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《China Geology》2020,3(2):269-282
Seabed fluid escape is active in the Makran subduction zone, Arabian Sea. Based on the new high-resolution 2D seismic data, acoustic blanking zones and seafloor mounds are identified. Acoustic blanking zones include three kinds of geometries: Bell-shaped, vertically columnar and tilted zones. The bell-shaped blanking zone is characterized by weak and discontinuous reflections in the interior and up-bending reflections on the top, interpreted as gas chimneys. Vertically columnar blanking zone is interpreted as side-imaged gas chimneys associated with focused fluid flow and topped by a seafloor anomaly expressed as a localized reflection discontinuity, which may together serve as a vent structure. Tilted acoustic blanking zone could be induced by accretionary thrust activity and rapid sedimentation surrounding slope. Seafloor mounds occur at the sites of bell-shaped acoustic blanking zone and may be associated with the material intrusion. Bottom simulating refectors (BSRs) are widely distributed and exhibit a series of characteristics including diminished amplitude, low continuity as well as local shoaling overlapping with these acoustic blanking zones. The large amount of gases dissociated from the gas hydrates migrated upwards and then arrived at the near-seafloor sediments, followed by the formation of the gas hydrates and hence the seafloor mound.  相似文献   

The Sultanate of Oman is among the Indian Ocean countries that were subjected to at least two confirmed tsunamis during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: the 1945 tsunami due to an earthquake in the Makran subduction zone in the Sea of Oman (near-regional field tsunami) and the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, caused by an earthquake from the Andaman Sumatra subduction zone (far - field tsunami). In this paper, we present a probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the entire coast of Oman from tectonic sources generated along the Makran subduction zone. The tsunami hazard is assessed taking into account the contribution of small- and large-event magnitudes. Results of the earthquake recurrence rate studies and the tsunami numerical modeling for different magnitudes were used through a logic-tree to estimate the tsunami hazard probabilities. We derive probability hazard exceedance maps for the Omani coast considering the exposure times of 100, 250, 500, and 1000 years. The hazard maps consist of computing the likelihood that tsunami waves exceed a specific amplitude. We find that the probability that a maximum wave amplitude exceeds 1 m somewhere along the coast of Oman reaches, respectively, 0.7 and 0.85 for 100 and 250 exposure times, and it is up to 1 for 500 and 1000 years of exposure times. These probability values decrease significantly toward the southern coast of Oman where the tsunami impact, from the earthquakes generated at Makran subduction zone, is low.  相似文献   

阿拉伯海北部的莫克兰增生楔是阿拉伯板块以低速、低角度俯冲到欧亚板块之下形成的主动陆缘构造,蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源。依据2019年中国在莫克兰增生楔海域采集的高分辨率多道地震资料、浅地层剖面及多波束测深数据,并结合以往的调查成果,探讨莫克兰海域天然气水合物存在的浅表层识别标志。地震识别标志主要有似海底反射层(BSR)和振幅空白带2种标志,地形地貌标志包括海底麻坑、海底滑塌、丘状体、泥火山、冷泉系统等,水体标志主要为羽状流。在水深1000m和2900m的站位已分别钻获水合物样品。莫克兰增生楔丰富的水合物识别标志可能与低速、低角度的俯冲地质背景有关,使该区水合物存在指示兼具主动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘的特征。综合研究区的异常标志分布特征,推测增生楔中部和西部的背斜脊及其附近区域是天然气水合物远景区。  相似文献   

A probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment is performed for the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) at the northwestern Indian Ocean employing a combination of probability evaluation of offshore earthquake occurrence and numerical modeling of resulting tsunamis. In our method, we extend the Kijko and Sellevoll’s (1992) probabilistic analysis from earthquakes to tsunamis. The results suggest that the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan, as well as Muscat, Oman are the most vulnerable areas among those studied. The probability of having tsunami waves exceeding 5 m over a 50-year period in these coasts is estimated as 17.5%. For moderate tsunamis, this probability is estimated as high as 45%. We recommend the application of this method as a fresh approach for doing probabilistic hazard assessment for tsunamis. Finally, we emphasize that given the lack of sufficient information on the mechanism of large earthquake generation in the MSZ, and inadequate data on Makran’s paleo and historical earthquakes, this study can be regarded as the first generation of PTHA for this region and more studies should be done in the future.  相似文献   

In the Makran subduction zone, earthquake focal mechanisms and geodetic data indicate that the deforming prism currently experiences N–S compression. However, palaeostress inversions performed on normal faults observed along the coast reveal local stress components consistent with N‐S extension. Previously proposed mechanisms such as gravitational collapse are not favoured by N–S compression and surface uplift. We propose that the observed kinematics result from transient stress reversals following large earthquakes. During the interseismic period (now), the region experiences N–S compression. However, following a large reverse rupture on the subduction interface, stresses in the inner wedge relax, enabling a brief period of extensional faulting before a compressive stress state is re‐established. This mechanism, also observed in other subduction zones, requires low overall stresses in the upper plate and that the margin ruptures in large megathrust earthquakes that result in nearly complete stress drops.  相似文献   

This paper explores the size and arrival of tsunamis in Oregon and Washington from the most likely partial ruptures of the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ) in order to determine (1) how quickly tsunami height declines away from sources, (2) evacuation time before significant inundation, and (3) extent of felt shaking that would trigger evacuation. According to interpretations of offshore turbidite deposits, the most frequent partial ruptures are of the southern CSZ. Combined recurrence of ruptures extending ~490 km from Cape Mendocino, California, to Waldport, Oregon (segment C) and ~320 km from Cape Mendocino to Cape Blanco, Oregon (segment D), is ~530 years. This recurrence is similar to frequency of full-margin ruptures on the CSZ inferred from paleoseismic data and to frequency of the largest distant tsunami sources threatening Washington and Oregon, ~M w 9.2 earthquakes from the Gulf of Alaska. Simulated segment C and D ruptures produce relatively low-amplitude tsunamis north of source areas, even for extreme (20 m) peak slip on segment C. More than ~70 km north of segments C and D, the first tsunami arrival at the 10-m water depth has an amplitude of <1.9 m. The largest waves are trapped edge waves with amplitude ≤4.2 m that arrive ≥2 h after the earthquake. MM V–VI shaking could trigger evacuation of educated populaces as far north as Newport, Oregon for segment D events and Grays Harbor, Washington for segment C events. The NOAA and local warning systems will be the only warning at greater distances from sources.  相似文献   

Indonesia is one country in the world featuring a complex tectonic structure. This condition makes earthquakes often occur in many areas of this country and as an earthquake rages beneath the sea, it will potentially trigger tsunami. One of the areas in Indonesia with a high seismic activity is Sulawesi region particularly in the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone, making it important to carry out a study on the potential tsunami at this location. The purpose of this study was to analyze the existing huge potential energy in Sulawesi Sea subduction zone and to identify tsunami modeling likely to occur based on the potential energy of the region. The approach used in assessing the tsunami disaster was the calculation of the potential energy of an earthquake and tsunami modeling based on the potential energy. The method used in this research was the least squares method for the calculation of potential energy, and near-field tsunami modeling with the assistance of TUNAMI-N2 COD. The research finding has shown that the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone has potential energy of 1.35469?×?1023 erg, equivalent to an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 Mw. The tsunami modeling made shown the average wave propagation reaching ashore within 12.3 min with a height varying between 0.1 and >?3 m. The tsunami modeling also indicated that there are seven sub-districts in Buol District, Central Sulawesi, which is affected by a significant tsunami.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The western Makran subduction zone is capable of producing considerable tsunami run-up heights that penetrate up to 5&nbsp;km inland. In this study, we show how climate change...  相似文献   

东营凹陷北部陡坡带发育多种类型的砂砾岩扇体,近年来一直是寻找隐蔽性油气藏的有利地区。其西段古近纪沙河街期四段时期形成以砂岩、砾岩为主的近岸水下扇沉积体。储集层岩石结构成熟度和成分成熟度均较低,多为双模态和复模态结构。本文首先从宏观上对储集层的岩石类型、沉积特征和平面分布进行描述,再从微观上对影响储集层物性的主要成岩作用进行描述,分析该砂砾岩体储集层的孔隙类型和孔隙结构特征。最后,对储层进行综合评价,认为该类储集层孔隙类型多样,孔隙结构复杂,为中低孔隙度、低渗透率储层类型。  相似文献   

The presented model of the Late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the central Andes and the complex tectonic, geological, and geophysical model of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle along the Central Andean Transect, which crosses the Andean subduction zone along 21°S, are based on the integration of voluminous and diverse data. The onset of the recent evolution of the central Andes is dated at the late Oligocene (27 Ma ago), when the local fluid-induced rheological attenuation of the continental lithosphere occurred far back of the subduction zone. Tectonic deformation started to develop in thick-skinned style above the attenuated domain in the upper mantle and then in the Earth’s crust, creating the bivergent system of the present-day Eastern Cordillera. The destruction of the continental lithosphere is correlated with ore mineralization in the Bolivian tin belt, which presumably started at 16° S and spread to the north and to the south. Approximately 19 Ma ago, the gently dipping Subandean Thrust Fault was formed beneath the Eastern Cordillera, along which the South American Platform began to thrust under the Andes with rapid thickening of the crust in the eastern Andean Orogen owing to its doubling. The style of deformation in the upper crust above the Subandean Thrust Fault changed from thick- to thin-skinned, and the deformation front migrated to the east inland, forming the Subandean system of folds and thrust faults verging largely eastward. The thickening of the crust was accompanied by flows at the lower and/or middle crustal levels, delamination, and collapse of fragments of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the Eastern Cordillera and Altiplano-Puna Plateau. As the thickness of the middle and lower crustal layers reached a critical thickness about 10 Ma ago, the viscoplastic flow in the meridional direction became more intense. Extension of the upper brittle crust was realized mainly in gliding and rotation of blocks along a rhombic fault system. Some blocks sank, creating sedimentary basins. The rate of southward migration estimated from the age of these basins is 26 km/Ma. Tectonic deformation was accompanied by diverse magmatic activity (ignimbrite complexes, basaltic flows, shoshonitic volcanism, etc.) within the tract from the Western Cordillera to the western edge of the Eastern Cordillera 27–5 Ma ago with a peak at 7 Ma; after this, it began to recede westward; by 5 Ma ago, the magmatic activity reached only the western part of the Altiplano-Puna Plateau, and it has been concentrated in the volcanic arc of the Western Cordillera during the last 2 Ma.  相似文献   

We present a preliminary estimation of tsunami hazard associated with the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) at the northwestern Indian Ocean. Makran is one of the two main tsunamigenic zones in the Indian Ocean, which has produced some tsunamis in the past. Northwestern Indian Ocean remains one of the least studied regions in the world in terms of tsunami hazard assessment. Hence, a scenario-based method is employed to provide an estimation of tsunami hazard in this region for the first time. The numerical modeling of tsunami is verified using historical observations of the 1945 Makran tsunami. Then, a number of tsunamis each resulting from a 1945-type earthquake (M w 8.1) and spaced evenly along the MSZ are simulated. The results indicate that by moving a 1945-type earthquake along the MSZ, the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan will experience the largest waves with heights of between 5 and 7 m, depending on the location of the source. The tsunami will reach a height of about 5 m and 2 m in northern coast of Oman and eastern coast of the United Arab Emirates, respectively.  相似文献   

The 1945 Tsunami generated due to Makran Earthquake in the Arabian Sea was the most devastating tsunami in the history of the Arabian Sea and caused severe damage to property and loss of life. It occurred on 28th November 1945, 21:56 UTC (03:26 IST) with a magnitude of 8.0 (M w), originating off the Makran Coast of Pakistan in the Arabian Sea. It has impacted as far as Mumbai in India and was noticed up to Karvar Coast, Karnataka. More than 4,000 people were killed as a result of the earthquake and the tsunami. In this paper an attempt is made for a numerical simulation of the tsunami generation from the source, its propagation into the Arabian Sea and its effect on the western coast of India through the use of a numerical model, referred to as Tunami-N2. The present simulation is carried out for a duration of 300 min. It is observed from the results that the simulated arrival time of tsunami waves at the western coast of India is in good agreement with the available data sources. The paper also presents run-up elevation maps prepared using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data, showing the possible area of inundation due to various wave heights along different parts of the Gujarat Coast. Thus, these results will be useful in planning the protection measures against inundation due to tsunami and in the implementation of a warning system.  相似文献   

The Makran accretionary prism in SE Iran and SW Pakistan is one of the most extensive subduction accretions on Earth. It is characterized by intense folding, thrust faulting and dislocation of the Cenozoic units that consist of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Rock units forming the northern Makran ophiolites are amalgamated as a mélange. Metamorphic rocks, including greenschist, amphibolite and blueschist, resulted from metamorphism of mafic rocks and serpentinites. In spite of the geodynamic significance of blueschist in this area, it has been rarely studied. Peak metamorphic phases of the northern Makran mafic blueschist in the Iranshahr area are glaucophane, phengite, quartz±omphacite+epidote. Post peak minerals are chlorite, albite and calcic amphibole. Blueschist facies metasedimentary rocks contain garnet, phengite, albite and epidote in the matrix and as inclusions in glaucophane. The calculated P–T pseudosection for a representative metabasic glaucophane schist yields peak pressure and temperature of 11.5–15 kbar at 400–510 °C. These rocks experienced retrograde metamorphism from blueschist to greenschist facies (350–450 °C and 7–8 kbar) during exhumation. A back arc basin was formed due to northward subduction of Neotethys under Eurasia (Lut block). Exhumation of the high‐pressure metamorphic rocks in northern Makran occurred contemporarily with subduction. Several reverse faults played an important role in exhumation of the ophiolitic and HP‐LT rocks. The presence of serpentinite shows the possible role of a serpentinite diapir for exhumation of the blueschist. A tectonic model is proposed here for metamorphism and exhumation of oceanic crust and accretionary sedimentary rocks of the Makran area. Vast accretion of subducted materials caused southward migration of the shore.  相似文献   

Miocene coral-bearing limestones, distributed in the western Makran Basin, are attributed to Aquitanian and Burdigalian. This investigation is focused on three Early Miocene coral-bearing limestone sections in western Makran. Remarkably, well-preserved scleractinian corals and other components could be very definitive to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Lithologically, there are some differences between the studied sections. Furthermore, zooxanthellate corals are diverse and abundant in all sections. Based on different components and richness of zooxanthellate corals, it seems that the studied carbonate corals are precipitated in a subtropical condition, between 19 and 20 °C in all sections. In light of the dominancy of corals, the presence of symbiont-bearing larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), lithological features, bioeroding features, and encrusting organisms, the oligotrophic to slightly mesotrophic conditions are considered for Tejek section and the mesotrophic condition had been prevailed in Kermestan and Irer sections. According to light intensity in water column and coral morphotypes, Tejek section is considered to precipitate under euphotic to slightly mesophotic condition, while Kermestan and Irer sections were deposited under mesophotic to euphotic light conditions. In transparent water, photic zones continue to deeper depths, while in less transparent water, these zones are limited to shallower parts. A defined depth in the photic zone may represent euphotic, mesophotic, or oligophotic zone. Based on the water transparency, a taxon in a defined photic zone can occur in various depths. On the basis of trophic-light intensity-depth chart, the estimated depth ranges are 12–85 m for Tejek section and 5–62 m for Kermestan and Irer sections. Water energy as another important factor in environmental condition is acquired from coral morphotypes. Accordingly, Tejek section is precipitated under moderate-high energy and Kermestan and Irer sections are deposited in low to moderate-high energy. The presence of encrusting coralline algae, corals, and other constituents is indicative of different substrates in the studied areas. Corals favorably develop in normal salinity waters. The existence of colonial corals and occurrence of benthic foraminifera with hyaline wall indicate normal seawater conditions.  相似文献   

Geological deformation in the northern New Madrid seismic zone, near Olmsted, Illinois (USA), is analyzed using integrated compressional-wave (P) and horizontally polarized-wave (SH) seismic reflection and regional and dedicated borehole information. Seismic hazards are of special concern because of strategic facilities (e.g., lock and dam sites and chemical plants on the Ohio River near its confluence with the Mississippi River) and because of alluvial soils subject to high amplification of earthquake shock. We use an integrated approach starting with lower resolution, but deeper penetration, P-wave reflection profiles to identify displacement of Paleozoic bedrock. Higher resolution, but shallower penetration, SH-wave images show deformation that has propagated upward from bedrock faults into Pleistocene loess. We have mapped an intricate zone more than 8 km wide of high-angle faults in Mississippi embayment sediments localized over Paleozoic bedrock faults that trend north to northeast, parallel to the Ohio River. These faults align with the pattern of epicenters in the New Madrid seismic zone. Normal and reverse offsets along with positive flower structures imply a component of strike-slip; the current stress regime favors right-lateral slip on northeast-trending faults. The largest fault, the Olmsted fault, underwent principal displacement near the end of the Cretaceous Period 65 to 70 million years ago. Strata of this age (dated via fossil pollen) thicken greatly on the downthrown side of the Olmsted fault into a locally subsiding basin. Small offsets of Tertiary and Quaternary strata are evident on high-resolution SH-wave seismic profiles. Our results imply recent reactivation and possible future seismic activity in a critical area of the New Madrid seismic zone. This integrated approach provides a strategy for evaluating shallow seismic hazard-related targets for engineering concerns.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带北段构造特征及构造演化序列   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
根据大量野外地质调查和盆地地震资料分析,认为郯庐断裂北段在中-新生代发生多期不同性质的活动,形成各具特色的构造变形现象。密山县知一镇敦密断裂韧性剪切带具有左旋走滑特征,其中黑云母~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar-~(39)Ar/~(36)Ar等时线年龄为161±3Ma,是郯庐断裂带被利用发生第二期左旋走滑运动并向北扩展到中国东北-俄罗斯远东地区的产物。四平市叶赫乡佳伊断裂带中负花状断裂形成于早白垩世早中期,是郯庐断裂北段在早白垩世遭受左旋走滑-拉张作用的典型代表。四平市石岭镇佳伊断裂大型走滑-逆冲断褶带、桦甸县敦密断裂"逆地堑"、沈阳-哈尔滨逆冲断裂形成于晚白垩世嫩江运动-晚白垩世末期,这一时期脆性右旋走滑-逆冲事件规模大,影响范围广,导致整个郯庐断裂北段遭受到强烈改造。佳伊断裂带和敦密断裂带中古近纪盆地在横剖面上呈不对称地堑,并且不对称地堑沿断裂带走向发生断、超方向左右变位,是郯庐断裂带北段在古近纪时受右旋走滑、伸展双重机制控制的产物。根据郯庐断裂带北段中-新生代不同地质时期变形特征,建立了郯庐断裂北段构造演化序列。即郯庐断裂北段构造演化分为左旋韧性剪切(J_2末期)、左旋张扭(K_1早中期)、右旋压扭(K_2晚期-末期)、右旋走滑断陷(E)和构造反转(E_3末期)五个阶段。其演化历史主要受控于环太平洋构造域的构造作用。  相似文献   

辽西兴城—台里地区发育系列花岗质岩石,强烈构造变形特征均显示其具有韧性剪切带的特点。对剪切带北段进行详细宏微观构造解析,结合岩石变形强度差异性分析、有限应变测量、石英C轴EBSD测试以及古差异应力值估算等研究,结果表明剪切带内花岗质片麻岩和眼球状花岗质片麻岩具有NEE向左行剪切变形特征,变形岩石为S-L构造岩,应变类型属于平面应变,古差异应力值介于30~40 MPa之间。长石-石英矿物温度计以及石英C轴EBSD组构指示剪切带以中低温变形为主,温度在400℃~500℃,属绿片岩相变质,具中-低温韧性剪切带特征。韧性剪切带内普遍存在变形分解现象,弱变形带内岩石残斑含量较高,眼球状构造和S-C组构较为发育;强变形带岩石残斑含量较低,剪切面理较为发育,糜棱面理发育较弱或者不发育。  相似文献   

W.P. Schellart   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(3-4):363-372
A geodynamic model exists, the westward lithospheric drift model, in which the variety of overriding plate deformation, trench migration and slab dip angles is explained by the polarity of subduction zones. The model predicts overriding plate extension, a fixed trench and a steep slab dip for westward-dipping subduction zones (e.g. Mariana) and predicts overriding plate shortening, oceanward trench retreat and a gentle slab dip for east to northeastward-dipping subduction zones (e.g. Chile). This paper investigates these predictions quantitatively with a global subduction zone analysis. The results show overriding plate extension for all dip directions (azimuth α = − 180° to 180°) and overriding plate shortening for dip directions with α = − 90° to 110°. The wide scatter in data negate any obvious trend and only local mean values in overriding plate deformation rate indicate that overriding plate extension is somewhat more prevalent for west-dipping slabs. West-dipping subduction zones are never fixed, irrespective of the choice of reference frame, while east to northeast-dipping subduction zones are both retreating and advancing in five out of seven global reference frames. In addition, westward-dipping subduction zones have a range in trench-migration velocities that is twice the magnitude of that for east to northeastward-dipping slabs. Finally, there is no recognizable correlation between slab dip direction and slab dip angle. East to northeast-dipping slabs (α = 30° to 120°) have shallow (0–125 km) slab dip angles in the range 10–60° and deep (125–670 km) slab dip angles in the range 40–82°, while west-dipping slabs (α = − 60° to − 120°) have shallow slab dip angles in the range 19–50° and deep slab dip angles in the range 25–86°. Local mean deep slab dip angles are nearly identical for east and west-dipping slabs, while local mean shallow slab dip angles are lower by only 4.7–8.1° for east to northeast-dipping slabs. It is thus concluded that overall, there is no observational basis to support the three predictions made by the westward drift model, and for some sub-predictions the observational basis is very weak at most. Alternative models, which incorporate and underline the importance of slab buoyancy-driven trench migration, slab width and overriding plate motion, are better candidates to explain the complexity of subduction zones, including the variety in trench-migration velocities, overriding plate deformation and slab dip angles.  相似文献   

阮培华 《现代地质》2000,14(3):307-314
间带不同性质的底质中 ,介形虫动物群的特征和生态分布各不相同。在岩石滩和沙滩中介形虫较丰富、多样 ,前者具有 Xestoleberishanaii,Cythere lutea lutea,Loxoconcha hattorii,Aurila cymba等 ,而后者有 Sinocytheridea impressa,Pistocythereis bradyformis,Bicornucytherebisanensis,Cushmanidea subjaponica等。泥质滩中介形虫通常很少 ,有 Loxoconcha binhaiensis和L.ocellata等。受高潮和中潮影响的河口区 ,通常介形虫丰度和多样性的分布较低 ,都是适应环境变化很强的属种 ,并具有海、陆相介形虫分布的混合区段。朝向海洋方向 ,非海相介形虫的百分含量呈逐渐降低变化 ,而海相介形虫正好相反。  相似文献   

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