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In Alpine Corsica (France), deeply subducted metabasalts are well preserved as lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to ~10 localities worldwide. The Corsican Law‐Ecl, consisting of omphacite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite, occurs as both single undeformed metabasaltic pillows surrounded by lawsonite blueschist (Law‐Bs), and carbonate‐bearing eclogitic veins. Law‐Bs are found as variably deformed metabasaltic pillows locally cross‐cut by eclogitic veins and consist of glaucophane + actinolite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite. Field evidence and microstructures reveal that both Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs are stable at the metamorphic peak in the lawsonite‐eclogite stability field. Isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections) calculated for representative Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs samples indicate that both lithologies equilibrated at the same conditions of ~520 ± 20 °C and 2.3 ± 0.1 GPa. Therefore, the coexistence at the same peak metamorphic conditions of Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs implies that different portions of deeply subducted oceanic crust may store significantly different H2O contents, depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition. In addition, thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria indicates that the occurring progressive dehydration reactions, which are significantly depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition, strongly influence rock densification and eclogite formation in subducting slabs.  相似文献   

Pseudosections calculated with thermocalc predict that lawsonite‐bearing assemblages, including lawsonite eclogite, will be common for subducted oceanic crust that experiences cool, fluid‐saturated conditions. For glaucophane–lawsonite eclogite facies conditions (500–600 °C and 18–28 kbar), MORB compositions are predicted in the NCKMnFMASHO system to contain glaucophane, garnet, omphacite, lawsonite, phengite and quartz, with chlorite at lower temperature and talc at higher temperature. In these assemblages, the pyrope content in garnet is mostly controlled by variations in temperature, and grossular content is strongly controlled by pressure. The silica content in phengite increases linearly with pressure. As the P–T conditions for these given isopleths are only subtly affected by common variations in bulk‐rock compositions, the P–T pseudosections potentially present a robust geothermobarometric method for natural glaucophane‐bearing eclogites. Thermobarometric results recovered both by isopleth and conventional approaches indicate that most natural glaucophane–lawsonite eclogites (Type‐L) and glaucophane–epidote eclogites (Type‐E) record similar peak P–T conditions within the lawsonite stability field. Decompression from conditions appropriate for lawsonite stability should result in epidote‐bearing assemblages through dehydration reactions controlled by lawsonite + omphacite = glaucophane + epidote + H2O. Lawsonite and omphacite breakdown will be accompanied by the release of a large amount of bound fluid, such that eclogite assemblages are variably recrystallized to glaucophane‐rich blueschist. Calculated pseudosections indicate that eclogite assemblages form most readily in Ca‐rich rocks and blueschist assemblages most readily in Ca‐poor rocks. This distinction in bulk‐rock composition can account for the co‐existence of low‐T eclogite and blueschist in high‐pressure terranes.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogite and garnet blueschist occur as metre-scale blocks within serpentinite mélange in the southern New England Orogen (SNEO) in eastern Australia. These high-P fragments are the products of early Palaeozoic subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate beneath East Gondwana. Lu–Hf, Sm–Nd, and U–Pb geochronological data from Port Macquarie show that eclogite mineral assemblages formed between c. 500 and 470 Ma ago and became mixed together within a serpentinite-filled subduction channel. Age data and P–T modelling indicate lawsonite eclogite formed at ~2.7 GPa and 590°C at c. 490 Ma, whereas peak garnet in blueschist formed at ~2.0 GPa and 550°C at c. 470 Ma. The post-peak evolution of lawsonite eclogite was associated with the preservation of pristine lawsonite-bearing assemblages and the formation of glaucophane. By contrast, the garnet blueschist was derived from a precursor garnet–omphacite assemblage. The geochronological data from these different aged high-P assemblages indicate the high-P rocks were formed during subduction on the margin of cratonic Australia during the Cambro-Ordovician. The rocks however now reside in the Devonian–Carboniferous southern SNEO, which forms the youngest and most outboard of the eastern Gondwanan Australian orogenic belts. Geodynamic modelling suggests that over the time-scales that subduction products accumulated, the high-P rocks migrated large distances (~>1,000 km) during slab retreat. Consequently, high-P rocks that are trapped in subduction channels may also migrate large distances prior to exhumation, potentially becoming incorporated into younger orogenic belts whose evolution is not directly related to the formation of the exhumed high-P rocks.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(5):384-394
In Corsica, continental units (the Lower Units) affected by high-pressure metamorphism represent the remains of the European margin deformed during the Alpine orogeny. In order to document how Alpine deformation and metamorphism changed along the European margin involved in the Alpine subduction, we selected three key areas: the Corte, Cima Pedani, and Ghisoni transects. The three transects show a broadly similar lithostratigraphy. They are characterized by a Variscan basement intruded by Permo-Carboniferous metagranitoids, and by a sedimentary cover including Mesozoic carbonates and middle to late Eocene breccias and sandstones. The three transects recorded a similar deformation history with three deformation phases. Thermo-baric estimations, instead, reveal that each unit was exhumed along an independent retrograde path within the orogenic Alpine wedge. In particular, the lowest units of the Lower Units stack were exhumed along an isothermal path, whereas those located at upper structural levels experienced progressive heating.  相似文献   

The Tenda crystalline massif (northern Corsica) is a fragment of the western Corsica basement involved in the Alpine orogeny. Rhyolite dykes crosscutting the gabbroic complex of Bocca di Tenda (southern sector of the Tenda crystalline massif) show an unusual metamorphic mineral assemblage, defined by jadeite‐bearing (up to 46 mol percentage) aegirine, riebeckite, celadonite‐rich phengite (Si=3.50–3.65 apfu), quartz, albite and K‐feldspar. Jadeite‐bearing aegirine and riebeckite mostly occur as coronas around jadeite‐free aegirine and arfvedsonite, respectively, which both are relics of igneous origin. This metamorphic assemblage reflects the peralkaline compositions, which are characterised by anomalously high contents of SiO2 and Na2O, and negligible CaO and MgO. The evolved rocks of the gabbroic sequence (quartz‐diorites to tonalites) and the surrounding granitoids are characterised by the development of riebeckite/ferroglaucophane, epidote, celadonite‐rich phengite and albite, thus pointing to a metamorphic crystallization in the epidote‐blueschist facies. In all the studied rocks, metamorphic reactions were controlled by fluid‐assisted mass‐transfer through grain boundaries and microfractures. The different mineral assemblages allow the peak P–T metamorphic conditions to be constrained to between 0.8 GPa/300 °C and 1.1 GPa/500 °C. These estimates attest to a geothermal gradient (dT/dP) of 10–13 °C km?1 and indicate that the Tenda crystalline massif was buried to a minimum depth of 27 km during the Alpine orogeny. The blueschist facies recrystallization in the Tenda crystalline massif has been related to the cessation of an eastward‐dipping subduction event.  相似文献   

The Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, is comprised of blueschist and eclogite facies metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks. Abundant metre‐ to centimetre‐scale eclogite pods occur in blueschist facies metabasalt, marble and quartz‐rich rocks. Sivrihisar eclogite contains omphacite + garnet + phengite + rutile ± glaucophane ± quartz + lawsonite and/or epidote. Blueschists contain sodic amphibole + garnet + phengite + lawsonite and/or epidote ± omphacite ± quartz. Sivrihisar eclogite and blueschist have similar bulk composition, equivalent to NMORB, but record different P–T conditions: ~26 kbar, 500 °C (lawsonite eclogite); 18 kbar, 600 °C (epidote eclogite); 12 kbar, 380 °C (lawsonite blueschist); and 15–16 kbar, 480–500 °C (lawsonite‐epidote blueschist). Pressures for the Sivrihisar lawsonite eclogite are among the highest reported for this rock type, which is rarely exposed at the Earth's surface. The distribution and textures of lawsonite ± epidote define P–T conditions and paths. For example, in some lawsonite‐bearing rocks, epidote inclusions in garnet and partial replacement of matrix epidote by lawsonite suggest an anticlockwise P–T path. Other rocks contain no epidote as inclusions or as a matrix phase, and were metamorphosed entirely within the lawsonite stability field. Results of the P–T study and mapping of the distribution of blueschists and eclogites in the massif suggest that rocks recording different maximum P–T conditions were tectonically juxtaposed as kilometre‐scale slices and associated high‐P pods, although all shared the same exhumation path from ~9–11 kbar, 300–400 °C. Within the tectonic slices, alternating millimetre–centimetre‐scale layers of eclogite and blueschist formed together at the same P–T conditions but represent different extents of prograde reaction controlled by strain partitioning or local variations in fO2 or other chemical factors.  相似文献   

In Alpine Corsica, the Jurassic ophiolites represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Ligure‐Piemontese Basin located between the Europe/Corsica and Adria continental margins. In the Balagne area, a Jurassic ophiolitic sequence topped by a Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover crops out at the top of the nappe pile. The whole ophiolitic succession is affected by polyphase deformation developed under very low‐grade orogenic metamorphic conditions. The original palaeogeographic location and the emplacement mechanisms for the Balagne ophiolites are still a matter of debate and different interpretations for its history have been proposed. The deformation features of the Balagne ophiolites are outlined in order to provide constraints on their history in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of Alpine Corsica. The deformation history reconstructed for the Balagne Nappe includes five different deformation phases, from D1 to D5. The D1 phase was connected with the latest Cretaceous/Palaeocene accretion into the accretionary wedge related to an east‐dipping subduction zone followed by a Late Eocene D2 phase related to emplacement onto the Europe/Corsica continental margin. The subsequent D3 phase was characterized by sinistral strike‐slip faults and related deformations of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age. The D4 and D5 phases were developed during the Early Oligocene–Late Miocene extensional processes connected with the collapse of the Alpine belt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The assemblage garnet–chloritoid–kyanite is shown to be quite common in high‐pressure eclogite facies metapelites from orogenic belts around the world, and occurs over a narrowly restricted range of temperature ~550–600 °C, between 20 and 25 kbar. This assemblage is favoured particularly by large Al2O3:K2O ratios allowing the development of kyanite in addition to garnet and chloritoid. Additionally, ferric iron and manganese also help stabilize chloritoid in this assemblage. Pseudosections for several bulk compositions illustrate these high‐pressure assemblages, and a new thermodynamic model for white mica to include calcium and ferric iron was required to complete the calculations. It is extraordinary that so many orogenic eclogite facies rocks, both mafic eclogites sensu stricto as well as metapelites with the above assemblage, all yield temperatures within the range of 520–600 °C and peak pressures ~23±3 kbar. Subduction of oceanic crust and its entrained associated sedimentary material must involve the top of the slab, where mafic and pelitic rocks may easily coexist, passing through these PT conditions, such that rocks, if they proceed to further depths, are generally not returned to the surface. This, together with the tightly constrained range in peak temperatures which such eclogites experience, suggests thermal weakening being a major control on the depths at which crustal material is decoupled from the downgoing slab.  相似文献   

This work supports a growing body of evidence that the Ashe Metamorphic Suite (AMS) of the eastern Blue Ridge province in North Carolina has an ensimatic origin and is part of a subduction‐related accretionary mélange, marking the Taconic suture between the North American craton and the Inner Piedmont. In a palinspastic reconstruction, the thrust fault at the base of the AMS appears to have intercepted the greatest depths (i.e. highest‐P metamorphic rocks) beneath parts of the AMS now exposed adjacent to the Grandfather Mountain window. The greatest volume of mafic rock is found in these same areas. We suggest that the nascent, subduction‐related, basal thrust fault was deflected downward by an obstacle in the form of an isolated, mafic volcanic edifice on the oceanic crust–a sea mount. Pelitic and mafic rocks dominate the AMS. North of the Grandfather Mountain window, retrograded eclogite occurs in the amphibolite near the base of the AMS. Textures and mineralogy indicate that an original eclogite assemblage was subjected to the following sequence of parageneses: (a) Eclogite(I) facies: omphacite+garnet+quartz, (b) Eclogite(II) facies: omphacite+garnet+epidote+quartz, (c) Symplectic (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+quartz, (d) Amphibolite facies: (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz, (e) Amphibolite facies: plagioclase+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz. P–T conditions, estimated from geothermobarometry applied to relevant mineral compositions, are c.720 °C and c.16 kbar for (b) eclogite(II) facies; c.655 °C and c.8.5 kbar for (e) amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous blueschist belt, Tavşanlı Zone, representing the subducted and exhumed northern continental margin of the Anatolide–Tauride platform is exposed in Western Anatolia. The Sivrihisar area east of Tavşanlı is made up of tectonic units consisting of i) metaclastics and conformably overlying massive marbles (coherent blueschist unit), ii) blueschist-eclogite unit, iii) marble–calcschist intercalation and iv) metaperidotite slab. The metaclastics are composed of jadeite–lawsonite–glaucophane and jadeite–glaucophane–chloritoid schists, phengite phyllites, and calcschists with glaucophane–lawsonite metabasite layers. The blueschist-eclogite unit representing strongly sheared, deeply buried and imbricated tectonic slices of accreted uppermost levels of the oceanic crust with minor metamorphosed serpentinite bodies consists of lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites (approximately 90% of the field), lawsonite eclogites, metagabbros, serpentinites, pelagic marbles, omphacite–glaucophane–lawsonite metapelites and metacherts. The mineral assemblage of the lawsonite eclogite (garnet + omphacite > 70%) is omphacite, garnet, lawsonite, glaucophane, phengite and rutile. Lawsonite eclogite lenses are enclosed by garnet–lawsonite blueschist envelopes.Textural evidence from lawsonite eclogites and country rocks reveals that they did not leave the stability field of lawsonite during subduction and exhumation. The widespread preservation of lawsonite in eclogitic metabasites and eclogites can be attributed to rapid subduction and subsequent exhumation in a low geothermal gradient of the oceanic crust material without experiencing a thermal relaxation. Peak PT conditions of lawsonite eclogites are estimated at 24 ± 1 kbar and 460 ± 25 °C. These PT conditions indicate a remarkably low geotherm of 6.2 °C/km corresponding to a burial depth of 74 km.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogite (metabasalt and metadolerite) and associated metasedimentary rocks in a serpentinite mélange from an area just south of the Motagua fault zone (SMFZ), Guatemala, represent excellent natural records of the forearc slab–mantle interface. Pseudosection modelling of pristine lawsonite eclogite reproduces the observed predominant mineral assemblages, and garnet compositional isopleths intersect within the phase fields, yielding a prograde PT path that evolves from 20 kbar, 470 °C (M1) to 25 kbar, 520 °C (M2). The dominant penetrative foliation within the eclogite blocks is defined by minerals developed during the prograde evolution, and the associated deformation, therefore, took place during subduction. Thermometry using Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in metasedimentary rocks associated with the SMFZ eclogites gives estimates of peak‐T of ~520 °C. Barometry using Raman spectroscopy shows unfractured quartz inclusions in garnet rims retain overpressures of up to ~10 kbar, implying these inclusions were trapped at conditions just below the quartz/coesite transition, in agreement with the results of phase equilibrium analysis. Additional growth of Ca‐rich garnet indicates initial isothermal decompression to 20 kbar (M3) followed by hydration and substantial cooling to the lawsonite–blueschist facies (M4). Further decompression of the hydrated eclogite blocks to the pumpellyite–actinolite facies (3–5 kbar, 230–250 °C) is associated with dehydration and veining (M5). The presence of eclogite as m‐ to 10 m‐sized blocks in a serpentinite matrix, lack of widespread deformation developed during exhumation and derived prograde PT path associated with substantial dehydration of metabasites within the antigorite stability field suggest that the SMFZ eclogites represent the uppermost part of the forearc slab crust sampled by an ascending serpentinite diapir in an active, moderate‐T subduction zone.  相似文献   

In this study, we have deduced the thermal history of the subducting Neotethys from its eastern margin, using a suite of partially hydrated metabasalts from a segment of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (NOC), India. Located along the eastern extension of the Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone (ITSZ), the N–S‐trending NOC lies between the Indian and Burmese plates. The metabasalts, encased within a serpentinitic mélange, preserve a tectonically disturbed metamorphic sequence, which from west to east is greenschist (GS), pumpellyite–diopside (PD) and blueschist (BS) facies. Metabasalts in all the three metamorphic facies record prograde metamorphic overprints directly on primary igneous textures and igneous augite. In the BS facies unit, the metabasalts interbedded with marble show centimetre‐ to metre‐scale interlayering of lawsonite blueschist (LBS) and epidote blueschist (EBS). Prograde HP/LT metamorphism stabilized lawsonite + omphacite (XJd = 0.50–0.56 to 0.26–0.37) + jadeite (XJd = 0.67–0.79) + augite + ferroglaucophane + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.65 atoms per formula unit, a.p.f.u.) + chlorite + titanite + quartz in LBS and lawsonite + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane ± epidote ± omphacite (XJd = 0.34) + chlorite + phengite (Si = 3.5 a.p.f.u.) + titanite + quartz in EBS at the metamorphic peak. Retrograde alteration, which was pervasive in the EBS, produced a sequence of mineral assemblages from omphacite and lawsonite‐absent, epidote + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane + chlorite + phengite + titanite + quartz through albite + chlorite + glaucophane to lawsonite + albite + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.7 a.p.f.u.) + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. In the PD facies metabasalts, the peak mineral assemblage, pumpellyite + chlorite + titanite + phengitic white mica (Si = 3.4–3.5 a.p.f.u.) + diopside appeared in the basaltic groundmass from reacting titaniferous augite and low‐Si phengite, with prehnite additionally producing pumpellyite in early vein domains. In the GS facies metabasalts, incomplete hydration of augite produced albite + epidote + actinolite + chlorite + titanite + phengite + augite mineral assemblage. Based on calculated TM(H2O), T–M(O2) (where M represents oxide mol.%) and PT pseudosections, peak PT conditions of LBS are estimated at ~11.5 kbar and ~340 °C, EBS at ~10 kbar, 325 °C and PD facies at ~6 kbar, 335 °C. Reconstructed metamorphic reaction pathways integrated with the results of PT pseudosection modelling define a near‐complete, hairpin, clockwise PT loop for the BS and a prograde PT path with a steep dP/dT for the PD facies rocks. Apparent low thermal gradient of 8 °C km?1 corresponding to a maximum burial depth of 40 km and the hairpin PT trajectory together suggest a cold and mature stage of an intra‐oceanic subduction zone setting for the Nagaland blueschists. The metamorphic constraints established above when combined with petrological findings from the ophiolitic massifs along the whole ITSZ suggest that intra‐oceanic subduction systems within the Neotethys between India and the Lhasa terrane/the Karakoram microcontinent were also active towards east between Indian and Burmese plates.  相似文献   

Tectonic slices and lenses of eclogite within mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Early Cretaceous–Eocene Naga Hills ophiolite were studied to constrain the physical conditions of eastward subduction of the Indian plate under the Burma microplate and convergence rate prior to the India–Eurasia collision. Some of the lenses are composed of eclogite, garnet-blueschist, glaucophanite and greenschist from core to margin, representing a retrograde hydrothermal alteration sequence. Barroisite, garnet, omphacite and epidote with minor chlorite, phengite, rutile and quartz constitute the peak metamorphic assemblage. In eclogite and garnet-blueschist, garnet shows an increase in Mg and Fe and decrease in Mn from core to rim. In chlorite in eclogite, Mg increases from core to rim. Inclusions of epidote, glaucophane, omphacite and quartz in garnet represent the pre-peak assemblage. Glaucophane also occurs profusely at the rims of barroisite. The matrix glaucophane and epidote represent the post-peak assemblage. The Fe3+ content of garnet-hosted omphacite is higher than that of matrix omphacite, and Fe3+ increases from core to rim in matrix glaucophane. Albite occurs in late stage veins. P – T pseudosection analysis indicates that the Naga Hills eclogites followed a clockwise P – T path with prograde metamorphism beginning at ∼1.3 GPa/525 °C and peaking at 1.7–2.0 GPa/580–610 °C, and subsequent retrogression to ∼1.1 GPa/540 °C. A comparison of these P – T conditions with numerical thermal models of plate subduction indicates that the Naga Hills eclogites probably formed near the top of the subducting crust with convergence rates of ∼ 55–100 km Myr−1, consistent with high pre-collision convergence rates between India and Eurasia.  相似文献   

To better understand the evolution of deep‐seated crust of the Variscan orogen in the Sardinia‐Corsica region, we studied garnet‐bearing micaschists which were sampled 3 km east and 15 km northeast of Porto Vecchio, south‐eastern Corsica. After a careful investigation of the textural relations and compositions of minerals, especially of zoned garnet, a P–T path was reconstructed using contoured P–T pseudosections. U–Th–Pb dating of monazite in the micaschists was undertaken with the electron microprobe. The micaschists from both localities were formed along similar anticlockwise P–T paths. The prograde branch of these paths starts at 3 kbar close to 600°C in the P–T field of sillimanite and reaches peak conditions at 7 kbar and 600 (15 km NE of Porto Vecchio) to 630°C (3 km E of Porto Vecchio). The metamorphism at peak P–T conditions happened c. 340 Ma based on low‐Y (<0.65 wt% Y2O3) monazite. Ages of monazite with high‐Y contents (>2 wt% Y2O3), which probably have formed before garnet, scatter around 362 Ma. The retrograde branch of the P–T paths passes through 4 kbar at ~550°C. We conclude that the micaschists belong to a common metasedimentary sequence, which extends over the Porto Vecchio region and is separated from other metamorphic rock sequences in the north and the south by major tectonic boundaries. This sequence had experienced peak pressures which are lower than those determined for metamorphic rocks, such as micaschist and gneiss, from north‐eastern Sardinia. At present, we favour a continent–continent collisional scenario with the studied metasedimentary sequence buried during the collisional event as part of the upper plate. The contemporaneous high‐P metamorphic rocks from NE Sardinia were part of the upper portion of the lower plate. The addressed rocks from both plates were exhumed in an exhumation channel.  相似文献   

Lawsonite is an important hydrous mineral that is stable at low‐temperature (LT) and high‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure (HP–UHP) conditions in subducted slabs. The occurrence/absence of lawsonite in eclogite is a significant constraint for the construction of the metamorphic, tectonic and fluid/melt evolution histories of an HP–UHP terrane. However, lawsonite is very rarely preserved in natural eclogites, and accurate judgment of its former existence is a significant challenge for petrologists. At present, whether lawsonite has ever existed in lawsonite‐absent eclogite is mainly judged by (i) pseudomorphs after lawsonite, and (ii) phase equilibria modelling. In this study, major element and trace‐element distributions in multistage minerals were examined in the Ganghe lawsonite‐absent UHP eclogite in the Dabie UHP terrane, eastern China. This work demonstrates that the whole‐rock Sr and light rare earth elements (LREEs) are mainly dominated by epidote; other minerals (garnet, omphacite, quartz, kyanite, barroisite, phengite and accessory minerals) play a very limited role in the Sr and LREEs budgets. Two stages of epidote, which have noticeably different Sr and LREEs contents, were recognized in the eclogite: (i) Epidote porphyroblasts (Ep‐P core), which are suspected to be the pseudomorphic mineral after lawsonite, contain significantly high Sr (7200–10 300 ppm) and LREEs (160–1300 ppm for La). (ii) An earlier stage epidote (Ep‐In core) occurs as inclusions in matrix omphacite, or in omphacite inclusions in the suspected pseudomorphic minerals after lawsonite (SPMAL); this early epidote has significantly lower Sr (990–1890 ppm, average 1495 ppm, n = 17) and LREEs contents (60–110 ppm for La, average 91 ppm, n = 17). All of the existing early‐stage minerals predating the SPMAL have very low contents of Sr and LREEs, and the total amounts of these elements in the early‐stage minerals do not balance those in the SPMAL. This indicates that a missing Ca‐, Al‐, Sr‐ and LREE‐rich mineral, which was previously in equilibrium with the early‐stage minerals, likely existed in the Ganghe eclogite. On the basis of the mineral geochemistry and phase equilibria modelling, we confirm that the missing mineral cannot be anything but lawsonite. This study indicates that examining the mass (im)balance of Sr and LREEs between multistage HP–UHP epidote can be used as a potential method to confirm the previous existence of lawsonite in lawsonite‐absent eclogite.  相似文献   

Thirty‐three samples, including 22 eclogites, collected from the Dabie ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt in eastern China, have been studied for seismic properties. Compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities in three mutually perpendicular directions under hydrostatic pressures up to 1.0 GPa were measured for each sample. At 1.0 GPa, Vp (7.5–8.4 km s?1), Vs (4.2–4.8 km s?1), and densities (3.2–3.6 g cm?3) in the UHP eclogites are higher than those of UHP orthopyroxenite (7.3–7.5 km s?1, 4.1–4.3 km s?1, 3.2–3.3 g cm?3, respectively) and HP eclogites (7.1–7.9 km s?1, 4.0–4.5 km s?1, 3.1–3.5 g cm?3, respectively). Kyanitites (with 99.5% kyanite) show extremely high velocities and density (9.37 km s?1, 5.437 km s?1, 3.581 g cm?3, respectively). The eclogites show variation of Vp‐ and Vs‐anisotropy up to 9.70% and 9.17%, respectively. Poisson’s ratio (σ) ranges from 0.218 to 0.278 (with a mean of 0.255) for eclogites, 0.281–0.298 for granulites and 0.248 to 0.255 for amphibolites. The σ values for serpentinite (0.341) and marble (0.321) are higher than for other lithologies. The elastic moduli K, G, E of kyanitite were obtained as 163, 102 and 253 GPa, respectively. The Vp and density of representative UHP metamorphic rocks (eclogite & kyanitite) were extrapolated to mantle depth (15 GPa) following a reasonable geotherm, and compared to the one dimension mantle velocity and density model. The comparison shows that Vp and density in eclogite and kyanitite are greater than those of the ambient mantle, with differences of up to ΔVp > 0.3 km s?1 and Δρ > 0.3–0.4 g cm?3, respectively. This result favours the density‐induced delamination model and also provides evidence in support of distinguishing subducted high velocity materials in the upper mantle by means of seismic tomography. Such ultra‐deep subduction and delamination processes have been recognized by seismic tomography and geochemical tracing in the postcollisional magmatism in the Dabie region.  相似文献   

The transition between blueschist and eclogite plays an important role in subduction zones via dehydration and densification processes in descending oceanic slabs. There are a number of previous petrological studies describing potential mineral reactions taking place at the transition. An experimental determination of such reactions could help constrain the pressure–temperature conditions of the transition as well as the processes of dehydration. However, previous experimental contributions have focused on the stability of spontaneously formed hydrous minerals in basaltic compositions rather than on reactions among already formed blueschist facies minerals. Therefore, this study conducted three groups of experiments to explore the metamorphic reactions among blueschist facies minerals at conditions corresponding to warm subduction, where faster reaction rates are possible on the time scale of laboratory experiments. The first group of experiments was to establish experimental reversals of the reaction glaucophane+paragonite to jadeite+pyrope+quartz+H2O over the range of 2.2–3.5 GPa and 650–820°C. This reaction has long been treated as key to the blueschist–eclogite transition. However, only the growth of glaucophane+paragonite was observed at the intersectional stability field of both paragonite and jadeite+quartz, confirming thermodynamic calculations that the reaction is not stable in the system Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. The second set of experiments involved unreversed experiments using glaucophane+zoisite ±quartz in low‐Fe and Ca‐rich systems and were run at 1.8–2.4 GPa and 600–780°C. These produced omphacite+paragonite/kyanite+H2O accompanied by compositional shifts in the sodium amphibole, glaucophane, towards sodium–calcium amphiboles such as winchite (?(CaNa)(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2) and barroisite (?(CaNa)(Mg3Al2)(AlSi7)O22(OH)2). This suggests that a two‐step dehydration occurs, first involving the breakdown of glaucophane+zoisite towards a paragonite‐bearing assemblage, then the breakdown of paragonite to release H2O. It also indicates that sodium–calcium amphibole can coexist with eclogite phases, thereby extending the thermal stability of amphibole to greater subduction zone depths. The third set of experiments was an experimental investigation at 2.0–2.4 GPa and 630–850°C involving a high‐Fe (Fe#=Fetotal/(Fetotal+Mg)≈0.36) natural glaucophane, synthetic paragonite and their eclogite‐forming reaction products. The results indicated that garnet and omphacite grew over most of these pressure–temperature conditions, which demonstrates the importance of Fe‐rich glaucophane in forming the key eclogite assemblage of garnet+omphacite, even under warm subduction zone conditions. Based on the experiments of this study, reaction between glaucophane+zoisite is instrumental in controlling dehydration processes at the blueschist–eclogite transition during warm subduction.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of U–Pb isotopes and trace elements in zircon and titanite were carried out on epoxy mounts and thin sections for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in association with paragneiss in the Dabie orogen. The results provide a direct link between metamorphic ages and temperatures during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. Zircon U–Pb dating gives two groups of concordant ages at 242 ± 2 to 239 ± 5 Ma and 226 ± 2 to 224 ± 6 Ma, respectively. The Triassic zircon U–Pb ages are characterized by flat heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns typical of metamorphic growth. Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry for the two generations of metamorphic zircon yields temperatures of 697 ± 27 to 721 ± 8 °C and 742 ± 19 to 778 ± 34 °C, respectively. We interpret that the first episode of zircon growth took place during subduction prior to the onset of UHP metamorphism, whereas the second episode in the stage of exhumation from UHP to HP eclogite facies regime. Thus, the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism of sedimentary protolith is temporally associated with two episodes of fluid activity, respectively, predating and postdating the UHP metamorphic phase. The significantly high Ti‐in‐zircon temperatures for the younger zircon at lower pressures indicate the initial ‘hot’ exhumation after the peak UHP metamorphism. There are two types of titanite. One exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, steep MREE–HREE patterns and no Eu anomalies, and yields Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 551 to 605 °C at 0.5 GPa, and the other shows LREE depletion and flat MREE–HREE patterns, and gives Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 782–788 °C at 2.0 GPa. The former is amenable for U–Pb dating, yielding a discordia lower intercept age of 252 ± 3 Ma. Thus, the first type of titanite is interpreted to have grown in the absence of garnet and plagioclase and thus in the early stage of subduction. In contrast, the second one occurs as rims surrounding rutile cores and thus grew in the presence of garnet during the ‘hot’ exhumation. Therefore, there is multistage growth of zircon and titanite during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The combined studies of chronometry and thermobarometry provide tight constraints on the P–T–t path of eclogites during the continental collision. It appears that the mid‐T/UHP eclogite facies zone would not only form by subduction of the continental crust in a P–T path slightly below the wet granite solidus, but also experience decompression heating during the initial exhumation.  相似文献   

拉萨地块东部松多(超)高压榴辉岩记录了古特提斯洋俯冲及折返过程。松多榴辉岩带已发现松多、新达多、白朗和吉朗4个榴辉岩出露区,它们的峰期温压条件及变质p-T轨迹的研究对揭示拉萨地块古特提斯时期的俯冲及折返过程有重要意义。松多榴辉岩带东段吉朗榴辉岩的主要矿物为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、角闪石、金红石、绿帘石、石英以及退变形成的后成合晶结构(透辉石+角闪石+斜长石)和少量的黑云母。石榴子石具有含丰富矿物包裹体的"脏"核和极少包裹体的"净"边,具有典型的进变质成分环带特征,从核部到边部镁铝榴石组分升高,锰铝榴石和钙铝榴石组分降低。石榴子石边部发育窄的角闪石+斜长石(An=28)组成的冠状体,表明石榴子石边部发生了后期角闪岩相退变质作用。通过变质相平衡模拟计算得到石榴子石以及多硅白云母记录的峰期温压条件为563℃、2. 4 GPa。结合岩相学特征,确定吉朗榴辉岩经历了4期变质演化阶段:(1)进变质阶段以石榴子石核部及其包裹体为代表性矿物组合;(2)峰期变质阶段矿物组合为石榴子石边部、绿辉石、多硅白云母、蓝闪石、硬柱石、金红石和石英;(3)早期退变质阶段以硬柱石分解产生绿帘石为特征;(4)晚期退变质阶段以绿辉石发育后成合晶和石榴子石生长冠状体为特征。认为吉朗榴辉岩为典型的低温高压榴辉岩,经历了顺时针p-T演化轨迹,折返过程为近等温降压过程。与松多带内其他(超)高压岩石相比,吉朗榴辉岩峰期温压条件较低,其围岩为变石英岩,区别于区内其他(超)高压榴辉岩的石榴子石白云母片岩及蛇纹岩围岩。推测吉朗榴辉岩来自于俯冲带浅部,由俯冲隧道中低密度沉积物裹挟折返。  相似文献   

Coesite inclusions in garnet have been found in eclogite boudins enclosed in coesite‐bearing garnet micaschist in the Habutengsu Valley, Chinese western Tianshan, which are distinguished from their retrograde quartz by means of optical characteristics, CL imaging and Raman spectrum. The coesite‐bearing eclogite is mainly composed of porphyroblastic garnet, omphacite, paragonite, glaucophane and barroisite, minor amounts of rutile and dotted (or banded) graphite. In addition to coesite and quartz, the zoned porphyroblastic garnet contains inclusions of omphacite, Na‐Ca amphibole, calcite, albite, chlorite, rutile, ilmenite and graphite. Multi‐phase inclusions (e.g. Czo + Pg ± Qtz, Grt II + Qtz and Chl + Pg) can be interpreted as breakdown products of former lawsonite and possibly chloritoid. Coesite occurs scattered within a compositionally homogenous but narrow domain of garnet (outer core), indicative of equilibrium at the UHP stage. The estimate by garnet‐clinopyroxene thermometry yields peak temperatures of 420–520 °C at 2.7 GPa. Phase equilibrium calculations further constrain the P–T conditions for the UHP mineral assemblage Grt + Omp + Lws + Gln + Coe to 2.4–2.7 GPa and 470–510 °C. Modelled modal abundances of major minerals along a 5 °C km?1 geothermal gradient suggests two critical dehydration processes at ~430 and ~510 °C respectively. Computed garnet composition patterns are in good agreement with measured core‐rim profiles. The petrological study of coesite‐bearing eclogite in this paper provides insight into the metamorphic evolution in a cold subduction zone. Together with other reported localities of UHP rocks from the entire orogen of Chinese western Tianshan, it is concluded that the regional extent of UHP‐LT metamorphism in Chinese western Tianshan is extensive and considerably larger than previously thought, although intensive retrogression has erased UHP‐LT assemblages at most localities.  相似文献   

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