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伽师强震群区震源细结构的深地震反射探测研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
穿过伽师强震群的深地震反射剖面提供了研究区从地表直至莫霍界面的地壳细结构图像.探测结果表明:研究区上、下地壳分界面埋深约20~30 km,莫霍界面埋深约52~58 km.上地壳内部存在着两种截然不同的反射图像.上地壳上部为沉积盖层,厚度约8~9 km,盖层内部反射成层分布,显示了稳定而连续的沉积特点;上地壳下部则为“反射透明”背景下存在的叠层状反射带.下地壳内部呈现明显的反射性质,具体体现在上、下地壳分界面和莫霍间断面都表现为具有一定持续时间的多循环反射叠层结构特征.时间剖面上所有反射事件由北东向南西下倾的整体图像直观地反映了塔里木盆地地壳变形而向西昆仑下插入的事实.剖面47km桩号附近,上地壳下部至壳幔过渡带以上地壳范围内存在一条高倾角的深断裂,具有走滑性质,本研究认为该深断裂与1997年伽师强震群的发生密切相关,推断它为伽师强震群的发震构造.而时间剖面上壳幔过渡带反射的连续性则说明该断裂没有向下穿过莫霍面.存在于上地壳上部的两条高倾角的浅部断层可能对应于地质推测的麦盖提—下苏洪断裂带,它们与位于其下方的地壳深断裂构成了伽师强震群可能的深、浅构造关系.  相似文献   

2004年4月在伽师强震群区完成了一条高分辨折射地震探测剖面. 我们采用有限差分反演和哈格多恩原理折射波前成像方法进行了处理, 得到了该地区上部地壳细结构图象. 结果显示上部地壳结构总体上横向比较均匀,纵向分层明显. 该地区地壳顶部11 km以上可分为4层:顶部约400 m以上为浅表盖层,P波速度约1.65~1.8 km/s,该层为较松散的风化层;第二层为纵向强梯度层, P波速度在1.8~4.5 km/s之间, 纵向梯度约1.2 kmmiddot;s-1/km,其厚度在2.96~3.0 km之间, 其底界面几乎水平; 第三层的厚度有较大变化, 其埋深从东北向西南逐渐变深, 西南端层厚约6.5 km,东北端减薄为5.5 km. 该层的上部和下部又表现为不同的速度结构特征,其上部速度较均匀,平均P波速度约4.8 km/s,下部相对于第二层来说为一弱梯度层, 梯度约0.35 kmmiddot;s-1/km, P波速度在5.1~6.25 km/s之间. 该层的底界为结晶基底,其结晶基底西南深东北浅,形成一个向天山方向上翘的斜坡,似乎显示出坚硬的塔里木块体在插入天山下时受阻的上部地壳结构特征;第四层比较均匀,速度约为6.3 km/s. 在4 km深度左右有一横向速度异常变化,推断可能与隐伏的麦盖提断裂及下苏洪——麦盖提断裂有关,但未见这些断裂延伸至地表及穿过基底的结构特征. 伽师强震群的发震构造至少应位于11 km深度以下的中下地壳之中.   相似文献   

IntroductionBetween January and April of 1997, 7 earthquakes with M(6.0 occurred successively in Jiashi, Xinjiang. The continual occurrence of strong earthquakes within such a small area and in such a short period of time is exceptional for intraplate earthquakes. The Jiashi earthquake swarm took place on the northeast side of the Pamirs, where the Tarim basin, South Tianshan and West Karakoram meet (HU, et al, 1989). This is also a place where a number of active faults develop, so it is…  相似文献   

以单次散射模型、球形辐射源、一维线性速度模型为基础计算理论包络线,通过尾波归一化方法把理论与观测包络线结合起来形成非线性方程组,用迭代最小二乘方法反演伽师强震群区的散射系数空间分布.结果表明,伽师强震群区下方中上地壳中存在明显的非均匀结构.在10~25 km各深度图像上,研究区中部都存在一低散射系数区,这个低散射系数区在10 km、15 km深度被高散射系数区包围,在20 km深度仅其东侧存在高散射系数区.1997年的7次Ms≥6.0级地震发生在研究区中部的低散射系数区内或低散射系数区向高散射系数区过渡带的低散射系数一侧.  相似文献   

The seismic data obtained from high resolution seismic refraction profile in Jiashi strong earthquake swarm area in Xinjiang, China were further processed with ray hit analysis method and more complete basement interface struc-tural characteristics beneath Jiashi strong earthquake swarm area were determined. The results show that there are two clear basement interfaces at the upper crust in Jiashi strong earthquake swarm area. The first one with buried depth ranging from 2.6 km to 3.3 km presents integral and continuous structure, and it appears an inclined plane interface and smoothly rises up toward Tianshan Mountain. The second basement interface with buried depth from 8.5 km to 11.8 km, is the antiquated crystalline basement of Tarim basin. Near the post number of 37 km, the bur-ied depth of the crystalline basement changed abruptly by 2.5 km, which maybe result from an ultra crystalline basement fault. If taking this fault as a boundary, the crystalline basement could be divided into two parts, i.e. the southwestern segment with buried depth about 11.5 km, and the northeastern segment with buried depth approxi-mately from 8.5 km to 9.0 km. That is to say, in each segment, the buried depth changes not too much. The north-east segment rises up as a whole and upheaves slightly from southwest to northeast, which reflects the upper crustal deformation characteristics under the special tectonic background at the northwestern edge of Tarim basin.  相似文献   

1997年伽师强震群活动的近场定点形变异常特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
温和平 《华南地震》2000,20(2):40-46
对1997年伽师强震群前后的近场宁点形变资料和卡尔曼滤波结果的前兆异常进行了分析,结果表明,震前短临异常较为明显。通过密切跟踪,在后续强震的预报中发挥了重要作用。文中还对异常与孕震构造和应力场的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

IntroductionEarthquakelocationisoneoftheoldestinverseproblemsinseismology.Preciseearthquakelocationisthebasisoftheseismicresearch.Theprecisionoftheearthquakelocationdependsonmanyfactors,suchasthequalityofthestationnetwork,theprecisionoftheseismicwavearrivaltimemeasured,andtheknowledgeaboutthecrustalvelocitystructureandsoon.AccordingtotheresearchmadebyZhao(1983),thehorizontallocationerroroftheeanhquakelocatedbythetraditionalabsolutemethodinthecentralareaofNorthChinaisabouttZkin,intheedgeregio…  相似文献   

Broadband P and S waves source spectra of 12 MS5.0 earthquakes of the 1997 Jiashi, Xinjiang, China, earthquake swarm recorded at 13 GDSN stations have been analyzed. Rupture size and static stress drop of these earthquakes have been estimated through measuring the corner frequency of the source spectra. Direction of rupture propagation of the earthquake faulting has also been inferred from the azimuthal variation of the corner frequency. The main results are as follows: ①The rupture size of MS6.0 strong earthquakes is in the range of 10~20 km, while that of MS=5.0~5.5 earthquakes is 6~10 km.② The static stress drop of the swarm earthquakes is rather low, being of the order of 0.1 MPa. This implies that the deformation release rate in the source region may be low. ③ Stress drop of the earthquakes appears to be proportional to their seismic moment, and also to be dependent on their focal mechanism. The stress drop of normal faulting earthquakes is usually lower than that of strike-slip type earthquakes. ④ For each MS6.0 earthquake there exists an apparent azimuthal variation of the corner frequencies. Azimuthally variation pattern of corner frequencies of different earthquakes shows that the source rupture pattern of the Jiashi earthquake swarm is complex and no uniform rupture expanding direction exists.  相似文献   

1997年发生在新疆伽师的强震群迄今仍在持续活动,从1997年1月21日震群发生至1997年10月18日,共发生5级以上地震15次.震群发生前,该地区几乎没有地震活动.根据伽师震群地震的精确定位结果及震源机制解,我们设定该震群的发震构造是一组NNW(北北西)向的雁形右旋走滑断层和一组NE(北东)向雁形正倾滑断层.并以此作为模拟该区域理论地震活动的力学模型,开展震群区域理论地震活动的模拟研究.模拟结果证实了断层间的相互作用或应力传递能产生震群活动的猜测,并对伽师震群中为何部分地震的震源机制是正断层进行了合理解释.进一步推测伽师位于地壳厚度的陡变带也可能是引起该地区地震活动丛集发生的原因.  相似文献   

关于川滇地区深部结构与强震活动关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川滇地区是中国大内部地震活动最强的地区之一,且近期的强震活动仍十分频繁。本文论述了川滇地区在我国大陆强震的机理和预测研究中的重要地位,回顾了30我为在该地区开展的地震学研究,并提出在“973”国家基础研究计划中拟开展的深部地球物理探测及其相关的研究工作。  相似文献   

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