt. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating reveals that the studied monzogranitic gneisses were formed in the period of 2213–2178 Ma. They are in tectonic contact with the Palaeoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks in the field. The monzogranitic gneisses belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and are metaluminous to peraluminous. They have 10,000 Ga/Al ratios of 2.63–3.14 with an average of 2.90, and are thus classified as aluminous A-type granites. Their εNd(t) values vary from ?3.4 to +2.5, indicating heterogeneous source region. The monzogranitic gneisses are characterized by enrichment in LREE and LILE (e.g. Rb, Ba, Th, and K) and depletion in HREE and HFSE (such as Nb, Ta, and Ti), and are typical to magmatism in active continental margins formed in a subduction-related tectonic setting. Taking into account their A-type affinity and regional geological data, we suggest that the monzogranitic gneisses were most probably generated in a local extensional back-arc environment during subduction.  相似文献   

Petrological, geochemical and radiogenic isotopic data on ophiolitic‐type rocks from the Marlborough terrane, the largest (~700 km2) ultramafic‐mafic rock association in eastern Australia, argue strongly for a sea‐floor spreading centre origin. Chromium spinel from partially serpentinised mantle harzburgite record average Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.4 with associated mafic rocks displaying depleted MORB‐like trace‐element characteristics. A Sm/Nd isochron defined by whole‐rock mafic samples yields a crystallisation age of 562 ± 22 Ma (2σ). These rocks are thus amongst the oldest rocks so far identified in the New England Fold Belt and suggest the presence of a late Neoproterozoic ocean basin to the east of the Tasman Line. The next oldest ultramafic rock association dated from the New England Fold Belt is ca530 Ma and is interpreted as backarc in origin. These data suggest that the New England Fold Belt may have developed on oceanic crust, following an oceanward migration of the subduction zone at ca540 Ma as recorded by deformation and metamorphism in the Anakie Inlier. Fragments of late Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere were accreted during progressive cratonisation of the east Australian margin.  相似文献   

Recent field campaign in the southern Menderes Massif in southwestern Turkey revealed that the so-called ‘core of the massif’ comprises two distinct types of granitoid rocks: an orthogneiss (traditionally known as augen gneisses) and leucocratic metagranite, where the latter is intrusive into the former and the structurally overlying ‘cover’ schists. These differ from one another in intensity of deformation, degree of metamorphism and kinematics. The orthogneiss display penetrative top-to-the-N–NNE fabrics formed under upper-amphibolite facies conditions during the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism (MMM), whereas foliation and stretching lineation exists in the leucocratic metagranites but are not strongly developed. The leucocratic metagranites show evidence of syn- to post-emplacement deformation in a series of weakly developed top-to-the-S–SSW fabrics formed under lower greenschist-facies (?) conditions. Leucocratic metagranite bodies occur all along the augen gneiss–schist contact in the southern Menderes Massif; they are emplaced as sheet-like bodies into country rocks (previously deformed and metamorphosed during a top-to-the-N–NNE Alpine orogeny) along a ductile extensional shear zone, located between orthogneisses and metasediments, which was possibly active during emplacement. The data presently available indicate that emplacement and associated ductile extensional deformation occurred during Late Oligocene–Early Miocene time. These results confirm previous contentions that there are Tertiary granites in this part of the Menderes Massif.  相似文献   

牛晓露  冯光英  刘飞  杨经绥 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3897-3908
华北克拉通北缘中段大同地区发育呈岩墙形式产出的煌斑岩,该煌斑岩为超钾质碱性岩,极度低硅低钠高镁高钙高钾,且富H_2O和CO_2等流体组分。本文利用镍锍试金-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了这套煌斑岩的铂族元素组成,获得了其形成及演化过程的一些信息。大同煌斑岩铂族元素含量极低,∑PGE=2.14×10~(-9)~4.50×10~(-9),原始地幔标准化铂族元素配分型式为左倾型,亏损Ir亚组(IPGE),富集Pd亚组(PPGE),(Pd/Ir)_N=3.48~10.43。低铂族元素含量、高Cu/Ni比值(48101~90926)和高(Pd/Ir)_N比值指示大同煌斑岩形成于地幔低程度部分熔融(1%~13%),熔体形成时仍有部分硫化物残留于源区。岩浆演化过程中,未发生明显的结晶分异作用和地壳混染作用,硫未达到饱和-过饱和,未发生硫化物熔离作用。计算获得铂族元素在原始地幔与煌斑岩熔体间的分配系数分别为D_(Os)=35~124,D_(Ir)=13~35,D_(Ru)=34~91,D_(Rh)=5.8~10,D_(Pt)=3.1~9.7,D_(Pd)=2.2~4.5;PPGE较IPGE明显更不相容。与峨眉山大火成岩省玄武岩对比研究发现,岩浆岩中的铂族元素含量主要受源区地幔部分熔融程度和演化过程中硫化物熔离作用共同影响;而铂族元素之间的分异受源区部分熔融程度和岩浆分离结晶作用共同影响。  相似文献   

选取甘肃东部西秦岭造山带北缘晚泥盆世大草滩群碎屑岩为研究对象,运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年代学方法,探讨大草滩群的物质来源。结果表明,大草滩群碎屑锆石年龄谱明显分为4组:422~518Ma、756~887Ma、1100~1231Ma和2417~2736Ma。其中,422~518Ma的年龄数据约占总体的67%,所占比例最大,年龄相对集中,且呈现出最强烈的峰值,其余年龄段所占比例则较少。422~518Ma年龄组分指示其物源可能以邻近地区的西秦岭北缘构造带和北祁连造山带为主,该组分年龄是加里东期中南祁连和西秦岭微地块分别向北俯冲、碰撞产生的一系列火成岩在造山剥蚀后的沉积响应。碎屑锆石同位素年龄中756~887Ma年龄组分反映其物源可能来自祁连造山带和西秦岭北缘构造带。1100~1231Ma年龄组分反映其物源可能主要来自祁连造山带。2417~2736Ma年龄组分反映了物源来自北祁连造山带和西秦岭北缘构造带的结晶基底,部分物源也有可能来自于华北板块基底。综合分析显示,大草滩群碎屑沉积物质来源较为复杂,具有明显的多元性,存在西秦岭北缘构造带、祁连造山带和华北板块基底3个物源区,祁连造山带和西秦岭北缘构造带对大草滩群的沉积有重大的物源贡献。两者相比较,祁连造山带应为大草滩群最主要的物源区。  相似文献   

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