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南海北部琼东南盆地中央峡谷成因新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对区域构造断裂体系和逐渐连片的高分辨率三维地震资料的精细解析,认识到琼东南盆地中央峡谷的形成机制除了与晚中新世区域构造变动、大规模海平面下降、充足物源供给以及凹槽型古地形特征等因素相关之外,还存在另外一个非常重要因素:峡谷底部早期隐伏断裂带的存在。研究表明:琼东南盆地中央坳陷带发育平行于陆架坡折的大规模深水峡谷,峡谷底部发育大型走滑断层以及走滑断层派生出一系列次级断层形成的地层破碎带,认识到峡谷的形成、规模以及展布方向均受断裂带影响;相应地峡谷的充填及演化亦是受物源、海平面变化、重力流作用等多种因素共同作用和相互叠加的过程。从而为研究经历了裂陷期和坳陷期盆地演化过程形成的大型峡谷提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Most submarine canyons are erosive conduits cut deeply into the world’s continental shelves through which sediment is transported from areas of high coastal sediment supply onto large submarine fans. However, many submarine canyons in areas of low sediment supply do not have associated submarine fans and show significantly different morphologies and depositional processes from those of ‘classic’ canyons. Using three-dimensional seismic reflection and core data, this study contrasts these two types of submarine canyons and proposes a bipartite classification scheme.The continental margin of Equatorial Guinea, West Africa during the late Cretaceous was dominated by a classic, erosional, sand-rich, submarine canyon system. This system was abandoned during the Paleogene, but the relict topography was re-activated in the Miocene during tectonic uplift. A subsequent decrease in sediment supply resulted in a drastic transformation in canyon morphology and activity, initiating the ‘Benito’ canyon system. This non-typical canyon system is aggradational rather than erosional, does not indent the shelf edge and has no downslope sediment apron. Smooth, draping seismic reflections indicate that hemipelagic deposition is the chief depositional process aggrading the canyons. Intra-canyon lateral accretion deposits indicate that canyon concavity is maintained by thick (>150 m), dilute, turbidity currents. There is little evidence for erosion, mass-wasting, or sand-rich deposition in the Benito canyon system. When a canyon loses flow access, usually due to piracy, it is abandoned and eventually filled. During canyon abandonment, fluid escape causes the successive formation of ‘cross-canyon ridges’ and pockmark trains along buried canyon axes.Based on comparison of canyons in the study area, we recognize two main types of submarine canyons: ‘Type I’ canyons indent the shelf edge and are linked to areas of high coarse-grained sediment supply, generating erosive canyon morphologies, sand-rich fill, and large downslope submarine fans/aprons. ‘Type II’ canyons do not indent the shelf edge and exhibit smooth, highly aggradational morphologies, mud-rich fill, and a lack of downslope fans/aprons. Type I canyons are dominated by erosive, sandy turbidity currents and mass-wasting, whereas hemipelagic deposition and dilute, sluggish turbidity currents are the main depositional processes sculpting Type II canyons. This morphology-based classification scheme can be used to help predict depositional processes, grain size distributions, and petroleum prospectivity of any submarine canyon.  相似文献   

A total of 120 grab samples of the surficial sediments in the Cap-Breton submarine canyon and surrounding continental shelf were collected and analyzed by grain-size sieving. A Q-mode Factor Analysis was made on the grain-size data in order to define the most meaningful facies types. Four distinct lithological facies were found to exist: silt and clay, very fine sand, fine sand, and coarse sand. Comparison with previous work and a 14C date on the silt and clay facies showed that the facies are not contemporaneous. The sands and coarse sands on the shelf were emplaced during the pre-Würm and Würm regressions, and later probably reworked during the Holocene (Flandrian) transgression. The silty clays found in the canyon and on the shelf to the south are younger and represent sediments brought in as suspended load by the Adour and other nearby rivers during the Holocene (Flandrian) transgression.  相似文献   

Multi-beam,sub-bottom and multichannel seismic data acquired from the western Nigerian continental margin are analysed and interpreted to examine the architectural characteristics of the lower parts of the submarine canyons on the margin.The presence of four canyons: Avon,Mahin,Benin,and Escravos,are confirmed from the multi-beam data map and identified as cutting across the shelf and slope areas,with morphological features ranging from axial channels,moderate to high sinuosity indices,scarps,terraces and nickpoints which are interpreted as resulting from erosional and depositional activities within and around the canyons.The Avon Canyon,in particular,is characterised by various branches and sub-branches with complex morphologies.The canyons are mostly U-shaped in these lower parts with occasional V-shapes down their courses.Their typical orientation is NE–SW.Sedimentary processes are proposed as being a major controlling factor in these canyons.Sediments appear to have been discharged directly into the canyons by rivers during the late Quaternary low sea level which allows river mouths to extend as far as the shelf edge.The current sediment supply is still primarily sourced from these rivers in the case of the Benin and Escravos Canyons,but indirectly in the case of the Avon and Mahin Canyons where the rivers discharge sediments into the lagoons and the lagoons bring the sediments on to the continental shelf before they are dispersed into the canyon heads.Ancient canyons that have long been buried underneath the Avon Canyon are identified in the multichannel seismic profile across the head of the Avon Canyon,while a number of normal faults around the walls of the Avon and Mahin Canyons are observed in the selected sub-bottom profiles.The occurrence of these faults,especially in the irregular portions of the canyon walls,suggests that they also have some effect on the canyon architecture.The formation of the canyons is attributed to the exposure of the upper marginal area to incisions from erosion during the sea level lowstand of the glacial period.The incisions are widened and lengthened by contouric currents,turbidity currents and slope failures resulting in the canyons.  相似文献   

Using seismic and Chirp sonar profiles, this paper tests the hypothesis that hyperpycnal flows are the main factor controlling the formation and maintenance of the meandering Kaoping submarine canyon off SW Taiwan. Cross-section geometries, and erosional as well as depositional features vary along the canyon course. In the proximal, sinuous part of the canyon, down-cutting into the shelf strata has created a relief of 340 m. The cause of this intense erosion of the seafloor is suggested to be the frequent development of hyperpycnal flows. A seismic section across a meander in the distal part of the canyon shows levees formed by overspilled sediments at the outer bend, and a terrace characterized by relatively flat stratified facies at the inner bend. The geological setting and climatic conditions in SW Taiwan (e.g. earthquakes, typhoons, floods), as well as major river–canyon connections (for example, direct input of highly concentrated suspended sediment) would all promote hyperpycnal flow generation. This causes axial incision, canyon wall slumping, and the formation of levees by spill-over deposition in the upper reach of the Kaoping Canyon.  相似文献   

Deep slope currents and particulate matter concentrations were studied on the Barcelona continental margin in and around the Foix submarine canyon from May 1993 to April 1994. This year-long moored experiment revealed that near-bottom slope currents are strongly influenced by the bottom topography, being oriented along isobaths and along the canyon axis. The deep slope current fluctuations are controlled by the local inertial motion (18.3 h) and also by low-frequency oscillations at periods of 6–10 days, related to the passage of atmospheric pressure cells. Particulate matter concentrations recorded during the experiment do not show a clear seasonal variability, except outside the canyon, where significant peaks of particulate matter concentrations were recorded only during the winter-fall deployment. In addition, the temporal evolution of suspended particulate matter concentration is not linked to changes in the cross-slope or along-slope current components and did not show a clear relationship with river avenues or wave storm events. This suggests that suspended particulate matter exported from the shelf is dispersed on the slope by advective processes, which attenuate the signal of the shelf-slope sediment transfer. Mean particulate matter concentrations differed among sampling sites, but the magnitude of the mean horizontal suspended particle flux reflects a quite similar value in the whole study area, ranging from 2.53 to 4.05 mg m−2 s−1. These horizontal suspended particle fluxes are 27 (canyon head) to 360 (open slope) times higher than the settling particle fluxes measured at the same sampling sites, indicating that the suspended particulate transport on the Barcelona continental slope dominates over the settling particle fluxes, even inside the Foix submarine canyon.  相似文献   

The Yithi submarine canyons,composed of four canyons less than 60 km in length,are located on the narrowest part of the East China Sea(ECS) slope.They extend from the shelf break at 160 m down to water depth of 1 500 m with an average gradient(along the canyon axis) of 3°(<1 000 m) and 0.7°(>1000 m).The sinuosity of the canyons ranges form 1.02 to 1.14 and their pathways extend radially from the shelf break to the axis of the Okinawa Trough.Structural and evolution pattern of the Yithi canyons are mainly controlled by sediment mass-movements and turbidity current and similar with that of the canyons in Ebro continental slope.The whole canyon system consists of three parts:the canyon,the channel and the fan.Slumps and slides often develop in the upper part of canyon where the water depth is less than 1000 m,and the turbidities usually developed on the fan.The scale of turbidites becomes smaller and their inner structures become more regular towards the ends of the canyons.Canyon-fans are often associated with small angle progradational reflection.Most canyon-fans and levees were transversely cut by active normal faults with NEE-SWW trending that are coupled to the modern extension of the Okinawa Trough.According to the age of formation of canyon-fans and sediments incised by canyons,we can infer that the Yithi canyons were formed since the middle the Medio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Internal tidal currents and associated water-mass displacements were investigated during multiple cruises in the Kaoping Submarine Canyon off southwestern Taiwan. Observations from both moored and shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and hydrographic casts were conducted along the canyon. The velocity data showed that in the lower layer the major axis of the tidal currents aligned with the orientation of the canyon, and currents moved up-canyon during flood and down-canyon during ebb. The vertical-phase shift and amplitude of the currents indicated that the semidiurnal internal tide dominated with intensity increasing with depth toward the canyon head. Tidal energy was channeled from the shelf landward with a beamlike internal wave, guided by bottom topography. The estimated phase velocity was 1.4–1.7 m s−1, based on normal mode analysis and the phase lag between sampling stations. Empirical orthogonal function analysis of hydrographic profiles confirmed that the first mode (M2 internal tide) explained 70% of the total variance. The strong convergence of internal tidal currents near the canyon head during flood may play an important role in the daily migration of cherry shrimps, which burrow along the canyon wall.  相似文献   

The Golo Margin in eastern Corsica is dissected by four canyons and two gullies which fed turbidite systems. Study of the dispersal of surficial sediments and flow dynamic in the Golo system is based on Kullenberg and interface cores interpreted in relation to a previously published seismic dataset. Cores were described in detail and interpreted within a sedimentary and stratigraphic framework. During the last 42,000 years, gravity processes which occurred in the large systems with a canyon source were mainly slide-induced, differentiated turbulent surges and hyperpycnal flows. Processes occurring in the small system with a gully source are mainly hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows. Deposits from the Corsican Margin can intercalate with products of processes triggered on the Pianosa Ridge located in the eastern part of the basin. During relative sea-level lowstands or during periods of rapid or high-amplitude sea-level fall, only large canyons (South and North Golo) are supplied by carbonate-rich hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows which are channelled in incised valleys on the shelf. During periods of slow or low-amplitude sea-level fall and during sea-level rise, sediments are trapped on a shelf delta and intensely winnowed by shelf hydrodynamic processes. Sand-rich hyperconcentrated and concentrated flows occur. All the systems fed by a canyon are active simultaneously. Gullies form and are active only during periods of sea-level rise. During relative highstands of sea level (Holocene), all the system is draped by hemipelagic sediments. Relative sea-level changes and canyon location relative to river mouths have a strong influence on the nature of sediment input, and the initiation and type of gravity flows which, in turn, control morphology and geometry.  相似文献   

The interpretation of high-resolution 2D marine seismic profiles together with the analysis of sea-bottom cores allowed a stratigraphic and structural framework of the Provence continental shelf to be proposed. The integration of onshore and offshore stratigraphy, structure and geomorphology provided new insights into Messinian paleotopography and paleohydrography. A geological map of the offshore Provence continental shelf, isobath map of the base Plio-Quaternary surface are presented for the first time in this area. The base Plio-Quaternary surface is a polyphased unconformity that is composed of deep canyons developed by fluvial erosion during the Messinian event, and wave-cut surfaces formed during post-Messinian transgressions. The study evidenced a deep, E–W-trending canyon (Bandol canyon) connected to the head of the Cassidaigne canyon, and filled with up to 600 m-thick Plio-Quaternary deposits. The development of canyons on the Provence margin during the Messinian event was dominantly controlled by the lithology and structure of pre-Messinian formations. A map of the Messinian paleo-drainage network is proposed to explain the presence of deep canyons in the Eastern area and the lack of incision in the Western area. An underground karst drainage scheme is proposed, linked with the current submarine Port-Miou spring.  相似文献   

Located in the south-eastern part of the Bay of Biscay, the Capbreton Canyon incises the continental shelf up to the 30 m isobath contour, and acts as a natural conduit for continental and shelf-derived sediments. EM1000 multibeam bathymetry shows two main features characterising the canyon — a deeply entrenched meandering channel, bordered by fluvial-like terraces constituting large sediment traps. A dataset of cores and seismic profiles together with a multibeam bathymetry map has enabled the characterisation of recent sedimentary activity in the axial channel and on the terraces. Data analysis evidenced the major role of the canyon head in recent sediment dynamics. This part of the canyon is a temporary reservoir for sediments, accumulated by coastal hydrodynamic processes. Exceptional climatic, tectonic or hydrodynamic events can mobilise the sediments and generate gravity-driven flows. Under the present-day sea-level highstand conditions, these flows are not powerful enough to bring their bedload to the deep sea, and are confined mainly to the upper part of the canyon. Turbidity currents model the axial channel pathway and are at the origin of terrace formation. Terraces in the Capbreton Canyon are not typical but rather are reduced to confined levees. Three factors control the vertical growth of a terrace: (1) the amount of overspilled sediments brought by turbidity currents, (2) hemipelagic sedimentation and (3) terrace height. The amount of sediment spilling over a terrace decreases with increased terrace elevation. Concurrently, the proportion of hemipelagic fallout depositing on a terrace increases. Terraces are considered to be fossil when the height of the terrace prevents further deposition by overspilling. The terraces studied in this paper are interpreted as having formed during the Holocene, implying that the sediment dynamics of the Capbreton Canyon is continuous through time. Highstand periods differ from lowstand periods because they show a decrease in the energy of erosive processes. Temporal variations in erosive and depositional processes in the canyon are controlled by the Adour River, which delivers large amounts of sediment to the system.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of a submarine canyon on the dispersal of sediments discharged by a nearby river and on the sediment movement on the inner shelf. The study area includes the head region of the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon whose landward terminus is located approximately 1 km seaward from the mouth of the Kao-ping River in southern Taiwan. Within the study area 143 surficial sediment samples were taken from the seafloor. Six hydrographic surveys along the axis of the submarine canyon were also conducted over the span of 1 yr. Three different approaches were used in the analysis of grain-size distribution pattern. They include (1) a combination of ‘filtering’ and the empirical orthogonal (eigen) function (EOF) analysis technique, (2) the McLaren Model, and (3) the ‘transport vector’ technique. The results of the three methods not only agree with one another, they also complement one another. This study reveals that the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon is relatively a stratified and statically stable environment. The hydrographic characteristics of the canyon display seasonal variability controlled primarily by the temperature field and the effluent of the Kao-ping River. The hydrographic condition and the bottom topography in the canyon suggest the propagation of internal tides during the flood season (summer) of the Kao-ping River. The submarine canyon acts as a trap and conduit for mud exchange between the Kao-ping River and offshore. Near the head of the canyon there is a region of sediment transport convergence. This region is also characterized by high mud abundance on the seafloor that coincides with the presence of high suspended sediment concentration (SSC) spots in the bottom nepheloid layer. Outside the submarine canyon on the shelf where the evidence of wave reworking is strong, the northwestward alongshore transport dominates over the southeastward transport, which is a common theme on the west coast in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a frontal jet and its short-timescale variability generated by the interaction with a submarine canyon using a limited-area fine-resolution three-dimensional coastal ocean model. The focus is on the steep and narrow Palamós Canyon located off the northeast Catalan coast (northwestern Mediterranean) that is characterized by the presence of a permanent along-slope density-driven current. First, we analyse the stationary circulation induced with different jet locations and show a deflection of the flow in the vicinity of the canyon. Significant vertical motions develop as a result of these current adjustments; the general pattern such as downwelling upstream of the canyon and upwelling downstream are always observed. Second, we analyse the circulation and exchanges associated with an onshore displacement of the jet; thus produces a meander propagating with the flow that interacts with the canyon. We find that the resulting three-dimensional patterns present an oscillation characterized by an intense downwelling followed by upwelling. As a result of this interaction, shelf-slope exchanges and vertical motions are enhanced in the area compared with the passing of a meander above a shelf that is not indented by a submarine canyon. The resulting horizontal transports through the Palamós canyon represent up to 10% of the along-shore fluxes on the shelf and appear to be sufficient to exchange the shelf water of the Gulf of Lions and Catalan sea in 2.5 years. Considering the number of canyons existing in the area, we can estimate an exchange of all the shelf waters in less than 3 months.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2002,4(3-4):221-248
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the generation and propagation of the semidiurnal internal tide in a submarine canyon with dimensions similar to those of the Monterey Canyon are carried out using a primitive equation model. Forcing with just sea level at the offshore boundary in an initially horizontally homogeneous ocean with realistic vertical stratification, internal tides are generated at the canyon foot and rim, and along portions of the canyon floor. The results compare favorably with observations, both indicating enhancement of energy along the canyon floor propagating at an angle consistent with linear internal wave theory. Due to the earth's rotation, internal tide energy is distributed asymmetrically in the cross-canyon direction, favoring the southern side. The effect of canyon floor slope is explored, with the finding that small changes in the slope result in large changes in the amount and distribution of the internal tide energy. Canyons whose floors are subcritical with respect to the semidiurnal frequency along their entire length have very little baroclinic energy, whereas canyons that are near-critical along much of their length, such as the Monterey Canyon, develop strong internal tides that propagate shoreward. Canyons that are near-critical at their mouths but supercritical further inshore generate the most internal tidal energy overall, although little of it makes it onto the continental shelf shoreward of the canyon head. The effects of internal tides within the canyons can be seen outside the canyons as well. Water is transported from depth onto the adjacent continental shelf along the canyon rims. This tidal pumping can be responsible for alongshore internal tide propagation and tidal-period surface currents with relatively small horizontal scales of variability.  相似文献   

The continental margin offshore of western Ireland offers an opportunity to study the effects of glacial forcing on the morphology and sediment architecture of a mid-latitude margin. High resolution multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data, combined with shallow seismic and TOBI deep-towed side-scan sonar profiles, provide the basis for this study and allow a detailed geomorphological interpretation of the northwest Irish continental margin. Several features, including submarine mass failures, canyon systems and escarpments, are identified in the Rockall Trough for the first time. A new physiographic classification of the Irish margin is proposed and linked to the impact of glaciations along the margin. Correlation of the position and dimensions of moraines on the continental shelf with the level of canyon evolution suggests that the sediment and meltwater delivered by the British–Irish Ice Sheet played a fundamental role in shaping the margin including the upslope development of some of the canyon systems. The glacial influence is also suggested by the variable extent and backscatter signal of sedimentary lobes associated with the canyons. These lobes provide an indirect measurement of the amount of glaciogenic sediment delivered by the ice sheet into the Rockall Trough during the last glacial maximum. None of the sedimentary lobes demonstrates notable relief, indicating that the amount of glaciogenic sediment delivered by the British–Irish Ice Sheet into the Rockall Trough was limited. Their southward disappearance suggests a more restricted BIIS, which did not reach the shelf edge south of 54°23′ N. The various slope styles observed on the Irish margin represent snapshots of the progressive stages of slope development for a glacially-influenced passive margin and may provide a predictive model for the evolution of other such margins.  相似文献   

Monterey Fan is the largest modern fan off the California shore. Two main submarine canyon systems feed it via a complex pattern of fan valleys and channels. The northern Ascension Canyon system is relatively inactive during high sea-level periods. In contrast, Monterey Canyon and its tributaries to the south cut across the shelf and remain active during high sea level. Deposition on the upper fan is controlled primarily by the relative activity within these two canyon systems. Deposition over the rest of the fan is controlled by the oceanic crust topography, resulting in an irregular fan shape and periodic major shifts in the locus of deposition. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

We investigated Oceanographer Canyon, which is on the southeastern margin of Georges Bank, during a series of fourteen dives in the “Alvin” and “Nekton Gamma” submersibles. We have integrated our observations with the results of previous geological and biological studies of Georges Bank and its submarine canyons. Fossiliferous sedimentary rocks collected from outcrops in Oceanographer Canyon indicate that the Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary is at 950 m below sea level at about 40°16′N where at least 300 m of Upper Cretaceous strata are exposed; Santonian beds are more than 100 m thick and are the oldest rocks collected from the canyon. Quaternary silty clay, deposited most probably during the late Wisconsin Glaciation, veneers the canyon walls in many places, and lithologically similar strata are present beneath the adjacent outer shelf and slope. Where exposed, the Quaternary clay is commonly burrowed by benthic organisms that cause extensive erosion of the canyon walls, especially in the depth zone (100–1300 m) inhabited by red crabs (Geryon) and/or jonah crabs (Cancer). Bioerosion is minimal on high, near-vertical cliffs of sedimentary rock, in areas of continual sediment movement, and where the sea floor is paved by gravel. A thin layer of rippled, unconsolidated silt and sand is commonly present on the canyon walls and in the axis; ripple orientation is most commonly transverse to the canyon axis and slip-faces point downcanyon. Shelf sediments are transported from Georges Bank over the eastern rim and into Oceanographer Canyon by the southwest drift and storm currents; tidal currents and internal waves move the sediment downcanyon along the walls and axis. Large erratic boulders and gravel pavements on the eastern rim are ice-rafted glacial debris of probable late Wisconsinan age; modern submarine currents prevent burial of the gravel deposits. The dominant canyon megafauna segregates naturally into three faunal depth zones (133–299 m; 300–1099 m; 1100–1860 m) that correlate with similar zones previously established for the continental slope epibenthos. Faunal diversity is highest on gravelly sea floors at shallow and middle depths. The benthic fauna and the fishes derive both food and shelter by burrowing into the sea floor. In contrast to the nearby outer shelf and upper slope, Oceanographer Canyon has not been extensively exploited by the fishing industry, and the canyon ecosystem probably is relatively unaltered.  相似文献   

Under present-day conditions, rivers are the main source of fine sediments dispersed to the Bay of Biscay. They deliver about 2.5×106 t yr−1 of continental fine sediments, 60% of which is derived from the Gironde estuary. Of this flux, 65% is believed stored on the shelf. Two kinds of mud fields can be found in the Bay of Biscay: coastal mud and shelf mud belts. The total mass of fine sediments stored during the past 2000 years is 3.2×109 t. Consequently, about 0.9×106 t yr−1 could reach the shelf edge and eventually the open sea. From this amount of displaced material and the deposition surface areas, an evaluation of sediment fluxes across the margin during the late Holocene period is discussed. This evaluation is compared with results obtained from ECOsystéme du canyon du cap-FERret (ECOFER) data from sediment traps and surficial box cores.  相似文献   

The transfer of sediment from the upper continental slope to rise is poorly documented along the southeast African passive margin. New swath bathymetric and sub-bottom data collected in the Natal Valley, southwest Indian Ocean, provide insight into the evolution of the Tugela canyon and fan system. Several distinct downslope changes in canyon morphology are noted. The canyon increases in relief and widens with depth. Basement outcrop is restricted to the head of the canyon becoming less prominent with depth. Step-like terracing of the canyon walls and floor becomes prominent in the mid-slope portions of the canyon and is related to a marked increase in the cross sectional asymmetry of the canyon profile. The contemporary Tugela canyon rests within a depression of the last phase of infilling. The canyon is the product of downslope erosion, and incision, caused by several phases of hinterland uplift in the mid Oligocene, mid Miocene and late Pliocene. Each phase was followed by pelagic infilling of the palaeo-canyon form. Downslope, the uplift phases are preserved in the cut-terraces and axial incisions within the main canyon thalweg. The contemporary canyon is a moribund feature, sediment starvation of the shelf area by current sweeping of the Agulhas current has decreased the material available for canyon incision and fan development. Additional current sweeping by the North Atlantic Deep Water current has stunted the development of the associated fan complex.  相似文献   

海底峡谷是陆源沉积物向深海运移的主要通道,也是陆架/陆坡区重要的地貌单元。随着多波束测深技术的发展,如何快速而准确地从海量数据中识别并提取海底峡谷的特征要素,是一个亟待解决的重要热点问题。文中根据海底峡谷谷底下切、谷壁高而陡等地形特征,基于水文分析法和坡度分析等原理,通过ArcGIS中的数据建模工具建立了一种从数字高程模型(DEM)数据快速识别和提取海底峡谷特征要素的方法。以南海北部陆坡神狐峡谷区为例进行算例分析,结果表明,该方法在快速了解海底峡谷的发育位置和特征要素等方面是可行的,并可以获得峡谷头尾部水深、轴线长度、峡谷范围等特征信息。为获得该方法适用于研究区的最优参数组,文中讨论分析了峡谷形态、重分类阈值及数据分辨率等影响峡谷识别的因素。结果分析表明,峡谷形态会在一定程度上影响识别结果的准确性,但不影响对峡谷的总体了解;零值汇流累积量重分类阈值和DEM数据的空间分辨率是影响峡谷识别结果准确度的两个重要因素,在神狐峡谷群区,空间分辨率200 m且重分类阈值0.4时,海底峡谷识别和特征要素提取效果最佳。  相似文献   

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