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To improve the simulating ability of a model,this paper presents a scheme of calculating direct radiation at land surface with topography in the model.A numerical study is conducted for the topographic effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the direct radiation using NCEP terrain data.Results show that,after taking account into the topographic radiation effect,the regional average of the radiation over the Plateau obviously increases in the local early morning and late afternoon,but changes less around noon.The effect is stronger in winter than that in summer.And heterogeneous topography has also affected the distribution of the radiation in this area.A simple numerical experiment shows that considering the effect will lead ground temperature to increase on the slope having more sunshine,and vice versa.  相似文献   

青藏高原近地层通量特征的合成分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用中日亚洲季风机制合作研究计划 ,设置在青藏高原东部地区的拉萨、日喀则、那曲和林芝 4地 1993年 7月~ 1999年 3月近 7a的自动气象站 (AWS)近地层梯度观测资料 ,确定出分季节的高原地表粗糙度和逐日的地面总体输送系数 ,以此为基础用总体输送公式对地面动量、感热和潜热通量进行了计算 ,并用合成方法分析了 1993~1999年高原近地层通量夏季、冬季的日变化和月变化特征  相似文献   

青藏高原东北侧干旱的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
用谱方法(T42)求解半球球面无辐散正压涡度方程,采用实际的干旱环流资料,分别在有地形和无地形的情况下,求出其对应的干旱环流型的强迫场,模拟了在强迫场的作用下干旱环流的形成、维持情况及在强迫场消失后干旱环流型的崩溃情况。结果表明:(1)强迫场在干旱环流型的形成、维持及崩溃过程中起重要作用;(2)青藏高原的存在使其东北侧干旱形成和崩溃均加快。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬春积雪影响南海季风爆发的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用NCAR CAM3.0大气环流模式,研究了冬春季青藏高原积雪异常对南海夏季风爆发的可能影响机制.通过比较多雪年与少雪年试验中的热力场、环流场季节演变的差异得出,多雪年青藏高原感热加热偏弱、高原纬度的中上层大气温度偏低,导致大尺度经向温度梯度反转时间偏晚;同时,青藏高原感热加热偏弱将不利于Hadley环流的季节转换,使得中南半岛上空的下沉异常气流维持时间较长、副高在孟加拉湾断裂的时间偏晚、中南半岛对流爆发偏晚、中南半岛地表温度下降时间偏晚,从而造成中南半岛与南海局地纬向温度梯度反转时间也偏晚.在上述大尺度经向温度梯度以及中南半岛与南海局地纬向温度梯度的共同作用下,多雪年南海季风爆发偏晚.  相似文献   

青藏高原隆起对亚洲夏季风形成作用的数值试验   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
吴池胜  王安宇 《高原气象》1995,14(4):425-433

By using barotropic model equations, this article analyzed the characteristics of Rossby waves, the propagation features of wave energy and the influence of dynamic and thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau on Rossby waves, and the focus is on discussing the plateau's topographic gradient effects on atmospheric Rossby waves. Then based on the WRF3.2 and the NCEP/NCAR FNL reanalysis data, we devised comparative tests of changing the plateau's topographic gradient and simulated a process of persistent heavy rain that happened in May 2010 in South China. The results are shown as follows. The Tibetan Plateau’s topography is conducive to the formation of atmospheric Rossby waves. while the plateau's terrain, its friction and heating effects can all make the atmospheric Rossby waves develop into the planetary waves; The effects of plateau's north and south slopes on the Rossby wave’ phase velocity is opposite, and when the slope reached a certain value can the quasi-steady normal fluctuations be generated; Simultaneously, due to the plateau's topographic gradient, descending motion appears at the west side of the plateau while ascending motion appears at the east side, and the vertical movement increased with the amplification of topographic gradients. The plateau's topographic gradient also obviously amplified the precipitation in South China, and the rainfall area increased with the amplification of topographic gradients and gradually moved from south to north and from west to east, which is conducive to the occurrence and development of convective activities in the downstream areas of the Tibetan Plateau; Moreover, for the plateau’s dynamic and thermal effects, the Rossby wave’ propagation shows upstream effects of energy dispersion, so the plateau can then affect the weather in downstream areas. Moreover, the wave group velocity increased with the degree of topographic slope.  相似文献   

青藏高原地表净辐射的气候学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据作者提出的地表净辐射各分量的气候学计算方法,计算出青藏高原及其周边地区173站的净辐射和其各分量的年,月平均通量密度,并分析其地理分布特征。指出高原主体为总辐射,有效辐射的高值区,地表净辐射场在冬,夏季有较大差异。冬季为一弱正值区,相对低中心呈块状散布在祁连山区等几个地区;夏季因夜雨及地表湿润的缘故,高原大部地区的地表净辐射反有加强。各地净辐射年变化基本形式与总辐射相似。有效辐射年变化一般呈双  相似文献   

青藏高原地表温度对华北汛期降水变化的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
余锦华  荣艳淑  任健 《气象科学》2005,25(6):579-586
利用1980-2001年青藏高原月平均地表温度、1961~2001年我国160站月降水以及NECP/NCAR再分析月平均高度场资料,分析了华北地区汛期降水与青藏高原地表温度的关系,结果表明华北地区汛期降水与青藏高原5~6月地表温度具有显著的正相关。相关场的正值中心位于高原的东北部和西南部地区。华北地区汛期降水偏少年,青藏高原前期5~6月地温以负距平为主且距平值较小;相反,降水偏多年,青藏高原前期5~6月地温以正距平为主且距平值较大。EOF和SVD分析表明,青藏高原5~6月地温和华北地区汛期降水的第一典型场都表现出大体一致的变化特点。此外,诊断分析得到,青藏高原5~6月地温偏高年,7~8月西太平洋副热带高压的强度偏强,位置偏北;地温偏低年,西太平洋副热带高压的强度偏弱,位置偏南。  相似文献   

A 5-layer numerical model with p-σ incorporated coordinate system and primitive equations is used to simulatethe effects of heating anomaly at and over the Tibetan(Qinghai-Xizang)Plateau on the circulations in East Asia in sum-mer,The model is described briefly in the text and the results are analysed in somewhat detail.Results show that the sur-face albedo,the drag coefficient,the evaporation rate and the ground temperature all have large influences on the circula-tion near the Plateau and in East Asia.When the heating at the surface increases,the Tibetan high in the uppertroposphere intensifies,too.Its area enlarges and its axis tilts to northwest.The upper tropical easterly increase andshifts to north.The southwesterly in the lower troposphere,in consistence,also increases.The cross-equatorial low-lev-el currents along Somali and South India are influenced to increase their speeds while those over North Australia de-crease.The land low over the Asian Continent deepens.Meanwhile the upward motions over the land of east China andover the Indo-China Peninsula intensify and therefore the precipitation over those areas increases.However,along thecoastal area of China the upward motions and therefore the precipitation decrease.Atmospheric heat source anomaly has large influence on the circulation,too.Simulated results indicate that heatsource anomaly in the lower atmosphere over the Plateau influences the intensity and the position of the monsoon circu-lation while that in the upper atmosphere only affects the intensity.The heating status over the Plateau has slight influ-ence on the westerly jet,north of the Plateau,while it has strong effect on the subtropical jet at the mid and low latitudes.  相似文献   

青藏高原地表净辐射若干重要特征研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  

青藏高原地区云对地表净辐射的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
王可丽 《高原气象》1996,15(3):269-275
利用1982年8月-1983年7月青藏高原地面热源观测实验资料,分析了云量,云状对地表净辐射的影响,计算了与云对地表净辐射强迫作用有关的参数。研究表明:地表净辐射是云量的线性函罢 2对地表净辐射的影响有明显的季节性差异,在春季和夏季,云对地表净辐射的影响非常强烈,并且地表净辐射随云量的增多而减小,在秋季和冬季,云对地表净辐的影响较小,并且地表净辐射随云量的增多百增大。  相似文献   

王可丽  吴国雄  江灏  刘平 《气象学报》2002,60(2):173-180
文中首先利用NCEP NCAR再分析的风场资料 ,分析了南亚夏季风的时空特征 ,选取了有代表性的典型强、弱夏季风年 ,继而利用ISCCP C2、ERBE S4卫星观测资料和NCEP NCAR再分析资料 ,对比分析了强、弱夏季风前期青藏高原地区的云—辐射—加热状况及其在海、陆差异中的作用。分析结果表明 ,南亚夏季风强或弱 ,其前期青藏高原地区的云—辐射—加热效应有明显的差异。在强 (弱 )南亚夏季风的前期 ,青藏高原大部分地区为相对少 (多 )云区 ,其云量变化不仅表明了此区的云—辐射—加热效应的不同 ,更重要的是与此同时出现的海、陆之间云量分布的“跷跷板”现象 ,进一步改变了海、陆之间的热力差异。而且 ,在强南亚夏季风年 ,这种热力差异不但开始得早 ,而且持续时间长、作用范围大 ,从而对南亚夏季风的形成和变化产生重要的影响  相似文献   

青藏高原冬季降雪对地面净辐射的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈志宝 《高原气象》1996,15(4):397-403
过去的研究结果指出,冬季青藏高原地面净辐射场是一个由地理因子决定的基本场叠加上一个降雪后地面积雪区造成的扰动场组成,为定量研究冬季青藏高原降对地面净辐射的扰动幅度,利用作者已经建立的冬季青藏高原后地面反射率与降雪降雪面无(有)积雪时计算地面净辐射的公式,计算了不同强度降雪后地面净辐射日总量及其变化。  相似文献   

孙治安  夏韵 《高原气象》1989,8(3):194-204
本文根据1979年5~8月青藏高原气象科学实验资料,研究了利用卡斯特洛夫公式计算青藏高原晴天太阳直接辐射的有关问题。首先从原始资料中挑选出晴天太阳直接辐射并计算其日平均辐照度,然后以此为标准,利用迭代法反求可能太阳直接辐射日平均辐照度理论公式中的系数C,建立该系数与平均水汽压的经验公式,再利用经验式反演晴天太阳直接辐射。本文还比较了由乌克兰英采夫法确定的可能太阳直接辐射与实际晴天太阳直接辐射的差异,证实前者要比后者偏大,其偏离程度随站点拔海高度增加而缩小。文中最后讨论了青藏高原晴天太阳直接辐射日平均辐照度的地理分布,并分析了其随拔海高度的变化。  相似文献   

Experimental predictions with a hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model(L9R15 AGCM-ZCocean model)were performed for the 1986/87 El Nino event and the 1988/89 La Nina event withand without the Tibetan Plateau respectively(called TP FORC and NTP FORC hereinafter).Comparison shows that,to some extent,the existence of the Tibetan Plateau orography weakensor restrains(strengthens or facilitates)the formation of the anomalous circulation of Asianmonsoon during El Nino(La Nina)period.Opposite results are found in the uncoupled AGCMsimulation.  相似文献   

利用CCM1(R15L7)-LNWP模式,以1996年3月17日的国家气象中心客观分析资料为初始场,分别采用有、无青藏高原两种方案,数值研究了青藏高原对5月份全球大气环流季节转换的影响。试验结果表明:北半球初夏,青藏高原区域用同纬度地区的一个中空热源,其作用可以在200hPa层形成一个224K的暖中心,使大气增暖7K以上。高原地形的动力和非绝热作用使得南极大陆200hPa层大部分地区降温6K左右,最大负中心可达-8.28K,这对于南半球由夏至冬过程中,环极涡旋的强度加深和范围扩大是有利的。高原地形作用对北半球大气环流平均槽脊的形成和维持有十分重要的影响,它加强了高原所在纬度带北侧(减弱了南侧)由南向北的正温度梯度,同时也增强了30°S附近由北向南的正温度梯度,从而有利于季节转换过程中全球中纬西风带的整体北移和初夏亚洲季风环流的形成。同时高原地形作用在赤道及低纬地区形成的位势增加区,有利于南半球热带高压脊的北退和北半球副高增强北移。此外,它还有利于南半球极地东风带的增强和500hPa层环极低压带的强度减弱,同时增加了罗斯海附近的极涡强度,对赤道的索马里急流的形成也有重要影响  相似文献   

By employing the improved T42L5 spectral model and utilizing the ECMWF data covering the period from 1 Julyto 7 July 1982,a numerical research on the formation of the Ural blocking system has been made.The results show thatthe model forecasts for the upstream U ral area turn out to be worse if the dynamic effect of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateauis not considered.The correlation coefficient between the model forecasts and observed 500 hPa geopotential heightanomaly decreases by 9% for the 5-day mean,and their averaged root mean square (RMS) error increases 15 m.Due tothe dynamic effect of the Plateau,the trough being on the northwest of the Plateau is barricaded and turns to be atransversal trough.Consequently southwest flow occurs along the northwest of the Plateau in front of the trough,whilenortheast flow prevails over the west of the trough,causing the formation of the blocking high over the Ural area.Whenthe dynamic effect of the Plateau is not taken into consideration,the trough develops and moves southeastward and theUral blocking high changes into a migratory high.All these result in the failure of the simulation.The dynamic effect ofthe Plateau helps to increase the negative vorticities over the Plateau and its north periphery as well as the Ural area,andalso helps to increase the positive vorticities over the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea area.On the other hand,thethermodynamic effect mainly influences the Plateau and its downstream area and plays an less important role in theformation of the blocking high over the upstream Ural area.  相似文献   

地面热源强迫对青藏高原低涡作用的动力学分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
将一类暖性青藏高原低涡考虑为受加热和摩擦强迫作用并满足热成风平衡的轴对称涡旋系统,给定符合高原地面加热特点的加热分布函数,通过求解简化后的柱坐标系中的涡旋模式,得到了低涡对应的流函数、水平流场、水平散度场和垂直运动场的解析解,分析了地面热源对高原低涡流场结构的作用,给出了高原低涡眼壁内、外侧以及不同高度上的水平流场、水平散度场和垂直流场的结构特征,对影响低涡生成的主要因子进行了讨论。研究结果揭示了地面热源强迫对高原低涡的形成及结构特征的重要作用。  相似文献   

An advanced three-level global atmospheric general circulation model has been used to studythe summer precipitation anomaly in Northwest China.based on the synoptic fact and thestatistical analysis of the precipitation,the surface albedo in Northwest China,and the synopticsystems over the Tibetan(Qinghai-Xizang)Plateau.The results show that either the anticycloneintensified over the plateau or the surface alhedo enhanced in Northwest China results in summerprecipitation reduction east of Northwest China.Especially.when both of them appearsimultaneously,summer precipitation was obviously reduced and severe drought occurred in mostareas of Northwest China.Moreover.the simulated difference of precipitation rate of NorthwestChina is similar to the actural precipitation distribution in Northwest China in 1995,which is themost severe drought year in Northwest China in the past fifty years.So the tendency in droughtseverity intensified,drought frequency accelerated,drought persistence period extended,anddrought areas expanded in Northwest China in recent years is maybe a result of the influences ofhuman activities(e.g.vegetation was reduced,and desertification worsened)on droughtcirculation pattens over the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

青藏高原地表热状况对夏季东亚大气环流影响的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文利用有限区域有地形的5层原始方程模式,对青藏高原地区地表热状况在夏季东亚大气环流中的作用进行了一些数值试验和分析。结果表明:高原地面反照率、拖曳系数、蒸发系数以及土壤温度等的变化对大气加热增强时可造成高原上空及孟加拉湾一带的大气热源显著增强;对流层上层的青藏高压增强范围变大,并向西北方向偏移;热带东风急流加强北移;对流层低层西南季风加大;索马里、印度南侧和澳大利亚北侧的越赤道气流也增强;海平面上的大陆低压加深。同时,中南半岛地区及江淮流域的上升运动增强,降水增大,而我国东南沿海一带上升运动减弱,降水减少。  相似文献   

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