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This work investigates the spatial relation between coronal X-ray sources and coherent radio emissions, both generally thought to be signatures of particle acceleration. Two limb events were selected during which the radio emission was well correlated in time with hard X-rays. The radio emissions were of the type of decimetric pulsations as determined from the spectrogram observed by Phoenix-2 of ETH Zurich. The radio positions were measured from observations with the Nançay Radioheliograph between 236 and 432 MHz and compared to the position of the coronal X-ray source imaged with RHESSI. The radio pulsations originated at least 30?–?240 Mm above the coronal hard X-ray source. The altitude of the radio emission increases generally with lower frequency. The average positions at different frequencies are on a line pointing approximately to the coronal hard X-ray source. Thus, the pulsations cannot be caused by electrons trapped in the flare loops, but are consistent with emission from a current sheet above the coronal source.  相似文献   

Sawant  H.S.  Subramanian  K.R.  Faria  C.  Fernandes  F.C.R.  Sobral  J.H.A.  Cecatto  J.R.  Rosa  R.R.  Vats  H.O.  Neri  J.A.C.F.  Alonso  E.M.B.  Mesquita  F.P.V.  Portezani  V.A.  Martinon  A.R.F. 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):167-176
Digital, decimetric (200–2500 MHz) Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) with high time (10–1000 ms) and frequency (1–10 MHz) resolution is in regular operation since April, 1998, at National Space Research Institute (INPE) at São José dos Campos, Brazil. BSS operates in conjunction with a 9-m diameter polar mounted antenna. It allows to select suitable observing frequency range, frequency and time resolutions and data can be digitized up to 100 channels. BSS has capabilities of quasi-real time display of the ongoing dynamic spectra of the solar activity that enables the observer to modify observational parameters so as to suit a specific type of activity such as spikes and improve the quality of data acquisition and storage. Minimum detectable flux density of the spectroscope, for different combinations of the observational parameters, is 3 s.f.u. Observations are carried out routinely from 11 UT to 19 UT. Necessary software for data acquisition and reductions has been developed in IDL 5.3 environment. Data are available in FITS and ASCII formats. Absolute timing accuracy of the station is less than 3 ms. Here, we present examples of the bursts which have been recorded by BSS and available display facilities.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the double plasma resonance has been applied to the dot-like emission structures observed in the decimetric band. In particular, the existence of dot-emissions on definite trajectories in the dynamic spectra offers a rare opportunity to delineate the details of the double resonance mechanism as well as the diagnostics of the radio source and the ambient corona. The modeling of the chains of dots points to the excitation of the electron Bernstein modes predominantly at the second cyclotron harmonic and their subsequent coalescence to produce the observed dot-emissions. The coalescence process doubles the cyclotron harmonic number and thereby reduces the cyclotron absorption significantly. The discrete nature of the emissions results from the finite extent of the resonant region due to the presence of inhomogeneities. The determination of the relative scales of spatial variation of the magnetic field and the electron density in the region of the decimetric emission is particularly desirable as it has important consequences for the energy release, acceleration processes and the configuration of the participating plasma structures.  相似文献   

Y. Ma  R. X. Xie  M. Wang 《Solar physics》2006,238(1):105-115
Detailed statistics and analysis of 264 type III bursts observed with the 625–1500 MHz spectrograph during the 23rd solar cycle (from July 2000 to April 2003) are carried out in the present article. The main statistical results are similar to those of microwave type III bursts presented in the literature cited, such as the correlation between type III bursts and flares, polarization, duration, frequency drift rate (normal and reverse slopes), distribution of type III bursts and frequency bandwidth. At the same time, the statistical results also point out that the average values of the frequency drift rates and degrees of polarization increase with the increase in frequency and the average value of duration decreases with the increase in frequency. Other statistical results show that the starting frequencies of the type III bursts are mainly within the range from 650 to 800 MHz, and most type III bursts have an average bandwidth of 289 MHz. The distributions imply that the electron acceleration and the place of energy release are within a limited decimetric range. The characteristics of the narrow bandwidth possibly involve the magnetic configuration at decimetric wavelengths, the location of electron acceleration in the magnetic field nearto the main flare, the relevant runaway or trapped electrons, or the coherent radio emission produced by some secondary shock waves. In addition, the number of type III bursts with positive frequency drift rates is almost equal to that with negative frequency drift rates. This is probably explained by the hypothesis that an equal number of electron beams are accelerated upwards and downwards within the range of 625 to 1500 MHz. The radiation mechanism of type III bursts at decimetric wavelengths probably includes these microwave and metric mechanisms and the most likely cause of the coherent plasma radiation are the emission processes of the electron cyclotron maser.  相似文献   

We present the results of the analysis of thirteen events consisting of dm-spikes observed in Toruń between 15 March 2000 and 30 October 2001. The events were obtained with a very high time resolution (80 microseconds) radio spectrograph in the 1352 – 1490 MHz range. These data were complemented with observations from the radio spectrograph at Ondřejov in the 0.8 – 2.0 GHz band. We evaluated the basic characteristics of the individual spikes (duration, spectral width, and frequency drifts), as well as their groups and chains, the location of their emission sources, and the temporal correlations of the emissions with various phases of the associated solar flares. We found that the mean duration and spectral width of the radio spikes are equal to 0.036 s and 9.96 MHz, respectively. Distributions of the duration and spectral widths of the spikes have positive skewness for all investigated events. Each spike shows positive or negative frequency drift. The mean negative and positive drifts of the investigated spikes are equal to −776 MHz s−1 and 1608 MHz s−1, respectively. The emission sources of the dm-spikes are located mainly at disk center. We have noticed two kinds of chains, with and without frequency drifts. The mean durations of the chains vary between 0.067 s and 0.509 s, while their spectral widths vary between 7.2 MHz and 17.25 MHz. The mean duration of an individual spike observed in a chain was equal to 0.03 s. While we found some agreement between the global characteristics of the groups of spikes recorded with the two instruments located in Toruń and Ondřejov, we did not find any one-to-one relation between individual spikes.  相似文献   

本文介绍了由捷克Ondˇrejov天文台观测到的 1 992年 8月 2 2日 1 2 :36 :2 6— 1 2 :36 :32UT发生的U型暴 ,U型暴的频率范围为 1 .0— 2 .8GHz,在国际上尚属首例 .从分析得到以下几点结论 :(1 )上下臂的频漂率分别为 1 .2 5和 0 .2 2 5GHz/s,其电子束流的速度分别为 0 .38c和 0 .2 6c ,它是由等离子体二次谐波发射造成的 .(2 )上升臂的爆发衰减时间常数大于下降臂的 .(3)频谱极大频率随时间变化呈现出从高频到低频再到高频的变化 .(4)上升臂的频宽大于下降臂的约一倍左右 ,这与上升臂频漂远大于下降臂的有关 .(5 )从频宽得到上、下臂的速度弥散分别为 (Δvv) a=0 .42和 (Δvv) d=0 .47.  相似文献   

An FX correlator implementation for the SKAMP project is presented. The completed system will provide capabilities that match those proposed for the aperture plane array concept for the SKA. Through novel architecture, expansion is possible to accommodate larger arrays such as the 600-station cylindrical reflector proposals. In contrast to many current prototypes, it will use digital transmission from the antenna, requiring digital filterbanks and beamformers to be located at the antenna. This will demonstrate the technologies needed for all long baseline antennas in the SKA.  相似文献   

The AMBER array contains four magnetometers and spans across the geomagnetic equator from L of 1 to an L of 1.4. In addition to filling the largest land-based gap in global magnetometer coverage, the AMBER array will address two fundamental areas of space physics: (1) the processes governing electrodynamics of the equatorial ionosphere as a function of latitude (or L-shell), local time, longitude, magnetic activity, and season, and (2) ULF pulsation strength and its connection with equatorial electrojet strength at low/mid-latitude regions. Satellite observations show unique equatorial ionospheric structures in the African sector, though these have not been confirmed by observation from the ground due to lack of ground-based instruments in the region. In order to have a complete global understanding of equatorial ionosphere motions, deployment of ground-based magnetometers in Africa is essential. One focus of IHY is the deployment of networks of small instruments, including the development of research infrastructure in developing nations through the United Nations Basic Space Science (UNBSS) Small Instrument Array. Therefore, AMBER magnetometer array in partnership with parallel US funded GPS receivers in Africa will allow us to understand the electrodynamics that governs equatorial ionosphere motions. While AMBER routinely observes the F region plasma drift mechanism (E × B drift), the GPS stations will monitor the structure of plasma at low/mid-latitudes in the African sectors. In addition to new scientific discoveries and advancing the space science research into Africa by establishing scientific collaborations between scientists in the developing and developed nations, the AMBER project also contributes to developing the basic science of heliophysics through cross-disciplinary studies of universal process. This includes the creation of sustainable research/training infrastructure within the developing nations (Africa).  相似文献   

A detailed comparison is made between hard X-ray spikes and decimetric type III radio bursts for a relatively weak solar flare on 1981 August 6 at 10: 32 UT. The hard X-ray observations were made at energies above 30 keV with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission and with a balloon-born coarse-imaging spectrometer from Frascati, Italy. The radio data were obtained in the frequency range from 100 to 1000 MHz with the analog and digital instruments from Zürich, Switzerland. All the data sets have a time resolution of 0.1 s or better. The dynamic radio spectrum shows many fast drift type III radio bursts with both normal and reverse slope, while the X-ray time profile contains many well resolved short spikes with durations of 1 s. Some of the X-ray spikes appear to be associated in time with reverse-slop bursts suggesting either that the electron beams producing the radio bursts contain two or three orders of magnitude more fast electrons than has previously been assumed or that the electron beams can trigger or occur in coincidence with the acceleration of additional electrons. One case is presented in which a normal slope radio burst at 600 MHz occurs in coincidence with the peak of an X-ray spike to within 0.1 s. If the coincidence is not merely accidental and if it is meaningful to compare peak times, then the short delay would indicate that the radio signal was at the harmonic and that the electrons producing the radio burst were accelerated at an altitude of 4 × 109 cm. Such a short delay is inconsistent with models invoking cross-field drifts to produce the electron beams that generate type III bursts but it supports the model incorporating a MASER proposed by Sprangle and Vlahos (1983).  相似文献   

The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART) consists of a 64×64 (4096) full-wavelength dipole antenna array, operating at 140 MHz, with a bandwidth of 2 MHz, occupying about 9660 square meters (69 m × 140 m) ( http://www.mexart.unam.mx ). This is a dedicated radio array for Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) observations located at latitude 19°48′N, longitude 101°41′W. We characterize the performance of the system. We report the first IPS observations with the instrument, employing a Butler Matrix (BM) of 16×16 ports, fed by 16 east?–?west lines of 64 dipoles (1/4 of the total array). The BM displays a radiation pattern of 16 beams at different declinations (from ?48, to +88 degrees). We present a list of 19 strong IPS radio sources (having at least 3σ in power gain) detected by the instrument. We report the power spectral analysis procedure of the intensity fluctuations. The operation of MEXART will allow us a better coverage of solar wind disturbances, complementing the data provided by the other, previously built, instruments.  相似文献   

Wang  M.  Xie  R. X. 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):171-179
Long-periodic pulsations with a period of tens of seconds associated with a Type IV solar radio emission are found at 1420 and 2000 MHz. Some features (such as the bandwidth, periodicity, frequency drift, amplitude, and relative amplitude) of the pulsations are introduced and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Observations of a solar flare at 617 MHz with the Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) are used to study the morphology of flare radio emission at decimetric wavelengths. There has been very little imaging in the 500 – 1000 MHz frequency range, but it is of great interest, since it corresponds to densities at which energy is believed to be released in solar flares. This event has a very distinctive morphology at 617 MHz: the radio emission is clearly resolved by the 30″ beam into arc-shaped sources seeming to lie at the tops of long loops, anchored at one end in the active region in which the flare occurs, with the other end lying some 200 000 km away in a region of quiet solar atmosphere. Microwave images show fairly conventional behaviour for the flare in the active region: it consists of two compact sources overlying regions of opposite magnetic polarity in the photosphere. The decimetric emission is confined to the period leading up to the impulsive phase of the flare, and does not extend over a wide frequency range. This fact suggests a flare mechanism in which the magnetic field at considerable height in the corona is destabilized a few minutes prior to the main energy release lower in the corona. The radio morphology also suggests that the radiating electrons are trapped near the tops of magnetic loops, and therefore may have pitch angles near 90˚.  相似文献   

云南天文台0.6~1.5GHz太阳射电快速动态频谱仪,在2001年6月24日的射电爆发中观测到大量尖峰。由于观测仪器有相当高的频率分辨率,使我们可以对尖峰的绝对带宽进行更精细的统计分析。由于尖峰数量很大,特别编制了识别尖峰并测量其带宽的软件来进行统计工作。结果发现76%的尖峰的绝对带宽达到仪器频率分辨率1.4MHz,其相对带宽达到0.1%。这比以前关于尖峰辐射带宽的统计结果要小很多。统计结果支持用ECM机制解释尖峰辐射。  相似文献   

太阳射电毫秒级尖峰辐射的寿命随频率增高而减小,长期以来这一直是个令人困惑的问题。本文从与Ⅲ型爆发相关的空心束分布的电子流所激发的回旋同步脉泽角度出发,详细讨论了尖峰辐射的寿命与特征频率比(ξ=ω_P/ω_B)以及波增长率的关系,最后得出:在分米波的不同波段,尖峰辐射是X模的不同次谐波,且寿命随频率增高发生相关的减小。  相似文献   

利用国家天文台云南天文台“分米波(700—1500MHz)射电频谱仪”和“四波段太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统”分别于2001年6月24日和1990年7月30日观测到了两个稀少事件,前者是一个小射电爆发,其上升相伴随有短周期(约29、40和100毫秒)的脉动,后者是一个射电大爆发,在2840MHz上产生了周期约30毫秒的射电脉动,还着重讨论其甚短周期(如29—40毫秒)的脉动现象,甚短周期脉动可能是归因于起源在日冕深处不稳定区域的哨声波束周期链对射电辐射的调制,或沉降电子束驱动的静电高混杂波,经由波-波非线性相互作用导致甚短周期的射电脉动。  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of decimetric radio bursts (RBs), X-ray flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is carried out. We consider all radio bursts recorded by the Cracow Solar Radio Telescope from the beginning of 1996 until the end of 2004. It is found that the decimetric radio bursts are associated and strongly correlated with X-ray flares. Correlation coefficients between RBs durations and the maximal fluxes of the radio bursts and flares are found to be 0.60 and 0.87, respectively. We also demonstrated that a significant population of the decimetric radio bursts are associated with CMEs. The correlation coefficient between the maximal radio flux density multiplied by the duration of the RBs versus velocity multiplied by width of CMEs is found to be 0.55.  相似文献   

In the present work a statistical analysis of long-lived microbursts (MBs) in the decimetric wavelength range was performed for the first time. Long-lived microbursts at decimetric wavelengths were observed with one-dimensional scans on the RATAN-600 radio telescope in intensity and circular polarization with a sensitivity of about 5 – 10 Jy. MBs have fluxes in the range of 0.001 – 0.1 s.f.u. and polarization degrees of 10 – 100%, and the duration of individual bursts is about 1 – 2 s. Microbursts and background sources exist for several days and appear at the sites of prolonged energy release. In this work MBs were compared with noise storms (NSs) in the metric wavelength range. Our analysis shows with high confidence that MBs are manifestation of NSs in the decimetric wavelength range. The reason for the significant difference in flux between MBs and NSs could be because MBs (unlike NSs) are related to incoherent generation of Langmuir waves. The nature of the MB emission is similar to the smoothly varying (background) emission of the NSs, butthe MB emission is impulsive because of the high rate of pitch-angle diffusion.  相似文献   

Vilmer  N.  Krucker  S.  Lin  R.P.  The Rhessi Team 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):261-272
The GOES C7.5 flare on 20 February 2002 at 11:07 UT is one of the first solar flares observed by RHESSI at X-ray wavelengths. It was simultaneously observed at metric/decimetric wavelengths by the Nançay radioheliograph (NRH) which provided images of the flare between 450 and 150 MHz. We present a first comparison of the hard X-ray images observed with RHESSI and of the radio emission sites observed by the NRH. This first analysis shows that: (1) there is a close occurrence between the production of the HXR-radiating most energetic electrons and the injection of radio-emitting non-thermal electrons at all heights in the corona, (2) modifications with time in the pattern of the HXR sources above 25 keV and of the decimetric radio sources at 410 MHz are observed occurring on similar time periods, (3) in the late phase of the most energetic HXR peak, a weak radio source is observed at high frequencies, overlying the EUV magnetic loops seen in the vicinity of the X-ray flaring sites above 12 keV. These preliminary results illustrate the potential of combining RHESSI and NRH images for the study of electron acceleration and transport in flares.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院国家天文台太阳射电动态频谱仪(1.0~2.0GHz和2.6~3.8GHz)在1998年9月23日观测到伴生Ⅲ型爆发群和Ⅰ型噪爆的分米波Ⅳ型爆发,着重讨论在Ⅳ型爆发衰减相产生的Ⅰ型噪爆,这个噪爆由许多Ⅰ型爆发组成,每个Ⅰ型爆的寿命约为100~300ms,总持续时间大于11min。噪爆辐射的圆偏振度大于Ⅳ型连续辐射爆发,平均偏振度约为64%。这个Ⅰ型噪爆可能类似于高偏振的Ⅲ型噪爆,其辐射机制可能归因于基波等离子体辐射。  相似文献   

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