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Expeditions to Muztagata (in the eastern Pamirs) during the summer seasons of 2002 and 2003 collected precipitation samples
and measured their oxygen isotopes. The δ
18O in precipitation displays a wide range, varying from −17.40‰ to +1.33‰ in June-September 2002 and from −22.31‰ to +4.59‰
in May-August 2003. The δ
18O in precipitation correlates with the initial temperature of precipitation during the observing periods. The positive correlation
between δ
18O and temperature suggests that δ
18O can be used as an indicator of temperature in this region. The δ
18O values in fresh-snow samples collected from two snow events at different elevations on the Muztagata Glacier show a strong
“altitude effect”, with a ratio of nearly −0.40% per 100 m from 5500 m to 7450 m. 相似文献
This paper presents a robust H∞ output feedback control approach for structural systems with uncertainties in model parameters by using available acceleration measurements and proposes conditions for the existence of such a robust output feedback controller. The uncertainties of structural stiffness, damping and mass parameters are assumed to be norm-bounded. The proposed control approach is formulated within the framework of linear matrix inequalities, for which existing convex optimization techniques, such as the LMI toolbox in MATLAB, can be used effectively and conveniently. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed robust H∞ strategy, a six-story building was subjected both to the 1940 El Centro earthquake record and to a suddenly applied Kanai-Tajimi filtered white noise random excitation. The results show that the proposed robust H∞ controller provides satisfactory results with or without variation of the structural stiffness, damping and mass parameters. 相似文献
Marvin Lanphere Duane Champion Leone Melluso Vincenzo Morra Annamaria Perrotta Claudio Scarpati Dario Tedesco Andrew Calvert 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2007,69(3):259-263
The Italian volcano, Vesuvius, erupted explosively in AD 79. Sanidine from pumice collected at Casti Amanti in Pompeii and Villa Poppea in Oplontis yielded a weighted-mean 40Ar/39Ar age of 1925±66 years in 2004 (1σ uncertainty) from incremental-heating experiments of eight aliquants of sanidine. This is the calendar age of the eruption. Our results together with the work of Renne et al. (1997) and Renne and Min (1998) demonstrate the validity of the 40Ar/39Ar method to reconstruct the recent eruptive history of young, active volcanoes. 相似文献
In this paper the crustal velocity structure are imaged at the annual scale for determining the evolution of 3D velocity structure before the Dayao earthquakes in 2003, and the relation between physical variation of medium and cause of earthquake occurrence is discussed. Checkerboard resolution tests show that the spatial resolution at 15 km depth is approximate 0.6 around Dayao. Error analyses show that the error (Approximate 0.02 km/s) at the focus area is far smaller than the magnitude (approximate 0.15 km/s) of velocity variation. Results of the studies show that a NNW-striking juncture zone of high-and low-velocity is formed before Dayao earthquake, whose strike is basically consistent with that of aftershock distribution of Dayao earthquakes and the focal mechanism, and the hypocenters lie on the high-velocity side of juncture zone. Furthermore, there is a low-velocity body under the hypocenters after Dayao earthquakes. The evolution of velocity structure provides restriction for discussing the circumstances of earthquake gestating and occurring. 相似文献
YU ChangMin Nanjing Institute of Geology Palaeontology Chinese Academy of Sciences 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(12):1761-1766
Based on studying the ontogenetic development of Calceola sandalina in the Early Devonian Yukiang Formation from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, South China, it is for the first time to issue the evidence indicating the existence of sexual dimorphism in Calceola sandalina. The new discovery will add important data on sexual dimorphism throughout the non-colonial fossil metazoan, and it also may throw lights on studying the taxonomy and phylogeny of Calceola sandalina and its relevant taxa. 相似文献
Liu XiaoHong Shao XueMei Wang LiLi Zhao LiangJu Wu Pu Chen Tuo Qin DaHe Ren JiaWen 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(7):1076-1085
In the reconstruction of past climate using stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in tree ring, the responses of the stable carbon composition (δ13C) of multiple tree species to environmental factors must be known detailedly. This study presented two δ13C series in annual tree rings for Chinese hemlock (Tsuga chinensis Pritz) and alpine pine (Pinus densata Mast), and investigated the relationships between climatic parameters and stable carbon discrimination (Δ13C) series, and evaluated the potential of climatic reconstruction using Δ13C in both species, in a temperate-moist region of Chuanxi Plateau, China. The raw δ13C series of the two species was inconsistent, which may be a result of different responses caused by tree's inherent physiological differences. After removing the low-frequency effects of CO2 concentration, the high-frequency (year-to-year) inter-series correlation of Δ13C was strong, indicating that Δ13C of the two tree species were controlled by common environmental conditions. The Δ13C series of the species were most significantly correlated with temperature and moisture stress, but in different periods and intensity between the species. During the physiological year, the impacts of temperature and moisture stress on Δ13C occur earlier for Chinese hemlock (previous December to February for moisture stress and February to April for temperature, respectively) than for alpine pine (March to May for moisture stress and April to July for temperature, respectively). In addition, in temperatemoist regions, the control on Δ13C of single climatic parameter was not strongly dominant and the optimal multiple regressions functions just explained the 38.5% variance of the total. Therefore, there is limited potential for using δ13C alone to identify clear, reliable climatic signals from two species. 相似文献
Estimation of the Maximum Earthquake Magnitude, <Emphasis Type="Italic">m</Emphasis><Subscript>max</Subscript> 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper provides a generic equation for the evaluation of the maximum earthquake magnitude mmax for a given seismogenic zone or entire region. The equation is capable of generating solutions in different forms, depending on the assumptions of the statistical distribution model and/or the available information regarding past seismicity. It includes the cases (i) when earthquake magnitudes are distributed according to the doubly-truncated Gutenberg-Richter relation, (ii) when the empirical magnitude distribution deviates moderately from the Gutenberg-Richter relation, and (iii) when no specific type of magnitude distribution is assumed. Both synthetic, Monte-Carlo simulated seismic event catalogues, and actual data from Southern California, are used to demonstrate the procedures given for the evaluation of mmax.The three estimates of mmax for Southern California, obtained by the three procedures mentioned above, are respectively: 8.32 ± 0.43, 8.31 ± 0.42 and 8.34 ± 0.45. All three estimates are nearly identical, although higher than the value 7.99 obtained by Field et al. (1999). In general, since the third procedure is non-parametric and does not require specification of the functional form of the magnitude distribution, its estimate of the maximum earthquake magnitude mmax is considered more reliable than the other two which are based on the Gutenberg-Richter relation. 相似文献
Gong YiMing Xu Ran Xie ShuCheng Huang XianYu Hu Bin Qi YongAn Zhang GuoCheng 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(8):1121-1127
The trace fossil Zoophycos was enriched in the lower part of the Guadalupian Maokou Formation of Permian in Laibin, Guangxi of South China, and characterized by observable lamellae within its spreiten. Associated with these lamellae are the prolific coccus- and spirillum-shaped microbe fossils. These microbes morphologically identified are 0.4―3.0 μm in diameter or length. Molecular fossils, including normal alkanes (dominated by C18, without an odd-over-even predominance), acyclic isoprenoids (such as pristane (Pr) and phytane (Ph)), extended tricyclic terpanes, pentacyclic triterpanes, steranes, al-kylcyclohexanes, dibenzothiophenes, benzonaphthothiophenes, benzobisbenzothiophenes, were in-strumentally identified in the wackestone characterized by the occurrence of abundant Zoophycos (composite ichnofabric indices are 4) and crowded microbial fossils. The value of the Pr/Ph ratio is less than 1, indicative of a dysoxic condition. The identification of abundant sulfur compounds (the thio-phene series) related to the contribution of reductive sulfur favors the occurrence of sulphate-reducing bacteria. The association of abundant microbial colonies with microbial molecular fossils within the spreiten suggests that trace fossils Zoophycos would be a multifunctional garden carefully constructed by the Zoophycos-producer, where different microbial colonies were orderly and carefully planted and cultured in different minor lamellae within spreiten. Hence, it is proposed that the Zoophycos-producer symbiosed with microbial colonies on the mutual basis of food supply and the redox conditions. 相似文献
Prantik Mandal R K Chadha C Satyamurty I P Raju N Kumar 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2005,162(12):2479-2504
Site response in the aftershock zone of 2001 Bhuj Mw 7.7 earthquake has been studied using the H/V spectral ratio method using 454 aftershocks (Mw 2.5–4.7) recorded at twelve three-component digital strong motion and eight three-component digital seismograph sites. The
mean amplification factor obtained for soft sediment sites (Quaternary/Tertiary) varies from 0.75–6.03 times for 1–3 Hz and
0.49–3.27 times for 3–10 Hz. The mean amplification factors obtained for hard sediment sites (hard Jurassic/Mesozoic sediments)
range from 0.32–3.24 times for 1–3 Hz and 0.37–2.18 times for 310 Hz. The upper bounds of the larger mean amplification factors
for 1–3 Hz are found to be of the order of 3.13–6.03 at Chopadwa, Vadawa, Kavada, Vondh, Adhoi, Jahwarnagar and Gadhada, whereas,
the upper bounds of the higher mean amplification factors at 3–10 Hz are estimated to be of the order of 2.00–3.27° at Tapar,
Chopadwa, Adhoi, Jahwarnagar, Gandhidham and Khingarpur. The site response estimated at Bhuj suggests a typical hard-rock
site behavior. Preliminary site response maps for 1–3 Hz and 310 Hz frequency ranges have been prepared for the area extending
from 23–23.85 °N and 69.65–70.85°E. These frequency ranges are considered on the basis of the fact that the natural frequencies
of multi-story buildings (3 to 10 floor) range between 1–3 Hz, while the natural frequencies for 1 to 3 story buildings vary
from 3–10 Hz. The 1–3 Hz map delineates two distinct zones of maximum site amplification (>3 times): one lying in the NW quadrant
of the study area covering Jahwarnagar, Kavada and Gadadha and the other in the SE quadrant of the study area with a peak
of 6.03 at Chopadwa covering an area of 70 km × 50 km. While the 3–10 Hz map shows more than 2 times site amplification value
over the entire study area except, NE quadrant, two patches in the southwest corner covering Bhuj and Anjar, and one patch
at the center covering Vondh, Manfara and Sikara. The zones for large site amplification values (∼3 times) are found at Tapar,
Chopadwa, Adhoi and Chobari. The estimated site response values show a good correlation with the distribution of geological
formations as well as observed ground deformation in the epicentral zone. 相似文献
Spatial variation of soil moisture after snow thawing in South Gurbantunggut was quantitatively studied using ANOVA and geostatistics at various scales. The results show that the soil moisture heterogeneity varies along with spatial scales. At the shrub individual scale, there is a gradient in soil moisture from shrub-canopied area to canopy margin and to the interspaces between shrubs. At the community scale, soil moisture is highly autocorrelated and the semivariogram is fitted as spherical model, with an 89.6% structural variance and a range of 4.02 m. In addition, Kringing map indicates that the soil moisture distribution pattern after snow thawing is highly consistent with the shrub patch pattern. At the typical inter-dune transect scale, soil moisture presents a pattern of high value at inter-dune depression and low value at dune, and this variation is fitted as Gaussian model with a structural variance of 95.8% and a range of 66.16 m. The range is comparable with the scale of topography zoning, suggesting that the topography pattern controls the pattern of snowmelt at this scale. The evidence indicates that the heterogeneity of soil moisture at various scales is controlled by various land surface processes after snow thawing. For Gurbantunggut Desert, the spatial heterogeneity of snowmelt at various scales is ecologically valuable, because it promotes the utilization efficiency of the snowmelt for the desert vegetation. 相似文献
The great Kunlun earthquake occurred on Nov. 14, 2001 in Qinghai Province, China. Five large aftershocks with magnitude larger than 5.0 occurred near the Kunlun fault after main shock. Calculations of the change in Coulomb failure stress reveal that 4 of 5 large aftershocks occurred in areas with Δσf>0 (10?2–10?1 MPa) and one aftershock occurred in an area with Δσf=?0.56 MPa. It is concluded that the permanent fault displacement due to the main shock is the main cause of activity of large aftershocks, but not the whole cause. 相似文献
A new species of Macrocnemus (Reptilia: Protorosauria) from the Middle Triassic of southwestern China and its palaeogeographical implication 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A new species of the terrestrial protorosaur Macrocnemus is briefly described and named Macrocne-mus fuyuanensis sp. nov. The specimen was found from the marine Triassic of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. It differs from the type species M. bassanii in having the following characters: (1) 17 or 18 dorsal vertebrae; (2) relatively long humerus; and (3) femur longer than tibia. M. fuyuanensis is the only record of the genus outside Monte San Giorgio area and the first definite terrestrial reptile found from the marine Triassic of China. The age of the fossil-bearing Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation is believed to be the Ladinian based on associated vertebrate fauna. The existence of Mac-rocnemus in the limestone suggests the presence of a terrestrial ecosystem which probably originated from the Anisian and well developed in the Ladinian in this region. The island system along the north-coast of Tethyan during the Triassic was probably an important route for the exchanges of reptiles, especially the terrestrial reptiles between the west and east. 相似文献
Paul-Emile Bernard Nicolas Chevaugeon Vincent Legat Eric Deleersnijder Jean-François Remacle 《Ocean Dynamics》2007,57(2):109-121
In this paper, we present an h-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin formulation of the shallow water equations. For a discontinuous Galerkin scheme using polynomials
up to order , the spatial error of discretization of the method can be shown to be of the order of , where is the mesh spacing. It can be shown by rigorous error analysis that the discontinuous Galerkin method discretization error
can be related to the amplitude of the inter-element jumps. Therefore, we use the information contained in jumps to build
error metrics and size field. Results are presented for ocean modelling problems. A first experiment shows that the theoretical
convergence rate is reached with the discontinuous Galerkin high-order h-adaptive method applied to the Stommel wind-driven gyre. A second experiment shows the propagation of an anticyclonic eddy
in the Gulf of Mexico.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Sliding-window cross-correlation method is firstly adopted to identify sPn phase, and to constrain focal depth from regional
seismograms, by measuring the time separation between sPn and Pn phases. We present the focal depths of the 17 moderate-sized
aftershocks (M
S⩾5.0) of the Wenchuan M
S8.0 earthquake, using the data recorded by the regional seismic broadband networks of Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan and
Sichuan. Our results show focal depths of aftershocks range from 8 to 20 km, and tend to cluster at two average depths, separate
at 32.5°N, i.e., 11 km to the south and 17 km to the north, indicating that these aftershocks are origin of upper-to-middle
crust. Combined with other results, we suggest that the Longmenshan fault is not a through-going crustal fault and the Pingwu-Qingchuan
fault may be not the northward extension of the Longmenshan thrust fault.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40604009 and 40574040) and Special Project for the
Fundamental R & D of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No.DQJB08B20) 相似文献
A previously developed model of the high-latitude ionosphere is used to calculate the distribution of the ionospheric parameters in the polar region. A specific method for specifying input parameters of the mathematical model, using the experimental data obtained by the method of satellite radio tomography, is used in this case. The spatial distributions of the ionospheric parameters characterized by a complex inhomogeneous structure in the high-latitude region, calculated with the help of the mathematical model, are used to simulate the HF propagation along the meridionally oriented radio paths extending from middle to high latitudes. The method for improving the HF communication between a midlatitude transmitter and a polar-cap receiver is proposed. 相似文献
I. E. Zakharenkova I. I. Shagimuratov A. Krankowski A. F. Lagovsky 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2007,51(2):267-278
In this paper the analysis of the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) variations obtained with using GPS measurements
before the Hokkaido earthquake (M = 8.3) is presented. Anomalous behavior of TEC was detected within several days before the
main event. Anomaly appeared as the local TEC enhancement situated in the vicinity of the forthcoming earthquake epicenter.
These structures occurred during 5 days prior to the shock at the same interval of local time. At the process of the earthquake
approach the amplitude of modification was increased, and it has reached the 85–90% level relative to the non-disturbed conditions
18 hours before the earthquake. The area of strong positive disturbance has extended over 1500 km in latitudes and 4000 km
in longitudes. The analysis have shown that according to the series of characteristics (its locality, affinity with the epicenter,
dome-shaped zone of manifestation, characteristic time of existence) the detected ionospheric anomaly may be associated to
the precursors of seismic activity. 相似文献
Teleseismic P-wave receiver functions at 20 broadband seismic stations in the Longmenshan fault zone (LMFZ) and its vicinity
were extracted, and the crustal thickness and the P- and S-wave velocity ratio were calculated by use of the H-k stacking algorithm. With the results as constraints, the S-wave velocity structures beneath each station were determined
by the inversion of receiver functions. The crustal structure of the Rear-range zone is similar to that of the Songpan-Garze
Block, whereas the velocity structure of the Fore-range zone resembles that of Sichuan Basin, implying that the Central Principal
Fault of LMFZ is the boundary between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Yangtze Block. Lower velocity zone exists in lower
crust of the Songpan-Garze Block and the central-southern segment of the Rear-range zone, which facilitates the detachment
of the material in upper and middle crust. Joint analysis of the receiver functions and the Bouguer gravity anomalies supports
the thesis on the detachment-thrust mode of the LMFZ. A double-detachment pattern is suggested to the tectonic setting in
the Songpan-Garze Block. The upper detachment occurs at the depth of 10-15 km, and represents a high-temperature ductile shear
zone. There is a lower detachment at the depth of about 30 km, below which the lower crust flow exists in the eastern Tibetan
Plateau. Interpretation of the Bouguer gravity anomalies indicates that the Sichuan Basin is of higher density in upper and
middle crust in comparison with that of the Songpan-Garze Block. The LMFZ with higher density is the result from the thrusting
of the Songpan-Garze Block over the Sichuan Basin. In the lower crust, higher P velocity and higher density in the Sichuan
Basin are related to more rigid material, while lower S velocity and lower density in the Songpan-Garze Block are related
to the softened and weakened material. The higher density block beneath the Sichuan Basin obstructs the eastward flow of lower
crustal material from the Tibetan Plateau, which is driven by the compression of northward movement of Indian Plate. The eastward
movement of upper and middle crustal material is also obstructed by the rigid Yangtze Block, resulting in the stress concentrated
and accumulated along the LMFZ. When the stress releases sharply, the Wenchuan M
s8.0 earthquake occurs.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40334041, 40774037) and Joint Foundation of Earthquake
Science (Grant No. 1040062) 相似文献
Maozhong Min Huifang Xu L. L. Barton Xinjian Peng Lin Yin Rucheng Wang 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(3):346-352
An experimental study on reduction of U (VI) by anaerobic bacteria, Shewanella putrefaciens, is first reported here in China. The experimental conditions were: 35°C and pH= 7.0-7.4, corresponding to a physicochemical
environments in which the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposit formed in Northwest China’s Xinjiang.
Bacteria adopted in the present experiment, Shewanella putrefaciens, occur extensively in natural environment. Our study shows that nano-crystal precipitates of uraninite quickly occurred on
the surface of the cells within one week. It was found that the pitchblende was characterized by a random arrangement of uraninite
nanocrystals (2-4 nm) in it, significantly different from natural pitchblende in which uraninite nanocrystals are arranged
in order. Finally, a possible mechanism of uranium biomineralization by microorganisms in the deposits is discussed. Our investigation
may supply a technical train of thoughts for bioremediation of nuclear-contaminated water environments and for underground
dissolving extraction of the sandstone-hosted uranium ores. 相似文献