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在层序地层学的基础上,根据沉积旋回特征,运用时频分析的方法对北黄海东部坳陷进行高分辨率层序地层研究,将某口井的测井曲线进行一维离散小波阈值去噪与主成分分析方法融合多条测井曲线,求得能够综合反映地层信息特征的第1主成分曲线。对该曲线进行一维连续小波变换,根据模极大值得到的不同尺度因子,对不同级别的层序地层进行划分,可划分出4个层序和8个准层序组单元,并对层序单元进行沉积旋回和微相分析,以沉积微相为单元并进行小波变换,得到小尺度对应的岩层组单元划分。结果表明,对测井曲线进行小波变换能对层序地层进行高分辨率划分,并且可有效地进行沉积旋回的研究。  相似文献   

基于非线性模型的畸形波模拟及其时频能量谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用VOF(volume offluid)方法实现了畸形波的数值模拟.将数值结果与线性理论(方程(5))计算结果进行了对比,发现数值模拟结果更能够反映非线性特征.使用小波分析方法研究了畸形波的时频能量谱,发现形成畸形波的过程中存在很强的波浪非线性相互作用,使得波浪的能量向高频端转化.变水深地形可以加强波浪的非线性相互作用.使得转化到高频端的能量更多,产生畸形程度更大的畸形波.  相似文献   

在随机海浪条件下,基于修正的四阶非线性薛定谔方程(m NLS)能够有效地模拟畸形波的非线性演化,文中利用小波变换对演化过程进行分析,并对时频谱特征参数(能量集中区域在时域和频域的分布范围)以及能量集中度进行了定量描述,结果表明,当畸形波出现时,能量可以由低频向高频扩散且能量集中度相对较大。  相似文献   

为研究系泊状态下动力定位船舶与码头及缆绳间的耦合作用,采取凝集质量法计算系泊缆索有效张力,设置弹簧阻尼单元用以计算码头碰垫间的非线性反力,应用比例-积分-微分控制系统(PID)进行推力控制。在系泊状态下,以动力定位船舶和无动力定位船舶为研究对象,分析了耦合系统中侧推器对消除因一阶波浪载荷而引起的船舶运动影响的作用;针对动力定位船舶,讨论了码头-缆绳及目标位置两个因素对动力定位船舶的定位能力及侧推器性能的影响。结果表明,在选取合理目标位置的情况下,耦合系统中的侧推器性能及动力定位船舶的定位能力均得到了有效提高。  相似文献   

北黄海东部坳陷有利勘探区块为发育在斜坡上的扇三角洲沉积相,砂岩储层薄,横向变化大,利用常规的地震属性难以圈闭有利储集层,时频分析技术是寻找薄储层最有利的手段。通过研究短时窗傅里叶变换、连续小波变换、时频连续小波变换和S变换等几种经典时频分析方法的特点,分别从时间分辨率、频率分辨率总结了各自的优缺点和适应性,最后优选出S变换对北黄海东部坳陷地震资料进行频谱分解。结果表明,该项技术提高了地震分辨率,对地层细节的刻画更清晰,有效地识别了断层边界,并且能够预测储集层的沉积环境变化及沉积相划分,频谱分解方法是该研究区进行储层预测的新方法和新手段。  相似文献   

海洋地震记录中的虚反射会和反射波发生混叠和干涉,严重影响了海洋地震资料的质量。常规海面水平的条件假设将在海面反射系数计算过程中引入误差。本文引入文圣常提出并改进的文氏海浪谱,采用有效波高、海浪成长系数等各项参数模拟出更符合实际情况的海浪形态,并通过时频分析等方法研究起伏海面虚反射对地震记录的改造作用和起伏海面条件下的虚反射时频谱特征。结果表明:当海面起伏程度较大时,起伏海面的虚反射不仅强烈扭曲了海底一次波反射同相轴,且与一次波发生了强烈的干涉作用,导致成像结果出现很多假同相轴,严重影响了地震资料的质量。随着起伏海面有效波高的增加,地震记录受陷波效应逐渐增强,虚反射能量逐渐增加,主频幅值逐渐减小。当海面起伏变化时,随着偏移距的增加,陷波点幅值变化丰富,主频幅值逐渐减小,且向高频方向移动。随着震源或检波器沉放深度逐渐增加,有效波虚反射的能量强度逐渐增加,频带变窄,陷波改造作用强烈,主频幅值逐渐减小。  相似文献   

为了准确设计高压涡轮盘和叶尖间隙,从概率的角度进行了涡轮盘径向变形的分析。介绍了高精度高效率的非线性动态概率分析的极值响应面方法(Extremum Response Surface Method, ERSM),并建立了其数学模型。考虑材料属性和边界条件的非线性,以及热载荷和离心载荷的动态性,基于ERSM对涡轮盘径向变形进行了非线性动态概率分析,得到了输入输出参数的分布特征和影响涡轮盘径向动态变形的主要因素。最后,通过方法比较,验证了ERSM在保证计算精度的前提下能大大提高计算速度,节约计算时间,改善计算效率。为进行更有效的涡轮盘设计和优化,改善叶尖间隙设计和控制的合理性提供了有效依据。   相似文献   

为了解决四种典型结构型式的张力腿平台在中国南海荔湾气田极端海况条件下的选型问题,采用新的相似原则以保证平台的设计拥有相同的相似条件。这些相似条件确保了四种平台具有相似的水动力性能和系泊性能。考虑平台和系泊系统包括顶张紧式立管(TTRs)、钢悬链式立管(SCRs)及筋腱之间的耦合效应,运用动态时域耦合分析方法计算得到平台的动力响应,并通过对比不同结构型式的平台在作业、极限及生存工况下的运动响应以得到最优水动力性能平台。文中还分别对四种张力腿平台的动态响应、筋腱受力、气隙分析和动晕环境条件进行对比分析,分析结果为实际工程提供参考。  相似文献   

针对现有海上吊装模拟方法不能有效考虑浮吊船舶—系泊系统—吊物系统之间的动态耦合,难以实现基座回转、吊臂变幅连续模拟问题,基于Matlab/Simulink、ADAMS联合仿真平台建立了海上吊装作业全耦合动力分析模型,探究了中长周期波作用下波浪周期、吊缆收放、基座回转、吊臂变幅等参数变化对吊装作业系统动力响应的影响规律。结果表明,波浪周期接近吊物系统固有周期时会引发共振,导致吊物摇摆幅值显著增加。基座回转、吊臂变幅等因改变了吊物的空间位置从而引发了浮吊船舶倾覆力矩的变化,进而对浮吊船舶运动响应产生显著影响。当基座回转90°后,浮吊船舶的横倾角增加约2.74°。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于自适应核时频表示的最佳滤波方法。通过理论模型验证了该方法的灵活性和在时频谱上的聚焦能力,用于实际叠前与叠后地震资料的处理也取得了极好的去噪效果。结果表明该方法可以同时提高地震资料的信噪比与分辨率,对地层岩性变化具有更高的识别精度,为后续高精度解释工作奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method to structurally identify inherent dynamic characteristics based on long-term monitored acceleration data of nonlinear offshore platforms under sea-ice excitation. Not all the inherent characteristics can be excited due to the randomness of ice loading and its limited bandwidth. However, the long-term monitored data can reflect most of the conditions of sea-ice excitation. The change of natural characteristics of the platform under ice loads can be identified by analyzing of long-term monitored data. A nonlinear system of two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) is simulated to identify dynamic characteristics and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The method is applied to analyze the acceleration data caused by ice-induction at a jacket platform in Liaodong Bay. The inherent characteristics of the structure can be identified and its variation under different ice-load intensities is summarized.  相似文献   

本文采用经验模式分解 (EMD)提取信号的内在模函数 (IMF) ,并利用希尔伯特变换对所得IMF进行包络分析 ,提取机械故障特征。与直接对原信号进行包络分析相比较 ,该方法提取的机械故障特征更明显。数值模拟和对故障轴承振动信号分析表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于粗糙集与人工神经网络的变压器故障诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据电力变压器故障诊断问题,提出了基于粗糙集与人工神经网络的变压器故障诊断模型,分析了该模型的实现步骤.采用Kohonen网络对连续属性值进行离散化,应用粗糙集理论对特征参数进行属性约简,并把约简结果生成规则作为BP网络的输入.仿真结果表明,把经过粗糙集理论预处理过的数据送入BP网络训练,提高了学习速度和故障诊断正确率,减少了训练时间.  相似文献   

Fault linkage patterns in rift basins are very common. While the process of fault linkage may be very short, it changes sedimentation patterns before and after linkage and controls the development of half-grabens. The propagation and growth of boundary faults can be divided into a simple fault propagation pattern and a fault growth-linkage pattern. Based on structural style, sedimentation patterns and oil-source correlations in the Erlian Basin, three types of grabens and petroleum systems can be identified. The Abei graben is controlled by a single boundary fault and forms an independent petroleum system. The Saihantala graben is controlled by several linked faults, which also has an independent petroleum system. The Wuliyasitai Depression controlled by two boundary fault segments which results in two petroleum systems. As not all half-grabens develop one petroleum system; they may, therefore, have two or more systems. The relay ramps between fault segments before linkage are the locations of deposition of sands and conglomerates, and consequently, are the focus areas for stratigraphic–lithologic trap exploration.  相似文献   

海岛是我国国土重要的组成部分,是具有特殊性质的独立地理单元。海岛进行分类评价对海岛的开发和保护意义重大。文章选择30个海岛,从环境保护、经济发展和社会发展3个方面建立16个指标,通过聚类分析、主坐标分析和主成分分析,对海岛进行分类,同时研究海岛不同指标之间的关系。研究发现,海岛可以分为经济发展型、环境发展型和传统发展型...  相似文献   

Active faults at a range in scales are observed in different directions (E-W, N-S and NE-SW) in the extensional tectonic regime of the Aegean region, western Turkey. However, mechanisms and types of faults in the Gulf of Izmir have not been investigated properly. Tectonic setting in the gulf together with the origin and characteristics of faults were studied in this study by integrating interpretation from various very high resolution acoustic data (multibeam bathymetry and CHIRP very high resolution seismic) acquired in the Gulf of Izmir.The Gulf of Izmir has thick, unconsolidated, stratified sediment cover. The water depth increases from the inner part (SE) to the outer part (NW) of the gulf with complex sea floor morphology. However, northeastern part of the coastal region is very shallow because of the sedimentary influx transported by the Gediz River. The western margin and the southern part of the gulf were formed under the influence of Uzunada (Uzun Island) and Izmir Faults, respectively. In the southern offshore, there is only one, E-W directional normal fault dipping through the north and corresponding to the offshore segment of the Izmir Fault Zone to the west. The acoustic data enable identification of the Uzunada Fault Zone extending as a simple lineament from near Guzelbahce in the south but bifurcating toward the NE of the Cicek Archipelago and terminating with left-lateral slip in the E-NE of the Hekim Island. After the sinistral strike-slip, the fault re-extends in the NW direction untill the mid of Uzunada as a single fault segment. Then, the fault is observed as a bunch of many active fault segments (like horse-tail splays) to the east of Uzunada with N-NW elongation through the outer gulf. These segments were chronologically succeeded from the east to the west. This progradational pattern is attributed to westward extension of the Gulf of Izmir with anti-clockwise rotational escape of the Anatolian Plate. In addition, progradation of faults was controlled by the NE-SW directional tear faults which may have played a key role in the shoreline extension and general pattern of the outer gulf islands. A very young graben in the central part of the gulf, also dislocated by the tear faults was observed parallel to the Uzunada Fault Zone as another indicator of ongoing fan-shaped opening of the gulf. These tectonic elements are consistent with earlier interpretation of GPS-based observations indicating a four-wheel gear system of rigid-body rotations. Additionally, a new fault extending from the far offshore of Foca to Suzbeyli village to the south was identified in this study. Its NW-SE extension is angular to the previous tectonic elements. All these elements apparently project at least 10 km farther northward, in the offshore Foca where the earthquake epicenters cluster.  相似文献   

Dynamic compaction (DC) has been widely used for a variety of soil types and conditions in coastal area. However, as the ground water table is near the ground surface, a significant increase of pore water pressure is noticed after each impact, which results in local liquefaction and limits further drop effect. Consequently, to obtain effective compaction effects on saturated soils, it is essential for the evaluation of the liquefaction responses of soil medium caused by DC to determine the time delay between the drops and prevent ‘rubbery soil’. In this study, a numerical investigation on the liquefaction responses of saturated granular soils during DC is carried out using a coupled hydro-mechanical model. The developed model considers all the stages of DC involved in impact stage and consolidation stage. A new cap model for simulations of high strain rate behaviors of soils under DC is incorporated in the coupled hydro-mechanical model. Verification of the proposed model is performed against the previous test data and analytical result. Then, a series of parametric studies have been performed to examine the effects of the tamping energy level, hammer radius and permeability on liquefaction responses of saturated granular soils at several stages of DC. The numerical results demonstrate that the dimension of liquefaction zone is driven by the tamping energy level rather than the permeability, and strain rate has a significant effect on soil responses in DC.  相似文献   

现有服役海洋平台正逐步走向老龄化,海洋平台拆除成为海洋工程新的经济增长点。针对达到服役年限的导管架平台,基于数值分析方法模拟拆除过程,开展平台在不同拆除阶段和环境载荷等参数下的稳定性及影响规律研究。基于钢结构整体稳定性理论,以导管架平台拆除过程中顶点位移为参考,定义导管架平台拆除作业稳定性指标,提出拆除作业阶段划分方法,通过分析导管架平台在不同影响因素作用下拆除过程稳定性响应,给出拆除作业建议。选取我国南海某4裙12腿进行实例分析,结果表明:主桩腿对导管架平台起决定性承载作用,拆除部分主桩腿后需要引入外部支撑力,以保证拆除作业安全进行;拆除构件越多,来浪方向和环境载荷大小对平台影响越加显著。研究结果可为导管架平台拆除作业提供参考。  相似文献   

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