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Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were measured by the dilution technique in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean along a west–east transect during summer 1999. Average phytoplankton growth rates without added nutrients (μ0) were 0.33, 0.41, 0.20 and 0.49 d−1 for the four regions sampled: the Western Gyre, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska gyre and stations along the Aleutian Trench. Average grazing mortality rates (m) were 0.34, 0.27, 0.20 and 0.49 d−1. Limitation of phytoplankton growth by macronutrients, such as NO3 and SiO2, was identified only at a few stations, with overall μ0/μn (μn is nutrient-enhanced growth rate) averaging 0.9. Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing were approximately balanced, as indicated by high m/μ0 ratio, except in the Bering Sea, where the m/μ0 ratio was 0.65, indicating the relative importance of the diatom-macrozooplankton grazing food chain and possible higher export flux to the deep layer. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the growth rates of picoplankton (Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes) were usually much lower than the total phytoplankton community growth rates estimated from chlorophyll a, except for stations in the Gulf of Alaska Gyre, where the growth rates for different populations were about the same. Lower than community-average growth rate for picoplankton indicates larger phytoplankters, presumably diatoms, were growing at a much faster rate. Suppressed phytoplankton growth in the Gulf of Alaska was probably a result of iron limitation.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth rates and mortality rates were experimentally examined at 21 stations during the 2017 spring intermonsoon(April to early May) in the northern and central South China Sea(SCS) using the dilution technique, with emphasis on a comparison between the northern and central SCS areas which had different environmental factors. There had been higher temperature but lower nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations in the central SCS than those in the northern SCS. The mean rates of phytoplankton growth(μ_0) and microzooplankton grazing(m) were(0.88±0.33) d~(–1) and(0.55±0.22) d~(–1) in the central SCS, and both higher than those in the northern SCS with the values of μ_0((0.81±0.16) d~(–1)) and m((0.30±0.09) d~(–1)), respectively.Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were significantly coupled in both areas. The microzooplankton grazing impact(m/μ_0) on phytoplankton was also higher in the central SCS(0.63±0.12) than that in the northern SCS(0.37±0.06). The microzooplankton abundance was significantly correlated with temperature in the surface. Temperature might more effectively promote the microzooplankton grazing rate than phytoplankton growth rate, which might contribute to higher m and m/μ_0 in the central SCS. Compared with temperature, nutrients mainly affected the growth rate of phytoplankton. In the nutrient enrichment treatment,the phytoplankton growth rate(μn) was higher than μ_0 in the central SCS, suggesting phytoplankton growth in the central SCS was nutrient limited. The ratio of μ_0/μn was significantly correlated with nutrients concentrations in the both areas, indicating the limitation of nutrients was related to the concentrations of background nutrients in the study stations.  相似文献   

为了解春夏季黄海和东海微型浮游动物类群及其摄食生态,于2011年春季和夏季在黄海、东海,通过稀释法测定浮游植物生长率及微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率,同时应用显微分析技术研究了微型浮游动物丰度及其类群组成.结果表明:(1)春季,黄海、东海微型浮游动物丰度为1800~21833个/dm3,夏季的为67~6175个/dm3;春季,其微型浮游动物生物量为8.71-60.58ug/dm3,夏季的则为0.44~30.25ug/dm3(其生物量以c含量计).(2)春季、夏季黄海和东海浮游植物的生长率及其标准偏差分别为0.78±0.35、1.62±0.83d-1,而春季的显著低于夏季(P〈0.05).春季、夏季其微型浮游动物的摄食率及其标准偏差分别为0.98±0.32、0.92±0.57d-1,无显著性差异(p〉0.05).春季,微型浮游动物摄食浮游植物现有生物量的61%±13%,占初级生产量的131%±58%;夏季,微型浮游动物摄食浮游植物现有生物量的54%±22%,占初级生产量的70%±44%.春、夏季,黄海和东海微型浮游动物对浮游植物初级生产量的摄食比例较高.  相似文献   

A sequence of nine dilution experiments was conducted according to Landry and Hassett [Landry, M.R., Hassett, R.P., 1982. Estimating the grazing impact of marine microzooplankton. Mar. Biol. 67, 283–288] in the northern Wadden Sea from March until October 2004 to investigate the seasonality of microzooplankton grazing. From March until April, no grazing was observed. Microzooplankton grazing started in May (0.66 d− 1) and increased until August (1.22 d− 1). In October microzooplankton grazing was low again (0.17 d− 1). Phytoplankton growth rates varied between 0 and 1.1 d− 1. Since the reliability of dilution experiments is still frequently discussed in literature, we tested if our data obtained by dilution experiments reflected short-term in situ phytoplankton dynamics of the study site. We scaled experimental growth rates to water column irradiance, calculated short-term chlorophyll-a dynamics and compared the results to in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations. Calculated chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated significantly with in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations but slightly overestimated the in situ measured chlorophyll-a. This overestimation was in the range of phytoplankton assimilation reported for the Wadden Sea benthos. We will show that microzooplankton grazing had a large impact during the Phaeocystis bloom and during summer suggesting that a large proportion of phytoplankton biomass remained the pelagic food web. Microzooplankton grazing did not impact the diatom spring bloom and its demise.  相似文献   

To clarify the iron (Fe) nutritional status of the phytoplankton assemblage in the Okhotsk Sea, we conducted incubation experiments in summer 2006. Replicate surface seawater samples with the natural plankton community were incubated with three treatments: Fe enrichment; addition of the strong Fe chelator siderophore desferriferrioxime B (DFB) which strips Fe from the biologically accessible pool; and as a control, no addition. To prevent macronutrient limitation, we added surplus nutrients to all treatments. At all 4 stations in Sakhalin Bay near the mouth of the Amur River and around the east of Sakhalin Island, net specific growth rate showed no significant difference between the control and +Fe treatment, and was repressed in +DFB treatment both in large- and small-sized phytoplankton. These findings indicate that these waters contain sufficient bioavailable Fe and that the Amur River plume which is transported by the east Sakhalin current is a major source of the Fe. In the Bussol’ Strait, net specific growth rate in the control was significantly higher than +DFB treatment, suggesting a supply of bioavailable Fe through intense vertical mixing at this site. Iron enrichment treatment stimulated the net specific growth rate of large-sized phytoplankton, indicating that Fe still limits the growth for the large-sized phytoplankton assemblage, but not for small-sized phytoplankton, in this area. An index of Fe availability was defined to quantify the degree of ambient Fe availability in each station, and it revealed the spatial variability of ambient Fe availabilities among the sites.  相似文献   

Regional and vertical distribution of the microzooplankton in the Philippine and the Celebes Seas is reported in relation to the phytoplankton distribution. The maximum concentration of chlorophylla occurred at the surface in the Celebes Sea and in subsurface layer (50–150 m depth) in the Philippine Sea. On the other hand, the maximum occurrence of the microzooplankton was observed in the subsurface layer (50–150 m) throughout these sea areas; discrepancy in the vertical positions of the chlorophylla and microzooplankton maxima was observed in the former sea area. The higher dominancy of large-sized phytoplankton such as diatoms andTrichodesmium at the surface maximum, probably because most large-sized phytoplankton were uningestible for the microzooplankton, was the main reason why the discrepancy existed in the Celebes Sea. In the Philippine Sea, where the subsurface chlorophylla maximum layer was formed mainly by small-sized phytoplankton such as coccolithophorids and small dinoflagellates, such a discrepancy was not observed. These may indicate the establishment of a close food relationship between the microzooplankton and the small-sized phytoplankton rather than to the large-sized phytoplankton.  相似文献   

As part of two USJGOFS cruises, we investigated spatial variability in phytoplankton properties across the strong environmental gradient associated with the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone during late austral summers of 1997 and 1998. Cell properties, including size and an index of pigment content as well as photosynthetic efficiency (as indicated by relative variable fluorescence), changed dramatically across this frontal region. A general trend toward reduced photosynthetic efficiency south of the Polar Front was correlated with low dissolved iron concentration and is consistent with physiological iron limitation in the phytoplankton. We detected no significant differences in photosynthetic efficiency among different size classes of the dominant pico- to nanophytoplankton, despite a systematic community level shift toward larger sized cells south of the Polar Front. In contrast to other cells, those classified as cryptophyte algae showed relatively high photosynthetic efficiency in low iron waters; however, this group was never found in high abundance. One group, all cells ⩽2 μm, showed an unexpected increase in intracellular pigment content (based on single cell chlorophyll fluorescence measurements) south of the Polar Front where dissolved iron concentration and the cells’ relative abundance were low. Overall, these results suggest that group- or size-specific differences in physiological status were not directly regulating community structure in the pico- to nanophytoplankton during the late summer season; other processes, such as differential grazing or sinking losses, must be important.  相似文献   

本文通过南海北部冬、夏季航次的现场观测,研究了海表浮游植物光合作用速率对光强的响应特征(P-E曲线)。结果表明南海北部浮游植物P-E曲线存在明显的季节变化。在冬季,P-E曲线呈现高PmB、高α、高β的特征,这表明冬季浮游植物在低光照环境中光合作用速率增加迅速,其最大光合作用速率较高但容易受到光抑制。与冬季相反,夏季P-E曲线呈现低PmB、低α、低β的特征,浮游植物受光抑制影响小,但最大光合作用速率低于冬季。水温和粒级结构等指标与P-E参数存在显著相关,这意味着环境和群落的季节变化可能对光合作用特性有一定影响。通过P-E参数模拟得到真光层内光合作用速率,模拟值与现场结果之间呈明显的线性相关但存在高估。此研究有助于认识南海浮游植物光合作用特征,并为初级生产力模型研究提供依据。  相似文献   

A chemotaxonomic investigation of surface phytoplankton was undertaken on a research cruise to the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during late austral summer 2009. Based on pigment signatures, several distinct regions emerged that were delineated by physical features. CHEMTAX analysis of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment data indicated that diatoms generally dominated communities south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), particularly in regions of elevated biomass where chlorophyll-a (chl-a) was >1.5 µg l−1 and diatoms comprised >80% of biomass. Pigment signatures representative of haptophytes-8, indicative of Phaeocystis antarctica, were dominant near the ice shelf. Chl-a concentrations were 0.2–0.6 µg l−1 between the APF and the Subtropical Front (STF) and outputs suggested that chlorophytes, haptophytes-8 and haptophyte-6, in the form of coccolithophores, were the major constituents. Very low chl-a levels (<0.2 µg l−1) were observed north of the STF and the prokaryotes Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp. were the dominant groups in these oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

The results of the studies within the framework of the international expedition onboard R/V Vladimir Parshin in September–October 2005 are presented. Intensive development of Bacillariophyceae and Dynophyceae was recorded in the coastal waters of Bulgaria, Turkey, and in the Danube River Delta during the period of the investigations. The increase in the algae population was accompanied by rising of the Chlorophyll a concentration up to 2.0–5.5 mg m?3. In the deep water region, it did not exceed 0.54 mg m?3. The phytoplankton growth rate in the surface water layer varied from 0.1 to 1.0 day?1. The phytoplankton growth rate and NO2+NO3 concentration, as well as the silicon concentration, were correlative, as was described by the Michaelis-Menten equation. The phytoplankton growth was affected by the integral impact of basic nutrients. The zooplankton grazing varied from 0.10 to 0.69 day?1, and the average values in different regions may vary by 1.5 times. The microalgae size range is one of the major factors of the grazing regulation. The rate of the phytoplankton consumption was decreasing according the increasing of the largest diatom Pseudosolenia calcaravis impact on the total biomass of the nano- and microphytoplankton.  相似文献   

利用Utermöhl方法,对2013年夏季取得的北黄海浮游植物样品进行鉴定分析,共鉴定出浮游植物3门60属114种(不包括未定名种),其中,硅藻42属75种,甲藻16属37种,金藻2属2种。群落组成以硅藻为主,其次是甲藻,然后是金藻。调查海区浮游植物的生态类型以温带近岸性为主,主要优势种为:小等刺硅鞭藻 Dictyocha fibula、裸甲藻 Gymnodinium sp.、螺旋环沟藻 Gyrodinium spirale、蜂腰双壁藻 Diploneis bombus 和具槽帕拉藻 Paralia sulcata。浮游植物细胞丰度介于0.037 0 × 103 ~ 32.3 × 103 cells·L-1,平均值为2.04 × 103 cells·L-1;浮游植物细胞丰度大致从近岸到外海呈逐步降低趋势,在北黄海西部近岸的表层水体达到最高值32.3 × 103 cells·L-1,调查区东南部靠近外海区域也出现了丰度高值区;浮游植物垂直分布总体特征是随水深的增加而减少,由近岸向外海逐步降低。香农-威纳多样性指数在调查区西南部较高,而Pielou均匀度指数则在东部呈现高值区域。典范对应分析(CCA)显示,影响浮游植物优势种丰度分布的主要因素是营养盐,而跟盐度和温度的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Phytoplankton has been considered as a dom inantprim ary producer in m arine ecosystem s, starting them arine food chain (N ing and V aulot.,2003;Sun etal.,2001; Zhu et al., 2000; N ing and V aulot, 1992). A l-though potentialfates ofphytoplankton include advec-tion,verticalm ixing,sinking and m ortality due to virallysis and grazing (B anse,1994),m ortality due to graz-ing,especially by m icrozooplankton,is generally con- μm m esh to 25-L carboys, then transpo…  相似文献   

厦门杏林虾池夏冬季微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
20 0 0年 8月和 2 0 0 1年 2月 ,在杏林虾池用稀释法研究了微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力 .结果表明 :砂壳纤毛虫、甲壳类无节幼体是微型浮游动物的优势种 ;浮游植物生长率夏季为 0 .40~ 1 .0 1 /d、冬季为 0 .1 8~ 0 .96/d ;浮游动物的摄食率夏季为 0 .578~ 1 .3 2 4/d、冬季为 0 .2 0 4~ 0 .2 55/d ;日摄食率 (以C计 )夏季为 1 9.1 7~89.51mg/(m3·d)、冬季为 3 .3 2~ 7.2 3mg/(m3·d) ,各占浮游植物现存量的 43 .90 %~ 73 .40 %、1 8.43 %~ 2 2 .51 %;对初级生产力的摄食压力夏季为 1 1 5.2 3 %~1 93 .52 %、冬季为 3 7.47%~ 1 1 1 .3 1 %.  相似文献   

We adapted the dilution technique to study microzooplankton grazing of algal dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) vs. Chl a, and to estimate the impact of microzooplankton grazing on dimethyl sulfide (DMS) production in the Labrador Sea. Phytoplankton numbers were dominated by autotrophic nanoflagellates in the Labrador basin, but diatoms and colonial Phaeocystis pouchetii contributed significantly to phytomass at several high chlorophyll stations and on the Newfoundland and Greenland shelfs. Throughout the region, growth of algal Chl a and DMSP was generally high (0.2–1 d1), but grazing rates were lower and more variable, characteristic of the early spring bloom period. Production and consumption of Chl a vs. DMSP followed no clear pattern, and sometimes diverged greatly, likely because of their differing distributions among algal prey taxa and size class. In several experiments where Phaeocystis was abundant, we observed DMS production proportional to grazing rate, and we found clear evidence of DMS production by this haptophyte following physical stress such as sparging or filtration. It is possible that grazing-activated DMSP cleavage by Phaeocystis contributes to grazer deterrence: protozoa and copepods apparently avoided healthy colonies (as judged by relative growth and grazing rates of Chl a and DMSP), and grazing of Phaeocystis was significant only at one station where cells were in poor condition. Although we hoped to examine selective grazing on or against DMSP-containing algal prey, the dilution technique cannot differentiate selective ingestion and varying digestion rates of Chl a and DMSP. We also found that the dilution method alone was poorly suited for assessing the impact of grazing on dissolved sulfur pools, because of rapid microbial consumption and the artifactual release of DMSP and DMS during filtration. Measuring and understanding the many processes affecting organosulfur cycling by the microbial food web in natural populations remain a technical challenge that will likely require a combination of techniques to address.  相似文献   

During the late summer monsoon living planktonic foraminifera were collected in the southeastern Arabian Sea between 3°N and 15°N by using six vertical plankton tows. Sixteen species of planktonic foraminifera were identified. Among them, Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinoides sacculifer are the most abundant species, while the ecologically most important species Globigerina bulloides is very rare. The low abundance of G. bulloides can be explained by the warming of the surface water in combination with deepening of the mixed layer, since this species preferentially dwells in nutrient-rich upwelling waters. The population density of planktonic foraminifera ranges between 31 and 185 specimens per 10−3 m3. The low absolute numbers of planktonic foraminifera are similar to the numbers which were reported before from the non-upwelling areas in the Arabian Sea. The low absolute numbers and the collected foraminiferal assemblages are therefore highly indicative of the Arabian Sea non-upwelling areas. Particularly significant are the low absolute and relative numbers of the non-spinose species Globorotalia menardii and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. The absence of these species indicate the relatively low nutrient levels in this area at the tail end of the summer monsoon period.  相似文献   

夏季东海PN断面浮游植物群集   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭术津  孙军  汪岷 《海洋科学》2011,35(11):101-107
2009年8月对东海PN 断面11个站位进行了综合调查, 对获得的53 个浮游植物样品采用Uterm?hl 方法进行分析, 初步鉴定出浮游植物4 门40 属77 种(不包括未定名种), 其中硅藻28 属54 种,甲藻10 属21 种, 金藻1 属1 种, 蓝藻1 属1 种。调查断面浮游植物的细胞丰度介于0.044×10...  相似文献   

The study of foraminifers from sediments accumulated during the last 30 ky revealed their similar distribution in the central and marginal parts of the Deryugin Basin, which implies similar environmental changes throughout this morphological structure. The lack or extreme taxonomical impoverishment of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages during the Last Glacial Maximum indicates a combination of several factors: the significant deterioration of the parameters controlling their bioproductivity in response to the general cooling; the development of anoxic bottom conditions; and, probably, the unfavorable influence of cold barite-methane seeps on the geochemical parameters of the bottom waters. The weaker activity of these seeps in the central part of the basin during the Holocene is evident from some deviations in the structure of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages against the background of their general taxonomic similarity.  相似文献   

During 24, three-day cruises to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, from February 4 to April 26, 2002, and February 4 to May 1 2003, we examined the relative growth and grazing rates of phytoplankton and microzooplankton using dilution experiments. Experiments were conducted over two time intervals: 8–10 h during the nighttime only, or 24 h from noon to noon. We used water from two depths during each cruise: from the surface mixed layer, and from a deep layer below the seasonal thermocline. During 2002, there was one mid-sized bloom consisting mainly of Thalassiosira spp. in early February, and a larger bloom in April comprised of two Chaetoceros spp. and Phaeocystis sp. During 2003, there were also two blooms, one in early February, which was again dominated by Thalassiosira spp., and a second larger bloom in mid-April, comprised mainly of Thalassiosira spp. and Chaetoceros spp. During all four of these blooms, and for both water source depths, specific grazing rates of microzooplankton were most often as high or higher than the calculated phytoplankton specific growth rates. The major microzooplankton categories that could have accounted for this were (1) a large Gyrodinium spp., (2) a group of fusiform-shaped mid-sized Protoperidinium species, and (3) three loosely defined taxonomic groups consisting of naked ciliates, tintinnids, and unidentified heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Based on our measurements, it appears that the microzooplankton community grazing pressure can often exert significant control on phytoplankton biomass, even during the extremely productive spring bloom periods and under several different diatom-dominated bloom types. These results suggest that even in highly productive estuarine ecosystems, which are often nurseries to economically important fisheries species, microzooplankton play a critical role and may significantly alter the availability and efficiency of transfer of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth rates and mortality rates were experimentally examined at eight stations in the Arabian Sea along the U.S. JGOFS cruise track during the 1995 Northeast Monsoon (January) and Spring Intermonsoon (March–April). Instantaneous growth rates averaged over an entire cruise were approximately twice as high during the NE Monsoon than during the Spring Intermonsoon period (overall averages of 0.84±0.29 (s.d.) versus 0.44±0.19 d−1). Average herbivore grazing (mortality) rates, however, were quite similar for the two seasons (overall averages of 0.35±0.18 and 0.30±0.17 d−1 for the NE Monsoon and Spring Intermonsoon, respectively). The absolute amounts of phytoplankton biomass consumed during each season also were similar (29 and 25% of standing stock consumed d−1 for the January and March–April cruises, respectively), as were the geographical trends of this removal. These seasonal trends in growth and removal rates resulted in net phytoplankton growth rates that were considerably higher during the January cruise (0.48 d−1) than during the March–April cruise (0.14 d−1). That is, phytoplankton production was more closely balanced during the Spring Intermonsoon season (87% of daily primary production consumed) relative to the NE Monsoon season (49% of daily primary production consumed). Station-to-station variability was high for rate measurements during either cruise. Nevertheless, there was a clear onshore–offshore trend in the absolute rate of removal of phytoplankton biomass (μg chlorophyll consumed l−1 d−1) during both cruises. Coastal stations had removal rates that were typically 2–4 times higher than removal rates at oceanic stations.  相似文献   

海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张武昌  赵丽  陈雪  赵苑  董逸  李海波  肖天 《海洋科学》2016,40(5):151-158
海洋浮游细菌利用海水中的溶解有机碳合成自身物质,是海洋浮游生态系统的二次生产者。微型浮游动物是细菌的主要摄食者,也是细菌生产向较高营养级传递的中介。研究海洋浮游细菌的生长率和被(微型浮游动物的)摄食率对理解海洋浮游生态系统的功能具有重要作用。本文综述了利用改变海水中生物类群组成(或功能)的培养方法研究海洋浮游细菌生长率和被摄食率的历程和现状,为我国的同类研究提供借鉴。改变海水中生物类群组成(或功能)进行培养的方法有海水分粒级培养、海水稀释培养和添加选择性抑制剂培养。这些方法各有其局限性,应用并不广泛。细菌及其主要摄食者异养鞭毛虫群落在自然海区和实验室内都有生长周期,鞭毛虫的生长周期落后于细菌,因此细菌的生长率有时会小于被摄食率,有时会大于被摄食率。我国这方面的研究相对落后,应值得引起重视,建议从海水稀释培养法入手开展相关研究。  相似文献   

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