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Field data are analyzed in order to study the development of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL) under sea breeze conditions. The measurements were carried out by the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) during ATHens Internal Boundary Layer Experiment (ATHIBLEX) in summer 1989 and 1990.Several formulations found in the literature are tested against the measurements in order to investigate whether they are capable of predicting the depth of the TIBL. It is found that a slab model including mechanical production of turbulence gives overall good agreement with the measurements.Finally, the concept of local equilibrium is used to explain the discrepancies found between small-and meso-scale observations and models; a formula is proposed which is intended for use over a wide range of downwind fetches.  相似文献   

A stable thermal internal boundary layer (IBL) develops when warm air is advected from warmer land upstream to a cooler sea downstream. It is shown that the analytical model for estimating the height (h) of this stable IBL as formulated by Garratt (1987) is verified. It is also demonstrated that a simpler equation, % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWGObGaeyisIS% RaaGymaiaaiAdacaWGybWaaWbaaSqabeaadaWcgaqaaiaaigdaaeaa% caaIYaaaaaaaaaa!390B!\[h \approx 16X^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \] (where h is in meters and X, the fetch downwind, is in kilometers), is useful operationally as a first approximation.  相似文献   

Observations of the height of the daytime coastal internal boundary layer at several sites are used to justify an empirical formula in the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) model, which states that the boundary-layer slope is 0.1 in the first 2km from the shoreline, and 0.03 therafter.  相似文献   

When cool air flows from the sea over a warm coast, the air is thermally modified. It is shown that h = cX 1/2, where h is the height (in meters) of this thermal or convective internal boundary layer (CIBL) over the coast, X is the distance downwind (in meters) from the shoreline (i.e., the fetch), and c is a coefficient that relates to the shear velocity and wind speed inside the CIBL, potential temperature difference and entrainment coefficient across the CIBL, and the lapse rate outside the CIBL. This equation is a simplification of a theoretical equation and is supported by three similar formulations based on thermodynamic and dimensional analyses. Pertinent field experiments conducted near shorelines in France, Sweden, and Japan indicate that c is approximately 1.91, with a standard deviation of 0.38. All observations are within 95% confidence limits.  相似文献   

The first-order (linear) response of the planetary boundary layer is calculated for flow over periodic terrain, for variations in both surface roughness and terrain elevation. Calculations are made for horizontal wavenumbers varying from 10–4m–1 to 3 × 10–3m–1. A simple second-order closure model of the turbulence is used, and Coriolis and buoyancy forces are neglected. As expected, flow over a periodic terrain produces corresponding periodic structure in all meteorological fields above the surface. The periodic structure consists of two components. The first is very nearly evanescent with height, showing little vertical structure. It corresponds to the motion that would be observed were the atmosphere inviscid. The second component, introduced by turbulent viscosity, exhibits considerable vertical structure, with vertical wavelengths the order of 100 m, and thus could be responsible for the layering often seen on acoustic sounder observations of the atmospheric boundary layer.Wave Propagation Laboratory.Environmental Science Group.  相似文献   

The differential equations for first-order (linear) response of the planetary boundary layer are formulated for flow over periodic terrain, for variations in both surface roughness and terrain elevation. A simple second-order closure model of the turbulence is used, and Coriolis forces are neglected. Flow over a periodic terrain produces corresponding periodic structure in all meteorological fields above the surface. The periodic structure consists of two components. The first is very nearly evanescent with height. It corresponds to the motion that would be observed were the atmosphere inviscid. The second component, introduced by turbulent viscosity, exhibits a phase variation with height in addition to a decay in amplitude. W.K.B. [Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin] approximations for the two components are developed, and the coupling between the components is discussed. The formulation for calculating solutions by numerical integration is developed, including specification of appropriate boundary conditions. Calculations are presented in a companion paper.Wave Propagation Laboratory.Environmental Science Group.  相似文献   

The effects of sea-breeze interactions with synoptic forcing on the PBL height over complex terrain are investigated through the use of a 3-D mesoscale numerical model. Two of the results are as follows. First, steep PBL height gradients—order of 1500 m over a grid interval of 10 km — are associated with the sea-breeze front and are enhanced by the topography. Second, a significant horizontal shift in the maximum PBL height relative to the mountains, is induced by a corresponding displacement of the thermal ridge due to the mountains, in the presence of large scale flow.  相似文献   

The problem of air flow over a sudden change in surface temperature and humidity has been solved using mixing-length theory. The method is similar to that used by P. A. Taylor (1970) with some modifications. The form of the mixing length suggested by Blackadar is used and this allows calculation farther downwind. A vapor diffusion equation is included in the set of conservation equations and a vapor buoyancy term is included in the stability length. The vapor buoyancy is found to enhance significantly the turbulent diffusion but to a lesser degree than does the thermal buoyancy.  相似文献   

A model of the planetary boundary layer over a snow surface has been developed. It contains the vertical heat exchange processes due to radiation, conduction, and atmospheric turbulence. Parametrization of the boundary layer is based on similarity functions developed by Hoffert and Sud (1976), which involve a dimensionless variable, ζ, dependent on boundary-layer height and a localized Monin-Obukhov length. The model also contains the atmospheric surface layer and the snowpack itself, where snowmelt and snow evaporation are calculated. The results indicate a strong dependence of surface temperatures, especially at night, on the bursts of turbulence which result from the frictional damping of surface-layer winds during periods of high stability, as described by Businger (1973). The model also shows the cooling and drying effect of the snow on the atmosphere, which may be the mechanism for air mass transformation in sub-Arctic regions.  相似文献   

A model of the evolution of the nocturnal stable boundary layer height, based on the heat conservation equation for a turbulent flow, is presented. This model is valid for nights with weak winds and little cloudiness in rural areas. The model includes an expression of vertical profile of potential temperature within the boundary layer, which is obtained using micrometeorological information from Prairie Grass, Wangara and O'Neill Projects. The expression turned out to be a second-grade polynomial of the dimensionless height of the nocturnal stable boundary layer. The resulting model is a function of the Monin–Obukhov length, the surface potential temperature of air and the roughness length. This model was satisfactorily compared with micrometeorological data. It was applied at three stations of Argentina, using surface hourly meteorological information. From the results that were obtained, the monthly average values of the stable boundary layer thickness were analysed. The maximum monthly average values occur during the cold season and the minimum ones take place during the hot season. It was observed that the monthly average thickness increases with latitude.  相似文献   

This paper examines the assumptions and derivations that govern commonly used methods of estimating the height of the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) that occurs near shorelines. We show that nearly all these methods require inputs that can be defined only in the very limited context of the data set used to derive the empirical equations for the boundary-layer height. This analysis suggests that the current formulations have little general applicability, and it points to the need for more reliable methods for estimating the TIBL height.  相似文献   

The height of the convective boundary layer over an arid coast on the Red Sea was measured by high-resolution radiosondes. These measurements can be used to compute sensible heat flux by the method devised by Danard (1981). The average heat flux computed is in good agreement with results obtained independently by both the energy balance method and the free-convection equation.  相似文献   

A TKE-dissipation model for the atmospheric boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dissipation, , of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is a key parameter in atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) models. Besides being a sink for momentum, it is often used together with the TKE to define an internal turbulence time scale for closure relations. A prognostic formulation for the dissipation of TKE is formulated, based on isotropic tensor modeling methods. The formulation is coupled to a level 2.5 second-order closure model and evaluated against measurements taken in horizontally homogeneous conditions, as well as against a tailored length-scale formulation. A formulation suitable for convective as well as neutral and stable ABLs is suggested.On leave from Department of Meteorology, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 516, S-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

赵鸣 《大气科学》1987,11(3):247-256
本文将Blackadar的中性大气边界层数值模式推广到水面上的大气边界层,其中粗糙度是摩擦速度的函数.解得的若干边界层特征参数满意地符合实测结果和理论考虑,因此,本模式可用来计算水面边界层中不同高度的风速,只要知道地转风和地理纬度即可.最后,将模式推广到空气动力学光滑流的情况.  相似文献   

WRF模式对青藏高原那曲地区大气边界层模拟适用性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式4种边界层参数化方案对青藏高原那曲地区边界层特征进行了数值模拟,并利用"第三次青藏高原大气科学试验"在青藏高原那曲地区5个站点的观测资料对模拟结果进行验证,分析不同参数化方案在那曲地区的适用性。研究表明,YSU、MYJ、ACM2和BouLac方案对2 m气温和地表温度的模拟偏低。BouLac方案模拟的地表温度偏差较小。通过对能量平衡各分量的对比分析发现,温度模拟偏低可能是向下长波辐射模拟偏低以及感热通量和潜热通量交换过强导致的。对于边界层风、位温和相对湿度垂直结构的模拟,局地方案的模拟效果均优于非局地方案。BouLac方案对那曲地区近地层温度、边界层内位温和相对湿度的垂直分布模拟效果较好。   相似文献   

Mesoscale models using a non-local K-scheme for parameterization of boundary-layer processes require an estimate of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height z i at all times. In this paper, two-dimensional sea-breeze experiments are carried out to evaluate three different formulations for the advective contribution in the z i prognostic equation of Deardorff (1974).Poor representation of the thermal internal boundary layer in the sea breeze is obtained when z i is advected by the wind at level z i . However, significantly better results are produced if the mean PBL wind is used for the advecting velocity, or if z i is determined simply by checking for the first sufficiently stable layer above the ground.A Lagrangian particle model is used to demonstrate the effect of each formulation on plume dispersion by the sea breeze.  相似文献   

利用COSMIC掩星资料研究青藏高原地区大气边界层高度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周文  杨胜朋  蒋熹  郭启云 《气象学报》2018,76(1):117-133
以往关于青藏高原边界层的研究都是基于个别站点的常规观测,对青藏高原边界层的整体性认识受限。GPS掩星资料具有测量精度高和垂直分辨率高的特性,其廓线中含有大量有价值的边界层信息。利用2007—2013年COSMIC掩星资料,通过计算大气折射率最小梯度来确定边界层高度,并用无线电探空资料对结果进行了检验。在此基础上,对青藏高原地区边界层高度的特征及其形成机制展开了研究,比较了COSMIC掩星确定的边界层高度和ERA-Int的差别,讨论了最小梯度法用于边界层研究的不确定性。结果表明:青藏高原上COSMIC掩星和无线电探空数据检测的边界层高度相关系数为0.786,平均值偏差为0.049 km,均方根误差为0.363 km,COSMIC掩星数据检测的边界层高度和无线电探空的结果非常接近。青藏高原上边界层高度呈现西高东低的分布特征,高原中西部边界层高度主要为1.8—2.3 km,而高原东部边界层为1.4—1.8 km,最大值在高原西南部。青藏高原地区边界层有明显的季节差异,冬季高原上大部分地区边界层高度超过2.0 km;春季大部分地区高度降低,但在受印度季风影响的高原南部有明显的抬升,最大值可超过3.0 km;夏季高原上边界层高度开始升高,大部分地区超过1.8 km;秋季又开始回落。青藏高原以北塔克拉玛干沙漠和高原以南印度季风活动区是两个高值区,北部的沙漠地区边界层高度在夏季最高,南部印度季风活动区在季风爆发前(4月)达到全年最大值。青藏高原中西部地区有水平风辐合以及广泛的上升运动,为边界层的发展提供了动力条件,而东部的下沉运动对边界层的发展有抑制作用。青藏高原边界层各个季节的空间分布与地表感热通量分布一致。COSMIC掩星资料确定的边界层高度和ERA-Int相比,空间分布基本一致但ERA-Int边界层高度明显偏低。当有系统性强逆温存在的时候,或者云中液态水或冰水含量较大时,用最小梯度法检测的边界层高度不确定性增加。   相似文献   

A bulk model for the atmospheric planetary boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The integrated momentum and thermodynamic equations through the planetary boundary layer (PBL) are solved numerically to predict the mean changes of wind and potential temperature from which surface fluxes are computed using bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and heat. The second part of the study involves a formulation and testing of a PBL height model based on the turbulent energy budget equation where turbulent fluxes of wind and heat are considered as the source of energy. The model exhibits capability of predicting the PBL height development for both stable and unstable regimes of observed conditions. Results of the model agree favourably with those of Deardorff's (1974a) and Tennekes' (1973) models in convective conditions.Contribution number 396.  相似文献   

In this paper, a second-order model is proposed for the study of the evolution of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL). The model is tested against the Wangara data on atmospheric boundary layer. The computer results show ihat the model can simulate some important characters observed in the NBL, and that a kind of sudden change may occur in the developing process of NBL.  相似文献   

A bulk boundary-layer model is developed to predict surface fluxes and conditions in the well-mixed layer between the surface and the lower troposphere. The model includes the effects of all the dominant processes, including advection, in a dry boundary layer. The numerical model is compared with theoretical predictions for the growth of an internal boundary layer, and it is used to simulate the generation of a sea breeze by the diurnal cycle of radiative heating.  相似文献   

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