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Pollen-assemblage data from a sediment core from Hulun Lake in northeastern Inner Mongolia describe the changes in the vegetation and climate of the East Asian monsoon margin during the Holocene. Dry steppe dominated the lake basin from ca. 11,000 to 8000 cal yr BP, suggesting a warm and dry climate. Grasses and birch forests expanded 8000 to 6400 cal yr BP, implying a remarkable increase in the monsoon precipitation. From 6400 to 4400 cal yr BP, the climate became cooler and drier. Chenopodiaceae dominated the interval from 4400 to 3350 cal yr BP, marking extremely dry condition. Artemisia recovered 3350-2050 cal yr BP, denoting an amelioration of climatic conditions. Both temperature and precipitation decreased 2050 to 1000 cal yr BP as indicated by decreased Artemisia and the development of pine forests. During the last 1000 yr, human activities might have had a significant influence on the environment of the lake region. We suggest that the East Asian summer monsoon did not become intensified until 8000 cal yr BP due to the existence of remnant ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Changes in the monsoon precipitation on millennial to centennial scales would be related to ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Hulun Lake, Inner Mongolia was analyzed for species assemblages and shell chemistry of ostracodes to investigate changes in the hydrology and climate of the East Asian summer monsoon margin during the Holocene. Darwinula stevensoni was abundant, Ilyocypris spp. scarce, littoral ostracodes absent and Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and δ18O were low 11,100 to 8300 yr ago, indicating high lake levels and cool/fresh waters. Darwinula stevensoni declined largely, Ilyocypris spp. throve, littoral ostracodes were rare and chemical indicators remained in low values 8300 to 6200 yr ago, suggesting that the lake continued high stands but water became warm. The lake then contracted and water became cool/brackish 6200 to 4300 yr ago. Littoral ostracodes flourished 4300 to 3350 yr ago, marking the lowest lake levels of the entire Holocene. The lake level recovered and water salinity decreased 3350 to 1900 yr ago. From 1900 to 500 yr ago, the lake maintained the preceding status albeit lowered stands and increased salinities 1100 to 800 yr ago. During the recent 500 yr, the lake expanded and water salinity decreased. The data imply that the East Asian summer monsoon did not intensify until 8300 yr ago and weakened dramatically 4300 to 3350 yr ago.  相似文献   

Zhuyeze palaeolake is a terminal lake situated in the arid northern China in the East Asian monsoon margin. In order to examine the Holocene palaeoclimatic change in the East Asian monsoon margin, Qingtu Lake section (QTL) from Zhuyeze palaeolake is sampled in high resolution. Palaeoclimatic proxies such as grain size, carbonate, TOC, C/N and δ13C of organic matter, were analyzed; eleven 14C samples and six optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples were dated to provide chronological control. We also investigated the geomorphic features of lake shorelines in this area. The results show that the climate was warm and dry in early-Holocene (9.5-7.0 cal ka BP), cool and humid in mid-Holocene (7.0-4.8 cal ka BP), and increasingly drier in late-Holocene (since 4.8 cal ka BP). Comparisons of our records with other records in adjacent areas, as well as with the records in the Asian monsoon areas, suggested that changes in effective moisture was synchronous in East Asian monsoon marginal zone (i.e. the pattern of dry early-Holocene, humid mid-Holocene, and aridity-increasing late-Holocene), and that the moisture optimum during the Holocene was out-of-phase between Asian monsoon margin and Asian monsoonal dominated region, possibly due to the high temperature at that time.  相似文献   

Variability in East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the Holocene remains of debate. In this study, we use a closed lake with well-dated lake beach ridges located on the margin of the East Asian summer monsoon, a region highly sensitive to monsoon precipitation changes, to obtain a temporal sequence of water volume in North China. The elevation of each beach ridge calibrated to the modern lake level was surveyed. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of undisturbed sediments of beach ridges was performed. The lake area and water volume corresponding to each beach ridge were calculated using a digital elevation model. This study reveals relatively reduced monsoon precipitation from ~12 to 7 ka interrupted by strengthening of the monsoon circulation to a maximum from ~7 to ~5 ka and followed by greatly reduced monsoon intensity until the present day. These results demonstrate that changes in the East Asian summer monsoon precipitation may not be directly driven by global temperature or atmospheric CO2 content. Rather, we suggest that variation in the the monsoon margin precipitation is probably mainly driven by ice volume and subordinately by the summer solar insolation difference between mid-latitude land and low-latitude ocean.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen and Pediastrum record, spanning 12,500 yr, is presented for Lake Bayanchagan (115.21°E, 41.65°N, and 1355 m a.s.l.), southern Inner Mongolia. Individual pollen taxa (PT-MAT) and the PFT affinity scores (PFT-MAT) were used for quantitative climatic reconstruction from pollen and algal data. Both techniques indicate that a cold and dry climate, similar to that of today, prevailed before 10,500 cal yr B.P. The wettest climate occurred between 10,500 and 6500 cal yr B.P., at which time annual precipitation was up to 30–60% higher than today. The early Holocene increases in temperature and precipitation occurred simultaneously, but mid-Holocene cooling started at approximately 8000 cal yr B.P., 1500 yr earlier than the drying. Vegetation reconstruction was based on the objective assignment of pollen taxa to the plant functional type. The results suggest that this region was dominated by steppe vegetation throughout the Holocene, except for the period 9200 to 6700 cal yr B.P., when forest patches were relatively common. Inner Mongolia is situated at the limit of the present East Asian monsoon and patterns of vegetation and climate changes in that region during the Holocene probably reflect fluctuations in the monsoon's response to solar insolation variations. The early to middle Holocene monsoon undoubtedly extended to more northern latitudes than at present.  相似文献   

A consensus on Holocene climate variability at the modern northern fringe of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) region remains elusive. Here, we present a pollen-based reconstruction of vegetation history and associated climate variations of a sediment core from Huangqihai Lake, central Inner Mongolia. During 10.7 to 8.8 cal kaBP, typical steppe with small patches of forest dominated the lake area, suggesting a moderately wet climate, followed by ameliorating climatic conditions until 8.0 cal kaBP as deduced by the expansion of forest. Typical steppe recovered the lake area between 8.0 and 7.2 cal kaBP, reflecting a deterioration of climatic conditions; in combination with other proxy records in the study region, we noticed that severe aridity was prevailed in the lake area between 8.0 and 7.6 cal kaBP. During 7.2 to 3.2 cal kaBP, abundant tree pollen indicated dominance of forest-steppe around the lake, marking regionally wet conditions. A notable absence of broadleaved trees after 5.2 cal kaBP reveals a slight drying trend, and climate deterioration from 4.5 to 4.1 cal kaBP might be linked to the 4.2 ka event. After 3.2 cal kaBP, a transition to steppe was associated with dry conditions in the region. Based on our pollen record and prior paleoclimatic reconstructions in the Huangqihai Lake region, there was a generally-accepted, stepwise shift to a wet climate during the early Holocene, an overall humid climate from 7.2 to 3.2 cal kaBP, and then severe drought for the rest of the Holocene. Moreover, regional comparisons among pollen records derived from lakes situated in the temperate steppe region suggested a roughly synchronous pattern of vegetation and climate changes during the Holocene and demonstrated an intensified EASM during the middle Holocene.  相似文献   

内蒙古黄旗海全新世中晚期环境演变的沉积记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对内蒙古中部黄旗海湖泊沉积特征、粒度及孢粉组合等指标的综合分析,重建了该地区全新世中晚期以来的环境变化过程,将黄旗海4360 a BP以来气候环境变化分为7个阶段,其中有三次显著的干冷事件分别发生在2400~2140 a BP,1510~1270 a BP和590~280 a BP期间;三次较温暖湿润时期为3840~2400 a BP,2140~1510 a BP,1270~590 a BP。与区域上全新世晚期以来的环境演变过程基本一致。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(15-17):1701-1716
We present the first area-average time series reconstructions of warmest month, coldest month and mean annual surface air temperatures across Europe during the last 12,000 years. These series are based on quantitative pollen climate reconstructions from over 500 pollen sites assimilated using an innovative four-dimensional gridding procedure. This approach combines three-dimensional spatial gridding with a fourth dimension represented by time, allowing data from irregular time series to be ‘focussed’ onto a regular time step. We provide six regional reconstructed temperature time series as well as summary time series for the whole of Europe. The results suggest major spatial and seasonal differences in Holocene temperature trends within a remarkably balanced regional and annual energy budget. The traditional mid-Holocene thermal maximum is observed only over Northern Europe and principally during the summer. This warming was balanced by a mid-Holocene cooling over Southern Europe, whilst Central Europe occupied an intermediary position. Changes in annual mean temperatures for Europe as a whole suggest an almost linear increase in thermal budget up to 7800 BP, followed by stable conditions for the remainder of the Holocene. This early Holocene warming and later equilibrium has been mainly modulated by increasing winter temperatures in the west, which have continued to rise at a progressively decreasing rate up to the present day.  相似文献   


最近20年位于东亚夏季风北部边缘的我国北方半干旱区遭遇更为频繁、更为严重的干旱事件。然而,有关该区域过去不同时间尺度气候干旱事件的特征及机制仍知之甚少。文章详细分析了内蒙古中东部达里湖DL04岩芯上部6.5 m沉积物中 < 38 μm碳酸盐的Ca和Mg含量、δ18O和δ13C值以及全样有机质TOC和TN含量、TOC/TN(C/N)比值,基于高精度的AMS14C年代标尺,恢复了最近6000年(日历年)湖区的水文、气候变化详细过程。结果表明:达里湖 < 38 μm碳酸盐主要为湖泊水体沉淀的内生方解石,其Ca和Mg含量、δ18O和δ13C值增大反映湖水蒸发量超过补给水量,进而指示湖区干旱事件。TOC和TN含量减少以及C/N比值减小总体反映地表径流减弱引起的陆生有机质入湖减少以及湖泊初始生产率下降。达里湖沉积内生碳酸盐和有机质地球化学数据表明,在6000~5300 cal.a B.P.、3200~2800 cal.a B.P.、1650~1150 cal.a B.P.和650~300 cal.a B.P.,流域地表径流显著减弱、湖面显著降低、湖泊生产率显著下降、湖区气候显著变干、东亚夏季风显著减弱。最近6000年东亚夏季风显著减弱事件在定年误差范围内与北大西洋冰漂碎屑事件一致,而与热带西太平洋海表温度变化和太阳活动变化相关性较差,表明千、百年尺度东亚夏季风突变主要受控于北半球高纬气候变冷。


The Himalayas are a key location for understanding centennial‐ to millennial‐scale variations in the Asian monsoon, yet few studies of the late Holocene have been conducted in this sensitive area. Direct evidence for shifts in monsoonal wind strength is often limited to marine proxy records, while terrestrial reconstructions (e.g. lake levels and spleothems) focus on precipitation. Here, we present the first evidence of terrestrial summer monsoon wind strength changes from Lake Rara, western Nepal, based on Mn/Ti ratios, a proxy for lake stratification. These data indicate a link between the Arabian Sea and the Himalayas, suggesting that centennial‐ to millennial‐scale changes in wind strength occurred synchronously. Distinct similarity is also observed between Lake Rara and the southern part of China, which may support previous suggestions that the southern part of China is influenced by Indian summer monsoon. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change especially moisture condition in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan in China are mainly controlled by the strength and variability of Asian winter and summer monsoon. In this paper, we presented the climate record and related winter and summer monsoonal history in Gonghe Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, based on the geochemical indicators (geochemical elements content, i.e., Fe2O3, CaO, Zr and Sr content, and geochemical parameters, i.e., the chemical index of alteration (CIA), Zr/Rb, Rb/Sr, CaO/MgO, SiO2/TiO2 and SiO2/(Al2O3 + Fe2O3) ratio) of the peat deposits and 14C and OSL technologies. The regional temperature and humidity gradually increased in 10.0–8.5 cal ka BP, accompanied by enhanced summer monsoonal strength and decreased winter monsoonal strength. But climate became cold and dry between 8.5 cal ka BP and 7.6 cal ka BP owing to the stronger winter monsoon. During the 7.6–3.8 cal ka BP, stronger summer monsoon and weaker winter monsoon led to an optimal warm and humid condition, although it had several cold phases. From 3.8 cal ka BP to 0.5 cal ka BP, the regional climate tended to be cold and dry, with increasing winter monsoonal strength and decreasing summer monsoonal strength. Thereafter, the relatively warm and humid climate appeared again, due to the stronger summer monsoon. That is to say, the regional climate conditions are mainly related to the winter and summer monsoonal changes. These changes are consistent with palaeoclimatic records (monsoonal model) from the region influenced by the Asian monsoon in eastern China. In addition, nine cold events were recorded: 8.5–7.8 cal ka BP, 6.1–5.6 cal ka BP, 5.2–4.8 cal ka BP, 4.7–4.3 cal ka BP, 4.1–4.0 cal ka BP, 3.8–3.4 cal ka BP, 3.0–2.3 cal ka BP, 1.4–1.3 cal ka BP, and 1.0–0.5 cal ka BP, which are coincident with cold fluctuations in the high and low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere on a millennial scale, as recorded by lakes, peat sediments, and ice cores in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. In conclusion, Holocene millennial-scale climatic changes in Gonghe Basin were controlled by the dual function of Asian monsoonal changes and global cold fluctuations.  相似文献   

内蒙古东北部激流河花岗岩中包体的特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
内蒙古东北部阿龙山地区,沿激流河两岸呈NE向分布的二长花岗岩、花岗闪长岩体中发育暗色微粒镁铁质包体。包体具典型的岩浆结构、淬火结构及针状磷灰石,部分包体中含寄主岩石的钾长石、石英巨晶。包体形态主要呈浑圆状,可见明显的塑性流变特点,与寄主岩石间常呈截然的接触关系,有时呈过渡状、雾迷状。寄主岩石富Si、K,并表现出岩浆演化的特点,包体富Mg、Fe、Ca,贫Si、Al,Na〉K。寄主岩石和包体的稀土、微量元素曲线形态相近,均为左高右低的不对称右倾型、轻稀土富集型,包体Eu微弱亏损,寄主花岗岩的Eu中等—弱亏损。包体与寄主岩石在地球化学特征上既表现出了相似性,也表现出了明显的非同源性特点。这些特征表明早石炭世激流河花岗岩类中的暗色包体是岩浆混合的产物,部分代表了混合岩浆的基性端元。  相似文献   

内蒙大青山全新世冰缘现象及环境演变   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
崔之久  宋长青 《冰川冻土》1992,14(4):325-331

A total of 29 surface sediments were collected from the Daihai Lake, China. Concentrations of metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd) were determined using HR-ICP-MS after digestion with the mixture of HNO3–HF–HCl (aqua regia), and chemically fractionated according to the modified the European Community Bureau of Reference sequential extraction procedure. Total organic carbon contents and grain size were also analyzed. Average concentrations (ppm) for Cu (39.4 ± 10.6), Pb (29.9 ± 6.1), Zn (102.6 ± 23.3), and Cd (0.21 ± 0.07) were found in the sediments. The concentrations of metals are relatively higher in the central area of lake, while lower nearby the area with a shallower water depth. Sequential extraction results show that Cu and Zn are mainly distributed in the residual fraction, while Cd is dominantly in the non-residual fraction. Enrichment factor values and geoaccumulation indexes suggest that there are not obvious enrichments of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the sediments, but Cd pollution can be found in most of the area of Daihai Lake. The sources for Cu, Pb, and Zn are attributed to atmospheric deposition, which might be mainly associated with coal combustion. Agricultural runoff in polluted soils and coal combustion might be main sources of the Cd pollution in the lake.  相似文献   

内蒙古克什克腾旗浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
关友义  王永  姚培毅 《地质通报》2010,29(6):891-900
利用位于中国北方季风尾闾区的浩来呼热古湖泊沉积物中的硅藻化石重建了全新世以来的环境演变历史。根据硅藻组合的变化,可将浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变过程划分为6个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(12.1~11.5cal ka BP),气候以寒冷为主;阶段Ⅱ(11.5~8.6cal ka BP),温度有所回升,但存在一定的冷暖波动;阶段Ⅲ(8.6~6.7cal ka BP),气候仍相对偏凉,且比较干燥;阶段Ⅳ(6.7~5.8cal ka BP),气候开始转温;阶段Ⅴ(5.8~2.9cal ka BP),气候温暖偏湿,为全新世气候最适宜期;阶段Ⅵ(2.9~0.2cal ka BP),气候趋于凉干,湖水也越来越浅,最终在0.2cal ka BP前后干涸消失。  相似文献   

This paper presents quantitative climate estimates for the last millennium, using a multi-proxy approach with pollen and lake-level data from Lake Joux (Swiss Jura Mountains). The climate reconstruction, based on the Modern Analogue Technique, indicates warmer and drier conditions during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). MWP was preceded by a short-lived cold humid event around AD 1060, and followed by a rapid return around AD 1400 to cooler and wetter conditions which generally characterize the Little Ice Age (LIA). Around AD 1450 (solar Spörer minimum), the LIA attained a temperature minimum and a summer precipitation maximum. The solar Maunder minimum around AD 1690 corresponded at Joux to rather mild temperatures but maximal annual precipitation. These results generally agree with other records from neighbouring Alpine regions. However, there are differences in the timing of the LIA temperature minimum depending on the proxy and/or the method used for the reconstruction. As a working hypothesis, the hydrological signal associated with the MWP and LIA oscillations at Lake Joux may have been mainly driven by a shift around AD 1400 from positive to negative NAO modes in response to variations in solar irradiance possibly coupled with changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.  相似文献   

The Barkol Lake, as a closed inland lake, is located at the northeast Xinjiang in northwest China. A combination of geochemical indicators including δ18O and δ13C of carbonate, TOC, carbonate contents, as well as grain size proxies and magnetic susceptibility of sediments obtained from a newly recovered section at this lake, provides a high-resolution history of climatic change in the past 9400 years. Multi-indicators reflect that Holocene climatic change in the study region generally follows the Westerly Wind pattern of Holocene, and three climatic periods can be identified. Between 9400 and 7500 cal a B.P., climate was characterized by relatively drier and colder condition. From 7500 to 5800 cal a B.P., a relatively warmer and moister climate prevailed, but between 5800 and 3500 cal a B.P., climate shifted towards warmer and drier conditions. A relatively colder and wetter climate prevailed during 3500∼1000 cal a B.P., then it changed towards cold and dry between 1000 and 500 cal a B.P.; after 500 cal a B.P., climate changed towards warm and dry conditions again. This study reflects that during the Middle Holocene (from ca 7000 to 3500 cal a B.P.), variations of carbonate δ18O of sediments from several lakes in the northern Xinjiang were synchronous with that of Qinghai Lake, where was strongly influenced by the South Asian monsoon; however, after 3500 cal a B.P. this consistency was interrupted, possibly resulting from a re-domination of the Westerly Wind and the retreat of South Asian monsoon in the northern Xinjiang.  相似文献   

Two Holocene sediment cores were retrieved respectively from the enclosed Lake Daihai in the monsoon/arid transition zone of North China and the Taihu Lake coast in the monsoonal area of the Yangtze delta, Eastern China. Distribution of major geochemical elements and their ratios were employed to reveal the characteristics of Holocene climate and associated environmental implications in the two regions. It is suggested that the temporal distribution of major elements serve as a useful indicator to denote the variations of monsoon effective precipitation for the enclosed lake area. High values of resistant elements such as Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), MnO in the lake sediments correspond to the depressed chemical weathering and weakened mon-soon effective precipitation, while the highs of mobile and easy soluble elements such as MgO, CaO, Na2O reflect the enhanced chemical weathering and increased monsoon effective precipitation in the lake basin. In comparison, the behaviors of the major elements in sediments of the Taihu Lake coast were largely controlled by the changes both in sea transgression in the different Holocene time periods and the monsoon precipitation. The relatively highs of Al2O3, TiO2, (FeO + Fe2O3), in marine-influenced sediments suggest relatively strong coastal hydrodynamics and chemical weathering, and vice versa. Meanwhile, the lows of SiO2, Na2O and CaO in the non-marine-influenced sediments also denote relatively strong hydrodynamics and chemical weathering due to enhanced monsoon precipitation, and vice versa. Sedimentary environment should be taken into account when achieving a full understanding of their climate implications.  相似文献   

The detailed magnetic susceptibility anisotropy study on the sediments of two sections, which are located in the lake-center and the lakeshore of the Huangqihai Lake,Inner Mongolia, revealed their hydrodynamics and sedimentary environment changes in the recent 2000 years.The results show that the sediments of two sections both display normal depositional magnetic fabrics,of which the minimum susceptibility axes(K3) are oriented perpendicular to the bedding plane and the maximum magnetic susceptibility axes(K1) lie parallel with the bedding plane.In addition,the lakeshore presents higher magnetic anisotropy degree(P),magnetic foliation(F) and current factor (Fs) than the lake-center,showing that the lakeshore has higher flow velocity.For the west Huangqihai Lake(HQW) section in the lake-center,the magnetic matrix grain degree(Q) and the inclination of the minimum susceptibility axes sharply increased and decreased,respectively,at a depth of about 10 cm,24 cm,45 cm and 74 cm,which indicate abnormal depositional events with strong kinetic energy.Through comparative analysis,the HQW section can be divided into three stages from top to bottom.The upper stage was a stable depositional environment with strong hydrodynamic energy and low water level,which shows relatively higher Fs value and the Q value varies similarly with P and F.The middle stage was a stable depositional environment with high water level and low hydrodynamic energy,intermitted with high-energy abnormal events,which shows relatively lower Fs and the Q value was negatively correlated with P and F.The lower stage was an unstable depositional environment with low hydrodynamic energy and high water level,which shows relatively lower P,F,and Fs value.  相似文献   

Rubidium (Rb) and strontium (Sr) contents and ratios were analyzed in 197 sediment samples collected from the CGS1 segment of the Chagelebulu Section in the Badain Jaran Desert of China to study millennial scale climate change during the Holocene. The results showed that the Rb and Sr contents and Rb/Sr ratios were low in the samples of dune sands and loess (Mz < 5.64Φ), and those values were high in the samples of loess (Mz > 5.64Φ) and paleosols, these data displayed 11 changing cycles in alternation of peaks and valleys in the chart. In addition, the Rb contents were positively correlated with Mz (mean particle diameter) and clay contents. While the correlations were weaker, Sr contents also showed a tendency to increase with increases in the Mz and clay contents. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the distribution of Rb and Sr within the CGS1 segment, it appears that the observed Rb and Sr contents and ratios varied in accordance with fluctuations of the East Asian winter and summer monsoons. In terms of timing and climate, low values (C1–C11) resulting from winter monsoons had a strong correlation with cold events in the North Atlantic: the period C1 corresponded to times ranging from 400 a to 1400 a and the periods C2, C3, C4, C7, C9, C10, and C11 corresponded to times of 3000 a, 4000 a, 5900 a, 8200 a, 9400 a, 10,300 a, and 11,000 a, respectively. The cold event C5 (6200 a) was also discovered in the North Atlantic in recent; and C6 (7100 a), C8 (8700 a) were discovered in some other places of China. These cold events indicated by Rb and Sr contents and ratios in the Chagelebulu Section of the Badain Jaran Desert recorded the regional response of global climate change during the Holocene.  相似文献   

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