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Estimate of the stress field in Kilauea's South Flank, Hawaii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimated stress and seismic strain tensors for the Kilauea volcano's south flank. the stress orientation inversion and the seismic strain calculation were performed using fault-plane solutions. the principal stress and seismic strain directions are approximately uniformly distributed in space and time during the interval covered by the data. However, the σ1, σ3 plane is approximately orthogonal to the 1, 3 plane. Therefore, a weak layer may exist beneath the south flank. σ1 has a plunge of 59° and an azimuth of 152°, with a 10° 95 per cent confidence range. We also developed a stress magnitude inversion to estimate magnitudes of boundary and interior stresses. In this inversion, the principal stress directions were taken as constraints in the seismic volume, and surface geodetic observations were used as data. the maximum magmatic pressure in Kilauea's rift zone is about 160 MPa. the direction of σ1 can be interpreted as the superposition of hydrostatic stress ( pgh ) and magmatic pressure. Without the constraint imposed by the direction of σ1, the estimated pressure is only 60MPa, the distribution of magmatic pressure may be similar to that of pgh . In contrast, the upper rift zone may be in tension. the shear stress in the rift zone is about one order of magnitude smaller than the maximum compressive stress, supporting the interpretation of magmatic flow as fluid in dikes or channels. the combination of stress orientation inversion, seismic strain calculation, and stress magnitude inversion performed in this study provides a means by which to estimate the stress state in seismic areas.  相似文献   

夏威夷群岛是世界上著名的岛屿旅游地,是以休闲、娱乐为主要旅游目的的地区之一.通过美国夏威夷州2003 Annual Visitor Research Report,获得第二手关于夏威夷旅游者的详细数据资料,依据旅游者行为特征的研究方法,对数据进行技术处理,找出夏威夷群岛主要客源地(Major Market Areas,MMA)游客行为特征,旨在对我国海岛旅游业发展有所启示.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to improve the modelling of the source mechanism associated with the generation of long period (LP) signals in volcanic areas. Our intent is to evaluate the effects that detailed structural features of the volcanic models play in the generation of LP signal and the consequent retrieval of LP source characteristics. In particular, effects associated with the presence of topography and crustal heterogeneities are here studied in detail. We focus our study on a LP event observed at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, in 2001 May. A detailed analysis of this event and its source modelling is accompanied by a set of synthetic tests, which aim to evaluate the effects of topography and the presence of low velocity shallow layers in the source region. The forward problem of Green's function generation is solved numerically following a pseudo-spectral approach, assuming different 3-D models. The inversion is done in the frequency domain and the resulting source mechanism is represented by the sum of two time-dependent terms: a full moment tensor and a single force. Synthetic tests show how characteristic velocity structures, associated with shallow sources, may be partially responsible for the generation of the observed long-lasting ringing waveforms. When applying the inversion technique to Kilauea LP data set, inversions carried out for different crustal models led to very similar source geometries, indicating a subhorizontal cracks. On the other hand, the source time function and its duration are significantly different for different models. These results support the indication of a strong influence of crustal layering on the generation of the LP signal, while the assumption of homogeneous velocity model may bring to misleading results.  相似文献   

It is extremely valuable to study historic lava flows where the geomagnetic field at their time of extrusion is well known. In this study, two vertical sections, 16 m apart, have been sampled from the approximately 1 m thick 1960 Kilauea lava flow, Hawaii. Variations are seen in the rock-magnetic and palaeomagnetic properties between and within the two sections, indicating that there are small-scale lateral and vertical variations in the lava flow. The two sections showed different responses to microwave palaeointensity analysis. Section H6001 generally gave ideal linear behaviour on plots of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) lost against microwave-induced thermoremanent magnetization (TM RM) gained, whilst the majority of samples from H6002 showed anomalous two-slope behaviour. When all plots were interpreted by taking the best-fitting line through all points, the flow mean intensity for H6001 was 31.6 ± 3.6 μT and that for H6002 was 37.1 ± 6.4 μT, compared with the expected intensity of 36 μT. Additional historic flows need to be studied in order to ascertain whether this behaviour is typical of all lava, and whether it is best to always interpret NRM lost/TM RM gained plots by taking the line of best fit regardless of shape.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲潮滩潮沟近期变化遥感监测   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
黄海军  樊辉 《地理学报》2004,59(5):723-730
作者选用1986年和2001年两个时相的Landsat TM/ETM+影像,结合遥感、地理信息系统 (GIS) 和分形理论研究了黄河三角洲典型河口岸段潮滩潮沟的发育演变。结果表明:近15年来,挑河口~106站和现行水河口(1976~1996年黄河入海口,下同)~甜水沟岸段分维值D增大,呈顺向演替;其余岸段分维值均减小,表现为逆向演替。人工围垦挤占了大面积潮滩,人工岸线不断向海扩展,其最大推进速率达0.8 km/yr;同时,潮沟长度缩短,最严重的岸段每年减少14.9 km。通过分析表明,人类活动已成为影响三角洲潮滩发育的重要因子,其导致整个三角洲的潮滩体系严重退化,自然形成的潮沟时空谱系不复存在;另外,发育时间长短、入海泥沙、海浪和潮流对潮滩发育演变亦非常重要。目前,黄河三角洲潮滩可分为河口滩、潮控滩、浪控滩和人控滩4大类型。  相似文献   

S.J. Hampton  J.W. Cole   《Geomorphology》2009,104(3-4):284-298
Lyttelton Volcano, Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, has historically been viewed as a simple volcanic cone. This paper uses digital terrain models (DTM) and primary volcanic landforms to reinterpret Lyttelton Volcano as having multiple eruptive centres. Primary volcanic landforms are features produced during active volcanism, classified as constructional, hypabyssal, and erosional volcanic features. Constructional volcanic features are lava flows, scoria cones and domes; hypabyssal volcanic features are dykes and sills; and erosional volcanic features are valley and ridge patterns and orientations. Lava flow trends are recognised from aerial photograph analysis and supported by field observations, highlighting radiating lava trends around specific locations within Lyttelton Harbour. Scoria cones and domes occur on the outer flanks of volcanic cones, and are used as such in the identification of remnant cone surfaces. Dyke orientations are plotted and then projected to the interior of the volcano, defining 13 zones of convergence. The projected arrays of these orientations highlight defined regions along the erosional crater rim, each indicating a radial dyke swarm, from which the projected trends of the associated dykes indicate an eruptive centre. Valley and ridge orientations are projected from the longest valley or ridge segment, towards the inner harbour. Radiating erosive patterns are incepted during the growth and degradation of a volcanic cone, with the resulting trends orienting to the summit. Zones of convergence/eruptive centres are identified from lava flow orientations, onlapping lava sequences, scoria cones, and intrusive locations. The summit of a volcanic edifice can be identified from the orientations of valleys and ridges, while radial dyke systems determine whether this summit was a volcanic centre or simply a local topographic high. Volcanic landforms are used to identify cone sectors, the preserved sector associated with a particular eruptive centre. Cone sector limits are defined by a basal footprint and an erosional crater rim, with similar arcuate features (remnant cone features) being exposed in the interior of the volcano. Lyttelton Volcano comprises fifteen volcanic cones, with vent locations controlled by underlying fault lineaments. The growth and erosion of each volcanic cone is reflected in primary volcanic landforms, with the preserved features of cones confined to cone sectors and cone artefacts.  相似文献   

继在南极中山站建成我国南极首个永久性验潮站后,2012年1月在南极长城站又建成了我国南极第二个永久性验潮站。通过对长城站验潮站相关数据进行分析处理,得到了验潮基准系统的水准网平差结果和验潮仪零点标定结果,以及长城站附近海域海洋潮汐170个分潮的调和常数,并据此进行了潮汐预报,同时分析了长城站潮汐余水位的变化特征,探讨了利用附近的Antarctic Base Prat验潮站的余水位改正长城站潮汐预报的可行性,结果表明使用Antarctic Base Prat验潮站余水位改正长城站潮汐预报,可以显著提高长城站验潮站潮汐预报的精度,余水位改正后2014时段的潮汐预报中误差为±3.42 cm,明显好于改正前的预报中误差±10.43 cm。  相似文献   

江苏射阳县滩涂资源的开发利用及发展规划   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
射阳县现有滩涂面积674.6km^2,目前还在以2.2km^2/a的速度淤涨。该区海岸带动力复杂,生物多样性程度高,海岸带由侵蚀向淤积过渡。滩涂开发中潮间带利用率低于潮上带,土地资源潜力大。但滩涂利用中存在着许多问题,如开发利用程度低、效益差,产业部门之间矛盾突出,环境污染严重,滩涂生态环境退化,科技水平低,基础设施落后等。根据该区资源条件,其滩涂开发重点应放在种植业、水产养殖业、林业、畜牧业、港口工业和旅游业等方面,并重视“两带”、“三区”、“三大基地”项目建设。  相似文献   

Significant faulting and deformation of the ground surface has been rarely known during volcanic eruptions. Usu Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, is a unique example of deformation due to felsic magma intrusion. Usu Volcano has a history of such types of eruptions as phreatic, pumice eruption (Plinian type), pyroclastic flowing and lava doming since 1663. On March 31, 2000, phreatomagmatic to phreatic eruptions took place after 23 years of dormancy in the western piedmont, followed by explosions on the western flank of Usu Volcano. They were associated with significant deformation including faulting and uplift. The eruptions and deformation were continuing up to the end of May 2000.We identified the faulting using total nine sets of aerial photographs taken from before the eruption (March 31, 2000) to more than 1 year (April 27, 2001) after the end of the activity, and traced deformation processes through image processing using aerial photographs. We found that some of the new faults and the associated phreatic eruptions were related to old faults formed during the 1977–1981 eruptive episode.The image processing has revealed that the surface deformation is coincident with the area of faulting forming small grabens and the phreatic explosion vents. However, the faulting and main explosive eruptions did not take place in the highest uplift area, but along the margin. This suggests that the faulting and explosive activities were affected by small feeder channels diverging from the main magma body which caused the highest uplift.  相似文献   

In 2006, a series of block-and-ash flows swept the southwestern and southern flanks of Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia. In the K. Gendol valley, near the village of Kaliadem, we conducted a GPR survey on the most distal lobe of the June 14th second block-and-ash flow deposit. For this 100 m-long transect, we used a commercial GPR RAMAC© mounted with 100 MHz antennas. We measured the topography with a synchronized GPS and a laser rangefinder. Back at the laboratory, we processed the dataset with the software REFLEX®. Data of the subsurface reveals a series of layers, separated by strong reflective horizons. These horizons are the manifestation of intercalations of fine materials in between more coarse layers. The architecture of these layers presents progradation, retrogradation and aggradation patterns that we relate to the block-and-ash flow deposition process. Based on these observations we proposed a relative chronology of the deposition and a simple conceptual model of the deposition. The model show that the block-and-ash flow can deposit either long, close to horizontal single layers, or shorter layers that imbricate themselves, following different patterns (progradation, retrogradation or aggradation). Nevertheless we remained cautious, since we only studied a very short portion of the deposit, and similar experiences need to be repeated. Moreover there are reflections in the radargram that we could not identify, and further studies need to be conducted.  相似文献   

苏北潮滩湿地植被对沉积物N、P含量的影响   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
文章对比分析了植被和沉积物中N、P垂向分布和季节变化,探讨不同植被对潮滩湿地N、P动态变化的影响。分析表明:潮滩湿地的分带性差异使N、P在潮滩湿地各地带有不同的分布规律和季节性变化特性,植被尤其是有较高地下生物量的互花米草和芦苇在整个潮滩湿地N、P的分布以及季节变化中起重要作用,潮滩植被主要是通过N、P在体内的主动转移,植物对沉积物中N、P的吸收以及富集死亡的地下根茎中分解矿化后释放的N、P来影响沉积物中N、P分布的; 1~4月通过枯落生物量回归到地面的N、P总量分别达到149.4 t和18.2 t,对整个湿地生态系统的生源物质循环以及生态环境产生很大影响。  相似文献   

人类活动对苏北潮滩发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
吴小根  王爱军 《地理科学》2005,25(5):614-620
江苏北部潮滩宽阔而平坦,历史上就是人类活动比较频繁的地区。随着对潮滩开发利用强度和深度的增加,人类对潮滩发育的影响越来越显著。潮滩剖面自然发育的均衡形态为上凸型;潮滩被围垦并建堤后,改变了原有的水沙动态平衡关系,潮滩剖面形态发生了调整,海堤附近的潮水沟则不断被淤积。大米草和互花米草等植被的引种改变了潮滩生态结构,由于植被能降低水流流速和波浪能量,起到捕捉沉积物的作用,因此能增加潮间带滩面的淤积速率,改变潮滩分带结构;此外,植被的存在还影响到滩面潮水沟的形态。港口工程的建设改变了沉积物的输运方向。  相似文献   

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