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During its active life a large firm adopts several representations of the space with which it is in contact. The author is concerned with the recognition of the principal traits of these representations, based upon the results of questionnaires and interviews with representatives of a dozen French companies of international standing.Industrial space is signified by the distribution of productive forces, analysed and enumerated by classical geography. It has served as the basis of a systematisation aimed at the construction of a science of localisation. Nevertheless the factors compared are not of constant value.Commercial space which guides the sale-effort is structured by town centres and their level of attractiveness. Largely influenced by political geography it escapes complete domination because of the flux of commercial relationships.The thoughts of directors are exercised periodically at the level of world markets, monetary zones and tariffs, and the poles of decision that determine the march of events. In the last analysis strategic space thus perceived is financial space.  相似文献   

What does it mean to reflect upon space in connection to telecommunications? If we start with a conception of urban space as being fully integrated, including on an equal footing both information and communication technologies (ICT) and mobility techniques, as well as the founding notion of copresence that we find at the heart of all urban organization, we might then be able to examine the notion of the ‘digital divide’ in a new light. This clearly experimental approach is conducted by a research group called ‘Urbatic’, which is composed of geographers who, for the last three years, have been conducting theoretical research whose objective is to take into account two fields of social science: the theory of urbanity and the theory of telecommunication. Surveys conducted in this perspective focus on the analysis of the choices people make between the different means they can use to cope with distances (copresence, mobility and telecommunication) with a view to constructing their own space. The analysis of these choices leads us to propose a new theorized interpretation of the ‘digital divide’.  相似文献   

Large sets of rock compositions can be grouped by the analysis of corresponding point distributions in multidimensional space, where the separate dimensions represent the chemical variables. The point density around each composition is estimated in a small, multivariate, rectangular interval. Establishment of the identity of specimens contained in the interval, and systematic comparison of the point densities surrounding each of them, leads to the recognition of density maxima, which represent the statistical modes of the rock types present in the set. The remaining specimens by the same operations can be assigned to the groups formed. Experimental results are given for two sets, one comprising a wide variety of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks from the ore-bearing Skellefte district and adjacent parts of V?sterbotten, Sweden, and the other representing a less variable population of basic rocks from Norrbotten, Sweden. Linear discriminant analysis and existing geological information indicate that the groups obtained are statistically and geologically valid.  相似文献   

Chemical components such as SiO 2,TiO 2,MnO, P 2 O 5,and especially Fe 2 O 3 of the iron ores of Bicholim Mine, Northern Goa, have been determined for lateral and vertical sections of the mine at equal intervals of 3 and 1 m, respectively, so as to form the spatial (time) series. Univariate stationary models of the type Autoregressive moving average—ARMA (p, q)—were established for each series on the basis of statistical analyses of their auto (acf) and partial auto (pacf) correlation functions. These models were used for forecasting assay values at different lead distances from any pivot. Principles of parsimony simplified all of the candidate ARMA (p, q) models to pure AR (p) models, and the univariate forecasts were significantly improved by multivariate stochastic forecasts.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,有限的土地资源和城市发展之间的矛盾越来越突出,城市地下空间的安全、合理利用和地质环境保护具有重要的战略意义.为了解决G20、亚运会以及数字经济为杭州市快速发展带来的人口快速增长与土地资源有限的瓶颈问题,针对以杭州为代表的南方丘陵地区地下空间精细探测需求,开展了弹性波法、电法与电...  相似文献   

滕吉文 《地质通报》2006,25(7):767-771
中国正处在快速工业化和经济腾飞的前夜,必须有大量各类金属矿产资源的支撵,当今国内却供给不足。供需矛盾日益尖锐,导致了对外依存度的不断增长。本文从这一前提和解决的途径出发,分析了金属矿产资源形成与聚集的深层过程和动力学响应、地壳深处金属矿产资源探查的科学依据与例证、地球物理方法和技术支撑。据此提出:①当今国家所公布的资源量系指第一深度空间(0-500m)找矿、勘探和开发的资源量,尚不能完全表征全国金属矿产资源量的全部;(多实施第二深度空间(500-2000m)金属矿产资源的找矿、勘探和开发已迫不及待;③在深部金属矿产资源的探查和开发中,必须依靠新的认识和新的理念,采用先进的、高精度的地球物理探测方法和技术,并建立起有自主特色的深部矿产资源探查理论、方法和技术体系。  相似文献   

本文利用层次聚类分析和因子分析两种多元统计方法探讨了贵州省毕节市岩溶地下水水化学组分特征及影响因素。结果表明:研究区地下水组分浓度变化范围较大,具有明显的空间变异性,其受到地理因素、水岩作用过程、土壤等自然因素、人类活动的影响。这四个影响因素能够解释地下水水化学组分82%的特征,其中,水岩作用过程和人类活动是主要影响因素。地下水中HCO3-、SO42-、Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩矿物的溶解,同时也受到人类采煤活动的影响;Cl-、K+、Na+和NO3-则主要受到人类活动,特别是农业化肥、粪肥、农药施用和生活污水排放等因素的影响。本研究有助于深化对西南岩溶地下水水化学特征的理解,有助于有效预测岩溶地下水污染物来源,且对岩溶区水资源的合理开发利用具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

王明明 《地质与勘探》2022,58(5):1117-1127
位于坦桑尼亚环维多利亚湖东部的穆索马-马拉绿岩带,是坦桑尼亚重要的金矿成矿带之一,目前该成矿带上已发现众多大中型金矿床。本文旨在穆索马-马拉绿岩带上开展地质矿产勘查工作时,首先以遥感技术为先导,利用预处理后的TM遥感数据提取蚀变异常信息,以圈定有利的成矿靶区,再结合地质、物探等手段进行综合分析研究。结果表明:利用PCA方法提取的遥感蚀变异常信息在研究区内主要呈面状、线状展布,且与已知的矿化蚀变位置吻合较好。结合已有地质资料,在成矿有利靶区开展了物探工作,并验证了圈定的激电异常体,取得了较好的找矿成果。认为“弱铁染蚀变+强羟基蚀变”模式及“低阻、相对高极化”的激电异常体是非常有效的间接找矿标志。  相似文献   

Alternative, established models for the deglaciation of the midlands of Ireland are tested against an interpretation of a suite of deglacial sediments covering an area of 600 km2 in the east central midland area. Interpretation of the sediments is based on geomorphological mapping, lithostratigraphic characterization of exposures and geotechnical data supported by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). GPR depicted small‐scale sedimentological and deformational structures within low‐conductivity soft sediments, such as cross‐bedding, planar bedding, channel‐like features and faulting planes, and revealed the internal architecture of eskers, glaciodeltas, subaqueous fans and raised bogs. ERT data permitted the detection of depth to bedrock and the lithological characterization of unconsolidated sediments. The ten sites presented were surveyed by traditional mapping methods and/or geophysical techniques. This allowed the construction of a local model of the deglaciation of the area which recognized five main stages. An ice sheet covering most of Ireland withdrew as a single body as far as the midlands. At this stage, two main directions of ice retreat are identified from the spatial distribution of meltwater/overflow channels, esker and morainic ridges, and ice‐marginal glaciolacustrine deposits. A pattern of deglacial sedimentation into an expanding ice‐marginal glacial lake is depicted. The glacial lake was dammed to the west by two ice dome fronts, one decaying to the north‐west and another to the south‐west, and by the Shannon Basin watershed to the east. Glacial lake outlets identified along the watershed and the altitude of the topset/foreset interface zone depicted in glaciodeltaic deposits allowed the identification of three lake water levels. The highest level is at 87–89 m Ordnance Datum (OD), the second lake level at 84 m OD and the third at 78 m OD. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吉林椅山成矿区物探异常特征及找矿效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
椅山地区是吉林省重要的贵金属、有色金属成矿区,通过区域地球物理场特征、地球化学场特征、地电化学特征的分析研究,结合探矿工程验证结果,详细论述了物探方法在该区的找矿效果。  相似文献   

坦桑尼亚恩泽加地区内的某研究区第四系覆盖严重,常规地质找矿方法无从人手.为了解研究区内地层或岩性边界、构造产出环境,给选择找矿靶区提供指导作用和有效找矿信息,笔者进行了1∶1万地面高精度磁测,圈定了数条NW-SE向和NE-SW向呈线性串珠状展布的磁异常带,依据辉长岩磁性特征,推测磁异常带是由侵入辉长岩岩脉引起,从而厘清了研究区内线性构造的分布特征;结合区域构造和金矿床(点)分布规律,认为研究区内NW-SE向剪切带是与金矿矿化关系最为密切的构造,应以寻找构造蚀变岩型或剪切带型金矿为主;经对NW-SE向剪切构造带(SZ6)进行地表工程揭露,发现了金矿化蚀变带.  相似文献   

Martin Hampl 《GeoJournal》1994,32(3):191-198
This contribution emphasizes the limits constraining the synthetical ability of contemporary science, which are a consequence of the imbalance between the search for partial and relatively simple phenomena and the search for comprehensive complexes. The development of our integral knowledge can be supported by geography which is a discipline studying complex systems. However, it is necessary to search for regularities showing the organization of complex systems. This contribution is an attempt to specify such regularities. Emphasis is put on the role of hierarchical principles in the organization of complex systems. The interaction between hierarchical differentiation of the environment and homogeneous sets of kinds of partial phenomena seems to represent the primary conditioning of evolution: the occurrence of similar phenomena in different external conditions. Regularities of complex systems can be specified in connection with the differentiation of these systems according to principles of rank/scale and evolution. The combination of the two principles enables us to understand the nature of development of society in the environment.  相似文献   

A schematic but quantitative geochemical, petrological, model of the sub-marine lithosphere and its genesis is given. With this model we calculate numerically, a priori, the geophysical characteristics of the lithosphere, its acoustic properties, density, oceanic heat flow and ocean bottom topography. Comparison with observational data for these characteristics shows good agreement. Particular attention is given to anomalous upper mantle in the vicinity of spreading centres. Compressional and shear wave velocity distributions are given in tabular form for the submarine lithosphere as a function of age. Comparison between observations for Vp, Vs and the calculated acoustic properties suggests that the lower marine lithosphere is anisotropic. Possible thickening of layer 3 with age is discussed. Melt distribution in the ridge axial region has been evaluated. All calculations were done for a plate velocity of 1 cm y−1.  相似文献   

The Bar Hill-Whitchurch-Wrexham Morainic Complex is a large-scale glacial landform thought to represent either the maximum extent or the re-advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Late Devensian. The origin of the moraine remains uncertain as its key characteristics have not been studied in detail due to a lack of exposures from which its large-scale structure can be determined. The development of new technologies has enabled detailed examination of the topography and internal structure of such large-scale landforms. This paper describes a multi-disciplinary approach involving digital geomorphological mapping using enhanced resolution NextMAP™ digital surface models, geophysical imaging (electrical resistivity tomography) and conventional sedimentological analyses. This combination of techniques is useful for elucidating the origin of a large glacial landform in a region of poor exposure. Digital elevation models such as NextMAP™ offer an efficient and accurate method for landform-mapping, whilst electrical resistivity tomography was able to map the major constituent sediments of the moraine, which had in turn been identified in the single exposure available. Additional geophysical techniques should however be applied to provide further structural data and thereby enable a more detailed interpretation of the moraine's internal structure. Preliminary findings indicate that the moraine is a glaciotectonic landform composed of diamicton and glaciofluvial sediments, an origin consistent with recent suggestions that the Cheshire Plain contained an active ice lobe during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

地球物理方法对垃圾填埋场探测的有效性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中根据在河北省某市两处不同类型垃圾(建筑垃圾和生活垃圾)填埋场上采用多种地球物理方法(高密度电阻率法、探地雷达法、高精度磁测法、激发极化法和瞬变电磁法)进行试验研究所取得的实测资料,结合工作地区的地质和岩土物性特征,通过分析对比,指出了不同地球物理方法在圈定和监测垃圾填埋场的污染范围和扩散趋势等方面的作用和能力。实验证明,垃圾填埋场渗漏污染检测中,探地雷达法、高密度电阻率法、激发极化法和瞬变电磁法均有一定的效果。除高密度电阻率方法外,激发极化法在监测垃圾的污染范围和污染趋势、圈定污染程度方面,效果也很明显。  相似文献   

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