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Improving maritime communications is the raison d'être of INMARSAT, of which 40 countries are now members. INMARSAT operates the world's only commercial satellite system devoted to international mobile communications. This article describes the system and the services which can be provided through it, and covers the policy issues of interest to INMARSAT. It concludes by considering the future of maritime mobile communications via satellite.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(3):223-234
In a previous paper on Canal management we examined the treaties and regulations underpinning firstly American and later Panamanian administration of the Canal. We also looked at the transfer of the Canal into Panamanian hands, including the management models used, ending with a review of toll structures and results. The subject of this paper is the operation of the Canal and the heated debate surrounding its modernisation, with a view to determining the adequacy of projected plans, as well as any future requirements, for maintaining its capacity in the 21 century. This paper seeks to analyse the Canal's operation, modernisation programmes and traffic systems as well as its key element: human resources.  相似文献   

Regional co-development and security:: a comprehensive approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concepts of security are no longer limited to the military form, but other potential, economic, ecological, social aspects are becoming included.Emphasis needs to be put on integration of all dimensions of security. Many environmental problems present threats to human health and welfare and hence to the well-being of nations. The environmental issues cannot be ignored in context of any comprehensive security concept, but environmental security should not be treated in isolation.Integration of sustainable development and regional security may address many of the current maritime issues. Such integration may best be handled jointly and at regional levels.With this in mind and the realization that there is now a clear awareness and understanding that issues such as poverty, underdevelopment, population growth, environmental quality and sustainable resource use, are interrelated and interdependent and must be dealt with as such, the paper aims to highlight some aspects of regional security and sustainable development issues with reference to the Mediterranean basin. The aim is to initiate a process to pursue integration of sustainable development and comprehensive regional security with focus on the Mediterranean.The approach is based on the concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind as proposed by Arvid Pardo in 1967. It has 4 dimensions: economic; ethical; environmental; peace and security. In dealing with the proposal of Arvid Pardo the United Nations General Assembly decided to split up the concept: the Conference on the Law of the Sea was to deal with the peaceful uses of oceans and sea-beds; the Conference on Disarmament with the security aspects, then considered as military. UNCED 92 maintained the separation in addressing only environment and development, with management also included. However, peace and security were not included. It is time now to include these elements, and also consider the enforcement issue. The paper aims at illustrating this need through some examples from the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

Gordon  Hendler 《Marine Ecology》1984,5(4):379-401
Abstract. In the first decisive study of color-change in brittlestars, four Caribbean species, Ophiocoma echinata, 0. paucigranulata, O. pumila, and O. wendti are reported to change color from day to night. Color-change is most striking in O. wendti, which is dark brown during the day, and is banded gray and black from dusk to dawn. The transformation occurs over a 3 to 4 hour period and is effected by chromatorphores which appear to respond to illumination, independently of the central nervous system. Color-change may also be mediated by an endogenous rhythm. Ophiocoma wendti is more responsive to light than the other 3 species tested. It reacts to lower levels of illumination at night than during the day, exhibiting negative phototaxis in moonlight as well as in sunlight. I suggest that color-change may expose (or shield) photosensitive tissues that control the brittlestar's detection of shaded fissures in the reef. Thereby, chromatophore activity may be connected with the brittlestar's chief defense from predators, the ability to detect shadow and escape into darkened crevices. Although experiments to date with predacious fish are equivocal. the color patterns of Ophiocoma species mav provide protective camouflage.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(1):43-48
A new approach to fisheries management is suggested. Recognizing the great uncertainty and variability that affects the supply of fish, combined with the immobility of capital and labor in the industry, a small core fishery should be maintained with the capacity to catch only the quantity of fish that it would be safe to catch as the stock approaches the lower limits of its natural cycle. When fish are abundant, the excess would be auctioned to risk takers who have neither a permanent commitment to, nor multi-year fishing rights in, the fishery.  相似文献   

The ambient noise produced by large areas of ice floes, such as the Odden and the marginal ice zone, was recorded and analysed. A model based on the collision, compression and shearing of floes driven by ocean swell was constructed. This model allows the level and variance of the ambient noise to be predicted provided the conditions of the ice and the sea state are known. The frequency spectrum of the ambient noise in the range 100 Hz to 100 kHz is explained in terms of acoustic propagation and absorption by sea water. The probability distribution of ambient noise intensity, obtained from a statistical analysis of collision frequencies, is a form of K distribution and agrees with observations.  相似文献   

在我国南海海域大型底栖生物进行分类和多样性研究中,发现我国长眼寄居蟹属2个新记录种,紫斑长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes gonagrus)和条纹长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes runyanae),并对其进行描述。紫斑长眼寄居蟹采集自海南岛,主要特征为:螯足和步足密布刚毛,第一触角柄未达到角膜基部,螯足腕节、掌节背面刺和突起密集而发达,螯足和第二、三步足长节末端有紫色色斑;条纹长眼寄居蟹采集于西沙群岛,主要特征为:右螯足略大于左螯足,第一触角柄短,长度仅为眼柄长度的1/2,螯足和第二、三步足背腹面均有黄色条纹。  相似文献   

Oceanic double-infusion: introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Double-diffusion, the mixing of fluids with two constituents of different molecular diffusivities, was originally discovered in the mid-1800s, forgotten, then rediscovered as an ‘oceanographic curiosity’ a century later. Many oceanographers suspect that double-diffusion has major effects on oceanic water masses and circulation, but direct measurement of the effects has proven difficult. In 1996, a Working Group was formed under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR WG108), with the goal to identify progress and barriers to quantifying oceanic double-diffusive fluxes, and make recommendations for further progress. This document gives a brief history of double-diffusion, a review of evidence of its potential effects in the ocean, and gives an overview of the review articles contained in this volume, written by the Working Group members with the above aim in mind.  相似文献   

This special issue reports the results of ARABESQUE, an UK-led, international programme of upper-ocean biogeochemistry in the Arabian Sea region, conducted during two contrasting seasons. The seasons studied were the waning of the southwest monsoon in August/September and the intermonsoon-northeast monsoon transition in November/December 1994. Biogeochemical studies were carried out along three transects in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. The main ARABESQUE transect, 1590 km in length, lay orthogonal to the southern Oman coast and spanned a range of conditions that encompassed coastal seasonal upwelling through to oceanic aseasonal oligotrophy of the central Arabian Sea. Surface mixed-layer hydrography, PAR, wind speed and direction fields, and research results obtained during the two seasonal studies are summarised in this paper, which also serves as an introductory overview to ARABESQUE.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study addresses the habitat and microhabitat of the seven species of gobiesocid fish in the Mediterranean Sea. It is shown that Lepadogaster lepadogaster is closely adapted to large pebbles and boulder fields of rounded stones with a smooth surface. L. candollei is more euryecious and, in addition to inhabiting boulder fields also, occurs close to seagrass meadows, in small cavities and in association with sea urchins. Diplecogaster bimaculata is also euryecious and extends to greater depths. It lives on sand and muddy bottoms as well as on coralline grounds. At some locations this species is found in high abundance during the spawning season under empty bivalve shells or flat stones. Apletodon dentatus is the rarest species of Gobiesocidae in the Mediterranean Sea. It has a close association with seagrass or large brown algae ( Cystoseira ). Juveniles of A. incognitus are either associated with sea urchins or inhabit Posidonia meadows. Adults prefer the vicinity of seagrass meadows under empty bivalve shells and stones overgrown with red algae. Gouania wildenowi is stenoecious and is restricted to the interstices of roundish coarse gravel near the waterline. Opeatogenys gracilis is also stenoecious and lives only on the leaves of Posidonia and Cymodocea seagrass. The colourations of the different species and their variations are described and discussed.  相似文献   

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