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In situ data provide only a one-dimensional sample of the plasma velocity along the spacecraft trajectory crossing an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME). Then, to understand the dynamics of ICMEs it is necessary to consider some models to describe it. We derive a series of equations in a hierarchical order, from more general to more specific cases, to provide a general theoretical basis for the interpretation of in situ observations, extending and generalizing previous studies. The main hypothesis is a self-similar expansion, but with the freedom of possible different expansion rates in three orthogonal directions. The most detailed application of the equations is though for a subset of ICMEs, magnetic clouds (MCs), where a magnetic flux rope can be identified. The main conclusions are the following ones. First, we obtain theoretical expressions showing that the observed velocity gradient within an ICME is not a direct characteristic of its expansion, but that it depends also on other physical quantities such as its global velocity and acceleration. The derived equations quantify these dependencies for the three components of the velocity. Second, using three different types of data we show that the global acceleration of ICMEs has, at most, a small contribution to the in situ measurements of the velocity. This eliminates practically one contribution to the observed velocity gradient within ICMEs. Third, we provide a method to quantify the expansion rate from velocity data. We apply it to a set of 26 MCs observed by Wind or ACE spacecrafts. They are typical MCs, and their main physical parameters cover the typical range observed in MCs in previous statistical studies. Though the velocity difference between their front and back includes a broad range of values, we find a narrow range for the determined dimensionless expansion rate. This implies that MCs are expanding at a comparable rate, independently of their size or field strength, despite very different magnitudes in their velocity profiles. Furthermore, the equations derived provide a base to further analyze the dynamics of MCs/ICMEs.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the relationship between the kinematics of the leading edge and the eruptive prominence in coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We study the acceleration phase of 18 CMEs in which kinematics was measured from the pre-eruption stage up to the post-acceleration phase. In all CMEs, the three part structure (the leading edge, the cavity, and the prominence) was clearly recognizable from early stages of the eruption. The data show a distinct correlation between the duration of the leading edge (LE) acceleration and eruptive prominence (EP) acceleration. In the majority of events (78%) the acceleration phase onset of the LE is very closely synchronized (within ± 20 min) with the acceleration of EP. However, in two events the LE acceleration started significantly earlier than the EP acceleration (> 50 min), and in two events the EP acceleration started earlier than the LE acceleration (> 40 min). The average peak acceleration of LEs (281 m s−2) is about two times larger than the average peak acceleration of EPs (136 m s−2). For the first time, our results quantitatively demonstrate the level of synchronization of the acceleration phase of LE and EP in a rather large sample of events, i.e., we quantify how often the eruption develops in a “self-similar” manner.  相似文献   

The structure of electric current and magnetic helicity in the solar corona is closely linked to solar activity over the 11-year cycle, yet is poorly understood. As an alternative to traditional current-free “potential-field” extrapolations, we investigate a model for the global coronal magnetic field which is non-potential and time-dependent, following the build-up and transport of magnetic helicity due to flux emergence and large-scale photospheric motions. This helicity concentrates into twisted magnetic flux ropes, which may lose equilibrium and be ejected. Here, we consider how the magnetic structure predicted by this model – in particular the flux ropes – varies over the solar activity cycle, based on photospheric input data from six periods of cycle 23. The number of flux ropes doubles from minimum to maximum, following the total length of photospheric polarity inversion lines. However, the number of flux rope ejections increases by a factor of eight, following the emergence rate of active regions. This is broadly consistent with the observed cycle modulation of coronal mass ejections, although the actual rate of ejections in the simulation is about a fifth of the rate of observed events. The model predicts that, even at minimum, differential rotation will produce sheared, non-potential, magnetic structure at all latitudes.  相似文献   

Three homologous coronal mass ejections (CMEs) occurred on 5, 12 and 16 May 1997 from the single magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL) of AR8038. The three events together provide STEREO-like quadrature views of the 12 May 1997 CME and EIT double dimming. The recurrent CMEs with the nearly identical post-CME potential state and the ‘sigmoid to arcade to sigmoid’ transformations indicate a repeatable store?–?release?–?restore process of the free energy. How was the free magnetic energy re-introduced to the potential state corona after each release in this decaying active region? Making use of the known time interval bounded by the adjacent homologous CMEs, we made the following measures. The unsigned magnetic flux of AR8038, ΦAR, decreased by approximately 18% during 66 h, while the unsigned flux, ΦPIL, in a Gaussian-weighted PIL-region containing the flare site increased by about 50% during 36 hrs prior to the C1.3 flare on 12 May 1997. The significant increase of ΦPIL demonstrates the magnetic gradient increase and the build-up of free energy in the PIL-region during the time leading to the eruption. Fourier local correlation tracking (FLCT) flow speed in AR8038 ranges from 0 to 292.8 m?s?1 with a mean value of 63.2 m?s?1. The flow field contains a persistent converging flow towards the flaring PIL and an effective shear flow distributed in the AR. Minor angular motions were found. An integrated proxy Poynting flux S h estimates the energy input to the corona to be on the order of 1.15×1032 erg during the 66 hrs before the C1.3 flare. It suggests that sufficient energy for a flare/CME can be introduced to the corona on the order of several days by the flows deduced from photospheric magnetic field motions in this small decaying active region.  相似文献   

P. K. Manoharan 《Solar physics》2010,265(1-2):137-157
In this paper, I investigate the three-dimensional evolution of solar wind density and speed distributions associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The primary solar wind data used in this study has been obtained from the interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements made at the Ooty Radio Telescope, which is capable of measuring scintillation of a large number of radio sources per day and solar wind estimates along different cuts of the heliosphere that allow the reconstruction of three-dimensional structures of propagating transients in the inner heliosphere. The results of this study are: i) three-dimensional IPS images possibly show evidence for the flux-rope structure associated with the CME and its radial size evolution; the overall size and features within the CME are largely determined by the magnetic energy carried by the CME. Such a magnetically energetic CME can cause an intense geomagnetic storm, even if the trailing part of the CME passes through the Earth; ii) IPS measurements along the radial direction of a CME at ~?120 R show density turbulence enhancements linked to the shock ahead of the CME and the core of the CME. The density of the core decreases with distance, suggesting the expansion of the CME. However, the density associated with the shock increases with distance from the Sun, indicating the development of a strong compression at the leading edge of the CME. The increase of stand-off distance between ~?120 R and 1 AU is consistent with the deceleration of the CME and the continued outward expansion of the shock. The key point in this study is that the magnetic energy possessed by the transient determines its radial evolution.  相似文献   

This paper pursues former studies of the coronal structures that are associated with radio type III bursts by taking advantage of the new capabilities of STEREO/SECCHI. The data analysis has been performed for 02 and 03 June 2007. During these two days several type III bursts, which were detected in the corona and in the interplanetary medium, occurred during the observing time of the Nançay radioheliograph. Electron beams accelerated in the same active region and producing type III emissions almost at the same time, can propagate in different well defined coronal structures below 15 R. Then, these structures become imbedded in the same plasma sheet which can be tracked up to 0.25 AU. Inhomogeneities travel along these structures; their velocities measured between 15 and 35 R are typical of those of a slow solar wind. Comparison with PFSS magnetic field extrapolation shows that its connection with the IP magnetic field is different from what is suggested by the present observations. These results are consistent with those obtained in the IP medium formerly by Buttighoffer (Astron. Astrophys. 335, 295, 1998) who identified by in situ measurements at 1 AU and beyond, the sites where Langmuir waves, associated with local type III emissions, are excited.  相似文献   

Cyclic variations of the mean semi-annual intensities I of the coronal green line 530.3 nm are compared with the mean semi-annual variations of the Wolf numbers W during the period of 1943–1999 (activity cycles 18–23). The values of I in the equatorial zone proved to correlate much better with the Wolf numbers in a following cycle than in a given one (the correlation coefficient r is 0.86 and 0.755, respectively). Such increase of the correlation coefficient with a shift by one cycle differs in different phases of the cycle, being the largest at the ascending branch. The regularities revealed make it possible to predict the behaviour of W in the following cycle on the basis of intensities of the coronal green line in the preceding cycle. We predict the maximum semi-annual W in cycle 23 to be 110–122 and the epoch of minimum between cycles 23 and 24 to take place at 2006–2007. A slow increase of I in the current cycle 23 permits us to forecast a low-Wolf-number cycle 24 with the maximum W50 at 2010–2011. A scheme is proposed on the permanent transformation of the coronal magnetic fields of different scales explaining the found phenomenon.  相似文献   

It has been realized for some time that the slow solar wind with its embedded heliospheric current sheet often exhibits complex features suggesting at least partially transient origin. In this paper we investigate the structure of the slow solar wind using the observations by the Wind and STEREO spacecraft during two Carrington rotations (2054 and 2055). These occur at the time of minimum solar activity when the interplanetary medium is dominated by recurrent high-speed streams and large-scale interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are rare. However, the signatures of transients with small scale-sizes and/or low magnetic field strength (comparable with the typical solar wind value, ~?5 nT) are frequently found in the slow solar wind at these times. These events do not exhibit significant speed gradients across the structure, but instead appear to move with the surrounding flow. Source mapping using models based on GONG magnetograms suggests that these transients come from the vicinity of coronal source surface sector boundaries. In situ they are correspondingly observed in the vicinity of high density structures where the dominant electron heat flux reverses its flow polarity. These weak transients might be indications of dynamical changes at the coronal hole boundaries or at the edges of the helmet streamer belt previously reported in coronagraph observations. Our analysis supports the idea that even at solar minimum, a considerable fraction of the slow solar wind is transient in nature.  相似文献   

We present comprehensive surveys of 203 stream interaction regions (SIRs) and 124 interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) during 1979 – 1988 using Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) in situ solar-wind observations at 0.72 AU and examine the solar-cycle variations of the occurrence rate, shock association rate, duration, width, maximum total perpendicular pressure (P t), maximum dynamic pressure, maximum magnetic field intensity, and maximum velocity change of these two large-scale solar-wind structures. The medians, averages, and histogram distributions of these parameters are also reported. Furthermore, we sort ICMEs into three groups based on the temporal profiles of P t, and we investigate the variations of the fractional occurrence rate of three groups of ICMEs with solar activity. We find that the fractional occurrence rate of magnetic-cloud-like ICMEs declined with solar activity, consistent with our former 1-AU results. This study at 0.72 AU provides a point of comparison in the inner heliosphere for examining the radial evolution of SIRs and ICMEs. The width of SIRs and ICMEs increases by 0.04 and 0.1 AU, respectively, and the maximum P t decreases to about 1/3 from Venus to Earth orbit. In addition, our work establishes the statistical properties of the solar-wind conditions at 0.72 AU that control the solar-wind interaction with Venus and its atmosphere loss by related processes. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aurass  H.  Vršnak  B.  Hofmann  A.  Rudžjak  V. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):267-293
We analyze radio observations, magnetograms and extrapolated field line maps, Hα filtergrams, and X-ray observations of two flare events (6 February 1992 in AR 7042 and 25 October 1994 in AR 7792) and study properties, evolution and energy release signatures of sigmoidal loop systems. During both events, the loop configuration seen in soft X-ray (SXR) images changes from a preflare sigmoidal shape to a relaxed post-flare loop system. The underlying magnetic field system consists of a quadrupolar configuration formed by a sheared arcade core and a remote field concentration. We demonstrate two possibilities: a sigmoidal SXR pattern can be due to a single continuous flux tube (the 1992 event). Alternatively, it can be due to a set of independent loops appearing like a sigmoid (the 1994 event). In both cases, the preflare and post-flare loops can be well reproduced by a linear force-free field and potential field, respectively, computed using preflare magnetograms. We find that thermal and non-thermal flare energy release indicators of both events become remarkably similar after applying spatial and temporal scale transformations. Using the spatial scaling between both events we estimated that the non-thermal energy release in the second event liberated about 1.7 times more energy per unit volume. A two-and-a-half times faster evolution indicates that the rate of the energy release per unit volume is more than four times higher in this event. A coronal type II burst reveals ignition and propagation of a coronal shock wave. In contrast, the first event, which was larger and released about a 10 times more energy during the non-thermal phase, was associated with a CME, but no type II burst was recorded. During both events, in addition to the two-ribbon flare process an interaction was observed between the flaring arcade and an emerging magnetic flux region of opposite polarity next to the dominant leading sunspot. The arcade flare seems to stimulate the reconnection process in an `emerging flux-type' configuration, which significantly contributes to the energy release. This regime is characterized by the quasiperiodic injection of electron beams into the surrounding extended field line systems. The repeated beam injections excite pulsating broadband radio emission in the decimetric-metric wavelength range. Each radio pulse is due to a new electron beam injection. The pulsation period (seconds) reflects the spatial scale of the emerging flux-type field configuration. Since broadband decimetric-metric radio pulsations are a frequent radio flare phenomenon, we speculate that opposite-polarity small-scale flux intrusions located in the vicinity of strong field regions may be an essential component of the energy release process in dynamic flares.  相似文献   

Outflows of plasma at the edges of active regions surrounded by quiet Sun are now a common observation with the Hinode satellite. While there is observational evidence to suggest that the outflows are originating in the magnetic field surrounding the active regions, there is no conclusive evidence that reveals how they are driven. Motivated by observations of outflows at the periphery of a mature active region embedded in a coronal hole, we have used a three-dimensional simulation to emulate the active region’s development in order to investigate the origin and driver of these outflows. We find that outflows are accelerated from a site in the coronal hole magnetic field immediately surrounding the active region and are channelled along the coronal hole field as they rise through the atmosphere. The plasma is accelerated simply as a result of the active region expanding horizontally as it develops. Many of the characteristics of the outflows generated in the simulation are consistent with those of observed outflows: velocities up to 45 km s−1, properties akin to the coronal hole, proximity to the active region’s draining loops, expansion with height, and projection over monopolar photospheric magnetic concentrations. Although the horizontal expansion occurs as a consequence of the active region’s development in the simulation, expansion is also a general feature of established active regions. Hence, it is entirely possible and plausible that the expansion acceleration mechanism displayed in the simulation is occurring in active regions on the Sun and, in addition to reconnection, is driving the outflows observed at their edges.  相似文献   

Various observations indicate that coronal holes generally appear as low brightness temperature regions (LTRs) in the centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges. However, within their borders local enhancements of radiation, that is, high brightness temperature regions (HTRs), often occur. The theory behind the described behavior is not fully understood and therefore we analyze full-disk solar images obtained at a wavelength of 8 mm at Metsähovi Radio Observatory and compare them with data simultaneously taken in other wavelength ranges. The observational finding that the average brightness temperature of coronal holes is not much different from the quiet-Sun level (with localized deviations toward higher and lower intensities on the order of a few percent) is compared with theoretical models of the thermal bremsstrahlung radiation originating in the solar chromosphere, transition region, and corona. Special attention is devoted to the interpretation of the localized enhancements of radiation observed inside coronal holes at millimeter wavelengths. The main conclusion is that the most important contribution to the brightness temperature comes from an increased density in the transition region and low corona (i.e., at the heights where the temperature is below 106 K). This can explain both the LTRs and HTRs associated with coronal holes.  相似文献   

The origin of the solar wind is a long-standing issue in both observational and theoretical studies. To understand how and where in the solar atmosphere the mass and energy of the solar wind are supplied is very important. Previous observation suggests a scenario in which the fast solar wind originates at heights above 5 Mm in the magnetically open funnel, a process that is accompanied by downward flow below 5 Mm, whereby the mass and energy are supplied through reconnection between the open funnel and adjacent closed loops. Based on this scenario, we develop a fluid model to study the solar wind generation under the assumption that mass and energy are deposited in the open funnel at 5 Mm. The mass supply rate is estimated from the mass loss rate as given by the emptying of the side loops as a result of their assumed reconnection with the open funnel. Similarly, the energy input rate is consistent with the energy release rate as estimated from the energy flux associated with the reconnection between the open magnetic funnel and the closed magnetic loops. Following the observations, we not only simulate the plasma flowing upward to form the solar wind but also calculate the downward flow back to the lower atmosphere. This model is a first attempt to study physically the proposed scenario of solar wind origin and gives a new physical illustration of the possible initial deposition and consequent transportation of mass and energy in the coronal funnel.  相似文献   

We show for the first time images of solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) viewed using the Heliospheric Imager (HI) instrument aboard the NASA STEREO spacecraft. The HI instruments are wide-angle imaging systems designed to detect CMEs in the heliosphere, in particular, for the first time, observing the propagation of such events along the Sun – Earth line, that is, those directed towards Earth. At the time of writing the STEREO spacecraft are still close to the Earth and the full advantage of the HI dual-imaging has yet to be realised. However, even these early results show that despite severe technical challenges in their design and implementation, the HI instruments can successfully detect CMEs in the heliosphere, and this is an extremely important milestone for CME research. For the principal event being analysed here we demonstrate an ability to track a CME from the corona to over 40 degrees. The time – altitude history shows a constant speed of ascent over at least the first 50 solar radii and some evidence for deceleration at distances of over 20 degrees. Comparisons of associated coronagraph data and the HI images show that the basic structure of the CME remains clearly intact as it propagates from the corona into the heliosphere. Extracting the CME signal requires a consideration of the F-coronal intensity distribution, which can be identified from the HI data. Thus we present the preliminary results on this measured F-coronal intensity and compare these to the modelled F-corona of Koutchmy and Lamy (IAU Colloq. 85, 63, 1985). This analysis demonstrates that CME material some two orders of magnitude weaker than the F-corona can be detected; a specific example at 40 solar radii revealed CME intensities as low as 1.7×10−14 of the solar brightness. These observations herald a new era in CME research as we extend our capability for tracking, in particular, Earth-directed CMEs into the heliosphere.  相似文献   

The good quality of the observing sequence of about 60 photographs of the white-light corona taken during the total solar eclipse observations on 29 March 2006, in Al Sallum, Egypt, enable us to use a new method of image processing for enhancement of the fine structure of coronal phenomena. We present selected magnetic-field lines derived for different parameters of the extrapolation model. The coincidence of the observed coronal white-light fine structures and the computed field-line positions provides a 3D causal relationship between coronal structures and the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   

A specific combination of spectral fine structures in meter –  decimeter dynamic spectra of solar radio burst emission is reported in observations carried out at the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam. We describe and interpret the occurrence of zebra patterns in fast drifting (type III burst-like) envelopes of absorbed continuum emission. A possible mechanism of the origin of such an involved spectral pattern is put forward, leading to a necessarily multinonequlibrium component coronal plasma. The suggested mechanism is based on the fact that during the passage of a fast electron beam through the corona the loss cone instability (which is caused by electrons captured in a magnetic trap generating the continuum) is quenched. As result, a fast drift burst appears in absorption, and the zebra pattern becomes visible on the low background emission. This zebra pattern is generated by a group of electrons with a nonequilibrium distribution over transverse velocities. In the absence of the beam the pattern is invisible against the background of the stronger continuum. It is shown that the mechanism is sensitive to the distribution parameters of the different electron ensembles. Therefore the effect in dynamic radio spectra is comparatively rare but its proper existence underlines that the simultaneous presence of different ensembles of electrons in the flaring corona can be quite a frequent situation. This can explain some problems in deconvolving X-ray photon spectra to electron energy spectra.  相似文献   

Stepanov  A.V.  Tsap  Y.T. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):135-154
Interaction of the 30–300 keV electrons with whistlers in solar coronal loops is studied using a quasi-linear approach. We show that the electron–whistler interaction may play a dominant role in the formation of fast electron spectra within the solar flare loops with the plasma temperature 107 K and plasma density 1011 cm–3. It is found that Landau damping of whistlers provides weak and intermediate pitch-angle diffusion regimes of fast electrons in coronal loops. The level of whistler turbulence in the weak diffusion regime under flare conditions is estimated as 10–7 of the energy density in the thermal particles. The `top – footpoint' relations between the hard X-ray flux densities and spectra are derived. The reason for a `broken' spectrum of the flare microwave emission is discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider radiation (thermal) instability in a weakly ionized plasma with continuous ionization and recombination. The situation can be visualized in the case of envelopes of planetary nebulae, which are envelopes of ionized plasmas surrounding red giant stars. Various observations report continuous photoionization of these plasmas by the highly energetic streams of photons emanating from the parent star. Recently, it has been shown that thermal instability can be a probable candidate in such plasmas for the existence of small scale structures (viz., striations) whose kinematic age is much smaller than that of the parent nebula. We therefore report a systematic study of these plasmas with photoionization and determine the instability domain. We have shown that the continuous ionization and recombination may lead to modification of the underlying instability, which may limit the size of the small structures that are believed to form from these instabilities, and may thus provide an explanation of the physical processes responsible for the existence of these structures. We further show that in many cases the system bifurcates to an ovserstable (growing wave) state from a condensation instability (monotonic) and vice versa.  相似文献   

Very Large Array (VLA) observations at wavelengths of 20 and 91 cm have been combined with data from the SOHO and RHESSI solar missions to study the evolution of transequatorial loops connecting active regions on the solar surface. The radio observations provide information about the acceleration and propagation of energetic electrons in these large-scale coronal magnetic structures where energy release and transport take place. On one day, a long-lasting Type I noise storm at 91 cm was seen to intensify and shift position above the northern hemisphere region following an impulsive hard X-ray burst in the southern hemisphere footpoint region. VLA 20-cm observations as well as SOHO EIT EUV images showed evolving coronal plasma that appeared to move across the solar equator during this time period. This suggests that the transequatorial loop acted as a conduit for energetic particles or fields that may have triggered magnetic changes in the corona where the northern noise storm region was seen. On another day, a hard X-ray burst detected at the limb was accompanied by impulsive 20- and 91-cm burst emission along a loop connecting to an active region in the same hemisphere but about 5′ away, again suggesting particle propagation and remote flare triggering across interconnecting loops.  相似文献   

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