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In this paper, we use a coupled biological/physical model to synthesize and understand observations taken during the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study (ASPS). Its physical component is a variable-density, -layer model; its biological component consists of a set of advective–diffusive equations in each layer that determine nitrogen concentrations in four compartments, namely, nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and detritus. Solutions are compared to time series and cruise sections from the ASPS data set, including observations of mixed-layer thickness, chlorophyll concentrations, inorganic nitrogen concentrations, particulate nitrogen export flux, zooplankton biomass, and primary production. Through these comparisons, we adjust model parameters to obtain a “best-fit” main-run solution, identify key biological and physical processes, and assess model strengths and weaknesses.Substantial improvements in the model/data comparison are obtained by: (1) adjusting the turbulence-production coefficients in the mixed-layer model to thin the mixed layer; (2) increasing the detrital sinking and remineralization rates to improve the timing and amplitude of the model's export flux; and (3) introducing a parameterization of particle aggregation to lower phytoplankton concentrations in coastal upwelling regions.With these adjustments, the model captures many key aspects of the observed physical and biogeochemical variability in offshore waters, including the near-surface DIN and phytoplankton P concentrations, mesozooplankton biomass, and primary production. Nevertheless, there are still significant model/data discrepancies of P for most of the cruises. Most of them can be attributed to forcing or process errors in the physical model: inaccurate mixed-layer thicknesses, lack of mesoscale eddies and filaments, and differences in the timing and spatial extent of coastal upwelling. Relatively few are clearly related to the simplicity of the biological model, the model's overestimation of coastal P being the most obvious example. Overall, we conclude that future efforts to improve biogeochemical models of the Arabian Sea should focus on improving their physical component, ensuring that it represents the ocean's physical state as closely as possible. We believe that this conclusion applies to coupled biogeochemical modeling efforts in other regions as well.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model of the tropical Atlantic Ocean was run for more than half a century (1949–2000) in order to characterize the ocean biogeochemical response to variable forcing over this period. The seasonal cycle in the equatorial upwelling zone agrees reasonably well with observations and other published simulations but underestimates phytoplankton biomass under strong upwelling conditions. Away from the equator, modelled nutrient flux and biological production are maximal in each hemisphere's winter season, and appear to be proximately forced by evaporative cooling and wind stirring rather than by Ekman upwelling. The fraction of the total variance associated with the seasonal cycle is considerably smaller for modelled biogeochemical fields than for sea-surface temperature over this long simulation, and much of the biogeochemical variance is associated with interdecadal changes. The model results suggest that the tropical Atlantic became more productive following the Pacific climate shift of 1976 and remained so until about 1989. Summer surface nitrate concentrations during the 1990s were lower than those in the 1980s. The relationship between the equatorial and off-equatorial regimes may have changed following the 1976 event, with equatorial variability dominating the basin-wide variance patterns after 1976.  相似文献   

A five-component (phytoplankton, zooplankton, ammonium, nitrate, detritus) physical–biological model was developed to investigate the effects of physical processes on daily to interannual time scales, on the lower trophic levels of the central equatorial Pacific. Many of the biological processes included in the ecosystem model respond to environmental fluctuations with time scales between 1 and 10 d, which are not typically resolved by basin- to global-scale circulation models. Therefore, the equatorial Pacific ecosystem model is forced using daily information (solar radiation, velocity, temperature) from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring array. The ecosystem model also requires vertical velocity information which necessitated the development of a method for computing daily vertical velocities from the TAO array. Much of the variability in primary production, plankton and nutrient concentrations observed in 1992 during the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Equatorial Pacific Process Study time-series cruises (TS1 and TS2), is well reproduced in the model simulations. Simulations demonstrate that lower primary productivities during TS1 as compared to TS2 result from the deeper thermocline that persisted during TS1 as a result of El Niño conditions; however, because of the simultaneous reduction in grazing pressure, simulated chlorophyll levels are similar for these two time periods. Simulations of this single-species ecosystem model successfully reproduce data collected both during and after the El Niño, suggesting that species composition changes are not of first-order importance when examining the effects of the 1991–92 El Niño on the equatorial Pacific ecosystem. A 60–70% increase in chlorophyll concentration and a 400% increase in the chlorophyll contribution by diatoms was associated with the passage of a tropical instability wave (20-d period) across the study site during TS2. This period of high chlorophyll concentration and diatom abundance coincided temporally with strong northward velocities and strong downwelling velocities in the upper euphotic zone. Observations and simulations suggest that this increase in chlorophyll concentration and change in species composition not only results from in situ diatom growth stimulated by increased iron concentrations, but also results from the advection of diatoms toward the convergent front located along the leading (western) edge of the instability wave. Equatorially trapped internal gravity waves can also stimulate in situ phytoplankton growth as high-frequency vertical motions introduce limiting micronutrients, such as iron, into the euphotic zone. Because iron can be taken up by the picoplankton on time scales much shorter than the wave period (6–8 days), these waves may provide a mechanism for effecting a large flux of iron into the euphotic zone. Exclusion of these high-frequency motions results in an iron flux to the euphotic zone that may be underestimated by more than 30%.  相似文献   

The recent NE subarctic Pacific study of the Canadian JGOFS project was designed primarily to address why phytoplankton biomass and production at Ocean Station Papa (OSP: 50°N, 145°W) are not as high as the nitrate concentrations could potentially support. To examine the possible role of iron (Fe) limitation in concert with microzooplankton grazing and physical supply of nitrate, we have coupled a four-compartment Nitrogen–Phytoplankton–Zooplankton–Detritus planktonic ecosystem model with a 60-layer (each 2 m thick) one-dimensional mixed-layer model (Mellor–Yamada level 2.5), driven by annual forcing characteristic of OSP. Both the physical and ecological models are forced with the same annual heat budget, mean phytoplankton concentration was tuned with the equilibrium solution of the model, and the zooplankton parameter values were chosen to be representative of microzooplankton. Modelled sea surface temperature ranged between 6 (fixed – late winter) and 13–14°C, depending on the distribution and amount of phytoplankton and detritus calculated by the model. Simulations with Fe limitation reducing the maximum specific growth rate of phytoplankton (for Fe-replete conditions) by a factor of ∼3 best reproduced the annual cycle of surface layer nitrate, although the resulting annual f-ratio calculated from the fluxes into and out of the nitrogen compartment was marginally higher than recent estimates of f-ratio based on observations at OSP. The best simulations with Fe limitation agreed with observations of the annual cycle of surface nitrate concentration, the f-ratio, particulate nitrogen concentration in the euphotic layer, the export production, and the remineralization depth scale for sinking detritus, to within ∼50%, probably within the range of observational uncertainty and/or seasonal and interannual variability. Possible modifications include separating the detrital pool into suspended and sinking organic matter, decreasing the rate of remineralization with increasing depth, and examining the supply of nitrate to the surface layer by means of horizontal advection. The observational basis required to formulate these processes is marginal at present.  相似文献   

PROWQM, a 1-D depth resolving model which couples physical and microbiological processes in the water column with sedimentation/resuspension and benthic mineralisation processes, has been used to simulate seasonal changes of chlorophyll, nutrients and oxygen at the PROVESS north site (59°20′N 1°00′E) in the North Sea. PROWQM is derived from the 3-D model COHERENS, and improves COHEREN's benthic and pelagic biology.The physical sub-model of PROWQM implicitly solves turbulence closure equations forced by climatological, or realistic high-frequency, meteorological and tidal data. The pelagic biological sub-model 2MPPD includes a ‘diatomy’ microplankton (mp1) and a ‘flagellatey’ (or microbial loop) microplankton (mp2), the cycling of silicon and nitrogen, slow-sinking detritus, and fast-sinking phytodetritus. Phytodetritus is formed by shear-driven aggregation of particulate material, using a simple algorithm for bulk processes that is derived by considering the interactions of single cells. The microplankton compartments include heterotrophic bacteria and protozoa as well as phytoplankton, and most microplankton rates are specified with the aid of a ‘heterotroph fraction’ parameter, which was 0.125 for mp1 and 0.6 for mp2. The microbiological system is closed by mesozooplankton grazing pressures imposed as time varying series determined from observed zooplankton abundance. The benthic boundary sub-model includes a superficial fluff layer and a nutrient element reservoir in the consolidated sediment. Particulate material in the fluff layer can be resuspended (in response to bed stress by near-bed flows), mineralised or carried by bioturbation into the underlying, consolidated, sediment, where it is mineralised and its nutrients returned to the water-column at rates mainly dependent on (implicit) macrobenthic pumping. Benthic denitrification can occur when mineralisation rates exceed oxygen supply.Verification of the PROWQM numerical implementation used test cases and checks for nutrient element conservation. Simulations with realistic forcing, for a range of parameter values, were compared with historic observations in the NOWESP data set and during FLEX76, and with those made during the PROVESS cruises in autumn 1998. PROWQM provided a good simulation of the seasonal succession from a diatom-dominated spring bloom to summer dominance by small flagellates. The simulations included sedimentation of organic matter from the spring bloom, and qualitatively realistic behaviour of the fluff layer, but decay rates were too slow and there was almost no denitrification. The simulated surface mixed layer was too shallow during the summer. Simulated annual net microplankton primary production was in between 59 and 91 g C m−2 y−1. A large proportion of mineralisation, 28–47% of nitrogen and 40–67% of silicon mineralisation, took place as a result of the decay of sinking and resuspended detritus whilst in the water column.PROWQM is discussed in relation to other models that have been used to simulate this part of the North Sea, in particular the simpler ECOHAM1 and the more complex ERSEM, and in relation to PROWQM's evolution from COHERENS.  相似文献   

Within the European DIADEM project, a data assimilation system for coupled ocean circulation and marine ecosystem models has been implemented for the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas. One objective of this project is to demonstrate the relevance of sophisticated methods to assimilate satellite data such as altimetry, surface temperature and ocean color, into realistic ocean models. In this paper, the singular evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK) filter, which is an advanced assimilation scheme where three-dimensional, multivariate error statistics are taken into account, is used to assimilate ocean color data into the biological component of the coupled system. The marine ecosystem model, derived from the FDM model [J. Mar. Res. 48 (1990) 591], includes 11 nitrogen and carbon compartments and describes the synthesis of organic matter in the euphotic zone, its consumption by animals of upper trophic levels, and the recycling of detritic material in the deep ocean. The circulation model coupled to the ecosystem is the Miami isopycnic coordinate ocean model (MICOM), which covers the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans with an enhanced resolution in the North Atlantic basin. The model is forced with realistic ECMWF ocean/atmosphere fluxes, which permits to resolve the seasonal variability of the circulation and mixed layer properties. In the twin assimimation experiments reported here, the predictions of the coupled model are corrected every 10 days using pseudo-measurements of surface phytoplankton as a substitute to chlorophyll concentrations measured from space. The diagnostics of these experiments indicate that the assimilation is feasible with a reduced-order Kalman filter of small rank (of order 10) as long as a sufficiently good identification of the error structure is available. In addition, the control of non-observed quantities such as zooplankton and nitrate concentrations is made possible, owing to the multivariate nature of the analysis scheme. However, a too severe truncation of the error sub-space downgrades the propagation of surface information below the mixed layer. The reduction of the actual state vector to the surface layers is therefore investigated to improve the estimation process in the perspective of sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) data assimilation experiments.  相似文献   

本文利用我国1979年1~2月和4~6月在中太平洋西部的考察资料,分析了赤道潜流区的温、盐分布及赤道潜流的流系特征,并给出了潜流区及其周围海区的流场结构。  相似文献   

Based mainly on TOGA COARE data, that is, the CI''D data from R/V Xiangyanghong No.5 (Pu et al.,1993),the temperature and current data from the Woods Hole mooring and other deep current data, the layered numerical profiles of buoyancy frequency and mean current components are figured out.A numerical method calculating internal wave dispersion relation without background shear current, used by Fliegel and Hunkins (1975),is improved to be fit for the internal wave equation with mean currents and their second derivatives.The dispersion relations and wave functions of the long crested internal wave progressing in any direction can be calculated inveniently by using the improved method.A comparison between the calculated dispersion relation in the paper and the dispersion relation in GM spectral model of ocean internal waves (Garret and Munk, 1972) is performed.It shows that the mean currents are important to the dispersion relation of internal waves in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and that the currents make the wave progressing co-directional with (against) the currents stretched (shrink).The influence of the mean currents on dispersion relation is much stronger than that of their second derivatives, but that on wave function is less than that of their second derivatives.The influences on wave functions result in the change of vertical wavenumber, that is, making the wave function stretch or shrink.There exists obvious turning depth but no significant critical layer absorption is found.  相似文献   

Perhaps more than in any other ocean, our understanding of the continental shelves of the Arctic Mediterranean is decidedly disciplinary, regional and fractured, and this shortcoming must be addressed if we are to face and prepare for climate change. A fundamental flaw is that while excellent process studies exist, and while recent ship-based expeditions have added greatly to our collective body of knowledge, an integrated and fully pan-Arctic perspective on the structure and function of food webs on Arctic shelves is lacking. Based on the collective overviews given in Progress in Oceanography xx, xx–xx, we attempt to address this issue. To build a perspective that inter-connects the various shelf regions we suggest three unifying typologies affecting food webs that will hopefully allow inter-comparison of regional investigations. The first is for shelf geography, wherein shelves are classified according to their role in the Arctic throughflow. The second is for ice climate, wherein the various ice regimes are examined for their specific impacts on food web dynamics. The third is for stratification where it is argued that the source of buoyancy, thermal or haline, impacts production and the vertical carbon flux. We then address the connection between physical habitat and biota on pan-Arctic (and global climate) scales. This discussion begins with the recognition that the Arctic Ocean is integral to the World Ocean via its thermohaline (“estuarine”) exchanges with the Atlantic and Pacific. As such the Arctic and its shelves act as a double estuary, wherein incoming waters become both lighter (positive estuary), by mixing with freshwater sources, and heavier (negative estuary) by cooling and brine release. Shelves are central to such transformations. This complex interconnectivity coupling of the Arctic Ocean to its sub-Arctic (and more productive) neighbors demands that food webs be considered through a macroecological view that includes an ecology of advection. We argue that the macroecological view is required if we are to understand and model food webs under forcing along climate gradients. To aid this effort we introduce the concept of contiguous domains, wherein physical habitats are joined by common features that will allow inter-comparisons of existing and future food webs over large scales and climatic gradients. Finally, we speculate on the range of possible futures for Arctic shelves based on the palaeo-record.  相似文献   

用小波变换研究赤道西太平洋温度细结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
使用小波变换分析了赤道西太平洋暖池区的CTD资料的温度序列,表明垂向温度细结构具有自相似特征,有可能使用分数维模型来描述.计算了温度序列的奇异性指数及其概率分布,发现此分布具有近似普适的形式.非零概率的负指数意味着温度剖面可能存在奇异点.对经小波变换后的序列的周期性统计表明周期△和尺度α遵从幂律标度△~αβ,β≈1.这提示着细结构背后可能存在简单的二分串级机制.小波变换的振幅反映了温度脉动的强弱.据此可以确定脉动能量的垂向分布和能谱密度,和传统方法的比较表明小波能谱较为光滑,有利于精确测定谱斜率.  相似文献   

This paper deals with numerical experiments based on the coupled ECHAM-HOPE model. The results of experiments are analyzed. The initial fields for the calculations over time periods from one month to one year are constructed based on the results of the data assimilation of temperature profiles from TOGA-TAO moorings. The perturbations of the initial fields and the propagation of these perturbations with specific computational time intervals are analyzed on the basis of the results of these experiments. It is shown that the strongest impacts of the perturbations are localized in specific regions of the World Ocean corresponding to the energetically active zones of the Earth. The mechanism of the transition of these perturbations is also studied. Different statistical properties of the ensemble of experiments are presented.  相似文献   

INTRODUCFIONTheknowledgeoffinestructureandmicrostructureplaysamajorroleintheresearchofoceanicdiapycnalmixing.Sofarastheliteratureisconcerned,finestructuresareroughlydefinedassmallstructuresdistributedonverticalscalesfromImto100m(Munk,1981),whereasmicrostructureshavesmallerscales.Forsimplicity,thesetwofeatureswillbecalledfinestructures ThestudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractsNo.49376257,No.4950/6071andNo.49676275,andtheResearchFundfortutorialPngr…  相似文献   

利用EOF分析方法,讨论了最近20a赤道太平洋次表层温度、纬向流距平与厄尔尼诺的关系.结果表明:赤道太平洋海温距平EOF分析第一、二主分量占总量的近80%,其中第一主分量类似于厄尔尼诺模态,第二主分量类似于暖池模态;后一模态存在着突变和渐变两种过程,其中由冷位相变暖位相过程为渐变过程,而暖位相变冷位相过程为突变过程.厄尔尼诺事件是赤道西太平洋暖池突变过程的结果.赤道太平洋纬向流距平EOF的第二主分量代表赤道西太平洋潜流和东太平洋南赤道流的变化,这个模态存在着半年左右的振荡和与厄尔尼诺同位相的年际振荡两种频率.另外,它还存在明显的年代际变化.赤道西太平洋潜流和东太平洋南赤道流减弱是产生厄尔尼诺的必要条件.统计回归分析表明,赤道太平洋海温距平和纬向流距平EOF的第二特征向量的时间系数对厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜均有一定的预报意义.  相似文献   

In this study we relate spatial and temporal variation in the organic composition of suspended particles to current conceptual models of open-ocean particle cycling. Suspended particles in surface (0–200 m) and midwaters (200–1000 m) of the equatorial Pacific Ocean were collected during the 1992 US JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) program. Samples collected during El Niño (Survey I) and normal conditions (Survey II) were analyzed for pigment, amino acid, fatty acid, and neutral lipid concentrations and compositions. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and other statistical methods were used to assess changes in particulate organic composition between Surveys I and II, over 24° of latitude, from 15 to 850 m depth, and to compare our compositional data with previously published data from EqPac sinking particles. These analyses indicated that surface suspended particles (0–200 m) were similar in composition to surface ocean phytoplankton and were less degraded than particles sinking out of the euphotic zone (105 m). The organic composition of suspended particles in surface waters varied with latitudinal and El-Niño-induced changes in phytoplankton assemblages. Midwater suspended particles (200–1000 m) contained labile phytodetrital material derived from particles exiting the euphotic zone (105 m). However, labile organic constituents of midwater suspended particles were increasingly degraded by microbes or consumed by midwater metazoans with depth. The increase in degradation state observed for midwater suspended particles may also have been caused by dilution of deeper (450–850 m) suspended particle pools with more refractory material originating from fast-sinking particles, e.g., fecal pellets. However, the mechanism controlling midwater particle degradation state varied with flux regime; dilution of midwater suspended particles dominated only in the higher flux regime found at equatorial latitudes (5°N–5°S) during Survey II (normal conditions). In summary, it is apparent that organic matter alteration in midwaters, and not cycling within the euphotic zone, has the larger effect on organic composition of suspended particles in the deep equatorial Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The response of phytoplankton growth to iron supply and its modulation by large-scale circulation and tropical instability waves (TIWs) in the eastern equatorial Pacific has been investigated with an ocean biogeochemical model. This process study shows that iron can be efficiently advected from the New Guinea shelf through the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) to the eastern Pacific. The presence of a continental iron source is necessary for the maintenance of the observed subsurface iron maximum in the EUC core. In the eastern Pacific region, phytoplankton production is enhanced when additional iron is available in the EUC. Simulated phytoplankton variability is linked to TIWs activity, as revealed by a wavelet analysis of the total autotrophic carbon. The net local effect of the waves on phytoplankton can be either positive or negative depending on several factors. When the iron nutricline is sufficiently shallow to be reached by the wave vertical scale, the effect of the waves is to enhance iron availability in the euphotic zone leading to a net local increase of phytoplankton biomass. We therefore suggest that the local maxima of phytoplankton observed in moorings off the Equator in the eastern Pacific might be not only the result of concentration mechanisms, but also the result of an increase in local production sustained by advected iron.  相似文献   

The influence of horizontal mixing on the thermal structure of the equatorial Pacific Ocean is examined based on a sigma coordinate model.In general,the distributions of the temperature and currents si...  相似文献   

Spectral absorption coefficients of total particulate material and detritus were measured throughout the euphotic zone along the equator between 165°E and 150°W and during time-series for each of these two longitudes in October 1994 (JGOFS-FLUPAC cruise). The sum of pigments obtained by spectrofluorometry (tChla=DV−chla+Chla) was used for normalization (and was also compared to fluorometric and HPLC measurements as an intercalibration study). In order to assess the specific absorption coefficient of photosynthetically active pigments (aps) from the pigment-specific absorption coefficient for phytoplankton (aph*), we made a multiple regression analysis of measured phytoplankton absorption spectra onto publishedin vivo spectra of pure pigments. This made it possible to calculate the concentrations of photoprotective carotenoids (tPPC) when HPLC measurements were not available and thus to subtract their contribution to absorption from the total phytoplanktonic absorption coefficient (aph). Methodological uncertainties in both coefficients used for calculating absorption coefficients and in pigment measurements are discussed. Pigments and absorption measurements made during the cruise enabled us to describe two typical trophic regimes in the equatorial Pacific ocean: oligotrophic waters of the ”warm pool“ west of 170°W and high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll waters (HNLC) of the upwelling east of 170°W. The vertical decreasing gradient of aph* from the surface to the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) was due to a high tPPC/tChla ratio at the surface and was higher in the oligotrophic (0.14-0.065 m2 mg (tChla)−1 biomass dominated byProchlorococcus, rich in zeaxanthin) than in the mesotrophic area (0.07-0.06 m2 mg (tChl a)-' biomass dominated by picoeucaryotes). Below the DCM,aph* reached a similar minimum value in both oligotrophic and mesotrophic areas.a*ps varied less than a*ph from the surface layer to the DCM in both oligotrophic and mesotrophic areas. The difference in a*ph and a*ps from west to east of the transect could be interpreted as a shift in the phytoplankton composition, with a dominance of procaryotes in the west and a dominance of eucaryotes in the upwelling area. Higher aps in well-lit typical oligotrophic waters indicated that phytoplankton communities dominated byProclorococcus might be more efficient for capturing light usable for photosynthesis than those present in the HNLC situation.  相似文献   

镰状真鲨(Carcharhinus falciformis)是金枪鱼(Thunnus)延绳钓渔业中常见的兼捕鱼种之一,位于海洋食物链的顶端,对海洋物种多样性和生态系统的稳定性有重要意义,2017年10月1日作为濒危物种被正式列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅱ中。作者根据中国金枪鱼渔业科学观察员在中西太平洋海域(7°S~9°N,149°E~150°W)采集的1 150尾镰状真鲨样本,对其叉长、体质量、繁殖和摄食等生物学信息进行初步研究与分析。结果表明:雌、雄镰状真鲨的优势叉长范围分别为80~180 cm和60~150 cm,雌性叉长均值显著大于雄性;雌、雄的叉长和体质量关系无显著性差异(ANCOVA,P0.05),叉长和体质量的幂函数关系为:W_R=9×10–6×L_F~(2.9712);雌、雄性比符合1︰1比例;镰状真鲨的鳍脚长度与叉长呈显著正相关性,其线性关系为L_C=0.1492×L_F–6.5;镰状真鲨的怀仔数为4~15尾,平均怀仔数为8尾,子宫内雌雄胚胎长度范围为24~56 cm;摄食等级以空胃率为主,其次为1级,分别为51.77%、35.07%。  相似文献   

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