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砂岩中自生石英的来源具有多样性 ,它受时间、温度、深度和源区物质成分等多种因素的控制 ,并从其一种或多种成岩过程中获得 ,并通过对流方式加以运移 ,然后在pH值、温度等因素的影响下于合适的部位加以沉淀。  相似文献   

Euhedral quartz and albite crystals are common in Devonian (Givetian-Frasnian) shallow-marine shelf carbonates from the Belgian Ardennes. Several features such as morphology, the presence of carbonate inclusions, inversion temperatures and occurrence in the insoluble residues of stylolitic surfaces indicate that these crystals have developed authigenically. Oxygen isotope ratios point to an intermediate deep burial realm of origin at temperatures of 60–90°C. The predominance of illite and the almost total absence of smectite clay minerals is interpreted as an indication that illitization produced the silica needed for authigenesis. The mineral composition of inclusions indicates that the carbonate host rock must have consisted of low-Mg calcite already at the time of authigenesis. These inclusions represent an earlier diagenetic stage than the present carbonate rock, since they were protected from further diagenetic alteration by the surrounding quartz. The calcite inclusions display a higher Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratio than the carbonate host-rock. Because neomorphic diagenesis of the carbonate continued after silicate authigenesis, the contents of Mg and Sr in the calcite of the host carbonate are even lower. The authigenic feldspar mineralogy seems to be determined by the composition of the host-sediment.  相似文献   

Water in microcrystalline quartz of volcanic origin: Agates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agates of volcanic origin, containing the different quartz species, fibrous, length-fast chalcedony (CH), granular fine quartz (FQ), and fibrous, length-slow, to lepidospheric quartzine (QN), have been investigated to evaluate possible relations between microstructure, i.e. crystallite size and texture, refractive indices, densities, contents of trace elements and of water, as well as dehydration behaviour. By means of near infrared spectroscopy, total water contents , could be differentiated quantitatively into contents of molecular water, , and silanole-group water, . Despite the low total water contents of the agates studied ( between 1 and 2 wt.%), near infrared spectroscopy results in reliable data on and .Wall-layering CH consists of fibrous quartz crystals and exhibits higher C-ratios, , than horizontally layered FQ which consists predominantly of granular quartz crystals (C CH=0.45±0.11 (N=6), C FQ=0.36±0.10 (N=4). This result is interpreted to be due to analogy with the behaviour of C-ratios in fluid phase-deposited opals-AN (hyalithe) and liquid phase-deposited opals-AG (non-crystalline opal) or -CT (common opal) (Langer and Flörke 1974).Translucent layers of CH show mostly lower refractive indices, when measured parallel than when measured perpendicular to the axes of the quartz fibers. The same is true for milky layers of CH. Crystallite sizes are smaller in the latter than in the former.For all samples studied, exists a positive correlation between at% (1/2Ca+1/2Mg+Na+K+Li) and at% (Al3++Fe3+). This indicates that at least parts of (A13++ Fe3+) substitute for Si in the quartz structure. The charge is balanced by incorporation of di- and mono-valent cations in structural interstices. When the quantity at % H+, as obtained from , is included into the sum at% (1/2 Me2++Me+), the above correlation is destroyed. This result could be indicative for a strong concentration of the Si-OH groups in the surface of the quartz microcrystallites.  相似文献   

石英结晶学优选与应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

夏浩然  刘俊来 《地质通报》2011,30(01):58-70
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

Porphyry-style mineralization is related to the intrusion and crystallization of small stocks, which can be of different compositions (from intermediate to felsic) and can intrude into different host rocks (from magmatic to sedimentary). We used cathodoluminescence and electron probe microanalysis to study the internal textures of more than 300 quartz eyes from six porphyry deposits, Panguna (Papua New Guinea), Far Southeast porphyry (Philippines), Batu Hijau (Indonesia), Antapaccay (Peru), Rio Blanco (Chile) and Climax (USA). Significant diversity of the internal textures in quartz eyes was revealed, sometimes even within a single sample. Quartz grains with Ti-rich cores surrounded by Ti-poor mantles were found next to the grains showing the opposite Ti distribution or only slight Ti fluctuations.We propose that diversity of the internal patterns in quartz eyes can actually reflect in situ crystallization history, and that prolonged crystallization after magma emplacement under conditions of continuous cooling can account for the observed features of internal textures. Formation of quartz eyes begins at high temperatures with crystallization of high titanium Quartz 1, which as the melt becomes more and more evolved and cooler, is overgrown by low Ti Quartz 2. Subsequent fluid exsolution brings about dramatic change in the melt composition: OH ? , alkalis and other Cl-complexed elements partition into the fluid phase, whereas Ti stays in the melt, contributing to a rapid increase in Ti activity. Separation of the fluid and its further cooling causes disequilibrium in the system, and the Quartz 2 becomes partially resorbed. Exsolution of the fluid gradually builds up the pressure until it exceeds the yield strength of the host rocks and they then fracture. This pressure release most likely triggers crystallization of Quartz 3, which is higher in Ti than Quartz 2 because Ti activity in the melt is higher and pressure of crystallization is lower. As a result of the reaction between the exsolved fluid and quartz a new phase, a so called ‘heavy fluid’ forms. From this phase Quartz 4 crystallizes. This phase has extremely high metal-carrying capacity, and may give a rise to mineralizing fluids. Finally, on the brink of the subsolidus stage, groundmass quartz crystallizes. Prolonged crystallization under conditions of continuous cooling accounts better for the diversity of CL textures than crystallization in different parts of a deep magma chamber. It is also in a better agreement with the existing model for formation of porphyry-style deposits.  相似文献   

Helvetic Siliceous Limestone (Lower Cretaceous) is characterized by up to 40% of very fine (1-10 μm), evenly distributed authigenic quartz crystals. Early diagenetic dissolution of opaline sponge spicules led to silica enrichment of interstitial waters, which reprecipitated silica in the overlying horizons, forming tiny quartz crystals in pore spaces.  相似文献   

无机生油假说及其在中国的应用前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
袁学诚  李善芳 《中国地质》2012,39(4):843-854
无机生油假说认为,原油和天然气和近地表的生物物质没有根本联系,它们是生成于地幔内的非生物来源的碳氢化合物。因而油气不是一个不可再生资源,而是一个可再生资源。无机生油假说得到地质学、物理学和化学等三个基本学科的支持。在地质观察上,发现全球许多大油田的油气储藏与原始生物物质之间数量上有巨大落差,难于解释它们是由生物生成的。此外,有许多地区在结晶基底或变质基底内,或直接位于其上的沉积岩中发现石油。从生物生油假说来说,也是无法理解的。在化学上,早在二战期间,德国已由人工合成石油(费托合成),并生产了占德国战争中用油的9%的石油。无可争辩地说明,无机可以生成石油。根据化学(物理学)热力学理论分析确认,甲烷是唯一一种在标准温压条件(温度为298.15 K;压力为101325 Pa)下稳定的碳氢化合物,从甲烷形成正常烷属烃只有在压力>3×106kPa、温度>700°C时(相当于地下深度约100 km)才有可能。在地壳内的温压条件下由生物变质形成石油的假说,与化学热力学的基本原则相抵触。从氧化的有机分子,如碳水化合物(C6H12O6)形成较高的碳氢化合物在任何条件下都是不可能的。根据我国长期对深部构造的研究,笔者认为在中国东部及西太平洋蘑菇云岩石圈地幔发育的地区是寻找巨型无机油气田的有利地区,建议在发育蘑菇云岩石圈地幔地区开展无机油气田的勘探,并在无机油气田远景地区布置超深参数钻,以评价含油气远景。另外建议加强物探工作,尤其是研究地震勘探处理基底内三维含油气构造的技术。  相似文献   

朱占平  马瑞  刘立  邱增凯 《世界地质》2007,26(3):293-297,303
浊沸石产于鸡西盆地城子河组顺层侵入的辉长玢岩体中,呈放射状集合体并富集成条带,用X-射线衍射、红外吸收光谱、电子探针3种方法对样品进行分析测定。结果表明:岩浆上侵冷却过程中形成的孔洞为浊沸石的形成提供空间条件,在孔洞周围发育的微裂隙,有利于CO2等气体散失的同时,也为岩体中长石提供Ca^2+、Al^3+离子进入孔洞中提供通道。Ca^2+、A^3+离子在孔洞、孔隙溶液中发生化学反应,逐渐生成浊沸石、方解石,并逐渐沉积生长成集合体,生成浊沸石后的岩体可成为油气储层。  相似文献   

Variations in composition between and within Saalian till types of The Netherlands are demonstrated with reference to grain-size distribution, fine-gravel petrography and heavy-mineral composition. Several factors explain different aspects of the compositional variations. Firstly, a compositional layering results from differences in the amount of local material that has been assimilated in successive till hands. Secondly, a petrographic stratification is present in the erratic components, which is most strikingly expressed by the occurrence of flint-poor till overlying till rich in flints. This feature is interpreted to have been inherited from an englacial debris stratification which is related to the distribution of source rock types in the up-glacier area. Finally, a predominantly lateral variation in till composition is present, reflected best in the assemblages of the indicator pebbles, resulting from deposition by ice streams of different source and direction of flow.  相似文献   

The assemblage paragonite + quartz is encountered frequently in low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks. With rising grade of metamorphism they react mutually to yield the condensed assemblage albite + Al2SiO5.The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + andalusite + H2O has been located experimentally. The reversed P H 2 O-T data are: 1 kb: 470–490° C 2 kb: 510–530° C 3 kb: 540–560° C 4 kb: 560–580° C 5 kb: 590–600° C The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + kyanite + H2O runs through the following P H 2 O-T-intervals: 5 kb: 570–625° C 6 kb: 600–630° C 7 kb: 620–640° C Thermodynamic calculations of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of the phase paragonite from the experimental data presented above and those obtained from the equilibria of the reaction paragonite=albite + corundum + H2O (Chatterjee, 1970), agree within the limits of uncertainty. This prompts the idea that Zen's (1969) suggestion of a possible error of approximately 7 kcal in G f,298 0 of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs may in fact be due to an error of similar magnitude in G f,298 0 of corundum.A best estimate of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of paragonite based on these considerations yield: S 298 0 : 67.61±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 H f,298 0 : –1411.4±2.7 kcal gfw–1 G f,298 0 : –1320.9±4.0 kcal gfw–1 These numbers will be subject to change when better thermochemical data on corundum and albite are available.In medium-grade metamorphic rocks the assemblage paragonite + quartz is commonly found in stable coexistence with such other phases as muscovite, staurolite, andalusite, kyanite, but not with cordierite or sillimanite. However, the assemblage paragonite-sillimanite has been reported to be stable in the absence of quartz. All these petrologic observations can be explained on the basis of the stability data of the phases and phase assemblages concerned.  相似文献   

A reliable criterion of quartz genesis is proved to be ratios of the concentrations of structural defects in this mineral, which are a function of its structural dynamic state. Within the scope of the theory of sparring defects, theoretical dependences were derived for concentrations of various minor components accommodated in the quartz structure during two stages of isomorphism. It was determined that structurally dynamic equilibrium may be established in quartz with time and this equilibrium “obliterates” genetic information on the crystallization conditions. The conclusions obtained in this research are confirmed by data on pervasively occurring relations between the distributions of isomorphous components in quartz samples from rare-metal deposits of various genetic types.  相似文献   

内蒙东升庙矿区狼山群中石英角斑岩的发现及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
彭润民 《矿床地质》1993,12(3):273-283,286
一系列证据表明,东升庙一带狼山群(Pt_2ls)中的石英钠长浅粒岩、百英钠长变粒岩和(绢云)石英钠长片岩的原岩是石英角斑岩。该类岩石多呈层稳定出现在块状白云石大理岩中,含有变余(钠长石和石英)斑晶;Na_2O=3.64%~5.31%、K_2O=1.62%~2.66%;具有与上下正常沉积地层相同的多期次构造特征。石英角斑岩的发现,既可直接佐证东升庙矿床形成于海底火山喷发的环境,也可为区域成岩成矿的研究对比提供有益信息。  相似文献   

Petrofabric investigation of five crossbedded quartzites shows an essentially isotropic fabric in three cases, and preferred orientation together with parallel texture in the remaining two. Crossbedding is undistorted in all five. Recrystallization by solution and re-deposition could satisfactorily explain the three isotropic fabrics. Low-magnitude shear of short duration, coupled with extremely sensitive response of quartz to deformation, is the preferred explanation for the quartzites showing preferred orientation.At a higher metamorphic level in a sheared granite, stress-sensitive quartz and stress-insensitive feldspar are contrasted and, in view of their analogous crystal structures, the apparent anomaly in deformation behavior is noted.With 2 figures.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic model of Doukhan and Trepied (1985) for water solubility in quartz, based on the (4H)Si substitution, has been developed to take into account the variation in oxygen fugacity under different buffering conditions, as well as the solubility of the quartz in the water. An evaluation of the thermodynamic parameters has then been made using analogous data on grossular and hydrogrossular. This evaluation, although approximate, leads to predicted solubilities that are lower than some published experimental values but are consistent with other observations indicating that the solubility is relatively low, less than 100H/106 Si at most, even at the highest temperatures and pressures. The predictions give a monotonically increasing solubility with increasing temperature at given pressure, and an increase in solubility with increasing pressure at given temperature up to a maximum, beyond which the solubility decreases with further increase in pressure. The variation of solubility with oxygen fugacity at fixed pressure and temperature broadly mirrors the observations of Ord and Hobbs (1986) although not predicting the finer details. An interstitial H2O model is also considered and shown to be probably less important as a mechanism for water solubility than the (4H)Si mechanism. Hydrogen/alkali exchange depends on hydrogen fugacity rather than water fugacity and is predicted to be more important at lower oxygen fugacities.  相似文献   

深层含水系统地下水水质咸化是南通市主要环境地质问题之一,文章从第四纪含水系统自身特有的水文地球化学环境以及地下水开采两方面,对南通市深层含水系统地下水水质咸化特征及形成原因进行分析研究.区内除长江沿岸局部地带出露泥盆系外,大部地区为第四系松散层覆盖,厚度一般200~360m,垂向上多层含水砂层相互叠置,赋存有丰富的地下水.自上而下可划分为浅层、中层以及深层含水系统,其中浅层、中层含水系统埋藏于180m以浅,多为咸水,开发利用程度较低;深层含水系统埋藏于180m以深,地下水具有水质优、水量丰富的特点,因而被广泛开发利用.深层地下水的大量开发利用,改变了地下水的天然动态,水位连年持续下降,并形成了规模较大的区域水位降落漏斗.1997年,南通市最低水位埋深45.0m,下降速率高达1.5m/a,水位埋深大于20.0m的范围达5100km2.此后,区域水位降落漏斗仍在继续扩大、加深,2000年水位埋深已降至56m.随着区域水位降落漏斗的形成和发展,该市深层地下水水质发生了相应的变化,水质动态总体呈咸化趋势,咸化速率由小于4mg/l*a到大于20mg/l\5a不等.在水位漏斗中心区、上部隔水层发育较差地段以及东部沿海地带咸化最为严重,并呈现自西向东咸化程度加重的变化规律.研究结果表明,引起本区深层地下水水质咸化的原因主要有四个方面(1)中层含水系统内咸水越流补给,导致深层含水系统水质咸化.在天然条件下,由于地下水运动缓慢,交替周期长,区内各含水系统地下水水质动态相对稳定.但是,人为强烈开采深层地下水,使其水位大幅度下降,造成中层含水系统与深层含水系统之间出现较大的渗透压,大大激化了中层含水系统的越流补给,致使高矿化水入侵深层含水系统,导致地下水水质咸化;(2)深层含水系统相对隔水顶板粘性土压缩释水补给导致深层含水系统水质咸化.地下水水头降低,打破了地下水原始平衡状态,深层含水系统上部相对隔水顶板粘性土层中的水,在水头差驱使下流向含水层,结果也降低了粘性土中孔隙水对上覆地层的支撑力,导致粘性土层压缩并向含水层排水,即粘性土压缩水;(3)深层含水系统中微咸水、半咸水的迳流补给导致深层含水系统水质咸化.地下水位大幅度下降,地下水水力坡度变陡,迳流速度加快,周边同一含水层高矿化度地下水迅速向漏斗中心流动,导致水质咸化;(4)成井工艺不合格造成深层含水系统水质咸化.因打井市场的开放,一些没有资质打井队伍也进入市场承担工程,由于设备、技术手段不足,采用通天回填现象较普遍,止水质量较差,如果上覆有咸水或微咸水,往往使井边附近地带的地下淡水明显咸化而很快不能使用.  相似文献   

王兆云  马超  龚德瑜  姜华 《地质学报》2020,94(11):3436-3448
地质体中沥青按沉积有机质的不同演化路径分为原生和次生沥青,次生沥青由于经历的地质作用不同,又分为生物降解水洗氧化和热裂解成因两种类型,本文重点讨论热裂解成因沥青。热裂解成因沥青是干酪根在生油窗阶段生成的原油,进一步深埋温度增高,达到原油裂解的热动力学条件,裂解生成天然气后的残余物。干酪根热降解生成的原油有聚集型、源内分散型、源外分散型三种赋存方式,裂解分别对应形成三种赋存状态的沥青。通过四川盆地13口井60余块岩芯样品热裂解成因沥青从宏观到微观不同尺度的研究,沥青体积含量0.1%~15%,形态有条带状、片状、块状、粉末状;赋存方式有裂缝(区域沟通油源的断层)、层理面、微裂隙、原生、次生溶蚀孔、洞等;赋存岩石有粗晶、中—细晶白云岩。伴生的包裹体发育丰富,可区分出孔洞方解石早期和晚期充填、白云石次生加大边、孔洞方解石微裂隙等方式,还有富沥青质的包裹体。颜色透明无色—淡褐色、无色—灰色、深灰色、深褐色等。常量和微量元素含量及不同比值反映了沥青的氧化还原特征。含烃包裹体均一温度从90~220℃,综合记录了油气生成演化的整个过程,以及经历的异常热作用;同一样品加大边中包裹体温度分布范围普遍比较宽...  相似文献   

作为战略性矿产资源之一,高纯石英已广泛应用于集成电路、半导体芯片、太阳能等高新技术产业中,但是能够生产高纯石英的原料矿床极为稀缺,我国尤为紧缺高纯石英原料矿。鄂东南地区是湖北省脉石英矿床的主要分布区。本文针对鄂东南付家山脉石英矿床,通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜观察了脉石英的脉石矿物类型和包裹体特征,采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES)对原矿进行了微量元素分析,旨在获得付家山脉石英矿床的杂质元素特征,进而评价矿床用作高纯石英原料的潜力。结果表明,付家山脉石英矿石SiO2含量大于99.95%,杂质元素主要为Al、K、Fe、Ti、Ca等,脉石矿物主要有白云母、钾长石、铁氧化物等,流体包裹体较为发育。杂质元素分析结果表明,付家山脉石英原矿质量达到低端高纯石英标准,经传统工艺提纯后,可能具有生产中高端高纯石英的潜力。  相似文献   

The distribution of impurity atoms (At. No.> 11) in two naturally deformed quartzites has been determined by microchemical analyses in a scannling transmission electron microscope. The study reveals impurity segregations at sub-grain boundaries and dislocations. The importance of the presence and segregation of impurities other than OH to quartz deformation studies is discussed. It is suggested that the potential role of these impurities on the development and behaviour of deformation microstructures warrants the inclusion of this previously neglected topic into future quartz deformation studies.  相似文献   

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