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Deborah J. Shields 《Natural Resources Research》1998,7(4):251-261
This paper reviews the linkages among energy and mineral resources and economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
Nonrenewable resources are shown to be integral components of sustainability, regardless of which paradigmatic definition
of the concept is invoked. Potential measures of the degree to which nonrenewable resources contribute to or detract from
sustainability are presented. We conclude that a set of such measures should be incorporated in the comprehensive framework
of sustainability currently being developed by the Federal government. National scale indicators could be presented within
the structure of the seven criteria from the Santiago Declaration, whereas a life cycle or materials flow approach could be
used when sustainability of specific resources is at issue. 相似文献
Robert Fagan 《The Australian geographer》1995,26(1):1-10
Intersections between economy, culture and environment pose exciting future challenges for human geography. Part of Griffith Taylor's pioneering role as a geographer was to investigate relationships between these three aspects of human life, although his agenda was that of environmental determinism. This paper considers these intersections as they relate to contemporary geographical studies of restructuring, in particular the emergence of a genuinely global economic system since about 1980. Recent developments in cultural geography argue that geographical analysis of restructuring has been dominated by an economic determinism which has buried other stories which could be told about industrial change. The paper sketches lines of possible dialogue between economic geography and cultural studies, illustrating the argument with examples from restructuring in the Australian food industry. In opening such a dialogue, economic geography would be better placed to return to interactions between economy, culture and environment. In his day, Taylor was not afraid to upset the conventional wisdom about these relationships and this may be one of his most enduring legacies. 相似文献
世界软件产业发展的特点和地理构成 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近几十年来,软件产业作为高效、低耗的绿色产业正在全球蓬勃发展。软件产业作为先导型的高技术产业,不仅顺应了当今“绿色”发展的国际潮流,也非常适合人均资源相对不足的中国经济的可持续发展。文章分析了世界软件产业的特征、发展现状、发展趋势和中国软件产业发展的状况,并提出了进一步发展的几点建议。 相似文献
Carol S. Carson 《Natural Resources Research》1995,4(1):12-33
This Forum article and the Forum article that follows are reprinted from articles that appeared in theSurvey of Current Business in the April 1994 issue with permission of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis BE-64, Washington, D.C. 20230. These articles are being reprinted in the interest of readers ofNonrenewable Resources. The only changes from the original articles are those that were necessary to conform with the guidelines for Forum articles in the journal; these changes included the deletion of technical and qualifying information that was provided in foot-notes in the original articles. Bibliographic references are given at the end of the second Forum article. 相似文献
全球电子信息产业贸易网络演化特征研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
随着全球经济一体化的不断深入,全球各产业贸易逐渐呈网络模式发展。作为经济发展的主要驱动力之一,电子信息产业对促进社会发展、优化产业结构有重要影响。本文利用WTO统计数据库1993年~2012年的电子信息产业贸易数据,通过贸易区位熵测算国家间贸易集聚程度,从而刻画全球电子信息产业贸易网络及其演化特征,在识别主要影响因素的基础上探讨了影响机理。研究认为,全球电子信息产业贸易网络自20世纪90年代至今经历了由"单极化"向"多极化"的演变历程,子产业贸易网络遵循"发达国家(地区)—发展中国家(地区)"的发展模式,呈现"出口集聚、进口分散"的特点。处于产业链低端、中端和高端的产品贸易网络存在较大差异,低端产品基本实现了向发展中国家的全面转移,而高端产业目前仍以发达国家为主导,处于演化初期。研究表明,影响贸易网络演化的因素分为政策环境、经济水平、生产要素市场、生产技术水平等方面,经济全球化推动全球电子信息贸易网络形成,区域经济集团化带动贸易活动向经济一体化组织的成员国集中,廉价生产要素为发展中国家贸易网络发展提供优势,高生产水平国家保留价值链高端产业贸易网络。此外,政策要素同样为重要影响因素,我国电子信息产业政策对自身贸易网络扩张有引导性作用。 相似文献
社会升级与经济升级的关系是近年来国际经济地理学关注的热点问题,也是尚未有决议的前沿问题。本文从就业、社会保障、基本权利和社会对话4个维度建立社会升级测度指标体系,采用经济计量模型揭示了社会升级各维度的影响因素及经济升级、经济全球化、政府治理与社会升级的关系。研究发现:① 社会升级的不同维度受经济升级、经济全球化和政府治理的不同影响。就业维度主要受政府管制的正向影响,社会保障主要受社会劳动生产率提高的正向影响,基本权利维度主要受经济质量效益、创新投入和进口贸易的正向影响,社会对话维度受经济质量效益、创新投入、创新效率和外资的正向影响。② 经济升级对社会升级具有促进作用,政府治理对这个促进关系起到了中介作用,同时该中介作用进一步受到经济全球化的正向调节影响。这表明政府治理对促进经济升级转化为社会升级起到重要的中介作用,且这一作用在经济全球化下可以得到增强。本文有助于加深认识经济升级促进社会升级的机制,为探讨中国经济和社会“双升级”发展提供理论基础。 相似文献
工业绿色化:工业环境地理学研究动向 总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17
工业绿色化是工业可持续发展的具体体现,是工业企业面对日益增强的政府、公众、市场等环境压力,为减少污染而做出行为决策的响应过程。西方国家企业对环境压力的响应已经从20世纪60年代抗拒回避的基本不合作转变到90年代的主动为之,并逐渐成为企业增强竞争力的主动行为。我国经济与环境的基本状况也赋予工业地理学家新的使命,即要积极参与到工业绿色化的研究中,探求环境压力与企业环保行为转变的内在关系,开展工业绿色化的评价、有效性等方面的研究,探索经济与环境双赢的途径。 相似文献
Canada's environmental farm plans: transatlantic perspectives on agri-environmental schemes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
GUY M ROBINSON 《The Geographical journal》2006,172(3):206-218
Evaluation of Ontario's Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) scheme, launched in 1993, provides an opportunity for comparisons with agri-environmental measures instituted in the European Union and other parts of North America. The EFP has a strong 'bottom-up' dimension in that it is farmers' organizations that have been central both to the scheme's instigation and to its ongoing management. This has affected the nature of the actions taken by individual farmers participating in the scheme. These actions are reviewed, especially in terms of the participants' attitudes towards stewardship of the land, environmental outcomes, cross-compliance measures, barriers to participation and the role of statutory regulation. Some contrasts are drawn with the greater 'top-down' controls exerted in several EU agri-environment schemes, with the latter's promotion of extensification and the changing role of farmers as 'producers of countryside' in a multi-functional agricultural system. The diffusion of EFP schemes throughout Canada is noted and is cited as confirming the maintenance of fundamentally different attitudes to the development of farm-based environmental actions compared with those adopted in the EU. 相似文献
SUE GRIMMOND 《The Geographical journal》2007,173(1):83-88
Summary Those who lament the absence of an agreed, secure definition of globalization are likely to remain in a state of despondency. In this paper, it is argued that the meaning of the term 'economic globalization' is context-bound and that, depending upon the referent chosen to fix the term, the geographies of either manufacturing or service enterprises move into focus in what is, to till intents and purposes, a 'home-region' affair. 相似文献
辽宁沿海经济带经济与环境协调发展度的时空演变 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8
经济与环境协调发展度是衡量一个地区可持续发展能力的重要定量指标。本文构建了辽宁沿海经济带经济与环境协调发展度评价指标体系,运用协调发展度模型对研究区域2000~2009年的协调发展度进行计算及时空演变分析。研究发现:在时问演变方面,辽宁沿海经济带经济与环境区域综合协调度呈“V”型发展趋势,区域综合协调发展度呈稳步上升趋势,且各城市协调发展度所属类型层次较高,整体上达到中级协调发展类水平;在空间演变方面,辽宁沿海经济带六大城市大致可分为三大类型,且东部、南部城市较西部、北部城市发展更为协调,但各城市空间差异逐步缩小。本研究还分别从宏观政策调控、产业结构升级、区域布局优化及环保门槛提高等方面,分析了辽宁沿海经济带经济与环境协调发展度时空演变机理,指出辽宁沿海经济带在上述因素的驱动下,经济综合发展水平和环境综合承载能力均有所提高,但由于产业同构、海岸带生态脆弱等现象的存在,转变经济增长方式,推动区域经济与环境协调发展仍然是未来发展的主要任务。 相似文献
随着研究的不断深入,人文因素在全球环境变化研究中的作用愈来愈被显现出来。任何研究机构都应充分重视人为驱动因子以及由此产生的各系统之间的相互作用。其中,人文地理学在全球变化研究中具有十分重要的作用。本文概要介绍了德国全球变化研究中的人文领域,从中可以看出自然科学与人文科学交叉渗透的重要性 相似文献
北极地区正在经历前所未有的气候及陆地环境变化,气温升高、植被绿化、冻土融化以及野火频发等因素已经对北极地区的第一产业产生了广泛而深远的影响。为了支撑气候变化背景下北极第一产业的可持续发展与相关政策的制定,有必要加强北极气候及陆地环境变化对第一产业影响的整体性认识。本文针对北极地区的种植业、畜牧业、林业以及渔业4个第一产业部门,系统梳理了它们受到气候及陆地环境变化影响的类型与程度。同时,本文基于跨部门视角总结了当前北极环境变化对第一产业影响的相关研究,并从5个方面进行了分析与展望:① 气候及陆地环境变化对第一产业的具体影响方式;② 整合局域性科学认识的挑战;③ 气候变化适应策略的制定与实施;④ 数据与方法层面的整合与创新;⑤ 气候变化影响下北极第一产业变化对中国的启示。本文总结了未来气候变化背景下北极第一产业研究的重点领域,可为中国参与北极第一产业资源的可持续利用与开发提供参考。 相似文献