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A review of the observational properties of the Wolf-Rayet central stars is given.  相似文献   

The evolution of nuclei of planetary nebulae has been calculated from the end of the ejection stage that produces the nebulae to the white, dwarf stage. The structure of the central star is in agreement with the general picture of Finzi (1973) about the mass ejection from the progenitors of planetary nebulae. It has been found that in order to obtain evolutionary track consistent with the Harman-Seaton track (O'Dell, 1968) one has to assume that the masses of the nuclei stars are less than 0.7M . The calculated evolutionary time scale of the central stars of planetary nebulae is 2×104 yr. This time scale is negatively correlated with the stellar mass: the heavier the stellar mass, the shorter the evolutionary time scale.  相似文献   

We present the results of an analysis of the winds of two WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae, CPD-56°8032 and He 2-113. These two stars have remarkably similar spectra, although the former exhibits somewhat broader emission line widths. High resolution spectra (up to R=50 000) were obtained in May 1993 for both objects at the 3.9 m AAT, using the UCL Echelle Spectrograph. The fluxes in individual Cii auto-ionising multiplet components, many of which were blended, were derived. Lines originating from auto-ionising resonance states situated in the C2+ continuum are very sensitive to the electron temperature, since the population of the these levels is close to LTE. The measured widths and profile shapes of these transitions are presented and are in excellent agreement with those predicted on the basis of their calculated auto-ionising lifetimes. The wind electron temperature is derived for both stars from the ratio of the fluxes in four such transitions (T e =18 500 K±1 500 K for CPD-56° 8032 andT e =13 600 K±800 K for He 2-113). Optical depth effects are investigated using normal recombination lines to obtain an independent wind electron temperature estimate in excellent agreement with the dielectronic line analysis.  相似文献   

The status of planetary nebulae with Wolf-Rayet type central stars([WR] PN) remains one of the most important problems inthe investigation of planetary nebulae. We cannot claim to understand theevolution of low and intermediate-mass stars without answering the questionhow [WR] PN are created.Analyzing the statistical properties of the whole population of [WR] PNand comparing them to other planetary nebulae (non-[WR] PN) bringsimportant information on their origin and evolutionary status. In thisarticle I will summarize our results of this type of studies and show whatlimits they put on the possible evolutionary routes of [WR] PN creation.  相似文献   

On the basis of data on planetary nebula (PN) central star temperatures obtained by measurements in the ultraviolet (UV) range, the empirical calibration dependence between the number of Lyman photons emitted by a central starS and PN diameterD, is constructed. The temperatures of 118 PN central stars are estimated with this dependence. It is shown that the central star masses are distributed in a wide interval from 0.5 to 1.2M . About 60% of all stars have masses <0.6M , about 25% have masses >0.6M and the remainder have masses 0.6M . The averaged empirical tracks of evolution of low-mass (<0.6M ) and massive (>0.6M ) central stars differing considerably from each other are constructed. It is shown that the majority of central stars may possess hot chromospheres (T>2×105 K) which spread for several tens of radii of the central star. The PN originates as a result of ionization of the matter ejected by a red giant at the superwind stage. The cause for this ionization is the UV radiation of the PN central star.  相似文献   

An exceptionally fast wind (8500 km/s) was suggested to occur in the central star of the planetary nebula K1-16, belonging to the class of the PG 1159 H-deficient pre-white dwarfs. To ascertain the reality of such a fast wind this star has been observed with the HST telescope using the GHRS in the zone of theCiv 155.0 nm doublet. The HST data and tests made using synthetic stellar spectra support the existence of a stellar wind with a terminal velocity of 3800 km/s and a mass loss rate lower thanM<2 · 10–11 M per year. Possibly it is no longer the fastest stellar wind so far observed but it is still among the fastest.  相似文献   

The evolution of the central stars of planetary nebulae, interpreted as hot white dwarfs with liquefying cores, towards the cold white dwarf stage is discussed and theoretical (non-computational) evolutionary tracks are built for such central stars as they cool towards the crystallizing region. The conclusions seem to hint a picture in which crystalline white dwarfs can be looked at as final stages of the central stars of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

The rather rare class of central stars of planetary nebulae that show very low-excitation Wolf–Rayet spectra has been a subject of great interest, particularly in the infrared, since its discovery in the late 1960s. Further peculiarities have been found with the advent of infrared spectroscopy from ISO . Notably, these objects simultaneously betray the presence of regions of carbon-rich and oxygen-rich dust chemistry. We compare and contrast complete ISO spectra between 2 and 200 μm of a sample of six [WC8] to [WC11] central stars, finding many similarities. Among this sample, one star provides strong evidence of quasi-periodic light variations, suggestive of a dust cloud orbiting in a plane from which we view the system.  相似文献   

We present observational data in the (16)(9)(25)-photometric system for 11 Wolf-Rayet stars and 7 planetary nebulae. The results show anomalous (16)(9)-indices for these emission objects. Six W-R stars show possible variations in the strength of the HeII line at 6560 Å, perhaps none in the strength of the HeI line at 10830 Å. In spite of these misconstrued (16) and (9)-indices, most WC stars are separated from WN stars in the (16)(9)-array; and PN, in this diagram lie far apart from all kind of stellar objects. The results, yielded by the (25)-index, indicate that the HeI and HeII lines at 10830 Å and 10124 Å, respectively, are probably well suited for photometric examination in W-R stars, PN and other peculiar objects.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

We calculate the X-ray emission from the shocked fast wind blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare with observations. Using spherically symmetric self-similar solutions, we calculate the flow structure and X-ray temperature for a fast wind slamming into a previously ejected slow wind. We find that the observed X-ray emission of six PNe can be accounted for by shocked wind segments that were expelled during the early-PN phase, if the fast wind speed is moderate,   v 2∼ 400–600 km s−1  , and the mass-loss rate is a few times  10−7 M yr−1  . We find, as proposed previously, that the morphology of the X-ray emission is in the form of a narrow ring inner to the optical bright part of the nebula. The bipolar X-ray morphology of several observed PNe, which indicates an important role of jets, rather than a spherical fast wind, cannot be explained by the flow studied here.  相似文献   

The optical spectra of the seven late-type Wolf-Rayet central stars NGC-40 (PNG 120.0+09.8, subtype [WC8]), He 2-99 (PNG 309.0–04.2, [WC9]), BD+30°3639 (PN G 064.7+05.0, [WC9]), CPD-56°8032 (PNG 332.9–09.9, [WC11]), He2-113 (PNG 321.0+03.9, [WC11]), M4-18 (PNG 146.7+07.6, [WC11]) and K2-16 (PNG 352.9+11.4, [WC11]) are analyzed by means of spherically expanding model atmospheres. The NLTE simulations account for the elements hydrogen, helium, carbon and oxygen. As main results effective temperature, element abundances and final velocity of the wind are determined for each star. Assuming distances or luminosities for the objects, also the stellar radii and the mass-loss rates can be fixed. The results of these analyses establish empirical constraints for the evolutionary status of WC-type central stars as post-AGB objects and provide input for modeling their planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

PN morphology does not depend on the PN evolution stage. A much more important dependence on PN mass class exists. Possibly, when the mass of the parent star increases, then also increases the probability that the star has an invisible low mass companion (brown dwarf or massive planet) which determines the axisymmetrical morphology of the mass loss.  相似文献   

This article discusses the physical and kinematical characteristics of planetary nebulae accompanying PG 1159 central stars. The study is based on the parallax and proper motion measurements recently offered by the Gaia space mission. Two approaches were used to investigate the kinematical properties of the sample. The results revealed that most of the studied nebulae arise from progenitor stars in the mass range 0.9-1.75 M⊙. Furthermore, they tend to live within the Galactic thick disk and move with an average peculiar velocity of 61.7 ± 19.2 km s~(-1) at a mean vertical height of 469 ± 79 pc. The locations of the PG 1159 stars on the H-R diagram indicate that they have an average final stellar mass and evolutionary age of 0.58 ± 0.08 M_⊙and 25.5 ± 5.3×10~3 yr, respectively. We found a good agreement between the mean evolutionary age of the PG 1159 stars and the mean dynamical age of their companion planetary nebulae(28.0 ± 6.4×10~3 yr).  相似文献   

Five planetary nebulae are known to show hydrogen-poor material nearthe central star. In the case of A58, this gas was ejected following alate thermal pulse similar to Sakurai's Object. In this paper I will reviewthese five objects. One of them, IRAS 18333 –2357, may not be a truePN. I will show that there is a strong case for a relation to the [WC]stars and their relatives, the weak emission-line stars. The surfaceabundances of the [WC] stars are explained via diffuse overshoot intothe helium layer. The hydrogen-poor PNe do not support this: theirabundances indicate a change of abundance with depth in the heliumlayer. A short-lived phase of very high mass loss, the r-AGB, isindicated. Sakurai's Object may be at the start of such a phase, and mayevolve to very low stellar temperatures.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the evolutionary paths that lead to the different types of planetary nebulae nuclei, including hydrogen and helium-burning central stars. Starting from the empirical definition of WR central stars, based on stellar spectra, we examine the theoretical work produced to account for the observed configurations. Then we discuss the constraints provided by recent galactic and extragalactic observations, and finally state the possible developments in this field to achieve a better understanding of the subject.  相似文献   

The central stars of two of the new planetary nebulae found during scans of the AAO/UKST H α Survey of the Milky Way have been found to exhibit Wolf–Rayet (WR) emission features. One (PMR 1) is an early-type star of class either [WO4] or [WC4]. The other (PMR 2) is a late [WC] star which, depending on the classification scheme used, is either intermediate in class between [WC9] and [WC10] or the sole member of the [WC10] class. Both stars exhibit unusual spectral features which may be attributed to enhanced nitrogen in their atmospheres and could be indicative of unusual stellar evolution.  相似文献   

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