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A 2.9 m long sedimentary record was studied from a small lake, here referred to as Duck Lake, located at 76°25'N, 18°45'W on Store Koldewey, an elongated island off the coast of Northeast Greenland. The sediments were investigated for their geophysical and biogeochemical characteristics, and for their fossil chironomid assemblages. Organic matter began to accumulate in the lake at 9.1 cal. kyr BP, which provides a minimum age for the deglaciation of the basin. Although the early to mid-Holocene is known as a thermal maximum in East Greenland, organic matter accumulation in the lake remained low during the early Holocene, likely due to late plant immigration and lack of nutrient availability. Organic matter accumulation increased during the middle and late Holocene, when temperatures in East Greenland gradually decreased. Enhanced soil formation probably led to higher nutrient availability and increased production in the lake. Chironomids are abundant throughout the record after 9.1 cal. kyr BP and seem to react sensitively to changes in temperature and nutrient availability. It is concluded that relative temperature reconstructions based on biogeochemical data have to be regarded critically, particularly in the period shortly after deglaciation when nutrient availability was low. Chironomids may be a suitable tool for climatic reconstructions even in those high arctic environments. However, a better understanding of the ecology of chironomids under these extreme conditions is needed.  相似文献   

At the Pingorsuit Glacier in North-West Greenland, an organic-rich deposit that had recently emerged from the retreating ice cap was discovered at an elevation of 480 m above sea level. This paper reports on macrofossil analyses of a coarse detritus gyttja and peaty soil, which occurred beneath a thin cover of till and glacifluvial deposits. The sediments contained remains of vascular plants, mosses, beetles, caddisflies, midges, bryozoans, sponges and other invertebrates. The flora includes black spruce, tree birch, boreal shrubs and wetland and aquatic taxa, which shows that mires, lakes and ponds were present in the area. We describe a new extinct waterwort species Elatine odgaardii. The fossils were deposited in a boreal environment with a mean July air temperature that was at least 9 °C higher than at present. The fossil assemblages show strong similarities with others from Greenland that have been assigned an Early Pleistocene age, and we suggest a similar age for the sediments found at the margin of the Pingorsuit Glacier. At the Pingorsuit Glacier in North-West Greenland, an organic-rich deposit was discovered at an elevation of 480 m above sea level. The sediments contained remains of vascular plants, mosses, beetles, caddisflies, midges, bryozoans, sponges and other invertebrates. The fossils were deposited in a boreal environment with a mean July air temperature that was at least 9 °C higher than at present.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic measurements have been carried out on 103 specimens taken at about 15 cm intervals in a sea cliff exposing the marine terrace formation. Secondary components were removed by partial demagnetization in a peak field of 200 Oe. Two short reversed magnetozones are recognized. Geological and biostratigraphical evidence indicates that they are equivalent to the Blake event, which was first reported by Smith and Foster (1969) (Science 163, 565–567) from the North Atlantic deep-sea cores. The present result suggests a split nature for the Blake Event.  相似文献   

Wagner, B., Bennike, O., Cremer, H. & Klug, M. 2010: Late Quaternary history of the Kap Mackenzie area, northeast Greenland. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 492–504. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00148.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The Kap Mackenzie area on the outer coast of northeast Greenland was glaciated during the last glacial stage, and pre‐Holocene shell material was brought to the area. Dating of marine shells indicates that deglaciation occurred in the earliest Holocene, before 10 800 cal. a BP. The marine limit is around 53 m a.s.l. In the wake of the deglaciation, a glaciomarine fauna characterized the area, but after c. one millennium a more species‐rich marine fauna took over. This fauna included Mytilus edulis and Mysella sovaliki, which do not live in the region at present; the latter is new to the Holocene fauna of northeast Greenland. The oldest M. edulis sample is dated to c. 9500 cal. a BP, which is the earliest date for the species from the region and indicates that the Holocene thermal maximum began earlier in the region than previously documented. This is supported by driftwood dated to c. 9650 cal. a BP, which is the earliest driftwood date so far from northeastern Greenland and implies that the coastal area was at least partly free of sea ice in summer. As indicated by former studies, the Storegga tsunami hit the Kap Mackenzie area at c. 8100 cal. a BP. Loon Lake, at 18 m a.s.l., was isolated from the sea at c. 6200 cal. a BP, which is distinctly later than expected from existing relative sea‐level curves for the region.  相似文献   

A profile across the unglaciated coast of northeast Greenland at 77°N was studied with regard to the Quaternary stratigraphy and glacial history. The Germania Land peninsula is characterised by till-covered lower ground which contrasts sharply with the blockfields and extensive gelifluction deposits of its higher altitudes. Two glaciations are distinguished. The older one extended over the entire area and had its margin on the continental shelf. The younger one, of Late Weichselian age, reached the present coastline and several mountains and high plateaus on western Germania Land formed nunataks. The Late Weichselian glaciation was more extensive and occurred later on the Germania Land peninsula than on the coast further south. Radiocarbon dates suggest that the glacier margin rested to the east of the present coastline until ca. 10 000 yr BP. This correlates with the Late Weichselian Milne Land Stage, which is found as a late glacial readvance along the coast of East Greenland. A series of recessional moraines formed during the deglaciation were probably caused by glacier dynamics, as opposed to being of climatic origin.  相似文献   

Erratic clasts with a mass of up to 15 kg are described from preglacial shallow marine and coastal deposits (Wroxham Crag Formation) in northeast Norfolk. Detailed examination of their petrology has enabled them to be provenanced to northern Britain and southern Norway. Their clustered occurrence in coastal sediments in Norfolk is believed to be the product of ice-rafting from glacier incursions into the North Sea from eastern Scotland and southern Norway, and their subsequent grounding and melting within coastal areas of what is now north Norfolk. The precise timing of these restricted glaciations is difficult to determine. However, the relationship of the erratics to the biostratigraphic record and the first major expansion of ice into the North Sea suggest these events occurred during at least one glaciation between the late Early Pleistocene and early Middle Pleistocene (c. 1.1–0.6 Ma). In contrast to the late Middle (Anglian) and Late Pleistocene (Last Glacial Maximum) glaciations, where the North Sea was largely devoid of extensive marine conditions, the presence of far-travelled ice-rafted materials implies that earlier cold stage sea-levels were considerably higher.  相似文献   

Porcupine Bank (51–54°N, 12–15°W), approximately 10,000 km2 in area and 150–500 m deep, is effectively removed from present-day terrigenous sedimentation by the broad Irish Shelf to the east, and deep water to the north, west and south. Water temperatures range from 10° to 14.5°C. Carbonate sediments presently accumulate on the bank, mixing with relict quartz sands and lithic pebbles, cobbles and boulders of glacial origin. Traction current structures are absent but biogenic hollows, pits, mounds and trails are prevalent. The lithofacies have a crudely concentric zonation with pelagic foraminiferal oozes in the deepest waters ( > 500 m), passing to foraminiferal (pelagic and benthic) glauconitic quartz sands over the bulk of the bank (500-200 m) where scattered patches of Lophelia pertusa coral branches are found, which in turn pass into a narrow zone associated with the lithic boulder field at the bank crest (< 200 m) which has coarse sands composed of quartz and skeletal fragments of benthic organisms-molluscs, echinoids, bryozoans and serpulids. This facies pattern is closely similar to that on Rockall Bank, 500 km to the north, and supports the construction of a depth-related facies model for modern open-sea temperate carbonate sediments: > 500 m, pelagic foraminiferans; 500-200 m, benthic foraminiferans plus Lophelia coral patches; 200-100 m, bivalve-echinoderm; 100-50 m, bryozoan-bivalve-gastropod-serpulid; <50 m, calcareous red algae-bivalve-gastropod-barnacle.  相似文献   

Terraces of different age in the Zackenberg delta, located at 74°N in northeast Greenland, have provided the opportunity for an interdisciplinary approach to the investigation of Holocene glacial, periglacial, pedological, biological and archaeological conditions that existed during and after delta deposition. The raised Zackenberg delta accumulated mainly during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, starting slightly prior to 9500 cal. yr BP (30 m a.s.l.) and continued until at least 6300 cal. yr BP (0.5 m a.s.l.). Evidence of sea‐level change is based on conventional 14C dates of shells from the marine delta bottomsets, 14C AMS dating of macroscopic plant material from the foresets and of fluvial deposits. Arthropod and plant remains from 7960 cal. yr BP in the delta foresets include the oldest evidence of the arctic hare in Greenland and evidence of a rich herb flora slightly different from the modern flora. Empetrum nigrum and Salix herbacea remains indicate a summer temperature at least as high as today during delta deposition. Post‐depositional nivation activity, dated by luminescence, lichenometry and Schmidt Hammer measurements indicate mainly late Holocene activity, at least since 2900 yr BP, including Little Ice Age (LIA) avalanche activity. Pedological analyses of fossil podsols in the Zackenberg delta, including 14C AMS dating of selected organic rich B‐horizons, show continued podsol development during the Holocene Climatic Optimum and into the subsequent colder period of the late Holocene, until 3000–2400 yr BP. A Neo‐Eskimo house ruin found on the lower part of the delta, presently being eroded by the sea, is dated to AD 1800. It presumably was abandoned prior to AD 1869, and suggests that some of the last Eskimos that lived in northeast Greenland might have occupied the Zackenberg delta. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pleistocene sediments and soils exposed at Stebbing in central Essex, England are described, analysed and interpreted. The sand and gravel units above Eocene London Clay and Upper Pliocene Red Crag are shown to be a high level member of the Kesgrave Formation, with a surface immediately beneath that of the Westland Green Gravels, which are tentatively assigned to the Pre-Pastonian ‘a’ Stage of the British Quaternary succession. The rubified, argillic soil developed in the surface of these fluvial deposits is a composite of the Valley Farm and Barham Soils and displays micromorphological evidence of several phases of clay illuviation, gleying and clay coating disruption. Originally truncated and buried beneath Anglian gelifluction deposits, cover sand and till, the soil has been exhumed in most places by subsequent erosion. The full succession, however, is preserved within large gulls that formed by periglacial cambering prior to this erosion. More recent loess incorporation and pedogenesis have modified the exhumed soil and the materials within the gulls.  相似文献   

At Kap Herschell, in the outer fjord zone of central northeast Greenland, exposed sections in a Late Pleistocene ice-cored moraine revealed four major stratigraphic units deposited during the complex Kap Herschell Stade . All contain fragmented and redeposited marine shells that most likely belong to an Eemian or Early Weichselian marine episode. The oldest unit consists of buried ground ice with folded and sheared debris bands. Isotopic analyses show that the slope of the regression line for δ2H vs. δ18O of the ice is about 8.5. which suggests correlation with the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL). Data strongly suggest that the ground ice at Kap Herschell is a remnant of a Late Pleistocene glacier. It was probably generated at low altitudes (< 1000 m) in the inner fjord region or in the nunatak zone. The ground ice is unconformably overlain by all younger stratigraphic units, the oldest of which is a diamicton probably deposited as ablation till from the ice. A complex unit composed of mainly glaciolacustrine deposits and subordinate beds of fluvial and deltaic origin overlies the till and ground ice. Luminescence dating of the lacustrine sediments indicates maximum ages younger than 43 ka BP, suggesting deposition during isotope stages 3 or 2. The glaciolacustrine deposits suffered strongly from glaciotectonic deformation, caused by renewed glacier advance through the fjord. It reached the inner shelf and led to deposition of a discordant till at Kap Herschell, most probably during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Analysis of a Miocene-Pleistocene ice-rafted debris (IRD) record from the western Irminger Basin provides evidence for the initiation and long-term behavior of the SE portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet. In the late Miocene (~7.3 Ma), IRD supply to Ocean Drilling Program site 918 increased significantly indicating that glaciers large enough to reach sea level were present in SE Greenland long before the onset of widespread Northern Hemisphere glaciation. IRD accumulated at this site throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene, supporting the hypothesis that SE Greenland was a key nucleation area for the formation of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Since glacial onset, the western Irminger Basin IRD record is characterized by a succession of episodes with high IRD mass accumulation rates (MARs). The site 918 IRD record indicates that greatest iceberg production in SE Greenland occurred during major climatic transitions (e.g. widespread Northern Hemisphere glacial expansion at 2.7 Ma and the mid-Pleistocene climate shift at 0.9 Ma), and that SE Greenland sometimes also led the northern North Atlantic region in glacial response to climatic forcing (e.g. glacial intensification at ~4.8 and, along with NE Greenland, at ~3.5 Ma).  相似文献   

Two lithologically distinct tills are present near the pre-Illinoian glacial boundary in northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri. The tills are probably early middle Pleistocene (780 000-620 000 BP) based on normal polarity and their stratigraphic relationship to dated terraces. The upper till is sandier than the lower till and contains more expandable clay minerals and less illite than the lower till. Glaciofluvial and supraglacial sediments are preserved between the tills, yet palaeosols, or other evidence of an interglacial, are not present, suggesting that the tills were deposited during a single glaciation. Southeasterly and southwesterly trending striae and till fabric suggest that the glacial succession was deposited by at least two fluctuations (phases) of a lobe, which probably advanced down the axis of the present Missouri River lowland. These tills probably correlate to early middle Pleistocene tills in southwestern Iowa and eastern Nebraska, although it is possible that the lower till may correlate to even older tills in these areas.  相似文献   

Glaciotectonized sediments and palaeosol at Great Sampford, western Suffolk, England are reconstructed to their original positions in order to determine the form of the original land surface and the associated soil development. The restored stratigraphy consists of Early Pleistocene Kesgrave Sands and Gravels which were deposited by the 'pre-glacial' river Thames, with the Early-Middle Pleistocene Valley Farm Soil developed on a terrace surface. These units are overlain by Sampford Deformation Till and Lowestoft Till, which were formed during the Middle Pleistocene Anglian glaciation. The micromorphological features of the reconstructed soil are interpreted in terms of three climatic cycles, each comprising a period of temperate climate soil formation followed by cold climate soil disruption. The final stage of disruption is associated with the periglacial climate that preceded Anglian glacierization. This pedological reconstruction is the most complex yet recognized from British Early and Middle Pleistocene palaeosols and provides an insight into major climatic oscillations prior to the Anglian Glaciation. The surface upon which the soil developed is one of the oldest terraces of the 'pre-glacial' River Thames that were formed when this river flowed northwards through East Anglia.  相似文献   

Alluvial and lacustrine sediments exposed beneath late Pleistocene glaciolacustrine silt and clay at two sites along the Old Crow River, northern Yukon Territory, are rich in fossils and contain tephra beds. Surprise Creek tephra (SZt) occurs in the lower part of the alluvial sequence at CRH47 and Little Timber tephra (LTt) is present near the base of the exposure at CRH94. Surprise Creek tephra has a glass fission-track age of 0.17 ± 0.07 Ma and Little Timber tephra is 1.37 ± 0.12 Ma. All sediments at CRH47 have a normal remanent magnetic polarity and those near LTt at CRH94 have a reversed polarity — in agreement with the geomagnetic time scale. Small mammal remains from sediments near LTt support an Early Pleistocene age but the chronology is not so clear at CRH47 because of the large error associated with the SZt age determination. Tephrochronological and paleomagnetic considerations point to an MIS 7 age for the interglacial beds just below SZt at CRH47 and at Chester Bluffs in east-central Alaska, but mammalian fossils recovered from sediments close to SZt suggest a late Irvingtonian age, therefore older than MIS 7. Further studies are needed to resolve this problem.  相似文献   

Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   

East Greenland forms one of the least understood of the orogenic belts formed during the amalgamation of Rodinia during late Mesoproterozoic times. Recent U–Pb zircon SHRIMP dating on the widespread Krummedal supracrustal succession and associated granites from central East Greenland has shown that metamorphism and intrusion affected the region at around 0.95–0.92 Ga, approximately 150 m.y. later than the main phase of Grenvillian orogenesis (s.s.). These early Neoproterozoic ages may indicate a link with metamorphism and igneous activity in the Sveconorwegian Belt of Scandinavia rather than true ‘Grenvillian’ events on the eastern margin of Laurentia. Previous plate tectonic reconstructions which link Laurentia and Baltica by a collisional margin extending through central East Greenland at 1.1 Ga were based on early conventional U–Pb zircon dating in central East Greenland, and can no longer be considered viable. Instead, new detrital zircon SHRIMP U–Pb dating studies show that the Krummedal supracrustal succession was deposited between ca. 1.0 Ga and no later than 0.95 Ga, during a time of major sediment deposition widely preserved elsewhere in the North Atlantic region. Erosion associated with post-1.1 Ga collapse of the Grenville–Sunsas orogeny is the most likely source for the majority of the detritus, since the corresponding Baltic margin was dominated by A-type magmatism for much of the period 1.4–1.1 Ga material, which is the age of the bulk of detrital zircons in the Krummedal supracrustal succession. We suggest that the Krummedal supracrustal succession was deposited east or south-east of its present location, and was thrust onto Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic orthogneisses, which in turn were displaced across the parautochthonous foreland during the Caledonian orogeny. The early Neoproterozoic orogenic events recorded in central East Greenland therefore involved the metamorphism of a metasedimentary package of Laurentian–Amazonian affinity during the Sveconorwegian orogeny in the final stages of the collision of Baltica and Laurentia.  相似文献   

Early Weichselian interstadial land biotas at Thule, Northwest Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allochthonous macroscopic plant and animal remains from a shallow-water marine deposit from Northwest Greenland, assigned to the Early Weichselian/Wisconsinan, are indicative of arctic biotas dominated by herbaceous plants. The presence of several southern extralimital taxa show that summer temperatures were considerably higher than at present, presumably with a mean July temperature of about 8°C, as compared with c . 4°C at present.  相似文献   

IAN M. WEST 《Sedimentology》1973,20(2):229-249
Carbonate cementation of some carbonate and quartz sands in three raised beaches of temperate origins was investigated. The carbonate of the cements was found to have been derived from the dissolution of skeletal debris. The sandstones, so produced, now possess only low-magnesium calcite, but the original sediments, like adjacent modern beach and blown sands, probably contained low-magnesium calcite, aragonite and some high-magnesium calcite, all of skeletal origin. In meteoric water the dissolution has occurred of all carbonate within minute, tubulelike, volumes of sand. Concurrent deposition in adjacent volumes of sand of low-magnesium calcite formed cements that are irregularly nodular or uneven on a small scale. Aragonite within the minute nodules has been replaced paramorphically by low-magnesium calcite. Additional local carbonate cements were formed at later dates, around and within solution pipes.  相似文献   

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